Fairytale wedding. Feel like a queen: a wedding in a fairytale style - design and scenario. Wedding in the style of "Forest Tale"

Suitable for those who want their wedding to be different from the rest. This is a very unusual and interesting way to play your wedding.

A wedding in the style of a fairy tale requires special preparation. The groom will be a prince, and the bride will be a written beauty. Costumes for the main characters of the wedding are best made to order from a good master, so that he can make your dream come true and combine modern style with folklore and fairy tale. Guests will also need costumes in a fabulous style, let them be princesses and princesses, merchants and merchants, good fellows and red maidens.

The decoration of the wedding celebration should be appropriate for your fabulous action. Make decorations for the room where the banquet will take place, for this it is best to draw a view of the castle on the fabric and hang painted fabric curtains around the perimeter of the hall. You can also decorate the room with fresh flowers, lay red tablecloths on the tables, and red carpet on the floor.

Treats for guests should be prepared according to the traditions of native Russian cuisine, with the exception of a chic wedding cake. Wine and vodka should be in cock-shaped decanters, and each guest should have a ladle and a wooden spoon.

The holiday itself according to the wedding scenario in the style of a fairy tale is stylistically colored from the very threshold of the banquet hall. After registration, the newlyweds and their guests go to the wedding banquet, where they are greeted with bread and salt by the bride's parents. Parents say parting words and bless the young. Then the bride and groom take turns biting off the loaf. Whoever bites off the largest piece will bring more prosperity to the house. After that, a glass of wine is brought to the young. Young people should drink all the wine, whoever drinks more, loves more.

After that, the host sits everyone in their places and begins the story:

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a prince _______ (the name of the groom), and he was not stronger and hardworking, he would build a hut, he would defeat the Nightingale the Robber!

And on the next street there lived a beautiful ____________ (name of the bride), all the guys only looked at her, only admired her! She overshadowed all her girlfriends with beauty. It used to happen that he would go out into the yard, walk along the street, and the peasants would turn their necks like that. And their women, and well, the peasants with shovels along the ridge, so that they don’t look at young girls!

So let's make the first toast to the strength and power of our groom and to the beauty and wisdom of our bride!

After the first toast, it is time to hand over the family hearth. To do this, the father-in-law with the mother-in-law pass a lit candle in the icon lamp to the young with parting words and wishes that they keep the hearth, and the fire of their love would never go out.

The host then sells the newlyweds' first kiss.

Hey, merchants and boyars, noble guests are invited, but would you please, dear, to amuse the young, but to buy your first wedding kiss for fun ?!

Guests set prices and buy a kiss from the bride and groom.

Everyone shouts: “Bitter!”, And the newlyweds kiss. (All other kisses will be free). Sounds like a toast to the first kiss.

After the first kiss and toast, the music turns on, an ensemble of Russian folk songs and dances appears in the hall. They perform funny wedding ditties about the bride and groom. You can come up with ditties yourself, or you can take ready-made ones.

After that, wedding congratulations from guests and relatives begin, they are also carried out in a fabulous style. The facilitator needs to draw up a text and a plan in advance, who will follow whom, and what role he will play.

The first dance is announced. Young people are dancing. The dance must be learned in advance.

After the dance, the young people and their guests play the game "Rookie". Everyone stands in a column in pairs, raising their clasped hands up and forming a corridor. A person without a pair is the leader, runs along the corridor and chooses one person, they stand at the end. And the one who did not have a pair becomes the leader. And so everything is faster and faster, the game is accelerating every time. It turns out to be a very funny mess.

Then the dancing begins. During the dances, the leader conducts fabulous contests and entertainment. And after serving hot, all those present stage a fairy tale.

At the end of the evening, fireworks are arranged in honor of the young and a fire show.

Every girl is a princess in her soul, even if she is a serious head of a large company and has long ceased to believe in miracles. And what do all princesses dream of, regardless of age and social status? That's right, a fairy tale wedding.

In this article, you will learn everything about a wedding in a fabulous style:

  • hall decoration;
  • decor;
  • a wedding cake;
  • clothes for the newlyweds and guests;
  • photo;
  • Original gifts;
  • script ideas;
  • thematic contests.

Wedding decoration in a fabulous style: ideas and photos

See also

The most important thing in holding a fabulous wedding is to decide on the venue and what kind of fairy tale you will bring to life. If you have already decided on a specific fairy tale, then it's time to start decorating the hall. In order to fully immerse yourself in a fabulous atmosphere, watch films on a magical theme and turn on your imagination. To decorate the hall, you can connect relatives. The main thing is to think over all the little things - lighting, touching music, translucent curtains that will give lightness to your celebration, garlands with shimmering figures. All these details, even from the most ordinary dining room, will make an unforgettable fabulous place.

