Spring wedding: organizational aspects. Bouquets of spring flowers. Rustic – village charm

Spring is not a very popular season for weddings; weddings are most often held in summer and autumn. But a spring wedding will also be a worthy choice for newlyweds. A spring wedding also has its own characteristics; we will discuss the pros and cons below.

Pros of a spring wedding

Since spring is not very popular for a wedding among other seasons, it does not have certain advantages that are not available in other seasons.

Cons of a spring wedding

Of course, there are downsides to everything, and a wedding in the spring is no exception; most often, newlyweds are frightened by the rapid speed of weather changes. What frightens brides most is dirt and slush, which can reduce even the most beautiful dress to the level of a doormat in a few minutes.

There are certain days in the spring when a wedding is most preferable and appropriate - Red Hill; usually for this holiday there are already leaves and young grass, but there is no slush and constant precipitation. In addition, at the turn of April and May, flowers begin to bloom and the slush gradually disappears. There is a certain belief that lovers who decide to get married in May will suffer with each other all their lives, and that life together will not bring them happiness. This belief appeared in the Soviet Union and does not have any facts to support it.

Choosing a dress for a spring wedding

No matter how beautiful it is in spring, the weather is still unpredictable, so in wedding dresses it is advisable to provide for all sorts of adversities that can get in the way of the bride during the entire wedding day.

  1. The first step is to decide on shoes; many people prefer to choose three pairs at once. The first pair is closed heels for the official part, the second is light ankle boots for walking down the street, the third is shoes with low and comfortable heels for banquets and dancing.
  2. The most important accessory of the bride should be an umbrella, even if there was no rain in the forecast, it is better to take it with you. You can choose an umbrella with a delicate openwork and light pattern.
  3. It is worth giving up a long veil, replacing it with a short one or without it at all. It is also worth replacing fresh flowers in your hair with silk ones, they are very similar, but silk ones do not fade from the cool air.
  4. The length of the dress, in order to avoid various contaminations, should be approximately knee-length. Modern designers offer a large number of dresses to choose from, in which the long skirt can be unfastened, and in return it remains shorter.
  5. You should choose the color of your dress wisely; it is better to abandon the traditional white dress and pay attention to non-standard options, such as green or deep blue.
  6. Some brides go further and buy two dresses, one for the official part and promenade, the other, less voluminous, for the banquet.

A spring wedding somehow doesn’t fit in with an open-air wedding. Many people celebrate their weddings in the country or in rented houses. In spring, it is also popular to register a marriage away from home; its particular popularity is due to the fact that you can choose a time that suits you, as well as a convenient location.

What do you associate with spring? - This is the time of year when nature begins to awaken, the first leaves appear on the trees, the most beautiful flowers, and you can feel the atmosphere of life and tenderness that permeates everything around. Isn't this a great time to get married? In Rus', wedding celebrations took place mainly in the autumn and winter months; our ancestors did not welcome spring and summer because it was the time for agricultural work, so there was simply not enough time for fun festivities.

photo: Spring wedding - love and awakening nature

Let's talk about the advantages and disadvantages of each of the spring months. First of all, March is a minus of such a wedding, that it is very difficult to guess what whim will please nature: March can be either frosty or warm. During this period, there are no long lines at the registry office, reduced prices for wedding services, and you can buy a wedding package to warm countries inexpensively. Newlyweds whose plans include a wedding need to be attentive: the beginning of spring is the time of Lent, during which you cannot get married, and even if some of your guests are fasting, it is worth providing suitable dishes in the wedding menu.

April marks the awakening of nature. The sun is shining brighter, the time for flowering is coming. “April” newlyweds are not immune to changeable weather: so prepare yourself in advance for the fact that the day can be either bright and warm or slushy. Since the end of Lent, prices for wedding services begin to rise, and there are more people wanting to get married.

The statement that people who get married in May will “suffer” all their lives is just a superstition, because there are many happy and strong May marriages: nature itself gives a spring mood, and May has long been considered the time of love.

Colors for a “spring” wedding

Lately, so-called “eco-friendly” weddings have become increasingly popular: natural shades and materials can be used in hundreds of combinations. The design of a wedding in pinkish, peach, light green, cream tones will be very delicate - this is a win-win option for both a regular and thematic wedding, as well as an outdoor ceremony. For a spring celebration outside the city, lavender or mint color may be suitable - they are also very popular. Fuchsia, lilac, dark green, brown look interesting in combination with neutral shades - they will fit perfectly into the style of a vintage or rustic wedding.

