Scenario skit dedicated to the holiday "Last Bell" - "Farewell Tour". The script for the skit dedicated to the holiday "Last Call" - "Farewell tour" The script for the skit for parents at graduation 11







biology teacher

Andreeva Elvira Yurievna

Norilsk - 2010




Andreeva Elvira Yurievna

biology teacher

MBOU "Secondary school No. 1"

Norilsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory


Each school has its own traditions to organize and celebrate various holidays. The “Last Bell” holiday has no equal in terms of emotional impact on all those present. This is an unforgettable holiday for the children themselves, for their relatives and for teachers. Each school celebrates this holiday in its own way. There is a tradition in our school when at the celebration after the main solemn part, the graduates must prepare a response on their own, put on a skit. Believe me, every year the skit is individual, unique and original.

In this scenario, I based the skit on the idea of ​​the now popular television show “Minute of Glory” (however, the show is on the FIRST, and our minute was on the FIRST). I will be glad if you use my idea on your holiday. Good luck.

In the skit, songs were used that our guys remade and some of which we took from various compilations already published. Your right to replace them with those that you like better.


(background music: words by E. Nonin, music by Vershinin “Hello, my first school”)

(background gets louder, presenters come out)

1 host: It would seem the same

What day, what year.

But again, as in youth it worries

The next day of the arrival (on the twenty-fifth day of May the arrival) - as an option

2 host: And do not hold back the excitement in the morning,

As if in these weekdays you

Waiting for revelations and revelations,

And the fulfillment of dreams. 1 host: Here he came, the last day of school, And May is a magician, we know that, He showered generously tender lilacs With purple fragrant flowers. 2 host: Everything is ready, everything is ready: Flowers, smiles and words. Meet the culprits of the great celebration in this bright hall!

(graduates enter to the music, they appear on the screen, take their places)

(sounds lyrical background)

1 host: Graduates, today you have such a day: And he is a little sad, and cheerful: You have been unlearned for eleven years! Today you say goodbye to school.

2 host: School is your best friend

Our second home,

Where comprehended the course of science

We are a friendly family.

1 host: Any lesson, any meeting

All personnel on earth is more valuable

After all, every school moment is domain

Its uniqueness.

2 host: How long ago it was… You started your way in our school back in 1997. And all these years you tried to become a team, a single whole, you brought yourself up and re-educated each other. These years have been years of successes and failures for you. There were victories and defeats in competitions, sleepless nights over textbooks and deuces the next day.

1 host: Four and a half thousand calls included 11 school years. None of them is like the other. Some hurried you to the first lesson, some called to your beloved teacher, some helped you out at a tragic moment when you were called to the blackboard, and you didn’t want to go there at all ...

2 host: And there were, to be honest, incomparable calls at the end of the quarter, the academic year ... It seemed that they would never end! But now it's time for the last call! Behind - eleven years, behind - school years!

(background music to director's words)

1 host: Dear graduates!

School years, like steps,

You have been taken up for a long time.

The time has come to look back!

With you now in this room are sitting

Those with whom you have eleven long years

Equally shared the burden of troubles and victories.

2 host: The bell will be special today. The guys, alas, will not go to the lesson. Our parents are present in the hall. This is a parting word from the director! We give the floor to the director of our school Sergei Ivanovich Lomov(as the director exits and leaves the background music gets a little louder) (background music for guests) 1 host: To understand what is for centuries, what is perishable, The school helped us in life. But it would be dull in these walls Without wisdom and without warmth. 2 host: Without those people that taught us To go without fear of obstacles, Without their talent, their efforts And boundless faith in us. 1 host: Together with us, our guests came to share these moments of the holiday. The word for congratulations is presented (Administration, City Council, MA) _____________________ (as the guests enter and leave, the background music gets a little louder) (background music for the head teacher - sounds only for poetry) 1 host: There are many things on your way. There will be big and small ones, But only everything that lies ahead, the School has become the beginning.

2 host: The floor for reading the order on the admission of students of the eleventh grade to the State exams is given to the deputy director for educational work Olga Borisovna Andriainen.

(background music for the first teacher "My first teacher")

1 student: Today our last bell will ring (Andreeva E.)

And it was the first one. Do you remember this -

2 student: Our class, our very first lesson in life (Zalyaeva O.)

And a school flooded with sunshine!

3 student: That light guards us all for many years, (Afanasiev M.)

Do you remember: if resentment is a fountain,

4 student: They ran to her class, and sheltered from troubles (Tarasov M.)

Always our first mother.

5 student: Thanks to Lilia Mikhailovna for her amazing work! (Rogova P.)

For sincerity, generosity of the soul - without deceit,

6 student: For the fact that at least the years go and go, (Pavlova E.)

She will remain forever for us the first, school mother!

(while the guys sit down, the shots are still going, and the music is playing) (musical background for the exit of first-graders "Teach at school") 1 host: We are ready for school classes With the last bell to end, But it always rings in a new way For those who have become graduates. 2 host: So that you can save the memory of the spring holiday for a long time, the first-graders say their parting speech to you. (includes first graders)

Presentation by first graders.

2 host: Dear Guys! Today we say goodbye to the school, but you remain in it - its present, its future. And it is you who will continue to implement all our school traditions, and it will depend on you what kind of glory our school will have. Thank you for your congratulations, and now the moment has come when the graduates want to express their gratitude to you - they have prepared gifts for you.

(music sounds, graduates give gifts to first graders, see off first graders)

(background music for class teachers)

1 host: When you rush to the stars

Throwing blue flames

Always your school teacher

It will be invisible to you.

2 host: You rediscovered with him

Our native planet

And he gave you wings

Anticipating this moment.

1 host: Fairy tale? No, not a fairy tale

Everything must be remembered first -

And the way his pointer

It has become a magic wand.

2 host: And how, having opened the textbook,

It's like you opened the shutters...

A teacher is always a magician

At the same time, he is a mentor.

We invite our favorite class teachers to the microphone!

(speech by class teachers)

(background music for congratulating teachers)

1 host: Sincerely thank you very much

We say to all teachers.

2 host: Let failures not break you

There will be more gifts of fate.

We wish you to smile more often

And forget all your troubles.

1 host: Long years and success in work

All the children want to wish you

May good years

They fly with the birds of happiness!

1st and 2nd host: Thank you teachers! (musical background for the performance of the parents "Mama" (Lazoreva)) 1 host: The basis of the foundations is the parental home, We are growing in the family circle. In the family circle, all your roots, And in life you leave the family. In the family circle, we create life, The foundation of the foundations is the parental home. 2 host: Moms and dads, you understand us, We are finishing the eleventh grade, We are no longer tiny girls and boys, We are almost adult girls, boys. 1 host: But how we don’t want to grow up quickly, To know and be able to do everything ourselves, We can’t always admit, How we want, if it’s difficult, to snuggle up to my mother.

2 host: Parents, today they, like you, are also worried and worried. After all, this is also another page in our life, which we will soon turn over. But she will remain in our hearts forever. Dear parents, you have the floor.

(background music for the performance of parents) 1 host: Thank you dear parents. Forgive us if you have been offended by something, For sleepless nights, tears, excitement, For youthful pride and impatience. For the gray hair on my father's temples And for the wrinkles of my own face. In the belt we will bow to you to the ground Thank you family, thank you, thank you.

2 host: And now your attention will be presented to the project in the field of "Education", which became the winner in the competition of national projects in 2007. Dear teachers! You, strict and affectionate, wise and sensitive. They led us through the years of childhood and adolescence, put a piece of their heart into everyone, gave us their human warmth, their love, helped us find our place in life, taught us to be honest, useful people. And so each of you is worthy of glory.


1. Good afternoon, good afternoon, dear friends. You are present at the largest project that has ever been held in our city. We are present at the show "Minute of Fame in the First" (pause)

Behind, behind 2.5 months of our work, already behind the qualifying, quarter-final and semi-final rounds. Considered more than one hundred and fifty applicants from all over the world. And today, what we have been waiting for so long will happen - today is the final tour, on the show "Minute of Glory in the First"! (pause)

Today, here on this stage we will see all those participants who have already received their moment of fame, but this does not stop them, because they are trying to prove that they deserve more ... This is our main prize, what our participants strive for, and lies in the fact that they want to become the winners of our show !!! (pause)

Today's final meeting I will not lead alone, my co-host will help me to conduct it, meet - Ekaterina!

2. To your applause, we are pleased to introduce our respected and already professional jury.

1. Let me start my presentation of the jury members with the most strict, most principled member of the jury. It is almost impossible to influence her opinion, it is only possible to convince her with her excellent performance. I'm talking about Lilia Igorevna (L.I.) Let's welcome her.

2. We are pleased to welcome the most gallant member of the jury. His Eastern roots help him in this. Complimenting a girl or a woman is a common thing for him. In his opinion, women are created to be praised, to be admired. We hope that today he will be able to demonstrate it. Meet the second member of our esteemed jury, Adam Igorevich (A.I.).

1. The third member of the jury is traditionally unusual as always. Today's member of our jury is a person who is used to looking at everything under a microscope. I am pleased to introduce Mikhail Dmitrievich ( M.D.). Let's ask him, Mikhail Dmitrievich, the jury members received their testimonials during our project. Someone is the most principled, someone is the softest, and what will you be like, what will you be responsible for with us?

M.D. I will probably be a special effects specialist, I know that this is not uncommon on your project.

1. Thank you, Mikhail Dmitrievich. Now we all know about our jury members.

2. Dear members of the jury, tell me, will something change in judging, after all, is it the final?

L.I. Yes. Judging will become stricter. Only the participant who receives three "+" from the jury members will be able to claim the attention of the audience and the vote of the audience.

2. Our humane rules have become very strict.

L.I. The humanism of severity is not a hindrance.

2. Let's applaud the members of the jury. Today they will have a hard time in selecting participants. After all, only a few participants will become winners in the show "Minute of Glory in the First"!

1. 19 project participants were allowed to participate in the final.

