Conversation about folk crafts middle group. Acquaintance with folk toys in the middle group. Collection, analysis and systematization of information

Elena Melekestseva
Synopsis of the joint educational activities of teachers with children "Conversation about Russian folk crafts" in the middle group

Program content:

1. Continue to introduce children to folk toys. As with one of the species folk art.

2. To consolidate the knowledge of children about the Dymkovo toy, the elements of the Dymkovo ornament, the color scheme of the painting.

3. Cause joy, emotional interest among the pupils from communicating with the Dymkovo toy.

Material and equipment:

Dymkovo toys ( "Nanny", "Lady", "Rooster", "Goat", "Ram",

Albums with the image of the Dymkovo toy,

DVD with the image of the village of Dymkovo, pictures from image Dymkovo masters at work, products of Vyatka craftswomen.

Gouache yellow, red and black,

Square sheets of white paper

An easel for displaying pictures.

Elements of Dymkovo painting.

vocabulary work: settlement, lady-dandy, craftswoman, turkey.

The use of subject-developing environments: training and play areas.

Working with parents: invite parents to purchase coloring pages with image Dymkovo toys and examine them with children.

Children sit in a semicircle on chairs, sounds folk melody. The teacher turns on the disk with - image of the village of Dymkovo.

caregiver: In Dymkovo, over the Vyatka River,

Precious continuing work,

Not looking for peace in old age,

Glorious craftswomen live.

Red viburnum outside the windows,

The steamboat is moving smoke.

There is still damp clay on the table,

Rough, unformed lump.

An old woman at work

He sits low on a bench.

Clay Vyatka toy

Sculpting... no, not sculpting, but creating!

Nice painted toy!

All sings, artlessly bright,

And young joy is visible in it

Became an art of craft.

I wanted to tell you guys an amazing story today.

On the low bank of the Vyatka River there is an old settlement called Dymkovo. Here Russians craftswomen sculpted from red clay during long winter evenings various toys: horses, deer, birds, turkeys, young ladies. Look, blue smoke rises above each chimney. That is probably why they called the village Dymkovo, and the toys - Dymkovo

And let's take a look at one of the huts and see what they do there? Want to?

Children: Yes!

caregiver: Let's open the shutters.

(Teacher includes the following image- Dymkovo masters at work, painting toys)

caregiver: these craftswomen have already molded their wonderful toys from red clay, and then burned them in the oven so that they are durable and whitewashed with chalk.

I wonder what they are doing now, what do you think?

Children: They will decorate the toys.

caregiver: Right, but how did you guess that they would decorate them? What is on the table in front of the women? What are they holding in their hands?

On a snow-white background, which is so similar to the color of real snow, marvelous patterns of bright colors were drawn with love. paint: yellow, pink, orange, blue, red, green.

And the craftswomen drew a simple, unpretentious pattern of rings (the teacher shows each element on the card, circles, dots, wide and narrow multi-colored stripes.

What elements did the craftswomen draw, who remembered? (The teacher shows the cards again and helps the children name the elements of the pattern.)

caregiver: The craftswoman never invents a pattern in advance, it arises directly in the process of painting.

Now let's close the shutters. Let's not interfere anymore (screen turns off)

Guys, do you want to see what our craftswomen did?

Children: Yes!

caregiver: (Pulls out babysitter toys)

This is a Dymkovo nanny!

What a beautiful babysitter!

On the skirt of a white mug,

Nanny in the kokoshnik

In the hands of Senya and Vanya

The children will sleep soundly

And grow in a dream

(Pulls out next goat toy)

The sides are steep

Curly horns

Frilled hooves

On the back of Egor

(So way the teacher takes out a turkey, horse, lamb, deer)

The teacher offers:

Let's take a look at the Dymkovo animals first. How did you know that this is a horse, and this is a ram. Is that a deer? After all, they look alike. Look, all animals have the same legs, body, muzzle. All have patterns instead of wool. (Listen to children's answers). That's right, the Dymkovo masters singled out the most important thing for each animal. What makes him different from others. The horse has this steeply curved neck. Deer - what?

Children: branched horns.


What are the ram's horns?


Large, curved rings.

caregiver: And now let's see what patterns the toy is painted with? Which of them do you remember?


The horse is made of circles, the goat and ram are made of rings and circles, and the deer is made of stripes and circles.


What colors did the craftsmen use?

(If difficult, shows the children cards with pattern elements and helps to name)

What color are the patterns here?

What material is the nanny made of? (the teacher listens to the answers of the children, if necessary, clarifies and corrects with the help of leading questions to the children).


Seemingly simple pattern

But I can't look away

Look, guys, how lovingly decorated the outfit of this lady-dandy. What color did the artist paint the lady's hair?

Children: Black, red circles, yellow dots.


Can you tell me the big ones and the small ones? ( teacher takes a specific toy, children highlight large and small details).

How are the elements of the pattern arranged?


Rows ( teacher runs his finger along the row of rings and names the places. Where they pass on the body of an animal or a young lady (along the legs, neck, along the hem of the skirt)


What mood did this create for you? toy: sad or funny?

Children: the mood is cheerful, joyful.

caregiver: Why is it cheerful, joyful? What colors do the masters use when decorating these figurines?