Spring wedding invitations and gifts for guests

When choosing wedding invitations, try to include traditional spring motifs: bird silhouettes, blossoming tree branches, original patterns. It is also better to choose an elegant, informal, bright font. You can decorate invitations with ribbons, beads, bows, appliqués, and drawings. It will be great if you attach a branch of dried flower to the card or give it along with a small live flower (bush rose, sprig of lily of the valley) - you will create a spring mood for your guests in advance.

photo: Spring wedding invitations

It is worth taking care of gifts for guests in advance, because this is a kind of gratitude for the fact that they came to share this celebration with you. You can implement the spring theme in them: give flowers in pots, sets of seeds for a fragrant garden, original candles in the shape of birds or flowers, soap decorated in the shape of bird’s nests, sets of sweets and more. Don't forget to accompany all this splendor with small thank you cards.

photo: Small gifts for guests at a spring wedding

What to wear to a spring wedding: newlyweds’ outfits

Spring is a rather unpredictable time of year: today the sun is shining, and tomorrow it’s raining, so take full responsibility when choosing an outfit. An original option would be a transformable dress with a double skirt: at any time you can unfasten the upper long skirt and remain in a short dress. As for shoes, it is advisable to provide not only elegant shoes, but also ankle boots - it will be much more comfortable to walk in them, and it will be cool in March-April in light shoes. The color scheme is preferably light: from traditional white to pink, light green or beige. However, if you have always dreamed of a bright wedding dress, then you can make your desires come true: azure, purple, green, yellow, blue - all these colors may well become leading when choosing an outfit, but the groom should also be dressed accordingly: if The bride wears bright accents or eye-catching accessories on her dress; it is worth choosing a shirt or tie to match the color. It is advisable for the bride to have a muff or fur coat so as not to catch a cold on such an important day. A classic or stylized suit or coat is enough for the groom.

photo: Outfits of newlyweds at a spring wedding

“Spring” accessories will look very cool: hairpins or brooches in the shape of butterflies or birds, fresh flowers, delicate pearls. The bride’s hairstyle should also be natural: flowing or gathered curls and beautiful braids or braids in the “spring girl” style are popular. It will be great if the bride wears a wreath of the first wild flowers on her head - it will also become an excellent accessory for a photo shoot. But the traditional veil can be replaced with a tiara, veil, hat and other accessories. Refuse the abundance of sparkles or rhinestones; make-up is also preferable to natural, in warm colors. It is worth remembering that spring is the time when the skin looks dull and pale (due to a lack of vitamins and sunlight), so we advise you to get a good night's sleep, eat right and walk a lot before the wedding. You can take an elegant transparent umbrella with lace inserts - if necessary, it will protect you from the rain and at the same time become an interesting detail for a photo shoot.

"Spring" bridal bouquet

Don’t be afraid of non-standard solutions when choosing a “spring” bouquet: it’s time to move away from the boring floral arrangements of roses and turn to bright and original combinations. Lilac, lily of the valley, hyacinth, iris, daffodil, tulip, chamomile, crocus, calla lilies are very popular. You can generously dilute them with greenery or themed decor. You can stick not only to spring motifs, but also add chic orchids, roses, chrysanthemums, peonies and other lush flowers to simple inflorescences. If you want to experiment, make up not only a bright bouquet, but also ask the florist to give it an unusual shape: a glamelia bouquet, a cascade or a ball will do just fine.

photo: Bridal bouquet and boutonniere at a spring wedding

Needless to say, the groom’s boutonniere should be made in a similar style and from the same plants?

Bridesmaids' Dresses

If the bride chose a traditional white dress (perhaps with bright accents), then the bridesmaids can be dressed in simple dresses in soft tones. Beige, soft pink, light green, blue, pale yellow - these are universal colors that will suit a celebration of almost any theme. An exception is if your wedding will be in a certain color, here you need to proceed from the style.

photo: Bridesmaids' dresses at a spring wedding

If your wedding dress is bright, the bridesmaids should be dressed in contrasting outfits: you can add some “zest” with bright shoes, jewelry, belts or bouquets. The groom's friends can be invited to wear matching bright ties or shirts.