2. A total of 19 participants will have a chance and will fight for their minute of fame in the first one!

1. Today is the final, the stakes are high and therefore we have had some minor changes in the rules. The participants of the project will not perform today themselves. To acquaint us with them, to represent them - will be their students. And the decision of the jury members, and then the results of the audience voting, will depend on how the participant prepared his speakers. By the way, the results of which we will know today.

2. You know, our members are so worried offstage right now and they need our support. Applause to all those who will take this stage today.

1. We start the final tour of the project

together : "Minute of glory in the first"!

2. The participants representing our first applicant will be the first to enter this stage. Information for thought. Top secret. Characteristics for the chief of public education - our first contender. Sergei Ivanovich - he's a chef, he's a director, he's a teacher, he's a father. Character: balanced in places, very persistent: vigilant against violators of cleanliness and order, has an authoritative voice: he sees everything, hears everything, knows everything. He has such a pleasant voice! Something I got carried away. Probably enough, otherwise the speakers will have nothing to say. Watch their performance (number goes)

1. Dear members of the jury, you have the floor. Do we allow Sergei Ivanovich to vote on the audience?

A.I. Our opinions coincided, the students very fully revealed the image of the applicant to us, so we all put “+”, which means that yes, we allow this applicant to the audience voting.

1. I will ask our assistants to take out and hand over the sign of the participant in the show “Minute of Glory in the First”!

2. It's time to present the next contenders. I didn't make a reservation. Now we will see the performances of the students representing the duet to us. Information for thought. Top secret. Characteristics for the participants of the duet "Helpers". Natures are active, superactive. They were trained in a special purpose group, acquired the skills and abilities to communicate with any individuals. Special signs: enthusiasm, the ability to quickly search, the ability to be in several places at once, to see everything, hear everything, know everything. Each member of the duet has its own specialization. Olga Borisovna specializes in finding out the level of knowledge, and Tatyana Viktorovna in finding out the level of upbringing of all those who surround them. We meet their students (there is a number in two parts)

1. Let's listen to the opinion of the members of the distinguished jury. Do we allow Olga Borisovna and Tatyana Viktorovna to the audience voting?

M.D. You know, our opinions are not divided again. This is probably because the final and the level of applicants is very high. We, of course, allow these applicants to the audience voting.

1. I will ask our assistants to take out and hand over the badge of the participant of the show “Minute of Glory in the First” to Olga Borisovna and Tatyana Viktorovna.

2. Duets are very popular on our project. Allow me to introduce the next contenders for victory in our show, members of the duet "Tamara and I". Information for thought. Top secret. Characteristics of the agents of public education in the field of education, edification, encouragement, encouragement, reprimand, nutrition, in general - education. Special signs: the ability to open the soul of each with a special key and keep it only with oneself, to get out of difficult situations with honor, to be able to sing in the absence of a voice, to dance in the absence of a sense of rhythm. Each member of the duet is characterized by its own zest. Larisa Alekseevna: artistic nature, always healthy, even when sick, has a unique charm, charm. He always knows everything about everyone, makes friends with politicians.

1. The second member of the duet, Tamara Moiseevna, was seen in promoting the works of Russian classics among young people. In literary circles, she is closely acquainted with Alexander Sergeevich, Nikolai Vasilyevich, Mikhail Afanasevich. She is especially close to Fedor Mikhailovich. A special sign: not passing youth. We meet the students of Larisa Alekseevna and Tamara Moiseevna (there is a number in two parts)

2. Dear members of the jury, we want to hear your opinion. We say "YES" to Larisa Alekseevna and Tamara Moiseevna?

L.I. Yes. Yes. And once again yes. The students of the duet participants were very expressive. We did not even have any doubts about the admission to the audience voting of these applicants.

1. With the introduction of the next applicant, one must be extremely careful and accurate. Why? Judge for yourself. Information for thought. Top secret. Characteristics for a highly specialized agent of public education in the field of mathematics Oksana Osipovna. The character is Nordic, rectangular, she made every effort to keep the USE experiment under wraps. He is fluent in the beginning of analysis, algebra and geometry. Special signs: hardworking, assertive, smart. Meet her students (number goes)

2. Dear viewers, let's listen to the opinion of the jury members. Do we allow Oksana Osipovna to the audience voting, according to the results of which she can become the winner of our show?

A.I. We have no doubt that Oksana Osipovna should be admitted to the audience voting.

2. Thank you. What unanimity among the members of the jury. I will ask our assistants to take out and hand over the badge of the participant of the show “Minute of Glory in the First” to our applicant!

2. Allow me to introduce to everyone present in this hall the next contender for victory in our show. Top secret. Characteristics of a highly specialized agent of public education in the field of biology and ecology. Elvira Yuryevna during her work proved to be a true fighter for the purity of the ranks of environmental protection, successfully passed natural selection and remained the only carrier of biology genes. Special signs: the desire to plant everything in the offices, her motto is "Animals are our smaller brothers." Let's see how our applicant will be represented by his students. (number goes)

1. Dear members of the jury, I'm even afraid to ask you what your decision will be in relation to this applicant. Do we allow Elvira Yuryevna to the audience voting?

M.D. We will not disappoint you. Our answer is again "YES". It is difficult for us to make another decision, let the audience decide.

1. Thank you. Now at least we know the reason for your unanimity. I ask the assistants to take out and hand over to Elvira Yuryevna the sign of the participant in the show.

1. You need to be able to joke with our next applicant, otherwise you can get into such trouble that no amount of gravity will help you. Information for thought. Characterization of a rectilinear and electrified agent of public education in the field of physics. The character is flexible, balanced. Special Sign: Has a sense of humor. Underground nickname "Mechanic". Let's greet the students of Mikhail Nikolaevich (number goes)

2. Dear viewers, let's listen to the opinion of our esteemed jury. Do we allow Mikhail Nikolaevich to the audience voting? Although we probably already know the answer.

L.I. The disciples of Mikhail Nikolaevich were so convincing that, of course, we say “YES” in this case too.

2. Please, Mikhail Nikolayevich, from our assistants, accept the sign of the participant in the show “Minute of Glory in the First”!

1. A little time will pass, and we will find out the names of all those who will be admitted to the audience voting. In the meantime, let me introduce you to the trio in our project. The members of this trio are highly specialized agents of public education in the field of physical education and life safety. Nelli Viktorovna, Irina Vyacheslavovna, Alexander Nikolaevich are masters in overcoming any obstacles, and at any time of the year and under any weather conditions. They constantly think about safety and how to avoid emergencies. Special signs: they can be found everywhere, they carry a ball and a first aid kit as a talisman. It will not be surprising if the students of these applicants will appear before in a special way. (number goes)

2. Dear viewers, let's listen to the opinion of our esteemed jury. Do we allow Nelli Viktorovna, Irina Vyacheslavovna, Alexander Nikolaevich to the audience vote?

A.I. The students of this trio were so convincing that, of course, we say “YES” in this case too.

L.I. After such a performance, you immediately want to try something yourself. And all of a sudden we can do it.

2. Please accept from our assistants the signs of the participants in the show "Minute of Glory in the First"!

2. We have received top secret information on the next contender to win our show. Tatyana Anatolyevna was trained in the special purpose group of the biochemical faculty of the Oryol University, after which she was sent to us as a resident. Possesses the skills of dissolving in the environment of students and neutralizing school conflicts. Special signs: able to prevent students from reacting negatively to any situation. Let's see how our students will present our applicant, maybe we'll learn something new (number goes)

1. Let's listen to the opinion of our jury members. Do we allow Tatyana Anatolyevna to the audience voting?

M.D. We think the answer is obvious. "YES". We wish Tatyana Anatolyevna support from the audience.

1. Thank you, we hope that the audience will hear you. Please give Tatyana Anatolyevna a sign of a participant in our show "Minute of Glory in the First"!

1. Before we introduce you to the next applicant, we would like the members of the jury to press their buttons. Otherwise, everyone in the hall may get the impression that they are not working. (Jury members take turns pressing the buttons)

1. Thank you. Our doubts were dispelled. And now about the applicant. Information for thought. Top secret. Description of the agent of public education of different countries in the field of geography and economics Lyudmila Alexandrovna. The character is unpredictable like our weather, the mood is elusive, impetuous, up to 60 m / s with thunderstorms and thunder. Change of mood occurs often: then warming comes, then cold snap comes sharply. A special sign: he can always name the exact exchange rate. Meet her students (number goes)

2. Thanks to the students. In my opinion they were great. Now I just need to find out if my opinion coincides with the opinion of the jury members.

L.I. We cannot but agree with you. Of course yes"

2. And this means that Lyudmila Aleksandrovna is admitted to the audience voting. Accept from us, Lyudmila Alexandrovna, the sign of a participant in our show.

2. Most of the competition program is behind us and we present the next contenders to win the show. Yes Yes Yes. We have a duet again. According to the information received by us, it became known that, using personal charm and an enhanced program, they created a special task force capable of answering the question in any situation: “Do I blow Speech English?” clearly answer "Nicht fershtey." Probably the members of just this group will introduce Tatyana Ivanovna and Anastasia Vladimirovna to us. We are watching (number goes)

(by chance, one of the jury members presses a button at the end of the number)

1. Dear members of the jury, is this what we all thought when we heard the characteristic signal?

A.I. No, it happened by accident, I was so carried away by the action that was happening on the stage and accidentally touched the button. That's all the explanation. And our decision is as follows: both Tatyana Ivanovna and Anastasia Vladimirovna are allowed to vote by the audience.

1. Thank you. The intrigue did not work out and it's wonderful. Dear applicants, accept from our assistants the decals of the participants in the show "Minute of Glory in the First"!

1. The technical equipment of our next participant has reached high limits. Natalya Vladimirovna is equally good at graphic arts, computer layout, knows a huge number of foreign words. Special features: friendly with the mouse, slender, graceful, calm. Let's see what students have to say about their teacher (number goes)

2. Let's listen to the opinion of our jury members. Do we allow Natalya Vladimirovna to the audience voting?

M.D. We think the answer is obvious. "YES". We wish Natalya Vladimirovna support from the audience.