If your fabulous wedding will take place in winter, then you can hang a lot of artificial snowflakes, garlands of silver balls, pearl stars, compositions of snow-covered branches and thoughtful lighting indoors - all this will not leave your guests indifferent.

Fairy tale wedding script

A fairy tale is a big magical world that can be different. This space of inventions and fantasies can be different and has a huge number of options for implementation. The most popular are:

  • "Alice in Wonderland". In the morning, the bride and groom go on a fabulous journey to the country through the looking glass, and the heroes of the fairy tale come to their home. In the venue of a fabulous wedding, guests will find many different competitions, drawings, surprises and reincarnations.
  • Elven wedding. This type of fabulous celebration embodies the story of two hearts in love. A wedding according to this scenario should be airy and tender. The celebration in the style of an elven wedding should be decorated in pastel colors. For example, it will be very beautiful and fabulous if the bride appears before the eyes of the guests, coming out of a huge flower during the beginning of the marriage registration ceremony. All guests are advised to dress appropriately - in elf costumes.
  • Fairy-tale wedding in the style of "Cinderella". In this tale, the groom plays the role of a handsome prince and comes to fetch his chosen one on a trio of white horses in an old carriage. Guests at a fairy-tale wedding in the style of "Cinderella" are met by the king and many different nobles. The program of this fabulous wedding includes dances (polka, minuet, etc.), surprises, magic tricks. Tamada, according to the script, plays the role of a stepmother and a good fairy, while entertaining guests with unexpected twists and jokes in the script.
  • Wedding based on oriental tales. If your wedding is planned according to oriental tales, then you must definitely drape the room with a lot of airy bright fabrics, candles, lamps, carpets and various magical items. In the scenario of a wedding in a fabulous style based on oriental myths, not only the future spouses, but also the guests dress according to the plot.
  • Fairytale wedding based on Russian folk tales. This type of magical wedding includes an assembly of all famous Russian folk tales with the participation of various heroes. The groom, instead of a ransom, can go through various trials, fight evil spirits and overcome other obstacles. The purpose of the tests is to find a hidden chest with the key to the heart of his chosen one. Also at the wedding of Russian folk tales there may be a goldfish that will fulfill all the wishes of the guests.
  • Fairy tale wedding inspired by The Wizard of Oz. Based on this fairy tale, a wedding celebration can be arranged at any time of the year. Gold, crimson and emerald colors are used in the design of the wedding of the Wizard of Oz. The plot of the family holiday involves the newlyweds traveling to Oz, where they will find their happiness. You can hold a wedding in a fabulous style in a castle, loft, manor or in a classic restaurant, the main thing is to decorate the room well. To do this, you will need to use such fictitious details as: magic shoes, all possible cones, jars of magic potion, star dust, etc.
  • "Sleeping Beauty". The scenario of the wedding, based on the famous fairy tale, implies the beginning of the celebration with a kiss. The prince, that is, the groom, must kiss the sleeping beautiful bride, and from this kiss the beauty wakes up. Thrones can be used as a decor for newlyweds, and red “poisonous” apples, multi-colored light bulbs and candlesticks will add entourage to your celebration.

Whatever fairy tale would not be chosen for decorating a wedding, the main thing is to approach this matter with full responsibility, but it is better to hire an experienced toastmaster. The wedding host, who has a lot of experience in holding such events, will tell you about all the details.

Every fairy tale contains fantastic objects. Carefully study your favorite fairy tale and think about what you can embody from it for a wedding in this style. For example, Alice in Wonderland fans can set up a photo zone called "Playing Croquet with the Queen" and set up a "Crazy Tea Party" corner where they can enjoy delicious cupcakes, fragrant tea and taste foreign desserts. And fans of the fairy tale "Cinderella" can offer guests interesting contests: "Run away from the prince in heels", "Find a girl by a shoe" and turn a pumpkin into a carriage using improvised means. Turn on your imagination, involve all creative friends in the discussion of the wedding, and you will be able to create a magnificent celebration.

Everything you need for a fabulous wedding will be difficult to find in ordinary stores. So stock up on sewing kits, make-up, construction tools and other arsenal of the young creator of beauty.

