How to get a terracotta color with a pink tint. What color goes with terracotta. The combination of gray and terracotta in clothes

And oriental spices - all this is terracotta. Restrained and noble, it creates a warm, cozy atmosphere in the living space. Today's material from the editors of HouseChief will tell you about how diverse the terracotta color can be in the interior, and the photos will clearly demonstrate this.

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What is it - terracotta color: photos of interiors

The terracotta color palette consists of natural brown shades of red. Unfired clay, carrot orange, deep yellow, almost brown, reddish brick - all these are shades of terracotta, muted and warm, reminiscent of autumn foliage and oriental spices, creating a cozy, patriarchal atmosphere in the house. The depth and richness of this color has made it quite popular as it allows you to create amazing combinations.

Perception and influence of color

Since this is a natural shade, it is psychologically close to a person. The energy of red in it organically coexists with the confidence of brown, earthy tones and the vitality of orange hues. Reminiscent of closeness to nature, the shades of brick and unbaked clay give a sense of calm and security. Such interiors are hospitable and friendly.

Deep burning tones of terracotta are distinguished by their original beauty. Against their background, objects and decor in ethnic style (African, Japanese, oriental motifs) look especially advantageous. When decorating, it is recommended to use natural materials with a matte surface - textiles, and should not have a glossy sheen.

Important! One of the main features of this color is that, against its background, interior elements, decor, furniture, textures look quite advantageous, but it does not attract attention.

The combination of terracotta color with other shades in the interior

Milky, coffee shades are used in combination with terracotta to create delicate interiors. To create oriental motifs, black is used in combination with terracotta. So that a dark saturated clay or brick tone does not absorb space, it is diluted with white, window frames and moldings on the walls, decorative elements and. It is beneficial to show the terracotta color will help its correct combination with other shades. Here are some good solutions:

  1. Emerald, turquoise and chocolate shades, as well as white and blue, are combined with terracotta, which has a reddish tint.
  2. , brown and woody textures, milky and white shades will create the perfect composition with a classic terracotta tone.
  3. Dark clay tones are combined with light beige, complemented by red and black minor accents. When combined with orange, white, light beige and grassy greens are added.
  4. Yellow, tending to brown, is diluted with olive or mustard shades.
  5. The pumpkin-red shade of terracotta is diluted with a cold greenish color scheme and slight black accents.
  6. Bright terracotta color will create an original combination with a white background and surrounded by a large number of white accessories.
  7. When combined with blue, white and gray shades are added.
  8. Golden, beige and orange shades are especially well combined with brown and light terracotta.

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Design studio "Uyutny Dom"

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“It is not recommended to use a rich, bright terracotta color in the interior in large quantities. The use of calm and muted shades can be used in a 1: 1 ratio with white, beige and milky tones.

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In our review, it is supplemented with practical examples and advice from specialized specialists. The complex application of this information will help to obtain the desired result with minimal time and financial costs.

How to get light and dark terracotta color in interior design

When choosing terracotta, you need to understand that this is not such a simple color, and the overall impression of the interior will depend on the right tone and companion colors. Regardless of which finishing material will be used - decorative, artificial or natural, it must be remembered that the shade that is presented in the store may look completely different on the wall of a single room. This is affected by:

  1. Illumination of the room.
  2. Its location relative to the cardinal points.
  3. The frequency and intensity of sunlight entering the room.
  4. Shade of furniture.

Important! In a bright room, the perception of rich deep shades is easier.

  1. If there is more red, then the shade will turn out bright and defiant.
  2. The predominance of brown color will reduce the vigor of terracotta, but so that such walls do not look gloomy, light furniture, decor and textiles are used in the interior.
  3. Bright and saturated, charged with benevolent energy, the color is obtained with the addition of an orange tone.
  4. Yellow in the composition of terracotta allows you to create a light and light wall decoration.

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In our review you will find photos with descriptions and videos of classic, modern ethnic and mixed styles. As well as recommendations from experts on the correct use of styles in the interior.

