Wedding decoration in white style. White wedding decor White wedding decor

To emphasize the atmosphere in which the most unforgettable holiday in the life of the newlyweds will take place, it is worth taking a particularly responsible approach to the issue of decorating the banquet hall. In this case, not only aesthetics are important, but also the budget, thematic focus, and the conditions of organization. Many take the path of decorating the party on their own, avoiding the generally accepted clichés and requests of modern designers. Use our tips to create a unique wedding hall decor with your own hands.

The decoration of the hall is an important step in planning the celebration. In order for the techniques used to look harmoniously in the ensemble of the entire holiday, it is worth considering them in the context of the wedding theme. It is far from necessary to buy sets of ready-made jewelry, because everyone can make a unique decor. It is only necessary to show imagination and be inspired by interesting ideas.

Original ideas for decorating the hall

Creating a design requires a preliminary selection of a suitable room. In this regard, start from the number of guests, the convenience of transport interchange, as well as the available budget. As you know, in the West, a wedding party is held even in the school gym. You can decorate the holiday in an open space. An example of this is visiting ceremonies on the sea coast or in the forest. By the way, these options are now in vogue.

In search of interesting ideas that lead away from wedding standards, young people use maximum creativity. If you correctly think over the decor of the chosen place, then it does not matter at all in what conditions the holiday will be organized. At the same time, the lack of taste and the pursuit of ostentatious luxury will turn even a cozy banquet hall into a farce. The main principle of decorating a room for a wedding is a sense of proportion. Decorations can be made with your own hands, and at the same time the hall will look luxurious. In your work it is permissible to use:

Table frill, tablecloths, curtains, draperies, arches

Silk Ribbons

Bows, trains, dressings for bouquets

Paper garlands with colorful lights

Walls and lighting for individual decor elements that you want to highlight

Natural flowers

Flower arrangements, bouquets, garlands

Table setting, invitations, congratulatory inscriptions


Fasteners for small parts in the manufacture of jewelry and supports for decorative elements


Different sizes, shapes and colors to form garlands and arrangements

Confetti and other small items

Used as a festive tinsel

Wedding hall decoration

The basis of the wedding is the triumph of love, tenderness and romance. It will be possible to emphasize these aspects in the process of holding a holiday thanks to cute gizmos. Balloons and flowing fabrics are the best solution for romantics. Properly designed lighting will help create an intimate atmosphere. On the tables of the guests, place small vessels filled with water with drops of glycerin mixed with flower petals. On the surface of the vessel, leave a floating candle in the flask.

Important! Do not overload the table with an abundance of flower garlands, with the exception of the newlyweds' table. Leave room for gourmet dishes, decorated by chefs and confectioners for the benefit of the guests.

So that bouquets and arrangements from balloons do not overload chairs and tables, fill them with helium, let them soar in the hall under the ceiling or above the tables, creating fabulous pictures. Ordinary balls can be replaced with original models sold in specialty stores. Through such a simple replacement, your room will sparkle with new colors. Instead of balloon pendants, it is important to use street lanterns with candles burning inside. Decorate them with butterflies so that the composition resembles a fairy forest. You can complement the picture with fresh flowers suspended on a translucent fishing line.

An analog made from improvised means allows you to make the decor budget. For example, for a flashlight, instead of a ready-made version, use an ordinary tin can, painted with acrylic paint, with holes in the form of stars. Instead of fresh flowers on a fishing line, make voluminous origami-style figures or papier-mâché round balls.

Luxury wedding hall

Balloons in the decoration of the wedding hall

wedding decor idea

A fresh and up-to-date image is created by details from fresh flowers. They emphasize high status, give flavor and do not leave indifferent even a skeptic. Use this simple technique to make your wedding original and noble. Do not forget about pleasant things in the form of souvenirs and small gifts for guests. They will serve as a reminder of the holiday and an eye-catching decoration. The best present is author's confectionery and hand-made souvenirs.

Zone the space of the room so that all invitees clearly understand where it is more comfortable for them to communicate, where they can go out and clean themselves up, and where it is appropriate to invite partners to dance. Decorating a hall for a wedding with your own hands often spoils the presence of outstretched wires, poor-quality sound, and improperly built light. Pay attention to these little things, and the eye will not catch on annoying details.

