Black desert detailed world map. Card functions. Minimap and information panel

The Black Desert world map opens with the M key and is a 3D map with various control functions. You can manage nodes, crafting, assign a route and perform other actions.

Which icons to display

  • 의뢰 - quests
  • 무역 - merchant
  • 일반 지식 - NPC
  • 방향 - direction circles
  • 낚시/채집 지식 - PC merchant
  • 위치 아이콘 - mount and robber icons
  • 거점 - icons of nodes and connecting lines
  • 마차 - carrier icons

Map display mode

일반 정보 general information
영지 자원 정보 Resources
지하수 정보 Groundwater Information
온도 정보 Temperature
습도 정보 Humidity

Basic designations

City Center for trade, here is your warehouse, houses, transport, NPC with the necessary materials, etc.
Village Trade, houses, warehouses and transport can also be located here
Trade node
Checkpoint Usually it marks the border of the district
Dangerous area The area is surrounded by hostile monsters, can sometimes be used in production or mining
Regular knot Can be used in production or mining
Production When used, your worker will mine metal, for example.
Collection When used, your worker will pick a pumpkin, for example.
Horse Shows the current location of your mount
Robbers There are robbers in this area
NPC Important NPCs
Coat of arms Coat of arms of the territory; when hovered, general information about the territory is shown)

To craft and manage houses you must click on the village or city icon. Then a 3D map of the settlement will open, where you can assign workers to craft something, or buy a house, etc.

At the top of the screen with a 3D map of a city or village there is a menu for managing filters to display the houses that you need. See below for a description of each filter.

Filter #1:

  • 전체 - Entirety ( All)
  • 구매 한 집 - Buying a house ( Purchased houses)
  • 구매하지않은집 - Do not buy a house ( Not purchased houses)

Filter #2:

  • 전체 - Entirety ( All)
  • 창고 - Warehouse ( Stock)
  • 목재 가공소 - Wood processing cattle ( Woodworking (?))
  • 세공소 - Three charges ( Making jewelry)
  • 수공예 공방 - Handicraft workshop ( Creating additional weapons)
  • 마구 제작 공방 - Harness fabrication workshop ( Making a saddle for horses)
  • 조선소 - Shipyard ( Shipyard)
  • 칼리스 소검 개량소 - Michalis sogeom improved cattle (Improving tamer weapons (?))
  • 공물 가공소 - Tribute processing cattle ( Metalworking (?))
  • 도구 공방 - Tool Workshop ( Creating Tools)
  • 주거지 -Residential ( Residence)
  • 강철 단검 개량소 - Steel Dagger improved cattle ( Upgrading Daggers (?))
  • 숙소 - Housing ( House)
  • 바레스 소검 개량소 - Bar Les sogeom improved cattle (Improving Tamer Weapons (?))
  • 정제소 - Refinery ( Waste-treatment plant)
  • 가구 공방 - Furniture workshop ( Furniture workshop)
  • 목공예 공방 - Woodworking workshop ( Woodworking shop (Luki))
  • 생선 가공소 - Fish processing cattle ( Fish box production (?))
  • 칼리스 도검 개량소 - Michalis swords improved cattle (Improving axes (?))
  • 버섯 가공소 - Mushroom processing cattle ( Production of boxes with mushrooms)
  • 바레스 도검 개량소 - Bar Les swords improved cattle ( Upgrading Swords (?))
  • 작물 가공소 - Crop processing cattle ( Production of boxes with agricultural crops)
  • 말 목장 - Horse Ranch (?)
  • 제레스 방어구 개량소 - My response is improved armor cattle ( Armor Upgrade(heavy, blue set)
  • 무기 단조 공방 - Weapon Forging Workshop ( Weapon Making)
  • 갑주 단조 공방 - Armor forging workshop ( Creating armor)
  • 마차 부품 공방 - Wagon parts workshop ( Creating Cart Parts)
  • 선박 부품 공방 - Ship Parts Workshop ( Creating parts for a ship)
  • 의상제작소 - Costume Works
  • 바레스 도끼 개량소 - Bar Les improve small ax ( Upgrading Axes (?))
  • 엑시언 방패 개량소 - Improved Shield eksi frozen bovine ( Upgrading shields (?))
  • 오로스 장식매듭 개량소 - O Improved Los small decorative knot (?)
  • Rotary Tasman Armor Improved cattle ( Armor Upgrade(heavy, black set))
  • 침낭 노리개 개량소 - Sleeping plaything small improvements (?)
  • 공성 무기 제작소 - Siege Weapons Plant ( Crafting Siege Supplies)
  • 쥬브르 타리스만 개량소 - Le GEVRIER other lease only small improvements (?)
  • 백각궁 개량소 - Improved cattle horn bow back ( Upgrading the Blader's Bow (?))
  • 바레스장검 개량소 - Bar Les Sword improved cattle ( Sword Upgrade (?))
  • 바레스 장궁 개량소 - Bar Les Longbow improved cattle ( Bow Upgrade (?))
  • 바레스 부적 개량소 - Bar Les Charm improved cattle (?)
  • 칼리스 부적 개량소 - Michalis amulet improved cattle ( Upgrading the amulet (?))
  • 마차제작소 - Carriage Works ( Creating a cart)
  • 카이트 방패 개량소 - Kite Shield Improved cattle ( Shield Upgrade (?))
  • 칼리스장검 개량소 - Michalis Sword improved cattle ( Sword Upgrade (?))
  • 칼리스 장궁 개량소 - Michalis Longbow improved cattle ( Bow Upgrade (?))
  • 칼리스 도끼 개량소 - Michalis improve small ax ( Ax Upgrade (?))