(Children's answers. After which the teacher takes out a cockerel figurine)


Lively Petya-cockerel

Raises the comb

Screams loudly,

Children are not allowed to sleep

Cockerel, don't cry

You better catch up with us! (Held Russian folk game"Rooster)

(Children stand in a circle. A cockerel child in the center)

Drum-thump, thump-thump-thump, Children walk in a circle, raising their knees high, a rooster enters the yard, one side, "rooster" moves in the opposite direction.

Himself with spurs

Tail with patterns

Standing under the window

Screams all over the yard

Whoever hears, he sits (Children stop. "Cockerel" screaming: "Kukureku", flaps its wings. Children sit down.)

caregiver: And now I suggest that you turn into Dymkovo masters yourself for a while and decorate the napkin with Dymkovo painting, but first I suggest trying to lay out the pattern you like on the flannelgraph. (Children choose a pattern and lay out the same from the finished elements ( teacher comments on actions children: stripes alternate with circles). Next, the teacher demonstrates how to paint the napkin, reminds the colors and the name of the elements.


Now try decorating your napkins with a Dymkovo pattern, first we draw a straight line with black paint. Now we draw circles above it with red paint and put a yellow dot in the middle of each circle with a poke.

The teacher hangs the finished drawings on a magnetic board, along with children examine the work, note that the napkins turned out bright, festive. Once again they are fixed. That the pattern is arranged in rows.

Related publications:

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To acquaint children with the history of the Dymkovo toy; Show the characteristic features of the painting of the Dymkovo toy; Learn to highlight the elements of the geometric pattern of Dymkovo painting (circles, straight and wavy lines, a cage, dots-peas). Develop aesthetic perception, a sense of rhythm, color. Cultivate love for the folk art of Russia

People lived in the same village. When it was cold outside and the winter frost bound the earth, stoves were lit in the houses, smoke shrouded the roofs, so much so that nothing could be seen. One smoke ... So they called that village Dymkovo. Adults worked in that village from morning until late in the evening: they dug the ground, cooked food, grazed cattle, and the children joked, played in the meadow, sang songs. They didn't have toys like you. And adults thought: how to please the kids. They collected clay from the river bank, fashioned various funny figures, burned them in an oven, covered them with chalk diluted in milk, and painted them with paints. For the “whistle” holiday, the masters of the Dymkovo settlement sculpted clay whistles in the form of horses, rams, goats, ducks. So Dymkovo toys appeared. Bright, cheerful, perky, these toys lead us to their own special, fabulously beautiful world.

Dymkovo toy handmade. Each creation of one master. From modeling to painting, the process is creative, never repeating. There are no and cannot be two identical products. Each toy is unique and unique. Clay for manufacturing was traditionally mined in the settlement of Dymkovo, which is on the low bank of the Vyatka River near the city of Kirov. The collected red clay in the settlement used to be chopped with a shovel, mixed with fine river sand - there is a huge river beach nearby. So, the clay, after mixing, was turned over many times, moistened with water. In the old days, they generally kneaded it with their feet. Now the craftswoman does not dig clay and does not knead it. The preparation of the material takes place by machine, in one of the ceramic industries. Clay comes to the workshops ready-made - polyethylene packages-briquettes of 10 kilograms.

Each toy, from a piece of clay to a finished sculpture, is made by one master. If earlier a craftswoman spent a lot of time preparing clay and whitewash, now more attention is paid to the process of modeling and painting toys. Pieces of clay are separated and rolled into balls. Separate parts of the toy are made from balls. The Dymkovo toy is different in that it is made not from one piece of clay, but from several. A ball of clay is rolled into a pancake, a cone is made from the pancake - the lady's skirt is ready. It is hollow inside with walls 4-6 mm thick. The walls of the cone are leveled by turning the workpiece in their hands. Then, moistening with water, attach sausage handles, a head ball. All from small pieces of clay. All the main elements of the toy are made first. All joints are smoothed with a damp cloth. It turns out like a single whole. Then they decorate the toy with details - a kokoshnik, a clutch, a handbag, a dog, pigtails, a hat, etc.

The molded workpiece is dried for 3-5 days, sometimes longer, in air. In the old days, the toy was fired in Russian ovens. They put it directly on the firewood, or on an iron baking sheet. The clay begins to warm up and soon becomes as if transparent - it glows with an even red color in the fire. This was the end of the firing process, and the toys slowly cooled in the extinct furnace. Now toys are fired in muffle furnaces at a temperature of more than 1000 degrees. This high temperature gives the clay even more strength. The ovens are quite large and toys are loaded in batches. Again, the craftswomen do not take away precious time for uncreative processes.

After the oven, the workpiece turns brown-red. For whitewashing in the old days they used a solution of chalk in milk - they dipped the whole toy. Milk turns sour on the surface and forms a strong bright film of casein glue. Whitewashing is a characteristic feature of the Dymkovo toy. Now whitening is done with the help of tempera white, which is applied with a brush. The final part of the process is painting. First, let's talk about the old traditional way of painting: Dry paints were rubbed with an egg, peroxide kvass or vinegar was added. The color scheme was not rich, only the main tones. Compositions from soot to magenta and chromium have been used. These paints seemed to give some of their color to the workpiece and sounded muffled. In the 20th century, they used gouache, also diluted on an egg. Now they use bright acrylic paints - very resistant.

Brushes are used mainly soft, of different sizes. Thin brushes allow the craftswoman to bring small details into the plot - this is not always good, as it leads to a glut of the plot. Pieces of gold leaf or gold leaf - a mixture of zinc and copper - are glued on top of the paint. They shine and give, together with bright colors, a dazzling charm to the Dymkovo toy.

