Navruz-bairam is a holiday of spring! Traditions of Navruz celebration. Navruz: the history and traditions of the most ancient holiday of spring

The Ininsky rock garden is located in the Barguzinskaya valley. Huge stones as if someone deliberately scattered or placed on purpose. And in places where megaliths are placed, something mysterious always happens.

One of the attractions of Buryatia is the Ininsky rock garden in the Barguzin valley. It makes an amazing impression - huge stones scattered in disorder on a completely flat surface. As if someone deliberately either scattered them, or placed them on purpose. And in places where megaliths are placed, something mysterious always happens.

Power of nature

In general, the “rock garden” is the Japanese name for an artificial landscape in which stones, arranged according to strict rules, play a key role. "Karesansui" (dry landscape) has been cultivated in Japan since the 14th century, and it appeared for a reason. It was believed that gods lived in places with a large accumulation of stones, as a result of which the stones themselves began to be given divine significance. Of course, now the Japanese use rock gardens as a place for meditation, where it is convenient to indulge in philosophical reflections.

And philosophy is here. Chaotic, at first glance, the arrangement of stones, in fact, is strictly subject to certain laws. First, the asymmetry and size difference of the stones must be respected. There are certain points of observation in the garden - depending on the time when you are going to contemplate the structure of your microcosm. And the main trick is that from any point of observation there should always be one stone that ... is not visible.

The most famous rock garden in Japan is located in Kyoto, the ancient capital of the samurai country, in the Ryoanji Temple. This is the home of Buddhist monks. And here in Buryatia, a "rock garden" appeared without the efforts of man - its author is Nature herself.

In the southwestern part of the Barguzinskaya Valley, 15 kilometers from the village of Suvo, where the Ina River emerges from the Ikat Range, this place is located with an area of ​​more than 10 square kilometers. Significantly more than any Japanese rock garden - in the same proportion as the Japanese bonsai is smaller than the Buryat cedar. Here, large blocks of stone, reaching 4-5 meters in diameter, protrude from the flat ground, and these boulders go up to 10 meters deep!

The removal of these megaliths from the mountain range reaches 5 kilometers or more. What kind of force could scatter these huge stones at such distances? The fact that this was not done by a person became clear from recent history: a 3-kilometer canal was dug here for irrigation purposes. And in the channel channel here and there lie huge boulders, going to a depth of up to 10 meters. They fought, of course, but to no avail. As a result, all work on the channel was stopped.

Scientists put forward different versions of the origin of the Ininsky rock garden. Many consider these blocks to be moraine boulders, that is, glacial deposits. Scientists call the age different (E. I. Muravsky believes that they are 40-50 thousand years old, and V. V. Lamakin - more than 100 thousand years!), Depending on which glaciation to count.

According to geologists, in ancient times the Barguzin basin was a shallow freshwater lake, which was separated from Lake Baikal by a narrow and low mountain bridge connecting the Barguzin and Ikat ridges. As the water level rose, a runoff formed, which turned into a river bed, which cut deeper and deeper into solid crystalline rocks. It is known how torrential streams of water in spring or after heavy rain wash away steep slopes, leaving deep furrows of gullies and ravines. Over time, the water level dropped, and the area of ​​the lake, due to the abundance of suspended material brought into it by rivers, decreased. As a result, the lake disappeared, and in its place there was a wide valley with boulders, which were later attributed to natural monuments.

But recently, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences G.F. Ufimtsev proposed a very original idea that had nothing to do with glaciations. In his opinion, the Ininsky rock garden was formed as a result of a relatively recent, catastrophic, gigantic ejection of large-block material.

According to his observations, glacial activity on the Ikat Range manifested itself only in a small area in the upper reaches of the Turokcha and Bogunda rivers, while in the middle part of these rivers there are no traces of glaciation. Thus, according to the scientist, there was a breakthrough of the dam of the dammed lake in the course of the Ina River and its tributaries. As a result of a breakthrough from the upper reaches of the Ina, a mudflow or ground avalanche threw a large amount of blocky material into the Barguzin valley. This version is supported by the fact of severe destruction of the bedrock sides of the Ina River valley at the confluence with the Turokcha, which may indicate the demolition of a large amount of rocks by mudflows.