Filter #3:

  • 레벨 1 - Level 1
  • 레벨 2 - Level 2
  • 레벨 3 - Level 3
  • 레벨 4 - Level 4
  • 레벨 5 - Level 5

Home ownership is described in detail in this guide.

You can open nodes by talking to a specific NPC. The player must open nodes to extract resources and trade. But in addition to opening nodes, they need to be activated. In order for you to activate the nodes, you must open them sequentially. When nodes are opened sequentially, they are connected by gray lines. Yellow lines show activated nodes. You can read more about nodes.

Minimap and information panel

Understanding the mini-map

The mini map is an important element of the screen in Black Desert and contains several important functions. Unfortunately, the minimap cannot be moved in the interface editor. On the minimap you can see an area outlined in a circle, as well as a cone as part of this area. The cone more specifically displays various items and NPCs with tasks. By clicking on the mini-map, you can create an auto route to the specified location or NPC, if you have chosen one.

Designations on the mini-map:

  • Red dot - mob.
  • The orange dot is a quest mob.
  • The yellow circle is the quest area.
  • A question mark is an NPC that your character is not familiar with.
  • Exclamation mark - NPC who has a quest for you.
  • White square - player (another character).
  • The orange “shield” is a character who is in your guild.

Nearby NPCs:

When you click on the magnifying glass (1), a special menu will appear with a list of NPCs you have studied. By clicking on the NPC's name, the system will automatically create a route to it.

In addition, you can find the auto route to the nearest NPCs by occupation (2). So, you can quickly find a blacksmith, skill trainer or cook.

Zooms and dimming:

Buttons (1) make it possible to zoom in and out of the mini-map. Buttons (2) - darken the map (when moving the slider down) or lighten it (up).

Information panel:

1. - Ground status (affects speed).

  • Road: No changes.
  • Object: 90% of normal speed.
  • Uneven ground: 90% of normal speed.
  • Grass: 90% of normal speed.
  • Water: 80% of normal speed.
  • Swamp: 70% of normal speed.

2. - Weather status.
3. - Possibility to build a fort.
4. - Possibility to build a citadel.
5. - Server name.
6. - Channel number.
7. - In-game time.

Information panel


  1. Ground condition status (affects speed)
    • 다듬어진 길 (Exquisite*): No change
    • 공중 (Public*): No change
    • 눈 길 (Snow*): 80% of base speed
    • 사막 (Desert*): 80% of base speed
    • 늪지 (Swamp*): 70% of base speed
    • 거친 길 (Rough roads*): 90% of base speed
    • 얕은 물 (Shallow Water*): 80% of base speed
    • 물속 (Water*): 30% of base speed
      * Approximate translation
  2. Weather
  3. Possibility to occupy the area
  4. Possibility to build a citadel
  5. Name of the area where the character is located
  6. Channel
  7. Game time

Map markers are the easiest way to indicate where an item of interest, or any object in the game world, is located. People's marks allow users themselves to create their most complete map of marks and objects of the game world. For the first time, each tag can have a full description and even a mini-gallery. Users can add their own descriptions to already created tags. All tags are sorted by rating. Also for the first time among similar services, tags have implemented text search. Searching for a place or object is now easier than ever - just enter the name.