Rain of rose petals

Flowers with any decoration option are considered a universal decoration. A boring wall or floor can be completely decorated with an original composition that includes rose petals. They give a feeling of romance, solemnity and naturalness. To make the decor, stock up on a thin transparent fishing line. On each thread, you need to put mother-of-pearl beads and rose petals in turn. Pick flowers that won't resonate with other decor in their hue.

The thread with the finished garland is fixed on top with pins or paper clips. When fixing the fishing line at the bottom, do not stretch it too much. This will allow the composition to be light and airy. The swaying of the garland in the wind will provoke the effect of fluttering butterflies. You can string the petals on a garland with light bulbs. In addition, the rest of the flower blank is perfect for decorating the floor. The path to the table, strewn with petals, looks unobtrusive and luxurious.

Decorated wedding hall

Wedding hall decoration

Modern decoration of the wedding hall with your own hands

At the heart of decorating a banquet hall for a wedding in accordance with the latest trends are ideas. First of all, you need to start from the general style of the celebration. Some people prefer vintage, while others gravitate towards modern. The decor can take into account the preferences of guests and newlyweds. In creating a modern holiday, it is important to use artificial lighting, fresh flowers, and a minimum amount of various tinsel. Everything should be beautiful, restrained and aristocratic. At the same time, it is beneficial to use elaborate decorations in culinary arts, because the main attention of guests will be riveted to the table. Delight every guest with culinary masterpieces that not only taste good, but also look the part.

Important! Everyone present should be comfortable. If the decor item creates inconvenience, then it is better to remove it. For example, it is better to replace chairs that are too massive with an uncomfortable back, even if they visually benefit.

The drapery of the wedding hall in the modern version often combines white, golden, silver shades. The contrast of white and red colors is also in fashion. Basic white or champagne color can be diluted with a bright accent of blue, purple, turquoise or lilac. Originality is created by details: eye-catching vase, statue, garland, flower arrangement, furniture, etc. Doing something with your own hands is fashionable. The uniqueness of each item creates its own value. The modern hall is decorated not only in the treat area. Do not forget about the stairs, the stage, the photo zone and other corners of the room.

Luxury wedding hall

Balloons in the decoration of the wedding hall

wedding decor idea

Unusual and beautiful decoration of the wedding hall

Decorating the hall requires a certain imagination. The most straightforward way to add charm to a room is to saturate it with compositions. Balloons, fresh flowers and seasonal natural materials will help you (for autumn - yellowed leaves, for winter - flowers powdered with imitation of snow).

Note! With regard to balls, it is worth considering interesting options: combine matte, glossy products, as well as balls of different shapes. Choose shades that are in harmony with the overall ensemble.

Use ready-made solutions as a starting point. So, in the wedding jewelry store you can buy the necessary set of accessories. Then at home you can decorate them with your own hands. So things will look original, beautiful and more interesting. Use bouquets as the centerpiece of the table. Drape the vases with decorations and the table will look concise.

The main attention of the audience during the celebration will be riveted to the table for the newlyweds. In addition to the basic decor, use original compositions. Pay attention to the tablecloth and frill decoration. The garland along the table can be illuminated from the inside with small bulbs. Remember that in the overall picture it is worth using no more than three colors.

Decorated wedding hall

Wedding hall decoration

Wedding trivia, decorations and decor with your own hands

Creating a tasteful banquet hall requires sticking to one style. When creating decorations for the hall with your own hands, do not save on consumables. If the budget is not enough, then the number of self-made things should be limited. Such small things as bows, headbands, ribbons, beads and appliqués are never superfluous. With their help, you can easily add solemnity to any wedding hall. Make a list of the little things you need so you don't forget about them in the midst of preparation.

DIY wedding invitations

Invitations to a celebration will not only deliver your guests to the address, but also avoid confusion in the lists when organizing a large wedding. To simplify the task, most people buy prepared cards with basic inscriptions. They only need to enter the name, date and place of the holiday. So that such a card does not look like a postcard, you can decorate it with your own hands. For this you will need:

  • bows;
  • beads;
  • ribbons;
  • glue (hot glue gun).