Theme of the week



1 Week

"Knowledge Day"

"All About Kindergarten"

Continue to acquaint children with the kindergarten, groups, and facilities in the kindergarten building. To cultivate love for children, respect for its employees, their work. To form the concept "I am a pupil of a kindergarten", "a kindergarten is my home."

"Our Beloved Teacher"

To acquaint children with the social significance of the work of the educator, his caring attitude towards children, towards work. Show that the products of the work of the educator reflect his feelings, personal qualities, interests.

"Me and my friends"

Teaching children to recognize positive signsfriendship, characteristics of friends.

"Hobbies of Friends"

To expand the knowledge of children about different types of activities, hobbies.

"Our kindergarten is so good - you won't find a better garden"

Clarify children's knowledge about children's. Expand knowledge about people of different professions working in kindergartens.

2 weeks


What has autumn brought us?

Expand children's understanding of vegetables and fruits. To consolidate knowledge about seasonal changes in nature. Explain the benefits of natural vitamins.

"Sky in Autumn"

Be able to notice autumn changes in the sky. To acquaint children with the concept of “clouds” and “clouds”.

"Water and precipitation"

Expand children's understanding of the properties of water. Describe the characteristics of autumn rain.

"Autumn is a good sorceress"

Develop creative imagination; to attach to beauty, art, creativity.

"At the flower bed"

Introduction to autumn colors. Show the structure of a plant. Fix the concept of high, low (flower), long, short (stem).

3 week

"Professions of agriculture"

"The labor of people in autumn"

To systematize knowledge about the work of people in the fall: harvesting, preparing food for the winter, warming the homes of domestic animals.

"From Grain to Bread"

Formation of children's ideas about how bread is grown and baked.

"Who grows the bread?"

To introduce the profession of a grain grower, tractor driver, combine operator, baker; with their activities. Raising a caring attitude to bread.

"What grows in the garden, in the garden"

Generalize and systematize children's knowledge about fruits and vegetables, where they grow, who cares for them.

"Tasty and healthy"

Formation of initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle, about the benefits of food.

4 week

"Safety in nature"

"Birds in Autumn"

Acquaintance with seasonal changes in the life of animals in the autumn. Learn to distinguish and name birds by external signs. To form a desire to observe the behavior of birds.


Expand children's understanding of the wind. Learn how to behave in windy weather.

“A bear has mushrooms in the forest, I take berries”

To consolidate children's knowledge of seasonal changes in nature. Formation of ideas about the plants of the forest: mushrooms and berries. Expand understanding of the benefits of natural vitamins for humans and animals.

"Introduction to decorative birds"

To give children an idea about decorative birds. Show the features of keeping decorative birds. To form a desire to observe and care for living objects.

"Pet Conversation"

To consolidate children's knowledge of seasonal changes in nature. Expand your understanding of the life of pets in the autumn season. Formation of desire to take care of pets.


Theme of the week



1 Week

"Growing Up Healthy"

"I will grow up healthy!"

To consolidate the concepts of "proper nutrition", "daily regimen". Engage in a healthy lifestyle.

"What do you know about yourself?"

To consolidate knowledge about the purpose of some organs (ears - to hear, eyes - to see, etc.). Awareness of some of your skills (the ability to draw, etc.)

Provide basic information about medicines and diseases, disease prevention, and the benefits of vitamins.

"If you want to be healthy - temper"

Introduce the concepts of "hardening". To expand children's understanding of a healthy lifestyle.

"Microbes in human life"

To form children's ideas about the dangers and benefits of microorganisms on human health. Educate the basics of a healthy lifestyle.

2 weeks

"Growing Good"

"Child and adults"

To deepen ideas about people: to understand the difference between people by gender and age. Highlight some features of their appearance, clothes, shoes, occupation. Recognize and name people of certain professions.

"Signs of fairy tales"

Expand ideas about the characteristic features of the fairy tale genre.

Which fairy tale character do I look like?

Develop the ability to identify yourself with your favorite hero.

"What is good and what is bad?"

Formation in children of moral consciousness, moral feelings, skills and habits of behavior in accordance with the requirements of society.

"Emergency Phones"

To expand the knowledge of children about the work of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the fire service, the ambulance service.

3 week


"My family"

Introduce the term "family". Give an initial idea of ​​family relationships. Cultivate a sensitive attitude towards the closest people - family members.

"Family is me!"

To consolidate knowledge of their first name, last name and age, the name of their parents. To form a positive self-esteem, an image of I. (to help each child as often as possible to make sure that he is good).


To consolidate knowledge about family members and next of kin. To understand that everyone in the family takes care of each other: they help, give gifts, everyone keeps the house clean.

"A good word heals, but a bad word cripples"

To form in children the need for a benevolent treatment of others, to educate children in a good attitude towards loved ones, to be able to correct their mistakes, asking for forgiveness.

Raising a sense of love and affection for the closest and dearest person - mother; develop a desire to take care of your closest people.

4 week

"My city (village)"

"What is the street"

Form elementary ideas about the street; pay attention to houses, sidewalk, roadway. Continue to fix the name of the street on which the d / s is located; the house where the children live; explain the importance of knowing your address.

"What distinguishes the city from the countryside"

To form elementary ideas about the differences between the city and the village. Instill love for the native land. Cultivate a sense of pride in your city.