1. Thank you, we hope that the opinion of the audience will coincide with your opinion. Please give Natalya Vladimirovna a badge of a participant in our show "Minute of Glory in the First"

2. So the time has come for the presentation of the last contenders of our show. Information about the special agents of public education in the field of studying human relations. Natalya Alexandrovna, Oksana Viktorovna and Marina Sadirovna are interchangeable, but not replaceable. Everyone knows about those who skip classes, hiding in secluded corners. Special signs: they have the voices of a siren, the plasticity of Plisetskaya, a sense of humor a la "The Best Samples of KVN" Let's see how they prepared their group of students (number goes)

1. Dear members of the jury, we want to hear your opinion. We say "YES" to Natalia Alexandrovna, Oksana Viktorovna and Marina Sadirovna.

A.I. Yes. Yes. And once again yes. The students of these two participants were very expressive. We did not even have any doubts about the admission to the audience voting of these applicants.

2. Accept from our assistants the signs of the participants in the show "Minute of Glory in the First"!

2. And so, attention, dear viewers, the moment has come that we have been waiting for so long. Here are the names of those lucky ones whom the jury members allowed to the audience voting. It is from the list of these people that you can choose those whom you consider worthy of the title of the winner of the show “Minute of Glory in the First”! To your applause (facilitators list all teachers)

1. The jury has spoken, but the situation may change. Only those contestants you vote for will become the winners of our show. There are only a few seconds left before the end of the voting. Hurry, your vote may be decisive. Vote for your nominee.

(bars of diagrams change on the screen, at the end everyone stops at the same level)

2. Just look, today the unity of opinion is observed not only among the members of the respected jury. Our viewers also demonstrated unity in opinion and view. And as it is not surprising, I am pleased to announce that the title of the winner of the show "Minute of Glory in the First" was received by all our finalists. And this suggests that all these people are real masters of their craft.

    But without the help of other school employees, they would not be able to do their job well and get this title. Therefore, we say a big thank you to Lyubov Gennadievna, Zhanna Valerievna, Yana Borisovna, Valentina Grigorievna, all the teachers and educators of the GPA. The fact that our students have learned something is also your merit, thank you.

TOGETHER: Thank you very much.

(end song playing)

1 student: Sincerely thank you very much

We say to all teachers.

Be young and happy

Peace, many years, health to you!

2 student: We wish good teachers

And blue overhead

More joy, warmth

Wins and fewer breakups!

3 student: And even if you suddenly cry

You're going to say goodbye

Don't cry - our graduation class

It only says "Goodbye" to you.

4 student: We love you very, very much -

Openly, sincerely, sincerely.

And in this precious hour

We want to remember you forever!

All flowers today for you -

Dear teachers!

(The final point of the skit: presenting flowers to all the teachers sitting in the hall)

(background music for call)

1 host: Music sound, bustle backstage

Holiday rainbow, sleepless nights.

In a school notebook, written to the skin,

Spring will put an end.

2 host: All the turmoil swirled spring,

But, as usual, on time

Your successes, mistakes, accomplishments,

Everything will be summed up by the last call.

1 host: Think school days have gone by

Childhood now only a dream

You want to tell him: "Childhood, come back

Say goodbye to this line!"

2 host: Holding on to my mother's hand,

Then we first went to class

For your very first lesson in life,

And here it is today - the last call.

1 host: Well, that's it, the lesson is over. Never repeat it to us! Open your ears and listen to the sound of the last bell!

2 host: The right to give the last call is granted to a graduate of grade 11 ___________

And the first grader _______________________________.

(background music turns off, silence in the hall)

1 host: Freeze for a moment, stay at the threshold

On the eve of new ways and roads.

Let's dream a little

Listening to this last call.

(a graduate, putting a first-grader on his shoulder, they begin to walk around the hall)

(background music before the waltz)

2 host: Childhood sails off to distant lands, Forever leaving its berth We do not say to childhood: “Goodbye” And we whisper in the trail a short one - goodbye! And at this hour of the last parting, Joy and sadness suddenly mingled We don’t say “Goodbye” to childhood But we whisper a short farewell in the wake!

1 host: It's time to say goodbye to the school desk,

Blackboard, textbook and expensive class, Admit it, it hurts us now, of course, to leave the house that has become dear to us. But only school waltz leads its circling, Circling the earth! Universe, spin! We came here from the ship "Teaching", Let's leave here - to the ship "Life"! 2 host: Dear guests! May the last school waltz sound for you as the embodiment of youth and happiness.

Farewell waltz of graduates

(the final verses are read by the guys who danced the waltz)

(background music for the finale)

1 student: Our childhood floats away

Like a squadron of brigantines,

Leaving us a legacy

Memory of sunny pictures...

2 student: Graduate, we wish you happiness,

Don't forget school.

White dove flying high

Luckily let him lead the way!


3 student: Today we say goodbye to school.

There is no way now to the first class.

And I don't want to think about the pain

What is now lurking with us.

4 student: Here we have grown, become smarter

And we come to life, at last,

We'll leave and the doors will slam shut

What hurts so much for our hearts.

5 student: Everything they taught us in school

It won't go away, it won't disappear like smoke.

Goodbye, painfully familiar

The school house that has become our home.

1 host: The right to make a circle of honor is granted to our graduates. Let's all greet them together.

(graduates leave the hall to the music)

2 host: This concludes our holiday, see you at the graduation ball.


Host (Gulnara):

Good afternoon A special edition of the program "Vremya" is on the air.

Today in the release of a special investigation of the first channel regarding a complaint received on the website of the president from students of the 11th grade of secondary school No. 3 in the city of Yelabuga. Our correspondent went to the scene, where the dissatisfaction of schoolchildren turned into a protest action.

Graduates come out from behind the curtains with banners.

Denis: “We want to stay at school!”,

Roma: "School is in the heart forever!",

Ilya K. "Bring back childhood!"

Correspondent (Nadia): Tell me, what was the reason for your protest action?

Ilya K : We protest against the intention of the administration of school No. 3 to "push" us out of the walls of our native school, thereby definitively depriving us of our childhood.

Correspondent (Nadia):: Tell me what are your requirements?

Roma : We demand to leave us for the second year and provide a traditionally warm atmosphere, good attitude and great love!

Denis : We tearfully ask to satisfy our complaint, we beg, we believe, we love and we cannot imagine life without our native school and our beloved teachers!

Correspondent Nadia: But, the last call, the last lesson is as inevitable as the change of day and night. You have an independent adult life ahead of you, full of great prospects and discoveries, and you can always come to visit school!

Student DENIS: Yes, of course, all this is so! In fact, we wanted to draw the attention of the whole country to our school, the wonderful teachers who work here and bow low to them for every year we live here!

Correspondent NADIA: Well, we are live and, taking this opportunity, we will make a tour of the floors of the school. You have a unique opportunity to tell about the people who have become close and dear to you in eleven years.

Student REGINA:

The school led us on the road of knowledge,

We all grew up, but not suddenly,

And he was always with us

Our school teacher is our best friend!

LILA's student: The clear, well-coordinated work of the director, the head teacher of the school helped us to successfully prepare for the exams. B. Fania Kamilovna, thanks to your painstaking, tireless work, we and our parents learned all the news on the KDR, the Unified State Examination in time. You have always helped and supported us, thank you!


We have not yet entered our school,

And the director is already on the threshold,

Your health will certainly ask

And she will give everyone a smile with her smile!

Skit participants (sing). LILYA AND NATASHA
And you know, there will still be
The school wind will still blow
Babies will still conjure you,
And the doors will open again.

And make us meet

And will invite us to meet
And your eyes will smile again
When in September at dawn
The children will reunite.

DIANA student: We invite you to elementary school, room number _____

(song to the first teacher on the motive "Weather in the house", Larisa Dolina) DIANA AND ANIA

1. We recently came to you as kids,
For the first time sitting at the desks at the blackboard.
Four years you shared with us
Lessons, breaks and calls.

Most importantly, the first teacher
You and I are very lucky.
Thank you for your nerves
For hard work, affection and warmth.

Correspondent NADIA: pupils 11 kneel with gratitude and love before the first teachers - Borodina Natalya Petrovna, Koliyeva Farida Mukhametovna.

ALIYA's student: And now we invite you to office No. ____ to confess your love to the teacher of Russian language and literature Chuprynina Galina Vasilievna.

ALIYA's student:

We love you, what more.

We are now free...

Why now words, sobs,

And the pain of a moment of parting.

Let's just smile

Trust me, we'll be back here.

We love you ... And what is the result? -

We have wide roads ahead of us.

And let your love shine on us

For us, you are the best - believe me!

Correspondent NADIA: The whole country really should know such teachers. How much strength, patience, care given to the guys for the years lived next to you.

ELVIRA's student: We invite you to office No. ___ and want to introduce you to a wonderful person, an excellent professional - Karpova Elena Mikhailovna.

Nastya and Elvira

Unified State Exam. High school graduation.

She tells us this every now and then,

Worried about all of us. For what

To keep it worthy.

Who both studied and will pass

We know this axiom

And let's be honest without embellishment

We just learn her assignments in the subject

Who will take up his mind in time

To that, of course, a hundred times

It will turn around

After all, mathematics is such a thing

Yes, very exact science.

And in life everyone needs

She keeps telling us all the time

And we love this teacher

For warmth for knowledge in your subject

Correspondent NADIA: Elena Mikhailovna, a deep bow to you from the 11th grade for your work, patience and kindness.

Student ILYA K.: We want to introduce you to another teacher who has become dear and dear to us, a teacher of history and social science - Guryeva Galina Pavlovna!

Student: Ilya K.

Stories of glorious great dates
We will carry in memory for a long time,
Let's feel in our hearts what once was,
Let us imagine the paths of the ages.

Once upon a time in history class: Scene: sports station. History lesson.


CorrespondentNADIA: Yes, you can envy, because you had an erudite, demanding, understanding and fair teacher next to you!

Roma student: We want to express our gratitude to the teacher of geography and chemistry, Maksyutina Nadezhda Vasilievna, for kindness, cordiality, understanding, and the ability to make distant countries and continents close.

Song, dance "Opa, chemistry"

Student TANYA: Grade 11 students thank the teacher of physics Ermakov Maxim Andreevich for the ability to explain the most complex physical concepts in a language accessible to students.

