Synopsis of GCD in the middle group for applications. Winter tree. Educator experience. Application in kindergarten

One of the closest and most natural activities for a preschool child is visual activity. Visual activity in kindergarten - effective remedy knowledge of reality. It helps the development and formation of visual perceptions, imagination, spatial representations, memory, feelings and other mental processes. Such personality traits as perseverance, purposefulness, accuracy, diligence are formed. In progress visual activity preschoolers learn a whole range of graphic and pictorial skills, learn to analyze objects and phenomena of the world around them. It is important for the development fine motor skills fingers, their muscles, coordination of movements. Visual activity has great importance in problem solving aesthetic education, because by its nature it is artistic activity, and, in particular, the application affects comprehensive development and education of preschoolers.

  • mental education . The stock of knowledge is gradually expanding on the basis of ideas about the various forms and spatial position of objects in the surrounding world, various sizes, and the variety of shades of colors. Mental operations are formed: analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization. Children's speech develops, vocabulary is enriched, coherent speech is formed, and figurative speech develops. When conducting classes, favorable conditions are created for the formation of such personality traits as inquisitiveness, initiative, mental activity, independence.
  • Sensory education. Direct, sensitive acquaintance with objects and phenomena, with their properties and qualities.
  • moral education . Visual activity () should be used to educate children in love for all the best, fair. Moral and volitional qualities are brought up: to bring what has been started to the end, to work with concentration and purposefully, to help a comrade, to overcome difficulties, etc.
  • Labor education. It combines mental and physical activity. The ability to cut, handle scissors, use a brush and glue requires a certain cost physical strength, labor skills. The participation of children in preparing for classes and cleaning up after them contributes to the formation of diligence.
  • aesthetic education. A sense of color, when an aesthetic feeling arises from the perception of beautiful color combinations. The sense of rhythm arises when, first of all, the rhythmic harmony of an object, the rhythmic arrangement of its parts, is perceived. A sense of proportion - constructive integrity - is developed when perceiving a variety of buildings. Gradually, children develop artistic taste.

Application translated from Latin means "attachment". This is one of the types of fine art. It is based on cutting out various details and applying them to the background in certain order. Details are fixed on the basis with the help of various adhesives, threads. At present, a wide variety of elements can be used in the application: various types of paper, fabrics, threads, straws, fur, shells, sand, birch bark, dried plants, leaves, seeds and other natural materials.

Application history

Application as one of the visual techniques originated quite a long time ago. Since time immemorial, it has been used to decorate clothes, shoes, tools, and household utensils. Most likely, it was the need to sew skins that laid the foundation for decorating clothes, and not just connecting its details. Much later, pieces of felt, fur, leather of various colors and shades began to be attached to clothes. And so the application was born. The subjects for her were birds, animals, people, beautiful plants and flowers. Later, threads, metal and chased plates, beads, and beads began to be used. After paper was invented, people began to make paper applications. Flat silhouettes, book illustrations, household and battle scenes were cut out of dark paper. Both noble and poor people were fond of this. At present, the application has firmly entered our lives. People are doing it different ages.

Application - one of the types of visual activity based on cutting, overlaying various forms and fixing them on another material, taken as the background of the most simple and affordable way creating artwork.

Application types

  • subject, consisting of individual images (leaf, branch, tree, bird, flower, animal, person, etc.);
  • plot, displaying certain events;
  • decorative, including ornaments, patterns that can be used to decorate various objects.

At present, preschool teachers educational institutions bow down to traditional technology learning applications for children, namely:

  1. Make a decorative pattern from various paper geometric shapes and plant (leaf, flower) details, arranging them in a certain rhythm on a cardboard basis.
  2. Make an image of an object from colored paper from separate parts; portray the story.
  3. master various equipment obtaining details for paper appliqué: cutting different methods, breaking, weaving; as well as the technique of attaching them to the base.
  4. Compose an image of an object (plot) using the origami technique.

And it is rare to find teachers who use in their work unconventional techniques application work.

Work with various materials, in various artistic techniques expands the child's capabilities, develops a sense of color, harmony, space of imagination, creative thinking, Creative skills.

