Material (senior group) on the topic: Scenario of the holiday “February 23. Sports festival dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day “Fun Starts” Scenario for February 23 in kindergarten

Characters: presenter, two pirates. A pirate flag hangs in the corner of the hall.

Children march in front, enter the hall to the military-patriotic march, make a lap of honor and line up. The presenter welcomes them.

Leading: Guys, soon the people of our country will celebrate a very important holiday.

  • Do any of you know which one?(February 23, Defender of the Fatherland Day).
  • Why is the holiday called “Defender of the Fatherland Day”? Who are the “defenders”?(Defenders are those who protect other people.)
  • Soldiers and military personnel protect our country from possible enemies. Therefore, Defender of the Fatherland Day is a holiday for all military personnel.
  • What military men do you know?(These are sailors, pilots, border guards, tank crews, missilemen, soldiers).
  • Guys, how many of you know what the Fatherland is?(The word “Fatherland” comes from the word “father”. The Fatherland is called the Motherland).
  • H Is this what our military is protecting?(Our Motherland).
  • What is it called?(Russia).
  • Russia - the country where you and I were born and live. And our military protects her.Look guys, what is this?(Flag).
  • Flag of which country?(Russia)That's right, this is the Russian flag.

Very soon our boys will grow up and take the place of those who are now defending the Motherland. They will be real soldiers, warriors. So let's start our holiday......

1 child:

Winter is saying goodbye, it's time!
She leaves the yard
In the last days of winter
And we will arrange a holiday for you.

2nd child:

Are you comfortable in our hall?
We will sing and dance for you,
We congratulate all men!
Are the dads assembled? Begin!

3rd child:

My dad does not tolerate idleness and boredom.
Dad has skillful, strong hands.
And he will not refuse help to anyone,
And he will say a kind word in time.

4th child:

I really want to become an adult
To drive a car
In friendship, pat on the shoulder
A familiar man.
To be strong and to be brave,
And accomplish a glorious feat.

5 child

On the high mountains,
On the steppe expanse
Soldiers protect our Motherland.
He flies into the sky
He goes to sea
Not afraid of the defender
Rain and snowfall.

6th child:

Birch trees rustle,
The birds are singing,
Children are growing up
In my native country.
Soon I'll be on patrol
I'll stand on the border
So that only peaceful ones
People had dreams.

The song “Brave Soldiers...” is playing.

Brave soldiers march with songs

Eh! Left! Left! They go with songs
And the boys run after them happily.

I want boys to serve in the army
Eh! Left! Left! Serve in the army
I want the boys to accomplish a feat.

Brave boys don't have to worry
Eh! Left! Left! There's no need to bother
Soon you will go to serve in the army.

You will vigilantly guard the borders
You will stand guard over the Motherland.
Eh! Left! Left! Guard vigilantly
You will stand guard over the Motherland.

1 child:

February 23 - a particularly important day
To all defenders: “Hurray”
Let's say it together.

2nd child:

To be on the whole planet
Peace for humanity
Fireworks are launched into the sky
Defenders of the Fatherland.

The presenter launches a large firecracker.

Two pirates run into the hall screaming: Guard! Half-hearted! Carramba! Who is it that has gathered here on our territory? Now we will tie you all up and send you to prison.

Leading: Pirates, we are not on your territory, but in the festive hall.

Pirate 1: Why can’t you see: here is our flag. We have captured your hall and now we will rule here. And now you are our prisoner.

Leading: How were you able to capture our festive hall, today is a great holiday - Defenders of the Fatherland Day! Look how many defenders we have gathered here (points to the dads). And these are our brave boys, also future defenders. Aren't you afraid of them?

Pirate 2: What kind of defenders are these? That's it, nothing special. We are pirates, the most dexterous!

Leading: But now we will show you how strong and dexterous our boys are. They are real protectors.

Game "Victory Flag"

Children are divided into 2 teams. At the teacher’s signal, the first child in the ranks runs, crawls under the arc, takes a flag (flags in a hoop) and places it on a stand, returns to the team, and passes the move to the next one with a clap. And so on until all the checkboxes are checked! When all the flags are checked, the presenter gives them a large, victorious Russian flag. Players place it in place of the pirate flag.

Pirate 2: Oh, you are! Dexterous means, well, we’ll show you now!

The pirates are racing towards the flag, they want to take down the Russian flag, but they push each other away, fuss, and because of this nothing works out for them.

Leading: Ah ah ah! What are you doing, nothing will work out for you! Did you see how well our boys did? This is because they are friendly and united. They know how to perform any task together, like real soldiers. And one in the field is not a warrior! Look at our next competition and find out how clever our guys are.