(To the physics teacher, the girls sing to the tune of the song “Attempt number five”). TANYA, GULNARA

1. I loved little: Jn. Tired of Yaz, forgot the music,

It's too late to learn Russian, I don't remember anything from chemistry,

Only one physics for me: amps, volts, ohms, magnet

I am carried away by a warm river in the sky.

And I taught, I taught her again, again, again.

My beloved teacher, give me a mark of "five".

And I taught, I taught her successfully, apparently,

Now I know from physics concepts, many formulas.

Correspondent NADIA: Russia is famous for its teachers and we hope that your students will also bring glory to it.

Student REGINA: We want to thank the English teacher Petr Nikolayevich Erokhin for believing that students will still be able to communicate with foreigners and read Shakespeare in the original.


LERA correspondent: And also, I would like to thank the teachers of the Tatar language Murdasheva Reseda Foatovna and Gilfanova Gulfinur Asgatovna!


Without an interpreter we can understand you

You have great pronunciation

We come to the same conclusion:

Tatar lessons continue

And you? Don't Ask Strictly

After all, we clearly understand

That everyone in the Tatar class is in love

And this is clear to everyone:

It is so nice to communicate in Tatar with you!

Student ANTON: We would like to sincerely thank Yakupova Liana Vyacheslavovna for her inexhaustible energy, optimism, sense of humor, love for nature and animals, which she instilled in us.

(song for a biology teacher to the motive of Winnie the Pooh's puffing song) ILYA B. ANTON

Alcoholized leeches - no problem!

Ecology is in order - yes, yes, yes!

Dig in all the flowers and plant them in pots!

Cure diseased kidneys is nonsense!

We have always loved biology!

Cro-Magnons were found, yes, yes, yes!

Fleas, lice and cockroaches,

Monkeys and bananas

We will remember those lessons forever!

LERA correspondent: Yes, indeed, with teachers like yours, you are guaranteed the best results in the USE.

Goltsev's student: We thank our resilient, cheerful physical education teacher with love. "In a healthy body healthy mind!" -Ezhov helped us understand this truth Sergey Konstantinovich!

Performed to the tune of the song "Combat" by the group "Lube". GOLTSEV, TOMILIN, ROMA. LYOSHA

Fizruk, father, father, fizruk ...
We are after the lessons without legs and without arms,
Knees tremble and bones ache
And the balls are circling before my eyes.
Sergey, beloved, beloved fizruk,
Thanks for the strength, for our strong spirit.
We are grateful to you, and if something happens,
We will come to your aid, beloved fizruk.

LERA correspondent: Accept words of gratitude from the 11th grade.

Tomilin's student: How many memories are connected with Kim Artem Viktorovich! Zarnitsa and banner group, formation and song competition, military field training! You inspired us to be creative, brought up the will to win.

(song to the teacher of life safety on the motive of the song "Border") DENIS, Tomilin.

Here again guys

At the training camp from the military registration and enlistment office.

The girls suffer

The life safety textbook is leafing through.

Let it be difficult, but still,

It’s hard for us, but OBZH will help!

And we teach it just like everyone else!

We are not afraid of different

Difficulties dangerous!

And with any problem

Let's get it right!

Student GULNARA: Our words of appreciation and gratitude to the teacher of labor - Nadezhda Vladimirovna!

We proudly cook pasta,

And we will drive a nail into a stool,

And the hole in the toe will not scare you,

We’ll say to her: uuh, and we’ll sew it up in an instant!

Your ideas and skills

What can you tell us

In life, we will all come in handy

And we say THANK YOU!

Student Elvira: we thank the teacher of the MHC (music)

Fanfares, it's better to be silent:

Our choir will not win!

Favorite music teacher

we want to sing an ode to you!

Not in vain, changing, generations

They love your delicate subject so much!

Please accept our congratulations

Health, happiness, long years!

LERA correspondent: So many vivid memories of the school thanks to the inexhaustible energy, painstaking work of teachers. Such teachers deserve the recognition of the whole country!

lily's student: We would like to say the warmest words of gratitude to our class teacher Ivanova Irina Alexandrovna, and she is also our computer science teacher.!

(song to the class teacher on the motive of the song "Vernissage")

We met with you and we

You have loved very dearly.

The light class was so beautiful

But your look is even more beautiful,

The sparkle in your eyes gave me hope.

You are like a caring mother

We wanted to become smart

Surrounded with warmth and care.

Your strict mind and kindness

We have always been a support

You helped us a lot.

Our teacher, our beloved,

We love you with all our heart,

Your efforts and words

We will never forget!

Our cool leader

We thank you for everything.

We will keep the school in our hearts

And we will come to you again and again!

Student of BERNATOV:

No matter how sad it was to leave the school, but the hour of farewell has come. We thank everyone for the happiness of knowledge, the joy of communication, the atmosphere of love and creativity.

Student: ANTON

Dear teachers! Without you, there would be no illustrious hero, no all-powerful politician, no ordinary soldier. After all, each of them once opened the door to the life of a teacher.

Student: NADI

Next to us all these years were the closest and dearest people to us - our parents. Our dear fathers and mothers! Our closest, dear, beloved people!

NATASHA: Thank you for helping us overcome our first school road in life, thanks to you we did not turn off it and made it to the final destination. We promise to please you, we will try to justify your hopes. Thank you so much for the inspiration...

Student: Tanya

Well, how can we not remember today about those

Who shared with us joy, bitterness, laughter,

Who collected to school every day,

And sometimes burned with shame.

LERA student:

Parents! We are nowhere without you

Any trouble with you is not a problem.

And joy is so full to have fun,

After all, you still have a long time to study with us!

Student REGINA:

We want to say at this hour,

About those who gave us life,

About the closest people in the world,

About those who helped grow

And it will help a lot!

Student NASTYA:

Invisibly our parents follow us,

And in joy, and at the hour when trouble came!

They seek to protect us from sorrows,

But, alas, we do not always understand them!

GULNARA's student:

Forgive us, dear relatives,

After all, there are no people more valuable than you!

As they say, children are the joy in life,

And you are our support in it!


Only for you I sing with my soul
Without lies and selfish reasons,
I can't love without you
I don't like this world without you.
Like a bell ringing in a dream
Mother's voice painfully dear
Warm thoughts are always about you
The best father, because my

We are with you forever
Let's forget all unnecessary words
Hugs tighter and love
We are with you forever

We thank you

I do not ask life for good
You raised me well
And it baked on the soul
It's like living water
This world is so cruel and vulnerable
But there is a place for rights and dreams
And we embarked on the path with him,
Grateful for everything only to you

We are with you forever
Let's forget all unnecessary words
Only heart and soul, sight and silence
Hugs tighter and love
We are with you forever
Like the sun light, air and water
Once again, for everything that we have
We thank you

Only for you I sing with my soul
Without lies and selfish reasons
I can't love without you
I don't like this world without you

LERA correspondent:

Hero-teachers who perform a small feat every day should be known to the whole country!

Together: Thank you dear teachers and dear parents!

1) Giving warmth to us, they opened their hearts,

We were loved by the teachers, sometimes they pitied us.

Empty our favorite class

No noise or din is heard in it,

He felt sad without us, we became sad without him.

2) Soon we will fly away into the distance, like a flock of balls up,

If you're sad, cry, if you're happy, smile.

How many empty words, promises and stupid phrases,

Goodbye, sorry, goodbye

Let's tell the school one last time.

3) Warm, quiet, autumn sometimes we will knock on your windows

Open your doors wide open, let us in for a minute.

Where there are hundreds of familiar faces, where only ringing laughter is everywhere

Where notebooks are a faded sheet, this is the school loved by everyone.

If you're sad, cry, if you're happy, smile,

Soon we will fly away into the distance, like these balls up.

Host GULNARA: The emergency release of news from school No. 3 of the city of Yelabuga has come to an end. Dear graduates! Unfortunately, the president cannot grant your complaint! The school has opened its doors and you have a wide road to life ahead of you. Thanks to the report, the viewers of the first channel know that your teachers and parents are the best. Good luck to you!

Fomicheva Olga
Skit script for graduation party in 11th grade

Remake song "You're in the army now"

We will not say where is the truth, where is the lie.

We'll be back and then you'll understand

That are already adults.

Woah-woah, we're adults now, yeah

You are not a student yet, so what.

You'll be surprised, friend, when you realize

What will you be in the university.

Woah-woah, you'll be in high school, yeah

If you are not sick, not stupid,

If so you are friends with the head,

Then you will be in the university,

Maybe you'll be in high school, yes.

If you don’t wheeze, don’t puff,

And you decide, even if you sleep,

That's on the exam

Woah-woah, you'll do great, yeah

We don't want to leave school.


We are all up and running this morning.

We didn't want to leave, but the time has come for us.

We are releasing

Whoa whoa, prom today, yeah

I'm a graduate already, wow wow

But we're here tonight, yeah

And all the graduates, wow wow

We say goodbye to you!

(fanfare sounds)

Presenter 1: And now behind the year of our study.

And the first rise, and the first fall.

And tonight we wanted to

We remember every moment.

Presenter 2: While we are together, in class, still nearby.

And ahead is a long, difficult path.

But there is an opportunity with a kind, gentle look

Ask for forgiveness - for something!


Host 1: Ladies and gentlemen,

Ladies and Gentlemen.

Good evening!

Presenter 2: Good evening to everyone who has gathered in this beautiful hall.

Host 1: We are glad to see you, dear guests.

Presenter 2: Moms, dads and respected teachers are worried.

Presenter 1: So the holiday of youth and beauty, friendship and fidelity has come.

Presenter 2: A celebration of music and dance, love and hope, an evening of ball gowns and elegant costumes.

Presenter 1: Holiday of graduates of 2016 of secondary school No. 11 of the city of Soligorsk.


Presenter 2: Dear friends, today is the most important holiday for all of you.

Today summed up all the worries, troubles, sorrows, joys. Today, the life total is 11 years long. Graduation party is the cherished dream of every student. After all, chicks always dream that their wings would get stronger and be allowed to fly.

