Greek national costume. Create the image of a Greek goddess in a few minutes

Every representative of the fair sex secretly dreams of being a goddess. And what goddesses pop up in our minds when we mention this word? Of course, these are the goddesses of Ancient Greece. The myths that tell us about the Greek gods are interesting to everyone without exception; perhaps this is one of the most interesting topics By ancient history from the school curriculum. I think there is not a single person who does not know who Hera (the supreme goddess, patroness of family and marriage), Athena (goddess of war), Demeter (goddess of fertility, patroness of agriculture), Artemis (goddess of the hunt) and of course Aphrodite are. (goddess of beauty and love).

Of course, each of these goddesses evokes respect and awe, and a desire to become at least a little like them. But none of these great and powerful inhabitants of Olympus will captivate women's minds the same way as Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty and love, the goddess of eternal spring and life, the patroness of childbirth and children, does. The power of love, to which not only people, but also gods, obeyed.

What do we need to women about war and power, hunting and agriculture? Give us beauty and love, so we choose as a symbol feminine power, Greek goddess Aphrodite. And since we are talking about beauty, it is worth noting that all the goddesses of Olympus stood out with stunning outfits and hairstyles. That's what hairstyles will be discussed below. We will learn how to do hairstyles in greek style with your own hands, how to do it Greek hairstyle with and without bandage. And all this will not take much time.

How to do a Greek hairstyle with a headband.

In any store that sells jewelry, you can easily purchase various decorations for hair, including for Greek hairstyle. The range of such products is very wide, and therefore it is easy to get confused in their names. If you don’t know what the elastic for a Greek hairstyle is called, don’t worry. Just ask the seller for a headband with an elastic band or a headband for your hair in a Greek style.

So, let's move on to the practical aspect of the Greek headband topic, how to make a hairstyle with its help.

Greek headband

Most elementary way, is to put an elastic band on your head so that the most beautiful part of the headband goes in the middle of the forehead. Thus, due to the pressure of the elastic band, a small volume is formed on the top of the head. You can first curl your hair with a curling iron or straighten it with an iron. But there is a small nuance here: if you have a narrow forehead, make sure that the decorative part of the headband is located as close to the hairline as possible, this will visually expand your forehead. Otherwise, you risk visually narrowing your forehead even more.

Next, I propose to consider another way to do a Greek hairstyle at home. For this type of styling we also need an elastic band. This is actually a fairly easy option and takes a few minutes, but it is classic version such styling. This installation can also be performed both on straight lines and on curly hair. But it is worth noting that it looks more advantageous on wavy hair, although this is all subjective and depends on the taste of the beauty.

DIY hairstyle in Greek style.

Execution technology:

Note. It is advisable to do this styling the next day after washing your hair or use products to secure the styling. To ensure that the elastic holds well, it is better to pin it with invisible pins.

  1. We divide the hair with a straight parting. Then we put on the headband with an elastic band.
  2. Separate one strand near the ear and place it behind the elastic.
  3. Next, we take another strand and, grabbing the remaining tip, we thread it all together again through the elastic band.
  4. So we continue to move from one ear to the other until we finish at the opposite ear.
  5. These actions can be performed in a slightly different way, thereby slightly changing the appearance of the hairstyle. First, we twist the strands from the left to the middle, then from the right, and we tuck the remaining part of the hair behind the elastic band at the very end.
  6. Or you can braid the rest of the hair into a braid, which will also be quite attractive.

The hairstyle is ready, you can enjoy your reflection in the mirror. And in order to better understand the technique of how to do a hairstyle with Greek bandage, the video will help you. Knowing the basic principles about performing this hairstyle, you can come up with your own options and complement it various tapes, flowers, beads.

Many representatives of the fairer sex know very well what a DIY Greek hairstyle is. Videos from various events, such as a wedding or anniversary, confirm this the best way. At the celebration, not only the bride or the hero of the day proudly wears such a hairstyle, but also the ladies invited as guests. Which is not surprising, because such beauty can be performed on hair of any length, and it good for women any age. But if the bride was combed by a master hairdressing, and it took several hours to create this masterpiece, then the guests almost certainly did it with their own hands and in a few minutes.