"Combat Alert"

At the signal, the first person in the column must put on his cap, throw the machine gun over his shoulder, run around the pin, and go back, pass the machine gun and cap to the next one in the team, and stand at the end of the column.

Pirate 2 (scratching his head): Well done!!! But tell us, why did you take the girls with you then?

Leading: And the girls always support our defenders in difficult times and help them.

Pirate 1: Well, that's understandable, but in a real fight they are of no use. They can only cry.

Presenter: Well, pirates, you are wrong.For example, all the fighters not only fight, but also love to eat delicious food, and girls help them with this.

I propose to hold a “Field Kitchen” competition

Girls join the boys' teams.The first team will prepare field soup. To prepare it, they only need vegetables.And the second team will prepare fruit compote.Here teams will need speed, agility and attention.

Vegetables and fruits are scattered in a common hoop; one by one, participants from both teams run up and take what they need to prepare soup or compote. They run to their team, what they took, put in a saucepan.

Leading. We also need girls, because in the army women also serve in medical units, and now we will hold the next competition

« Deliver the wounded to the hospital »

Task - 2 girls must lead the wounded man through obstacles (pins placed at a distance), holding him by the arms and bandage his head. The winner will be the one who finishes the dressing better and faster, and who quickly delivers his wounded to headquarters.

Pirate 1: Yes, look how smart their girls are. And the boys are so strong—well, they’re just real protectors. But we are more attentive than them.

Leading: Let's check this out! I will talk - and you must perform all the movements. Be careful!

Game for pirates “Repeat after me”(They may not succeed...)

We stood up together, stretched,
Head up and smile.
Hands to the sides, forward.
We walk, turn left.
Together we lower our hands,
To the right, let's walk together:
We raise our legs higher.
Stand still, one, two.
That's it, the game is over!

Leading: Well done pirates, they almost got it done.

And you know, pirates,
Soldiers manage to do everything in their lives:
Serve the Fatherland, sing songs, relax,
All ladies are invited to the festive dance.
Let's be brave and let's dance!!!

Dance "Children's Friendship" ». Children dance in pairs.

Pirates: Oh, what great guys. We have so much fun and interesting time with them. We would like to be friends with them. We can even release you from captivity.

Leading: So maybe you should then stop being pirates altogether, and become defenders, like our dads?

Pirates: No, we cannot live without the sea.

Leading: It doesn’t matter, there are many troops in the Russian army. Now we will remember them, and at the same time we will test the ingenuity of our boys and dads. Listen to the riddles.

I really like to play:
Run, jump and shoot,
Mom laughs: “My son
Voroshilovsky..." (with shooter).

At the fence at dawn
I carry out my service in secret.
I'll be an excellent student at school,
I'll be there soon... (p limiter).

My plane is already taking off,
And I'm ready to fly.
I'm holding the helm, looking at the meter,
So I'm a military man... ( pilot).

I heard the boatswain's order,
I will complete it in one go.
I'm always brave, I don't hang around!
The real me... ( sailor).

Leading: That's right, pirates, you can be sailors and defend our Motherland on a ship. You will also go sailing.

Pirate 1: Yeah, and we’ll take your boys with us on the ship!

Leading: No, what are you talking about? They still need to grow up and learn a lot...

Pirate 2: Come on, we’ll show them right now how to control a ship... Well, for now, at least a small boat.

Game "Pull the boat"

A boat is tied to one end of the rope and a stick to the other. The boys pick up sticks. They rotate it so that the rope is wound around the stick until the boat is in their hands. Whoever is first wins.

Leading: Wonderful game. But the time has come to congratulate our boys, future defenders and men.

The pirates leave to change clothes.The girls come out and read poetry:

1. Today is a very nice day
Defenders of the brave,
And our dads, and all the guys
Strong, brave, important!

2. From childhood, boys desire
Protect your family
Conquer at least something in the world
At least a little height!

3. We wish on this day,
So that you all don't feel shy,
Let it always burn in our hearts
Boyish courage!

The song "Boys" is playing

1. There are bumps on the forehead,
There are lanterns under the eye.
Because we are boys
We are all heroes.
Scratches, splinters,
The worst thing is iodine!
Here, without hesitation, tears
The commander himself is pouring.

2. Let your head be covered in greenery
And my leg is covered in plasters,
But there are still strengths,
To defeat the enemy!
Stubborn, in the morning we
Again to battle, on patrol...
Scars from those battles
They still remain.