Presenter 1: Unfortunately, childhood is not forever, it still ends someday, and adult independent life comes to replace it. And how great it is that warm memories of childhood are stored in our memory, about this wonderful and wonderful time when you can endlessly play, have fun, be surprised.

Presenter 2: When you can pull the girls by the braids, push around in the school cafeteria, hoping to have time to buy the cherished bun before the call. And, to be honest, it’s not very much to be afraid of punishment due to being late for the lesson. A soft bun will smooth out all the unpleasant moments.

Presenter 1: Have time to write off unprepared homework assignments in 20 minutes of the break, and have time to learn the paragraph for the next subject in the lesson. It seemed that there were not 24 hours in a day, but at least 25, we tried to do everything.

Presenter 2: But no matter how much we want, childhood is leaving ... It left drop by drop, quietly and imperceptibly, with the first letters on the board. With short dresses, with piercing calls, which are more expensive than all the theorems in the world. With the familiar, familiar voice of the class teacher ...

Presenter 1: Presenter: And it was raining outside the window ... The lights were turned on in the classroom and, under Tatyana Onegin’s declarations of love, they copied mathematics, proved unprovable theorems, attributed extra laws to Newton, and everything was fine. And childhood is gone...

Presenter 2: Take care of childhood in your heart, and it will always warm you with a happy thought about it.

(song with slides from school life)

And childhood is leaving, it's a pity

School years go by fast

Children grow up and grow up forever

Pranks, toys, we forget

Girlfriends grew up, everyone is in love with someone.

And childhood is leaving, it's a pity

And March begins, spring

Goodbye childhood, after we say

Memory will warm up, remembering your days

A cheerful call accompanies us

Goodbye school, goodbye sweet class

And childhood is leaving, it's a pity

Everything passes, February ends again

And March begins, spring

It's time for our youth, we fly away from the yard

Decide in an adult way. polls will be us.

Memories from childhood are close and so far away

Sometimes fleeting like a deep ocean

Everything that I valued, everything my heart asks for

Suddenly, it leaves me forever

Gone forever and will never return

The last song sounds, the last time sounds.

Goodbye school, goodbye favorite class.

And childhood is leaving, it's a pity

Everything passes, February ends again

And March begins, spring

It's time for our youth, we fly away from the yard

We will resolve issues in an adult way.

Presenter 1: Eh, guys, how quickly school life passed. But it was rich and interesting, there is something to remember.

Presenter 2: Yes, we had time to study and have fun.

Presenter 1: At the same time, we were unusually superstitious. We believed in a black cat crossing the road to school at the wrong time, so the teachers did not always see us in the classroom. In no case did they return home if they forgot their notebook, textbook and diary, and when their nose itched ... they waited for news.

Presenter 2: For parents, our day began at 7 - 45, we all walked in a crowd, but not towards the school ... After all, we still had to go to the store, or ... discuss the latest news ... around her corner.

Host 1: That's right, and most of all we liked purple, green, yellow, and if the school uniform were in these shades and consisted of jeans and t-shirts, then there would be no more disciplined graduation in wearing uniforms in the whole school!

Presenter 2: In general, we are very kind and nice guys, and if the teachers didn’t give us a lot of lessons, and the parents took care of our stomachs in time, we would become even kinder and nicer.

Host 1: School without homework is just a dream. And if, without compulsory school uniforms, attendance would increase by 80 percent, then without homework - by one hundred percent.

Presenter 2: Oh, dreams! I remember sitting all night long at homework in mathematics, and then I wore it to my parents to check. They are strict for me. As I remember one episode...


Son: Dad... dad... Check my homework, please.

Dad: Son, I'm busy (reading a book, it's not yet clear who the killer is.

S: Well, dad, please...

P: Let mom check it out.

S: Mom checks physics with me anyway.

P: Well, let grandfather check it there ...

S: Well, he can't, he's dead...

P: How did he die?

S: As a homework checker.

S: Seven years ago. I showed him trigonometry, so he precipitated.

P: What do you have? Mathematics?

S: Mathematics.

P: Come on, show me.

(the son takes out a block of A4 paper and puts it on the table)

P: What is this, for a year, or what?

S: Why a year? The first of September is still a little asked. Peace Lesson was.

P: Yes, you have the program ...

S: I usually do my homework in a wheelbarrow.

(dad sorts through the sheet and passes one to his son)

P: Mmmm, well, that's right, here too... And that's right... Well, so far so good...

S: Of course, that's right. I simply rewrote the first 60 sheets.

P: Ah, here, (sorting through the sheets) the decision has begun. (picks through the sheets, nodding her head). And here ... Here here (pointing to the sheet).

S: So this is given, here it is, here it is ...

P: Oh, is it isosceles, or what? Aaaaa

P: Look, okay. And what, with the answer agreed?

S: Well… It didn’t fit, it didn’t fit two thousandths.

P: Listen, well, then you need to ... (begins to sort through the sheets)

S: Find the mistake if you can.

P: Maybe you got it wrong then?

S: Maybe not. So it must then be compared with the given. Here is “given” (takes out another block of paper from the bag and puts it on the table)

P: (dad takes a sheet from each block and starts comparing) Look, okay, let's go. Two thousandths is not two thousand. Not scary. Everything, mathematics, consider, checked.

S: Dad, can I go jumping around the garages with the guys now?

P: No-no-no-no ... By the time you rewrite all this, you will already be 36 years old

S: Well, dad...

P: No, no, no...

Presenter 1: Our poor parents ... It was you who raised us to school in the morning and handed us a notebook with tasks that we solved for us at night.

Presenter 2: It was you who wrote essays with us and drew a school newspaper, learned English and understood theorems in geometry.

Presenter 1: It was you who blushed for us in front of the teachers when we ran away from lessons or got deuces.

Presenter 2: You are looking at us now and do not believe your eyes. Yes, we have grown, but we will forever remain your children.

Presenter 1: The floor is given to the parents of students in grade 11 "A".

Presenter 1: The teacher is asked: - What are the three reasons why you love your job?

June July August.

Host 2: Oh no. Our teachers are not like that, they are real, stellar.

There are horoscopes of all stripes in the world,

Adults and children love them

Only Horoscope for teachers

No one has composed on the entire planet.

It's time for us to fix this mistake.

And make a teacher's horoscope.

Aries will not let us bleat at the blackboard -

He's a real wolf in sheep's clothing

But Taurus is not formidable bulls,

And good calves by nature.

All the Twins mercilessly sculpt couples,

Grunting angrily: "What kind of baby talk?"

Cancers have very tenacious claws,

They don’t let go of the board for a long time!

You freeze stupidity - they back away,

And the Lions roar, but generously reward.

For Virgo appearance and diligence

More important than answers is content!

Libra wants justice

Yes, but the balance is unstable.

And the Scorpion harbors a terrible poison,

Suddenly, how it stings - and there is a deuce in the magazine!

Shoots remarks Sagittarius,

Who can dodge - well done!

It is impossible to butt heads with Capricorn,

The teacher is right - he knows in advance!

And it is also difficult to argue with Aquarius,

It will flood - and who will save you?

And you are silent when you go to the bottom, -

After all, Pisces love silence!

Now we know everything about teachers

And we are not afraid of any flood,

After all, the student will be unsinkable,

When will study this Horoscope!

Presenter 1: So the time has come for a big change in the lives of graduates! And today at the celebration there are teachers who have been with us all school years, and we want to appeal to them.

Presenter 2: Today you let us out into a great life. Our schooling is over, but there will be many more different lessons in life. And we want to tell you that the experience and knowledge that you have given us is invaluable. And we will remember your kindness, understanding and love more than once. Of course, it is sad to leave, but September will come, new students will come. We even envy them a little.

Host 2: Please accept these words of gratitude from us.

(video of congratulations to graduates)

Leading all together: Thank you for your work, dear teachers.

(leaders take turns calling the names of teachers and give them flowers)

Teacher of the Belarusian language and literature -

Teacher of Russian language and literature -


(A fairy tale dramatization about class teachers)

1 Sit down, friends, comfortably,

We'll tell you a fairy tale -

Old, wise fairy tale

About the golden fish.

2 By the very blue sea

There lived three cool mothers

Perfect, no flaw.

3 Their children were different -

Here are some common concerns.

And from these heavy worries

They had a headache

Both during the day and late at night.

4 They went to the blue sea,

To cast a net

Hoping to get caught

They are goldfish.

5 They go to the blue sea,

And everyone thinks a thought:

What will he ask Rybka for?

What desire to fulfill?

6 I would say:

Empress Golden!

Make it so that the children

The medals have been confirmed!

7 And I would pray:

There are no medalists - and there is no need!

Make such a miracle

For the CT to pass everything!

8 I would also come with a bow:

Lady Rybka!

Let our children go

In universities - and better for free!

9 And I would ask Rybka:

Have mercy, madam!

Maybe I want too much

To ever go to school

They came with a good word!

10 And here they are in the blue sea

Once they cast a net -

He came with one slime.

11 Another time they threw a net -

He came with sea grass.

12 For the third time, finally,

13 "What do you want, people?"

14 thumped in front of her

Cool moms on your knees

15 Cool Moms Begged:

"Master Rybka!

We do not need a new trough,

No palaces, no nobility,

Help us to fulfill

Our cherished desires!

16 Rybka listened to all of them

And she answered quietly:

“How many years did you teach them?

How much effort have you put into them?

Is it not by your hand

Is every diary written?

Is not your foot

Is there a route to the class?

Is not your mouth

Did you broadcast at the classroom?

Aren't the calls yours

Did you get your parents?

Only a month left!

What is it that doesn't bother you!

17 And without me they can

Pass the exams successfully.

And without me they will receive

Their medals are gold.

And they will do without me -

No wonder you taught them.

18 But will they come to school

Someday with a kind word

Now no one will tell you

This time will tell.

19 Now go with God,

be patient

And keep in your heart

Faith, Love and Hope!

Presenter 1: You were our common kind mother,

They scolded us for mistakes sometimes,

But they didn't know a better teacher

We felt faith and love.

Presenter 2: Let's welcome the class teachers of the graduating classes.

