Transport in the preparatory group abstracts. Synopsis of a subgroup lesson on familiarization with the outside world on the topic "Land transport" in the preparatory group for children with mental retardation

9.00 musical development

10.10 speech development

"Drafting descriptive stories on transport and technology"

P.S: Learn to compose a comparatively descriptive story about an airplane and a bus based on a diagram.
Learn to use sentences with the opposite union "a".
To fix the use of nouns in the instrumental case in children. Develop the skill of a coherent monologue statement.
Develop logical thinking, voluntary attention, memory and its processes.
Encourage children to listen carefully to the stories of other children.

- Children, we received a letter from Luntik.
(pour pictures with transport items from the envelope onto the table).
He turns to us with a request to tell him how to get to visit friends in another city, country.
Let's help him: everyone will take a picture from the table and say in full the answer on what you can get, swim, or fly.
- How to call all these objects, in one word? (transport)

Guys, Luntik only saw the bus and the plane in the pictures and therefore he constantly confuses them. Let's help him figure out how they are similar and how they differ from each other. Well, now the one who will answer my question will sit on a chair:
- Without what there is no bus? (name parts of the bus)
- Now look at this bus, think and name the parts that we have not named yet.
- Tell me, what do a bus and an airplane have in common, what do both have in common?
- How do they differ from each other?

part 2
- Let's repeat once again everything that you just told, and each of you will try to make a story about the bus and the plane, comparing them. I will write down each of your stories, and then we will send them to Luntik in a letter by mail. And our helpers will help us tell about the bus and the plane tips - pictures that you are already familiar with.
- So, be careful, try to tell as much as possible. In the meantime, one of you is talking, other children will listen carefully, not interrupt or correct the story, and after it is over they will be able to add something or correct it. (Option - one starts, the other ends)
(We listen to 2-3 children, analyze)

Physical education "Airplane"

The plane is flying high, high.
It's not easy for him to land!
The pilot makes a circle after the circle ....
He is a plane and a comrade, and a friend!
An airplane flies on the runway.
Ran forward - and the flight is over.
The doors opened, under the ladder the earth.
And passengers are met by friends.

(listen to 2-3 more stories, analyze)

game "Who controls what?"

The pilot, the pilot controls .... by plane,
- the driver drives ... a car, a bus, a car,
- the driver controls ... the train,
- the captain controls ... the ship,
- a cyclist controls ... a bicycle,
- an astronaut controls ... a rocket,
- the boatman manages ... the boat,
- a motorcyclist drives ... a motorcycle, etc.

Outcome: . What are we talking about today? We learned to compare and distinguish between a bus and an airplane, which helped Luntik. Thank you, you were very attentive and diligent. I will seal your stories in an envelope and send it to him by mail. (in the sticker envelope - a gift from Luntik).

Program tasks:

Educational area "Labor". The work of adults and the man-made world.

To consolidate the knowledge of children about the generic concept of "transport", its differentiation (ground, water, air).

· Expand children's knowledge of land, water and air modes of transport.

· Fix the types of special transport.

· To consolidate the professions of people who manage various modes of transport.

· Raise interest in technology, in professions.

Educational area "Communication".

· Develop children's vocabulary by expanding the names of modes of transport and their purpose, features, parts.

· Introduce new words into the active dictionary - hangar, depot, dock.

· To improve the ability to select nouns to adjectives, coordinating them in gender and case.

Develop the ability to build complete answers, stimulate the desire to participate in a conversation, develop auditory and visual attention, memory.

Educational area "Cognition".

Develop the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper from left to right in the direction of the arrow.

Improve the ability to make a whole out of parts, develop thinking.

Develop the ability to distinguish and identify surrounding sounds, auditory memory, attention.

Develop fine and gross motor skills.

Educational area "Socialization".

Continue to work on mastering children's skills joint activities to achieve results, to be attentive to each other.

Educational area "Safety".

Comply with the rules of safe play traffic.

Educational area "Reading fiction".

Continue to work on developing the ability to listen carefully and solve riddles.

Educational area "Health".

· Fasten motor skills children on scooters, to teach to coordinate their movements with the movements of their peers.