Non-traditional application techniques

  • Breakaway application

This method is good for conveying the texture of the image (fluffy chicken, curly cloud). In this case, we tear the paper into pieces and make an image out of them. Children 5-7 years old can complicate the technique: not just tear pieces of paper, as it turns out, but pluck or cut off the outline drawing. Breakaway applique is very useful for developing fine motor skills and creative thinking.

  • overhead application

This technique allows you to get a multi-color image. We conceive the image and consistently create it, overlaying and gluing the details in layers so that each next detail is smaller than the previous one in size.

  • Modular application (mosaic)

With this technique, the image is obtained by gluing many identical shapes. As a basis for modular application cut out circles, squares, triangles, or just torn pieces of paper can be used.

  • Symmetrical appliqué

For symmetrical images, a blank is a square or rectangle made of paper right size- fold in half, hold by the fold, cut out half of the image.

  • Tape applique
  • Silhouette application

Quilling (English quilling - from the word quill (bird feather), also paper rolling), is the art of making flat or voluminous compositions from long and narrow strips of paper twisted into spirals.

Facing is one of the types of paper needlework. This technique can be attributed both to the method of application and to the type of quilling. With the help of facing, you can create amazing three-dimensional paintings, mosaics, panels, decorative elements interior, postcards. This technique is quite popular, the interest in it is due to the unusual effect of "fluffiness" and the easy way to perform it.

  • Collage

Collage (from French collage - gluing) is a technical technique in the visual arts, which consists in creating paintings or graphic works by gluing objects and materials that differ from the base in color and texture onto a base. A collage is also called a work entirely made in this technique. Collage is used mainly to obtain the effect of surprise from the combination of dissimilar materials, as well as for the emotional richness and sharpness of the work.

  • Origami

Origami (from Japanese folded paper) - a type of decorative applied arts; ancient art folding paper figures. Classic origami is made up of square sheet paper and prescribes the use of a single sheet of paper without the use of glue and scissors.

  • Application

Napkins - very interesting stuff For children's creativity. Of these, you can make different crafts. This type of creativity has a number of advantages:

  • the ability to create masterpieces without scissors;
  • development of fine motor skills of small hands;
  • development tactile perception using paper of various textures;
  • wide opportunities for creativity.

Corrugated paper is one type of so-called ornamental paper. Compared to ordinary paper, it appeared relatively recently. It is very soft, delicate and pleasant to the touch. The children love the gorgeous colors and enjoy working with it in their art classes. It is an excellent decorative and craft material, allowing you to create decorations, colorful toys, original garlands and magnificent bouquets, costumes that can become great gift for the holiday.

  • Application

Type of stitching. Appliqué embroidery consists in reinforcing pieces of another fabric on a certain background of fabric. Fabric applications are reinforced either by sewing or gluing. Fabric appliqué can be subject, plot and decorative; one-color, two-color and multi-color. Making appliqué from fabric requires certain skills. Firstly, one must be able to cut fabric (fabric is more difficult to cut than paper); secondly, the edges of the fabric can crumble and complicate the work.

  • Application from cereals

For young children it is useful to develop fine motor skills. Touching objects with your fingers, learning to make plucked movements, of course, is important. But for children, aged older than a year It is interesting to see the result of your work immediately. The application of cereals becomes the most attractive for them in this regard. With cereals, you can create different crafts with kids. To do this, semolina, rice, millet are painted in various colors using gouache and water.

Evgeniya Savachenko

“Creativity is not only for geniuses who have created great works of art. Creativity exists wherever a person imagines, combines, creates something new”

(L. S. Vygotsky)

“The origins of the abilities and talents of children are at their fingertips. The more confidence in the movements of a child's hand, the more subtle the interaction of the hand with the tool, the more complex the movements, the brighter the creative element of the child's mind. And the more skill in the child's hand, the smarter the child ... "

(V. A. Sukhomlinsky)


The desire to create is an inner need of the child, it arises in him independently and is distinguished by extreme sincerity. We, adults, must help the child discover the artist in himself, develop the abilities that will help him become a person. Ability to be creative distinguishing feature man, thanks to which he can live in unity with nature, create without causing harm, multiply without destroying. Psychologists and educators have come to the conclusion that the early development of creativity, already in preschool childhood, is the key to future success. In classes using non-traditional materials and techniques, children receive information about the diversity of the world around them, clarify their ideas about the color, shape, size of objects and their parts, they develop imagination, thinking, and speech. Systematic mastery of all necessary funds and methods of activity provides children with the joy of creativity and their comprehensive development (aesthetic, intellectual, moral, labor, physical).


