Vedic haircut. The power of women's hair - knowledge of ancestors

Since ancient times, hair among all peoples of the world has been considered something magical and sacred. Only selected and close people were allowed to even touch them. It was believed that a person’s life and death were both in the hair. That they are a connection between Earth and Heaven, and it depends on us whether this connection will be strong and harmonious. That's why our ancestors, especially women, wore long hair and cherished them like the apple of their eye.

The ancient Vedas (both Slavic and Indian) say that hair is an antenna between our world and the future. Source of vital and magical power. It is not for nothing that they form a crown around the head - the most sacred part of a person. And it’s not for nothing that hair was offered to the gods as a sacrifice. And magicians performed their rituals on hair - not always good ones.
The hair is huge magical power. And the longer and more well-groomed hair, the more carefully a woman protects them from prying eyes, collecting them in a bun or braiding them in a braid, the more great strength they have. The Vedas say that a woman with long hair (the power accumulated in it) has such power that no man can resist her. So, in order not to sow temptation, women should go out and visit temples with their heads covered. In esotericism it is also believed that the energy of hair helps a woman maintain strength during physical intimacy with a man, and then restore her internal mental balance.

Hairpins, bows and other hair decorations are very good; they enhance the energy of the planet Venus, which is responsible for beauty, in a woman. Hair extensions and scarves that visually lengthen hair are also good, as they increase shakti - feminine energy.

Adviсe modern women

– Don’t cut your hair before important events, which you have long expected, so as not to interfere with the course of fate.

– Always comb your hair every day, and slowly, saying positive attitudes talking to hair.

– From time to time you need to put your hair in a ponytail or braid (to save your strength). It is useful not to let your hair down in crowded places - markets, hospitals, shopping centers. And after visiting a hospital or cemetery, your hair should be immediately washed under running water.

– Hair tied in a low bun develops meekness in a woman. A high ponytail or bun adds activity and strength.

– If your hair falls out, you need to work with Rod (chastise Rod, practice forgiving parents). After all, hair connects us with ancestral energy. For a woman, hair loss most often means problems with men and father (disrespect, rejection, unforgiveness).

– You need to treat your hair as a priceless gift. You need to let your hair down in front of your beloved man with the feeling of being a goddess.

– It is believed that by taking care of our hair, we help abundance come into our home. Work on it!

– If you suffer from ailments and loss of strength, you need to grow your hair.

– To get an answer to a pressing question, before going to bed you need to braid your hair and go to bed. The next morning, unravel it and go about your business. The answer will come.

According to ancient Slavic traditions, it is believed that if a husband combs his wife’s hair, he takes her energy. This is how women gave power to men when needed.

Sacred knowledge about hair

The minimum length of hair, according to the Indian Vedas, is to the heart (to the level of the heart chakra) - the soul lives there. It was believed that with long hair a woman protects the happiness, health and well-being of the family. It often happens that when a woman cuts her long hair, misfortune befalls the family. Conversely, if a woman decides to grow her hair, her life begins to change in better side, her energy intensifies. A woman should have her hair cut once every six months. A man needs to do this once a month (it’s good if his wife does it). It is better to burn cut hair. In general, you need to be careful when choosing a hairdresser. It's better if he's younger than you and if you like his touch on your head.
It is recommended to wash your hair once every 3 days. When washing your hair daily feminine energy becomes thinner. In order to cleanse the subtle energy of a woman, henna has been used in the East since ancient times. You need to smear henna on your head and leave it on for 5 minutes, then rinse well with water. Moreover colorless henna It's better not to take it. You can combine henna with basma, achieving the desired natural shades. It is better to dye your hair in a color that can be found in nature. Based on this, a bright red shade is unfavorable - this is the color of the planet Rahu, which is Vedic astrology considered harmful.

Parting, ponytail, bun?