Educational area "Artistic creativity".

Fix with children the methods of bending a sheet of a certain shape (square) in half, develop creativity and imagination, exercise in creating collective panel.

Material and equipment : multimedia; slides depicting various types of vehicles; audio recordings of sounds emitted by vehicles; magnetic board; medium sized car.

Route cards and simple pencils, on the tips of which pictures-cars are attached.

Split pictures: special vehicles - ambulance, police, fire department.

Attributes for games: steering wheel; two circles (red, green), symbolizing traffic lights.

Paper construction equipment: colored paper- 1 square for each child, glue stick, drawing paper, human mood patterns (sad, cheerful).

Audio recordings for the songs “We are going, we are going, we are going”, “The driver's song”, “Traffic light”, “ small boat”, music from the movie “Beware of the car”.

Methodical methods:

Verbal: questions, storytelling, conversation.

Gaming: p / game "Traffic Light", word game“Pick up the object to the sign”, d / games: “Drive the car along the highway”, “Name the profession”, “Guess the transport by the sound”, “Fold the special vehicles”, “Repair the bus”.

The course of directly educational activities:


Do you guys like to travel? Do you want to go on a trip? Look at the pictures and guess which country we will go to . (On the mirror wall there are pictures of different vehicles).

— To the country of transport.

- Right! We will go to an amusing trip through the country of Transport with your friends.

“All the children gathered in a circle. I am your friend and you are my friend.

Styopa is a friend, and Sonya is a friend, .... Sasha is also a friend.

(children call a friend standing next to them in a circle and give a hand)
Let's hold hands tightly. And smile at each other."

- How are we going to travel? (children's guesses). Let's take the bus (I give the child the steering wheel). Who will you be? (driver, chauffeur). And we all - ... (passengers).

We will take a winding road.

(Children follow the driver to the soundtrack of the song “We are driving, driving, driving”)

1 stop "Transport".

- Guys, the first stop is called "Transport" (children sit on chairs in front of multimedia).

- I will give you riddles, and you will name what kind of transport it is. The magic screen will help us (After guessing, a picture is displayed on the multimedia - a guess).

1. Four wheels
rubber tires,
Motor and brakes.
And what is it? (Car)

2. I ride in it on the top shelf,
To the sea, to the sun, to the south.
And the wheels incessantly:
Knock-Knock! Knock-Knock! (Train)
3. I am at any time of the year,
And in any bad weather
Very often, at any hour,
I'll take you underground. (Metro)

4. The palace floats on the waves,
People are lucky. (Ship)

5. Here is a steel bird,
Aiming for the sky
And the pilot is leading it.
What kind of bird? ( Airplane)

- What is the name of the transport that travels on earth?


Name another ground transportation.

(bus, trolleybus, tractor, motorcycle, etc.)

- What is the name of the transport that travels on railway?


- What is the name of the transport that travels underground?

– Underground.

What is the name of the vehicle that floats on water?


(boat, steamer, liner, etc.)

What is the name of the vehicle that flies in the air?

- Airy.

- Name another water transport.

(helicopter, rocket, etc.)

Word game "Name what kind of transport"

- We remembered what transport is. What kind of transport do you think you can say about:

A car)


Passenger car)

Cargo - (ship, truck)

What can be said about this transport:

Floating - (boat, ship)

Floating - (yacht, boat)

Flying - (airplane, helicopter)

Flying - (rocket)

If the transport transports passengers, what is it? (passenger)

Carrying cargo? (cargo)

- Guys, what do you think, why did people invent cars? (transport people to long distance to facilitate the work of people, transport goods, travel, etc.).

- Well done. You correctly answered my questions. Next stop "Test" (children move and sit at the tables).

2 stop"Test".

Who invents transport? (inventors, design engineers) The first inventors were Leonardo da Vinci and Ivan Kulibin (slide on multimedia is displayed ) .

Who is testing the transport? (testers).

The game "Drive the car along the track"

- Guys, I suggest you become testers for a while. This is enough an exciting activity. Take the route sheet and pencil cars. You will need to try to go your way along the arrow from left to right, without tearing off the pencil car, without mistakes, as the road routes can be winding, zigzag, steep, with turns. Look at my sample itinerary (slide).