Not all children are interested in various types visual activity;

They do not know how to perform the task according to the model;

Many children do not show patience and perseverance in completing tasks, do not complete the work they have begun;


Development creativity children through non-traditional application techniques.


1. Introduce children to a new type of artistic activity;

2. To enrich the knowledge and ideas of children about objects, materials, their properties, methods of their application;

3. Develop imagination, creativity, constructive thinking, ingenuity;

4. Develop fine motor skills of hands, form self-control skills;

5. Form an aesthetic taste.


If you use non-traditional application techniques in classes with children, then children will have an interest in this species activities and increase the dynamics high level development of creative abilities in visual activity. It is also important to develop fine motor skills at preschool age. The work of the speech and thought centers of the brain directly depends on the development of fine motor skills.

Expected Result.

1. Children mastering various non-traditional application techniques;

2. Enrichment of knowledge and ideas of children about objects, materials, their properties, methods of their application;

3. Increasing the level of development of children in artistic creativity;

4. Development of fine motor skills of hands in accordance with the age of children;

5. Raising self-confidence and a steady interest in non-traditional application techniques.

Project type: creative, group

Project type: long term (3 months)

Project participants: middle group children, educator

Project Implementation Plan

1 Preparatory stage:

Choosing a project topic, studying methodological literature, drawing up a work plan, developing thematic plan classes on the topic of the project, the study and selection of a variety of non-traditional application techniques.

2 main stage:

Thematic lesson plan in middle group

1. Decorate a scarf for grandma. Purpose: To identify the existing skills and abilities of children.

2. Multi-colored flowers. Purpose: To teach children to perform an application using the technique of twisting disposable napkins, to develop logical thinking, manual dexterity, to learn to perform work consistently.

3. Squirrel. Purpose: To teach children to make a mosaic of torn paper, to promote the development of children's attention, fine motor skills of hands, love for the world around them, and the ability to complete the work they have begun.

4. Ladybug. Purpose: To teach children to create voluminous applications, develop thinking, attention, perseverance and accuracy in work.

5. Bunny jumper. Purpose: To teach children to do work with the help of cereals (rice, to promote the development of fine motor skills of hands, attention.

6. Lamb. Purpose: To teach children to work with disposable napkins, to promote the development of fine motor skills of hands, accuracy when doing work.

7. Chickens in the meadow. Purpose: To learn how to do crafts from cotton pads, to promote the development of love for the world around, to develop accuracy and perseverance.

8. Ice cream. Purpose: To teach children to use sequins, confetti in their work, to develop imagination, fine motor skills of hands.

9. Wonderful boat. Purpose: To teach how to lay out and draw up on a sheet of paper images of a boat from several ready-made forms, develop imagination, fine motor skills of hands, cultivate independence and initiative.

10. Basket with flowers. Purpose: To continue to teach children to work with disposable napkins, to promote the development of imagination, fine motor skills of hands, perseverance.

11. forest clearing. Purpose: To teach children to create an application from ready-made forms, to develop fine motor skills of hands, imagination, a sense of composition.

12. Lamb. Purpose: To continue to teach children to work with disposable napkins, to promote the development of fine motor skills of hands, accuracy when doing work.

12. spring bouquet (teamwork). Purpose: To continue to teach children to do the work of disposable napkins, to promote the development of imagination, a sense of composition.

3 Final stage:

Organization of an exhibition of children's works

List of used literature:

Davydova G. N. "Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten" - M .: Scriptorium 2003, 2007

Kazakova T. G. “Develop creativity among preschoolers” - M .: Education, 2002

Kazakova R. G. “Drawing with children preschool age. Non-traditional techniques, lesson scenarios, planning "- M .: Creative Center, 2005

Malysheva A. N., Ermolaeva N. V. "Application in kindergarten" - Yaroslavl: "Academy of Development, Academy Holding", 2002

Fateeva A. A. "We draw without a brush" - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2004

Application No. 1

Types of non-traditional application techniques

1. Modular application (mosaic).

With this technique, the image is obtained by gluing many identical shapes. As a basis for a modular application, cut out circles, squares, triangles, or simply torn pieces of paper can be used.