Styling with an elastic headband is not the only example of a Greek hairstyle. You can style your hair in the same style without using any accessories.

If you do not have various attributes for your hair, and there are only a few hours left before the holiday, then you will be interested in reading about how to do a Greek hairstyle without a bandage.

You just need to gather your hair into a low ponytail on the side and curl it with a curling iron, decorating it with flowers or ribbon. It will look quite harmonious with the appropriate outfit. And for those goddesses who are not looking for easy ways, I advise you to read the continuation of the article.

Greek hairstyle without headband.

How to do:

Let's consider another method in which the hair will not be completely removed, but will remain loose. This is done even easier than the previous example.

  1. We also separate one strand from each side of the head, connect them at the back of the head and secure with an elastic band.
  2. We twist the resulting tail into a “shell” and pin it with bobby pins.
  3. Curl the remaining hair onto a curling iron.
  4. In the center of our improvised shell we insert a hairpin, the head of which is decorated with a flower.

Now you know how to create the image of Aphrodite. All you have to do is choose a dress that suits your style, and you are a goddess standing at the top of Olympus.


To obtain real hairstyle in the Greek style, hair should be wavy. Even if all the hair is collected at the back of the head, it is still better to curl your hair first or sleep in curlers at night. A few stray wavy strands will add extra charm to the look.

Above we saw examples of styling for medium-length hair. And if you are curious how to do a Greek style hairstyle on long hair, then you can safely use the proposed methods, because the execution technology does not change depending on the length.

Experiment with your appearance, be bolder, create and put on new images. And remember that every woman is a little goddess at heart.

The Greek hairstyle has been attracting romance and simplicity for several years now. Beautiful goddesses do not leave the pages of the magazine. The elegant and sensual image of Aphrodite beckons and seduces. You can try on this hairstyle for going out, for a formal dinner, for a walk with your loved one, or in nature. Greek hairstyle is an important attribute of many brides. She herself is beautiful, and in combination with a dress and accessories in the Greek style she can win more than one heart. The variety of Greek hairstyle options allows you to choose an image for any hair: short and long, thick and light.

The image of Aphrodite: who suits it

The image of a Greek woman is easy to recognize by its flowing, flowing outlines. Creating this hairstyle does not require much effort or skill. The accessories used to create it do not need to be searched for a long time and ordered separately. Creating a goddess hairstyle is as simple as the Greek woman herself. What options for Greek hairstyles exist? How to style a hairstyle with ribbons, headband and headband?

The Greek hairstyle is essentially made up of curls, curly strands. For girls with flowing, airy hair, this option is simply ideal. A girl with straight hair needs to put in a little patience and effort to create this masterpiece. Straight strands should be slightly curled at the ends.

For those with short hair, you can use a headband or ribbon. Long Thick hair can be decorated using a Greek tail, framing face light curls. Average length It will curl absolutely perfectly into the bandage and will not break under the weight.

A hairstyle from sunny Greece will suit any face type. Those with an oval shape can choose any variation - from strands collected at the top of the head to curls pulled up. Rectangular face This option will greatly brighten up, softening its natural contours. You should take into account your own characteristics when choosing a Greek hairstyle for owners of round or triangular face. The circle should be framed with care; this hairstyle model can visually enhance the circle. For a triangular face, you should choose strands elongated downwards, for example, a Greek ponytail. Combing the lower part of the face will not bring femininity, but, on the contrary, will place emphasis on the cheekbones.

Types of “Greek”, accessories

The basis of the Greek hairstyle is hair pulled back. Long strands can be tied into a bun or made into a ponytail or braid. The face is framed by light wavy strands. On this basis, many styling variations were created. The most common:

  • Greek knot, its variety is korimbos;
  • hetaera hairstyle;
  • Apollo or Cicada bow;
  • Greek tail;
  • Greek braid;
  • Greek hairstyle with headband or ribbon;
  • Greek hairstyle with headband.

The many different variations of the Greek hairstyle created a variety of all kinds of accessories. The first thing you need to purchase is hairspray and curling things for styling (curlers, stylers, curling irons, and, at worst, the well-known rags for curling strands).