Get on the road. I remind you that your work must be neat (performing work by children to the music from the film "The Driver's Song").

- Hand over the route sheets to the control room (children stick their sheets on a magnetic board) . Do you think everyone did a good job?

3 stop"Professional". At this stop, we will remember who is driving the transport.

- Let's play with you game "Name your profession". I will send you a car and name the transport, and you will answer who drives it and return the car to me. For example: — Rocket. - The rocket is controlled by an astronaut (children sit in a circle, the teacher rolls the car to the children, calling the transport, the child answers and returns the car back to the teacher).

caregiver- Airplane

Child- The aircraft is controlled by (pilot, pilot).

– Bus (driver)

- Ship (captain)

- car (driver)

— Train (driver)

– Trolleybus (driver)

- Helicopter (pilot)

- Electric train (driver)

- Guys, what do you think, who can drive the transport: men or women? (both women and men). Does everyone have the right to drive? What is needed for this? (health, education and rights).

It's time for us to go to the next stop. (children get up).

4 stop"Mysterious".

Guys, imagine that we are on a walk. Can we identify vehicles by sound without seeing them? And we'll check it out now.

Didactic game"Guess by ear the type of transport"

The teacher turns on the children in turn to record the characteristic noises and signals produced by various types of transport - the squeak of brakes, the horn of a train, the horn of a steamer, the rumble of an airplane, the sound of car wheels, the sound of a running car engine. After listening to a fragment of the recording, the children must determine which type of transport corresponds to the characteristic noise. (sound signals: airplane, helicopter, car, train, motorcycle, steamboat, rocket ).

Our favorite stop is "Igrovaya".

5 stop"Game" (on scooters)


- Let's play the game "Traffic Light". Take scooters and carefully follow the traffic lights. Remember that you must not create an emergency on the road and follow the traffic light rules.

At the signal of the educator: “Start the engines! “Rrrrrrrrr”, the children start moving on scooters. The teacher controls the movement by raising a round sheet of cardboard of the corresponding color - red or green (the song "Traffic light" sounds).

- Guys, did everyone follow the rules of the road during the game? (children's answers). Well done! You must remember how to always behave on any roads and in any mode of transport. (observe traffic rules for drivers, pedestrians and passengers).

Let's hurry to the next stop.

6 stop"Special".

- Guys, what will be discussed at this stop, you will guess when you complete next task. Put together pictures from parts (children assemble special vehicles from parts on tables in groups).

Game "Fold the Cars"

(to the music from the movie "Beware of the car").

- Where and to whom is your car in a hurry? How is it different from other cars? What number are they calling? (children's answers)

(slide of special vehicles and their sound signal).

- What rules should all drivers follow when they hear the signal of a special vehicle? (Give way.)

- Guys, at present there is a single rescue service, which is called by number 01.

7 stop"Workshop"

- Guys, our bus broke down, it can't go further. What should we do? (repair the bus)

- Where do I need to go, where are the cars repaired? (to car service) (car service slide).

Who repairs cars? (mechanics, car mechanics).

I suggest you become mechanics for a while. You will repair the bus by naming which parts you have checked (children on a magnetic board assemble a bus from parts).

What part of the bus did you check? (I checked the cab, body, wheels, steering wheel, headlights, doors). Well done.

- Do you want to know where other vehicles are being repaired?

— Aircraft are being repaired in the ANGAR (repeat together).

— Trains are being repaired at the depot.

- Ships are being repaired at the SHIP DOCK.

(slides of the hangar, depot, dock).

Implementation of a collective panel boat "Dreams".

- Dear Guys! You each have your own dream. I suggest you make dream boats (children bend square like origami, they make boats), (the song "Little Boat" sounds).

- Guys, you have two patterns of human mood. Attach to the boat the mood with which you want to send it to sea.

- Send your dream boats to sea (children attach boats to whatman paper with a picture of the sea).

And may all your dreams come true, may all your ideas and ideas come true.

“Our journey has come to an end. Did you enjoy the trip? What tasks did you complete? What did you like the most?