2. Application from napkins.

Napkins are a very interesting material for children's creativity. You can make different crafts from them. This type of creativity has a number of advantages - the ability to create masterpieces without scissors; development of fine motor skills of hands; development of tactile perception, using paper of various textures; wide opportunities for creativity.

3. Application of cereals.

For young children it is useful to develop fine motor skills. Touching objects with your fingers, learning to make plucked movements, of course, is important. But children over the age of one year are interested in seeing the result of their work immediately. The application of cereals becomes the most attractive for them in this regard. With cereals, you can create different crafts with kids. To do this, semolina, rice, millet are painted in various colors using gouache and water.

4. Overhead application.

This technique allows you to get a multi-color image. We conceive the image and consistently create it, overlaying and gluing the details in layers so that each next detail is smaller than the previous one in size.

5. Tape application.

This method allows you to get not one or two, but many identical images, separate or interconnected. To make a ribbon applique, you need to take a wide sheet of paper, fold it like an accordion and cut out the image.

6. Quilling.

Quilling (English quilling - from the word quill (bird feather, also paper rolling) is the art of making flat or voluminous compositions from long and narrow strips of paper twisted into spirals.

7. Facing.

Facing is one of the types of paper needlework. This technique can be attributed both to the method of application and to the type of quilling. With the help of facing, you can create amazing three-dimensional paintings, mosaics, panels, decorative interior elements, postcards. This technique is quite popular, the interest in it is due to the unusual effect of "fluffiness" and the easy way to perform it.

8. Silhouette application.

This method is available to children who are good with scissors. They will be able to cut complex silhouettes along a drawn or imaginary outline.

9. Origami.

Origami (jap. "folded paper") - a type of arts and crafts; the ancient art of paper folding. Classical origami is folded from a square sheet of paper and requires the use of one sheet of paper without the use of glue and scissors.

10. Corrugated paper.

Corrugated paper is one type of so-called ornamental paper. Compared to ordinary paper, it appeared relatively recently. It is very soft, delicate and pleasant to the touch. The children love the gorgeous colors and enjoy working with it in their art classes. This is an excellent decorative and ornamental material that allows you to create decorations, colorful toys, original garlands and magnificent bouquets, costumes that can be a great gift for the holiday.

11. Fabric appliqué.

Fabric appliqué is a type of embroidery. Appliqué embroidery consists in reinforcing pieces of another fabric on a certain background of fabric. Fabric applications are reinforced either by sewing or gluing. Fabric appliqué can be subject, plot and decorative; one-color, two-color and multi-color. Making appliqué from fabric requires certain skills. Firstly, one must be able to cut fabric (fabric is more difficult to cut than paper); Secondly. The edges of the fabric can crumble and complicate the work.

12. Application of dried plants.

Currently, the application of flowers, grass, leaves, the so-called floristry, has gained wide popularity. Working with natural material is quite accessible to students and preschool children. Fascinating, interesting and useful communication with nature. It develops creativity, thinking, observation, diligence. Classes with natural material helps to educate children in love for native nature respectful attitude towards her. They are also useful because the collection and preparation natural material takes place in the air.

13. Symmetrical appliqué.

For symmetrical images, we fold the blank - a square or rectangle of paper of the desired size - in half, hold it by the fold, cut out half of the image.

14. Straw application.

Straw appliqués are extraordinarily attractive, they shimmer with gold. This happens because the straw has glossy surface and longitudinal fibers. These fibers reflect light as much as possible only in a certain position. Made up of forms under different angles in relation to the world. The application conveys a unique game: it shines like gold. These can be paintings, ornamental stripes, bookmarks for books, caskets, frames.

Application №2

Applications for children are one of the most favorite games and fun. But it is precisely by playing that the little ones learn! They are gradually mastered in the world of colors and shapes. And yet, they get satisfaction from the fact that they themselves, with their own hands, can create beauty. And if parents want to help their child, we will suggest ideas for colored paper applications.