A woman's hairstyle can tell a lot about her. For example, a permanent parting on the side right side can point to masculine qualities character. On the left side there is a hint of coquetry and Venusian energy, attractive to men. A middle parting harmonizes a thin body, gives an inner core, protection, and improves a woman’s health. Low bun develops meekness in a woman. High bun or a ponytail adds strength and endurance.
If a woman grows bangs, it means she is trying to hide her thoughts. A chaste wife should be open to her husband, she does not need bangs. Sometimes it may seem that we are ugly without bangs, but this is a view from the position of Venusian perception (passionate, aesthetic, which is ruled by the planet Venus), and according to the Moon, such a woman is more spiritual. And of course, you need to be wary of men with long bangs. Hairstyles with matted hair are considered unfavorable.
Another one important detail. A woman should wear her hair the way her husband likes. If you want to change something in your appearance, you need to ask your husband’s permission, not your friends, and make these changes gradually.

The custom of cutting children's hair at a certain age is very ancient and has been observed for a long time among all nations. Where are the roots of this custom? Let's take ancient Rus'. Back then, not every child lived to see one year old. If he survived, then his parents believed that the child had decided that this family was right for him, and he would stay with his relatives. Thus, tonsure was the initiation of a one-year-old child into the family. Now the whole clan took the new member under its protection. This ritual differed in different regions. In some villages, the first haircut was done in a year, in some they did not have a haircut at all until they were three, five, or even seven years old. In other regions, only boys had their hair cut. It was a kind of initiation into men.

After the ceremony, the future men were put on a horse and allowed to hold an ax or saber. For girls, the moment when her hair was braided for the first time was symbolic.

Later, in Christian times, a midwife and godparents. A casing was placed on the floor in the middle of the room with the sheepskin facing up, a one-year-old child was placed on it, and the named father cut several locks of hair in the shape of a cross. The cut hair was tied with red thread and stored until adulthood. This ritual also existed in the families of princes, noble boyars and nobles. Only boys after three years old had their hair cut. The tonsure took place in the church where the future man was brought Godfather. In honor of the tonsure, a feast was held.

Everywhere, the ritual cutting of hair symbolized, in particular, that the child had survived early infancy and the community was taking it under its protection as its new member. Now is the 21st century. Different rules of life, different morals, ethics. The concept of Rod has already been lost. Although Rod himself has not disappeared anywhere and exists regardless of whether you remember about him or not. The Rod itself is like an egregor, it knows all its members and keeps and protects them, but the principle of protecting the egregor is somewhat different. In the modern world, it is important to know that the ritual first cutting of hair meant taking the child under protection. But what time to cut a child’s hair is not so important today of great importance. Medicine is quite developed and many diseases that were previously fatal can now be cured easily and quickly. The child is mostly protected by family, close relatives, and rarely by Clan or Clan. But they cut the hair - the child was taken under protection. Today it is difficult for us to understand why in ancient times people did not cut their hair until they were one year old, or even up to 7 years old. Because at present, the very meaning of the concept “hair is a connection with God” has been lost. Obviously, before the child was one year old, he received some information from the gods through his hair, something was invested in him at the subconscious level, and until he was one year old, it was impossible to cut his hair for fear of getting a child excommunicated from God. Today, parents do not particularly believe in God, and therefore “a child separated from God” is an empty phrase for most. Well, he’s developing poorly, well, he’s evil, well, he’s a crybaby, well, he’s cruel... You never know why! It somehow doesn’t occur to me to connect this with cutting my hair at six months, or even at 3 months. And what are superstitions in our time?

We now have new times and new signs. Modern sign says that after a haircut, the baby will grow thick hair beautiful hair, otherwise he will remain with a thin baby fluff. Moreover, this version has a huge number of supporters. Alas, you will have to disappoint them: the number of hair follicles and hair structure are determined from birth, and a haircut will not help turn a thin ponytail into a lush mane if this is not programmed in the genes. And shaving your head can make the situation worse, as there is a risk of damage. hair follicles. Previously, during the times of false values ​​of Christianity, the head was shaved mainly for hygienic purposes in order to reduce the “population” of fleas that spread infection.