The wedding cake is the crown jewel of the wedding feast. A fairy tale wedding cake is traditionally tiered, with figurines of a prince and a princess on top. You can also surprise guests with the skill of your confectioner and serve a cake in the form of a castle or a carriage. The main task of the confectioner, when baking a wedding cake in a fabulous style, is to convey all the beauty and fantastic taste of the newlyweds, for this, various air creams, meringues, nuts and mastic are used in the design of the "special dessert".

Clothes of newlyweds and guests at a fabulous wedding

The fabulous style of the wedding is a space for imagination when choosing a wedding dress, both for the bride and the groom, but above all - a combination. In order to finally decide on the images of the selected heroes of a particular fairy tale, sit down and review the cartoons with the participation of these fairy-tale characters, analyze them and, based on what you see, create your own style.

Several options for who a bride can become for one day:

  • The princess in a sundress and a beautiful kokoshnik on her head instead of a veil;
  • An elegant princess in a snow-white fluffy dress with crinolines, bows, ruffles and bare shoulders. On the head of a princess, there can be either a veil with a diadem or a crown;
  • Oriental beauty in silks and brocades with many gems;

Choose the color of the dress for a fabulous wedding based on your own preferences. Even if your relatives discourage you from buying a puffy yellow dress, like Belle from the fairy tale "Beauty and the Beast", stand your ground. You will need to wear it all day long. In addition, now the bride's dress does not have to be only white.

The groom for marriage can choose:

  • If the wedding is based on an Arabian fairy tale - an ordinary two-piece suit with elements of oriental embroidery;
  • For a European fabulous style - tailcoat and bow tie.

In the process of designing a fabulous wedding, you may encounter a very important question: is it worth introducing a dress code or not. On the one hand, if all guests adhere to it, then the photos will turn out to be even more colorful. But, on the other hand, think about the fact that not all invitees will be able to afford it, and they will have to feel uncomfortable. In this case, it is best to hint to guests that you would be happy if they dressed appropriately, but you will not insist on this. You can notify guests that your wedding will be themed in the invitation. The style of the wedding invitation must be arranged according to the theme of the celebration. To do this, you can use cards with the image of fairy-tale characters or scrolls. You can read more about the design of wedding invitations in a fabulous style in a separate article.

Original gifts for newlyweds for a wedding in a fabulous style

The choice of a gift should also be approached with all responsibility. If you know the young spouses well and their tastes, then you will have no difficulty choosing a gift. The main thing is that the gift is not addressed specifically to the bride or groom, but embodies the desires of both. If you don’t know what exactly a young family would like to receive as a gift, then you can connect all your imagination and creativity to this business and come up with a gift that would be remembered and surprised. For example, newlyweds will like a glass jar with banknotes of different denominations. Close the jar and stick a label to it with the original inscription: “family bank”, “dried greens”, “cabbage in its own juice”, etc. It does not hurt to indicate the intended purpose of using these funds. A great idea would be to give a plot on the moon or a certificate with a name in honor of lovers. Although a virtual gift, it is romantic and fabulous. A creative gift with fantasy is sure to be remembered by everyone for a long time.

And feasts, as the newlyweds choose a certain theme for the celebration. Fairy tale style may appeal to those who have been inspired by stories of handsome princes and princesses since childhood. A fairy tale style wedding is definitely the choice of those who want to feel like magical heroes.

If you approach the organization responsibly, you can create an unforgettable atmosphere straight from childhood. In order for everything to be harmonious, it is necessary to think over the venue, decor, outfits.


By this is meant a whole group of topics based on children's fairy tales. Despite this, such weddings, even if they take place according to different scenarios, have a lot in common - a magical, romantic atmosphere, unusual decor elements, an abundance of light, color and music. Fairy tale style embodies all the childhood dreams that many do not forget even in adulthood.

The following topics are considered the most popular:

  • The design is based on unreal motifs, bright colors and unusual things, the culmination of the evening should definitely be a tea party with the Mad Hatter, the white rabbit and the Queen of Hearts.
  • . The story of a simple girl who later became a princess can be easily interpreted at a wedding, and the role of a handsome prince will appeal to the groom, who is used to looking stylish and following fashion. Usually such a wedding is organized in the form of a ball.
  • Rapunzel. The bride must be long-haired, the groom must be charismatic. As the main shades for decoration, it is better to choose gold and purple. In this style, the ransom of the bride will turn out to be especially striking, which can be presented in the form of the theft of a girl.
  • The Wizard of Oz. The yellow brick altar road, the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman, the green hues in the decor all refer to the Wizard of Oz.
  • The beauty and the Beast. This is one of the most beautiful love stories, so many couples choose this theme. In the design, be sure to use a clock with a pendulum, a candlestick and a tea set.
  • Sleeping Beauty. This is another theme for the wedding, which will allow you to beautifully and romantically beat the ransom of the bride, because the groom will need to wake his beloved from a sound sleep. But then the newlyweds organize a magnificent ball and a feast.
  • Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. In the decor, it is desirable to use miniature furniture, but such that guests feel comfortable. The main decoration of the festive table will be a beautifully decorated apple pie.
  • Eastern fairy tale. At such a celebration, the bride will appear as an overseas queen, and the groom as a sultan. The design of such a celebration should be lush, bright, multi-colored.
  • Russian tales. Clothing and decoration should contain Russian folk motifs and ornaments, and the decor can be supplemented with figurines or images of fairy tale characters.

