Scenarios for the New Year for adults. New Year's scenario for adults with cool competitions, riddles, quiz New Year's among friends scenario

"New Year's Light"

year 2013

Leading: Hello, dear friends!

Leading: Good afternoon, dear and beloved teachers, carefree students.

Leading: We are glad to welcome you to our festive New Year's light.

Leading: There are many wonderful holidays,

Each one comes in its own turn.

But the kindest holiday in the world,

The best holiday is New Year!

Leading: He comes along the snowy road,

Round dance of snowflakes.

Mysterious and strict beauty

New Year fills the heart!

Leading: He gives us faith in a good chance,

On the first day and on a new turn,

Helps you become better

To all people in the world, New Year!

Louder laughter and joyful hugs

And flies from all latitudes of the earth

Together: Happy New Year! With new happiness!

Song "New Year"

performs Gamzat and wok. group

Leading: Last year was a difficult year

But time moves forward every second

Walking towards us quickly

Everyone's favorite New Year.

Leading: Hello, New Year's holiday,

Holiday of laughter and winter,

All my friends today

We'll invite you to the party!

Leading: Hear, the music started again

This is friends, the dancing has begun!

There is fun and joy everywhere

Let each of you spin in a waltz!

Dance composition “Snowflakes”

Leading: Despite the fact that we are very different, we all expect something new, bright, joyful from the New Year.

Leading: We make wishes and hope for their fulfillment.

Leading: May all our problems be resolved in the new year.

Leading: We will gain strength and get rid of illnesses.

Leading: May all our wishes come true.

Song in Lak language

Leading: New Year's holiday is always memories.

Leading: It’s okay that we indulge in memories. I would say that we simply have to do this.

Leading: The past is like the rearview mirror of a car. From time to time we must peer into it to better see how we can move forward.

Leading: Let's remember what it was like for college, the passing year.

Humorous performance by young teachers.

Leading: We must celebrate the New Year with a sense of accomplishment and moral relief: we did everything we wanted! I accomplished everything I set my mind to! And we?

Leading: The director of the college will answer this question for us.

Leading: Over to you, dear Bartikhan Osmanovich

Word to the director

Leading: We wish you Bartikhan Osmanovich to the entire staff of the pedagogical college

May the New Year dawn on you,

Will give you success.

And let it sound in your home

Cheerful, ringing laughter.

Leading: Let a true friend be nearby

Both on holiday and in bad weather

And let it come to your home,

Like a snowball

Together: Happiness always comes

Musical number

Song "Fortune Teller"

Leading: We all expect only the best in the New Year, we dream only of happiness!

Leading: And so that it definitely comes to you, try to follow these tips that came to us from different countries of the world.

Leading: To keep all the troubles in the old year, scare them away on the night of the new year with noise, screams and knocking! This is what Panamanian custom dictates!

Leading: and then break all the old pottery in your house - this is what they do in Iran.

Leading: Are we going to rehearse breaking dishes now?

Leading: No, it’s better to let everyone rehearse in their own home...

Leading: Celebrate the New Year early in the morning on the arable land, paving the first furrow, as required by the custom of Afghanistan!

Leading: Or celebrate the sunrise on New Year's Eve on the seashore, like the Japanese!

Leading: Do not eat poultry on New Year's Eve. The Hungarians say: “The bird will fly away, and your happiness may fly away with it!”

Leading: Better eat garlic with honey, as they do for New Year in Finland!

Leading: Well, in order for everyone to live long, happily and prosperously in every home, you need, as in Japan, to celebrate the New Year with bamboo decorations entwined with pine and plum branches. Then the people in this family will receive all the properties of these trees: the longevity of pine, the durability of bamboo and the rapid development of plum!

Leading: And all nations have such a sign

Leading: At the beginning of the New Year, starting to laugh is believed to bring good luck for the coming year.

Leading: And we will start laughing now.

Humorous sketch "Family before the New Year."

Musical number (Spanish Khadijat in Avar language).

Leading: According to the eastern calendar, each year has its own name.

Leading: I wonder Where did the tradition of assigning animal names to the year come from?

Leading: The tradition was born in Japan. There is such a legend. One day, on New Year's Eve, Buddha called the animals to him, saying that whoever comes will be given a gift and will receive a year as a sign of distinction. A mouse, a buffalo, a tiger, a rabbit, a dragon, a snake, a horse, a sheep, a monkey, a rooster, a dog and a boar came - twelve animals in all and in that order.

Leading: Interesting legend. Sometimes it seems to me that the Japanese legend somehow concerns us too. Let's say, in the year of the Horse, we often remember that we are plowing, excuse me, like horses, but still there is no result yet. Year of the Ram, Goat. We persistently continue to develop a market economy, although some of us are mastering its laws like “rams... new gates.” Year of the Rat. Why hide how many of them today are escaping from the ship of our Russian economy, and yet we are sure that this ship is not sinking at all. Year of the Snake. For some reason, luck constantly creeps away from us, like that snake. Well, and so on.

Leading :

Musical number

Song in Kumyk language

Leading: What will 2015 bring us?

Leading: 2015 is the year of the Wooden Goat

Leading: The Wood Goat is considered one of the most caring and sentimental representatives of the eastern horoscope. The Wood Goat's favorites will be people with high moral ideals, merciful, generous, responsive and sociable. And the principle “The more you give, the more you receive” will become relevant for absolutely everyone.

Leading: Since the Goat is quite peaceful and dreams of a carefree and beautiful life, any military conflicts cause her great irritation. Therefore, there is a high probability that in 2015 the political situation in the world will stabilize. However, we should expect sharp fluctuations in exchange rates, especially in the first half of the year.

Leading : In the new year, such sectors of the economy as agriculture, retail trade and the food industry will enter a new stage of development. There will likely be constructive changes in the spheres of education and culture.

Leading : Fortune will favor representatives of creative professions. Even aspiring artists, writers and musicians will have a chance to become famous and get rich.

Leading: Designers, architects, decorators, cooks and psychologists will also be in demand professionally. Farmers, gardeners and flower growers will also be successful - the year of the wooden goat promises a bountiful harvest.

