Winter walks in kindergarten preparatory group. Summary of a walk in the preparatory group “Winter Fun”

Abstract winter walk V preparatory group on topic: "Snow fun"

Shashenko Elena Aleksandrovna, teacher of the Children's Educational Institution of Children's Educational Institution, kindergarten "Chaika"
Description of material: The proposed summary will be useful to kindergarten teachers, methodologists and senior teachers, teachers of after-school groups and parents.
1. Form ideas about the properties of snow (color, size, shape of snowflakes, composition - state of matter);
2. Stimulate cognitive and research activities;
3. Consolidate knowledge about seasonal phenomena - snowfall, folk signs;
4. Activate and expand your vocabulary,
5. To cultivate moral and aesthetic feelings and artistically - Creative skills when interacting with nature.
Equipment: shovels, ice cubes,

Walking progress:

The star spun
There's a little in the air
Sat down and melted
On my palm.
What is a Snowflake? What are the shapes of snowflakes? How does it get to the ground? Where does snow melt faster - on a mitten or on your hand? Why? What is formed from snow? What does an icicle consist of? Where does an icicle melt faster and why? How to check?
(children's answers)
Guys, let's imagine that we are little snowflakes and fly a little.
- Little Snowflake flew, swaying high above the ground. The wind playfully pushed her in different directions, then urged her on, then froze, giving her the opportunity to enjoy the height. The snowflake danced in flight and admired the intricacy of its beautiful rays. It seemed that this journey was endless, but she sank onto the soft snow of hundreds of thousands of snowflakes just like her and froze.

How wonderful and different the snowflakes turned out. The snowflakes flew and flew and fell to the ground. Like a white down blanket covered the ground, trees, houses, everything around became white and white.
Not washed, but shiny,
Not toasted, but crunchy.

Invite the children to walk in the snow and listen to how it crunches.
- White snowflakes are falling, lying on the ground and roofs of houses. They look like white stars. You can catch them and examine them, but you can’t try them. Sometimes they fall together and fall to the ground in large flakes. Sometimes a cold wind breaks the white stars, turning them into fine white dust. Snowflakes form in clouds from small ice crystals. In winter, they descend like sparkling stars to the ground and cover it with snow. In the cold, the snow creaks underfoot. These are the rays of snowflakes breaking. Countless snowflakes are called snow.
What color are the snowflakes? What are they like? What happens if you breathe on a snowflake caught on a mitten? What causes snow dust? Where, how and why do snowflakes form? Why does the snow crunch? What does it feel like? When is snow wet and when is it dry? Which snow is easier to sculpt from? Why? What is snow?

(Children answer)

- Everyone is running in a race
Everyone wants to play in the snow.
Snowball - on a snowball.
Everything was decorated with snow.
(Snowball game)

- Puzzles:
1. Fluffy carpet
Not fabric with your hands,
Not sewn with silks,
In the sun, in the month
Shines like silver (Snow)
2. With frost, blizzard and snow,
Winter the Sorceress will come.
And all the rivers and lakes
Will cover the slippery thick... (Ice)
3. Got caught on the cornice,
The head hangs down.
Tiny acrobat
Winter candy – ... (Icicle)
4. Powdered the paths,
I decorated the windows.
Gave joy to children
And I went for a sledding ride. (Winter)
5. They made me hunchbacked
They beat me, they beat me,
They poured ice water on me.
And then they all rolled off
From my hump in droves. (Ice slide)

- Independent play activity. Downhill sledding on ice sleds.

-On the stump of an old spruce
The white bunnies were sitting.
- What should we do?
- The brothers reasoned sadly.
- And we played snowballs,
And we went on a slide!
Let's maybe
Sculpt a snow woman!
Exactly! Let's get down to business
And the work began to boil! Children make snowmen.

What wonderful snowmen! Everyone worked hard today, and now it's time to return to the group.
Snowflakes are flying and spinning
And they lie quietly on the ground.
Having fallen, they fall asleep,
And they cover the ground with themselves.

Lyudmila Derkunova
Summary of the walk in the preparatory group " Winter fun»

Summary of a walk in the preparatory group “Winter Fun”

Program content.