A wedding in the style of "Fairytale Forest" can be organized by future newlyweds on their own, without the help of professionals. You can create all the scenery with your own hands, and if you involve invitees in this process, it will take much less time to prepare.

Interesting! You can arrange a kind of mix of fairy tales - ask all the guests to come in different images of the heroes of their favorite stories.

Venue and decoration

The first question that future newlyweds need to solve is where to celebrate the celebration. In each case, the place is selected individually, whether it be a banquet hall or a picturesque outdoor area. Any restaurant in the style of a medieval ballroom is suitable for organizing a wedding in the style of Walt Disney stories.

A celebration on the theme of Russian fairy tales can be held in a cafe stylized as a prince's tower or a village hut. Oriental stories will look harmonious in an Indian or Arabic restaurant.

wedding planner

An outdoor ceremony in the warm season is suitable for organizing any fabulous wedding.

Elena Sokolova


The main thing to consider when creating a scenario and decor is that a wedding should be fun, sweet and romantic at the same time.

Svetlana Reznik

Regardless of the chosen direction, you need to decorate the venue of the celebration. Wherever it takes place, tables should be covered with white or golden tablecloths.

It is imperative to follow the rules of serving, and choose the dishes to match the solemn occasion. It can be porcelain, crystal or stylized as antique goblets and bowls. On each plate you need to put a beautifully folded napkin in the form of a shell, fan or swan.

Interesting! You can also arrange a photo zone in accordance with your favorite work.

You can create the desired entourage with the help of drapery. If you decorate the walls and ceiling with airy translucent fabrics of different shades, the place of celebration will look exactly like the bride and groom.

You can complement the atmosphere of a fairy tale with the help of plain luminous garlands, which will look most impressive in the evening. To create a more romantic and magical entourage, you need to install and hang decorative candlesticks with candles.

If the wedding takes place in an open area, the rules for decorating the space will be no different. The only caveat is that a tent will need to be pulled over the banquet tables so that guests and newlyweds are comfortable in any weather.

Separately, it is worthwhile to arrange a zone for an official marriage. It should consist of a wedding altar and a wedding arch, which is usually created using a frame and fresh or artificial flowers of the shade that matches the chosen theme.

For any theme of a fairy tale wedding, you need to create a place for a photo shoot, as both the newlyweds and the guests will want to capture themselves in interesting images. To do this, you can simply put a separate table with objects characteristic of the chosen story. You can arrange a photo zone in the form of a princess's room using the necessary furniture.

Invitations, seating cards and bonbonnieres

In order to immediately set the guests in the right mood and inform that the wedding will be themed, you need to prepare specific invitation cards. You can create the desired layout and take it to the printing house along with a list of all the invitees or do everything yourself.

Special frills in the design of invitations will not be required, since anyone will recognize images from popular fairy tales. On the front side of the postcards, you can place an illustration from the selected story or a photograph taken in advance of young people in characteristic outfits. Another option is to tie with a satin ribbon.

In a similar style, it is worth decorating. You can show your imagination and assign each guest a certain role from the chosen fairy tale by depicting a character on the front side along with the last name and first name. Seating cards are placed on the table next to each plate or attached to a glass or cutlery.

- This is a new trend in wedding fashion, which is a small box or bag for each guest with small symbolic gifts. For each theme of the wedding, such trifles are selected individually, for example, these can be figurines of fairy tale characters or objects characteristic of them.

Outfits of the newlyweds and guests

A fabulous wedding presents a lot of space for a flight of fancy, especially for the bride's wedding dress. It can be a classic modern wedding dress with a straight cut or a princess silhouette with a narrow top and a puffy skirt. In this case, the desired image is emphasized only by the details of jewelry and accessories.

There is another option - to watch a cartoon based on your favorite fairy tale again or read a book, and then create the desired sketch on your own. According to it, you can sew the desired dress yourself or seek help from a private master.