What is the combination of terracotta color in the interior - the design of different rooms

What brick color is it, and how to use it in the interior of various rooms, we will consider further. Among the variety of terracotta shades, you can choose the one that is suitable for a room of any purpose.

hallway decoration

The terracotta color in the hallway creates a benevolent, hospitable atmosphere at home from the very beginning, psychologically relaxes and soothes. It looks understated and fashionable. For decoration, you can choose furniture in brown or black, which will emphasize the shade of the walls. But it is important to take into account the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and its illumination. If it does not have natural light, then it is necessary to strive to make it visually lighter and larger. To do this, choose a cream shade of the walls and white furniture. Terracotta color can be used to decorate the built-in - against the background of neutral wall decoration, bright terracotta accents will set the overall tone of the room.

What does the terracotta color look like in the living room

For those who want to create an atmosphere of calm and cheerfulness in their home, you should pay attention to the terracotta shade of the walls in the living room. It is important to achieve the correct distribution of brick red and other shades in, given the organic combination of them with furniture, textiles, decor and other finishing materials.

There is a rule: the walls are decorated in light colors, and the floor and decor are chosen in a more saturated shade and vice versa. This suggests that the color scheme of the interior can be set not only by the design of the main surfaces - walls, floors and, but also due to furniture. For example, terracotta upholstered furniture (a sofa and a couple of armchairs) will make the interior warmer.

You should also consider the orientation of the room to the cardinal points. If it is sunny, then the terracotta color can be diluted with fragments of cold colors, blue, greenish tones in textiles, pillows, and decor will cope with this task. There is one more nuance - there are such shades of terracotta that it is better not to use on the wall, for example, brick scarlet. But upholstered furniture in this color will be a good solution for the living room. Against the background of a brick accent wall, dark wooden furniture and white, painted facades look equally advantageous. Clay vases and wall plates, natural carpets, skins and textiles (linen, cotton) can be used as decor when decorating an interior in an ethnic style.

Are you looking for new interesting shades that suit you? Are you partial to the color palette?

Have you been looking for a blouse of a mysterious color "between and" for a long time? Brick-colored clothes- here is a new goal to satisfy your taste. Try it and fall in love with this color!

The second and more pleasant name for brick color is. It is the natural color of the earth and nature. So that you don’t ask stupid questions about who these “terra” and “cat” are, remember right away that the name comes from the Greek “terra” - earth, clay. and "cotta" - burnt.

It's more of an autumn and winter color than anything else. Its task, as psychologists assure us, is to create a feeling of security, peace, comfort and warmth.

Just imagine - you, in a red brick house, by the fireplace, gently sip mulled wine so as not to burn your tongue. Did it get warm right away?

The brick color in clothes is not suitable for everyone, but it is combined with many other worthy colors. It will perfectly highlight the dark curls of a woman of the “winter” color type and the appearance of “autumn”.
Brick is combined especially with shades of white and, with, shades and red. Do you want more? Remember images.

Brick color in clothes + shades of beige

Are you going to a modern ball? Lose your shoe. Definitely brick. They look great with a beige print blouse and a black miniskirt.

Are you going to visit and want to seem nice and kind? Try a Little Red Riding Hood dress and wedges with color stripes.

Jeans, a short brick-colored trench coat and a jacket are suitable for visiting the office on Friday.

brick color and blue

Yes, combined with brick. Approximately, like the Mediterranean Sea and a red brick house on its shore.

A laconic dark blue dress, brick shoes and a handbag to match them. The owner of this red house will not be able to get you out of his head for a long time.

Looking for a walk in a cold autumn park? A loose brick-colored sweater, flared jeans and rough low shoes are your choice.

Brick color in clothes + shades of red and black

Are you a strong, confident woman? Combine all fatal colors in one image.

Exquisite brick-colored dress, semi-open burgundy ankle boots and a snakeskin handbag - you will be the most extravagant at a party of any level.