1. There are tags folk visible to everyone who accesses the shared map.
2. There are tags private- visible only to you and users who came to the map using your personal link.

How to create a tag and description?

1. Right-click in the desired location opens a window with the tag settings.

2. To create a small label, just enter a name and click save.

3. To create a large tag, provide a description of the tag and upload pictures.

4. You can assign your own icons to your labels and set their color. To do this, select "Custom Label" from the drop-down menu.

How do I remove a tag and description?

1. You can only delete your own tags.
2. Select a mark by clicking on it with the left mouse button.
3. Click on the label edit icon.
4. Click the "Delete" button
5. The cross in the corner of the window closes the window with the label, but does not delete it.

How to add your tag to someone else's tag?

1. Select a mark by clicking on it with the left mouse button.
2. Click on the label edit icon.
3. Enter a description of your tag
4. Save it.

How to exchange tags?

1. Create your tag

3. Copy the tag link and send it to a friend or paste it into your blog.

How to add a tag to a blog?

1. Create your tag
2. Click on the "Share" button at the bottom left
3. Copy the code from the "Embed code" field and paste it into your blog, club page, etc.
4. Now you will see a map with the labels indicated on it.

Marker coordinates

For some maps, coordinates are indicated on the ongabe. The coordinates of the markers on the ongaba map correspond to the coordinates of the map in the game if the map in the game is global.

Privacy and moderation of tags

1. Any user can create private (own tags) for personal use and share them. They do not appear on the people's map.
This was created in order not to clutter the map with markers that are not interesting to other players.
2. An ongaba user above the 3rd level can create a folk mark.
3. Descriptions of the tag with the highest rating are displayed first in the tag window.

I think each of you has heard about very rare items in Black Desert Online.

This is a powerful compass, a noble scientist's map and a ragpicker's ring.

These items did not appear in the game immediately, but not a single patch described their appearance in detail, which is why players had to find out information from various sources.

There is a version that is not particularly confirmed, but I think it should be voiced. In order to get various parts of rare things, you need to go through all the main quest chains (especially Valencia) and task chains that are located directly in the locations where these trophies drop out.

Powerful compass

The story of the powerful compass is told by two NPCs, one shopkeeper from Anacreon Oirun Faliba (for 300 friendship points), the second shopkeeper in the Ruins of Hystria Bert (for 500 friendship points).

This is a constant compass that shows your exact location when you are traveling through the desert or ocean. Additionally, it allows you to teleport your party members to your current location.

In order to make TP groups, all players must be on the same channel and in the same group with you. But teleportation cannot be used if you are in a raid, before a siege, during a siege, in the Blood Arena or in a Prison. In addition, you cannot move if you are on a vehicle (except a horse, camel, donkey) and if goods are loaded into the vehicle.

How to get a Powerful Compass.

In order to assemble a Powerful Compass you need to knock out three golden parts: A part of a good compass. Please note that, of course, they look the same, but you will have to put together different parts, knocked out from different monsters. And the version that supposedly you can knock out all the parts in one place and assemble them is not true.

Part 1 – Part of a good compass, drops in the Temple of Anacreon Ancient Guardian of Anacreon).

2.3 parts - drop in the Ruins of Hystria (mobs Elten, Boduca).

After receiving a piece of a powerful compass, contact the Ain Grade manager of the Ancient Rift for an exchange. In the picture below in the second line, you can see what the parts of the powerful compass now look like when exchanged:

The resulting three parts must be combined with precious stones (special sapphire, special topaz and special ruby) in the following order:

Noble Scholar Card

The legend of the Card of the Noble Scientist is narrated by two NPCs: the first is the manager of the Sulfur Mine Yustuban node (for 300 and 800 friendship points), the second is the manager of the Pillap Botadin Prison node (for 700 friendship points).