"My home, my city"

To consolidate knowledge about the home address, street. Get to know your native village.

To continue to fix the name of the native city, to acquaint with its sights.

"My native land"

To form initial ideas about the native land, its history and culture. Cultivate love for the native land.

"How to Avoid Trouble"

Familiarize yourself with the rules of behavior with strangers. To form the basis for the safety of their own life.


Theme of the week



1 Week


"Transport of my city"

Expand understanding of modes of transport and its purpose.

"Watch out for the car"

To expand ideas about the rules of conduct in the city, the elementary rules of the road.

"Machines are helpers"

Expand understanding of the types of special transport and its purpose.

"Rules of conduct in public transport"

To form the skills of cultural behavior in public transport.

"Road signs"

Introduce children to basic road signs.

2 weeks

"Famous people"


To form an idea about public holidays.


To acquaint with some outstanding people who glorified Russia.

"I love Russian birch"

To expand the knowledge of children about the Russian beauty - birch. Introduce children to beautiful poems about birch. To expand children's knowledge about the customs and traditions of the Russian people.

"Introduction to the Russian Folk Doll"

To acquaint with Russian folk crafts and traditions. Arouse interest in Russian folk art and needlework.

"My motherland"

To acquaint children with the image of the national flag, the state emblem of the Russian Federation, the national anthem. Form an idea of ​​their origin.

3 week

"Late fall"

"Leaf fall"

Show children the variety of colors of golden autumn. To develop the ability to establish the simplest connections between the phenomena of animate and inanimate nature. Conduct seasonal observations.

"Plant World in Autumn"

Expand understanding of the diversity of the plant world. Learn to distinguish trees and shrubs in appearance. To form a desire to reflect the beauty of nature in artistic and creative activities.

How wild animals prepare for winter

To acquaint children with the preparation of wild animals for winter. Show children the adaptability of animals to seasonal changes in nature.

"A Conversation about Migratory Birds"

To consolidate knowledge about seasonal changes in nature. Describe migratory birds. Learn to distinguish and name birds by external signs. To form a desire to observe the behavior of birds.

"Gloomy Autumn"

Introduce children to the most typical features of late autumn. Clarify the name and purpose of clothing items; specify the concepts: deep, shallow, sinking, swimming.

4 week

"We are a friendly family"

"The book is a source of knowledge"

To form interest and need for reading (perception of books).

"Hello fairy tale"

To promote the correct perception of the content of the work, to form the ability to empathize with the characters. To develop the skills of dramatization and theatrical activities.

"You and I are best friends with a book"

Maintain and consolidate interest in fiction. Form the need for daily reading.

"Our theater"

Introduce children to the world of theater. Engage in creativity and play.

"How to reconcile?"

To develop in children the ability to analyze the situation of communication. To be able to identify the causes of quarrels, to introduce various ways to resolve conflicts.


Theme of the week



1 Week


"Child and book"

Cultivate love for the book, the desire to re-encounter with it. Sympathize and empathize with the characters in the story. Experience the pleasure of meeting with poetry.


Cultivate emotional and aesthetic feelings. To form figurative representations of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world. Develop artistic perception of works of art. Bringing children to an understanding of the unity of content (what the work is about) and some means of expression (like an image) in different types of art.

"Child and Music"

To develop the musical horizons of children by introducing them to musical works (folk, classical and modern) To develop an idea of ​​\u200b\u200belementary genres of music.

"We dance and sing"

To form skills in all types of musical activities, to bring children to the independent use of the learned musical works. To develop song and dance creativity of children.

Acquaintance with the professions of an artist, artist, composer»

Introducing children to the perception of art, developing interest in it. To consolidate the ability to distinguish between genres and types of art: poetry, prose, riddles (literature), songs, dances, music, paintings (reproduction), sculpture (image), building and construction (architecture).

2 weeks

"Our emotions"

"Joy and Sadness" Examining the album with photographs "Emotions"

To acquaint children with different emotional states of people, discuss the causes of their occurrence, learn to identify them by external manifestations.

"Magic Power of the Theatre"

Develop children's artistic abilities. Introduce children to the world of theater.

"Theatrical Professions"

To give an idea to children about professions related to the theater.

What do we know about theater?

To expand the knowledge of children about various types of theater.

"Theatrical Game"

Continue to develop interest in theatrical play. Encourage children to role play

3 week

"Family Traditions"

"The New Year will bring joy to children"

Encourage the desire to congratulate loved ones on the holiday, to present gifts. To form an emotionally positive attitude towards the coming new year.

"New Year at the gate!"

To consolidate the knowledge of children about the traditions of the New Year. Awaken emotions and feelings in situations of magic, surprise, surprise.

How is the New Year celebrated in other countries?

To expand the knowledge of children about the various ways of congratulations. To acquaint with the customs of celebrating the New Year in other countries.

"We are friends of nature"

Strengthen children's knowledge of the rules of behavior in nature. Teach respect and kindness to nature and to each other. Clarify children's knowledge about spruce, as a symbol of the New Year in Russia.

"Soon, soon, New Year!"

To expand the knowledge of children about the custom of decorating the Christmas tree with toys. To acquaint with the symbols of different years, the Chinese calendar.

4 week

"New Year"

"New Year's Eve Journey"

Tell the children that each year starts on January 1st. To form an emotionally positive attitude towards the coming new year.