11A class -

Presenter1 1: 11B class -

Presenter 2: 11B class -

(flowers are given to class teachers)

Host 1: Thank you for never particularly complaining about us to our parents, but rather helping us understand exactly what we were wrong about. Now we can say with confidence that the craving for goodness and responsibility has forever settled in our souls.

Presenter 2: Thank you for not abandoning us, for bringing us to the logical conclusion.

Presenter 1. Parents are a native word,

For us there is no closer mother, father,

Let your eyes give us joy

And sadness will disappear from your face.

Presenter 2. Sometimes we were impudent, rude to our beloved parents, we were inattentive to them. This upset them.

Host 1. How often we do not appreciate what we have. But parents always remember us and today they have prepared their introduction for us. Parents of class 11B are invited to the stage.

Presenter 1: Our beloved parents, our mothers and our fathers! Of course, you remember how you brought the kids to the first line on September 1, how you took them to their class for the first time. Remember all your worries about your child, how is he there, is he crying, is he tired, is he all right?

Presenter 2: And now, behind all these experiences, eleven years have flown by, but for some it is noticeable. Soon we will fly away from the parental home, and you will not have to force us to clean up the dirty dishes, make the bed.

Presenter 1: Do you remember how you chased us because we were stuck at the computer until late at night?

(sketch Teenager and computer)(Taken from "Ural dumplings")

(graduates rise, approach the edge of the stage and the three of them ask in chorus: “Well, did you recognize yourself?”

Presenter 1. How often we offend with inattention

We are in the youth of fathers and mothers.

Running home from school

Let's hurry to our friends.

Presenter 2. We will give our girlfriends flowers,

Forgetting to pick a bouquet for mother,

And the mother is waiting for us, lives and breathes us,

Update sews, prepares dinner for us.

Presenter 1. The forest holds us, does not let go to our mother.

It's already dark, have dinner - and sleep.

And only in a dream we repeat "mom",

And our dreams are protected by the mother.

Presenter 2: Parents of class 11B are invited to the stage.

Presenter 1: Behind were the lessons and the school bell, which rang so sadly at the beginning of the lesson, and filled with the most beautiful melody at the end.

Presenter 2: But most importantly, final exams are behind us. But, hand on heart, it is worth confessing honestly, the main exams are still ahead of us. There we will not see support in the eyes of our native teachers and we will not hear their encouraging voice: "Don't worry, you will succeed."

Presenter 1: I wonder what your parents promised you if you successfully passed these tests? Admit it, because everyone was promised something?

Daughter comes to father

Daughter: I passed everything for tens, come on, give me a car.

Father: What is it?

D: Like what? You promised me that if I rent everything for tens, you will give me a car. Here ... (brings his father a phone with a record, where he promises in a drunken voice to give a car)

A: Don't show your mother.

D: So she still finds out when I'm in my red car ....

A: Slow down... You don't have anything yet. I know how they give you grades there ... For beautiful eyes. If you give me an exam, then we'll see. What did you have there?

D: Mathematics

A: Three times three

D: Dad, we have normal math

A: (pulls out calculator) 10 million 66 divided by 5 million 119

D: Well, I can't do that...

O: (spreading his arms) Well, what kind of car do you like? Here I'll give you a better calculator. Delete the entry there.

A: Okay, okay, let's do it one last time. One boy had five apples, the second boy had three apples. How many…

D: Dad, this is a child's task, what are you?

Oh good. One adult man had five apples, the second adult man had three apples. How many apples are there?

D: Dad, we have higher mathematics ...

A: One tall man had five apples, the other tall man had three apples.

D: Eight! These fast growing men had eight apples.

O: (checking the answer on the calculator) Okay, there is a hood ... Okay, let's do it again. What other exam was there?

D: Physics

O: Well, how many times do you do push-ups?

D: Not physical education, physics ...

O: Che, are you pulling up, or what?

D: Well, why? We are studying the properties of water there.

A: Come on, surprise the professor with some property of the liquid.

D: Well, for example, the surface tension of water ...

O: What are you doing there, pulling water? Maybe you're still vomitting air? How can I trust you with such a mess?

A: Okay, let's geography. Where is Austria located?

D: In Europe

O: Shame. Austria is a whole continent, there are still kangaroos jumping.

D: This is Australia...

A: What are you, Australia… What kind of Australia is this to you? Australia is where penguins and polar explorers live.

D: This is Antarctica.

A: yeah, Antarctica is where different liberties are allowed

D: This is Amsterdam.

O: In gives! Amsterdam is a line around the earth

D: This is the equator

O: Did you learn from your mother how to argue with your father? The equator is such a big machine with a bucket that digs the ground

D: it's an excavator

A: I will forbid you to communicate with your mother! An excavator is like a staircase in the subway ...

D: It's an escalator

A: And I will never let my grandmother in with us! An escalator is a piece of meat

D: It's an escalope

O: Escalope, dear, is Gazmanov's song

D: Aaaaa, an escalope of my crazy thoughts

A: Oh, at least you know something. Okay, let's choose a car.

A: Well, one that you would be interested in with her. Your peer. 98 years…

A: Moreover, you will learn something from her.

Presenter 1: Well, it seems that they paid attention to everyone and thanked everyone.

Presenter 2: Here you are mistaken, just the most important words of gratitude have not yet been said.

Presenter 1: I even wonder who it is?

Presenter 2: To those with whom you are today, as well as with the school, although not quite, but partially, you still say goodbye. But thanks to whom you were able to come here and from whom you received the most valuable gift - life. Today it is impossible not to remember our parents.

Presenter 1: Dear mom and dad! There is so much I want to say, but nothing comes out. I want to hug you tightly, tightly, to say how much I love you! But I can not! It will be so different from me! Something always stops!

Presenter 2: Stupid shyness! It's embarrassing to tell the dearest people how much you love them! How the heart trembles with tenderness and empathy. What a shame for so much of what is said and done.

Presenter 1: Dear moms and dads!

Presenter 2: Beloved moms and dads!

Host 1: We will never make up for the love that you gave us. We will try not to upset you and respect you at least for the fact that you graduated from school without Google and Wikipedia!

Presenter 2: Our dear parents! We will grow up and be like you!

Host 1: We promise!

Student: (to gentle music)

Dolls thrown, no braids

Tears of an unfortunate first love

I brushed off my thick lashes.

Dad, look how I've grown

behind the shoulders of the whole school,

But to you for advice and help

I, as a child, ready to go.

Dad, look how I've grown

In the evenings I rush to a date,

But still, only you

For me - the most, most, most.

Song for dads (Children's books are forgotten, the teddy bear is bored.)

(dad video)

Student: (to gentle music)

Mommy, school is over, and there is no need to learn lessons.

My God, how many nerves are damaged ...

How glad I am, Mom! Are you happy?

Why are you crying, my dear,

Bit your lips stubbornly?

Smile, because the school is over,

Well, laugh, dear mother!

Eleven years is not one moment

They went both crooked and straight.

Eleven years of your patience

fear, tears and doubts, mother.

I know you are very happy

and admire your sweet daughter.

Why is autumn in your eyes

do you cover your face with a handkerchief?

Maybe you remember me when I was little

did you feel a hand in your hand?

As she whispered: a scarlet flower,

no shawls in class, baby.

Listen, baby, teachers are strict,

Don't draw on your notebooks!

And met me at the doorstep

And now your daughter has grown,

but tears run stubbornly ...

Well, school is over. Dot.

Congratulations, mom! It's me, your daughter!

Presenter 1: There is no closer and dearer person on earth than mother. And it doesn’t even matter how old you are, five or fifty, you always need her support, her kind look, and it’s just important to hear her gentle voice.

Host 2: "Mom!" is the first word a person utters. Listen to this combination of sounds - MOM! How much warmth is in it, how much is close to the pain, to the tears of the native.

Host 1: But the more we grow up, the less, as it seems to us, we need a mother. We are swirled by whirlwinds of events, fireworks of new acquaintances and meetings, beckoned by "wonderful distances", but sometimes we forget about her, about mother ...

Presenter 2: And she is waiting, worries about us, hopes that we will call, tell how things are going and just talk. But we in all this whirlpool of life only occasionally pay attention to it.

Presenter 1: Mom, it turns out, it hurts because I have no time to be frank with her, and it’s very lonely, because I have a hundred thousand things to do around, and she has one hope - that everything is fine with me.

Presenter 2: When mom is around, it seems familiar and ordinary. But as soon as she leaves for a couple of days on a business trip, everything around her collapses and becomes completely different. I immediately understand that the house lives and shines only with her. Even my beloved cat walks and looks for her, meowing plaintively.

Presenter 1: Returning home from school, I see how the lights are on in the windows. I know that my mother is waiting for me. How many feelings immediately overcome my soul! And the joy and excitement of waiting to meet her. And all my petty troubles crumble by themselves.

Host 2: Every time I go into the house, she meets me and asks me a lot of questions, but I don’t have the strength to answer them. Mother! It's just because I'm very, very tired. You have no idea how important it is to me that you are waiting for me.

Presenter 1: Evening ... The lamp on my desk is on. Around me are books, textbooks... The clock on the wall is getting closer to midnight. I sit immersed in the complex world of science. Suddenly, a hand touches my shoulder. It was my mother who brought my favorite lemon tea and asked how I was doing. How much you do for me! I understand this only now, when I have very little left before leaving school, and I will leave for a city that is foreign to me ...

Song for moms (I kiss your hands, my dear, you are more tender than everyone in the world, I know for sure.)

(mom video)

Presenter 1: Our dear teachers! Our beloved parents. We want to thank you very much! Thank you for being our mentors during these long years! Thank you for the support, advice, and the knowledge that you have given us.

Presenter 2: Leaving our native school, we will never forget the happy hours spent here. Thanks to your efforts and patience, today's graduates will become great people, because each of us has become special in our own way. You opened up new horizons and new knowledge for us. Everything you have done for us is uncountable. Thank you for that!

All in unison: Graduation 2016 says goodbye to you!

1st leader. Good afternoon to all present! On behalf of the eleventh graders, I greet the gathered schoolchildren, teachers, parents, guests and everyone who helped us during the long 11 years of study! We appreciate your hard work! Dear teachers! Without you, there would be neither an all-powerful politician, nor a glorified hero: after all, a teacher once opened the door to life for each of them.

