Surprise your boyfriend for his birthday. "I obey and obey, my lord!" For active people

Often, guys are a lot of all sorts of inventions, so if they really want to, they can present a truly original and wonderful surprise. But sometimes it may seem that there are much more gift ideas for girls than for guys, which is why it’s easier for them. This is not entirely true. There are also enough unusual ideas on how to surprise a guy on his birthday.

special book

Even if your young man has read a lot of books, he is unlikely to have encountered such a thing. Do-it-yourself love story book.

The option is only suitable if the guy likes romantic things.

What should be done:

  1. Start collecting material for the book long before the holiday. Write down everything that happens to you in a diary: funny and sad situations, stories of successes and defeats, as well as any other significant events.
  2. Illustrate the text with photographs. Take your camera with you and take pictures.
  3. Write notes and thoughts about a particular event. Try to have as many happy moments as possible in the book, and everything sad must have a happy ending.
  4. When the material is collected, you can begin to design the book. Review the material and choose what will be in the book. The events do not have to be in chronological order. Maybe you have your own timeline that is more important.
  5. Buy a new diary or notebook and slowly fill it out. The design must be bright and creative to make the book really special.
  6. Put the book in your beloved's bag or on the table so you don't have to explain what it is. Let him see for himself and understand.

If you have such an opportunity, then the book can be printed at the printing house. But this is already a serious enough option. If you don't want the book to be too complicated, make it into a funny comic strip.

romantic holiday

If a young man celebrates his birthday, then either he or his friends will take up the organization of the holiday. Beloved girl should prepare something different - a quiet romantic evening.

Surely during the day the hero of the occasion will get tired of the noisy holiday and friends, and in the evening he will want to relax and unwind a little. Cozy in a relaxing atmosphere will definitely please him.

And if the day went without a celebration, since your soul mate does not like to be in big companies for a long time, even better. For a person with such tastes, a romantic evening with a loved one is likely to be an ideal option.

Therefore, if you want to cook a guy for his birthday that will definitely please him, feel free to take this idea, be inspired by warm thoughts about the upcoming event and start preparing:

  1. First, decide where you will spend a romantic evening. Perhaps a loved one threw a celebration at home. In this case, you will need to rent a hotel room or get out into nature. But organizing an evening at home is much easier.
  2. Start with decoration. Use shared photos, bouquets, candles, flowers and balloons to beautifully decorate the room. Darken the room, turn on a quiet, pleasant melody and light the aroma candles.
  3. Then solve the problem with dinner. If it takes place in a hotel, then it is unlikely that you will be able to cook everything yourself. In this case, it is better to order food directly to the room. But at home, be sure to cook everything with your own hands. Your love and care should be shown in every little thing.
  4. Make yourself a "gift" because you are the main surprise of the whole evening. Put on the most beautiful lingerie and luxurious dress, spend money on hair and makeup. Be the most beautiful for your young man.
  5. In addition to a romantic dinner, it is appropriate to prepare a box or checkbook of desires, which contains coupons for the fulfillment of one or another desire. Since you are unlikely to guess all of them, let your loved one offer something of their own, leaving a few coupons empty.

Warn the hero of the occasion that you have prepared a surprise for him so that he does not plan anything for the evening and is sure to be free, otherwise all efforts may go down the drain. Blindfold him so that the impression captures him at once and completely.

Quest with a well-deserved reward

A good idea for a present, which can only be obtained by strictly following the clues found along the way. Take the quest to the city scale to make it more exciting. Intrigue and burning interest are guaranteed!

Do not make tips and instructions too complicated. It is unlikely that someone will want to puzzle over one riddle for three hours.

What, for example, can be hints and instructions:

  1. You can start the quest by sending an SMS to the birthday boy from an unknown number asking him to go outside. He will certainly do this, as he will be waiting for a surprise. But it's only just beginning...
  2. Near the house you can make the inscription "follow the white rabbit." Nearby put a man in a rabbit costume. When the guy notices him and follows him, the rabbit starts to run away. Such a start will help ignite the excitement.
  3. Then, when the rabbit reaches its destination, it disappears, and the young man sees, for example, a red arrow on the wall that points to a balloon. Inside the balloon is a note with the name of a restaurant or any other place that the loved one knows for sure.
  4. He walks into a restaurant and sees an attention-grabbing man staring intently. Then the guy guesses to sit down next to him, the man reports the next piece of information and quickly leaves.
  5. And so it can continue for a very long time. But at the end there should be a worthy reward. For example, the ultimate goal might be a hotel room where you have prepared a surprise.
You can play a little joke on your loved one. Arrange with friends or relatives and, when he goes on a quest, organize a surprise right at his house, if you have the opportunity to get into the apartment.