In addition to these tools, you will also need direct accessories to create a hairstyle: hairpins, combs, headbands, headbands, flowers, starfish. A headband that has come into fashion since the days of the hippies, or khairatnik, fits better Total. For lovers of extravagant and very bright image You may not like this hairstyle because of its simplicity. Bright colors headers are not suitable for this installation. The purpose of the hairstyle is cuteness and tenderness.

An accessory that is too flashy will distract attention from the image and the hairstyle itself and will look pretentious. Headbands and headbands look good when styled pastel colors. For special occasions, for example, for the red carpet or wedding, you can pick up things stylized precious metals or gems: silver and gold, stones and rhinestones. The little beads on the headband look great too.

The color of the headband or headband directly depends on the color of your hair or clothing. This accessory should not blend in with the hair color of its owner. It should be either darker or lighter than its own strands.

You can use a small braid as a headband. But you should remember that a braid is not suitable for black hair. white and vice versa. You can select it with a difference of up to two tones. If there is a need to use two or more accessories, you should leave one of them almost neutral, and the second one should be brighter. In this case, the romance will remain and there will be no bland shade in the image. The hairpin can be close in color to the hair, and the hairpins are strewn with beads and stones. If the headband is already stylized, the pins should not be visible. Those with long, non-curly hair should first curl it into curls.

Greek nymph's knot

For this hairstyle, the length of the strands is not important. Styling will require hairpins, headbands or ribbons.

Apply hair foam to slightly damp hair and comb the strands. A comb with large teeth is suitable for this.

  • Hair should be dried thoroughly. If it is possible to use volume attachments, this should definitely be done. A cold blast of air and a volume brush can also create volume. Hair should be dried along the entire length, except the ends.
  • Use a special comb to create a parting. It can be either straight or diagonal.
  • Larger strands should be curled along their entire length. To do this, you should use a styler or curling iron. The strands should be curled all over the head.
  • Curled strands are gathered into a ponytail just above the back of the head. It can be located parallel to the nose. You shouldn't make it very high. You will need a small rubber band for assembly. There's no point in trying to be neat, it's not ponytail. There should be freedom of image in this hairstyle. You should also not comb the resulting tail.
  • To decorate the head part of the hairstyle, several headbands are put on, usually two or three, and the volume of hair is created between them.
  • The strands of the tail are combed and laid out in strands around the elastic band. Each curl at the base is secured with a pin.
  • IN mandatory The styling should be done with hairspray.

Such hairstyle will suit for a date and for a wedding with appropriate decoration.

Korimbos: subtleties of execution

This is a type of Greek knot. Its difference lies in the technique of execution and location. Perform it lower than usual. It seems to lie at the base of the neck. This hairstyle looks even more feminine than the first one. It is also not difficult to implement:

  • The hair is divided into three equal parts vertically.
  • We collect the middle part into an elastic band as low as possible.
  • From the created tail we make a twisted bun and secure it with hairpins.
  • We collect each of the side strands into a braid, slightly straightened (like french braid) for volume.
  • We wrap the braids around the bun and, combing the ends, send them under the bun.
  • We secure the hairstyle with hairpins and spray it with hairspray.

Another option is also easy to implement:

  • Two are braided thin braids on the sides of the occipital part. Hair is taken from the middle.
  • The remaining part of the hair is carefully combed at the top.
  • Two temporal curls are fastened at the back with an elastic band.
  • The rest of the combed hair is also collected with an elastic band closer to the ends of the strands.
  • Carefully roll the hair up. They are carefully secured on top with pins and pins.
  • We tuck the braids crosswise around the hairstyle.

This variation should be recorded more carefully than the first option. Straight strands are more difficult to hold than curled ones.

Korimbos with a bun of braids. Step 3-5

The ponytail and braid come from Greece

A Greek ponytail is perfect for everyday styling. To create it:

  • hair should be prepared by slightly curling it;
  • the strands are tied at the very top of the head using a hair elastic or ribbon;
  • You should carefully spray your hair with a stream of modeling hairspray, otherwise the strands tend to constantly fall out of the ponytail;
  • You can thread beads and ribbons into the curls along the entire length.

Depending on decorations this hairstyle can be done both on a date and prom under the matching dress.