Leading: The wooden goat will be pleased if it is greeted with a festive table with vegetables, herbs, fruits and delicious dairy desserts.

Leading: Without promising all the best, we hope for the New Year

It will save us all from sorrows and unforeseen worries.

Leading: We still hope for something else, and we believe in it fervently,

That happiness awaits us all like never before.

Musical number

Song "As soon as the evening subsides"

Leading: It’s time for us to name the main thing,

Who will come to congratulate us?

I'll ask a simple question:

Leading: Certainly……

Together: Father Frost!

Leading: Now the most solemn moment of our holiday will come: Father Frost and the Snow Maiden should appear any minute.

Leading: But they won’t come without our invitation. Let's call them together.

Together: Santa Claus!!!

Together: Snow Maiden!!!

Exit of Father Frost and Snow Maiden

Father Frost: Wow! Did you call me?

We arrived and were not late.

We walked along difficult roads

They brought you souvenirs.

Hello, mischievous people!

Happy New Year!

I'm happy with the Snow Maiden

Visit your college town

Meet new friends here,

Celebrate the holiday more fun.

Snow Maiden: Happy New Year

Wonderful people.

And with all my heart I wish

Achievements in the New Year.

Everyone study with “5”,

Find new friends

Grow up, gain your mind -

You have to try with this

So that during this glorious year,

Everyone achieve greater heights.

Father Frost: And now it’s time for us to have fun -

We have come to enjoy your holiday.

Snow Maiden: Why are you guys stagnant?

Come on, let's warm up quickly.

Invite to your circle of friends

And dance more fun!

Pair dance "Lezginka"

Father Frost: Well, the guys are good,

They danced from the heart.

Snow Maiden: How cozy it is in your college, beautiful, festive.

Father Frost: And what students are cheerful and beautiful.

Leading: Yes, we tried, we were waiting for you. And we want to spend the old year beautifully. Leave in the old year all the sorrows and troubles, twos and threes, absences from classes, quarrels with parents and friends.

Leading: As wise people say: As you rest, so will you work, as you spend the old year, so will the new one.

Leading: So let's have fun, laugh, sing, dance and never lose heart!

Leading: Grandfather Frost, Snow Maiden, take a break and see how our students can have fun.

Song in Avar language

Arsen sings

Father Frost: Yesss!!! Your students are great and can sing and dance.

Snow Maiden: Grandfather, isn’t it time for you to give out New Year’s surprise gifts?

Father Frost: It’s time, granddaughter, it’s time. But these New Year's gifts are not so easy to get. We have prepared competitions for you. And gifts will be given to the winners.

Snow Maiden: So, the first competition is called “It’s in the bag”, we ask 6 students to go up to the stage. You must dance to fast music and pass the hat to each other, after putting it on your head. Suddenly the music stops and whoever is wearing the hat loses.

Competition "It's in the Hat"

Father Frost: I would like to hold the next competition with your teachers. We invite to the stage the most charming and charming Kurbanova A.S., Kamilova S.D., Bagautdinova D.D., Radjabova A.A. You need to sing ditties. Whoever does it better wins.

Competition "Ditties"

Father Frost: I’m thinking, Snow Maiden, what would a New Year be without a fiery lezginka song? Let's hold a competition for the best couple dancing Lezginka.

Snow Maiden: We ask 4 pairs of people who want to dance lezginka to come out.

Competition "Best Lezginka"

Father Frost: Well done boys! It’s very cozy, beautiful, fun here, but it’s time for us to leave for another holiday.

Snow Maiden: Happy New Year, happy winter holiday.

We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!

May this year be happy

Let there be no worries or troubles.

Leading: Unfortunately our evening has come to an end

Leading: But this does not mean that a good mood should go away forever.

Leading: People say: “The best song that has not yet been sung is

Leading: Best year yet to live!”

Leading: So may the New Year bring us 365 sunny days, an abundance of good meetings and smiles.

Leading: May the coming year be joyful,

Like a Christmas tree that sparkles brightly with lights!

Good people meet more often

With a bright soul, with hearts of gold!

Leading: May there always be friendly laughter in the house,

Cheerful and loud, like fireworks spray,

And the candles are shining and the music is flowing,

Filling hearts with warmth and comfort!

Father Frost: May these wishes come true

Together: And all the people on the planet will be happy!!!

Let it be so!!!

Final song "Clappers"

From the article you will learn how best to plan the New Year 2020-2021 celebration with your family.

New Year is one of those holidays that help bring families together and people of different ages have fun together. But in order for this magical winter holiday to leave pleasant memories for both adults and children, it must be planned correctly.

After all, in order for the New Year’s celebration to be enjoyed by young children, teenagers, and adults, it will be necessary to take a very responsible approach to planning the entertainment part of the festive evening. Our article will tell you how to spend the New Year 2020-2021 with your family.

Happy New Year 2020-2021 with your family: ideas for a festive evening

If you want the most magical evening of the year to be fun, sincere and warm, then try to plan the holiday program so that all family members are involved in the celebration. After all, if, for example, you devote your time exclusively to children, then all the other guests will be bored and, as a result, the holiday will be ruined for them.

Therefore, try to choose the theme of the evening in such a way that absolutely everyone will like it. For example, you can hold a New Year's party in the style of "Carnival Night". Just imagine how beautiful the New Year's table will look, decorated with candelabra and candles. And, of course, everyone will probably like the ancient outfits and original masks that hide the faces of the guests.

In addition, you can hold a New Year's party 2020-2021 in the style of:

  • Cartoon "Alice in Wonderland". This theme is suitable for a family with small children. You can decide in advance who will be Alice and who will be the Cheshire Cat, and based on this, come up with games and entertainment. Also in this case, you will definitely need to take care of a fabulous tea party with a lot of different sweets.
  • "Hipster." This themed party is sure to please both adults and children. In this case, you need to take care of stylish and bright outfits in flashy colors. Don't forget to add hats, gloves, ties or bow ties, and your dude-style look will be complete. As for the New Year's table, in this case you can limit yourself to fruit, vegetable and meat slices and literally a couple of hot dishes. The main highlight of the program should be cheerful dancing.
  • Oscar Awards. This theme requires a certain dress code. In view of this, you will have to take care of evening dresses for all family members. And in order to emphasize the theme of the celebration, you can prepare chocolate figurines that imitate the Oscars for everyone and present them as a gift for winning the festive entertainment.