As a result, the birthday boy will come to the same place where he started. But when he enters the house and sees why everything was started, he will surely be very happy.

morning confusion

If you have already bought a gift, then there is a great solution for you. Present it step by step with ordinary threads.

How would this happen:

  1. In addition to the main present, you will need additional ones, such as chocolates, small cards and other nice things, as well as a long, long thread and scissors.
  2. To arrange a surprise, you will need to spend the night together. It's great if you live in the same apartment, and the guy is a sleepyhead.
  3. Surprise preparation must be done in advance. Take a thread and start tying gifts to it. There should be a very large distance between them, and the knots should be easily untied. Tie the main gift to the end of the thread.
  4. Get up early in the morning, when your man is still sleeping, and quietly lay out the gifts throughout the apartment, confusing the thread in every possible way to make a real maze. Tie the thread in the right places so that it is stretched somewhere higher, somewhere lower.
  5. To make it comfortable for your loved one to go through your labyrinth in the morning, start by going to the bathroom, first of all stretching the thread there. Also make breakfast and prepare clothes, as the guy will be limited in his movements.
  6. When everything is ready, quietly approach him and firmly tie the beginning of the labyrinth thread to your hand, from which he will wake up. First he will get dressed, then he will walk along the thread and wash himself, then he will go to the kitchen where he will eat, and then he will be able to fully engage in the passage of the maze.
  7. The more difficult you make the labyrinth, the more interesting it will be: climb under the thread somewhere, step over it somewhere, untie the knots somewhere, and receive nice presents along the way.

Do not be afraid to give unusual gifts. A guy is more likely to appreciate something original, made with love and diligence, than something battered, which usually does not take much time and effort to prepare. "Try on" ideas for yourself. This will help you understand how your loved one will feel when they receive a surprise. And do not forget about his tastes, then everything will go off with a bang.

Doing different things for your loved one is great, and if you decide to surprise your boyfriend with something, then here are some tips on how to surprise a guy or how to arrange a guy’s birthday (you can combine these two events).

You can, for example, book a table in a restaurant if you are going to celebrate the anniversary of your acquaintance, etc.;

You can surprise a guy by preparing a vocal or dance number. This is in case you have such talents. It is even possible to involve your friends with him in such a production, if among them there is someone who plays the guitar or sings. And during his return home, make him such a surprise party. An easier option is to contact an art agency, which can organize a party with numbers and other entertainment for you;

You can also contact an agency or organize a holiday for yourself and your beloved in a club or in some public area;

Play roulette. Go to the casino. Just do it together so that you can follow the progress of the game and stop the man in time. But look at the type of such entertainment so that it does not go sideways to you, as men who are too reckless do not control themselves and can get hooked!

Want to surprise your boyfriend? Buy tickets to a game of his favorite sports team or to a concert of his favorite band or artist. It is very easy to make such a surprise for a guy;

Try to surprise the guy with your own hands. Or an entertaining surprise prank. It is not necessary to knit something or cross-stitch his name, it can even be a verse;

You can go on a trip or go out of town. Men are most often very interested in the rest of the savages, with extreme conditions. When you decide to go with tents somewhere far away from the city, where there is beautiful nature, where fresh air, sea, river or lake, only you will be nearby, make sure that such a vacation impresses your loved one, and he would like to spend it like this. time;

You can arrange a romantic dinner somewhere on the roof of a high-rise building. True, you can make such a surprise to a guy only in the warm season, so that the roof is not slippery;

Cook something out of the ordinary, especially if your partner is cooking. Of course, that this will really be a good surprise for the guy.

Friends will help arrange a surprise for a guy

In the end, I would still like to say that, probably, the best surprise for the guy will be the invitation of his friends, whom he has not seen for a long time, but really wanted to. But situations developed in such a way that he did not find time for them or tried to spend time with you in order to please you or not offend you.

The main rule of surprise for a guy is to use what your loved one loves very much. A well planned and prepared surprise with your love will be the sweetest thing you can do.