Do your friends say that they cut their child's hair a year ago and his hair grew much better than before? It is quite possible, but this is not at all explained by the effect of the sign in practice. In fact, in babies up to about a year old, those thin, soft, almost vellus hairs that formed in the womb continue to grow, and only over time they are gradually replaced by “adult” hair. We usually don’t notice the “undercoat” of new hair, since it’s hard to keep track of such gradual changes if you spend every day with your baby. And when the entire hairstyle is cut off at the root, then against the background of the disappeared baby curls, the “permanent” hair becomes much more visible. If you do not perform the “duping” procedure, then the appearance of new hair will occur gradually, as the old ones fall out.

In general, getting a minimum wage is a person’s rejection of spiritual power. Hair is an organ of perception and accumulation of subtle energies. The longer a person's hair, the more spiritual power he receives, for this power nourishes all his bodies and shells. If a child's hair is cut before the age of 1 year, the development of his speech is suspended. Today, parents can hardly even think about not cutting their child’s hair until they are three years old, but in the Family of magicians and priests, they didn’t even cut the ends of their hair until they were 12 years old, so as not to cut off their mind. For during this period - up to 12 years, the child comprehends Life, the Laws of the Family and the Universe. Children cannot be deprived of the vital Force given by Nature and the Protective power given by the Patron Gods and Parents. Today we cut children's hair even before they begin to speak, and therefore the body develops, but not the mind or spirituality. Have sex and even give birth to children modern children They start at 12-14 years old, physical development is underway, but mental development lags behind. If you collect statistics, it turns out that sexually preoccupied children fall into the category of those who were cut off in early infancy.

In general, in ancient times they tried to cut their hair as rarely as possible. In Europe, the Roman emperor Nero was the first to organize hair cutting, and in the Russian lands, hair cutting began to be actively practiced only with the advent of Christianity. No one can explain why and for what purpose Christian missionaries cut the hair of the followers of their teachings and their clergy. Even the Bible tells about Samson, who never cut his hair and was strong and invincible until his hair was cut off. But in the modern world, almost everyone gets their hair cut, with rare exceptions, and we will never return to the time when hair was treated as antennae for communication with God and the Cosmos. New times...

But now you have given your child his first haircut. Let's hope that you performed this ritual no earlier than when he was one year old. Even just cutting your hair means changing your life, this was well known in the old days. The first cut lock of the first-born (or all the first cut hairs) was sometimes kept until adulthood, and sometimes for the rest of his life in case of a serious (fatal) illness of one of the family members. If such a misfortune came to the house, the lock of hair was placed in a canvas bag and placed, like an amulet, around the neck of the sick person. The whole family stood around him and turned to the gods. And the disease subsided. If a person was faced with a fateful choice, he (at any age) took out his first cut hair and ran through it with his hands. And the right decision came. And most importantly, your first cut hair is remembered by your mother’s birthplace. They were born and began to grow in the mother's womb. And therefore they are a talisman for life. Is it difficult for you? Are you afraid of something? Do you have a difficult road ahead? Take out your first cut hair, run through it with your fingers... Rod will come to your defense and save you in any dangerous situations.

Remember the ancient traditions. Pregnant women did not cut their hair before giving birth, so as not to accidentally take away the strength of themselves and the baby and in general not to intrude on the fragile soul. The old people collected their hair, which after combing remained on the comb, filled a pillow with it, which was then placed under their head in the coffin. The hair of a strong-willed man was woven into a shepherd's whip. Any cattle listened to such a whip, and a man could, by hitting the ground three times with the whip, direct the herd along any road.

Gray hair from the head of an elder by blood (grandmother, grandfather, great-grandmother) was carefully kept and worn on the chest. Such hair is a barrier to all enemies, and a help to a person in all matters.