To create favorable conditions for the development of children’s creative ideas, the manifestation of their motor activity and positive emotional state.

Observation “What kind of snow?”


Observe with children the following properties of snow: white, cold, falling in snowflakes that melt on warm hand, become droplets of water.

Walking progress:

The teacher invites the children to admire the winter landscape. Draws children's attention to large snowdrifts glistening in the sun during the day.

As A.S. Pushkin beautifully said about this time of year:

...The sorceress winter is coming.

Arrived, crumbled: in shreds

Hanged on the branches of oak trees;

Lay down in wavy carpets

Among the fields, around the hills.

Brega with a still river

She leveled it with a plump veil;

Frost flashed. And we are glad

To the pranks of Mother Winter.

Voss: What can you say about snow? What is he like?

Children: Fluffy, sparkles in the sun, shimmers, plump, shaggy.

Sunday: In winter, snow often changes its color: sometimes blue, sometimes bluish or yellow, depending on the lighting.

The teacher asks the children a riddle:

What kind of stars are through?

On a coat and on a scarf?

All through, cut-out.

And if you take it, there is water in your hand.

The teacher shows the children a magnifying glass and explains what it is for. He catches a snowflake on a black leaf and invites the children to examine it through a magnifying glass. Children look at the snowflake, admire its beauty, and count how many rays it has.

Ecological game “Guess which bird”

The teacher reads to the children O. Vykhotskaya’s poem “The Craftswoman Winter”

Winter has come, he is busy:

Wrapped in snow

All the bumps and stumps,

Benches and haystacks.

Winter told the oak

Throw on fluffy fur

I put a fur coat on the spruce tree,

She covered everyone warmly.

Waxwings turn red

On birch branches.

They didn't fly away.

Will they withstand the frost?

Question: How can we help birds survive the winter?

Children: Pour food into the feeder.

The teacher invites the children to guess riddles about wintering birds:

Little boy

In a gray army jacket

They're snooping around the yard,

Collects crumbs.

Roams at night,

Steals hemp (sparrow)

That bird is a fidget.

Same color as birch.

Who is this? (magpie)

She's a little bird

And her name is... (titmouse)

I'm knocking on wood

I want to get a worm.

Although hidden under the bark,

You will still be mine (woodpecker)

Voss: Children, what winter fun has winter prepared for us?

Children: sledding, skiing, skating, playing snowballs.

There is a competition “Who can make a snowman the fastest?”

Children are divided into two teams and ride snowballs different sizes(large, medium, small, then put them in in a certain order and decorate snowmen. The winner is the team that quickly makes beautiful snowmen.

Outdoor game "Frost - Red Nose"

Goal: to develop the ability to run in different directions, agility, speed, courage. The driver is chosen using a counting rhyme.

Progress of the game: two houses are designated on opposite sides of the court. In one of them there are players. In the middle of the platform, the driver - Frost - Red Nose stands facing them. He says:

I am Frost - Red Nose

Which one of you will decide

Set off on a path?

The children answer in unison:

We are not afraid of threats

And we are not afraid of frost!

After this, the children run across the playground to another house. Frost catches up with them and tries to freeze them (touch them with your hand). The “Frozen” stop at the place where the Frost overtook them and stand until the end of the dash. After several dashes, a new Frost is chosen. At the end of the game, they count the “frozen” children and find out which of the Frosts is the most dexterous.

Outdoor game "Snow Carousel"

Goal: learn to move in a circle at a fast and slow pace, changing direction.

Progress of the game: children form a circle near the snowman, depicting snowflakes. At the teacher’s signal, the children walk slowly, then faster and run. After letting the children run a few laps, the teacher says: “The wind has changed, the snowflakes have flown in the other direction.” Children slow down, stop and start moving in the other direction, moving slowly at first, then increasing the pace until the teacher’s next command.

Outdoor game "Entertainers"

Purpose of the game: secure winter views, correctly name and imitate them.

Progress of the game: children stand in a circle, the entertainer chosen according to the counting rhyme stands in the circle, holding hands and saying:

In an even circle

One after another

We are going step by step.