In the same section of the Ina River, Ufimtsev noted two large “amphitheatres” (resembling a huge funnel) measuring 2.0 by 1.3 kilometers and 1.2 by 0.8 kilometers, which could probably be the bed of large dammed lakes. The break of the dam and the release of water, according to Ufimtsev, could have occurred as a result of manifestations of seismic processes, since both slope "amphitheaters" are confined to the zone of a young fault with outcrops of thermal waters.

Here the gods were naughty

An amazing place has long been interested in local residents. And for the "rock garden" people came up with a legend rooted in hoary antiquity. The start is simple. Somehow, two rivers, Ina and Barguzin, argued, which of them would be the first (first) to reach Baikal. Barguzin cheated and set off on the road that same evening, and in the morning the angry Ina rushed after her, in anger throwing huge boulders out of her way. So they still lie on both banks of the river. Isn't it just a poetic description of a powerful mudflow proposed for explanation by Dr. Ufimtsev?

The stones still keep the secret of their formation. They are not only different sizes and colors, they are generally from different breeds. That is, they were not broken out from one place. And the depth of occurrence speaks of many thousands of years, during which meters of soil have grown around the boulders.

For those who have seen the Avatar movie, on a foggy morning, Ina's stones will remind you of hanging mountains around which winged dragons fly. The peaks of the mountains jut out of the clouds of mist like individual fortresses or the heads of giants in helmets. The impressions from contemplating the garden of stones are amazing, and it was not by chance that people endowed the stones with magical powers: it is believed that if you touch the boulders with your hands, they will take away negative energy, instead bestowing positive energy.

In these amazing places there is another place where the gods were naughty. This place was nicknamed "Suva Saxon Castle". This natural formation is located near the group of salty Alga lakes near the village of Suvo, on the steppe slopes of a hill at the foot of the Ikat Range. The picturesque rocks are very reminiscent of the ruins of an ancient castle. These places served as a particularly revered and sacred place for Evenki shamans. In the Evenki language, "suvoya" or "suvo" means "whirlwind".

It was believed that it was here that spirits lived - the owners of local winds. The main and most famous of which was the legendary wind of Baikal "Barguzin". According to legend, an evil ruler lived in these places. He was distinguished by a ferocious disposition, he took pleasure in bringing misfortune to the poor and indigent people.

He had an only and beloved son, who was bewitched by spirits as punishment for a cruel father. After realizing his cruel and unfair attitude towards people, the ruler fell to his knees, began to beg and tearfully ask to restore his son's health and make him happy. And he distributed all his wealth to people.

And the spirits freed the son of the ruler from the power of the disease! It is believed that for this reason the rocks are divided into several parts. There is a belief among the Buryats that the owners of Suvo, Tumurzhi-Noyon and his wife, Tutuzhig-Khatan, live in the rocks. Burkhans were erected in honor of the Suva rulers. On special days, whole rituals are performed in these places.

A wonderful spring holiday that bears the name International Women's Day, or, simply and briefly " March 8', noted in many countries of the world.

In Russia, March 8 is an official holiday, an additional day off .

In general, in our country this date was declared a holiday from the moment of the widespread establishment of Soviet power, and after half a century it also became a day off. In the USSR, the celebration largely had a political context, since historically the event in honor of which the holiday was established was an important day in the struggle of workers for their rights. And also it was on March 8, 1917 (according to the old style, according to the new - February 23, 1917), with the strike of workers of St. Petersburg manufactories, into which the celebration of International Women's Day grew, the February Revolution began.

International Women's Day on March 8 is a memorable date for the UN, and the organization includes 193 states. Commemorative dates announced by the General Assembly are designed to encourage UN members to show increased interest in these events. However, at the moment, not all Member States of the United Nations have approved the celebration of Women's Day in their territories on the specified date.

Below is a list of countries that celebrate International Women's Day. Countries are grouped into groups: in a number of states, the holiday is an official non-working day (day off) for all citizens, somewhere around March 8, only women have a rest, and there are states where they work on March 8.

In which countries is March 8 a public holiday (for everyone):

* In Russia- March 8 is one of the most beloved holidays, when men congratulate all women without exception.

* In Ukraine- International Women's Day continues to be an additional holiday, despite regular proposals to exclude the event from the number of non-working days and replace it, for example, with Shevchenko's Day, which will be celebrated on March 9.
* In Abkhazia.
* in Azerbaijan.
* In Algeria.
* In Angola.
* In Armenia.
* In Afghanistan.
* In Belarus.
* To Burkina Faso.
* in Vietnam.
* In Guinea-Bissau.
* In Georgia.
* In Zambia.
* In Kazakhstan.
* In Cambodia.
* In Kenya.
* In Kyrgyzstan.
* In North Korea.
* In Cuba.
* In Laos.
* In Latvia.
* In Madagascar.
* In Moldova.
* In Mongolia.
* In Nepal.
* In Tajikistan Since 2009, the holiday has been renamed Mother's Day.
* In Turkmenistan.
* In Uganda.
* In Uzbekistan.
* In Eritrea.
* In South Ossetia.