How to make your boyfriend's birthday unforgettable

Start the holiday in the morning. You can cook a delicious breakfast and serve it to your loved one in bed. You don't have to do this every day, but on a special day for your loved one, you can make them happy. It will be extremely pleasant for him.

To arrange an unforgettable birthday for a guy, you can decorate your house: with balloons, posters or small notes with congratulations. You can collect congratulations from all your friends and hang them all over the house.

To surprise a guy, you can record a video of congratulations from his friends and parents - this can be either a gift or just a surprise. Do not buy expensive gifts for a man, as he is still your boyfriend and may simply think that you are appeasing him or obliging him to an expensive birthday present for you.

If the birthday fell on a weekend, try to arrange an unforgettable birthday for a guy outside the city in the company of friends and family. If your birthday falls on a working day, you can organize a surprise party with friends and family. Think in advance where you will hide and with whom you would like to congratulate your loved one.

If your man is a fan of noisy entertainment, you can organize a party in a club, here you can be helped by art agencies or your friends.

unusual morning

If you live together, then start the holiday in the morning. For an unforgettable birthday for your boyfriend, get up early before your loved one wakes up. Glue hearts prepared in advance throughout the room. May gentle and warm wishes be written on each of them.

The same can be done with balls, daisies or cars. In order to create a romantic atmosphere and pleasant memories, stick your favorite large-format photos everywhere, where you are together or his portraits. This will surprise and delight the guy when he opens his eyes.

Come up with a role play

To surprise a guy, dress up as a flight attendant and try to make him believe that you are on a plane. Offer a light breakfast or drinks on board. Naturally, your love flies business class. To arrange an unforgettable birthday for a guy, arrange a surprise for a young man.

Or watch the sunrise at an African hut. Find a straw skirt, paint the skin of the whole body and face and special black makeup. String sausages on sticks, make a light breakfast. Chocolate fondues are also great. If the birthday boy is hot, fan him with a prepared fan.

Give an unusual gift. You can donate:

Accessory: belt, wallet. Watches should not be given, as they say that they are given to parting;

Clothes: you can donate a shirt. Find out in advance the size of your loved one and the style that he likes;

For lovers of extreme sports, you can give: protection, a ticket for a bungee jump or a scuba jump;

For lovers of excitement, you can give souvenir cards or roulette. You can give glasses - checkers. For men, such a gift will be very interesting;

Perfume and socks are among the most gifted things for men for the holidays. But if you are not his mother, then it is better not to give a man such a gift - it is very banal;

If you want to surprise a guy, you can give him a private dance, if the relationship between you allows it;

If your boyfriend loves DIY, to give him an unforgettable birthday party, you can gift a set of tools or a specific tool that your boyfriend needs.

Experiment, both in holding a holiday and in choosing a gift. Show all your imagination and love in spending this day. Do not forget also that on this day there is a smile, joy and happiness on your face. Say what a good guy you have. And don't just do it on your birthday.

Throw a party with your friends

To surprise the guy, try to invite as many celebrities as guests who will wish the birthday man a happy birthday. Of course, these will be disguised and made-up friends. Let the young man feel significant and important.

You can also arrange a theme party: “punk style”, “Mexicans”, “aliens”, “Greek dinner”, “Hawaii”. There will be a certain dress code at the celebration, fun competitions for guests and a young man, and appropriate food. It is the party that plays an important role in answering the question: “how to arrange a birthday for a guy” and such a birthday will be remembered by the guy for life.

Girls like it when guys do beautiful things: give cute gifts, sing romantic serenades, take them to interesting places and look after in a variety of ways. And the girls have a desire to please their soul mate, but not everyone knows what kind of surprise to make to their beloved.

If you found a guy and built a relationship with him, it's time to think about how to please him. A surprise on an ordinary day will bring more joy than on a holiday with expected gifts. I have several ideas for this.