3. We came to congratulate everyone
Happy men's day.
We are grandfathers and fathers
We'll eat for the boys too.
We wish you all joy,
Fun every hour.
We want to tell you, dears,
That we love you very much!

While the girls were reading poetry and singing a song, the pirates went behind the screen and dressed as sailors. The pirates return to the hall in a new image.

Presenter: Guys, look, who is it? Are these our pirates?

Pirate 1: No, we are no longer evil pirates. We are now brave sailors.

Presenter: This is amazing. We hope that you will bravely sail the seas, be strong, dexterous and, of course, very attentive. Take an example from our children! I bring to your attention questions for our guys to consider...

1. Is our army strong? (Yes).
2. Does she protect the world? (Yes).
3. Will boys go into the army? (Yes).
4. Will they take the girls with them? (No).
5. Is the pilot standing on the border? (No).
6. Does he fly higher than a bird? (Yes).
7. Are we celebrating a holiday today? (Yes).
8. Congratulations to mothers and girls? (No).
9. Is peace the most important thing in the world? (Yes).
10. Do even children know this? (Yes).

Leading: Well then, in All the participants in our game are great! You all showed your dexterity, courage and dexterity, because friendship always comes to everyone’s aid. It is needed by adults, children, and soldiers.

1st child

We always play together
But we don’t need people who aren’t friendly.
We don't need fighters
No need for crybabies either.

2nd child

The border guard won't whine,
And the rocket scientist won’t whine,
Even if it falls
And he'll break his knee.

3rd child

Because bruises
It's nothing for a soldier.
This is the kind of squad we have -
Ten friendly preschool children.

4th child

All the boys from all over the country
Must be brave
So that the borders are protected,
To make mothers smile.
May everyone be friendly!

All:So that there is no war!

Pirate 1 (in command): Now, sing along!

I'll be a military man

I will grow up and definitely become
I am a fit and competent military man.
And the military needs to know a lot,
I'll get straight A's at school.

Military, military, big training,
Military, military, and strength and dexterity.
Military, military, smart in everything,
Military, military, I sing about you.

I will shoot accurately from the machine gun,
And I will be proud of the soldier’s bearing.
I'll study military vehicles
I'll be strong if I want to.

I will train my character,
And learn military sciences.
I never cry or whine,
And I will come to the rescue if there is trouble.


Our holiday is coming to an end, gentlemen.
Let's shout to the soldiers "hooray"!(together)
Now it's time for gifts.
Guys, let's move forward boldly!

The guys take gifts and give gifts to all the men in the hall.

Thanks everyone for your attention!

Educator: This holiday is very important

Celebrating in February

Feast of Brave Warriors

Celebration of peace on earth

Saved the planet from war

Our army of soldiers

Greetings are sent to all heroes

Hundreds of little kids!

The children and I have prepared a little reflection for you about what kind of dad we are? And each child had his own dad. Let's listen.

Children say:
1.My dad is handsome
And strong as an elephant
Beloved, attentive,
He's affectionate.
2.I'm looking forward to it
Dad from work.
Always in my briefcase
He brings something.
3.My dad is resourceful
Smart and brave.
He can handle it
Even a difficult matter.
4.My dad is cheerful
But strict and honest.
Read books with him
And it's fun to play.
5.He can become a clown
Tiger, giraffe.
But best of all
He knows how to be a dad.
6.I will hug him
And I whisper quietly:
-My daddy, I want you
I love you so much!
7. I have a dad!
It doesn't matter what he is!
The best dad in the world
Because he is mine!

Leading: Well done. Guys, are you strong, brave, courageous, dexterous, strong? We will check this now.. And our fathers and grandfathers will help us with this.

Children and fathers are divided into 2 teams. The jury (mothers) is selected (awarding stars after each competition).

To become defenders,
A soldier's duty is to fulfill
You need to be strong, strong,
Be friends with physical education.
-We’ll start by warming up our fingers.

1 competition. “Finger gymnastics “Well done fighters”
These fingers are all fighters,
Well done guys.
Two - large and strong small
And soldiers experienced in battles,
Two - brave guardsmen,
Two smart young men,
Two are nameless heroes,
But they are very zealous at work,
Two short little fingers -
Very nice boys!
(Children's actions
Children show palms with straightened fingers.
Clench and unclench the fingers of both hands.
The fingers are clenched into a fist, only the thumbs are raised.
Show index fingers.
Showing middle fingers.
Show ring fingers.
Show little fingers.)