Countries where March 8 is a day off for women only:

There are countries in which only women are released from work on International Women's Day. This rule has been approved:

* In China.
* In Madagascar.

Which countries celebrate March 8, but it's a working day:

In some countries, International Women's Day is widely celebrated, but is a working day. This:

* Austria.
* Bulgaria.
* Bosnia and Herzegovina.
* Germany- in Berlin since 2019, March 8 is a day off, in the whole country it is a working day.
* Denmark.
* Italy.
* Cameroon.
* Romania.
* Croatia.
* Chile.
* Switzerland.

Which countries do NOT celebrate March 8:

* In Brazil - most of the inhabitants of which have not even heard of the "international" holiday on March 8. The main event of late February - early March for Brazilians and Brazilians is not Women's Day at all, but the world's largest Brazilian festival, also called the carnival in Rio de Janeiro, according to the Guinness Book of Records. In honor of the festival, Brazilians rest for several days in a row, from Friday to noon on the Catholic Ash Wednesday, which marks the beginning of Lent (which for Catholics has a movable date and begins 40 days before Catholic Easter).

* In the USA, the holiday is not an official holiday. In 1994, an attempt by activists to get the celebration approved in Congress was unsuccessful.

* In the Czech Republic (Czech Republic) - most of the country's population considers the holiday as a relic of the communist past and the main symbol of the old regime.

Navruz in Farsi means "new day", and "bairam" is a Turkic word and means "holiday". This is one of the most ancient holidays on Earth, symbolizing the beginning of a new life.

Navruz acquired official status in the Persian Empire of the Achaemenids (VI-IV centuries BC). It continued to be celebrated after the Islamic conquests, right up to the present.

And although the celebration of Navruz is common among Muslim peoples, it is not a religious, but rather a folk holiday, which is associated with spring, the beginning of agricultural work, the awakening of nature and the onset of warm days.


The origin of the holiday is associated with the cult of the Sun and the name of the ancient Persian prophet Zarathushtra. The sacred book of the Zoroastrians "Avesta" is the oldest source, where the celebration of Navruz is mentioned.

According to the teachings of the Avesta, every spring people should celebrate the appearance of life on earth, which was born "in six forms" (sky, water, earth, plants, animals and man).

According to legend, many legendary events took place on this day, including Zoroaster was chosen by God to bring happiness to people, and the mythical king Tahmuras sent evil divas and ruthless people to prison. The origin of Navruz is also associated with the mythical king Jamshid, on whom the rays of the sun fell that day.

According to Turkic legends, on this day the Turks escaped from the encirclement by leaving Ergenekon (a territory surrounded by mountains). Therefore, Navruz was accepted by the Turkic peoples as the beginning of the New Year and is celebrated to this day.

The holiday, for many years of its existence, was either canceled or reintroduced. And today it is celebrated not in all Muslim countries. In the Middle East, the holiday is celebrated only by those peoples who lived there even before the arrival of the Arabs and the widespread spread of Islam.

The Arabs themselves do not celebrate this holiday. Moreover, Navruz is officially banned in Syria, and in Turkey the ban on its celebration was lifted only in 1991.

Nowruz as the official beginning of the new year according to the astronomical solar calendar is celebrated on March 21 in Iran and Afghanistan, as well as in Iraqi Kurdistan, India, Macedonia and so on. Nowruz is also the beginning of the year according to the Baha'i calendar.

In the CIS countries, Navruz is celebrated as a national holiday by Tatars, Bashkirs, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Tajiks, Uzbeks and many other peoples. Depending on the country or region, the name of the holiday is pronounced differently - Novruz, Nauruz, Nuruz, Nevruz, Nauryz, Nouruz and so on.

© photo: Sputnik / Taras Litvinenko

Muslims during the celebration of the holiday "Navruz" in the Khan's Palace in Bakhchisaray

The duration of the holiday also varies. In some states it is celebrated for three days, while in others five or more. In ancient times Navruz was celebrated for 13 days. At the end of the celebrations, people went out into the field, where they celebrated the New Year. In the old days, it was believed that those who enjoy nature these days in the field will be accompanied by happiness and prosperity throughout the coming year. this tradition has been preserved.