For gatherings in a cafe with girlfriends, choose black skinny, a brick-colored top and boots to match him.
If you like to walk around the city at night exclusively by yourself - high black boots without heels, dark blue jeans and

One of the decisive factors when choosing clothes is its color scheme. We all have our favorite and least favorite colors. The ability to look good often depends on knowing which colors suit us and which do not. Color combinations are also the basis of style. For example, pastel colors are typical for a romantic trend, bright colors for a SPORTS style, a combination of white, blue and red is an indispensable sign of a SEA, and black is a VAMP STYLE.

What are the features of terracotta color?

Terracotta color - the color of fired clay, reddish brown. It's a pretty rich, warm tone.

Who should wear this color and who should avoid it?

Terracotta is good on brunettes and brown-haired women with dark skin. But people with skin of a coldish tone should treat it with caution. Terracotta outfits look great on redheads, especially if you add light details (scarf, gloves, shoes or a BAG) to such a dress or coat.

What to combine it with?

One of the best companions for terracotta is white. The duet of a white top (blouses, shirts) and a terracotta bottom (trousers, elongated shorts, a skirt) is a win-win when you need to look strict and at the same time original. This set is good in the office, and in the classroom and during a friendly lunch.

A very interesting combination is obtained from things of terracotta color and burgundy. Both of these colors are very interesting and saturated, so in combination they should differ in saturation. One of the partner colors must still play second fiddle. With the right selection, such an outfit will look stylish and spectacular.

Terracotta is often confused with coffee, because both colors belong to the palette of brown tones. Nevertheless, their combination is quite possible, especially since coffee, in turn, can have its own shades: from dark chocolate to coffee with milk. The rich color of terracotta can be combined with even more delicate colors - vanilla, baked milk or butter, creating a warm and very "appetizing" range.

Other warm colors can also be used to finish a terracotta dress or suit: mustard, beige, coral. Each of these combinations reveals new notes in the confident sound of terracotta: lightness, radiance, freshness. Terracotta jersey can be combined with classic dark blue: PULLOVER and jeans. You can try other combinations besides those mentioned. Look for your match for "baked clay".

Terracotta color is a relatively new trend in fashion, which every year more and more often rises on the catwalks and appears in the clothes of famous designers. The photographs show various shades of it. Such extraordinary popularity is not accidental, but is justified by deep symbolism, practicality and deviation from the standards.

The color of terracotta is associated with the shade of heavily fired ceramic material. The very Italian name of the described color is associated with this: terra - burnt, cotta - clay. It is a tertiary color and is created by combining red and brown tones. It does not pretend to be the leader in the palette, which ensures the originality and uniqueness of the terracotta color.

The semantic depth of terracotta is impressive:

  • direct connection with the land, prosperity and stability;
  • a guarantee of confidence and inner harmony;
  • feeling of security and absolute protection.
The terracotta color (photo above) will add mood, especially in dull autumn weather, and make you stand out.

Terracotta color (the photo shows that the tone relieves feelings of discomfort and despondency) is especially unique in the autumn-winter period, because it will not only warm, but also dilute the routine dullness. Shades of terracotta evoke a state of peace and tranquility.

Despite its symbolism, outwardly the brick color is ambiguous. It doesn't have the flashy tantrum that orange does, and it doesn't strike with danger like a rich red. It may seem that some earthiness requires a combination with neon and bright accents, but the combination in this case is very unexpected and wide.

Who suits

Terracotta color (the photo shows all the shades clearly) is very peculiar and therefore not suitable for everyone who wants to dress themselves in clothes of this color.