Happy New Year 2020-2021 with your family, friends, family and children: program

After you choose the theme of the New Year's Eve, start thinking about its program. At the same time, do not forget to take into account what age people will be present at your holiday.

If older people will be present at the holiday, it will be better if you refuse to hold too noisy competitions and entertainment that they probably won’t like.

If children will be celebrating the New Year 2020-2021 with you, then you need to give up vulgar jokes, songs and entertainment. The ideal option would be simple and understandable fun games (can be active ones). We will introduce you to the most popular ones below.

Program for the New Year 2020-2021:

  • Welcoming guests in fancy dress
  • Joint production of a New Year's wreath
  • Fun competitions for the youngest
  • Congratulations from Father Frost and Snow Maiden (fairytale guests can be family members)
  • New Year's Eve (festive feast)
  • Viewing New Year's gifts together
  • Games for children and adults (they can be alternated with small snacks)
  • Disco until the morning

A cool scenario for a home New Year's party for the whole family, for adults and children.

If you want absolutely everyone to enjoy celebrating the New Year with your family, then be sure to make sure that you have your own Santa Claus. It is needed not only to give gifts to your family and friends, but also to hold holiday games.

But still, before you start the entertainment program, be sure to set aside time for the more solemn part. It will include the possibility of warm congratulations for each other. Initially, Santa Claus can wish everyone a Happy New Year, and then give his word to all family members one by one.

Congratulations from Santa Claus

Possible comic tasks for the New Year from Santa Claus Riddles for all guests

After the guests congratulate each other and solve a little riddles, you can move on to the more fun part of the festive evening. For example, you can invite your household to sing a New Year's song.

If you wish, you can choose a jury that will not evaluate the singing of beginning artists very strictly, and at the end of their performance give them a comic symbolic prize. You can see examples of funny songs below.

Funny ditties

New Year's song

New Year's song

Cool New Year's games 2021 for adults and children

When choosing games to celebrate the New Year 2020-2021, you must make sure that absolutely everyone present, including the little ones, can participate in them. For example, you can hold a speed competition for them, in which they must find their way to Santa Claus with gifts as quickly as possible.

To do this, you will need to print out the template below (preferably in a larger format) and give the children colored pencils. If desired, adults can also join the little guests. The main thing to remember is that in this case you do not have to win. All you have to do is create a fun atmosphere. At the end, the fastest person always gets a surprise.

Game template

You can also invite the little members of your family to put together a New Year's puzzle. Just don’t choose very complex pictures for this, consisting of a large number of elements. In this case, you can use a not quite standard puzzle, consisting of 6, 8, 10 or 12 parts. An example can be seen below. It can also be folded for a while and always accompanied by cheerful music.

Example of a New Year's puzzle

As for adults, they can play classic forfeits, coming up with the most fun tasks for the loser. If you want to complicate the game a little, then you can give a person a second forfeit if all the other guests think that he did not cope with the previous one.

Be sure to accompany all this action with fun musical accompaniment. You can find a few more ideas for New Year's games for adults in the picture below.

Game ideas for adults

Cool competitions for adults and children

The most ideal competition option for the New Year 2020-2021 is a comic quiz. But remember, it should not contain any complex questions that require great erudition. In view of this, try to choose the simplest and most fun questions that all guests present at the holiday can answer. The quiz can be given by Santa Claus or just one of the guests. The main thing is that this is a person who is able to set the right tone for your evening.

Examples of a fun competitive quiz for the New Year 2020-2021:

Quiz for kids

Competition for adults

Competition - quiz about the Christmas tree Quiz competition for the New Year 2020-2021

IMPORTANT: When conducting a competitive quiz, remember that you are celebrating the New Year. This means that all questions should be asked in a humorous manner and, if necessary, help guests give answers. Under no circumstances should you make the guest feel less than comfortable. Also, be sure to prepare symbolic prizes that you can give to all participants in the fun New Year’s quiz.

Cool entertainment for adults and children to celebrate New Year 2021

Of course, if you want your household to celebrate the New Year 2020-2021 in the best possible mood, then include more active entertainment in the holiday program.

  • The ideal option in this case would be "New Year's pantomime". Both small children and older people can participate in this simple entertainment. All that will be required of you is to select a person and quietly whisper a word in his ear, for example, “cracker.” After this, the person will have to show the others the word chosen by the leader without words. After it is guessed, the next participant is selected.
  • The second win-win option would be a fun entertainment called "Cheerful artist" To conduct this competition you will need a large sheet of paper and ordinary pencils. The sheet will need to be fixed on the wall, and then the selected player will have to hold a pencil with his lips and, without hands, draw a snowman, snowflake, candy or Christmas tree on the sheet.
  • And finally, we want to introduce you to another game called "Merry Musicians". Absolutely all people present can participate in this entertainment. Both children and adults stand in a circle and begin to pass the New Year's ball to each other as quickly as possible. All this is done to cheerful music. At some point, the music turns off and the one who still has the ball in his hands must either sing a song or dance cheerfully.

Funny scenes with family for adults and children

The easiest way to please your child with a New Year's performance is to act out a couple of interesting scenes from his favorite fairy tale or cartoon. It can be either a simple fairy tale “Kolobok” or a modern and beloved cartoon “Masha and the Bear”.

You can assign roles in advance, prepare costumes or at least masks, and when all the guests have gathered, act out the scene. Be sure to give the main role to the child and do everything so that he receives a lot of positive emotions.

You can see ideas for New Year's scenes for adults in the video below.

Video: The Tale of a Turnip in a New Way

Keep in mind that this scene is best played only after the little family members have gone to bed.

Video: A fairy tale in a new way

25.12.2019 | Looked at the script 2967 Human

It sounds like a painfully familiar New Year's melody
Father Frost. Happy New Year's Eve, dear audience!

Snow Maiden. From the entire magical winter kingdom, bright New Year's greetings! (addresses grandfather). Grandfather Frost, something from you...