The advantage of such a decision is that the outfit will be tailored to individual measurements, which means it will emphasize the dignity of the figure and hide the flaws. In addition, you can achieve greater resemblance to the chosen fairy tale.

It is best to choose a classic or ball type, the heel should be of medium length or thickness. The hairstyle should not be too lush and pompous, elegant styling, braids or loose, depending on the theme, will do. you can not use it, replacing it with a stylized headdress in the spirit of the chosen fairy tale or a large decorative hairpin.

Make-up should be natural, but expressive. In fairy tales, the main characters always have beautiful eyes and plump lips, so you need to make light accents on them. Manicure can be plain, matching the color of the dress, or themed using patterns characteristic of the style.

The bride's bouquet can also be different. It can be made from natural or artificial flowers, as well as from improvised materials.

For example, in an Alice in Wonderland style wedding composition, you can use the most unusual items, up to a pocket watch and playing cards, and a bouquet of roses is most suitable for a bride in the image of a sleeping beauty.

It is much easier for the groom to choose a suitable outfit for himself - any classic suit, preferably a three-piece suit, will suit him. An ordinary tie is best replaced with a bow tie or a men's neckerchief.

To match the image, you can use additional accessories, for example, a top hat or a sword in a sheath on a belt. If the groom wants to look more extravagant, then he should dress like a true prince - in tight-fitting trousers, a camisole adorned with embroidery and shoulder pads, and high boots. Be sure to pick up a boutonniere that repeats the bride's bouquet.

Important! Guests can dress up for a fabulous wedding, depending on their desires and abilities.

Girls can come in ball gowns or fitted loose-fitting dresses. If you wish, you can rent the necessary clothes from fairy tales. Another option is to wear ordinary evening or cocktail dresses, emphasizing the theme chosen by the newlyweds only with the help of accessories. Men in this regard are much easier - they can wear any classic suit.

Scenario and secrets

The scenario of a wedding in a marine style exists in two versions. Newlyweds can use the style only in decoration and outfits, but leave the standard stages of the celebration unchanged - start with the ransom of the bride, then go to the registry office and to the place of celebration. Another option is to embody the script of the chosen fairy tale at the celebration, presenting the marriage in the form of a romantic story in which love overcomes all obstacles.

Fairy-tale style wedding - many thematic competitions and quizzes. The celebration must be made not only romantic, but also fun, so that neither the guests nor the newlyweds get bored. If the wedding will take place in nature, you can arrange a kind of quest for those present based on the chosen fairy tale.

A wedding in a fabulous style is always very beautiful photos. However, it is not necessary to have gourmet dishes on the table, the desired effect can be created by thematic decoration and proper serving. It is advisable to put a separate table on which there will be all kinds of fabulous sweets.

It is better to choose ballroom music, it is advisable to include soundtracks from cartoons based on your favorite fairy tales in the playlist. Dances should be predominantly ballroom, so guests should be warned in advance so that they can practice choreography at least at home. You can finish the festival with a bright fireworks display.


Having organized a wedding in a festive style, the newlyweds will be able to plunge into the atmosphere of childhood for a while, imagine themselves as their favorite characters descended from the pages of books. If you approach the organization of the festival with soul and imagination, you will get an unforgettable and magical event. To remember every moment of it, it is advisable to invite a photographer and video operator to the wedding.

Attention! Attention! Dear Assembly!
We have informed everyone in advance
What is in our fairytale palace today,
big and noisy ball
and everyone will be happy
who got here.

A fairy tale is magic, and love is the greatest miracle given to us by heaven.

And so that your love never ends, so that you keep it for centuries, I invite you to close the lock of love.
Groom and bride together:
"The lock won't open. We can't be separated."

Keep the keys sacred.

And now the way for the couple -
May only happiness await in life.
We invite you to a feast
To the wedding hospitality.

(sprinkle the corridor)

It just so happened in Rus' that the dearest guests are greeted with bread and salt.

Your moms are waiting for you.
Bow to them at the waist - they
Many nights spent next to you
They groomed you, raised you
May you bloom like roses!

Mom's word.

Here is bread - it is the head of everything. Who will be the head of your house? (bite bread)
But champagne wine, so that misfortune does not take you, so that happiness settles in your house.

Well, friends, go ahead!
The wedding feast is calling you!

The newlyweds and guests enter the hall sounds a fabulous melody.

Call signs of the royal decree.

Attention to all guests! From now on, you are all considered residents of fairy kingdoms. I hasten to inform everyone that you are invited to a wedding ball in the Far Far Away Kingdom, the tenth state.