Decorating a banquet hall for a spring wedding

Is it possible to imagine a “spring” hall without flowers? - it is with the help of greenery and floral compositions that you can create a spring mood. You can decorate windows, the newlyweds’ arch, doors with greenery, and place baskets and bouquets on tables. Peonies, daffodils, tulips, lilies of the valley, gerberas, hyacinths, sweet peas and other flowers are suitable for this. You can also arrange flowering branches of apple, lilac, cherry or bird cherry in beautiful vases. Potted flowers are suitable for an eco-wedding; by the way, you can combine floral arrangements with fruits or berries: combine peonies or tulips with branches of viburnum or rose hips - and the composition will take on a special flavor.

photo: Decorating a banquet hall for a spring wedding

For a country or English style wedding, you can use flowers in wicker baskets or wooden boxes; don’t be afraid to experiment with colors and textures!

Even cards for guests can be designed in an original way: prepare seedlings of flowers or green grass (for example, oats) and attach cards with the names of the guests to the plants. Use any seasonal flowers, be it lilacs or dandelions - each of them has its own charm!

For a vintage or classic celebration, lace decorations, elegant porcelain, floral print tablecloths are suitable, you can hang black and white photos of the newlyweds on the walls and arrange pastorals in vintage frames. At modern weddings, you are not limited in decor: it can be ribbons, draperies, balloons, glitter, floor vases and much more.

Think over the menu: unfortunately, spring cannot boast of an abundance of vegetables and fruits, and they are not cheap in stores. In addition, if the celebration falls during Lent, it is worth considering that some of the guests may adhere to it, so there should also be Lenten dishes on the table. Chilled soups, meat with vegetables, light snacks, canapés, chilled drinks, fluffy sweets - even gourmands will not refuse this!

And finally, the culmination of the celebration is the cake. Even a simple cake with white icing can be elegantly decorated: with fresh berries, flowering branches of mastic trees, sugar flowers, birds, butterflies. It is advisable that the pattern and color palette of the confectionery masterpiece match the theme of your wedding!

Spring wedding photo shoot

A spring photo shoot can be unique, the main thing is to use the gifts of nature correctly. This is a symbol that your love blossoms with nature! Let some photos be taken against the backdrop of city streets and deserted pavements, and most of the photos will be taken outdoors under the spring blue sky. The spring ice drift on the river will be an unusual backdrop; you can get a little creative and organize a photo session with a touch of humor: put on rubber boots for a while and walk around the surrounding area, feeling one with nature.

photo: Wedding photo shoot in spring against the backdrop of blooming gardens

If the trees have already bloomed: choose the most beautiful of them - it will become an incomparable background. Excellent pictures are taken in the spring forest, near the lake. No opportunity? - go to the botanical garden, an old manor, and even to the football field! There will definitely be green grass there! As props, you can take an elegant umbrella, beautiful personalized cups (don’t forget a thermos with hot tea - such photos seem very gentle and family-like), weave a wreath of wildflowers, grab a warm, cozy blanket. Improvise, make your wishes come true and your spring wedding will be an unforgettable event and an exciting adventure!

A wedding celebration in the spring is different from a holiday at other times of the year. A spring-style wedding is about awakening nature, reviving plants and the gentle sun. What styles can harmoniously incorporate spring charm and wedding fashion trends?

Rustic – village charm

A rustic wedding is distinguished by the predominance of natural fabrics, natural materials, flowers, everything that would be reminiscent of the village and nature. At first glance, what could be simpler than decorating a “rustic” wedding, but in fact, rusticism in the spring has a number of features that should be kept in mind.

  • The bride is dressed in a milky or ivory dress made from natural fabrics, possibly with lace. Hairstyle – loose curls, disheveled braids, no complex designs; decorating the head with a wreath in the style of a bride’s bouquet, for example, made of peonies or sunflowers, is encouraged. The groom wears a linen suit in brown, olive or gray, possibly without a jacket.
  • The place of celebration is a country house, hangar or cottage.
  • The wedding decoration includes a lot of fresh flowers in vases, pots or buckets; garlands will add romance and support the main style of the celebration. The furniture is simple, wooden, tablecloths and textiles made of linen or cotton, candles, fruit and flower arrangements on the tables.

  • The cake should be simple but delicious. Today, newlyweds increasingly prefer a cake with visible layers, decorated with live plants, flowers or berries on a stand in the form of a cut tree.