Scenario for a corporate party for the New Year “New Year’s Anniversary of the Year of the Rat”

25.12.2019 | Looked at the script 4390 Human

The first toast from the host.
Pleasant calm music sounds.
Presenter: Hello, good New Year's evening everyone! These magical days brought us smiles, joy, team unity and love for work!

I hope that all employees who...

Scenario for the Year of the Rat for a corporate party

25.12.2019 | Looked at the script 4207 Human

Presenter: The year 2020 is knocking on our doors with new opportunities, dreams, new happiness, and with all my heart I wish everyone that what you have planned, on the eve of the most magical holiday, comes true! Traditionally, the New Year in Russia is not complete without Christmas trees...

Scenario for the New Year's concert at the House of Culture "Waiting for a Miracle"

25.12.2019 | Looked at the script 1638 Human

The music from the movie “An Ordinary Miracle” is played, which is the leitmotif of the concert.
Entertainer. Good evening everyone, dear viewers! The artists of the House of Culture are happy to talk with you on the eve of the most magical holiday! This New Year's Eve...

The best cultural and interesting scenario for a theatrical New Year's corporate party with the participation of the Snow Queen

13.12.2019 | Looked at the script 5778 Human

Father Frost enters with the Snow Maiden.
Father Frost:
-Many days and nights
We followed a difficult, long route.
Our path is like a stream
Winding between the crystal Christmas trees.
(Wiggled between the poplars,
Come on, pour some for grandpa!)
Snegurochka and I together
We hurried to...

Scenario for a good start to the New Year's show program for adults

15.11.2019 | Looked at the script 20677 Human

There is noticeable excitement in the hall.
LEADING; On the road with bells
The threes are flying fast.
In a painted sleigh with carpets
The beautiful girls are sitting.
Come to us for New Year's holiday

An interesting and theatrical scenario for celebrating the New Year for adults with the participation of fairy-tale characters

14.11.2019 | Looked at the script 11293 person

Hare Stepashka:

Oh, piggy, what's wrong with you? Do piglets drink?

What do you think, Stepashechka? Where does the saying come from
"I got drunk like a pig." And you drink, everyone is talking about you too, sideways,
oblique means drunk...

Piggy sings:

An interesting, fun and new New Year's scenario, theatrical: “The Hungry Guest” for adults

09.11.2019 | Looked at the script 13212 Human

Philosophy of the table -
May there be a snack here!
Not even half an hour will pass,
How will... (SAUSAGE) disappear!

People really like it
With red fish... (SANDWICHES)!

Main appetizer view
Standing in the middle of the table!
We finally remember
About salty...


Scenario of a magical and interesting New Year's fairy tale

21.10.2019 | Looked at the script 13298 Human

It would be great if Grandfather with a gray beard and a red nose suddenly rang our doorbell. He would hug me and quietly whisper in my ear:

Even though you consider yourself smart and wise, believe me, you cannot live without faith in miracles. Beautiful fairy tale, ...

(At the appointed hour, all guests enter the hall and are seated at tables.)

PHONOGRAM No. 1 sounds - the chimes ring three times.

The presenter comes out.

HOST. Good evening friends! Everyone - good New Year's evening! Another year has flown by and rustled outside the windows of our house. Soon we will spend it - some with sadness, and some with relief: it was different for different people. And life goes on. This means that there will be new joys, new sorrows, everything will be in our lives. But what more is up to you and me. But in the old days there was a belief: in whatever mood you celebrate the New Year, that’s how it will be. So let him be happy for all of us! Smile more often! And then there will be goodness in your home, love will come to you and happiness will settle! Happy New Year to all of you! Let's open our hearts to the future and smile with a kind, radiant smile!

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I invite fun to our cozy hall,
And I publicly declare:
We start the ball with a toast!
Says a TOAST:

A magical holiday is on the doorstep -
With frost, Christmas tree, tinsel,
With magnificent lights
Cheerful, noisy, mischievous!
He will knock on the door today,
And the New Year will burst into the house!
Let him be a little kinder
Without unnecessary vain worries,
May he give us health,
And it will bring success in everything,
Will fill life with new breath,
It will warm you with quivering warmth!
Leave your worries behind
Resentment, pain, fatigue, sadness,
Breathe with a pure soul,
And let peace settle in your heart!

I suggest we raise our glasses and drink to everything that has been said.
For fulfilling your wishes!

PHONOGRAM No. 2 – light music.

Table break 5-7 minutes.

HOST: I was assigned to lead our evening today. I thought and thought, but I didn’t come up with anything worthwhile. Please forgive me! Just don’t tell anyone about this, otherwise I don’t know what will happen to me... Don’t be upset: we’ll dance, have fun, and part ways on good terms. There is no turning back anyway. I foresaw your reaction and prudently bolted the doors. So... you'll have to be patient! Today we will have to work together - me and the sound engineer. Neither Santa Claus nor Snow Maiden will be there today. I don’t really know what will happen today. Although... Before the evening began, I was given a magic wand, although without explaining how to use it. This is the only remedy I can use. So... You need to read the instructions.
(Takes instructions out of the box and reads:

"Wand. Magical. High quality. Expiration date: New Year's Eve. Instructions for use: make a wish, wave your wand, say: “Magic wand, help me out, turn your word into action!”
If the magical power of the wand weakens and a miracle does not happen, then choose Father Frost and the Snow Maiden through games and competitions from those guests who will come for the evening...”

Well, shall we try? (Takes out a “magic” wand from the box and casts a spell.)
Magic wand, help me out! Turn your word into action!

(Nothing happens.)

Eh, nothing worked out. Anyway! I want to remind you that very soon, when the hands of the clocks come together, and the chiming clock with the last, 12th strike will herald the coming New Year, do not forget to (bark, crow, etc.), for know that the Year has come (called year according to the Eastern calendar). Year of people born in _____________.
I propose to refill the glasses and raise them for the outgoing year and the coming year. And also for the future heroes of the year, those who were born in the Year of _________________!

PHONOGRAM No. 3 – light music,

HOST. Now that our souls are becoming more joyful every minute, it would be useful to announce the Charter of the New Year's Eve.