The Greek braid is more complex in its styling. It is suitable for long and short hair. It is braided in various variations. On clean hair Apply styling product (foam or mousse). A strand of dried hair is separated at the temple and braided. If your hair is thin, braid it loosely, slightly pulling out the curls of the braid (like a French braid). When braiding, you need to pick up loose curls on the sides. Having braided such a braid with the grip up to half, then continue with an ordinary braid. The result is hidden under the main part of the hair. There is also a known option when two such braids are woven with different sides and fasten them at the back crosswise in the form of a rim. A tail created as a continuation of the braid will also look beautiful. This is a peculiar combination of a Greek braid and ponytail.

Greek hairstyle with headband

There are many options for styling this hairstyle. Basic or classic styling is created for hair without bangs. Hair in straight parting combed back and threaded under the headband, which should cross the back occipital part. As you curl the curls, the headband should hide under them. Moreover, it is not necessary to fill all the curls. The remaining strands can be styled into a kind of ponytail or left to fall over your shoulders. The strands should not be combed or straightened. You need to give the image a romantic and casual look. Such curls are usually curled.

The second option is screwed onto the rim immediately. Then it is put on the head, straightening the strands so that they completely cover the headband.

Greek hairstyle with headband and braids. Step 1-4

Greek hairstyle with headband and braids. Step 5-8

Greek hairstyle with headband and braids

The third option is done along a side parting. The strands are combed and created into a bun at the back of the head. After this, such a bundle is slightly disassembled. The curls are pulled out and attached outside the bun. It can be decorated with a headband and hairpins. If desired, for example, for a wedding, you can put fresh flowers or boutonnieres in the headband. You can put a light, airy tiara on your head. You don’t need to spend much time on this hairstyle, about ten or fifteen minutes.

  • Characteristic features of Greek makeup
  • Greek style makeup rules
  • Greek look for every day
  • Makeup ideas in the style of Ancient Greece for a wedding


Shades of the “precious” range - gold, copper, bronze, silver - are perfect for Greek makeup. At the same time, eye makeup should remain gentle, so smokey eyes that are too dark are prohibited. And here light warm haze will only decorate the image: give preference to shining textures. Below are some good examples for gray, blue, green and brown eyes.

By the way, you can complement your Greek-style makeup with beautiful unusual arrows, but such an image will definitely fall out of the “every day” category. But for Halloween or theme party fits perfectly.



Greek makeup is the case when classic scarlet or bright pink lipstick can ruin the whole thing. When creating a make-up in the Greek style, opt for calm shades of brown or a nude palette.

How to do Greek goddess makeup with your own hands?

Greek makeup - good choice for several reasons at once. Firstly, it looks quite neutral, so it’s suitable for the office, a themed party (if paired with a suitable suit), and for prom or. Secondly, it is very easy to repeat at home, using only products from a basic cosmetic bag. Follow the step-by-step photo instructions!

  1. 1

    Apply moisturizer, makeup primer, and lip balm. Wait until these products are properly absorbed.

  2. 2

    Distribute the foundation with a fairly dense texture over the entire face. Use concealer on the skin under your eyes. Flawless skin for Greek makeup is the same prerequisite as for any other.

  3. 3

    Apply golden shadows with strong shimmer to the entire moving eyelid, blend them well into the crease.

  4. 4

    Dark brown eyeshadow(also with strong shimmer) highlight the lower eyelid. Use them to draw an arrow to upper eyelid and draw a line along the growth line upper eyelashes. Blend the arrow to “blur” the border with the golden shadows.

  5. 5

    Highlight your eyebrows with a pencil and secure the shape with a transparent gel.

  6. 6

    Paint both the top and lower eyelashes ink.

  7. 7

    Instead of blush, use bronzer. Apply it according to the pattern that best suits your type.

The Greek theme does not go away fashion catwalks. In the style of Ancient Hellas they are created beautiful dresses for evening or everyday wear, shoes, accessories. But in order for the image to be complete, you need to pay attention to hair styling, that is, your hair should be done in the Greek style. Such hairstyles are unusually feminine and gentle, allowing every girl to feel like a real goddess who has temporarily descended to the sinful Earth from Olympus.