To understand this issue in more detail and easier, you can study the map of appearance color types and choose the appropriate options:

  1. "Spring Girl" with pale skin, a high concentration of moles and freckles. Eyes amaze with light and penetrating colors (blue, green or gray), and hair perfectly gives off a brilliant tint with the sun's rays (blonde, light brown, red or chestnut). This color type interacts wonderfully with the brick shade, due to which it emphasizes the natural beauty.
  2. "Summer type". There is a similarity with the previous species, there are only 2 differences: white skin with a blue tint and dark hair color. Clothing in terracotta tone will not demonstrate the best qualities of such girls, but accessories can.
  3. "Autumn type". Golden skin with an even tan, reddish hair and a green palette around the eyes. They look elegant in terracotta-colored clothes. All sorts of experiments with details are recommended.
  4. "Winter Girl" with porcelain skin, dark shades of hair and eyes. A good option for contrasts and original ideas.

Each inspected color type is suitable for certain varieties of terracotta color, since in certain directions they reveal their own advantages. There are 6 basic tones of household brick color.

Basic shades

Terracotta color is a specific type of colored clay that has a porous structure and a contrasting sheen. It is used as building materials, art and decorative items.

Depending on the scope of application, several shades of terracotta are distinguished:

  1. orange terracotta - the color inherent in ceramic jugs, which is very close to red. In most cases, it is associated with the autumn season.
  2. Red terracotta is a gentle tone with a pronounced red accent. It is characterized by a soft feeling, refinement of naturalness and fiery temperament.
  3. Pale terracotta, a distinctive feature of which is complexity. Despite all the intricacy, the tone is light, natural and versatile.
  4. Average terracotta - the golden mean between red and brown. Main features: restraint and moderation.
  5. Dark brick- unlike the previous color schemes, it is endowed with the greatest saturation. It has a significant place in experimental and extraordinary combinations.
  6. bright brick- is present in orange tones and most often finds itself in exotic motifs.

All 6 basic shades are different from each other and combine interesting pairs of colors with other spectrums of the palette. You should understand the popular and successful combinations.

Tables of combinations of terracotta color in clothes with other colors

Terracotta color, the photo of which shows that the tone prefers the breadth and variety of tones, so the possibilities of harmonious combinations are very diverse. Complex approaches are often noticeable, in which there are 2 independent and contrasting representatives. Monochrome components with a "bright" terracotta spot are also popular.

Hue Pairs of colors Features of combinations
bright terracottaPearlescent, lavender, mango, apricot, mustard, mint, sky, azure, chocolate and beige.Highlights the contours of a contrasting appearance and emphasizes its individuality.
Brown terracottaFuchsia, lilac, light red, coral, honey, barley, pistachio, amethyst and milk.The ideal season for combinations is winter. It has a warming and slightly repulsive effect.
pale terracottaPeach, cotton, ruby, sea buckthorn, orange, lemon, gold, citrus, straw, blackberry, anthracite.A pure summer gamma that requires a special moment for application.
Red terracottaBerry, orange-coral, pumpkin, fawn, green-yellow, blueberry, lilac, grape, chestnut, flesh and asphalt.Looks great with non-contrasting external parameters. The soft character is suitable for both everyday and solemn events.
Orange terracottaBlue, emerald, royal blue, shrimp, salmon, pumpkin, khaki, plum, coffee, ivory and anthracite.All over wear and easy transformations. It is possible to use these solutions for secular evenings and everyday walks.

The brick shade looks good with bright and basic colors, among which it is worth noting:

  • pink. A harmonious ensemble is formed with a well-chosen "temperature difference" - royal pink, rose ash, lavender will cool the ardor of ceramics, and flamingo and fuchsia will only warm up the hot;
  • red. In this case, there is a play of contrasts and full support, where light and dark red, ruby, port and wine play important roles;
  • orange. Autumn painting with coral-peach, golden-copper, red-orange and fiery brush strokes;
  • yellow. Juicy palette with light-shadow games. Champagne, sandy, mustard, amber and olive yellow set off the terracotta;
  • warm and cold green. There is a balance of colors in combinations with mugwort, malachite, gray-green, coniferous, olive green and protective color.

To create a stylish look, you need to choose the necessary wardrobe items in a mysterious and mysterious color. Most often, girls choose outerwear in dark colors, for example, a terracotta coat.