Let there not be sad faces,
I invite you to the dance circle!
Let's have fun, friends!
At this wonderful New Year's hour!

While you are participating in the dance marathon, I will try to come up with something interesting.

Round up, friends! Round up, friends!
Music is calling! All friends, all girlfriends
In a noisy round dance!

PHONOGRAM No. 4 - 4-5 dance compositions.
The guests of the evening are dancing.

PHONOGRAM No. 5 – “Cancan”.
Baba Yaga flies into the hall. The music is mixed.

BABA YAGA. FAQ, darlings, weren’t you waiting? And I myself, I appeared myself. Not dusty. Cuckoo, boogers! Are you smiling at me? I will bring everyone out into the open! I live, it turns out, in a personal hut. And Ali Baba and the forty thieves still live with me. Forty tenants - and all robbers! First of all, Vasilisa the Beautiful... She is not Beautiful at all! She's a frog, a swamp frog! Just at night she will curl her head with curlers, wash herself with spring water, and in the morning she will be a beauty... Ugh, infection! Now, it turns out, Aladdin. His lamp is magical...

As soon as the lamp is on, the meter stands still, rooted to the spot. And the cat in boots?! Why is he wearing boots? Yes, because he drags home everything that is bad. Oh, what can I say! Ivan and Marya are kissing in the little room. Shame in broad daylight! Ali old Boyan plays the harmonica all day long. There is no peace from him. Again, the public order is being violated... And Ivanushka the Fool? He's no fool! He's on his own! I got ready to fry it, lit the stove, prepared a shovel... And he: “I don’t know how, grandma! I would show you and teach you!” Here I am, an old fool, perched on a shovel, and he, Herod, slammed me into the oven and slammed the damper. She almost gave up the ghost. I got out with grief in half, came to my senses... And he, the fool, was gone... So I’m angry with the whole world. And I’ll ruin your mood.
Evil has been doing evil for centuries,
Evil reigned over the thrones,
And where people were unlucky -
Evil triumphed there!
What fashion, what century?
The person has changed:
Not for holidays, not for visits
Doesn't take anger with him.
Throw some jokes at me!
Invite us to visit immediately!
Otherwise... I'll make you so bored! (Looks closer.)
Oh, yes, you are sitting there because the lemons are sour. And this is on New Year's Eve! What's your FAQ? You can't see either Snow Maiden or Frost?
Nah... Boring! Where is the manager? There must be a microphone! And there are some pieces of paper lying around the microphone... Look, what are the FAQs written on them?
(He picks up and reads the instructions about the magic wand, which the presenter read earlier.)
Soooo... Everything is clear. You'll have to get down to business yourself!

(The presenter comes out.)

HOST. Sorry, but what about me?
BABA YAGA. What about a natural phenomenon, all dressed up?
HOST. I am the leader, only I am alone, and nothing works out for me alone...
BABA YAGA. I see, one is weak, then?
Okay, let's make some money together. Listen, I’m suggesting this FAQ: shouldn’t we arrange a New Year’s KVN? A? Do you agree?
HOST. So we need teams...
BABA YAGA. They will! All ladies are enrolled in the “Snow Maiden” team...
HOST. Exactly! And all the men are in the “Santa Clauses” team.
BABA YAGA. We offer you games, competitions, entertainment...
HOST. And at the end of the evening, with the help of tokens that you will earn by participating in competitions, we will be able to choose Father Frost and the Snow Maiden.
BABA YAGA. Is it coming? Then…
If you don’t want to sit and be bored,
The invitation gives you all
Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful –

PHONOGRAM No. 6 – Musical intro “We are starting KVN...”

BABA YAGA. Well, the mission of the presenters and the competent jury will fall on our fragile female shoulders. Let's get acquainted - Babette Yaginichna, in person!
(to the presenter) What is your name?
HOST. My name is simply...
BABA YAGA. Simply Maria?
HOST. Well, why immediately Maria? My name is __________.
BABA YAGA. So we met, here we go... Well, first of all, I propose to fill your glasses, or glasses, that is, and drink to the alternative elections! How often do you stare at me with your eyes?
HOST. (corrects Baba Yaga) Alternative!
BABA YAGA. Let it be your way. For alternative elections of Father Frost and Snow Maiden!

PHONOGRAM No. 7 – Light music.
A short break at the table. 5-7 minutes.

HOST. So, we are starting our FIRST COMPETITION -
We will take turns asking questions. And you answer.
Team representatives who quickly and correctly answer receive 1 token equal to one point.


New Year's glorious holiday,
He won't be happy without her
And don’t be lazy, owner,
They will force you to buy it,
Otherwise, in the new year,
No one will come to visit!

Answer: vodka

Adults and children know
That sober, at a banquet,
All that remains is

He's covered in snow from head to toe,
Standing in the courtyard near the Christmas tree.
His eyes are black and black
And in the hands of a broom.

What's at the festive banquet,
Jumped, galloped,
And at the very strike of the clock,
It fell under the Christmas tree!

Father Frost

If the firecrackers clap,
The animals came to see you,
If the Christmas tree is a good gnome,
Dragged to your glorious house,
The next one is quite possible
Will be in the house...


The New Year is already coming,
All bottles are opened
Relaxing, having fun,
They clap and frolic together!
Only him, only him -
He's one in a million.
He doesn't go out that night,
And he's raking in the money.
Because it's New Year
She feeds him all year long.
Whose nose is frozen here?
This …

Santa Claus

In fairy tales they wrote:
“Nice, good.”
We called her -
Oh God! She has arrived.
Wig - two braids,
Make-up - ala vamp.
Oh, give me some water!
Not for the children, but for us!
Nightmare, what kind of fool?
So this is...

Snow Maiden

You've been choosing her for a long time,
We went and measured everything.
Brought home, untied,
They fell quietly from horror.
It also happens that she is bald.
Cover it with white cotton wool.
Hang it with a garland, balloons,
And rejoice with your friends.
It's not all about the needles, after all.
It’s important, it’s in the house...

There's only a minute left
The New Year is about to come.
We need to open it urgently
Pour into glasses.
And out of spite it stuck,
It's a real disaster here.
And they shake him and beat him,
The guests are waiting for the drink to be poured.
Shamanic dances with him,
Open for us...