As a blank, it is better to buy a card in a concise design. By gluing a homemade bow in the form of an interlaced ribbon with a pearl, you will transform a simple postcard into a personalized invitation. Fill out the invitation with calligraphic handwriting in beautiful ink. Such a souvenir will become a pass ticket and a memorable gift for your guest.

Luxury wedding hall

Balloons in the decoration of the wedding hall

wedding decor idea

Decoration of wedding glasses

Drinking drinks is a ritual act at any wedding. Raising their glasses, guests greet the couple and express their wishes. At the same time, guests use sets of standard dishes without any frills, and the newlyweds should stand out from the crowd, so their glasses need to be decorated. Symbols that can be used in this case are rings. With the help of ribbons, beads and sputtering, glasses can be transformed into a real work of art. They are marked with inscriptions, drawings and applications. You can order drawing images from the artist or dream up yourself.

Decorated wedding hall

Wedding hall decoration

  1. The decoration of the hall in a modern style includes flower arrangements with non-standard plant species. To prevent the flowers from looking too simple, combine them into cascading bouquets.
  2. Volumetric garlands and paper lamps are more suitable for a tent-like room. They will create romance and will not look cheap compared to other items.
  3. Watch the sizes of bouquets and flower arrangements on the tables. Their optimal height is not higher than 30 cm.
  4. If you do not want to highlight specific colors, you can set a certain backlight in the room.
  5. Before decorating the hall, sketch. This is especially beneficial if you do not use the help of designers. The untrained eye can miss some moments.

Decoration of the hall with balloons

You can get away from traditional balloon kits by creating original crafts. Don't buy cheap balloons from your nearest stationery store. Use interesting combinations of products to make a figure or composition. Look at the photos on the Internet. It is best to fill the balloons with helium so that they hold their shape and remain airy. When choosing colors, focus on pastel colors, connecting balls made in a single palette.

Luxury wedding hall

wedding decor idea

Balloons in the decoration of the wedding hall

Banquet hall decoration with fabric

The easiest way in a self-made decor is to decorate the room with a cloth. Overflows, shine of draperies will bring their own charm and will look minimalistic. In fabric, give preference to satin for decorating a wedding table. Walls and arches are best decorated with organza or alternative airy fabrics. To hide the borders of the fabric, you can use bows or ribbons.

Tables for guests

The decoration of the hall requires a more reverent attitude to the guest tables. By their appearance they will judge the quality of the banquet and the attitude towards visitors. Properly organized landing will help to avoid confusion and unpleasant neighborhood in a large company. Set numbers on each table and do not be too lazy to make guest lists. Children should be seated separately from adults, because they have a separate menu and common interests.

Decorated wedding hall

Wedding hall decoration

In general, there should not be anything superfluous on the guest tables of the wedding hall. The round shape of the table encourages open communication. Elongated rectangular tables with benches in this regard lose and resemble a rustic version. The design of the wedding hall is based on the correct serving of the dinner area and on the beautiful presentation of cutlery. Keep the tablecloths neat and the cleanliness of the utensils used.

Every girl from childhood imagined the wedding of her dreams. Decorating the hall with your own hands is a great opportunity to show your creative nature and make dreams come true.

Video: Wedding decoration. Wedding hall decoration in 5 steps

White color is unconditional style, freshness and elegance. White wedding decorations are very popular. No wedding celebration is complete without the addition of white, it is everywhere - the dress, the groom's shirt, small interior details, but how about using this color as the main one? Interesting, isn't it? White color is a classic, but this does not mean at all that your celebration will be boring and dull.

White wedding. Decor

The design of a white wedding assumes the presence of a basic white color. It is relevant at any time of the year and will ideally fit into the winter fairy-tale charm or summer juicy greenery. Brides around the world choose this color for their wedding every year!

Celebration color scheme

White wedding - having heard these words, many of you have imagined an absolutely white hall. However, this is not the case at all. The design of a white wedding, no doubt, implies the presence of a white base color, but it can be complemented by any shades. Such a move will help highlight the color, making it less intrusive. There should not be many additional shades, they should only gracefully and discreetly complement the overall picture (for example, a white bridal bouquet, or flowers for decorating a hall can be diluted with a pale yellow tint).

  • Gold;
  • Silver;
  • Blue;
  • Lavender;
  • Red;
  • Yellow.