If you look at the photo different options hairstyles, then we can highlight the main features inherent in the style. These are, first of all, wild curls that fall freely down the back. However, the hair is never simply left loose; it is necessarily collected in loose buns, ponytails, braids, in whole or in part.

The main beauty of such hairstyles is that they are very comfortable to wear. On one side the hair is collected, that is, nothing gets in the way or gets into the face. On the other hand, they fall freely in romantic waves, giving others the opportunity to admire the chic curls.

Who is it suitable for?

Most often, such hairstyles are done on long hair. The best option are naturally curly curls, but owners of straight hair should not be upset, they can arm themselves with curlers or curling irons to get romantic curls.

It will not be difficult to choose a hairstyle for medium hair. But for girls with ultra short haircuts you'll have to choose another option. You can do a Greek hairstyle at short hair, if the length of the strands is at least 10 cm or more.

As for the shape of the face, there are no restrictions; you can always choose a styling option that will visually bring your face shape closer to the ideal. If necessary, you can make a hairstyle with bangs, choosing its shape to suit your face. People with round faces are advised to choose oblique and asymmetrical bangs, but if the face is a little long, it is better to prefer the option with straight, rather thick bangs up to the eyebrows.

Read also: Practical advice: how to cover gray hair?

Even if the hairstyle is done without bangs, the forehead is rarely left free. As a rule, the front curled strands are lowered onto the face. But if this option is absolutely not suitable, you can release the strands lower, at the temples.

Simple option

If you plan to do your hair yourself, then you should prefer a simple option, especially if you have no experience in creating hairstyles. First of all, you will need to curl the curls along the entire length, using a special fixing agent, so that the curls are elastic and do not fall apart for a long time.

Next, you can simply gather your hair from the sides and secure it at the back of your head with beautiful hairpin. This will be the simplest hairstyle option, but you can make it more interesting. For example, you can select strands at the temples and twist them into strands, rotating in the direction away from the face, then connect both strands at the back of the head and secure them with an original crab hairpin.

If you don’t like the hairstyle with plaits, then you can freely braid braids from the strands at the temples approximately to the back line auricle. Then gather all the hair into a ponytail or make a loose, fluffy knot, placing it as low as possible, near the neck. If desired, the tail and bun can be done not at the back, but on the side.

Greek knot

More complex options styling can be done in the salon or at least with the help of a friend, after practicing.

An elegant and romantic “Greek knot” is performed on curled hair; the bun must be loose and quite voluminous. To create it, special rollers or hairpieces can be used. The Greek knot also differs from the usual one in that it is necessary to let out several curls near the face.

Styling can be done with a ribbon, which is used to tie the hair gathered into a knot, or with a headband.

If fulfilled evening hairstyle in the Greek style, you can use more diverse accessories: headbands decorated with rhinestones or pearls, decorative hairpins, hairpins, artificial or fresh flowers, etc.

Read also: Bun hairstyle: step-by-step execution from simple to complex


Available greek braids can be braided in the most different techniques, but the peculiarity of the hairstyle is that one of the braids frames the face like a headband.

Variant of Greek hairstyle with braids:

  • combing your hair into an even parting;
  • on one side of the parting, select a narrow strand, dividing it into three parts;
  • start weaving using the “spikelet” technique, constantly picking up thin strands from the main mass of hair;
  • braid the braid to the middle of the back of the head, secure temporarily;
  • similarly perform the second braid on the second side of the parting;
  • to make the braids more voluminous, you will need to carefully pull out the strands from them;
  • both braids are connected at the back of the head, secured with a hairpin;
  • the rest of the hair is curled into ringlets.

For everyday option When styling the braid, you can also braid it along the entire length of the hair using the “spikelet” or “spikelet” braiding technique. fish tail" Only the braiding should not be tight; you can even further stretch the strands, making the braid lush and voluminous.


A frequently used accessory for creating hairstyles in the style of Ancient Hellas is a variety of elastic headbands. Here's how to do a Greek hairstyle with a headband:

  • comb the curled hair into a parting;
  • put an elastic bandage on your head, while creating volume at the back of your head (here the strands can be combed a little beforehand);
  • You need to start styling with the side strands: take a narrow strand and twist it into a bundle, tucking the end under the bandage. Secure with an invisible one;
  • Lay all other strands in the same way. As a result, we will get an original bun.