What we can offer:

  • Schemes and stencils for applications different figures: flowers, animals, insects and fairy tale characters.
  • Let's show what entertaining non-traditional application techniques are.
  • And, of course, we will give you a lot of positive! We are sure you will have fun with us!
And most importantly, all these children's applications for toddlers of different ages. And in a year the child will be interested in playing, and the more adult will enjoy this activity. Why? Because we have prepared a collection that includes applications for children with different abilities.

For the little ones

Who said, that plot application- it's complicated? Even the younger group can handle some types of applications. We will now create a beautiful basket, and there are flowers in it.

What we may need for the application:

  • Colored thin paper;
  • Cardboard;
  • Pencil;
  • Stencils;
  • Glue.


Applications for the smallest are creativity, where the abilities of even the tiniest fidget are taken into account. And this example with a “hedgehog” is just right for little ones, which by the age of three they still cannot cut and glue, but they will do a great job of participating in the work. How?

Ladybug voluminous

This application is perfect for children 3-4 years old. It is very easy to make.

Application execution sequence:

Flower meadow

This glade is an application in junior group for children 4 years old. It can be any size and color. And several kids can work together on it at the same time. It is important only for each of them to indicate his scope of work.

Lesson in 3 stages:

Little funny chicken

Can be cooked in a very original way. holiday cards. This application will help preparatory groups e.

You need to cut out the following details:


Toddlers think abstractly, for them such a trifle as the color or shape of a character does not matter, if at the same time his image conveys emotions similar to children's. But how to make the application just such that the baby feels your soul mate? Here's a great example!

Meet Chypa! Him:

  • The body is a square;
  • Eye - 2 circles (black and white, and white with a little more);
  • The beak is a triangle;
  • The paws are also triangular;
  • Wing - a semicircle;
  • The crest is a crescent.

And now, trust the little one, let him choose what will be what color! Explain that each figure indicates why the bird is doing this. Is it really interesting? So, finding the right stencils for applications is already a game. It remains only to glue everything!


We complicate the task. We have to help the kids learn how to make a panel application. There are many details that are both a background and an independent part of the picture. The central part is the mischievous muzzle of the smiling Sun.

Leave the smile to your kitten. Or you can print ready-made muzzles:

And do yourself the preparation of yellow, golden and orange circles of different sizes.

We collect a picture on a blue background.

You can stick circles in the form of rays, or in a circle, the main thing is to alternate their colors. The Sun itself will be placed in the middle of the panel.


Probably, a broken appliqué is the sweetest and most gentle thing you can imagine. She just looks so fluffy that I can't believe it's all made. Such an effect torn appliqué acquires due to small uneven parts collected in one composition.


These are not just flowers, but a structure that will stand. In this case, we will make all parts of the plant. Flowers, leaves and stems. This simple application in the middle group will be mastered by children very quickly.


we did with you Greeting Cards, an invitation to a celebration, paintings and even a memory of your little one's childhood. But now we will try to make a Christmas tree toy.

And since it consists of two bases and 16 circles, we print out templates for applications, this will allow you to quickly, and not linger on the preparatory work, proceed to the design of the toy.

More about preparations. The base is 2 circles of the same size, drawn with a figure eight. Additional circles equal in diameter to those in the base.
We also need a rope 4 times the length of the base. and decorative beads.


Glade is a multi-composition application in kindergarten for children 5-6 years old. Here we will get acquainted with the models that must first be made, and only then fixed on the basis. Volumetric types of applications are made in such an original pattern.

Our base is blue cardboard. This is the sky. The sun is shining. Grass grows in which flowers bloom. And above them flutter butterflies and dragonflies. All parts are made of paper folded into an accordion.

Piggy bank of master classes on applications + interesting ideas

It's nice to know that made by children different types appliqués, such as torn paper appliqué, or from corrugated material, – good memory. Yes, and irrefutable evidence that our little ones have talent. The child is developing. And in this we help him.

Today's topic of discussion will be lesson in kindergarten - application. We will take a closer look at what paper cutting techniques and techniques are, we will give a couple of tips on methodological planning of classes in different age groups children's preschool institutions.