2. Who will teach you how to hammer a nail?
Will let you steer the car
And he will tell you how to be brave,
Agile, strong and skillful.
You guys know everything!
This is our favorite...
All the children in chorus - dad

3.Can he play football?
Maybe I should read a book,
Can you heat up the soup for me?
Maybe watch a cartoon
For me there is always a hero -
My best DAD!

4.Can he take me for a ride?
Instead of a fast horse
Can he catch fish?
Fix the faucet in the kitchen.
For me there is always a hero -
The best dad is mine!

2Competition “Kind words about dad”
Children say the word and insert a match into the apple. At the end, each team presents its “hedgehog”.

3. Game “Pull-pull”
Unbeknownst to the children, a rope is inserted into the sleeves of each father's outerwear and the two teams are offered a tug-of-war, while helping the weakest.

4.Contest “Get in the basket” (in 1 minute)
You need to throw a small ball into the basket. Whose team scores the most will win this competition.

"Airplane Design"
The team captain constructs an aircraft from an A4 sheet of paper, and then compete with each other in the flight range of the combat aircraft.
Equipment: sheets of colored paper – 2 pcs., table – 2 pcs.
(The jury evaluates).
The game “Listen to the command and carry it out together!”
Children, on the command “run”, run in all directions at a gallop around the hall, on the command “Form” - they line up behind the commander in a column one after another..

Our holiday has come to an end. I would like to wish you to remain as brave, strong, courageous, and to our children a clear starry sky above their heads, so that they grow up just like you, dear dads. Happy holiday again.

"Soldiers get up!".

Prepared by: teacher Akberdieva Kumishan Muradinovna

MBDOU No. 14 “Smile”, Salekhard, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug



  • to form a sense of patriotism in older preschoolers;
  • generalize and concretize children’s knowledge about the Russian Army;
  • teach to treat each other kindly during competitions.

The leader distributes the boys. The result is 2 teams of 5-7 people.

Presenter: On February 23, it is customary to congratulate the defenders of the Fatherland who courageously protect the Motherland from enemies. On this Day, not only fathers and grandfathers are congratulated, but also boys - future defenders of the Motherland.

Presenter. As you know, a soldier's day begins with getting up. They get up, quickly get dressed and quickly get into formation. Let's try it too.

Held relay race “Company, rise! »

At the command of the leader: “Company, rise! “The boys get up from their seats and quickly line up in ranks, in accordance with the color of the attributes. The presenter marks the team that lined up first.

Presenter: I ask the teams to say your mottos.

1st captain. The children's team is “Paratroopers”.

Our motto is “When we are united, we are invincible! "

2nd captain. The parent team is “Sea Wolves”.

Our motto is “One for all and all for one!” "

Presenter. After breakfast, soldiers are expected to do various activities: drill and physical training, study of regulations and much more. We will now conduct physical training classes.

Held relay race "Obstacle course".

Teams must overcome an obstacle course: a jump with support on their hands, through a gymnastic bench - crawl through a tunnel, run around a stand - return to the team the same way.

The jury evaluates the relay.

Presenter. A soldier must be able to shoot well and hit the target directly. I invite our recruits to the shooting range.

Relay race underway "Accurate shooter".

The boys take turns running to the marked line and throwing sandbags into a hoop lying 2 meters away. After throwing, players return to their team. The jury marks the team with the most bags reaching the goal and evaluates the relay.

Presenter. While the boys rest a little and come to their senses, the girls will read poetry for you.

1-girl: On a February day, on a frosty day

Everyone celebrates the holiday.

Girls on this glorious day

The boys are congratulated.

2nd girl: We won’t give them flowers,

They are not given to boys.

Girls, many kind words

They will remain in your hearts.

3rd girl: We wish you forever:

So that you don’t be timid in life,

May it be with you forever

Boyish courage.

4th girl: Sports can help anyone

At every stadium

Get strong and ready

To labor and defense.

Presenter. Soldiers must be friendly. A friend can always help you out if something happens suddenly. Are you guys friendly?

Presenter. I believe, I believe, but I’d better check it myself!

The relay race “If you go on a journey with a friend” is held.

Children stand in pairs and hold a balloon between their heads. You need to hold the ball with your heads, run to the marked place, return to the team and pass the ball to the next players. If the number of players is odd, the first players participate again. The jury awards the team that finished the competition first and dropped the ball the least number of times.

The jury evaluates the relay.

Presenter. It's not easy to serve. Soldiers must be strong, dexterous, and resilient. They must be able to carry heavy objects. Today we will have a ball as a heavy object. But this ball is not an ordinary jumper, but rather a heavy one - a medicine ball.

Held “Heavy Burden” relay race.