This tradition has been preserved in some countries, including Iran, where people spend the 13th day of spring in nature with their relatives.

In ancient times, the date of Navruz was determined by astrologers. Now astronomers are calculating the date of the arrival of Navruz with an accuracy of up to a minute. In 2018, the Spring Equinox Day will come on March 20 at 16:15 UTC (Universal Coordinated Time), or 20:15 Tbilisi time.

The celebration of Navruz on the day of the vernal equinox is associated with the emergence of the solar chronology calendar, which appeared among the peoples of Central Asia and Iran seven thousand years ago, long before the rise of Islam.

This Navruz differs from the Muslim New Year, since the Muslim calendar is based on the lunar annual cycle. The Muslim lunar year begins with the month of Muharram, that is, the New Year begins on the 1st of the month of Muharram, which is the first month of the Muslim calendar.


Since ancient times, the importance of this period of the year for people's lives has given rise to many traditions, customs and rituals that are associated with magical actions, the cult of nature and fertility.

Muslims begin preparing for Navruz a month before the holiday - Tuesdays are considered especially pre-holiday. Each of the four Tuesdays (chershenbe) has its own name in accordance with the natural element (water, fire, earth and wind), to the "awakening" of which it is dedicated.


Baku celebrates "Earth Tuesday" before Novruz holiday

The awakening of these elements of nature portends the arrival of the fifth, main element, a new bright day - Navruz, the beginning of the revival and complete revival of the earth. Accordingly, every Tuesday has its own ancient traditions and rituals, many of which have survived to this day.

On the first Tuesday, they begin to plant "syamyan" - sprouted seeds of wheat, an integral symbol of Navruz. It is a symbol of life, wealth, health and well-being of the family.

Despite the fact that the name of the Muslim New Year in the languages ​​of different peoples sounds with different intonations, the traditions of its celebration in all countries are approximately the same. So, in Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, there is a tradition to fumigate dwellings on the night before the holiday with smoking twigs of juniper in order to expel evil spirits.

Before the holiday, you need to repent of sins, reconcile with enemies, forgive debts. According to legend, on the days of Navruz, good farishta angels bring abundance and prosperity to those who have pure thoughts, who have a bright soul, who have a clean house. Therefore, before Navruz, the owners try to put the house in order, whitewash and repair it.

© photo: Sputnik / Evgeny Kostin

All household work related to the celebration of Navruz must be completed the day before, including cleaning, preparing festive dishes, decorating the home with green branches of an apple tree and a pomegranate.

Be sure to wash clothes, especially children's, as it was believed that water would wash away all the negativity. Even before Islam, the week before Navruz was considered dedicated to the souls of ancestors. Ancestors were commemorated, making offerings to them and asking them for help in the coming year, protection from troubles.

Customs and rituals

The custom has survived to this day to kindle ritual fires, light torches and candles, since the Zoroastrians were fire worshipers and considered fire to be a life force.

Therefore, before the New Year, symbolic rites of purification are carried out. Fires are lit on the streets of towns and villages, and people must jump over one fire seven times or seven fires once each. On the last night of the old year, it is customary to splash each other with water and jump over running water to cleanse oneself of last year's sins.

Navruz is the time of divination. Girls of marriageable age are especially fond of this. That evening, they throw a shoe over their heads and determine by the direction of its toe whether they will stay in their parents' house for another year or move to the house of their betrothed.

According to the old custom, on a festive evening with the onset of Navruz, it is customary to eavesdrop on the conversations of neighbors through windows or doors, and, depending on the pleasant or unpleasant conversation heard, determine how successful or unsuccessful the coming year will be for both eavesdroppers and owners.

According to popular beliefs, a lot on this holiday depends on the arrival of the first person in the house. The first guest of the new year should have a quiet and kind character, be with a good sense of humor, have a good name and reputation, and most importantly, have a "happy leg", that is, bring good luck to the house.

In Uzbekistan, they believe that the deeds done by a person during the thirteen days of Navruz will be done by him all year. Therefore, it is customary to forgive each other's debts, to live with everyone in peace.

Festive feast

On this day, all family members gather at the New Year's festive table, which is called "haft-sin". Depending on the region, the assortment of festive dishes is different, but magical items and products that symbolize purity, light, abundance, happiness and fertility in the New Year must be present without fail.