Magicians believe that hair is the source of our cosmic power, and everything that happens to it changes us. Even daily combing of hair - magical ritual. You need to do this thoughtfully, imagining your hair as strong and healthy - that’s how it will be, because it is sensitive to the owner’s thoughts. You only need to comb your hair with your own comb, so as not to take on other people’s troubles and illnesses. And by the way, in the old days there were beliefs that frequent combing would deteriorate the hair and the person himself. Girls in Rus' had their hair braided from bathhouse to bathhouse - once a week. There are several other ancient Slavic beliefs related to hair. If you want to remain passionate and temperamental for a long time, you should not comb your hair after dark. Cutting your own hair means trouble and loneliness. “If you cut your own hair, you will cut off your happiness,” they said in the old days. After cutting and combing, hair should not be thrown away. People have legends about a bird that finds a hair, builds a nest, and a person will have a headache until the bird gives birth and the chicks fly out of the nest. It was also believed that the unclean one picks up abandoned hair and weaves nets against the human soul. Previously, people simply got rid of these scourges - they burned the hair in the stove. Now this can also be arranged if you attach great importance to it. Knowledgeable people They also say that cut hair can be thrown into running water, that is, into the toilet.
But today there are few people who honor traditions. There are much more of those who pervert traditions. And from here came the calls to burn baby hair cut a year. Or not to store the first hair cut, allegedly storing it makes a person weak-willed or dependent. There is even a recommendation to bury the first cut hair in the ground. In general, there are a lot of ideas. Different and all sorts.

Every culture has its own secrets of beauty and health. Some may fit, some may not. However, try out different recipes for yourself - great way gain new experience in caring for your beauty and develop your own, effective program that is ideal for you.

Vedic culture has thousands of years of experience in various fields life, including beauty and health care human body. Hair plays a big role here. They are the ones who maintain the energy-informational balance in a person’s life and reflect both subtle and gross energies. By treating your hair correctly, you can also provide positive influence on those around you and your beloved man, to prevent many troubles and illnesses in your life.

If you are stressed or just feel Bad mood, the best remedy- wash your hair thoroughly. After all, the hair is energy level absorb everything that happens to us during the day, and of course, negative impressions, unpleasant emotions and unkind words.

If you have headaches and emotional breakdown, give yourself a head massage, wash your hair and look at your reflection in the mirror - after all, the world has become much friendlier, and sad thoughts have disappeared somewhere, right?

Hair has magical properties. After all, they store detailed information about a person and his life from birth. Your hair, no matter where it is, is always connected to you by an inextricable thread. Therefore, you cannot simply throw your hair in the trash, flush it down the toilet, or even leave it in the hairdresser. They should not come into contact with dirt and debris. Anyone who has a small tuft of your hair can do many unpleasant things to you: from illness to damage.

The most harmless thing that happens when your hair is not burned, but lies somewhere among the garbage or in birds' nests is decay vitality, bad mood, frequent headaches, as well as troubles and negative life events. Collect your hair in a separate bag and burn it periodically. This way you can protect yourself at the energetic level from many unnecessary problems.

In Vedic culture, it is believed that hair must be long. The minimum length is to the middle of the shoulder blades. The longer a woman’s hair, the stronger and more effectively her owner is able to have a positive impact on the world, Being in close connection both with earthly and divine energies giving love and positive emotions to all those around and close to you.

Experts in Vedic culture believe that worrying about subtle, weak hair, is superfluous and groundless. Every woman needs to have long hair. The quality of her life depends on it.

Long hair suits any representative of the fair sex. It is only important to choose the right hairstyle. It is not at all necessary that all hair be the same length. It is necessary that at least some of them reach the shoulder blades. And by the way, Thin hair best spent vital energy. So the most great option- long, thin, shiny hair.

It is a pity that modern beauties often wear their hair loose. This is considered wrong in Vedic culture, because it is lost and wasted. precious energy. You should only let your hair down in front of your loved one or in situations where you want to make a strong, memorable impression on someone.