Everyone did a great job today. Well done! I am very satisfied with you! Lesson completed. Thank you very much!


"Speech development":

Strengthen reading skills.

"Physical development":



Synopsis of GCD in preparatory group compensatory orientation for children with TNR "Transport"

Purpose: to summarize the knowledge of children about transport (modes of transport depending on the environment of movement and destination)


"Social communication development»:

Form concepts: ground, air, water; cargo, passenger, special transport;

Show children the importance of using transport to make life easier;

To acquaint children with the emergence of various types of transport.

To consolidate knowledge of the rules of safe movement as a pedestrian and a passenger in a vehicle.

"Speech development":

Activate the vocabulary of children with words - the names of vehicles, the professions of people driving these vehicles;

Improve speech as a means of communication;

Improve the monologue and dialogic form of speech;

Develop phonemic awareness, attention, memory, thinking, imagination, fine motor skills;

Strengthen reading skills.

"Artistic and aesthetic development":

Develop the ability to creatively interpret music different means artistic expression;

To promote the development of artistic perception of the text in the unity of its content and form, semantic and emotional overtones; - to teach expressively, to perform a literary work;

improve visual activity children: to stimulate and support the independent definition of the idea, to choose the most appropriate visual techniques and materials for the image, to create a complete composition from the elements.

"Physical development":

Develop the ability to maintain correct posture in various types activities

To educate the value attitude of children to health; develop motivation to save your health and the health of those around you; using the health-saving technologies of V. F. Bazarny (dynamic posture mode; salt bags; handicraft; "flashing lights").

Methods and techniques:

Visual (looking at pictures, illustrations)

Verbal (questions, teacher's story, reading works of art, conversation)


Preliminary work:

D / and “Why do we need special transport”, “What is superfluous here”, “ABC of golden roads”, “Road signs”, “Pedestrians and vehicles”

Reading fiction: S. Marshak "From carriage to rocket", N. Nosov "Car", G. Yurmin "Curious little mouse"

Competition for the best design of the car of the future;

Exhibition "Cars on our street" (joint handicraft of parents and children,

Role-playing games: "Auto repair shop", "Auto show", "Journey around the city".

Equipment: multimedia equipment, didactic game "We read words", massage mats, sets for children's creativity.

The course of direct educational activities:

D / and “Reading the words” (children read the words: car, plane, rocket, ship)

How can you name these items? (transport). Today we will talk about transport.

D / and “Recognize the sound” (sounds sound in the audio recording - wheels passenger car, truck, motorcycle, ambulance siren, train horn, ship horn at sea, etc.)

Working out a step-by-step algorithm when telling the poem "We were driving" on massage mats(health-saving technique of V. F. Bazarny):

We drove, we drove, we drove up to the hill,

We drove, we drove, we drove up to the pit

We drove, we drove, we drove up to the river,

We drove, we drove, we arrived at the kindergarten.

Guys, why did we get to kindergarten so quickly? (We observed and carried out the traffic rules).

Remember and tell us what traffic rules you know -Today we will remember everything that we know about transport. Working with the transport algorithm:

What is the name of the transport in the place of its movement?

What is the name of the transport that carries passengers, goods?

Listen to the poem "Transport" by E. Alyabyev

Various vehicles transport people and goods every hour,

And in the mountains, and in the villages, and underground, and on the seas.

In the desert, even in the skies. Air transport serves in the sky, as birds are friends with the sky.

Airplanes fly fast and, like dragonflies, helicopters,

And even into space from the earth People are carried away by ships. In deep waters, water transport transports people and goods,

Through the seas and oceans along the rivers he walks far.

Large ships and barges are sailing, pulling tons of cargo,

Tourists go where they need to go on snow-white motor ships. Underground transport works underground in large tunnels.

The metro transports people there so that they arrive at the place faster. And on the ground, people and goods are transported along the rails of the train,

And along the endless roads in the car someone goes where,

Buses, taxis, minibuses, huge trucks - what you just don’t see here, they all go so fast.

All means of transportation are so important for a person.