Colorful rain is coming!
The guests' souls sing!
Only the owners are sad
And they stand on the sidelines -
How long will it take for them to take revenge?
Rounds -…


Finally the chimes strike!
We're launching fireworks!
The first one immediately went out,
And the second one is deaf to arson,
The third flew to the neighbors,
And the fourth - right up to the bears.
This is such a miracle - technology


The main guest is on the whole table!
He is in every Russian family!
Are you tired already, monsieur?
Relax in...

This guest is also important to everyone,
Contact with him has already been established.
Gives courage to the timid
And it gives courage to everyone.
For the New Year this is the password -
Everyone is entitled...


If you are on New Year's
They depicted an airplane
Or even a helicopter
Or just a flight.
Just about to take off,
And then forward and forward,
Didn't fit into the turn
The door hit your forehead -
Please attach urgently...

How can we not have fun?
Have fun and dance!
Smile and laugh
Pour and drink!
Everyone relaxes on New Year's Day
And they forget about tomorrow.
The potion is to blame for everything -
It hurts in the morning...


HOST. So, our first competition is completed. The team leading in it is…………………………………….
According to tradition, people celebrate the New Year with Champagne.

PHONOGRAM No. 8 – light music.
Table break – 5-7 minutes.

BABA YAGA. If you are at ease,
And they didn’t come to us for an hour,
I suggest a disco shake
Spend it here, now!
Have fun, don't sit!
Come out and dance!

PHONOGRAM No. 9 – dance break 15-20 minutes.
The guests of the evening are dancing.

BABA YAGA. Well, faq, killer whales, have you warmed up? This means we are ready for the next competition, which is called “NEW YEAR’S STOMP.”
HOST. And the task is unique - New Year's dance.
You are welcome to our hut. 3 representatives from each team.
(Team representatives leave.)
HOST. Each dance group will have time to change clothes and present for everyone the dances that are indicated on these cards.

(To the “Snow Maiden” team - “Lezginka”, to the “Santa Clauses” team - “Dance of the Little Swans”)

You can go get ready!
(Members of both teams leave to get ready.)

HOST. Meanwhile, we are announcing the next competition...

BABA YAGA. It’s called “Toastmaster, give it some heat!”, or “I WILL SAY!”
Each team needs to come up with, and then one representative from the team should say an original toast, so that it contains mystery, festive piquancy and a call to raise glasses. Are there any volunteers? And remember that you have a chance to become Father Frost or Snow Maiden.
(Those who wish come out to prepare for the toast competition.)

HOST. In the meantime, our creators will compose New Year's tirades, music will sound. And if anyone has a desire to dance or drink - please! Such an impulse of the soul is not forbidden!

PHONOGRAM No. 10 – Dance block 15-20 minutes.

Those who want to dance.

BABA YAGA. Well, now it’s time for the participants of the “New Year’s Stomper” competition to shine. The team “Santa Clauses” starts it.


Contestants of the Santa Claus team perform a dance.

HOST. Three dance teams “Snow Maiden” enter the fight.


Contestants of the Snow Maiden team perform a dance.

HOST. Bravo! You can receive well-deserved tokens, as well as transform yourself and go to the festive tables...

The contestants leave to change their clothes.

(A competition is being held. The presenter and Baba Yaga evaluate it, inviting guests to support the speakers and raise their glasses for everything they said. The winner of the competition is awarded a token.)

HOST. Young and old love games
Who isn't happy to play?
We invite you to frolic: to play, to have fun!

(The presenter and Baba Yaga lead the game block.)

The game block includes the following games:
“SYMBOL OF THE YEAR” (teams of 5 people participate)
NEEDED: 2 chairs, 2 blindfolds, 2 markers, 2 sheets of Whatman paper (A3 format)
TASK: running up to a sheet of whatman paper one by one, draw in parts, as indicated by the presenters, the symbol of the year, after blindfolding the eyes.)
“WITCHFLIGHT” (2 teams with the same number of participants in each participate.)
NEEDED: 2 sets of skittles, 2 brooms.
TASK: each player on the team, taking turns sitting on a broom, must run a distance around the pins placed on the floor, and returning to the team pass the broom like a relay baton. Who is faster and better.)
“POP THE BALL” (any number of couples participate – (man + woman)
NEEDED: balloons according to the number of pairs.
TASK: holding the ball between your butts, dance to a fast-sounding melody, trying to burst your ball.
The winner is the pair whose ball popped last.)

BABA YAGA. It's time for everyone to have a drink,
To KVN participants - “Hurray!”
So that you have complete happiness -
Drain the glasses to the bottom!
I propose a toast to the excitement of the KVN GAME!

PHONOGRAM No. 13. – Light music.

A short break at the table.

HOST. We, friends, are having fun these days.
We are waiting for you to join the circle soon - go dance!

PHONOGRAM No. 14 – Dance block 25 minutes.

BABA YAGA. Hey people, welcome! Russian entertainers nicknamed peddlers!

HOST. To make the holiday even more fun -
The New Year's lottery begins.
Hurry up! Hurry up to play the lottery,
Because you can win happiness in the lottery!

(The New Year's Lottery begins. See Appendix.)

BABA YAGA. New Year's KVN continues,
A new competition for teams is announced!
And the competition is not simple – it’s song-filled and mischievous! "LET'S VOTE ON
HOST. Now let each team nominate its delegates to participate in it.
BABA YAGA. 3 people from each team.

(Candidates come forward.)

Go with simply Maria, that is, with simply ____________, she will explain everything to you.
(They leave the hall.)
Oh, I’ll tell you a secret: what’s in store for you! But this is a secret behind seven seals. And so that I don’t spill the beans, I’ll tell you what awaits you in the very near future.
“Gypsy Girl” is waiting for you all, -
Dance from the heart!
Leave the table
Let's dance faster!
I am announcing a competition for the best performance of “Gypsy”. Don't forget that the winners will receive tokens and the prospect of the titles of Father Frost and Snow Maiden!
Everybody dance!

PHONOGRAM No. 15 – “Gypsy girl”.

Those who wish take part in a competition for the best gypsy dance. The winners are awarded tokens.