And in the distant kingdom, the kindest tsar Valery Alexandrovich rules with his wife Marina Alexandrovna! (I invite parents to take their seats) fanfares

And today he gives in marriage his daughter, the beautiful princess Victoria, to the valiant prince of the tenth kingdom, Sergei. (Newlyweds and witnesses take their places "Mendelssohn")

And in the tenth kingdom, the wisest queen Nadezhda Mikhailovna rules (take their places) fanfares

And today they united their states into the Far Far Away Kingdom, the tenth state!

The good news is flying everywhere
The bells are ringing, the messengers are hurrying

And let the bells sing
Let the Annunciation sound louder
So that life is successful
Let them all ring louder, louder! bell ringing

From the bell ringing
Take the freshness of feelings and beauty!
Keep the echo of the march of MENDELSOHN,
Cherish tenderness, take care of warmth!

Good afternoon, happy hour!
We are glad to see you with us!
Take good, salam alaikum,
Bona sir, you ist das!

We've got guests
Yes, from different hairs
One from Sweden, one from Greece, one from Hawaii
And all on our loaf!
It was a voice - "that which in the world cannot exist at all." Well, wonderful guests really arrived at our cheerful ball.

(Introduction of guests) soundtrack solemn music

Our dear, long-awaited guests!
Bow to you low to the ground
For coming to our wedding!

He is a clever boy
By order of the father-in-law with the mother-in-law
Brought you a golden key

But before you hand this key
We need to learn one song
Let's have fun together and all together
We will sing a magical wedding song.

In the chorus, I hope you will support us and sing along!

Sing Wedding Super. minus songs BURATINO

The people gathered at the feast,
There is a Russian wedding going on here.
Today is a holiday for love
That's why they scream
No one will shut their mouth
What wedding is waiting for us here?

Wedding is great! Wedding is great!

Our bride is so sweet.
And the beauty drove me crazy.
Sergei let him know in advance
What happiness awaits him
Let the guests brag now
Bride Vika is simply CLASS!

VI-KA is super! VI-KA is super!

And next to her the groom sits,
His heart burns with love.
You look at him
It's not easy to find this
He's built like an Apollo
Tell me, what is he like?

SE - RGEY super! SE-RGEY super!

(to the groom)

You haven't known her for years
And how I fell in love - met.
And for you, our dear friend,
Suddenly became a second mother
We will tell you not melting,
What a mother-in-law you have!

Mother-in-law is super!

(to the bride)
You are not naive, you are not proud.
There is someone for you too.
It doesn't take long to remember
Now she is a second mother
After all, for two you have love,
Tell me, what kind of mother-in-law?

Mother-in-law is great!
(to the bride and groom)
The father-in-law has both become and honor,
And there is kindness and generosity.
When there is difficulty on the way,
You know where to go
Always help, give money,
After all, you have the father-in-law of the world.

Father-in-law is super! Father-in-law is super!

And next to the mother-in-law, the father-in-law sits,
And proudly looks at her daughter.
He will help VIKA,
And look forward to grandchildren,
He will be the best grandfather in the world,
What is our father-in-law? I'm waiting for an answer…
Our father-in-law is great! Our father-in-law is great!

What is a wedding without guests!
Without relatives and friends
Today we will burn
And play a Russian wedding
At the celebration of great love,
Oh, guests, what are you like?

The guests are great! The guests are great!
Swa - dba su - per!
Swa - dba su - per!

Congratulations from the groom's parents.
Congratulations from the guests. Create a charm. (Gift from the Fairy)

Steps of bare girlish feet
Funny pigtails, ringing children's laughter ...
Father Daughter Dance (Folder)
For dad, a daughter is the most precious thing,
She is undeniably the best!
And now the daughter is growing up, growing up by leaps and bounds.
And how sometimes the father misses
By children's jokes, mischievous eyes!
Years have passed when his flower blossomed,
He was promised to the prince, there is no way back! ..
Dad dances this dance with his daughter ...
There was no more beautiful dance and no! ..

Game: Goldfish. Put the fish in the center of the circle. Everyone dances to the music. At the end, you need to grab a fish. Whoever caught pulls out a wish card for everyone else:
1. Kiss of the bride (transmit)
2. Hugs of the groom (transmit)
Love Elixir (Drink from the hands of the bride and groom)
3 table.
certificate of happiness
wedding generals

A game:
The bride was stolen (Baba Yaga)
Phonogram: bride kidnapping

And now our prince Sergey will go to look for his beloved. (need to beat, invite father-in-law, friends)
Although I will help him. Baba Yaga stole our bride. Prepares her for the wedding with Kosh the Immortal. But there is a way to deal with this. Call Baba Yaga here! (phonogram: Baba Yaga's first song)

Baba Yaga:

We'll give him three tasks
Let's cope for free

After work, do not interfere with him. But let him watch ____________________________________ (TV show).