2nd leader.

Nice and important day today!
The school has a premiere today -
Our first last call.

3rd leader.

"All life is a theater, and the people in it are actors",
said the poet, and he was probably right.
Having played on the school stage for ten years,
We will go to life to play other roles.

1st leader.

We played different roles:
child, adult, student...
The teachers dreamed of playing
Once in a lifetime... the role of a graduate!

2nd leader.

And suddenly, the game is over!
Our brigantine at the pier!
In the eyes - an unwelcome tear,
On the heart - aching pain,
And for the guests of today's ball
We will show the farewell tour!

Common song "What is a school?" ( All graduates sing on stage.) Annex 1

Speech 11 "A" "In all centuries, children have studied."

1st leader. Clear day. September. Daisies.

2nd host(in turn).

Bow. Pigtails. first graders,
Two by two. Primer. Five.
The first cleaning in the classroom.
Pharaohs. Globe. Map.
A painted party.
Alkali. Pythagoras. Acids.
Lev Tolstoy. Straits. Notes.
Disco and guitar.
Kiss. For a quarter "couple".
May. The last waltz farewell.
Why are you in sorrow?
There is no simpler answer here -
Childhood will never return!

Music "School waltz" sounds.

3rd leader.

Oh, this school life! For 10 years of school life
What just happened! Tears and grief
Disappointments and victories, laughter and joy! Hard share
Student: study, study and study again.

4th leader.

And teachers are not enough and not enough: learn songs,
Sew the dress, prove the theorem, learn irregular verbs,
Acid memorize, prepare an essay - horror! And How
did we get through it all?

3rd leader.

Are we finishing school? I can't even believe it!
I wonder what a schoolboy of past centuries felt?

Dramatization "Savages"

On the stage - the scenery: the entrance to the cave, a fire. Savage children repair tools. Women - savages cook food. A savage father comes out of the cave and hands a spear, a knife and a bow to his savage son.

Father. Son! School. Man. Hunting. Mammoth. Live!

(He hangs a diary branch around his son's neck.): Diary. Dad. Check. He goes into the cave.

The savage children sit around the fire, the savage teacher appears.

Teacher ( pointing at one of the children). Hunting. Tiger.

The summoned student pretends to hunt a tiger.

Teacher (pointing to the second student). Hunting. Fish.

The challenged student imitates catching fish, and so on. Thus, several students are called, the savage son answers the lesson incorrectly: the arrow misses and hits the girl. The teacher takes the branch diary and breaks it.

Teacher. Through the caves!

The students disperse, the teacher leaves, the savage father comes out of the cave.

Father. Diary.

The father takes his son by the ear and leads him into the cave. There are screams and the whistle of vines.

4th leader. I would not have been able to study then: sit in the sun in unsanitary conditions, sharpen tools. Naked! And no safety rules! What if the tiger attacks?

3rd leader. Well, then in the primitive system! You can be calm in our school: in 11 years we have learned even what is impossible to learn! We know how to ensure the safety of our own and other people's lives, we work out a fire alarm, we even learned how to get out of the water dry!

4th leader. And who is your commander in chief? 3 leader: Like who? Of course the director!

A song dedicated to history and director.Annex 2

3rd leader. Pupils of the 11th grade express their gratitude to the director of our school (full name) for the ability to understand the student and evaluate his deed on the scale of human history.

4th leader.

Galina Petrovna got the most:
Directorship, history, everything was: laughter and sin!
You warmed us with kindness, the warmth of your soul,
We have become better and wiser, more persistent, bolder!
We worked and did not know what we were doing wrong,
But, thank God, we understood: the director is not our enemy!
That responsibility is not easy, and difficulties cannot be counted,
Both school and history - care, work, honor!

3rd leader.

And I prefer non-emancipated women!
To sit at home, bring comfort, bake pies.
Woman from the word "wife". Women didn't go to school before!

Dramatization of "Oriental Bazaar".

The seller, dressed in an oriental style, praises his goods - slaves (wrapped in a veil).

Salesman. Come, whose wallet is not empty! A product for every taste! Slim, beautiful, not at all arrogant!

Buyer ( points to one of the slaves). What a beautiful girl!

Salesman. Buy if you're rich! Slave, look, not a slave, but a treasure! Dancing, singing, cooking pilaf!

Buyer. I need obedient. Is reading?

Salesman. No, what are you!

Buyer ( dissatisfied). One tanga! Come on another! I want this one!

(Points to another, walks around, the girl gets up, bows, kisses her hand)

Buyer. How good! Dancing?

Salesperson: Of course!

Buyer. Is reading?

Salesman. He can, he can!

Buyer. Counts?

Salesman. No, what are you!

Buyer ( dissatisfied). No, it doesn't fit, show me another one!

(Points to another girl, walks around, the girl gets up, bows, kisses her hand)

Buyer. And this? Writes? Is reading? Counts? I need a competent one!

Salesman. Yes, yes, everything can, everything can!

Buyer. I take, I take, a hundred tangas!

5th leader. I had to study because of such humiliations! Now we can not only read and write, but also count. And not just count, but analyze! We even have such a science, “Algebra and the beginnings of analysis” is called.

6th leader. We learned the formulas, we draw graphs, we calculate integrals, Sofia Kovalevskaya is resting!

(Song dedicated to algebra “Moments”).Appendix 3

5th leader. Pupils of the 11th grade express their gratitude to the teachers of mathematics (full name) for an impartial and accurate approach to students.

6th leader. With such teachers, we will pass all exams! And when we hand over everything, we will become scientists, lawyers, businessmen - we ourselves will command men.

5th leader. No, we can't do without boys at school!

6th leader. Why is this? Watch them - do not call. But in the dining room they are the first. At the general cleaning - we are again! No wonder there used to be separate education.

Dramatization “Women's Gymnasium”

Gymnasium. Cool room. Behind the desks are girls. A classy lady enters.

Cool lady. Good morning girls! ( The girls curtsy.) What homework did you do?

1st girl. I have a napkin.

2nd girl. I have a handbag.

3rd girl. I have a pillow.

Cool lady. You are good at handicrafts. Let's have good manners. How should you sit before the ball?

Pupils push, take their places, fight with fans, sit down in picturesque poses.

Cool lady. Fi! How ugly! What did I teach you? Better go to the cosmography lesson.

The classy lady leaves. The girls sit at one desk and diligently write. The physicist in the background walks measuredly and monotonously dictates.

Physicist. The closest star to us is the Sun. Therefore, it is the brightest. Around it are the planets of the solar system.

5th leader. Pupils of the 11th grade express their gratitude to the physics teacher (full name) for the ability to explain the most complex physical concepts in an accessible language for students.

6th leader. And I would like to live in the Middle Ages: knights, invitations to a ball, duels over loved ones, declarations of love in French! ..

5th leader. Think French! And in German and in English - poorly? To be or not to be – that is the question! - this is the question that torments the youth of today!

Dramatization "In the English lesson"

Teacher. Let's begin our lesson. Open your books, please.

One of the students. What???

The whole class to him. Open your textbook, you idiot!

Student. It was possible to say in Russian!

Teacher. Petrov, who gave you permission to speak?

Petrov. It's my business...

Teacher. You are not rude to me, Petrov! Do not be rude!

Petrov. And I'm not rude!

(The whole class laughs mockingly.)

Teacher ( very angrily). What kind of talk is this? Petrov! Get out of class immediately!

Petrov. Will not go!

Teacher. All! I give you a stake!!

Petrov jumps up and yells excitedly: Don "t do that! Don" t do that! I am SORRY!

Teacher. What?

The whole class. He's sorry! Don't stake him!

Teacher ( wearily). Well, Vassenka, you can do it whenever you want!

A song dedicated to foreign language teachers. Annex 5

(To the motive “When I become a cat” from “Star Factory”)

7th leader. Pupils of the 11th grade express their gratitude to the teachers of a foreign language: (full name) for the tireless belief that their students will still be able to communicate with foreigners.

8th leader. Let's dream?

7th leader. About what?

8th leader. Imagine if our school had a rich sponsor....

7th leader. Dreaming...

8th leader. And this sponsor suddenly decided to take care of the health of our teachers and staff of our school...

7th leader. Wow, I didn't know you were such a dreamer!

8th leader. What do you think will come of it?

7th leader. But really, what?

Dramatization "In the Canaries".

Student. Guys, have you heard the news? Sponsors gave teachers three vouchers to the Canary Islands, burning!. The teachers drew lots, and the class teachers of the 11th grade drew lots: (Full name) They are leaving for the Canary Islands for 2 weeks, and we are left alone!

All. Hooray!!!

1 class hands You are right to rejoice! What Canaries, what vouchers, when there is nothing left before the exams!

2 cells hands The last call is just around the corner, tickets must be taught, consultations should be held.

1 class hands Yes, yes, of course, why did we draw this lot at all? Is it possible to leave the guys at such a time?

2 cells hands How are you without us? Tickets will not teach! All: We will learn! Let's learn!

Student: We are adults, we can handle it ourselves!

Pupil: Rest easy, everything will be ok!

(The teachers are leaving)

All. Let's go! Hooray!!!

(Sound of the sea. Teachers go to the Canary Islands.)

L.F. How good, Nadezhda Vladimirovna! Sun, air, sea, palm trees!

N.V. Yes, we are not used to relaxing for real!

L.A. Colleagues, you know, I had a strange dream: as if I were going into the classroom, and my 11 “B” was sitting quietly and teaching, teaching ...

L.F. What a good dream!

L.A. What do you mean, Larisa Fedorovna, but when was it that the 11th grade studied and studied?

N.V. And I also had a dream. As if we are approaching the school, but there are no walls. Well, I think if the school was torn apart brick by brick, then it's mine.

L.F. My students will not stand aside either, they will help.

L.A. That's right, and it turns out, some will come up with, others will pick up, and still others will help.

L.F. Colleagues, something we again turned the conversation to work. After all, there was an agreement: not a word about work!