The boys stand in columns. There is a medicine ball in front of each column. You need to spread the legs wide and bend over and roll the ball to the last participant in the column. The last participant takes the ball, carries it to the beginning of the column and starts rolling the ball again. The jury marks the team in which the first player to return to his place is the one with whom the competition began.

The jury evaluates the relay.

Presenter: Well, training is training, service is service, and lunch is on schedule.

Held relay race "In the dining room"

Team members, running around the cones, run to the table, take a soldier’s plate and spoon, run back to the team, pass the baton + competition between team captains to see who can eat the yogurt the fastest.

The jury evaluates the relay.

Presenter. Now each team will receive an encrypted message. To understand it, you need, first of all, to look into these envelopes.

Held competition "Encryption".

Each team receives an envelope. Each envelope contains a military-themed postcard cut into pieces and a piece of paper with riddles.

Presenter. As you can see, the encryption is unusual - you need to assemble the postcard to understand what is written on it. And, of course, I will help you read the riddles. But you'll have to guess for yourself.

Music is playing, children are collecting postcards.

The leader marks the team that finishes first.

Then he reads riddles from the envelopes, one for each team.

I am an umbrella, all white and white,

I'm big and very brave

I'm flying through the air

I bring people down from the clouds. Answer: Parachute

Not winged, but feathered,

The way it flies, the way it whistles,

And he sits there, so silent. Answer: Arrow

To a strong wave

Couldn't move us from our place,

We throw the chain overboard

And we lower it into the water. Answer: Anchor

Three old ladies are standing

They will sigh and groan,

Up close, all the people go deaf. Answer: Guns

You can become a sailor

To guard the border

And serve not on earth,

And in the military. Answer: ship

The plane soars like a bird

There is an air border there.

On duty both day and night

Our soldier is a military man. Answer: pilot.

Presenter. Well, our boys coped with this task perfectly.

The jury sums up the results of the relay races.

Leading: While the jury is summing up the results, I offer the fans a competition

Competition for Sapera fans.

Fans are distributed in pairs. Couples hold a balloon at stomach level without hands - a mine. They need to carry the ball to the designated place and back without touching it with their hands.

Presenter: The main thing is that there are no losers today. The girls give gifts to their heroes.

Presenter. Today we are convinced that we have a worthy generation of defenders of the Fatherland growing up. And this means that we will have someone to defend our Motherland. We congratulate everyone once again on Defender of the Fatherland Day and wish you health and happiness. And may the sky over Russia and the whole world always be blue!

Holiday on February 23rd for children of senior preschool age. Scenario

Goals of this holiday: to form a sense of patriotism in older preschoolers; generalize and concretize children’s knowledge about the Russian Army; teach to treat each other kindly during competitions.

To the soundtrack to the film “Soldiers” “Youth in Boots” performed by the group “The End of the Film” (words and music by Evgeny Feklistov), ​​the girls enter the music room and line up in a semicircle near the central wall. Then the boys come in, marching proudly. They march around the music room and line up in a semicircle, one step ahead of the girls.

Leading. Today we have gathered in this hall to celebrate a special holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day. On February 23, all of Russia will congratulate men - your dads, brothers, grandfathers on the birthday of our army.

1st child.

Russian warrior protects

Peace and glory to my native country.

He is on duty, and our people

He is rightfully proud of the army.

2nd child.

Calm down, let the children grow up

In the Russian sunny Fatherland.

He protects peace and work,

Wonderful work in the name of life.

3rd child.

Army birthday today

There is no one stronger than her in the world.

Hello defenders of the people,

Russian army...

All children. Hello!

4th child.

For everything that we have now,

For every happy hour we have,

Thanks to the valiant soldiers,

That they once defended the world.

5th child.

Thanks to the Russian army,

Thanks to grandfathers and fathers,

For the sun to shine on us!

6th child.

We honor the sons of the Fatherland in uniform,

That the glory of the flag is multiplied

And in a difficult and dangerous age

Our peaceful sleep is reliably guarded.

7th child.

For all centuries, the Russian warrior

He won wars with his heroism.

He is worthy of glorification

He gave his life for the honor of Russia!

8th child.

Today we praise those

Who is guarding the Fatherland -

The best and most faithful

Sons of humanity!

O. Chusovitina

A song chosen by the music director is performed.

The boys sit on the chairs.

Presenter. How proudly the words “defender of the Fatherland” sound! Our soldiers, officers, generals are ready at any moment to defend our Motherland and you and me. Our boys really want to be like them, to become as strong and brave.

Let us now congratulate our future defenders of the Fatherland. With all our hearts we wish them to grow up strong, brave, courageous, kind and noble. And always remember the high rank of men.