Terracotta coat

This thing looks elegant, elegant and memorable at first sight. Therefore, the presence of a coat in the image removes all the need for a game with accents, and also determines the sense of style.

To create a unique autumn or spring look, it is worth diversifying the invented concept with suitable clothes. For example, a long coat with light jeggings and an oversized sweater in pastel yellow. You can also play with an oversized coat model, navy blue boyfriends, plain monochrome golf and sneakers.

If the coat has an average length, then you can think of a skirt or midi dress with a flared bottom, cocoa-colored tights and classic pumps.

In the severe winter cold, the terracotta outfit does not have to be taken out of the closet. But if there is an opportunity to wear it, then you need to dilute the heat of the clay tone with pastel blue or pinkish. Also, you do not need to give up basic things in standard colors. It is worth focusing on a diverse terracotta color. Photos from the catalogs will help you choose the right combination for yourself.

You can add an image:

  • scarf with a calm print;
  • dome bag or shopper in black or brown;
  • minimalist jewelry that follows the lines of the body.

To emphasize the naturalness of the outfit, you need to opt for nude makeup and a slightly careless hairstyle.

Terracotta dress

The dress in the described color conquers with its luxury, so the styles must be chosen simpler and with linear features. Models in boho style and with an unusual cut look interesting. The richness of the warm ensemble is complemented by the shine of silk, the tenderness of satin, the softness of suede and the boldness of leather.

Dresses with Greek or Roman motifs with a high waist and a loose bottom impress with the possibility of layered variations, while oriental themes - with prints.

The terracotta color looks different, depending on the length of the dress (you can see it clearly in the photos):

  • maxi- the presence of draperies and translucent airy textiles makes the outfit romantic and truly spring, suitable for any type of figure and occasion;
  • midi- universal option. It is possible to emphasize femininity and sophistication, thanks to the flared bottom and draped fabric; emphasize modernity and practicality with the help of knitted models with a free cut;
  • mini- sports, vintage and business models look good. So, brightly pronounced details in the form of voluminous pendants, hoops, straw hats or many bracelets will help to complement the lightness of the image.

The main rule for make-up: the brighter and more aggressive the terracotta, the softer the makeup should be. In order not to lose sight, you should emphasize the eyes with the help of oriental-style arrows or smokey ice and slightly muffle the pronounced lip line with light shades of lipstick.

To adhere to beauty in every detail, then and manicure should be chosen in pastel colors(milk, ivory, French, olive, etc.).

Terracotta skirt

The variety of skirts in stores can make it difficult to choose, but even the standard brick-colored skirts look great, making it easy to choose.

There are the following styles of skirts:

  • pencil with medium length;
  • A-silhouette (trapezoidal shape);
  • year;
  • flared sun;
  • pleated or draped;
  • pack.

The list can be diversified with retro satin blouses, jumpers, turtlenecks and lingerie-style tops. It is easy to create a fashionable and unique look from the familiar elements of the wardrobe.


  1. Chunky knit sweater in white, miniskirt and pale gold oxford shoes. Refined hi-tech rings and a clutch will complement the image well.
  2. Crimson blouse with a large bow, fish skirt, black glossy pumps and a wide-brimmed hat. The hand will be decorated with solid large bracelets and watches, and the necessary things can be placed in a hard bag.
  3. Fitted black and white striped crop top, flared sun skirt and stiletto heels. In this case, no accessories are needed, because the sophistication of the collarbones will show a well-chosen neckline and collected hair in a ponytail.

It is appropriate to highlight the lips with cherry or wine lipstick. The choice of a palette of tones for nail art is very wide, but you should focus on darker variations (close to the shade of lipstick).

Terracotta jumper

Jumpers are a must-have for autumn unconventional combinations.

There are several basic types of sweaters that are very popular year after year:

  • classic - goes on the figure and with a round regular neckline;
  • polo - there is a collar;
  • jumper dress - an elongated style in a free cut.