According to tradition, there should be seven dishes on the table, the name of which begins with the letter "sin" (s): samyan (sprouted grains), seb (apple), sir (garlic), sumac (barberry), sirko (vinegar), sipand ( spinach), sonjit (olive).

© photo: Sputnik /

Various dishes of lamb, fish, chicken and eggs are prepared for the holiday, richly seasoned with various spices and decorated with herbs.

On a festively served table, there must be a ritual delicacy sumalak (malt halva), boiled from the juice of germinated wheat grains with the addition of sugar and flour.

A mirror and candles according to the number of family members must be placed on the table. These candles cannot be extinguished until they burn out to the end. Be sure to serve homemade bread, nuts, almonds, milk, cheese, fish, eggs painted green, a vessel with rose water, a bowl of water in which a green leaf floats. And, of course, the Koran should be on the table.

Traditional sweets are served on the festive table - shekerbura, baklava, badambura, gogal and so on, as well as sweet pilaf seasoned with sultanas and dried fruits and other goodies.

For guests who have come to the holiday, the host holds out a dish with barely sprouted grain, the eating of which symbolizes participation in the revival of all living things.

The festive ritual is not limited to a feast. On this day, children go from house to house and sing songs about Navruz, and they are presented with sweets. Artists perform on the streets, wits compete, songs and jokes sound.

© photo: Sputnik / Vladimir Pirogov

In Uzbekistan, folk festivals take place on this day, for example, the game of Kopkari, fights and horse races. There are similar traditions in Kyrgyzstan - during the festivities, the art of riding is demonstrated with the participation of local communities in such horse races as Kyz kuumai (competition in which the rider must catch up with the girl on horseback), Enish (rider wrestling) and Zhamby Atuu (shooting from an onion).

Other Novruz traditions include local street performances, a circus in Iran called Band Bazi, and the sporting event Buz Kashi in Afghanistan, which involves riders using a decapitated goat carcass to play with.

The Navruz holiday in September 2009 was included in the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage List, and in February 2010 the UN General Assembly declared March 21 the International Day of Navruz.

The material was prepared on the basis of open sources.

Interesting information about the holiday of the spring equinox Narvuz Bayram.

All peoples living on our big planet have traditions that they try to honor and pass on to their descendants. And, perhaps, the most important tradition for all people is the celebration of the so-called family holidays, which gather all family members in one place.

Such an important day for people living in Muslim countries is Navruz Bayram. They consider this day special, so they try to do everything to make it as positive and sincere as possible. We will talk about what Navruz Bayram is and how to conduct it correctly in our article.

What does Navruz Bayram mean?

Navruz Bayram holiday

Most people consider Navruz Bayram to be a Muslim holiday, so they are not even interested in its traditions. In fact, he has no direct relation to Islam. If you look at open sources, you can find information in them that this spring holiday appeared back in those days when people worshiped pagan Gods and believed that if they were appeased, then they would live in peace for at least one year.

Most researchers associate its appearance with the agricultural calendar, according to which ancient people planted vegetable gardens. They firmly believed that on the day of the celebration of Navruz Bayram, winter completely recedes and a period begins on the earth when it is possible to plow the land. And although modern people no longer believe in pagan Gods, they put a similar meaning into this holiday. They believe that it is on this day that spring comes, which brings to the earth a period of complete renewal, spiritual growth and the flowering of kindness.

How is the Navruz equinox holiday translated into Russian?

The meaning of Navruz in Russian

As you probably already understood, Navruz Bayram is nothing but the day of the spring equinox, when day and night are equal and last the same time. Since people have always associated this sincere and kind holiday with the expectation of the beautiful, in our time they began to translate it into Russian, as New day. In some Muslim countries, for example, in Iran, on Navruz Bayram, the deduction of the first day of the coming year is read, so in this country it is translated as New Year.

What peoples and countries celebrate Navruz Bayram?

Peoples celebrating Nowruz Bayram

As mentioned a little above, Navruz Bayram is celebrated exclusively in Muslim countries, moreover, in some of them it is an official day off, which is usually spent with family and friends, eating special food and playing national games.

The peoples who celebrate this holiday, as a rule, prepare for it very carefully. They try to clean their home as well as possible, pay off all debts and cook many delicious dishes for their relatives.