The image of the bride

The decoration of a white wedding simply amazes and delights with its beauty, but the ceremony will not be complete without an elegant and sophisticated image of the bride. The white image is considered classic, so the bride should not have problems choosing an outfit. Based on the theme of the evening, you can choose a dress of any style. Beware of shades of ivory or milky white, against the snow-white background of the hall, such a tone will look dirty. A bouquet will help complete the look. Luckily, florists will be able to find the perfect white bouquet for you without any hassle.

Hall decoration

Decorating a white wedding is quite a laborious process, but, nevertheless, it is very popular among brides around the world. And no wonder. The beauty and grace that this shade presents cannot be compared with anything else.

Use flowers to decorate the celebration. What is a wedding without them? Arrange them on tables in transparent vases, or make an unusual canopy made entirely of snow-white fragrant buds. Let the hall just be buried in flowers, and their aroma accompanies you everywhere! For a more original decor, you can use a combination of feathers and flowers.

Whitewashed tree branches are also perfect for decoration. You can arrange them in large vases on the floor or decorate tables with them. Either way, your guests will be delighted. As for table setting, there are no problems here. Classic white plates and starched napkins will fit perfectly into the overall interior.

Guest chairs can be decorated with white satin bows or floral arrangements. You can also put white candles on the tables, they will help you create a romantic atmosphere.

outdoor ceremony

For exit registration it is not necessary to use an abundance of flowers. Make an arch out of a light, airy fabric by decorating it with ribbons or adding a bouquet on each side. Arches completely decorated with flowers are also very popular.

white wedding decoration and invitation

Invitations for a white wedding, as you might have guessed, carry the traditional sophistication and classics of white. A fairly simple background can be played with various decorative elements - ribbons, openwork patterns, lace or calligraphy. The combination of this color with a brighter and more saturated one (for example, gold, silver, purple, red) will give the invitation card more charm, sophistication and make the main color less intrusive. Depending on the theme of the evening, the text and design of the invitation can vary from strict to mischievous and cheerful. Pay attention to the trend of recent months - calligraphy on light-colored paper.

All photos of Style Me Pretty.

Much is decided by the color performance of the wedding ceremony. The choice of the dominant color on this day is incredibly important. The wrong color scheme can destroy the whole concept of the holiday, set the wrong mood and spoil the festive atmosphere.

Young people should discuss together what colors they want to see on their holiday. Resist the temptation to decorate the holiday in a trendy or popular color. If there is no preference or no compromise when choosing a color, take it as the main shade of the season. In spring, this one can be pale blue, light green and pink in summer, golden in autumn, and silver or pale purple in winter.

But the most profound and fulfilling will be the performance of the wedding ceremony in white. This color is recognized as a symbol of purity and innocence, but it is used in wedding ceremonies to shade other colors: scarlet, blue or purple. White helps the companion color look more advantageous against its background. But only a celebration in white will truly give a deep feeling of sensuality, purity and tenderness. Therefore, a wedding in white colors adequately presents itself in a series of themed weddings and is recognized as one of the most stylish and beautiful ceremonies.

white wedding invitations

Invitations are traditionally considered the hallmark of any celebration. Wedding invitations are no exception. For a white wedding, you can make your own invitation cards. Use white thick paper for postcards. On the front side, you can not perform unnecessary drawings, a simple decor in the form of white lace or pearl rhinestones is sufficient. It will look very stylish and will set the tone for the whole celebration.

For seating guests, you can use the same white cards. Or you can use a white background, but decorate with small artificial flowers or cute silk bows. And as a stand for a name card, you can use a small bouquet of flowers - it will look unusual and romantic.

Room decoration in white

Choose a room with light walls - it can be any banquet hall. The color of the walls will give such a hall a solemn and elegant look and your white wedding will be remembered by everyone.

You can decorate this room in many ways. The most common is decoration with fresh and artificial flowers. Florists offer a huge selection of white flowers. It can be either one favorite flower, or compositions of several types of white flowers. For weddings, it is traditionally suggested to use roses and orchids, but other flowers are also welcome: lilies, peonies, tulips and even daisies. So that white flowers do not merge with the general background, do not forget about lush greenery when making bouquets and compositions.