People will be delivered to the place, cargo. They are always needed everywhere. - In each settlement there are operational services that provide peace of mind to its residents. These are the police, the gas service, the ambulance, the fire service. These services have service cars.

Name these cars. (Children's answers, -There are special phone numbers by which you can call these cars if someone is sick, or a fire has started, or there is a smell of gas, or public order is violated somewhere. Everyone should know these phones.

Call 01 (children's answers)

Call 02 (children's answers)

On the phone 03 they call (children's answers)

Call 04 (children's answers)

They call 112 on the phone (children's answers)

But you should never call these machines as a joke, for fun. Why do you think? (children's answers)

Construction, cleaning machines are special mechanisms to carry out various activities to help a person (-There are still cars for transporting products -Guys, explain why they say so - a snowplow, a milk truck, a concrete mixer, a truck crane? (children's answers).

Physical education "Transport"

Get up, stretch. (Hands up, raise your head - bend over - deep breath) .

We start the engine. (Turn the body to the left - right with rotational movements of the hands in front of the chest.)

Checking the seat belts. (Tilts left - right, hands slide along the body.)

We check the brakes. (Hands behind the back, rotational movements of the foot of the left-right leg alternately.)

Go. (Walking in place, turning into a run.)

The game "It is allowed - it is forbidden" (the use of health-saving technologies by V. F. Bazarny "Flashing lights"). Children take on the role of pedestrians and, in accordance with the traffic lights (“Blinking Lights”), perform movements: red - stand, yellow - clap, green - stomp.

Guys, what do you think, transport has always existed in the form we are used to? (children's answers).

Even some hundred years ago there was no car. For the transportation of goods, strong, but unsafe for human life, animals were used. Elephants, camels, donkeys, horses, buffaloes, dogs. However, pack animals were not always at hand, and it was a pity to overwork them. Later, people invented a carriage with a motor - a locomobile. The locomobile was stoked with coal, and it barely dragged along the road,

Guys, this is a portrait of Henry Ford. At the age of fifteen, Henry began to design and assemble the first car, then the second, the third. And each next car became more comfortable and more beautiful.

Henry called the cars by his last name. His son and grandson also became the inventors of Fords. Today, these comfortable cars drive on all the roads of the world.

Guys, you know a lot about transport, correlate it according to the place of movement, distinguish between freight and passenger transport, you know a lot about emergency services. And here are the children junior group just started to study transportation. I suggest that our kids make and present an album about transport.

Productive activity of children in the manufacture of vehicles from pre-cut shapes.

Guys, let's look at all your work and tell you what type of transport belongs to at the place of movement; who controls it.

Integration educational areas: "Speech development" , "Cognitive Development" , "Perception of Fiction" , "Artistic and aesthetic development" .

Software content.

  1. Develop oral speech, improve the ability to coordinate words in sentences.
  2. Continue to expand children's ideas about professions; consolidate knowledge about various modes of transport; introduce the concept "special transport" .
  3. Continue to form children's knowledge of the rules of the road; to consolidate the knowledge that, if necessary, adults call on the phones "112" , "01" , "02" , "03" .
  4. Continue to form the ability to listen carefully, memorize riddles and guess them.
  5. Continue to develop in children an interest and love for music, emotional responsiveness.

Equipment. Illustrations depicting various types of transport, special vehicles: ambulance, police and fire trucks; audio recording of the song "Blue carriage" V. Shainsky; audio recording of the song of Leopold the cat "I'm pedaling, I'm spinning" , music by B. Saveliev, lyrics by A. Khait

Methods and techniques. Verbal: teacher's story, questions for children, explanation. Visual: show illustrations. Practical: drawing.

Logic of educational activity.

I. Conversation about modes of transport.

Guys, meet: this is Olya doll. Grandmother invited Olya to visit, and she lives in the capital of our country, the city of Moscow. How can Olya get to her grandmother? (car, bus).

Listen carefully to the riddles, and tell me how else you can get to Moscow.

Flying very fast in the sky
Amazing bird.
The pilot flies up on it.
What kind of bird? (airplane).

On two iron threads
The tents are moving
Knocking all over the district
Tied to each other. (train).

Pictures of a train, a bus, an airplane and a car are exhibited on the easel.