Stand still

Together together

Let's do it like this.

The children stop, the entertainer shows some movement that imitates the pose of a skater, the step of a skier, the rotation of a figure skater, a hit with a stick, the pose of a goalie in hockey, etc. All children repeat the movement and repeat it.

Role-playing game "Warship".

Goal: maintain interest in military topics, cultivate friendly relationships. Use snow to build a ship.

In a role-playing game, the “military” conducts a paired relay race “Reckless” to improve the health of children.

Relay progress: the children of each team become pairs one after another. The first couples are preparing for the competition: one child sits on the sled, the other pulls it by the rope. The movement begins at the teacher’s signal: “Let’s go”

1st option. One participant sits on a sled, the other carries him by a rope.

2nd option. One sits on the sled, the other pushes the sled from behind.

Labor on site.

Goal: to cultivate a desire to work and take care of the younger ones.

Clear paths in the nursery area.

Individual work:

A subgroup of children stand in a line, holding a snowball in each hand. On the command: “Throw with your left (right),” everyone simultaneously tries to throw the snowball as far as possible.

Materials: magnifying glasses, sleds, buckets, snow molds, shovels, black leaves.

Summary of a walk in the preparatory group of a kindergarten


Goal and tasks:

    Develop generalized ideas about winter as a season, its essential features;

    Continue to form children’s ideas about the properties of snow;

    Develop knowledge educational activities: the ability to logically answer questions posed, prove your point;

    Cultivate a love for nature careful attitude To her;

    Give an idea of ​​the importance of feeding for wintering birds;

    Improve children’s motor activity, the ability to perform movements on a signal;

    Accustom children to hard work, instill hard work and a desire to help others.

Equipment and materials: bird feeder on a birch tree, bird food, children's buckets, shovels, brooms.

Types of children's activities used during walks: observation, work activity, conversation, games of various mobility.

Location: territory of the preschool educational institution, area of ​​the “Firefly” group.

Walking progress:

Educator goes for a walk with the children.

1. Observation of bushes and birch.

The teacher leads the children to the bushes:

What fluffy clean snow,
The bushes are dressed in white fur,
They stand timid
like white bear cubs.

The teacher addresses the children:

Guys, who tried to turn ordinary bushes into fluffy polar bear cubs? Guess the riddle:

I have a lot to do - I'm a white blanket
I cover the whole earth, I remove the rivers from ice,
I whitewash fields, houses, but my name is... (children's answers - winter)

We walked out to the forest birch tree, raising our legs higher.

Through bushes and hummocks, through branches and stumps.


Children, what kind of tree is this? (birch)

Hello, birch tree, hello, beauty! (children greet the birch tree). Look, guys, how wonderful she has become!

The teacher reads a poem by A. Kulagina to the children:

There is a birch tree in the snow.

Powdered hair!

Intricate bows!

Diamonds on the bows!

Every curl is styled!

We admire from the windows,

Like frosty frost

The birch is graceful!

The outfit is rich and bright!

January marked it -

Appointed first

Your court lady!

2. Watching the snow.


Guys, guess the riddle:

He's busy all the time
He can't go in vain.
He goes and paints it white
Everything he sees along the way.

(children's answer: snow)

Let's take a look around. Oh, there was so much snow. Look how beautifully the snow has decorated the houses and trees, how beautifully it glistens in the sun.

Guys, why is snow compared to a blanket? What kind of snow? (soft, light, crumbly, fluffy, warm, white, clean)

What other kind of snow can there be? (wet, sticky, heavy, dirty).

Which snow is easier to make snowballs and snowmen from? (from wet, sticky).

Educator: What can be made from snow? (you can sculpt a snowman, build a slide).

Educator: Why do you think the snow is not melting now? (It’s winter now, it’s cold outside).

3. Outdoor game: "Snow and Ice"

Rules of the game: The driver is selected. He turns away and says SNOW at this time all the players are running, jumping and having fun. Then the driver says the word "ICE", at this time everyone should immediately “fall asleep” (freeze in the positions they were in at that moment). The driver at this moment turns around and looks at the player who, without moving, is chosen as the driver. The game is repeated 4-5 times.