Know how to cook deliciously, don’t let me down, Feed your beloved only ________________________________ (name of the dish).

Praise more often for a good deed, So that your kisses are ____________________ (kind of a kiss) sweeter.

On different holidays, don’t make a mistake: You treat him only __________________________ (favorite drink).

Husband advice.

Do not sin on your wife, do not deprive her of dreams,
Every day, let her sleep until _____________ (time) hours.

So that her life with you is sweeter, You buy her ____________________________ (sweets) more often.

At a party, look, don’t be jealous, don’t be a fool, More often __________________________ (perfume) it’s better to give her.

Don’t open your mouth at other girls, And call your _______________________ (husband’s address) every minute.

And so that her eyes are like the radiance of dawn, Every day a bouquet of _____________________________ (name of flowers) give her.

May your years and days be filled with happiness,
After all, the happiness of selfless love is akin.
Keep, cherish, appreciate each other.
Love is an incomparable, bright miracle.

1. kissing moment

As you know, a kiss stabilizes blood pressure and improves mood.
And kisses are different - deep, romantic and passionate, and I invite our lovers to remember how this is done.
They say about lovers that they are in seventh heaven with happiness, so I suggest you kiss, slightly off the ground.
There are two chairs on the dance floor. The newlyweds climb them.

So, the first, heavenly kiss. The guests prepared to shout "Bitter!"
The bride and groom are kissing.

Kiss the YOUNG OAK


Kiss of the FIR-TREE PINE.

Kiss TEAM.


sea ​​kiss. "SOS!!! Kiss in a hickey!
Witnesses depict the sound of sea waves, and the bride and groom kiss

an earthly kiss - heavenly, for which I offer my husband, as the head of the family, and, standing firmly on heavenly earth, take his beloved in his arms!

Throwing a bouquet and a garter

And now, respected assembly, a moment of attention
Yes, not a minute, perhaps, but all five
It's time to take off our veil from our bride!

I sing “The veil is being removed” (The bride and groom dance inside the heart from the garland, the bridesmaids join them at the loss, they have candles and a large veil in their hands.) There is a clip of a candle on the screen.

The final
I ask the guests to lay out a heart from candles, the young people go into the center and light a Chinese lantern. Escort words:

On the day of the wedding flies into the sky
Balloon with the inscription "Love"
Everything is looking for a way to the golden gates of paradise
In the Seventh Heaven, rushing again.
"Love" is a gift for the happy
Sometimes fleeting, like a mirage.
From weekdays - such irreversible days
Protect your union

They congratulated you not for fun,
Gave a bag of gifts ...
We have to sit down on the path,
And a cup for the road!

I will tell you a story
In half a dozen phrases.
I'll just say the word "three",
Get your prize now!
Once we caught a pike
Consider what's inside.
Small fish were seen
And not one, but as many as ... five.
Dreaming guy hardened
Become an Olympic champion
Look, do not be cunning at the start,
And wait for the command: "One, two ... march"
When you want to remember poetry
They do not bison until late at night,
And repeat them to yourself
One, two, or better… seven.
One day a train at the station
I had to wait three hours.
Well, friends, you took the prize.
I give you a five.

Game: Zoo (couples. We distribute cards with the name of animals. Find a couple. We dance a ritual dance like an animal. We declare our love.
The Lion King is a lioness (The Lion King)
Peacock - Pava
Eagle - Eaglet
Golden Cockerel - Hen Ryaba
Hedgehog - hedgehog
Raven - Crow (Snow Queen)
Sly Fox - Fox Alice
Cat Basilio - Cat (Cat walking by itself)
Little Humpbacked Horse - Blue Horse

September and the warm half of October is the time for weddings. The crop was harvested, the moonshine was strained, the photographer promises good shots in the entourage of the autumn park. But it's not too late to change your mind and reschedule the wedding for another period, and spend the saved time on ordering and tailoring the most important thing, how an unusual wedding differs from the average - festive wedding dresses.
Dressed in fabulous wedding clothes, you can become anyone, feel like anything - a frog and Thumbelina, Yanukovych and Lyudmila, Figaro and Susanna. The main thing is to remember your favorite fairy tale and bring it to life, on her most important day for you.