Celebration in Provence style

Provence is also a village style, but a French village, which is permeated with the aromas of the Mediterranean Sea and blooming lavender, where aristocracy, mixed with simplicity, gives a unique and inimitable flavor.

  • The celebration is held outdoors or a spacious banquet hall is chosen.

  • Colors for decoration and outfits of newlyweds: milky, gray, lilac, lavender, beige.
  • Lavender is everywhere: on the table, in invitations, in a bouquet, wreath, boutonniere.

  • The bride is dressed in a long dress of a simple cut with a minimum of decor and lace. Shoes and accessories are selected in the colors of the holiday. The makeup is subtle, the hairstyle is simple or looks simple.

  • The furniture chosen is aged, wooden. Textiles made of linen and cotton. No luxury, everything is simple and tasteful.

  • The menu welcomes dishes of French cuisine (not haute cuisine, but provincial), using herbs characteristic of the region. Cheeses and baguettes are welcome, you can even make a separate cheese table with different types of cheese, bread, fruit, grapes, honey and wine.

  • For the cake, it is preferable to use honey and milk. You can decorate the dessert with lavender fondant or decorate a snow-white cake with lavender sprigs.

Spring wedding in Japanese style

For a spring-style wedding, a suitable idea would be the main element of which would be cherry blossoms and the culture of the mysterious East. Cherries begin to bloom in March and are truly a symbol of spring.

  • The bride's dress is light with a wide red belt in Japanese style or a white kimono. Makeup with characteristic pale skin, arrows on the eyes and bright red lipstick. The hairstyle is high, complex, complemented by chopsticks and other decorations. To resemble graceful Japanese women, the newlywed can hold a light parasol in her hands; this element is also used in decor.
  • A classic suit is suitable for the groom; if you want, you can add details that are in harmony with the bride’s outfit.
  • The program of the celebration can include a competition for the best origami, this will emphasize the overall theme.

  • The celebration menu includes sushi and sashimi, tempura fruit and sake.

  • The hall can be decorated with sakura branches, drawn or made from paper and other materials. The hall is also decorated with large colored balls or paper lanterns.

  • Party invitations are the calling card of a future family. They are decorated in red or with the addition of it; invitations can also be decorated with hieroglyphs and branches of cherry blossoms, as in the photo.

Eco style – harmony and naturalness

An eco wedding resembles a holiday in a rustic style, but has its own unique characteristics.

  • The palette of the celebration is exclusively natural and found in nature; these are calm yellow, blue and green shades.
  • It is better to hold an eco-friendly wedding in nature, but do not forget about the unstable spring climate and protect yourself from unpleasant surprises in the form of rain.
  • In a motorcade, it is better to abandon cars and give preference to a carriage or horse-drawn cart.
  • Metal, plastic and glass should be avoided in decoration.
  • The textiles are linen, and there are baskets of fruit, bread and sweets on the tables.
  • It is appropriate to make invitations using craft paper, twine, and dried wildflowers.

In April, nature begins to gradually warm up after a long period of cold weather, the first flowers appear, and birds return from the south. In such a romantic atmosphere, many couples are thinking about celebrating their own occasion. A wedding in April turns out to be very beautiful.

From a practicality point of view, this is one of the best options, since the organization will require lower financial costs, but not everyone considers a wedding in April a good decision.

When choosing this month for a wedding, future newlyweds will need to think through everything down to the smallest detail - the place of celebration, decor, outfits and much more.

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Signs and features

April is already a warm month, but not the most popular for weddings. Since there will be no long lines at the registry office, marriage can be concluded almost any day. Most banquet halls are already empty after the winter and first spring holidays, so you won’t have to choose from the remaining options. , videographers, hairdressers and makeup artists will cost less since the official wedding season has not yet begun.

At the same time, popular signs do not greatly approve of April weddings. A wedding in the spring is generally considered not a very good decision, since people used to believe that such a family would be weak and unhappy. A marriage concluded in April is identified with the fickle weather of this month - it is believed that the family will face a changeable fate. Signs promise a rapid fading of feelings and the appearance of cold alienation between lovers.