Navruz Bayram is celebrated on:

  • Iran
  • Kazakhstan
  • Dagestan
  • Tajikistan
  • Azerbaijan
  • Tatarstan
  • Uzbekistan

When does Navruz Bayram begin in Dagestan, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Tatarstan, Uzbekistan?

Days of Navruz celebration in different countries

Although the official day of the beginning of the celebration of Navruz Bayram is March 21, some countries begin to have fun on the 20th. The first rituals associated with this important event for them, they begin to conduct on this day, immediately after the evening prayer.

As for the timing of the holiday, then here it is different for everyone. For some nations, one day is enough, and some have fun and feast from a week to 15 days. And, for example, in Afghanistan and Iran it is customary to celebrate Navruz Bayram for the first 5 days of the coming year, as well as the 13th.

Navruz celebration days in different countries:

  • Kazakhstan. In this country Navruz is celebrated on March 22. Kazakh Bairam is a bit similar to the more familiar Maslenitsa. On a holiday, it is also customary to set the table and have fun in the city square. Also, without fail, all people put spring water, homemade halva and wheat grains on the table.
  • Azerbaijan. People living in this country celebrate Navruz on March 20, 21 and 22. All these days are official days off and thanks to this, Azerbaijanis have time to devote time to prayers and communication with their relatives.
  • Uzbekistan. Although March 21 is considered the official day for celebrating the spring holiday, in some cities and towns the festivities stretch for up to 15 days. These days, people gather in tea houses, where they definitely eat grains of overgrown wheat and fragrant pilaf.
  • Tajikistan. In this country, it is customary to celebrate Navruz Bayram from March 21 to 24. The main symbol of the holiday for Tajiks is fire. They consider it a symbol of purification, so they try to go around their possessions during this period, holding a lit torch in their hand.

The script of the spring holiday Navruz Bayram

As you probably already understood, Navruz Bayram is very similar to the Slavic Shrovetide, so you can spend it in the same way as her. And this means that you can pick up several games in advance that will appeal to both children and adults, learn how many songs, poems and boldly celebrate the holiday.

In this case, the main thing is to create an atmosphere of fun in which absolutely all people will be involved. Also, do not forget to take care of the right musical accompaniment and inexpensive but interesting prizes.

Holiday scenario:

  • Leading: I greet you, my Dear guests, on the most cheerful and warm holiday of spring! Today the important holiday of Navruz has come, which opens the door to our bright and warm future. Happy Holidays, my Dears!
  • At the end of the congratulatory speech, the presenter can tell the story of the appearance of this day.
  • Leading: Now that I have told you in more detail about Navruz Bayram, let's check how attentively you listened to me. The one who gives the most answers to my questions will receive an incentive prize.

Quiz questions:

  • When is this bright holiday celebrated and how is it translated into Russian? (March 21, New Day or New Year)
  • What is the symbol of Navruz Bayram? (overgrown wheat and live fire)
  • What are the must-have dishes for Navruz Bayram? (depending on the country of celebration, it can be pilaf, sumlyak, halva, baklava, shakyarbura, sambus, sabsi)
  • In which countries is Navruz celebrated? (Iran, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan)

Leading: And now, dear guests, let's move on from the official part to the fun. I suggest you compete in speed, strength and ingenuity. I ask everyone to go to the square and continue the festivities already there.

Holiday Games

Bring an egg in a spoon

For this relay you will need 2 or 3 spoons, small eggs and the appropriate number of participants. First you will need to determine the distance over which they will need to transfer the eggs. After that, the spoon is fixed with teeth, an egg is laid on it, and immediately after that, the host must start. Participants must quickly bring the egg from one point to another, without helping themselves with their hands, but at the same time trying not to break the fragile load.

Pull the rope

This relay race is designed for a large number of participants, depending on the length of the rope, one team can have from 5 to 10 people. All you have to do is draw a line on the ground and divide the rope with a red ribbon into two identical parts. After that, the teams are given a sign, and they begin to pull the rope. The team that first pulls the opponents to their side is considered the winner.

The strongest man

This game is suitable for both boys and adult men. In this case, you will have to determine which of the representatives of the stronger sex throws the stone farther than the rest (for children, stones can be replaced with balls). So, the men stand in a row and, on command, throw stones. The one who threw the stone the farthest is considered the winner. If you want to stretch the game, you can give the players three attempts, and based on this data, determine the winner.

What do they give for Navruz Bayram?