N.V. Oh, you know, there is a phone with a button, you press it and you can hear everything, you don't have to put the phone to your ear. What I mean is that you need to call the school, anyway, rest is not rest: you only think about the class!

(They go to call. They sit down at the tables. To the motive “The Beautiful Marquise)

8th leader. Pupils of the 11th grade express their gratitude and appreciation (full name) for the fact that they can always replace class teachers and organize students for interesting things without serious consequences for the school.

9th leader. Our road was not easy, with potholes, sharp turns, we can say “survival race”. On the way, we made travel notes, wrote down what happened to us in the spring of 2008.

Dramatization "Today at the lesson"

Teacher (included). Hello guys! Thank you. What came ... (sits down at the table) are you again few today? ( Opens the journal, starts the roll call.) Alexandrova?

Nastya. Here!

Teacher. Busareva?

Student. No. She came yesterday.

Teacher. Mane?

Student. She and Yulia Galushko are preparing for the entrance exams!

Teacher. Zhigalov?

Student. His tram broke down, he will be later.

Teacher. Sazonov? Are you here?

Sazonov. Yes, but I'm leaving, I need to go to the gym after the first lesson!

Teacher. Good good. Lenin?

Student. He can't come, his car broke down.

Teacher. But does he live close by?

Student. He's stressed... He's worried...

Teacher. Manaev?

Student. She had a headache, and Korshunova, Shane and Sidorova took her to the doctor...

Teacher. Skachkov?

Student. He is undergoing a medical examination at the institute, he cannot come to school ...

Teacher. Fomin?

Student. She has already left for the village, today is Saturday!

Teacher. Yes, all for good reasons! Let's write down the topic of the lesson ... ( The bell rings.)

All students take the stage.

1st student. So our lessons ended, the last bell rang! We are entering another life. Our memory will preserve the smiles of our teachers, the friendship of the class, school holidays and much of what we experienced within these walls!

Scenario. Last call, 11th grade

Target: creating conditions for friendly communication and meaningful leisure for teachers and students - graduates of an educational institution.
1. Contribute to the disclosure of the creative and artistic abilities of the skit participants.
2. Maintain good traditions and trusting relationships between students and teachers of the educational institution.
The beginning of the film with the accompaniment of GZK music.
“Listen, if the stars are lit, then someone needs it, then it is necessary that at least one star lights up over the roofs every evening ...”
Today, May 27, 2016, in spite of all doubts, temptations and obstacles, we can say with joy: “It is done!” Today, not one star is lit in our country, but a whole starry sky of graduates of the third millennium!
Leading out: Music leading out and background on words
1st presenter. Good evening!

2nd leader. Good evening to all who have gathered in this beautiful hall.

1st leader. Greetings honored teachers.

2nd leader. Crazy worried moms, dads, grandparents!

1st presenter. Today is a wonderful holiday in our school - a holiday that the graduates were looking forward to. And not because school ends with him, but because there is no more exciting moment in school life than the one when you enter the walls of your native school for the last time as a student, and come out as an independent, adult person, already belonging to another life.

2nd leader. This holiday is dear to all who are in this hall today. It is dear to parents who, throughout their school years, worried about their children and experienced victories and defeats with them.

1st presenter. He is dear to teachers, and we are sure that now in the heart of any teacher there are notes of pride for each of today's graduates.

2nd leader. And, of course, it is dear to the heroes of this holiday. We say "heroes", not "culprits", as they have overcome the very first stage on a long journey called - Life.

1st leader. Everything that meets on this path will be tomorrow, and today is a wonderful holiday, the triumph of youth, beauty, friendship!

2nd leader. A holiday of music and songs, love and hope!
Leaders (together). Graduation Day

1st leader. Now, to thunderous applause, we invite graduates to the hall for the first places of honor. Heroes of the celebration are invited to the hall - our graduates!

Graduation to the music.
Sounds "Rock and Roll" (dance)
2nd leader: Dear our graduates! Today the school accompanies you to the big world - the world of good and evil, the world of romantic dreams and disappointments, the world of hopes and falls. On behalf of those who have been with you all the school way, the director of your native school, Marina Vyacheslavovna Orlova, is addressing you.
Congratulations to the director to the music.
Film Congratulations from the parents of the director, head teacher, defectologist, psychologist, educator
(letters of thanks)
1st presenter: 12 years ago they were called simply first-graders. And today they are treated respectfully - graduates! Graduates! Sounds proud!

2nd leader: Another school year has ended, and perhaps one of the most difficult in your school life. Class by class, step by step, subject by subject, and now the first frontier is visible - the final exams.
1st presenter: Yes, not simple exams, but HVE: Everyone endured trial exams differently: someone with due calmness, someone on the verge of a foul. You were worried, your parents were worried, your teachers were worried about you, but still, your real exam is yet to come, so we wish you good luck.
Artem Podzorov: Our dear teachers, you have been scaring us with exams for the entire academic year. And here's what we had the day before.
Music before a scene with words. GVE scene.
2nd leader: Time flies quickly: year after year, class after class... First class... Do you remember the learned alphabet, the first primer? The first teacher…Remember?
Film part with the first teachers.
1st presenter: The first teacher led you by the hand into the world of knowledge. You will never forget her wise smile and kind hands!
2nd leader: The word for congratulations is given to the first teacher Bogdanova Tamara Alexandrovna and the primary school teacher Rudakova Irina Anatolyevna.

Congratulations (giving thanks to the first teachers)

Kayukova Katya: Dear teachers! You, strict and affectionate, wise and sensitive, led us through the years of childhood, put a particle of your heart into everyone.
Congratulation of 1 part of subject students + teacher-organizer, presentation of diplomas and flowers
Tkachenko Nastya: Elena Alexandrovna, you have always been with us both on weekdays and on holidays. The biggest holiday for us was the Warmth of Children's Hearts festival, where together with you we took part in amateur art competitions. As a master jeweler, you have honed the edges of our talents so that we can shine so brightly in this hall today.
Watching a video film about the festival "Warmth of Children's Hearts" (Samorodovo).

1st host: In memory of the festival, school graduates are given commemorative disks and books.
Presentation of memorable books and CDs with films about the school and Samorodovo.

Fadeeva Oksana: Dear teachers! You gave us warmth, your love, made sure that our knowledge and skills grew from year to year, taught us to be sensitive and honest.

Movie sequel. Congratulations to the 2nd part of the subjects, presentation of certificates and flowers.

Music before the competition. Hat Competition.
A: This hat can read our thoughts.
M: Okay, it can't be.
A: Shall we check? Are you the first to start?
M: I'm afraid. Better you first.
A: Well, Maxim, come on?
M: No, I give in to you.
A: Well, Maxim, come on?
M: Okay (dresses)
A: Ah, Maxim, Maxim, but you think about studying.
M: What are you thinking about?
A: I ... well, well ... (dresses)
M: Everything is clear with you!
A: Nothing is clear! With this hat, we can guess what our teachers are thinking.
M: Let's get started! I have long wanted to know what our Natalya Alexandrovna thinks about. (Nastya - Diamonds)
A: And I insist that any beautiful woman can admire herself a little. Do you agree with me, Tatyana Vladimirovna? (Andrei - Dolce Gabana)
M: Let's have a hat. It seems to me that it is impossible to unravel the thoughts of Natalya Leonidovna. (Artem - Bilan)
M: And yet I insist that every woman dreams of flowers, of romance. Here is Olga Vasilievna, please try on a hat, it will suit you. (Artem - Everything for you)
M: What do you think, what does our Tatyana Yurievna do in the evenings? I don't think, I know. This is writing plans and notes, cooking dinner, lessons. Let's check? (Oksana - Convertible)
M: Great! Here is the hat.
A: And you said dinner and lessons.
M: My mathematical mindset tells me that there must be some kind of relationship between the profession and the dream. So a Russian language teacher should think about letters, a biology teacher about colors, and a mathematics teacher about numbers. Anna Vladimirovna, will you live up to our expectations? (Sasha, Nastya - London Paris)
A: Well, these women cannot be understood by any mathematical mind! Here's another piece of evidence. Marina Alexandrovna, close your eyes, relax and think about something good. (Andrey, Sasha - I'm lying in the sun)
M: But you will never argue with me that Marina Vyacheslavovna's thoughts are completely immersed in work. It's not easy to manage our school!
A: And I'm sure that the work gives her pleasure. Marina Vyacheslavovna, please try on a hat and we will find out what school is for you. (Nastya - My Paradise)
M: Then I'll ask what our Elena Alexandrovna thinks about. Try on your hat, please. (Elena Alexandrovna - Oh, I won’t grieve).

Congratulations from President V.V. Putin
Trubnikov Sasha: Dear helpers of educators, cooks, cleaners! That exciting moment came when we graduated from high school. We rejoice and at the same time we are sad, saying goodbye to you, to our native school. You, too, will forever be remembered. With a feeling of deep gratitude, we will remember you and our native school.
Movie sequel. Congratulations to the technical staff, presentation of certificates and flowers
2nd host: It is true that each teacher is dear to his students in his own way. But let other teachers not be offended, for a student there is no one at school more dear than a class teacher. And it is no coincidence that the guys sometimes say - "our school mother."
The film about the class teacher continued.
1st presenter: Yes, it's not easy to manage a big cool family, because everyone has their own character, their own problems, and everyone wants to help, support. And when fatigue sets in, sometimes there is not enough strength, the teacher still hurries to the class ... It is not easy to be a class teacher. But you, Marina Aleksandrovna, coped well with the class!!!
To the music. Congratulations to the graduates of the class teacher.
The word of the class teacher.
2nd leader. Dear graduates! We sincerely congratulate you on your graduation.
We have only one request:
All wide roads
Less bad weather
So that everyone has
Real happiness.
May all your worries and feelings be joyful and bright on this day.

1st presenter: Let anxiety lie in the heart
Remember us and don't forget school!

2nd leader: Stop, at the school threshold,
Go to a great life, a happy path!

Leading together (together): On a happy journey!
1st host: Believe me, we will remember you and look forward to meeting the graduates for the evening. Bon Voyage!

final song
(Nastya and girls, boys invite teachers to dance)

2nd leader: This concludes the official part. Thank you for your attention!