"Who is good in winter"

Engage children in casual conversation about winter fun and activities.

"How they visit"

Reinforce the rules of polite behavior. Arouse interest in family traditions of celebrating the New Year.

"Patterns on Glass"

Develop creativity and imagination.

"Forest fairy tale"

To consolidate the knowledge of children about the forest, its inhabitants. To form the ability to convey the content of a fairy tale in a drawing.


Theme of the week



2 weeks

"Living and inanimate nature"

"Hooray! Winter!"

Expand children's ideas about winter phenomena in nature. To give elementary concepts about the relationship between man and nature.

"Zimushka - crystal"

Expand your understanding of winter. To develop the ability to conduct seasonal observations, to notice the beauty of winter nature.

"Phenomena of inanimate nature"

Expand children's understanding of the properties of water. Show the simplest connections between phenomena in nature.

"Winter phenomena in nature"

Expand your understanding of winter changes in nature. Activate vocabulary (blizzard, frost, frost).

"Pet Conversation"

To consolidate children's knowledge of seasonal changes in nature. Expand your understanding of the life of pets in the winter season. To form a desire to take care of pets.

3 week

"Nature in winter"

"Zimushka - winter"

To consolidate knowledge about the properties of snow and ice. Learn to admire the beauty of winter nature.

"Plant World in Winter"

Learn to distinguish trees and shrubs in appearance.

"Winter sport"

Introduce winter sports.

"Winter Games"

Introduce winter sports, winter fun, entertainment.

"Winter Injuries"

To form ideas about the safe behavior of people in winter.

4 week

"Places where it's always winter"

"Animals of the Arctic and Antarctic"

Expand ideas about places where it is always winter, about the animals of the Arctic and Antarctic.

"Beware the ice!"

"Who's in charge in the forest"

To give children an idea of ​​a forester - a person who takes care of the forest and animals.

To form ideas about safe behavior in winter.

"Wintering Birds"

To fix the concept of "wintering" birds. Give an idea of ​​the types of food wintering birds. To form a desire to take care of wintering birds.

"How we take care of animals and birds in winter"

Expand your understanding of the life of animals and birds in the winter season. Form a desire to take care of them.

"How to know winter?"

Summarize children's knowledge of typical winter phenomena. To cultivate aesthetic taste, the ability to admire nature.


Theme of the week



1 Week

"Boys and Girls"

“We are different - boys and girls”

Formation of primary gender representations.

What do our moms and dads do?

Formation in children of ideas about different professions, show the importance of each profession.

"Games Without Quarrels"

Explain to the children that a quarrel interferes with play and friendship. Learn to resolve controversial issues, avoid quarrels, do not get angry at a loss, do not tease the loser.

"It's good to be a girl, it's good to be a boy"

Enrichment of children's ideas about different sexes, about distinctive features. Formation in children of the concept of positive character traits and actions of boys and girls, ideas of friendship.

"Your rights, children, and duties!"

Formation of children's primary ideas about their rights to a name, play, rest, family and confidence that he is good, that he is loved.

2 weeks

"Our Army"

"Our Army"

To expand knowledge about the difficult but honorable duty to defend the Motherland, to protect its peace and security.

"Future Defenders"

Cultivate patriotic feelings. To form in boys the desire to be strong, courageous, to become defenders of the Motherland.

"Military equipment"

Continue to acquaint with military equipment.

"Military Professions"

Introduce children to "military" professions (soldier, tanker, pilot, sailor, border guard).

"Honorary Title - Soldier"

Raising respect for the defenders of the Fatherland, pride in Russian soldiers.

3 week

"Defenders of the Fatherland"

"Defenders of the Fatherland"

Continue to acquaint with the "military" professions.

"Courageous Professions"

Formation of a positive opinion of pupils about the profession: fireman; policeman; border guard; pilot, tanker.

"We love our country"

Cultivate love for the motherland.

How our grandfathers fought

To expand our understanding of how our grandfathers and great-grandfathers bravely fought and defended from enemies during the war years.

"Epic Heroes"

To introduce to Russian history through acquaintance with epics about heroes.

4 week

"Let's visit"

"How to behave and how not to behave"

Expansion of ideas about ethical standards.

"Polite Words"

To teach children the rules of etiquette, forms and techniques of communication when meeting with acquaintances and strangers, the rules for using words of greeting.

"Accidentally and on purpose"

Develop moral feelings - regret, sympathy; to form game communication skills without hurting the interests of a partner.

Creating situations of moral choice “What do you think should be done?”

Education of ethical standards of behavior

"Visit the book"

Cultivate a love for the book, develop literary speech. Cultivate respect for the book.


Theme of the week



1 Week

"Mom's Helpers"

"Mom is the most precious person in the world"

To cultivate feelings of love and affection for the closest and dearest person - mother.

"What does my mom do"

Raise interest in various professions, paying special attention to the profession and place of work of the mother.

"International Women's Day"

"Why I love my mom and grandma"

Develop the ability to answer questions in detail. Cultivate love and attention to loved ones.

"Why give flowers"

Cultivate the idea that flowers are a sign of love and attention.

2 weeks

"Folk toy"

What is the Russian people like?

Expand your understanding of the customs of the Russian people.

"Folk toy"

Expand the idea of ​​folk toys. To form the ability to express aesthetic feelings. To expand the idea of ​​the diversity of folk art.