What is an application? This is cutting and gluing, sewing various figured images, patterns or whole compositions of paper, fabric, leather, plants and other materials onto the background base. The basis for applications is usually thick paper, cardboard or wood. Such work has a beneficial effect on general development children, develop creative and mental capacity. Also contribute sensory development and perception. When performing work, the following actions are used:





Preschoolers have a learning process environment happens in an emotional and practical way. Every child, first of all, is a little explorer. It is very important not to let this desire fade away, but on the contrary, to diversify his pictorial activity in every possible way.

Do you deal with your children and other materials? Of course, it is much easier to do drawing with pencils or paints with a child, but believe me, the application is much more fun! To work, you need to prepare in advance, make various blanks.

How useful are these classes:

1. Help the development of many psychological aspects: memory develops, forms visual perceptions, improves imagination and fantasy, spatial representations, cultivates diligence, patience and focus.

2. Mental education will help children better navigate the representation of the surrounding forms and spatial position various items, variety of shades colors. Such mental skills as synthesis, analysis, comparison are formed. There is also an accumulation vocabulary children learn to communicate. In the classroom are created excellent conditions to purchase such important qualities a person as independence and manifestation of initiative.

3. Happening labor education. The child learns to use various tools, cut with scissors, use a brush and stick glue, etc. Diligence is brought up in the process of preparing for work and cleaning the workplace after it is completed.

Types of applications in kindergarten

Let's see which ones exist:

Subject - which consists of individual images, for example: a bird, a tree, a person or an animal;

The plot is the one that depicts any events;

Decorative, which includes ornaments and patterns to decorate something;

Non-traditional application made of cotton wool, foam rubber, various cereals, pasta, etc.

There are many varieties of this type of creativity. Of course, it occupies a special place. Usually, the training of the youngest children begins with it. After all, it is easier for a baby to learn to distinguish between different geometric figures and fold simple triangles, circles and squares into complex compositions. So it will be much easier for the child to understand that many objects consist of separate geometric details.

Also fascinating view applied art for children can be quite unusual so-called palm applications. For such work, simple blanks- prints of children's hands. After that, they are cut out, glued to the base and only then they are decorated, showing all their imagination. You can take a large sheet of paper or whatman paper and glue the printed palms of all the children in the group onto it, forming, for example, a butterfly and then sign the blanks of each. Thus, collective work will turn out - a huge colorful picture.

Non-traditional application in kindergarten

In fact, kids love to do all sorts of things. paper crafts. After all, the material for their creation can be torn, crushed, cut and folded, creating interesting work. For example, if the baby has not yet learned how to use scissors, then he can be given multi-colored paper sheets and asked to tear them into small pieces. Then these pieces of paper are crumpled into balls and after such technological processing they are glued to a contour previously drawn on a piece of paper. Thus, amazing and cute are obtained. voluminous crafts. It can be an image of a tree, a meadow with flowers, a lake with ducks, whatever.

For older kids paper application may even seem like a work of art. They have already slowly learned to deal with scissors and will be able to cut out various figures from cardboard, corrugated or colored paper, at first simpler, and then more complex. Of course, in this case, you need to turn Special attention on safety equipment. These activities are great for developing fine motor skills. proper formation color perception.

Application techniques in kindergarten

You can stick not only paper blanks, other materials can also be used in the work, for example, pasta, eggshell, fabrics, threads, plasticine, various cereals and much more.

Everyone has long known that modeling from plasticine gives children no less joy and pleasure than working with paper. Plasticineography - this is the name of this type of art, it will not leave anyone indifferent. We can assure you that adults will enjoy this activity as much as children. Pay special attention to the fact that plasticine is artificial material, with the addition of all kinds of dyes and you need to make sure that working with it does not cause allergic reactions. For classes, it is best to purchase floating plasticine, it is perfectly molded and practically does not stick to your hands.

The plasticine molding technique is very simple. You just need to tear off small pieces from the general piece of the color we need and roll small balls out of them, which are then successfully glued onto the background prepared in advance with the desired outline drawn on it. The balls are laid out on the surface of the base and slightly pressed with a finger. This is very convenient technique, as it is reusable, because it will not be difficult to correct errors on the template.