BABA YAGA. Feet-nuts, Christmas trees-sticks,
A fortune teller appears in the hall!
She will tell everything about everyone,
He will predict the fate of many.

PHONOGRAM No. 16 – “Fashion changes daily...”. The soundtrack is mixed.

A fortune teller appears in the hall. There is a comic fortune telling going on.

BABA YAGA. Chavoy, I wanted to please my ears with a good song. Fathers, I forgot about the contestants! But they announced the competition “Let’s vote in every possible way!”
I’ll tell you my secret: we’ve come to your party...
In general, listen to my riddles. And they contain New Year's wishes from famous people.

We wish you great happiness
Presenter GALKIN and singer PUGACHEVA!

PHONOGRAM No. 17 – The song “This is Love” performed by M. Galkin and Al. Pugacheva.

A parody number is performed.

Bright flowers, like mimosa in spring
They wish Serduchka, and, of course, GluckOZA!

PHONOGRAM No. 18 – The song “I wanted a groom” performed by Verka Serduchka and GlyukoZa.

A parody number is performed.

Live in the New Year without insults and strife
They want Rasputin and Phil Kirkorov.

PHONOGRAM No. 19 – Song “Tea Rose” performed by M. Rasputina and F. Kirkorov.

A parody number is performed.

HOST. I suggest you fill your glasses and drink so that pop stars will be with the people more often, delight us with their art, and their wishes today will certainly come true in the New Year.
PHONOGRAM No. 20 – Light music. 3 minutes.

A short break at the table

BABA YAGA. We have fun, laugh, relax,
We entertain guests with jokes.
And now we invite you with a smile
Get to the disco soon!

PHONOGRAM No. 21 – Dance break 20 minutes.

HOST. After the dance there is a blush on the cheeks,
The dance warmed you up and excited you.
It's not time to rest yet:
Waiting for the dance, of course, is a game!



HOST. Dear friends! Time is so fleeting... Now the hands of the clock are inexorably striving to come together, heralding the onset of the New, ____ year. Let's fill the glasses with Champagne.

PHONOGRAM No. 22 – “Song about five minutes”

EXACTLY AT 24-00 PHONOGRAM No. 23 “CHIME FIGHT” SOUNDS. The soundtrack is slightly mixed so that the text can be heard.

HOST. The chimes are striking. Moments
They measure their run.
Like notches in time
A year adds up to a century.
So a runner in a relay race
Tremblingly awaiting his turn.
This is how time is divided:
Summer heat, winter ice.
The chimes strike and the stars
Wisdom whispers from heaven:
The earthly step is short,
The earthly trace is forever.
The chimes strike, piercing
The sound of the air of the country.
We wish for earthly blessings
All friends and family!
So that time flies
Fast, like in a turn,
To make the song ring
In every kind soul!

HOST. Now we will part with you exactly on……
and we’ll meet here at …….. o’clock, ……. Minutes to hold alternative elections for Father Frost and Snow Maiden and continue the New Year's fun.

(Guests can go outside, set off fireworks, those who wish can dance, chat with friends, congratulate them on the New Year, perhaps someone will want to watch the New Year’s address to the citizens of Russia from the President of Russia on TV.
Once again, the guests of the holiday gather in the hall at the time agreed by the presenters.)

HOST. Attention! Attention! Do not miss! An important moment is coming - the election of Father Frost and Snow Maiden. Let's calculate who was able to earn how many tokens, and which team can be called the winner. Although this is not the main thing tonight. The main thing is that you are in a good New Year's mood.
So, the honorary Father Frost is recognized... Applause!
And his charming companion, Snegurochka, is recognized...
We ask you to dress appropriately and be prepared
make a toast and organize a round dance near the beautiful Christmas tree.

(The chosen ones for the role of Father Frost and Snow Maiden leave to change clothes.)
BABA YAGA. Well, faq, killer whales, was it fun? That's it... It's time for me to celebrate the New Year in my hut. Even though I sometimes grumble about my robbers, my guests are tired of waiting for me.
Happy New Year everyone! Bye bye, darlings!

(Baba Yaga “flies away” from the hall.)

HOST. Friends! On this wonderful evening I want to make one more toast. I ask you to raise your glasses to tomorrow's economic paradise, in spite of today's price hell, to the future genius of your children, to your beloved wives, in spite of television beauty contests, to your husbands. Despite the fact that they are not very similar to Schwarzenegger and Alain Delon. Despite adversity, despite worries - smile! Not to survive, but to live! Just live! Just believe! Just to love!

(The guests drink to the proposed toast.)

HOST. The snow is spinning, the snow is flying, a light breeze is blowing,
It’s already 12 o’clock on the planet, it’s New Year.
Happy New Year! With new happiness!
May it make you dizzy today
This one is kind, this one is gentle
New Year's Snow Waltz!

PHONOGRAM No. 24 _ — “Waltz” by G. Sviridov
Those who want to dance.

HOST. Here Yaga taught me little wisdom. I'll try.

Conjure, woman, conjure, grandfather,
Three on the side, none of yours.
Ace of diamonds, pine coffin,
Grandfather show up with your granddaughter!

(Waves his magic wand).

Magic wand, help us: turn words into deeds!

PHONOGRAM No. 25 – Exit of Father Frost and Snow Maiden.

Father Frost and Snow Maiden enter the hall and pronounce the text of congratulations (pre-prepared and beautifully decorated scrolls).

Through storms, blizzards and blizzards
My granddaughter and I flew to the holiday,
So that the paths in the world are brighter,
So that everyone finds what they would like to find.

New meetings are already on the doorstep,
New adventures await you,
Joy, peace, prosperity, health,
We wish you all the best in the New Year!
May life always be happy,
You decorate her with smiles...

Let the familiar words ring out:


HOST. Have fun, honest people,
Sadness - well, not a little bit!
Let's start a round dance
"The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree"!

PHONOGRAM No. 26 – Song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.”

All participants in the evening dance around the Christmas tree.

FATHER FROST. It's a pity, but it's time for us to say goodbye...
SNOW MAIDEN. We are leaving to meet again.
HOST. Let's finally raise our glasses
For hope, faith, love!