1. The wedding of Batman and Wonder Woman
In the animated television series "Justice League", American superheroes fight evil day after day as a single team, and fans of the cartoon wait day after day for their beloved Batman and Wonder Woman to merge in a single love impulse.

At the wedding of Neil (46) and Sharon (40) Vaughn, everything was exactly as the fans have long wanted. The groom dressed up as Batman, the bride - Princess Diana of the Amazons.

The guests were instructed to dress up as Iron Man, The Joker, Master Yoda and other great characters from comics, movies and cartoons. The group photo turned out to be very bright and colorful, the wedding was unforgettable.

2. Halloween wedding
No one forbids combining marriage with the onset of the main Western children's holiday for adults - All Saints' Day. To marry a vampire to a zombie, a witch to a mummy, a skeleton to an ogre on this day is not only possible, but also necessary. And let the relatives howl because of their own prejudices - they will write about the newlyweds in all the tabloids.
For example, in Asia it is now fashionable to marry in outfits and zombie makeup. The precedents are repeated, families are strong, like the effect of the bite of a living dead:

At one of the English weddings, all those invited were asked to appear in mourning. The bride, named Julia, was brought to the hall of solemn events lying in a coffin. Rising from the dead, Julia led the groom "to the altar" on a dog chain. Today, the wedding coffin is used by husband and wife as a coffee table in the living room of their home.

Fans of the deadly issues of heavy metal music, Melissa and Phil entered the ceremonial hall under the Norwegian death metal, took pictures on the churchyard, and a cake with skulls was served at the table. Instead of champagne, there was a sea of ​​​​beer against the backdrop of a general roar and roar

3. Big Chinese space wedding on earth Pandora
The Wu Lingyang mountain range in China inspired director James Cameron to create the landscapes of the planet Pandora, where the events of the movie Avatar take place. Now crowds of young Chinese flock to this outlandish place for sci-fi weddings.

4. Marriage of Shrek and Fiona
A 44-year-old builder from Barnstaple (England) figured out how to get married if your last name is Green, which means "Green". Although his 40-year-old wife Christina claims that the idea to arrange Shrek's wedding belonged to her, because. From the moment they met, Keith (groom) reminded her of a kind cartoon cannibal.

The cheerful Britons spent 3 hours on professional make-up before the wedding ceremony. It turned out that the little green ears suit Mr. Green very well. And the 18-year-old son of Christina from her first marriage almost dressed up as a Donkey, but the size of the carnival costume did not fit.

5. Beauty and Beauty / Beast and Beast
Lovely ladies Megan Pence and Shasta Bates entered into a same-sex marriage, dressed up as characters from the fairy tale "Beauty and the Beast". Bride number one wore Belle's yellow dress, number two wore the starched blue coat of the Beast.

As you can see, among the witnesses of the newlyweds there was also one man:

6. The wedding of the magician and his assistants
The magician Mario married his assistant Kate on the condition that the wedding be held in retro style. The bride and groom dressed up as if it was being done in the 1920s. They were photographed on an ancient camera with an almost museum "mustache", the prints were tinted with sepia.

Two-step and Charleston danced, rings were handed to each other on playing cards - the king and queen of hearts. Maryazh, after all, is not some ordinary case in the registry office.

7. The most mustachioed wedding in recent history
Why Erin and Jared love facial hair, you ask them yourself with a mustache. The bride and groom came to the wedding with false stubble under their noses, fake beards, sideburns, and they demanded all this from the guests of the ceremony. Those who came to congratulate the newlyweds with an insultingly clean face, even the little ones, were offered a choice of seven models of self-adhesive antennae. The world has never seen a more mustachioed wedding.

8. Wedding of modern Romeo and Juliet
Football player Luca Ceccarelli paid 900 euros for the right to marry Irena Lamforti on the same balcony where, according to Shakespeare, Juliet listened to Romeo's confessions.

The authorities of the city of Verona decided to continue (for money) to allow lovers to become husband and wife in the famous house, the walls of which are multi-layered scratched with love messages “Ruslan + Lyudmila”, “John + Yoko”, “Adolf + Eve”, etc.

9. Wedding of Alice and the Hatter
Photographer Lauren Brimhall at other people's weddings does not hack, does not work, but creates. Once he was approached by a young couple who did not know what they wanted, but wanted their wedding photos to come out unusual. Brimhall invited them to dress up as Alice and the Mad Hatter and act out some Carroll skits. And this is what came out of it:

It's getting weirder and weirder, as that same Alice used to say. But more fun and more fun.