1st girl.

On a February day, a frosty day,

Everyone celebrates the holiday.

Girls on this glorious day

The boys are congratulated.

2nd girl.

We won't give you flowers -

They are not given to boys.

Girls, many kind words

They will remain in your hearts.

3rd girl.

When at your fights,

We watch your fights

We believe: with your preparation

We will always defeat the enemy!

4th girl.

Let it bloom under your eye

Purple-blue bruise

Studying can be hard

The battle will be much easier!

5th girl.

So, friends, let's

With all my heart, without further ado

Protect us from all adversity.

But just, mind you, no bruises.

6th girl.

Listen, boys, to us,


We know on this day and hour

It's almost your birthday!

7th girl.

We wish you forever:

So that you don’t be timid in life,

May it be with you forever

Boyish courage!

8th girl.

And all the obstacles on the way

Let us overcome together!

But first, grow up

And you need to grow up.

9th girl.

To our pugnacious half

We send our congratulations.

There are reasons for congratulations

Hurray for the defenders of the country!

All girls. Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

The girls sing ditties.

We are cheerful friends

We love to sing ditties.

Morning, evening and afternoon

I'll eat them with pleasure!

We'll sing for you today

And we have one motive:

Congratulations on the twenty-third

The girls and I want it!

The river runs fast,

Clean to the bottom.

Our boys smile

Bright as the sun

We're lucky, girls.

We are very happy.

After all, the boys in our group

Most beautiful!

Happy twenty-third today

The guys congratulated everyone.

We wished them luck

From the heart from all the girls.

The girls take their seats.

Presenter. Now we will hold fun competitions to make sure once again that all the boys are ready to serve in the army. To make the competitions fun and exciting, we will divide the boys into two teams. To do this, I will now give them shoulder straps and caps in two colors: blue and red. Boys, come to me one at a time, get your shoulder straps and caps as soon as possible!

The presenter attaches shoulder straps to the boys' shoulders and puts caps of the appropriate color on their heads. The result is 2 teams of 5-7 people. Having received their shoulder straps and caps, the boys take their seats.

Presenter. As you know, a soldier's day begins with getting up. They get up, quickly get dressed and quickly get into formation. Let's try it too.

The relay race “Company, rise!” is being held.

At the command of the leader: “Company, rise!” the boys get up from their seats and quickly line up. in ranks, in accordance with the color of the attributes. The presenter marks the team that lined up first.

Presenter. After breakfast, soldiers are expected to do various activities: drill and physical training, study of regulations and much more. We will now conduct physical training classes.

The Obstacle Course relay race is being held.

Teams must overcome an obstacle course: crawl under an arc, run along a plank, run around pins, etc.

Presenter. A soldier must be able to shoot well and hit the target directly. I invite our recruits to the shooting range.

The “Sharp Shooter” relay race is being held.

The boys take turns running to the marked line and throwing sandbags into a hoop lying 2 meters away. After throwing, players return to their team. The presenter marks the team with the most bags reaching the goal.

Presenter. While the boys rest a little and come to their senses, the girls will perform the “Ribbon Dance” for them.

Girls perform the “Ribbon Dance” or any other dance chosen by the music director.

Presenter. Soldiers must be friendly. A friend can always help you out if something happens suddenly... Are you guys friendly?

All children perform the song “True Friend”, music by B. Savelyev.

Presenter. I believe, I believe, but I’d better check it myself!

The relay race “If you go on a journey with a friend” is held.

Children stand in pairs and hold a balloon between their heads. You need to hold the ball with your heads, run to the marked place, return to the team and pass the ball to the next players. If the number of players is odd, the first players participate again. The presenter marks the team that finished the competition first and dropped the ball the least number of times.

Presenter. It's not easy to serve. Soldiers must be strong, dexterous, and resilient. They must be able to carry heavy objects. Today we will have a ball as a heavy object. But this ball is not an ordinary jumper, but rather a heavy one - a medicine ball.

The “Heavy Burden” relay race is being held.

The boys stand in columns. There is a medicine ball in front of each column. You need to spread the legs wide and bend over and roll the ball to the last participant in the column. The last participant takes the ball, carries it to the beginning of the column and starts rolling the ball again. The presenter marks the team in which the first player to return to his place is the one with whom the competition began.

Presenter. Now each team will receive an encrypted message. To understand it, you need, first of all, to look into these envelopes.

The “Encryption” competition is being held.

Each team receives an envelope. Each envelope contains a military-themed postcard cut into pieces and a piece of paper with riddles.