They can be combined with anything, the main rule is to place the accents correctly and show the advantages in a new light:

  1. Classic jumper, almond chinos and black oxfords. A dark brown tote bag and a line embellishment will complete your casual look.
  2. Polo, midi skirt with large color block and ankle boots. A beige shopper and a light scarf around the neck will make the outfit romantic and mysterious.
  3. Long cardigan, white linen style tank top, denim mini skirt and brogues. In the kit, you can add a basket bag and a bouquet of wild flowers to everything.
  4. Long jumper, brown skinny and leather vest or jacket. A hobo bag, a thin silver pendant and slightly disheveled curls look wonderful in the composition.
  5. Jumper dress and biker boots. Silver stud earrings and a baggy bag will dilute such a daring look.

Since the image already gives off warmth, thanks to the terracotta, you can play a little on makeup in cool or neutral colors. Cat-eye winglets, slightly red lips and glossy contours ensure a radiant look.

Terracotta vest

A terracotta vest is a versatile piece that looks stylish and feels completely comfortable.

In the women's wardrobe, there are many vests, among which are common and in demand:

  • classic;
  • bolero;
  • base - jacket or cardigan;
  • knitted;
  • knitted (knitting needle or crochet).

All models will be excellent companions in certain situations.

And in order not to get lost in creating a unique image, you can be guided by the recommendations of stylists:

  • Textile vest with 3⁄4 sleeves, plain white T-shirt and gray jeans with a straight fit and mid-rise. The final touches are black raybans, large hoop earrings and a pigtail.

  • Knitted sleeveless vest, deep blue polka dot blouse, mustard-colored trousers and wide-brimmed hat. Such a bright image will be harmoniously complemented by large blue beads and French manicure.
  • Maxi jacket, flared sleeve asymmetric milk blouse, denim shorts and loafers. You should take a bucket bag to match the shorts and a dark velvet choker with you.
  • Long check wrap cardigan, fitted ribbed maxi dress and ankle boots. Daytime makeup and light wavy hair will help to decorate the look.

Terracotta color (the photo shows the harmony in the combination of the vest) looks great in any incredible variations and is suitable for both a strict business style and a romantic date.

Terracotta trousers

In order not to dwell on all the popular styles of trousers, you can immediately consider the winning looks and their finishing touches:

  • Wide leather pants, burgundy warm golf and a scarlet jacket. Big sunglasses, a few fashion magazines and a small handbag will help to complete the concept.
  • Chinos, loose blouse in mint color with puffed sleeves, brick pumps. A wide glossy belt and pastel-framed tishades emphasize the originality of the outfit.

  • Culottes, black top, chunky biker jacket and high heels. Dark lipstick and big accessories will make such a daring bow even hotter.
  • High-waisted, straight-leg trousers, walnut-coloured tank top and platform sandals. A comfortable look is suitable for both the office and a simple walk.
  • Low-waisted flared trousers, pistachio-colored shirt, aspen-toned suede jacket, and red belt. An extraordinary look will be liberated by a bright burgundy ring and small earrings or clip-on earrings.

In this case, experiments with dark green, light blue and coffee nail polish are allowed. Terracotta pants do not require a specific make-up and manicure, so only your own imagination and your own vision of style decide here.

Terracotta bag

Bags are a must-have item in any girl's outfit, so it is very important to approach this issue with all seriousness. A bag in terracotta color is very popular, because it is able to create a proper accent in the overall picture.

You should consider the most successful models with a brick tone:

  • backpack- durable leather version with two shoulder straps. Looks good in extravagant and casual style;
  • sling bag- is only gaining popularity, it is distinguished by its special convenience and practicality. Good for a casual look;
  • messenger bag- an excellent option for conservatives in fashion and admirers of comfort;
  • basket– the idea was borrowed from a handicraft and breathed into a roomy bag;
  • tote- will become an indispensable companion for going to the market or for groceries. Won the love of all fans of the social network instagram;
  • pouch or pouch- a must-hack for true connoisseurs of boho and vintage. Satin or silk is usually used for manufacturing, so it is perfect for an evening out;
  • hobo bag- also a generally accepted standard in the bohemian style environment.