What is shown in the pictures? How can you call it in one word? (transport).

What modes of transport are these cars? (ground, air).

What other vehicles are ground transport? To air transport?

What modes of transport have you mentioned yet? (Water, underground).

Give an example of water transport. Give an example of underground transport.

On the board are pictures of all types of transport.

That's how many different cars there are! But all these modes of transport are divided into two groups. What is water, land, air Transport? (cargo, passenger).

Why is transport called passenger, what is it used for?

What transport is called cargo?

II. The teacher's story about special transport.

There is another group of vehicles that is included in land transport. This is a special vehicle. What cars do you think belong to this group?

Special transport is needed for very responsible work. These machines are called by phone if urgent assistance is required: fire engine, ambulance, police car.

Pictures with the image of these machines are displayed on the board.

Are you familiar with these machines? Let's remember what number is dialed if there is a fire somewhere? If a person is ill, he needs urgent health care? What number do we dial if something terrible, incomprehensible happens? (children's answers).

- You correctly named:

  1. - Fire brigade
  2. - Police
  3. - Ambulance.

There is one more number that everyone needs to know - this is the number of the Rescue Service "112" . The call is received by the dispatcher and sends the necessary service to the right address. The rescue service is very busy people, ready to help at any moment, so in no case should you call this number in order to joke. Indeed, at this very time, the help of rescuers may be needed for people in trouble.

Guys, can you recognize special cars on the streets of our village? By what signs do you recognize them? (children's answers).

Indeed, each car has a certain color and is equipped with special equipment: a red fire truck, so that it can be seen from afar, has a signal lamp and a loud, shrill siren. Ambulance white color with a red cross, also has a signal lamp and a siren. Police car also has its own color, markings, siren and signal lamp.

Why, in your opinion, do all these cars need a light signal and a loud siren?

That's right: if trouble happened somewhere, these cars rush on a call, notifying others with a sound signal that they urgently need to give way. Cars drive off to the side, passing special vehicles; at a red traffic light, these cars, with the siren on, pass without stopping.

III. Listening to music.

And now I invite you to listen to the song. I'm sure you know her well.

An audio recording of a song by V. Shainsky sounds "Blue carriage" . Children move around the group, performing dance moves optional.

Did you recognize the song? What cartoon is this song from?

IV. Didactic game "Who operates this mode of transport?" .

No machine can move without human assistance. Look again at the pictures of cars and name the professions of the people who drive them.

Bus - bus driver.

A bicycle is a cyclist.

Ambulance - ambulance driver, driver.

The tram is a carriage driver.

The train driver.

The plane is a pilot.

Tractor is a tractor driver.

Crane - crane operator.

Truck - driver, driver.

Today we told Olya not only about how you can go to your grandmother, but also about other modes of transport.

Let's remember once again what types of transport there are. What is the name of the type of transport used for emergency assistance people? How can I call a special transport if necessary? What is the name of the profession of the people who drive this transport?

Well done. And now let's listen to one more song and have a rest after hard work.

The song of the cat Leopold sounds.

Did you recognize the song? Who sings it? Sing along!

Lesson completed.

Abstract of a lesson on the development of speech in the preparatory group

Theme of the lesson: "Transport"

Target: Consolidation of ideas about transport.


Extension vocabulary on the topic: "Transport", consolidating the skill of using complex words.

Consolidation of knowledge about professions related to transport.

Consolidation in speech of generalizing concepts.

The development of connected speech.

Development of interest in the features and modes of transport.

Methods and techniques:

Methods of formation of consciousness (frontal conversation);

Methods of organizing activities and forming the experience of behavior (speech problem situations, development of the emotional sphere)

Methods of stimulating behavior (encouragement, surprise moment);

Methods of control, self-control and self-assessment (survey, analysis of the results of one's own activities);

Integration of educational areas: social - communicative development; cognitive development; speech development; physical development.

Types of children's activities: play, communicative, motor, productive.

Preliminary work: looking at pictures about transport, repeating modes of transport, professions related to transport; compiling a descriptive story about various modes of transport.

Lesson summary

- Guys, come to us kindergarten A letter came from the guys from the Sun City. Let's read it.