With table setting at a white wedding, everything is also clear. Snow-white tablecloths and napkins, white dishes without a pattern, wine glasses and goblets made of transparent glass and crystal are used. And the glasses of the newlyweds can be painted with white paint and decorated with the main colors of the banquet: small white rosebuds or sparkling rhinestones - this will give a special chic to the table setting of the newlyweds.

If you want a white wedding to take place in the fresh air, then you can install a large bright tent in a picturesque place. For the ceremony, invite a field registrar. Decorate the place for the wedding ceremony: install an arch of white balloons or with a drapery of white satin and organza, decorate the registration table with flowers and ribbons. At the end of registration, send a pair of white doves into the sky - it will be very symbolic and beautiful.

The culmination of a solemn feast at a white wedding will be a wedding cake. Modern chefs, with the help of the achievements of the culinary industry, are able to create real masterpieces from dough, cream and chocolate.

A white cake will look original against the background of all kinds of treats and drinks. Dark chocolate decorations and bright fruits will have to be abandoned in favor of snow-white mastic, airy meringue, buttercream and white chocolate. Sugar figurines and white marshmallows on your cake will also be appropriate. Want to intrigue? Order a surprise cake. Under the white cover of sweet decor, an unusual filling can be hidden. These can be layers of multi-colored jelly or different impregnated cakes. Everything is up to your taste.

White wedding suits

You should not step aside from the snow-white bridesmaid dress, milky or creamy color will completely destroy the carefully built concept of a white wedding. A white suit would be ideal for the groom, but a black suit would also work. For the bride's bouquet, traditional white small flowers are used, the bouquet is decorated with green leaves. A flower or floral wreath can also be woven into the bride's hairstyle, and a delicate boutonniere can be flaunted in the groom's buttonhole. If you have chosen the main flower of your evening, then use it, varying combinations with other flowers and greenery.

The most daring brides also dress their bridesmaids in white dresses. This step is very risky and requires careful execution. Bridesmaids' dresses should not overshadow the bride's outfit, so choose simpler styles for guests, consider bright sequin trim for them or small accessories that are different in color.

Decoration of a wedding procession at a white wedding

The execution of the tuple in black and white colors will be spectacular. This will be especially true if the groom's wedding suit is black. Recently, pairs of cars depicting a bride and groom have become popular: a bowler hat and a bow tie flaunts on a black car, and a flirty veil and scarlet lips on a white car. For young people and guests, you can pick up any car model, the main thing is that they do not stand out from the general color theme. If you don't want to pick up cars for an escort, hire a white limousine. You can decorate cars with white ribbons and balloons, organza drapery and artificial flower arrangements are suitable. To avoid monotony and dullness, dilute the white decor on a white car with silver elements.

Invite artists of the original genre - mimes or clowns - to the wedding, warning about the theme of the holiday. They will help create the right mood for a white wedding. A romantic and airy performance of ballroom dancers dressed in black and white suits would also be appropriate for the theme of the holiday. The finale of your wedding can be a spectacular fireworks show, white fiery splashes will help to put a beautiful end and adequately complete a wonderful holiday. If there is an open area, invite guests to launch sky lanterns. White lanterns against the background of the night sky, floating away into the distance, will give everyone the feeling of a fairy tale and children's delight. Making wishes on the flying lights, everyone will feel happiness and delight.

When the excitement, the proposal and the acquaintance with the parents are already behind, the future bride and groom are concerned about the question of where and how to hold the wedding so that it remains in memory for a lifetime. Of course, young people are waiting for a lot of advice on how and what to do, but you should think over your wedding on your own, since this is your day, and it should be unforgettable for you. More and more brides-to-be are thinking about themed weddings. After all, such styles of marriage have become popular in the United States and Europe, and now Russian brides are slowly starting to follow this example. Try to choose the color of your wedding together with your other half, because the main thing is that it suits the two of you. Another important thing will be the time of the year that you have chosen for your celebration. For example, in summer it is good to take bright colors as a basis: green, peach, raspberry, etc. In autumn, warm colors will be appropriate: gold, orange or coral. In winter, colors such as cream, blue, white look good, they are easily combined with a metallic color. If you decide to have a themed wedding in winter, then the white color and this time of year will help you to be transported to a fairy tale and give your guests a fabulous atmosphere that will be original, unique and your snow-white wedding will be unforgettable.