One of the secrets for using hair energetically is if you have an important business event coming up, or you have just met someone interesting man, try to wear your hair tied up for as long as possible and only during the most important and significant moment release them. The accumulated energy will bring you great luck and positive result both in business and love affairs.

One of the most successful and correct hairstyles is considered to be braiding. It has a beneficial effect on hair and helps it grow faster and faster.

It is also important how you part your head. Classic - straight parting. If you are tired and your emotions are at their highest point, part your hair in the middle and tie your hair in a bun at the back. This hairstyle, done for a while, will help you come to your senses, improve your mood, and add vitality and energy. If you like to part your hair on the side, then it should definitely be on the right, and most of the hair should be combed to the side. left side.

Beauty and health to you and your hair.

Since ancient times, hair among all peoples of the world has been considered something magical and sacred. Only selected and close people were allowed to even touch them. It was believed that a person’s life and death were both in the hair. That they are a connection between Earth and Heaven, and it depends on us whether this connection will be strong and harmonious. That is why our ancestors, especially women, wore long hair and took care of it like the apple of their eye.

The ancient Vedas (both Slavic and Indian) say that hair is an antenna between our world and the future. Source of vital and magical power. It is not for nothing that they form a crown around the head - the most sacred part of a person. And it’s not for nothing that hair was offered to the gods as a sacrifice. And magicians performed their rituals on hair - not always good ones.
Hair has enormous magical powers. And the longer and more well-groomed the hair, the more carefully a woman protects it from prying eyes, collecting it in a bun or braiding it, the more power it has. The Vedas say that a woman with long hair (the power accumulated in it) has such power that no man can resist her. So, in order not to sow temptation, women should go out and visit temples with their heads covered. In esotericism it is also believed that the energy of hair helps a woman maintain strength during physical intimacy with a man, and then restore her internal mental balance.

Hairpins, bows and other hair decorations are very good; they enhance the energy of the planet Venus, which is responsible for beauty, in a woman. Hair extensions and scarves that visually lengthen hair are also good, as they increase shakti - feminine energy.

Advice for modern women

– Don’t get your hair cut before important events that you have been anticipating for a long time, so as not to interfere with the course of fate.

– Always comb your hair every day, slowly, speaking positive thoughts, talking to your hair.

– From time to time you need to put your hair in a ponytail or braid (to save your strength). It is useful not to let your hair down in crowded places - markets, hospitals, shopping centers. And after visiting a hospital or cemetery, your hair should be immediately washed under running water.

– Hair tied in a low bun develops meekness in a woman. A high ponytail or bun adds activity and strength.

– If your hair falls out, you need to work with Rod (chastise Rod, practice forgiving parents). After all, hair connects us with ancestral energy. For a woman, hair loss most often means problems with men and father (disrespect, rejection, unforgiveness).

– You need to treat your hair as a priceless gift. You need to let your hair down in front of your beloved man with the feeling of being a goddess.

– It is believed that by taking care of our hair, we help abundance come into our home. Work on it!

– If you suffer from ailments and loss of strength, you need to grow your hair.

– To get an answer to a pressing question, before going to bed you need to braid your hair and go to bed. The next morning, unravel it and go about your business. The answer will come.

According to ancient Slavic traditions, it is believed that if a husband combs his wife’s hair, he takes her energy. This is how women gave power to men when needed.