  • Romantic evening. At first glance, the idea will seem banal, but it will bring a stunning effect. Before the arrival of a loved one from work, prepare a bath with aromatic oils, light candles, set the table and turn on romantic music. Upon arrival home, the guy will relax in the bath and have a delicious meal, and then you will please him with a massage and a night of love. Such a surprise will definitely please, and the relationship will become more tender and strong.
  • Demonstration of feelings through everyday objects. Give your boyfriend a mug with a beautiful joint photo or just insert the photo into a frame. I advise you to order a fashionable T-shirt with your image and a declaration of love. Such a little thing will remind your loved one of your feelings.
  • Cooking. Every man has a favorite dish and I think your boyfriend is no exception. Prepare a culinary masterpiece and present it in an unusual way. No man would turn down roast lamb, French-style meat, or homemade meringue for dessert.
  • Breakfast in bed - a romantic surprise. It is especially pleasant on a day off when you don’t have to go anywhere. Get up early, make delicious pancakes, make coffee and make fruit cuts. Wake up your loved one with kisses and invite them to have breakfast.
  • Experiments in sex. The same type of intimate relationships are boring. Diversify them with role-playing games and sexy costumes. In such sexual entertainment there is a place for erotic massage and frank caresses. None of the men will refuse such pleasure. For a guy, such intimate changes will come as a surprise.
  • Creativity is a way to express words of love. Write a story, a poem or a non-standard declaration of love to your loved one. For the sake of creating the effect of surprise, put a sheet of paper with love creativity in a guy’s closet, on a table or in clothes. An unexpected find will pleasantly surprise you.
  • If it's your loved one's birthday, the surprise should be big.. If funds allow, buy a little thing that he dreams of. Remember, it is your gift that will be the best and most pleasant for a guy.
  • A good option - a fun party. Discuss the plan with friends in advance and jointly organize a holiday for your loved one. Upon arrival at the destination, congratulate the birthday man and please with gifts.
  • Unusual declaration of love. The sound of a familiar voice on his favorite radio station shocks him. If the event takes place in a cafe, perform a self-composed song in public. If the birthday celebration takes place at home, surprise your loved one with a film assembled from photos and songs in advance.
  • On Valentine's Day a surprise for a loved one will be a heart-shaped cake or a pillow of a similar shape. Believe me, such a cute little thing will remind the young man that his beloved girl is present in his life.
  • The last idea will appeal to brave girls. It's about a tattoo with a guy's name. If you are unable to decide on such an act, limit yourself to creating a site for a guy.

Only you have the right to decide what kind of surprise to surprise your loved one, because only you know his desires and individual preferences. Sit in a calm environment, think about what he likes, and turn an unconventional idea into reality. As practice shows, interesting ideas come unexpectedly.

What a surprise to make a loved one

Love is an inspired feeling, accompanied by a constant desire to do something non-standard for a loved one, so that a smile appears on his face. An unexpected surprise brings more joy than a planned expensive present.

Every man wonders what original surprise to make to his beloved. The difficulty of the question comes down to the fact that girls like the emotional life. A sudden surprise that aroused interest or joy, more memorable than an ordinary present. If you have not found a girl yet, do not waste time and act.

  1. The simplest option for a surprise is to order flower delivery to work. An unexpected bouquet, complemented by a tender message, will surprise your beloved and bring a lot of joy, and since this event will take place in front of colleagues, the effect will increase.
  2. Invite a girl on a date and come with a mysterious box in your hands instead of a bouquet. Over time, the intrigue will increase. When you let the lid open, butterflies will fly out of the box. The sudden effect will cause a slight fright, which will be replaced by a smile.
  3. Arrange with the girl's relatives, drop by her house and leave a present in the room. It can be a box of chocolates under the pillow, a love message on the monitor screen, or a soft toy on the shelf. And although such a present is considered banal, the presentation will be memorable and beautiful.
  4. If you live together, and the feelings subsided slightly, rekindle them. Print out photos of you kissing, buy a couple of helium-filled balloons, attach photos to them with ribbons, and release them over the bed. It is important that the photos are higher than the bed.
  5. A romantic dinner is a standard but not bad idea. Set the table, buy a bottle of wine, light candles and turn on the music. If you can’t make your own squid salad or stew, order food at a restaurant.
  6. If you are not sure that the dinner will surprise the girl, organize something similar on the roof of a high-rise building or on the river bank. In terms of choosing a place, fantasy will help. To intrigue your beloved, give a card with a cross marked with a place where she needs to go.
  7. If there are no free funds or financial opportunities are limited, and there is a desire to surprise your beloved, resort to the help of inscriptions made in an exotic way in an unexpected place. Write a declaration of love under the window with store-bought ketchup. Lower a poster with the girl's name from the roof or lay out a beautiful phrase from candles on the pavement at night.
  8. In the absence of money, try to earn money at home or use boyish methods. Tie a few heart balloons to the door handle of your loved one. I advise you to put on a stylish T-shirt with a portrait of a girl and come on a date in this outfit. Your image will cause her an enthusiastic reaction.
  9. If there are no problems with money, you can talk endlessly about pleasant surprises. A chic dinner in a restaurant, a walk on a yacht, a parachute jump, an excursion on a horse-drawn vehicle. Many of these ideas will appeal to the young lady.
  10. If you want to arouse genuine delight in your beloved, hide a ring or other piece of jewelry in an unexpected place. If a girl dreams of a puppy or a kitten, the furry friend she found in a basket under the door will be an excellent surprise.