"The History of Pottery"

Expansion of children's knowledge about the history of the emergence of folk crafts for the manufacture of pottery.

"Origin and history of the Dymkovo toy"

Tell the children about the history of the emergence of the Russian craft "Dymkovo toy".

"Matryoshkas - a folk toy"

Expand knowledge about folk toys, evoke an emotional response.

3 week

"Folk art"

"Russian folk holidays"

To expand children's understanding of the folk traditions of the Russian people.

"Russian folk tales"

To teach children to draw a moral conclusion from the content of fairy tales, to develop creative imagination.

"Proverbs and sayings"

Introduction to proverbs and sayings. To attach to Russian folk art.

"Children's Folklore"

To acquaint with invocations, song appeals to the forces of nature.


Introduce, remember counting rhymes.

4 week

"Culture of the Peoples of Crimea"

"Lullaby Songs"

Introduce a variety of lullabies. Recall lullabies with children.

"Sentences - peace"

To acquaint with a variety of sentences - mirilki. Learn with children several sentences - myrilok.

"Folk crafts of Crimea" ICT

To acquaint children with the folk crafts of our region, their diversity.

"These wise Russian fairy tales"

To develop interest in Russian folk tales, the culture of the Russian people.

"Golden hands of masters"

Introduce decorative painting; to cultivate respect and love for work, interest in folk art and folklore, emotionally - evaluative attitude towards the work of masters.


Theme of the week



1 Week


"Spring is coming! Spring is dear!

Expand your understanding of spring. To develop the ability to establish spatial relationships between the phenomena of animate and inanimate nature.

Why did the snowman melt?

Expand children's understanding of the properties of snow and ice. Learn to establish elementary cause-and-effect relationships.

"Signs of Spring"

Summarize knowledge about spring changes in nature, in the life of birds and animals.

"Journey of the Brook"

Clarify children's ideas about the different states of water, about natural water sources.

"The Birds Have Arrived"

Expand your knowledge of migratory birds.

2 weeks

"Spring Works"

"How We Celebrate Spring"

Expand knowledge about seasonal types of work.


Expand children's ideas about vegetables. Describe the work of a person in the cultivation of vegetables and fruits.

"Our flowerbed"

To expand the knowledge of children about planting plants, the need to care for them.

"World of indoor plants"

Expand children's ideas about indoor plants: their benefits and structure. Learn to distinguish by appearance.

"International Earth Day"

To expand children's understanding of environmental holidays.

3 week

"Dangerous Animals and Plants"

"Spring on the Water"

Fix the rules of behavior in the spring on water bodies, warn of possible dangers.

"Enter the Forest with a Friend"

To form a positive attitude towards nature, to educate environmentalists.

"Visiting the Mistress of the Meadow"

Cultivate respect for nature. Expand your understanding of the rules of safe behavior in nature.

"Our Little Friends"

Expand children's ideas about insects, their characteristics, habitats. Form the foundations of ecological culture.

"Dangerous Insects"

Expand children's ideas about dangerous insects. Learn to distinguish them by their appearance.

4 week

"Hard working kids"

"What We Can Do"

Help children understand that they have grown up, learned a lot; educate the desire to perform simple actions on their own; develop self-care skills.

"Helping Adults"

Raise the desire to provide all possible assistance to educators, nannies, parents.

"Blossoming Spring"

To arouse interest in the world of plants. To consolidate ideas about the habitat of plants.

"When Lilac Blooms"

Cultivate love for nature. Arouse the desire to admire the beauty of spring

"We'll plant a garden"

Involve children in feasible work in the kindergarten area, in the flower garden.

1 Week

"Victory Day"

"Who defends our Motherland"

Provide patriotic education. Cultivate love for the motherland.

“What kind of military equipment is there? What is military equipment for?

Expand your understanding of military technology.

"Victory Day Holiday"

To form ideas about the holiday dedicated to Victory Day.

"Who did our soldiers fight with?"

To acquaint with the heroes of the war and their military exploits, to consolidate knowledge of how people defended their country.

"Russia is my homeland"

To evoke a feeling of admiration for the beauty of Russia's nature and for what was created by the hands of the talented Russian people.

2 weeks

"Young Ecologists"

"The Sun in Plant Life"

To form the concept that plants need the sun for life. To consolidate knowledge of the rules of behavior in nature.

"Fruit Trees in Spring"

Clarify and expand ideas about fruit trees. Build a positive relationship with nature.

"Trees, Shrubs and Herbaceous Plants"

Expand your understanding of the changes in the world of plants in the spring. Learn to distinguish trees and shrubs by their appearance.

"Wild and Cultivated Plants"

Clarify and expand ideas about wild and cultivated plants. Learn to distinguish by appearance.

"Forest Perils"

Expand children's ideas about poisonous plants. Learn to distinguish them by their appearance.

3 week


"What is sport for"

Formation in children of a conscious attitude to their health and the need for a healthy lifestyle.

"What do we do in summer?"

To acquaint children with summer entertainment, sports. To form ideas about safe behavior in the summer.

"Summer Sports"

Introduce summer sports.

“We want to be healthy. Sport"

To enrich knowledge about a healthy lifestyle, about the impact of sports on human health.

"In a healthy body healthy mind" -

To enrich knowledge about the importance of motor activity in human life.

4 week

"Summer is coming soon"

"Summer is coming soon"

Expand children's ideas about summer, seasonal changes in nature.