We say goodbye to you, and our evening continues with the rhythms of the New Year's disco!

(The presenter, Santa Claus, and Snow Maiden leave. The disco continues until the end of the evening.)


Good evening, dear friends! I am very pleased to welcome you today to this wonderful holiday. Everyone has already guessed for what reason we have gathered, of course to celebrate our favorite holiday - New Year.

Today I want to say
“Thank you” to the passing year!
Twelve months ago
We were really waiting for him!

And even if not everything came true for us,
We believed, and this is the main thing!
And let every guest today
He will believe in the most desirable things!

The current year is ending, a new one is coming. What do you think it will be like? You know, whatever the coming year, I want to wish you one thing: many joyful days, happiness and good luck!

Let's open the doors wide,
To make the New Year believe
That we are seriously waiting for him,
Who do we need………..

Father Frost:

Good evening to all guests!
I was in a hurry to get to you
Apparently I'm not late
I found you all at the table.
Happy holiday to everyone
I wish you happiness and joy!

Oh, Snow Maiden, look how the guys have grown up!

Snow Maiden: Yes, grandfather, you mixed everything up again, today you and I came not to kindergarten, but to the “rest +” sauna, everyone has grown up here a long time ago.

Father Frost: Oh, it’s true, but still, even though everyone here is an adult, I won’t just give away my gifts!

Snow Maiden: For the competitions in this hall today,
We will reward our friends
Good prizes!

Competition No. 1 Cool riddles:

- Without wings, but flies,
Without roots, but growing. (snow)

– not a precious stone, but glowing (ice)

– What grandfather builds a house without an axe? (freezing)

– sits on everyone, is not afraid of anyone (snow)

– In the yard there is a mountain, and in the room there is water (ice)

– winter on gray roofs, throws seeds
she grows white carrots under the roofs. (icicles)

– who builds bridges across rivers without logs? (freezing)

– the glass in the round window was broken during the day, but replaced in the evening. (ice hole)

- who, even though he has no hands, can draw (frost)

– does not burn in fire, and does not sink in water (ice)

– white – a white miller sat on the clouds, white flour poured through a sieve. (snow)

Adults and children know that one is sober at a banquet, all that remains is the festive one (Christmas tree)

- New Year's glorious holiday, Without her, he will not be happy, And no matter how lazy the owner is,
They will force you to buy it, Otherwise, in the New Year, no one will come to visit! (vodka)

Cool competition No. 2: Burglars

Props: 2 locks, keys

Participants (2 people) of the competition are given a bunch of keys and a locked padlock. It is necessary to pick up the key from the bunch and open the lock as quickly as possible.

Competition No. 3: Cool quiz

– In Japan, the arrival of the New Year is announced by 108 strikes of the bell, in Russia the Kremlin chimes ring the New Year’s midnight, and in the UK? (London Wig–Ben Clock)
– Which city is declared the geographical homeland of the Russian Father Frost? (Veliky Ustyug)
– In which country does not the “brother”, but the “sister” of the Russian Santa Claus live, whose name sounds like his “changeling” - Baba Zhara? (in Cambodia)
– In what country is the local Santa Claus called Saint Nicholas, and his faithful servant is nicknamed Black Pete? (in the Netherlands)
– Christmas tree homeland (forest)
– an ancient but timeless dance at the Christmas tree (round dance)
– Performer of songs for the Christmas tree (blizzard)
– A person trotting past the Christmas tree, gray in all respects. (wolf)
– Christmas tree decoration that causes significant damage to the household budget not only on the day of purchase (electric garland)
– a man’s anti-Christmas tree weapon (axe)
– what quality of the New Year’s queen makes her similar to every real woman (the desire to dress up)
Guess the proverb
– they don’t discuss the gift, they accept what they give (they don’t look a gift horse in the mouth)
– you need to study throughout your life, every day brings new knowledge, knowledge is endless (live forever and learn)
- trouble, trouble usually happens where something is unreliable, fragile. (Where it’s thin, that’s where it breaks)
– how you treat others, so they will treat you (both aukn. and response.)
– do not take on unfamiliar matters (if you don’t know the ford, don’t stick your nose into the water)

Competition No. 4: Anglers

3 participants will be required.

The fish are laid out on a chair or on the floor. The task of the blindfolded player is to attach as many fish as possible to the fishing rod. Before starting fishing, spin the player around you several times.

Competition No. 5: Rope

Need 2 players.

Place two chairs with their backs facing each other. There is a rope under the chairs. Players sitting on chairs must, at the command of the leader, grab the end of the rope as quickly as possible and pull it towards themselves. The first one wins.

Contest No. 6: Get the candy

2 players are invited.

This is a hilarious and fun competition! Sour cream is poured into a plate, candy is thrown into the plate. The player must remove the candy from the plate without using his hands.

Very cool competition No. 7: Clean up the trash

2 players are called.

We need to put things in order, put the crumpled newspapers into champagne bottles, whoever is faster.

Cool competition No. 8: Feed your neighbor

Invite 2 players.

Props: 2 bananas

One holds a peeled banana in his teeth, the other must eat it. Hands are not involved.

Competition No. 9: Ball

Need 4 players.

Whoever inflates the biggest balloon without it bursting wins.

Competition #10: In Position

2 players participate.

2 players are invited and large inflatable balls are attached with tape at stomach level. Half a box of matches is scattered in front of each player. The task is to collect as many matches from the floor as possible within the allotted time, without forgetting about your stomach. The process looks cool!

Cool competition No. 11: Drinking parties

Call 4 players.

Each person is given 1 bottle of beer and a glass. The task is to open the bottles as quickly as possible and pour beer into a glass and drink it. Whoever is faster wins.

Competition No. 12: Box

All participants write on pieces of paper what they think is in the box. The answers are then read out.

The competitions are ending.

Father Frost:

Friends Dear
The old year is leaving
I would like to say
Many good words
Wish you happiness
So that your life is easy
Next year
So that you forget grief and misfortune!
Happy new year friends! With new happiness!

Snow Maiden:

The clock is knocking.
The old year is passing away
Its last pages are rustling
What was good, let it not go away
And what is not good will not happen again
Happy New Year!