Gifts for Navruz Bayram

As for gifts for Navruz, they can be completely different. If you wish, you can please a loved one with beautifully packaged sweets or homemade cakes. The only thing you should consider when preparing gifts for this spring holiday is that it is customary for Muslims to please people of absolutely all faiths on this day. It is believed that in this way a person shares joy and this contributes to the fact that our world becomes kinder and cleaner.

Also, do not forget that people of the Muslim faith need to knock out gifts correctly. For example, a stranger cannot give a woman underwear, even if it is a woman. In addition, you cannot gift alcohol, foods that contain pork, gold jewelry, or paintings of animals. In view of this, it will be better if you choose gifts that you can present without fear of offending a person.

Suitable gifts:

  • Silver jewelry
  • Koran
  • Muslim clothes
  • Sweets
  • wooden chess
  • Tea sets
  • Bookmarks for the Quran
  • Azan clock
  • Hat and prayer mat
  • Beads
  • Books
  • Houseplants

What dishes are prepared for Navruz Bayram?

Recipes for Navruz Bayram

As you probably already understood, the Navruz Bayram holiday is special for all Muslims, so they try to put only the right dishes on the table that day. That is why in every house you will definitely be offered to taste halva prepared from sprouted grains and these dishes, the names of which begin with the letter “sin”. Also, nuts, dried fruits, different types of cheese and green eggs are always put on the festive table.

Appetizer Yasmin


  • Onion - 600 g
  • Champignons - 300 g
  • Vegetable oil - 50 ml
  • Lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  • Peel the onion and boil it in salted water until soft.
  • Pull the onion out of the water and let it cool down a bit.
  • In the same water, boil pre-peeled champignons
  • Turn the onion into a smooth puree and mix it with vegetable oil, salt and pepper
  • Put the resulting puree on a large dish, and put completely cooled mushrooms on top of it.

Liver with smoke


  • Beef or lamb liver - 700 g
  • Butter - 100 g
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  • Cleanse the liver from hard films
  • Cut it into big pieces
  • Pepper and salt them, and roast them on the coals using the grill
  • While it's getting ready, prepare the sauce.
  • Melt the butter, add chopped garlic and a little salt to it
  • Arrange the liver on a festive dish and pour over it with aromatic sauce

How to germinate wheat for Nowruz?

germinated wheat seeds

As mentioned a little above, sprouted wheat is the main symbol of the spring holiday of Navruz. Every housewife must germinate it, and she tries to do it in such a way that the germinated grains have sprouts of the same length.

  • If possible, look for grains that are specifically designed for sprouting.
  • Rinse them under running water, and then put them in a deep bowl.
  • Heat the water and pour it over the wheat so that it slightly covers the grains
  • Leave the grain to stand in a warm place for 5-6 hours
  • Pour off the liquid that they have not absorbed and rinse again under running water.
  • After removing all the debris, you can lay out the wheat in an even layer and wait until it germinates.
  • For this process to happen correctly, do not forget to moisten it from a spray bottle 2-3 times a day.
  • If you do everything right, then in a week you will get juicy green sprouts.

Congratulations on the spring holiday Navruz Bayram March 21

Congratulations #1
Congratulations #2
Congratulations #3

A little higher, we bring to your attention a few short congratulations with which you can congratulate your closest people on Navruz. When saying these words, remember that this must be done with good thoughts and from a pure heart. Only in this case, the person you congratulate will be able to feel how dear he is to you.

Video: Navruz Bayram

Navruz Bayram is an ancient holiday celebrated by residents of many Asian countries and a number of regions of Russia. Its date is the twenty-first of March. This is the spring equinox. In addition, according to the astronomical solar calendar, which is officially used in Afghanistan and Iran, Nowruz Bayram is the first day of the new year.

The holiday is celebrated in the spring. It symbolizes the renewal of man and nature. Navruz is translated from Farsi as "new day".

History of occurrence

Navruz Bayram is one of the oldest holidays that existed in the history of mankind. In Persia (modern Iran), as well as in Central Asia, it began to be celebrated a very long time ago, even before the seventh century BC. Due to the deep historical roots of the holiday, its exact origin is unknown.

The traditions of Navruz are associated with the name of the founder of the prophet Zarathustra, as well as with the cult of fire and the Sun. The most ancient source where this holiday is mentioned is the holy scripture of Zoroastrianism Avesta. It is in it that it is said that in the spring it is necessary to celebrate the appearance of life.