Making a pleasant surprise for a loved one is easier than it seems. Every girl is different and only you know what she likes. Take a walk on a warm evening, think about what sparks a flame in her eyes, and make your dream come true. If you serve everything beautifully, your beloved will simply drown in an ocean of emotions.

For a loved one, the efforts of the second half are more important than a gift. Even if you fail or buy a simple gift, your loved one will still appreciate it. Good luck with your ideas!

The desire to surprise a loved one is natural, so on the eve of serious dates, many girls begin to puzzle over what surprise to make a guy for his birthday or anniversary.

If you involve girlfriends in resolving the issue, it becomes obvious that all advice comes down exclusively to the sexual direction of the gift, which is most often expected from men. But you can surprise your loved one in several other ways.

Even if your assumptions about how to please your loved one on such a significant day were limited only to purchasing a gift, do not rush to hand it to the guy, accompanied by congratulations on duty. Give him a real mess after waking up.

And for such a home quest you will need the most ordinary threads, a few small postcards, chocolates and other nice things.

This option of presenting a gift is successful if your young man likes to sleep in the morning. Otherwise, it will not be possible to quietly organize a surprise.

With the help of a thread, you should connect all the small gifts presented by cards with gentle words, sweets, chocolates and other amenities. In this case, the distance between them should be rather big.

The thread must be laid out in the apartment in such a way that the result is a real labyrinth, at the end of which the beloved will expect the main gift. The beginning of the thread should be carefully tied to the guy’s hand so that after waking up he can immediately hit the road for a well-deserved gift.

If your chosen one is a romantic person who prefers to plunge into a quiet and cozy atmosphere after noisy celebrations, organize a romantic holiday for him.

This option is also great for people who simply do not accept noisy parties. In this case, a romantic dinner for two will be more delighted than an invitation to a nightclub.

First you need to decide on the venue for a romantic dinner. Of course, the easiest way is to organize a pleasant pastime in a familiar and cozy home environment, but for a change, you can get out into nature if the weather conditions allow, or rent a hotel room.

Particular attention should be paid, first of all, to the interior design of the selected room. In this case, you will have to use joint photographs, candles, flowers, balls and other romantic attributes. The room can be darkened a little to give more romance, and also take care of the appropriate musical accompaniment.

As for dinner, a lot also depends on the venue of the celebration. So, if a romantic dinner will take place at home, then you can do the cooking yourself, pleasantly surprising your loved one with the efforts and culinary masterpieces.

If you are staying in a hotel room, you will have to order food to your room. In this case, it is better to first familiarize yourself with the menu and agree on all the nuances so that the holiday does not turn out to be spoiled by a tasteless or meager dinner.

Do not forget that you are also an important part of a romantic birthday surprise for your loved one, so try to pay due attention to your appearance. Delight your loved one with beautiful lingerie and a luxurious dress, as well as spare no expense for professional hair styling and makeup.

You can complete a romantic dinner with the fulfillment of desires, arranging it in the form of a small additional surprise. Prepare a box and fill it with leaves, each of which will have one wish written on it.

The girl will have to fulfill the desire that the beloved will get at random. Here it is extremely important to know the young man well, because only in this case it will be possible to use all his innermost desires in the game.

In a long-term relationship, it is quite easy to guess each other's desires, so very often the gifts received are expected. Of course, no one says that this is bad, because getting a long-awaited thing is always very nice. But along with the main gift, you can give your loved one a surprise made by yourself. Of course, the young man will appreciate creativity and effort.

As such a surprise, you can choose any craft that should be associated with relationships. For example, it can be a topiary with miniature joint photographs or a photo frame with an unusual design. No less interesting will be a surprise in the form of a photo album with funny joint photos, accompanied by appropriate captions.