Plasticine is also used in the so-called "reverse" technique. As a rule, such crafts are performed on the surface of smooth and transparent glass or plastic. On the basis, the contour we need is drawn or laid out from plasticine, and then the fun begins - the entire space of the drawing is gradually filled with plasticine desired shade. It remains at the end to turn the work over so that backside became front. It turns out just amazing images that are perfect for creating a picture or panel. Such work is carried out in several ways:

The contour is laid out from the flagella;

Mosaic made of plastic balls;

Applications in kindergarten - templates

We bring to your attention templates for applications. They can be used not only for modeling from plasticine, but also for manufacturing from other materials. You can use some templates for applications on clothes, which is also suitable for caring mothers.

Toddlers can already begin to engage in this kind of activity from three years of age. It is necessary to show the children how the contours are outlined, how the blanks are cut out and allowed to take part in gluing or sculpting the blanks onto the base.

We also offer before the start of classes to teachers of preschool institutions - applications in kindergarten - abstracts to be prepared in advance.

Let's see what variations of the same theme can be used to work. It is advisable to try to perform all the techniques we have proposed. Thus, the guys will not develop a certain stamp of performance and they will be able to learn different approaches to artistic reproduction.

Application on the theme "Falling snow".

Modeling with plasticine.


Multi-colored cardboard sheet;

Plasticine white color.

Let's get started:

The child takes a piece of white plasticine, tears off a small piece from it and rolls a ball out of it. Then, from a small height, he throws it onto a sheet of cardboard prepared in advance. Thus, it turns out that the snowball falls on paper in the direct sense of the word. Then, with your fingers, press each ball against the template. This is such a wonderful snowfall.

Application with cotton.


PVA glue;


Colored cardboard.

Let's get started:

For the background, you can take a picture of a tree or a house, so it will be much more interesting for kids to depict snow. We take a brush and dip it into the glue, then put the glue trail on the paper base. We tear off small pieces of cotton wool and apply them to the glue that has not yet dried. Let the work dry. Thus, it can be made.

This book describes in detail all the options and systems for making paper applications on any topic. The topics proposed for teaching children of primary, secondary, senior and preparatory groups of preschool age are provided. This is a great opportunity to organize interesting and cognitive activities, which will help the child learn various techniques and methods of application and develop creativity.

Let's see a few more master classes in which we will describe in detail the progress of work and in addition to each of them will be - application in kindergarten - pictures.

See what an interesting turtle can turn out from a simple shell walnut.

We will need the following materials:

Half a walnut shell;

Cardboard sheet (color does not matter);

PVA glue;


felt-tip pen;



So, let's get started.

1. First we need to prepare the so-called "shell" for our turtle. To do this, we will use a method already familiar to us: rolling balls from plasticine. The kid should firmly press each ball to the convex side of the nutshell.

2. The next step is to work with cardboard. Attach a half of the shell to the cardboard sheet and circle it along the contour. Then we will finish the turtle's front and hind legs, head and do not forget the tail. We must comment on all our actions to the child and explain in detail all our manipulations. Cut out the turtle.

3. The third step is to glue the tortoise shell into place. To do this, you need to generously lubricate the oval drawn along the contour of the shell, and then attach the already decorated ready-made tortoise shell. Of course, you will have to wait a while complete drying glue.

4. The fourth stage of our work is probably the most enjoyable for the kids. Using a felt-tip pen on the muzzle of a turtle, draw eyes, a nose and a mouth. You need to bend the limbs a little down, and the head a little up. Now our mischievous turtle stands on its paws and looks, you see, very cute.

Application - autumn in kindergarten, probably the most imaginative topic. From natural material, you can really do a lot of interesting and original crafts create, including the application.

Autumn mushrooms - what could be more relevant for the next lesson in applied arts?

We will prepare the following materials:

Cardboard paper brown, yellow or orange color. This will be a clearing for the composition;

Dry leaves of small sizes, collected during a walk;

Nut shells a couple of pieces, divided in half;

Plasticine of any light color, preferably white;

PVA glue, brush.

Description of work.

1. We take a small piece of plasticine, and roll it into a "sausage" - this will be the leg for the mushroom.

2. We put on a half of a walnut shell on top of the leg, so we get a mushroom. Let's ask the kid to put the fungus on a cardboard clearing and press it a little to the surface so that it does not fall. Let's make a few more of these copies together and put them all on the background clearing.