“Hello guys, I'm Vintik, and I'm Shpuntik. We are from a sunny city. We are designers and mechanics. We are working on a project for a new car, but we don’t know which one, because we have lost the instructions for assembling it. Help us remember the types of transport, maybe it will help us in our work.

Let's help Vintik and Shpuntik?

Let's remember where transport can move?(highway, seas, railway, sky)

So what are the modes of transport?

Happens aerial view transport.

There is a water mode of transport.

There is a ground mode of transport.

There is a railway mode of transport.

Game: "Relate the transport"

What transport can we attribute to land and why?

A car (bus, dump truck,) travels along the road - this is a land mode of transport.

To the railway?

A train (tram, electric train) travels by rail - this is a railway mode of transport.

To the water?

A ship (boat, boat) floats on water - this is a water mode of transport.

To air?

A rocket (plane, helicopter)) flies in the sky - this is an air mode of transport.

Game: Why are they called that?

Why was it called that?

The plane is flying by itself.

All-terrain vehicle - goes everywhere.

Steam locomotive - steam carries (with the help of steam it works).

Dump truck - he dumps the load.

Scooter - rolls by itself

These are the guys Difficult words, consists of two words.

Game: "Who controls what"

Guys, do you know who drives the transport?

Who is driving the bus?

The driver drives the bus.

Who is flying the plane?

The aircraft is controlled by a pilot.

Who is driving the train?

The driver is driving the train.

Who is flying the helicopter?

The helicopter is controlled by a helicopter pilot.

Who is steering the ship?

The ship is driven by a captain.

Who controls the rocket?

The rocket is controlled by an astronaut.

Guys, Shpuntik and Vintik cannot figure out the actions of the modes of transport. Name the type of transport shown in the picture and its operation.

This is a bus.

The bus pulls into the garage.

This is a bus.

The bus leaves the garage.

This is a dump truck.

The dump truck pulls up to the house.

This is a dump truck.

The dump truck leaves the house.

This is a truck.

The truck drives up the mountain.

This is a truck.

The truck drives off the mountain.


And now we will have a rest and go by truck performing the movements. (the teacher reads the nursery rhyme, accompanying the speech with an animated motorcycle. Children repeat the text and imitate the movements of a motorcycle.)

We drove, we drove, we reached the hill,
We got in, we got out and we went on.
We drove, we drove, we reached the pit,
We drove around the pit and drove on.
We drove, we drove, we reached the bridge,
The bridge was crossed and we continued on.
We drove, we drove, we drove home,
We drove into the yard, and here we are.

Now name the word. How many sounds of vowels, consonants. How many syllables are in a word.

This is a dump truck. This word has 8 sounds, 3 vowels "a", 4 consonants: "s, m, c, l". One more consonant sounds. Three syllables 3 syllables sa-mas-sval. Clap.

What is the first sound in this word?

The first sound in this word is “s”, it is a consonant, deaf, hard. Marked with a black checkmark.

What is the sound between "s" and "m"?

Between the sounds "c" and "m" is the sound of the vowel sound "a", we denote it with a red chip.

Other words are understood by analogy.

Guys, now let's make a story - a description about the truck:

(This is a truck.

It refers to the ground mode of transport.

Consists of parts. It has 4 wheels, cab, engine, body, 2 headlights.

It's made of metal.

This truck is green.

The truck runs on gasoline.

He transports goods. (bricks, sand, vegetables, boards)

The driver drives the truck.

I like this mode of transport. My dad works on a truck. And once we went to the gas station with my dad).

(it is proposed to compose a story for the 2nd child).

And Vintik and Shpuntik again turn to us.

(Guys, thank you for your help! You helped us assemble a truck from parts. We need it so much for transporting vegetables. This year we have harvested a large crop of cucumbers! And for the fact that you helped us, we treat you).

Here is the treat that the guys from the Sun City handed over.

Guys what did we do today?

We met Vintik and Shpuntik and helped them assemble the truck, guessed the riddle, worked from the pictures, determined the types of transport, performed sound analysis of words, and made up a story about the truck.

What did you like most about our work?