According to legend, the map was created by a powerful alchemist, but fearing the power of this artifact, the alchemist divided the map into four parts and hid it in different parts of Valencia.

Using the Noble Scholar's Card, you can instantly travel to any city on the list. In this case, you will have 30 minutes to return back to your original location. The card cannot be used during a siege, in the Blood Arena, or in the Prison. The card can be used once every 6 hours.

How to get a Noble Scholar Card

In order to collect the Noble Scientist Card, you need to knock out 4 Fragments of an unknown card.

A fragment of an unknown map #1 drops at the Sulfur Mine from the Lava Tuki.

Unknown Map Fragment #2 drops in Pillapa Prison from Iron-Handed Jailer.

A piece of unknown map #3 drops from the Lava Predator at the Sulfur Mine.

Unknown Map Fragment #4 drops in Pillapa Prison from Dangerous Prisoner.

Once you have the noble scholar's map fragments, go to Caphras' journal in the Caphras Cave library (near Florin Village). In the picture below in the first line, you can see how the fragments of the noble scientist card now look when exchanged:

Once you have received all four pieces you need to combine them with the gems (special sapphire, special topaz, special emerald and special ruby) in the following order:

Ragman's Ring

In general, it’s an interesting thing - the Ragman’s Ring, and the base is lying, as always. Since this thing is not in the ru version, as well as in the euro. I contacted those more than once. support, to which I was told that this item has not yet been introduced into the RU version, as soon as it appears we will inform you in the news. They say this ring is only available in the Korean version. But after walking through the vast expanses of Korean forums, I came to the conclusion that they don’t really know where all the parts come from.

In addition, it is not very clear how the Ragman's Ring works, some say that it gives the possibility of a 10% winning bid at an auction, others say that it is 10% when buying trading positions from Merchants.

I’ll tell you what I learned, and you can share your thoughts in the comments.

So, the Ragman's Ring consists of 5 parts of the Colossus Ring Fragments.

And now there are several versions of how to get these Fragments.

The first version is that you can get rid of caravans in the desert, but if you kill the caravaners, your karma will go into the minus, you will have to wash for a long time.

The second version is one of the fragments given as part of the quest in the Ruins of Histria (which naturally is not in the RU version).

Third version - fragments can be obtained (randomly) while trading with certain merchants in Valencia. I even found a picture.

The fourth version is theft from NPC Valencia.

Fifth version - Imperial delivery.

But, in fact, in all the time I’ve been playing, I’ve never heard anyone say such a fragment.

By the way, having gone through the entire map from A to Z, I have never once come across any mention of this miracle artifact in the knowledge.

Once you receive all five fragments, they must be combined with precious stones and corals to obtain the Ragman's Ring.

Black Desert: Powerful Compass, Noble Scholar's Map, and Ragman's Ring updated: December 2, 2019 by: orbit-games

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Nodes are individual locations marked with dots on the map. You can connect nodes to each other using influence points and receive various bonuses (increased chance of getting a rare item from monsters or increased profits from trading). In addition, nodes are needed to move workers who collect resources for you.

1. Types of nodes

There are currently two types of nodes in the game: adventure nodes and production nodes.

Adventure Nodes

Each adventure node is marked with special icons (from left to right): Major City, Small Town, Village, Gate, Market, Intermediate Node, Danger Zone. Each node has a manager who is responsible for it.

Production units

Production nodes are used to extract resources and are marked with the following icons (from left to right): Farm, Forest, Mine and Management Node.

Each production node is connected to an adventure node, and you will have to spend additional points to activate it. Farms, Forests and Mines connect to Markets, Intermediate Nodes and Danger Zones. Control nodes are located next to the Villages.

How to attach a node?

To connect nodes, go to the manager of the new node. To do this, you need to right-click on the icon, and the character will find the path himself. Upon arrival, talk to the manager and select "Logistics".

If you explore an adventure node, a map will open where you can view the production nodes associated with it. If there are nodes nearby that you have not yet visited, they will also appear on the map.

In the upper right corner of the window, information about the node is displayed (the name of the manager, membership in a particular territory, the name of the guild controlling the node and the number of influence points that will have to be spent in order to include the node in the trade and transport network).

To connect nodes, click the "Contribute influence points" button.