3. The next step is to decorate the clearing with fallen leaves. Let the child glue them himself, it's not hard, in a chaotic manner, as he likes, even on the mushroom. For gluing, it is not necessary to smear the sheet with glue completely, one drop of glue in the middle will be enough. So, it will look more voluminous and more like a real clearing.

Our autumn mushroom clearing- ready. Such crafts, no doubt, can be put on display so that everyone can admire children's works.

Do not forget that praise and recognition is very important for children. No need to skimp on words of approval and admiration, this will only kindle a desire for further creativity.

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Synopsis of GCD classes in the middle group using non-traditional forms applications.

Subject: " winter tree».

This material may be useful to kindergarten teachers and teachers lower grades as one of the final lessons on the topic "Winter".
Unconventional way applications: appliqué made of bundles twisted from white napkins.
Target: Continue to teach children to use a non-traditional type of application
Develop dialogic speech, activate words
To promote the development of cognitive interest.
To cultivate accuracy when working with glue, scissors;
The development of fine motor skills of the hands of preschool children through the use of non-traditional forms of application.
Integration: Cognitive, socio-communicative, speech and artistic - aesthetic development.
Material: Papyrus paper, scissors, PVA glue, drawing paper, tinted in Blue colour, illustrations depicting winter trees, TCO (tape recorder), CDs with recorded music
Preliminary work: Examination of paintings on the theme "Seasons". Reading stories and poems about winter.

Course progress.

Educator: Guys, what season do we have? (children's answers).
Educator: That's right, winter, but if you want, I'll tell you a fairy tale about winter. (children's answers).
Educator: Then sit back and listen, the fairy tale begins.
- In a magical forest, in the far North, where it is always cold, there was an ice palace, decorated with ice and snow patterns. In this palace lived Zimushka - winter.
Guys, what do you think about winter? (children's answers).
Educator: You said everything correctly, but despite the fact that the winter is cold, she is very caring. Winter flew around the world every day and covered young grass and flowers from frost. But most of all she liked to wrap the trees in silver frost.
The teacher demonstrates illustrations depicting winter trees.

Do you want to try this beautiful tree.
Children: Yes.
Educator: but before starting our work, I suggest that you turn into trees for a while.
Finger gymnastics "Trees"
Everyone in the forest is surprised
(rub palms together)
Different trees grow:
(open palms and spread fingers)
Here it is up to the sky
All resinous pine.
(connect elbows - “trunk”, open palms - “crown”)
Dissolved branches-braids
White birch.
("flashlights" with movement from top to bottom)
Like a blade of grass in a field,
Thin growing aspen.
(show forefinger, the rest are clenched into a fist)
The oak spread its branches,
And he is not afraid of the wind.
(stretch arms up, spread fingers)
Spruce needles fluffed
(lower hands to the sides down, spread fingers)
Trees rustle their branches,
(rub laoni against each other)
Like they're having a conversation
(shake hands)
Hands-branches have dissolved,
The birds are waiting for you.
(link thumbs hands, spread their palms to the sides - show birds)
Educator: Well done guys, now let's go to the table. Everything is laid out on the table necessary equipment except paper. Guys, how winter wraps trees?
Children: Hoarfrost, snow.
Educator: But we have neither snow nor frost from which we can make our winter trees with you (children's answers). If the children are at a loss with the answer options, then the teacher helps them with the help of leading questions.
Teacher: Well done guys. Today we are going to work with paper. What color paper do we need?
Children: White.
Educator: Right. Next, the teacher takes out a box containing white napkins, distributes them to the children and shows the background, with a pre-glued trunk and snowdrifts, the children complete the tree branches.

Educator: The tree already has a trunk, what is missing?
Children: branches.
Educator: right, now I will show you how we will make branches. We take scissors, a napkin and cut strips.

Then we twist the bundles for branches and balls from the strips, we will make snow out of them.

We take a brush, put glue on it, spread our bundles with glue and glue it to our trunk, we get a branch. Next, the teacher, together with the children, recalls the rules for working with scissors, a brush and glue, and invites the children to start working. Quiet music plays while children work. The teacher monitors the work of the children, if necessary, provides them with assistance.

At the end of the lesson, a summary is given.