The holiday of Navruz Bayram is also associated with the reign of Shah Jamshid. The poets sang this legendary ruler in the Shahnameh poem. It is also believed that it was on this day that the hero Siyavush, who was killed by the Turanian Afrasiyab, was buried.

Turkic legends also talk about the holiday. They mention this day as the date of the appearance of the Turkic people from the mythical place of Altai - Ergenekon.

Where is Navruz celebrated?

The peoples of Afghanistan and Iran celebrate this day most brightly and widely. According to the official calendars of these countries, with his advent, a new year begins.

At the same time Navruz is a holiday of spring. It is the length of the day that equalizes with the night, and then gradually overtakes it. Spring is finally coming into its own. This holiday marks the beginning of the field harvest, which is the care and hope of farmers. That is why Navruz Bayram is a celebration not only of the beginning of the new year, but also of agricultural work.

This day is celebrated in Tajikistan and Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan, Turkey and India, Macedonia and Albania, Kyrgyzstan and in certain regions of the Russian Federation (Bashkiria and the North Caucasus, Tatarstan and Crimea). In Arab countries, the spring equinox is not celebrated.


Spring rituals are celebrated according to the solar calendar, which is called the ancient Iranian (shamsi). In it, the first days of each month coincide with the new moons. At the same time, these dates are shifted by ten to eleven days every year. The holiday begins when the solar disk enters. Previously, this moment was determined by astrologers - munadgizhims - people of a very revered profession in the East. At present, this event is calculated by astronomers and indicated on the calendar with an accuracy of up to a minute. In addition, this moment is announced on television and radio.

In Afghanistan and Iran, Navruz Bayram is an official holiday. At the same time, the first five days of the new year, as well as the thirteenth, are non-working. In other countries Navruz is a folk festival. However, in essence, it is the same everywhere. This is the day of the solemn and joyful meeting of spring.


Celebration traditions vary only slightly from one country to another, as well as from region to region. The inhabitants of different states pronounce its names a little differently. So, in Iran it is Nouruz, in Afghanistan - Novruz, in Iran and Turkey - Nevruz.

This holiday has a significant difference from our New Year. It is celebrated not at night, but in the light of day. However, like ours, this is a family event. When the solemn moment comes, everyone should be at home at the festive table. The whole family certainly gathers together to celebrate Navruz. Traditions provide for the presence on the festive table, in addition to dishes, of seven items. At the same time, their names must necessarily begin with the letter "s". Their list includes rue (sepand), herbs (saben), garlic (syr), apples (sib), vinegar (serke), thyme (satar), wild olives (sinjid). In the middle of the table there is always a large loaf called sangak, there is also a vessel with water in which a green leaf floats, as well as plates on which colored eggs lie.

All dishes must certainly emphasize the agricultural orientation of the spring holiday. For example, an egg, greens and bread symbolize fertility.

The celebration of Navruz in the countryside begins with the laying of a furrow. At the same time, the most respected resident is behind the plow. He throws some grain into the first furrow. Only after this can all field work begin - harrowing, plowing, sowing, etc.

thirteenth day celebration

For Tajiks, Persians and Hazaras (the peoples of Afghanistan), this day is called "Sizdeh Bedar". In translation, this means "Thirteen at the gate." Citizens on this day visit gardens and parks, go out of the city in cheerful companies. Peasants go out into the groves and meadows. Sweets are brought to these picnics to make the year happy.

The main traditions of Navruz

Before the start of the new year, it is customary to arrange a general cleaning in the house, as well as update the wardrobe of all family members. Those who celebrate the holiday of Navruz Bayram, before the day of the spring equinox, must pay off all debts, forgive insults and make peace with ill-wishers.

According to the existing tradition, a fiery festival is arranged before the New Year. It goes on in a rather unusual way. On the last Tuesday of the outgoing year, bonfires are kindled in the streets. This happens already after Through the fire, according to tradition, everyone jumps - children and adults.

During the celebration, there should be vases of flowers and candles, mirrors and fruits, as well as a variety of dishes, such as pilaf, on the table. According to the traditions of the Afghan people, a special compote called haftmeva is prepared for Navruz. It contains fruits of almonds and pistachios, light and dark raisins, walnuts and senjed. Kazakhs put a special dish on the festive table - nauryz kozhe. It also contains seven components: water and flour, meat and butter, milk and cereals, and salt. There are several recipes for this dish. In this regard, each hostess prepares it differently.

According to the existing tradition, during the celebration of the New Year, the dead are commemorated, and on the first days of Navruz, friends and parents are visited.