Presenter. As you can see, the encryption is unusual - you need to assemble the postcard to understand what is written on it. And, of course, I will help you read the riddles. But you'll have to guess for yourself.

Music is playing, children are collecting postcards. The leader marks the team that finishes first. Then he reads riddles from the envelopes, one for each team.

You won’t see it with your eyes, you won’t take it with your hands, and you won’t go into battle without it. (Hooray!)

If it flies, it barks, if it falls, it crumbles. (Projectile)

A man on the shore spits across the river. (Gun)

There is a turtle - a steel shirt. (Tank)

A grouse was flying, in the evening, not now, it fell into a quinoa, I can’t find it. (Bullet)

Two black araps—brothers, knee-high—walk with the soldiers everywhere and protect them. (Boots)

It breathes fire, it breathes flame. (A gun)

A raven is flying, completely shackled; whoever pecks is death. (Bullet)

Black Kochet wants to roar. (Gun)

Two heads, six legs, two arms, one tail. Who is this? (Rider)

Presenter. Well, our boys coped with this task perfectly. The main thing is that there are no losers today. Now you can relax! Boys, invite your beautiful fans to dance!

Children dance freely to pop music.

Presenter. Today we are convinced that we have a worthy generation of defenders of the Fatherland growing up. And this means that we will have someone to defend our Motherland. We congratulate everyone once again on Defender of the Fatherland Day and wish you health and happiness. And may the sky over Russia and the whole world always be blue!

In kindergarten?

Defender of the Fatherland Day or February 23 in kindergarten is a serious holiday. If earlier we glorified military service, and everyone dreamed of raising a truly defender of the fatherland, now the priorities have changed somewhat. February 23 in kindergarten is a suitable occasion to tell the boys what courage and bravery are, to instill love for their country, and to raise patriots.

Defender of the Fatherland Day should be remembered by all children who go to kindergarten. Therefore, the task of educators is to figure out, together with the girls, how best to congratulate their boys on February 23rd.

The process of preparing for February 23 in kindergarten perfectly unites the group and develops the creative side of children’s character. Don’t miss this opportunity and devote the whole day to this memorable date.

Group decoration for the holiday.

You cannot celebrate February 23 in kindergarten without appropriate military decorations, especially if there are many contests and competitions.

Stars, banners, postcards, the flag of the Russian Federation, balls, ribbons, flags, planes and tanks - hung on the walls. Medals for battalion commanders, arrows with bows as weapons, toy pistols, swords and swords. You can make headdresses for “men” - a helmet, a cap, a cap, a budenovka and weapons (a saber, a balloon mace).

“Exhibition of military equipment and parade of troops” - line up all the soldiers, superheroes, equipment (cars, airplanes, rockets and ships) in orderly rows.

All this will help children be transported to a completely different “world” that requires ingenuity, courage and leadership qualities from them.

The first half of the day.

Before February 23, in kindergarten, you can give the children the task of preparing with their parents a story about defenders of the fatherland who perform feats every day: for example, firefighters and military personnel. Let the guys describe examples of their dangerous and difficult service.

You can agree and invite a policeman dad or a military dad. You'll see, the children will have a lot of questions: whether girls are accepted into the army, how to use a gas mask, and what needs to be done to receive a rank. If, for the sake of clarity, all the boys are given the feeling of being a soldier who is looking out for the enemy through binoculars, then the boys will become very proud.

What can you organize with children?

v Viewing an exhibition of paintings (“Three Heroes”, “Hussars”, “Knights”, etc.).

v Reading fiction - about the defenders of the Fatherland, our Motherland.
Russian folk tale “Nikita Kozhemyaka”, A. Tvardovsky “Tankman’s Tale”, K. Selikhov, Y. Deryugin “On Red Square”, T. Belozerov “Eternal Flame”, etc.,

v You can listen with your children to musical works about the Motherland, the army, and epics retold for children “Bogatyrs and Knights of the Russian Land.”

v Children will be happy to listen to the stories of participants in the Great Patriotic War, and in the future children can tell themselves about their great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers who participated in hostilities, worked on the home front, children of the war, or about their fathers - defenders of the Fatherland.

During classes, make applications and crafts on the topics: “Defenders of the Fatherland”, “Our Army”, “My Motherland”, “Victory Day”, “Heroes of the Russian Land”, etc. Then, you can organize exhibitions and competitions of works, mold 3 from plasticine heroes.

v You can organize a little themed entertainment:

Divide the boys into teams and arrange competitions for them to identify the bravest, fastest and most dexterous.