To get joy from life, it is important not to stop and come up with fiery outfits. Terracotta color (photo images inspire from the very first seconds) looks elegant in any part of the created image and gives it the necessary tone. And for this you need to find your own style and add a little brick shade.

Article formatting: Natalie Podolskaya

Video about terracotta color in clothes

Video about terracotta color (photo) - what is combined with clothes:

Women's wardrobe is a separate world with its own characteristics and secrets. This is a unique interweaving of styles, styles and colors. Quite often, clothes are designed in a certain color palette. However, sometimes there are quite extraordinary colorful solutions. Terracotta color in clothes cannot be called popular: it is not suitable for everyone, and it is not easy to combine it. But it has a unique natural charm and its own attractive mystery.

Terracotta Mystery

Not always the definition of "terracotta" causes clear color associations. This complex shade is a cross between brown and red. Most often it is defined as the color of "baked clay (earth)". In addition, even this complex variation of colors has its own shades, which largely depend on additional inclusions. Orange or yellow, more red or brown. Mixing colors in various proportions creates unusual saturation and undertones in an already complex color.

Despite such difficulties in definition, the terracotta color cannot be called flashy. Calm natural tone is conducive to communication, soothes and relieves stress.

And yet, the wrong combination of terracotta colors in the image can cause a completely different effect. Saturation with colors causes despondency. They introduce imbalance and errors in the combination of colors. Therefore, before buying or putting on a terracotta thing, it is worth remembering some rules for the compatibility of this color with your own color type and other colors.

Who will suit terracotta color

Natural terracotta cannot be called universal. Not every girl can afford clothes of this color.

For red-haired beauties, brown-haired women, brown-eyed swarthy ladies, this shade will become a true decoration. Any terracotta-colored item, accessory or a full-fledged wardrobe item (dress, raincoat, boots, etc.), a luxurious look for any occasion.

Burning blondes, fashionistas with pale, porcelain-blue skin, if worn, then only terracotta with an orange tint. Other tones of this noble color will draw all attention to themselves.

General recommendation: it is worth abandoning terracotta for those who have light hair and skin color. For beauties with a warm yellowish skin tone, this tone is suitable as an accessory color, as well as an additional one for the bottom (skirts, trousers).

The most profitable combinations

Do not guess what colors are combined with terracotta. Ready-made combinations have been used by famous couturiers for more than a season. It remains to take and find a use for them in clothes from your own wardrobe.

  • White and terracotta

Such a duet is called the most versatile. It will help to create a unique image for each season and for any occasion (celebration, walk, work). White makes the terracotta color brighter, adds lightness to the image. An outfit in which one of the colors dominates looks spectacular. A white dress paired with a handbag and shoes in the color of burnt clay, a white blouse or shirt combined with trousers or a skirt of this natural color look equally luxurious.

  • Blue (cyan) and terracotta

Very stylish contrasting combination. Deep blue will effectively emphasize the terracotta redhead. Such a duet is suitable for an evening walk with a light dinner in your favorite cafe, and for a secular reception.

Water and white-turquoise shades of blue will gracefully reveal the depth and warmth of natural red.

  • Black and terracotta

Paired with black, terracotta looks restrained and a little strict. Such a duet will adequately decorate a business meeting. It is not alien to casual style. A black turtleneck with a terracotta skirt or a black dress with a terracotta cardigan - the perfect image of a successful business lady is ready.

  • Green and terracotta

Another luxurious combination that is impossible not to notice. In this duet, it is recommended to use muted green tones (olive, swamp). However, bright shades of grass look no less noble and expensive.

  • Gray and terracotta

The gray-terracotta duet will create a soft, sophisticated image of an office worker, and is also suitable for everyday walks. Saturated dark gray is best combined with bright variations of terracotta, and light shades with muted ones.