The image of a hetaera

To create such an original hairstyle, you will need to acquire a special accessory – a stephana. This is a mesh for decorating beams, which can be made of “gold” or “silver” threads, decorated with pearls, rhinestones or even precious stones.

Lush wedding dresses sprinkled with sparkles and rhinestones are the dream of many girls who try to make the image of a fairy-tale princess come true at their wedding. But what about the image greek goddess– the embodiment of elegance and femininity? Meanwhile, this style is becoming more and more popular and this is not surprising, because it takes into account everything from an original hairstyle to comfortable and eye-catching shoes. In this article we will discuss Greek image bride, and what is needed to make it look harmonious in the realities of a modern wedding.

Wedding dress in Greek style

One of the main components of the Greek image of a bride is a dress, which is distinguished by its sophistication and elegance. As a rule, such an outfit is designed in white and complemented with gold elements in the decor.

A bride in a Greek dress will look great, even if she has flaws in her figure. The main advantage of such outfits is their unique ability to adapt to all the features of the figure. Usually, Greek dress It has an airy and multi-layered cut, which can not only give the silhouette a more slender outline, but also balance it.

Top at wedding dresses in the Greek style can be different. A perfect choice should be based on the personal preferences of the bride. So, for example, owners full hands an outfit with long sleeves, dissected at the top. Goddesses with a beautiful neckline should take a closer look at dresses with V-neck or bare shoulders. For those who want to show off their beautiful back to everyone around them, there are options with a cutout on the back.

Greek style wedding shoes

Every woman knows that shoes play an important role in the image. A bride who wants to create a look in the Greek style should abandon the classic wedding shoes which are effectively decorated with rhinestones. A great addition to this look would be sandals with straps or ribbons, gold in color. It is advisable that the shoes be on flat sole, then it will fully correspond to the chosen image.

Flat sandals have a lot of advantages, besides the fact that they fit perfectly with the dress, the bride will feel comfortable in them throughout the holiday. This is especially important for those women who are in a position, because it is very difficult for a long time is on his feet.

For girls looking to add a little extra height, there are Grecian-style heeled sandals.

Hairstyle for a bride in Greek style

A matching hairstyle will help complement your Greek-style look. Characteristics wedding hairstyle in the Greek style is braided and long curled curls.

A Greek style hairstyle should be elegant and romantic. Stylists note that the more complex the hairstyle, the worse it fits into the Greek image of the bride. Those who have at least once looked at the images of Greek goddesses might have noticed that the hair of ancient beauties was either completely loose or tied up. neat bun. This is what you should focus on when creating a Greek image.

Decorations for hairstyles in the Greek style should be chosen among neat hair clips and combs. And ideal option There will be tiaras that match the style.

Wedding makeup for the Greek goddess

Main advantage wedding makeup The Greek style is natural, which makes it ideal for girls with any type of appearance. In addition, the bride can apply this makeup herself, you just have to adhere to the following rules:

  • The skin should be perfectly smooth, this will be achieved special basics under makeup.
  • The skin needs to be given natural glow, which can be achieved using light powder with a shimmering effect.
  • The main emphasis should be on the eyes, but the makeup should not be too dark. It is better to choose shadows with a bronze or golden tint. You can also draw thin and neat arrows.
  • Lips should be given a little natural shine.
  • Eyebrows should be rich and clearly defined.

Also, you need to take into account that the color palette of the makeup should be in harmony with the overall image of the bride.

Bride's bouquet in Greek style

An integral part of the bride's image is the wedding bouquet. Which should be in complete harmony with the style direction.

A bride creating the image of a Greek goddess, when choosing the ideal bouquet, should remember that any flowers of yellow, white and blue color. But the ideal option would be a bouquet of wildflowers different shades, and the brighter it is, the more advantageous the whole image will look.

Decor wedding bouquet in the Greek style can be complemented with gold or white ribbons.

The bride in the image of a Greek goddess will amaze the guests with her sophistication and femininity, and the groom will once again be convinced of the correctness of his choice. The photos in this article will help you verify the uniqueness and elegance of this image.