Borrow gas masks - putting them on will make small children laugh.

Girls are involved in the judging process; they can also provide the boys with the necessary details for holding the next competition.

To come up with fictional enemies who have captured girls, whom the boys must free, some can be given the roles of nurses from a military hospital providing assistance to soldiers who, according to the script, were also wounded. Some girls can be hidden anywhere in the kindergarten, and the scout boys can be given routes. To save others, you can ask for a deposit in the form of accurate hits on the target.

To imitate a victory fireworks display at the end of the day, you can burst balloons, which is sure to amaze the children.

It is better to change the group commander so that each boy can prove himself as a real captain.

After defeating the “invaders”, as gratitude for the rescue, the girls will give their souvenirs to the boys and invite them to sit at the “sweet” table.

Another option is when the girls will be princesses, and the boys will be knights who free them: either you need to awaken the princess from sleep (sing a song loudly), then cross the gorge (step from chair to chair), or solve an intellectual riddle. All these competitions will help the children feel that they too can perform heroic deeds. The main thing is to start, and then there will be no heroics.

The main thing is to interest the children, involve them as much as possible in the preparation process, and then there will be less work for teachers, and children will look forward to February 23 in kindergarten.


v For a walk, we dress like a soldier - while the match (flashlight) is burning

v We should not forget about sports games and competitions that can be played on the street.

These include competition games: “Battle of Maces”, “Capture of a Fortress”, “Dashing Rider”, “Cockfighting”, “Sharp Shooter”, “Clear the Field”, “Crossing”, “Report”, “Who is Faster/Farther” slide down the hill on sleds, skis, ice skates.

v During lunch, you can arrange the tables in an unusual way, for example, in rows and have lunch as in a soldier’s canteen, announcing a competition “Whose plate will be the cleanest.”


When getting up after a nap, you can use a sound signal

“Rota rise!”, or any other of the teacher’s choice.

1. Invite children to watch a cartoon:

2. Sadko the rich” (Soyuzmultfilm, 1975)

3. Cartoons from the series: “Epics. Vasilisa Mikulishna" (Soyuzmultfilm, 1975)

4. “The Childhood of Ratibor” (Soyuzmultfilm, 1973.

5. “Dobrynya Nikitich” (Soyuzmultfilm, 1965)

6. “Ilya Muromets” (Soyuzmultfilm, 1975)

7. “Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber” (Soyuzmultfilm, 1978)

8. “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” (Kievnauchfilm, 1972)

9. “Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin the Serpent”

10. “Dobrynya Nikitich and Zmey Gorynych.”

v For free activities of children, you can use board games:

“Who needs what”, “Cut-out pictures”, “Who can assemble a machine gun faster”, “On land, in the air, at sea”, etc.

It has become a good tradition to hold the Defender of the Fatherland Day holiday in kindergarten with the participation of parents and children. This phenomenon, of course, strengthens the patriotic education of children, contributes to the formation of moral values ​​in preschoolers, and instills in them the concept of the Motherland, family, and a sense of duty.

v Interestingly selected competitions for February 23 in kindergarten will not leave indifferent either the shyest boys or the most serious dads.

Teams are divided into an even number of people. It is advisable that both children and fathers take part in the competition. A ribbon is placed in the middle of the hall to mark the boundary. When the whistle blows, the teams begin to “blow” balloons into enemy territory. Whoever has more balls on the territory loses.

Participants are placed matchboxes on their shoulders. They must carry them without dropping them and pass them on to the next relay participant.

Children are given cards with a picture of a soldier, a bear, a wolf, and so on. They must show their gait.
This competition can be developed further - by offering, for example, instead of images of animals, various types of transport or troops. Parents must guess.

This competition does not need a detailed description. Participants are divided into two teams and alternately name men's professions. The task can be complicated by having children name professions, and parents giving examples of feats from history in these or military professions.

Participants are divided into two teams. First, one participant jumps. From the place where he landed, another team member begins to jump.

Only children can take part in this competition. Children wear hats or caps on their heads. The task is to take off the other person’s hat, but at the same time keep your own on your head - without giving it away.

Participants are divided into two teams. The children start the race and put on small fins. They must run around the chair and return to their starting position. The race continues with dads wearing large fins. Thus, the younger generation and the older generation alternate. The team that completes the task faster wins.

Participants are divided into two teams. Dads cross their arms and sit one child down. Whoever transports the most children wins.

At the end of the holiday, the results of the competition are summed up. All participants are awarded with certificates and chocolate medals. The matinee ends with the anthem of the Russian Federation, and the boys leave the hall on the count of one or two.