4. Conversation about the importance of feeding for wintering birds

The teacher draws the children’s attention to the fact that there is a bird feeder hanging on the birch tree. Guys, we can help birds survive the winter by setting up feeders. Our wintering birds eat grains. When there is little snow, it is easy for them to find food, but when snow falls and there is a lot of it, the birds can no longer dig it up or find grains. And in winter the days are short, the birds have little time to search for food. We need to build winter dining rooms - feeders - for our feathered friends. You just need to know which feeder is correct and which is not. Don't think that the right feeder is a brightly colored castle with beautiful doors and turrets. First of all, the right feeder is a feeder in which you constantly add food. Why is that? The answer is simple - the birds get used to the fact that there is hearty food waiting for them in the feeder and they will look forward to the food every day. And if you don’t add food, the birds may die. Therefore, it is important not only to make a feeder, but also to constantly add food. Tits, pigeons, and flocks of sparrows regularly gather near feeders, sit on the branches of trees and bushes and wait for the food to come out. Let's feed the birds. (The teacher and children place pre-prepared bird food in the feeder).

The teacher reads a poem by A. Yashin to the children:

Feed the birds in winter!
Let it come from all over
They will flock to you like home,
Flocks on the porch.
Their food is not rich.
I need a handful of grain
One handful - and not scary
It will be winter for them.
It’s impossible to count how many of them die,
It's hard to see.
But in our heart there is
And it's warm for the birds.
How can we forget:
They could fly away
And they stayed for the winter
Together with people.
Train your birds in the cold
To your window
So that you don’t have to go without songs
Let's welcome spring!

Do you know how to behave around a bird feeder? (You can’t make noise or talk loudly.)

5. Outdoor game “Crows”

Guys, let's imagine that you and I have become birds and play the outdoor game "Crows".

“Here, under the bushy tree, crows are jumping through the snow:

Kar-Kar! Kar-Kar!

(Children jump on 2 legs around the playground, around the Christmas tree, stumps)

They got into a fight over a crust (they run in different directions, waving their arms)

They shouted at the top of their lungs

Kar-Kar! Kar-Kar!

Night is just coming

All the crows fall asleep.

6. Labor activity

We played with you, and now it's time to work hard.

Who loves to work

So he can't sit idle.

Today we will clear the path to the veranda, this will be done...

They will sweep the hill...

(the teacher names the names of several children)

The benches will be swept...

(the teacher names the names of several children)

7. Individual work

"Sled racing"

Goal: to teach, sitting on a sled, to move from a given point at a signal to a snowdrift, pushing off with your feet.

Outline of a winter walk in the preparatory group of a kindergarten

Integration educational areas : « Physical Culture", "Cognition", "Communication", "Health", "Safety", "Socialization"


1. Observation of nature.

Continue to introduce natural phenomena - the appearance of snow, identify its properties: melt from heat, be sticky.

To promote the development of the ability to draw conclusions and inferences in the process of observation and conversation.

In progress labor activity(sculpting a snow fortress) teach how to finish what you start, form an idea of ​​the importance of work for others.

2. Organization motor activity.

Practice performing basic movements:

Throwing at a vertical target from a distance of 3 m (method of children’s choice: with a straight hand over the shoulder.,

Different types running: in a column with overcoming obstacles, in fast running with dodging,

Walk in pairs, maintaining distance while changing the pace of movement.

Create conditions for performing sports exercises:

Sledding races (one goes, the other takes);

Skiing on a track using ski poles: practice rhythm and coordination of movements.

Practice fast running in all directions with dodging in the outdoor games “Two Frosts” and “Traps with Ribbons”, develop dexterity of movements and speed of reaction.