Sacred knowledge about hair

The minimum length of hair, according to the Indian Vedas, is to the heart (to the level of the heart chakra) - the soul lives there. It was believed that with long hair a woman protects the happiness, health and well-being of the family. It often happens that when a woman cuts her long hair, misfortune befalls the family. And vice versa, if a woman decides to grow her hair, her life begins to change for the better, her energy increases. A woman should have her hair cut once every six months. A man needs to do this once a month (it’s good if his wife does it). It is better to burn cut hair. In general, you need to be careful when choosing a hairdresser. It's better if he's younger than you and if you like his touch on your head.
It is recommended to wash your hair once every 3 days. With daily hair washing, feminine energy becomes thinner. In order to cleanse the subtle energy of a woman, henna has been used in the East since ancient times. You need to smear henna on your head and leave it on for 5 minutes, then rinse well with water. Moreover, it is better not to take colorless henna. You can combine henna with basma, achieving the desired natural shades. It is better to dye your hair in a color that can be found in nature. Based on this, a bright red shade is unfavorable - this is the color of the planet Rahu, which is considered malefic in Vedic astrology.

Parting, ponytail, bun?

A woman's hairstyle can tell a lot about her. For example, a permanent side parting on the right side can indicate masculine character traits. On the left side there is a hint of coquetry and Venusian energy, attractive to men. A middle parting harmonizes a thin body, gives an inner core, protection, and improves a woman’s health. A low bun develops meekness in a woman. A high bun or ponytail adds strength and stamina.
If a woman grows bangs, it means she is trying to hide her thoughts. A chaste wife should be open to her husband, she does not need bangs. Sometimes it may seem that we are ugly without bangs, but this is a view from the position of Venusian perception (passionate, aesthetic, which is ruled by the planet Venus), and according to the Moon, such a woman is more spiritual. And of course, you need to be wary of men with long bangs. Hairstyles with matted hair are considered unfavorable.
One more important detail. A woman should wear her hair the way her husband likes. If you want to change something in your appearance, you need to ask your husband’s permission, not your friends, and make these changes gradually.

In the old days, women never cut their hair short, as this meant losing connection with the source of energy. The braids were cut off only for unfaithful wives, thus exposing them to shame.

Short hair is a lot like pants in a woman's wardrobe. Undoubtedly they increase masculine energy, make a woman mobile and active. For a woman, long hair is still more suitable and preferably below the center of the chest, this is the most favorable length.

Women when they refuse female beauty, thereby expressing their protest against being perceived as a beautiful object. They want to be interested in their inner world and mind. But inner world women begin with external beauty. I used to get a little upset when people told me I was beautiful. Now, if they said: “You’re smart!” Then it would be an assessment.

Only now I understand that this is the best for a woman: - How beautiful you are! And long hair plays an important role in this.

Having grown my hair, I always admire it, it’s very beautiful and feminine.

Long hair gives a woman strength, but what is important is that it should not be worn loose.

Letting down long hair was indecent, it was like being naked. “Masha let down her braids, and all the sailors followed her.”

Letting your hair down in the presence of a man meant an invitation to intimacy. That's why before a woman It was forbidden to let your hair down in front of strangers. Women who wore their hair down were depraved, they were called “LOSSES”.

It was also not customary to let down one’s hair because it was considered unsafe to waste energy and strength by letting one’s hair down. Therefore, the hair was taken and braided. After all, a woman letting her hair down could attract other people's glances and could arouse the envy of her ill-wishers. Women puked themselves in this sense, because they knew what was in their hands energy protection family and home.

Women's hair has a very powerful sexual appeal. that's probably why married women They could only show their hair to their husband, and the rest of the time they wore a headscarf. Therefore, a woman in the temple should wear a headscarf so as not to embarrass men and not distract them from prayer.

The scarf also symbolizes the power of the husband and female submission and. Only unmarried women could previously not cover their heads with a headscarf in temples.

We will never go back to the past, and women are unlikely to wear headscarves, but it is very important to know the power of women’s hair and use this knowledge for our own benefit, and most importantly remember that hair is our dignity and our pride. Therefore, treat them carefully and carefully. They must be well-groomed and beautifully laid out. After all, being beautiful is a woman’s dharma (duty). Read more.

In the next article we will talk about whether it is worth dyeing your hair, extensions and wearing bangs, as well as how to properly care for them. To avoid missing out, subscribe to the newsletter.

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Tatiana Dzutseva.

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