To form elementary ideas about garden and garden plants. To form ideas about seasonal work in the garden and garden. Instill a love of work.


Get interested in plant life. Expand your understanding of the variety of colors.

The sun - friend or foe

Expand ideas about the benefits and harms of the sun (heat and sunstroke). Build the foundations of your own life.


To form a positive-emotional attitude to the beauty of summer nature.

Card index of conversations

moral education

in children in the middle group

Why say "hello"?

Target: To form in children the basic rules of etiquette when meeting.Learn how to greet.To consolidate ideas about the importance and necessity of using "kind words" in colloquial speech, to arouse the desire to use them.

"My Good Deeds"

Target: deepen children's understanding of kindness as a valuable, inalienable quality of a person. Improve communication skills (the ability to listen to a friend, sincerely express one's opinion, show kindness to the judgments of other children), cultural communication skills with peers. Achieve friendly intonation expressiveness of speech. To instill in children friendly relationships, feelings of self-respect and respect for others, the ability and desire to help adults and peers.

"What is Kindness"

Target : To form an idea in children about kindness as an important human quality. Encourage the desire to do good deeds;to consolidate children's ideas about good deeds, to understand that polite words help people in communication. Develop moral ideas about kindness. Cultivate good feelings for the people around you.

"Hurry to do good"

Target : Continue acquaintance with the polar concepts of "good" and "evil". To form a conscious attitude to social norms of behavior, to consolidate the skills of benevolent behavior in everyday life. To introduce ways to resolve conflict associated with feelings of anger, as well as ways to manage and regulate mood. Continue to cultivate friendly relationships between children.

“If you are kind…”

Target : To form in children the need for friendly communication with others, to consciously show sympathy and do good deeds. To teach to understand the meanings of proverbs about goodness, the ability to associate the meaning of a proverb with a specific situation. Teach children to show kindness, responsiveness to all who need it.

"Polite Words"

Target : To teach children the rules of etiquette, the forms and techniques of communication when meeting with acquaintances and strangers, the rules for using words of greeting. To help overcome the shyness and stiffness of children. Develop the ability to express your opinion in a cultural way, listen carefully to your interlocutors. Teach formulas for expressing a polite request, gratitude.

"Accidentally and on purpose"

Target: develop moral feelings - regret, sympathy; to form game communication skills without hurting the interests of a partner.

"Learning to Forgive Your Friends"

Target : to develop the ability of children not to be offended by each other; to form the ability to distinguish an unintentional slip from an intentional one and respond accordingly; to bring children to the understanding of the words "peaceful", "touchy".

"Why do fights happen?"

Target : to form communication skills in children; develop an understanding of the meaning of the norms and rules of behavior among peers; Cultivate the habit of behaving with dignity in every situation.

"Dreamers and Liars"

Target : to develop the ability to distinguish between deception and fiction, fantasy; develop the desire for truthfulness and tact.

" Let's make it up "

Target : develop the ability to restrain negative impulses, avoid conflicts, find words to evaluate behavior. Teach children to be receptive and sensitive.

"A good friend is known in need"

Target : to form the idea that a true friend can empathize, help in difficult times; develop the ability to be merciful to each other.

"How to behave during a conversation"

Target : introduce children to the rules of behavior during a conversation.

(Speak in a polite tone. Use "magic" words. Look into the face of the interlocutor. Do not keep your hands in your pockets. During the conversation, you should not eat. If two adults are talking, the child should not interfere in their conversation, much less demand that it be stopped) .

"Kind angry"

Target : To teach to give a moral assessment of the actions of heroes, to cultivate a desire to be kind and humane. Help to understand that one can call kind a person who always helps others, does not remain indifferent in difficult situations for other people.

To teach to distinguish good deeds, to arouse the desire to do good deeds in relation to other people.


Target : To form ideas about the moral concept of "truthfulness", to teach to give a moral assessment of the hero's act, to help understand that a lie does not adorn a person.

"What a friend should be"

Target: To form ideas about positive character traits and moral deeds, to deepen ideas about friendship.To cultivate respect, patience and friendliness towards their comrades, to teach them to correct their mistakes, to ask for forgiveness in conflict situations. Teach children to be receptive and sensitive.


"Be neat and tidy"

Target: Teach children to take care of their appearance. Help to understand that a well-mannered person always looks neat.


"Truth is not true"

Target: Explain to children that you can’t deceive others, that you always need to tell the truth, that truthfulness and honesty always please adults, that these qualities are very much appreciated in a person, that they praise the truth.Help the children understand that any untruth is always revealed, and the person who lied feels guilty not only for his misconduct, but also for the fact that he told a lie.



Target:continue to educate in children a negative attitude towards rudeness. Explain to the children that the one who teases not only offends others, but also harms himself (no one wants to be friends with such a person).


"Games Without Quarrels"

Target: Explain to children that a quarrel interferes with play and friendship.Learn to resolve controversial issues, avoid quarrels, do not get angry at a loss, do not tease the loser ..



Target: To teach children to use polite words, develop appropriate cultural behavior skills, follow the rules of etiquette, using the example of literary characters, stimulate positive forms of behavior and inhibit negative ones. That you need to communicate with others calmly, without shouting, that you should express your requests in a polite tone.



Target:Teach children to treat things carefully and carefully, otherwise they will quickly lose their appearance and become unusable. To teach to appreciate the work of those who made this thing, who bought it, earning money.