Use your imagination and let your loved one remember this holiday forever!

Today is my birthday!
- Seventh time in a week!
- I love this holiday!

We received a letter:

« I ask you to throw a few ideas on how you can spend a birthday of a person dear to me, (guy) as many surprises made by yourself, surprises, pleasantness, so that I can surprise and
to surprise and to make pleasant!!!».

Dear readers, today we will offer you options that will make your loved one's birthday exciting and unforgettable!


Start your loved one's morning with something unusual. Let the courier (younger brother, acquaintance or boy from a neighboring entrance) deliver him a box with the first gifts and a note.

It can be a mouth-watering cookie that you made with your own hands, his favorite buns or even borscht :). It all depends on the taste preferences of your young man. Do not spend a lot of effort on decorating the box - men prefer the spartan style :).

In a note, congratulate him on his birthday, wish him bon appetit and hint that this is not the whole list of gifts for today.

If you can somehow stay overnight at his place, then make your loved one a breakfast that he cannot refuse - hot toast or pancakes, coffee or cocoa, fresh juice or salad!

Give him a “check book of desires” in the morning. What it is? Read below.

Wish book is a small souvenir made in the form of a checkbook, in which each page is a separate birthday wish. Like a regular checkbook, it must contain the essence of the desire, the signature and date, as well as the tear line.

Your boyfriend can use 1 wish per week or month, or he can get everything at once. The main thing is that he tear off the checklist, which makes the wish come true :).

The book can be created on the basis of rectangular cardboard sheets with printed tasks. Decorate the cover with clippings from men's magazines - images of beautiful cars and gadgets.

What can be written in the book of desires?

Use all your imagination, and we, in turn, will offer several blanks:

  • One day purely in the male company without annoying SMS and calls
  • Romantic Candlelight Dinner
  • A joint trip to football (or another event you don’t really like)
  • Massage
  • To cook a favorite dish
  • Watch a movie of his choice
  • I am forgiven
  • Breakfast in bed
  • Bath with friends
  • Fishing
  • Desire card game
  • A whole day on my script
  • An evening of computer games
  • Saying "YES" all day long
  • Any desire


Throughout the day (especially if the guy is studying or working), you can make small gifts. Let him find in the closet a scarf lovingly knitted by you or a joint photo in a frame. Send him cute sms or e-mail - the main thing here is not to overdo it, otherwise the guy may be scared of such a congratulatory pressure :).

Arrange with his friends who can help you organize a flash mob within the school, a mass congratulation or record a video congratulation that you can secretly download to his phone :). After that, we send an SMS indicating the folder and viewing time and get the pleasant emotions of a loved one.

If the guy is not busy on this day, then a joint picnic in nature can become an interesting pastime. And to make the day even more fun, you can create a small quest, during which the guy must find a picnic spot on his own :).

How to make a quest? As hints, you can use MMS with photos of the area. However, these must be well-recognized places, otherwise an exciting journey can become problematic and difficult.

IMPORTANT: make sure that your MCH has the MMS function configured , otherwise, a banal problem with technology can spoil the whole surprise. It will be original if in these places the guy will find small clues that will show him where to go next.

Also, the task for the quest can be a crossword puzzle, puzzles or riddles.

In addition to a picnic, you can also organize a date on the rooftop or a trip out of town, a bike ride or a walking tour of the city. Do not forget to take pictures together so that you will remember this day for a long time!


For the evening you can prepare a surprise party with him and your friends. The main thing is that he does not suspect anything. Therefore, the organization of such an action can be shifted to the shoulders of his best friend!

Don't spend a lot of money on food or drinks, just enough fun mood, caps, congratulations poster and cake! Bake the cake yourself, decorate it with a beautiful inscription. Have some tea with your friends and have fun playing board games :).

Mini gift options that can please your man:

  • Fishing gear.
  • Album with joint photos
  • Disc with your favorite computer games
  • Music discs
  • Belly dance
  • Book
  • Attributes for the sauna
  • beautiful poem
  • radio control toy
  • Soccer ball or other attribute for his hobby.
  • Funny print T-shirt
  • Original laces for sneakers
  • Headphones or other phone accessories

I hope my plan for a fun day will help you surprise and delight your soulmate in a way that no one else has ever done!