Materials and equipment:

1. Sets of role-playing games: Family, Clinic, Supermarket;

2. Attributes for outdoor games: ribbons (50 cm) – 24 pcs., armbands for traps – 3 pcs. ; images of Morozov - 2 pcs. ;

3. Sets of skis and poles – 4 pcs. ;

4. Sleds - 2 pcs. ;

5. Targets for throwing at a vertical target – 2 pcs. ;

6. To the teacher: red flag, referee’s whistle;

7. Children: spare mittens


Cognitive and research activities

Study of snow properties:

Place a small amount of snow on your hand (without a mitten) and the same amount of snow on your hand with a mitten. Questions: Where does snow come from?

Why does snow begin to melt on your bare hand, but not on your mitten?

How does this property of snow manifest itself? (traces remain).

"Footprints in the snow". Study of human footprints in the snow: children's and adults, differences and similarities.

Drawings of footprints in the snow: 2 PARALLEL LINES, HOUSE, OVAL, SMILE. Each drawing is completed by 4 children. The rest of the children are referees, determining the ability of the subgroup to complete the action in a timely manner, to perform exactly the given figure.

How can you use this property of snow (make snowballs, snowmen.).

The competition – “Sculpting a snow fortress” (in subgroups – 4 people) – is carried out throughout the entire walk. The results are summed up at the end of the walk.

Outdoor game "Two Frosts". Play 3-4 times.

Questions before the game starts:

1. How should the playing area be prepared? (mark a place for the players - draw lines, or put cords).

2. How do we choose two Frosts? (method - weather vane).

3. When do Frosts begin to speak their words? (when the teacher raised the red flag).

4. When do Frosts start catching players? (after all the children answered in chorus: “We are not afraid of threats and we are not afraid of frost”).

5. When do Frosts stop catching players? (when the whistle sounds) .

1. Which Frost was the most dexterous today? (name who took first, second and third place).

2. Raise your hands, who hasn’t been frozen by any Frost? – You are the most dexterous players now!

The educator refers to types of independent motor activity (based on interests). THE SCHEME IS PRESENTED IN THE PRESENTATION.

Independent motor play activity:

Construction of a snow fortress.

Game "Snow circles" (a target is hung on a fence or climbing ladder, and two teams compete by throwing snowballs at the target to see who has the most hits.

Running in a chain, overcoming obstacles.

Role-playing games: Family, Clinic, Supermarket.


Sleigh ride - children compete to see whose sled is faster.

The teacher controls and organizes activities:

“Snow circles” is a game exercise.

Children are divided into two different groups 2-3 people each. Circles are drawn on two plywood sheets attached to the wall of the gazebo. A line is drawn at a distance of 3 m from the targets. Each group lines up opposite its target behind a line that is not allowed to be crossed. Each player has 6-8 snowballs. At the teacher’s signal “Start!” "Each group throws snowballs. The group that covers the circle with snowballs first wins.

Game-exercise for hyperactive children "Don't lose your pair."

Children walk one after another in pairs, holding hands. At a signal, they quickly lower their hands and continue to walk side by side, not lagging behind and not overtaking each other. After the second signal, they join hands again and continue walking.

Game - exercise for sedentary children “Catch up with your opponent”.

Children line up in two columns opposite each other on different sides sites. At the teacher’s signal, children perform the task in a certain sequence: walking at a side step along the playground line, rapid walking, slow running for 2-3 minutes, walking with hops and normal walking. In the process of completing the task, each column tries to catch up with each other, the one that succeeds wins.

The results of the construction of the snow fortress are summed up. The captain of the winning team chooses the trap for the next game.

Outdoor game “Traps with ribbons” - play 4-5 times, from the 2nd play assign 2-3 traps.

Questions before the game starts:

1. When does the trap start snatching the ribbons from the players’ belts? (after all players pronounce the words in chorus: one-two-three-LOVI)

2. When does the trap stop fishing? (after the leader’s words: one-two-three - quickly run into the circle)

3. How to determine which trap was the most clever? (compare the number of ribbons snatched by the trap - whoever has more wins).

Questions for the FINAL analysis of the game:

3. Which trap was the smartest today? (name who took first, second and third place).

4. Raise your hands, those who have never had their ribbon snatched - you are the most dexterous players today! (invite everyone to applaud these players).

The walk is over: getting ready game material– EVERYONE ENTERS THE PREMISES IN AN ORGANIZED WAY.