"Mutual Aid"

Purpose: To explain to children that all people sometimes need support, but not everyone can ask for help; It is very important to notice the person who needs help and help him. That you need to help not only acquaintances, but also strangers.


"Desire to Help"

Target: Develop emotional responsiveness, a desire to help, showing sympathy. Teach children to be receptive and sensitive.


"Generosity and Greed"

Target: To reveal the meaning of the concepts of "greed" and "generosity". Develop the ability to evaluate your attitude to positive and negative actions. Understand that being greedy is bad, but generous is good.


"Why you need to be able to give in"

Target: to teach children to avoid quarrels, to yield and negotiate with each other. Develop the ability to evaluate your attitude to positive and negative actions.


"Stairs of Kindness"

Target: based on the content of Russian folk tales, to form in children an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bjustice, courage, modesty and kindness, to cultivate a negative attitude towards negative qualities: lies, cunning, cowardice, cruelty. Learn to convey your attitude to the content of the tale and the actions of the characters.


"It's better to be kind"

Target: To give children an idea of ​​​​an indifferent, indifferent person, his actions. To teach children to distinguish the external manifestation of an emotional state (anger, indifference, joy). To teach to analyze actions, find the cause of the conflict, ways to resolve conflict situations and promote their assimilation in behavior. Generalize the idea of ​​kindness and cause the desire to do good deeds.

Larisa Belyaeva

Target: to form an idea in children about Russian folk crafts (Gzhel, Khokhloma, Gorodets painting, Dymkovo toy).

Integration of educational areas:"Cognition", "Communication", "Artistic creativity", "Music".

Equipment: a laptop, a flash drive with a presentation of illustrations of elements of folk crafts painting (see the appendix, souvenirs (objects): Gzhel, Khokhloma, with elements of Gorodets and Dymkovo painting.

Preliminary work: conversations about Russian folk crafts, examination of products, illustrations depicting Russian folk crafts, plasticineography "Decorate the kokoshnik", modeling with coloring elements "Oleshek" (based on the Dymkovo painting, coloring on the topic: "Folk crafts".

Progress of joint activities:

The Russian folk song "Quadrille" sounds.

Educator: Guys, who came to visit us? (Slide show with Matryoshkas).

They are very interested, do you know any folk art crafts in Russia? (Of course we know). Look, some unusual box appeared in our group. This Matryoshka sent you a gift!

The teacher opens the Gzhel slide, then the painting elements.

Educator: Who knows what this painting is called? (This is a Gzhel painting, only blue, blue and white are used in this painting). Well done guys, Gzhel is a rich Russian folk craft for the production of ceramics and a type of Russian folk painting. Until the middle of the 18th century, Gzhel made the usual pottery for that time, let's help me find a gift from Gzhel masters in a box.

One of the children chooses a souvenir with Gzhel painting.

The teacher opens the Khokhloma slide.

Educator: Who knows what kind of painting this is? Why do you think so? What colors are used in painting? (This painting is called Khokhloma, one of the types of painted wooden utensils). This mural uses red, green and gold tones on a black background. And it also happens - "golden Khokhloma" is made in the city of Semyonov, Nizhny Novgorod region, here there will be a basis for painting - a golden background or a golden ornament on a colored background. (Slide "Golden Khokhloma"). Let's see the elements of Khokhloma painting (See next slide). What drawing is the basis of the painting? (Natural, vegetable). Let's find a gift from Khokhloma masters in the box. Find a souvenir spoon.

Who knows what this painting is called, why do you think so? (Answers of children).

Educator: Gorodets painting is distinguished, first of all, by its content. In the murals, genre scenes give the main impression. Let's look at the main elements of painting. What paints do folk craftsmen use, what kind of drawing? (Answers of children). Who wants to help find a gift from Gorodets craftsmen?

A child comes out, finds a spoon in the box.

Fizminutka "Dymkovo toys".

We are painted toys

Vyatka laughers,

Slobodskie dandies,

Posad gossips.

We have pretzel pens

Cheeks like apples.

Have known us for a long time

All the people at the fair.

Children pronounce words and accompany the text with movements.

Educator: What other toys do you think Matryoshka has prepared for us from craftsmen? (Slide "Dymkovo toy"). Does anyone know what this toy is called? (Answers of children). That's right, the Dymkovo toy is a symbol of the Kirov region, emphasizing its rich and ancient history. It is molded from clay, then dried and fired in a kiln. After that, it is painted by hand, each time creating a unique copy. No two toys are the same. Let's look at the elements of Dymkovo painting.

They examine, discuss, then the child chooses a Dymkovo toy from the box.

Educator: Did you like Russian folk art crafts? What do you remember the most? Let's create a mini museum of "Folk Art" in our group.

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Synopsis of the GCD "Folk art crafts-clothes designers" State budgetary preschool educational institution Kindergarten No. 102 of the Kalininsky district of St. Petersburg Joint activities.

Purpose: To continue to acquaint children with the culture and traditions of the Russian people. Tasks: to consolidate the ability to carry out game actions in speech.

Mini-project "Folk crafts" Purpose: To give children ideas about the cultural heritage of their native land and oral folk art. Tasks: To acquaint children with household items.

The purpose of the conversation: To continue to acquaint children with the folk crafts of their native land. Cultivate a respectful attitude towards various types of work, to.