If you decide on a snow-white themed wedding, then you should not worry that the wedding will be boring. White color gives us a feeling of purity, tenderness, fragility and of course romance. And if you decide that this is an outdated classic, then we will try to dissuade you from this.

Each wedding begins with the preparation of invitations for guests to the wedding. Invitations must be white. Beads, ribbons or lace will look very good on invitations.

young outfits

When choosing an outfit for the bride, stick to strictly white, do not add any ribbons and bows of a different color. On a wedding dress, lace and white flowers will be appropriate. For the groom, you can also choose a white suit or classic black. Do not think that black color will somehow spoil the style of your wedding. A white bouquet in the hands of the bride will also look good. Try to keep your snow-white style in the bridesmaids' outfits as well. You can also ask your guests to stick to the main color in their outfits. Our nature is very rich in white flowers, so florists should not have problems with a bouquet.

Think over the decoration for the wedding procession in advance. It doesn’t matter what model your car will have, the main thing is that there are white flowers and ribbons, but if you are financially ready to order expensive models, then it’s better to spend money. For example, if you have a wedding in late spring or autumn, then a snow-white convertible for the bride and groom will look spectacular. For lovers of the classics, a limousine or a Mercedes is suitable. And for those who love big cars, you can order a white jeep. Do not think that big cars can somehow negatively affect the style of your wedding, not at all. And yes, it looks great in a photo.

Hall decoration

If your celebration is celebrated in the summer, then a tent on a green meadow, which by the evening will be lit with golden lights, would be appropriate. If you are celebrating in a restaurant, then make sure that the festive table has a snow-white tablecloth, white dishes and napkins, cutlery you will not find white, but the classic color of the appliances will not spoil the whole atmosphere. You can put small vases with white flowers on the tables. The hall should also be decorated with ribbons, lace, white balls and flowers. The chairs on which the guests will sit should also be decorated in white. Pay attention to the chandelier in the hall. If it does not quite fit with your theme, then do not forget to decorate it. It will be interesting to look at a large snow-white bow on the back of the chair. Try not to let any accessory go unnoticed.

Holiday menu

Of course, many people also think about festive dishes, since your wedding is held in a snow-white style, you will have to give up dark chocolate and bright fruits. But you can safely order original white cookies and, of course, the most important dessert at any wedding will be a snow-white style cake. You should not decorate the cake with any other color, it should be blindingly white so that in twilight it attracts the attention of guests. Explain the theme of your wedding to the confectioner in advance.

Large white flowers such as lilies, or ribbons and beads of different sizes will look very good on the cake. You can also surprise guests with the fact that the outside of the cake is white, but in the context it can be dark or striped. In addition to the cake, you should serve marshmallows, snow-white meringue and handmade white chocolate candies on the table - it will be very original.

It is better to complete the holiday with fireworks, which will include bright white and gold colors.

Video on the topic of the article:

prepared a post of inspiration with the color of purity, innocence and freshness. White is a classic wedding color. White color is a traditional and win-win color for a wedding of any year. It is perfect for a classic style celebration. White is associated with purity, fragility and surprising tenderness. Often this color is undeservedly forgotten. White is simply made as a backdrop for the main hue, such as red, blue or green. But the design in white colors can be original, romantic and unique in its own way. If you decide on a themed white wedding, this article is especially for you. But today we will surprise you with its versatility. There are various shades of white.

What are the shades of white and what are they called?

  • 1-snow white: snow White
  • 2-ghostly white: white with a touch of blue
  • 3-cream
  • 4-silk shade aka the color of champagne
  • 5-ivory he's ivory

Match your wedding dress to your skin tone. A shade of white should not make the face gray or pale.

Floristry for a white wedding

What organizers have no problems with is white flowers. After all, nature itself has given mankind a huge number of buds and petals from cream to snow-white. Orchids and lilies will look very solemn. So that the bouquet does not merge with the bride's outfit, decorative green plants will also be appropriate.

Roses or tulips also look very solemn. But daisies or asters will give the bride a surprisingly gentle and romantic look. In addition, floral motifs can be present not only in boutonnieres or floral arrangements, they are quite appropriate when decorating a hall, dishes, and a cake. Flowers look coquettish in the hairstyle of the bride, witnesses and guests.