Lucky days

If the future newlyweds are not too concerned, then they can safely schedule a wedding: successful days for weddings in April for non-superstitious people are from 1 to 31. You just need to think through several options for celebrating in advance in case the weather lets you down. If we talk about astrological signs, then favorable days for a wedding in April 2019 will be as follows:

  • 20 April. The family will be harmonious, with common interests and views on life; a lot of travel and fun events are expected. Love will be supported by wisdom and inner peace.
  • April 27. Romance and warm feelings will multiply every year. Respect for each other's values ​​will make the couple strong and sensitive. The day is also favorable for weddings.
  • April 29. For couples who enter into an alliance on this day, the main things in the relationship will be sincerity and mutual understanding. Mutual care for each other and a strong psychological connection will distinguish spouses from the rest.

Which days in April are favorable for weddings? Suitable dates are the 17th, 21st, 22nd and 28th. You should not plan a wedding on the 2nd, 4th, 5th, 11th, 12th and 15th days of the month, and the worst option, according to astrologers, is the 7th. A wedding on the first of April is an option for the brave and original.

Original ideas

Almost everyone in April means a banquet in the hall of a restaurant, cafe or hotel, since changeable weather most likely will not allow you to have a banquet outdoors. An alternative option is to celebrate in a country house; if desired, you can place tables for a banquet and an arch for an outdoor ceremony in its courtyard, and if it is cold or rainy, you can always go indoors.

Wedding planner

Since the weather may not be too warm, a dress for a wedding in April can be complemented with a cape or bolero. In case of rain, it is advisable to stock up on an umbrella so as not to spoil your hair and outfit.

Elena Sokolova


If desired, you can make a wedding arch from balloons or fresh or artificial flowers.


When decorating a banquet hall, you should preferably use light and pastel shades. It is advisable to cover the tables with snow-white tablecloths without patterns, and the chairs can be left in their natural form or covered with covers.

Attention! You can make accents in the decor in the form of bright colors - yellow, red or cold shades, for example, blue or purple.

It is better to choose elegant dishes - porcelain, glass or crystal. Each table can be decorated with a bouquet of April flowers, and the cutlery can be tied with a ribbon, attaching a delicate bud. To make the banquet hall look festive, it can be decorated with garlands of live or artificial plants. The buds can be either open or closed, but the shade must be maintained in accordance with the overall design palette.

You can further decorate with a single-color garland under the tablecloth and large vases with seasonal flowers. If pastel shades are chosen for the decoration of the hall, vintage candlesticks with burning candles are suitable for decoration.

A wedding photo shoot in April does not involve many options. If buds or even flowers have already appeared on the trees, you can take photographs in a city park or garden. If April is early and is not particularly pleasing with a riot of colors, a photo session can be organized in the forest against the backdrop of just awakening nature. The newlyweds will look interesting against the backdrop of a field with the first blooming flowers.

What to wear

Let's figure out what to wear to a wedding in April. The bride should try to choose an outfit that will be associated with spring - delicate, light, made of flowing fabrics. Ballroom or A-line dresses are suitable, and if the celebration promises to be large-scale, then the girl can choose an elegant one that is tight-fitting at the top and widens from the knees or mid-calf.

You can also choose a loose-fitting outfit if the holiday is planned in a small circle of friends and family. The color of a wedding in April can be classic white or a pastel palette of pink or gold. You should not buy bright wedding dresses in green, red, yellow or orange. As for shoes, it is advisable to buy two options - ankle boots or ankle boots for a walk and photo shoot, shoes for a banquet hall.

The bride's hairstyle can be either natural and slightly careless, or elegant and complexly styled. The choice will depend on the style of the dress and the image of the bride as a whole. It is better to keep your makeup natural – pastel eyelids and not too bright lips. The manicure can be plain or decorated with floral patterns.

A bouquet for an April wedding can be made not only from classic flowers - roses, calla lilies, lilies and orchids, but also using seasonal wild plants. A delicate composition can be made from snowdrops, a bright one from daffodils, hyacinths or crocuses. This bouquet does not need to be further decorated; just tie the stems with a ribbon of a suitable shade.

At an April wedding, the groom can move away from the classic black color of the suit, replacing it with beige, brown, gray, blue, smoky or white. The shirt should match the bride's dress, but a bright accent can be made in the form of a tie. should be composed of the same plants as the bouquet of the future wife.

What to wear to a wedding in April? Guests can dress according to their preferences. Long or short dresses in pastel or some bright colors are suitable for girls. Bridesmaids can wear boutonnieres of seasonal flowers on their wrists. Men can dress in both classic black suits and casual style in light shades.

Memorable script

To make the celebration memorable, future newlyweds can invite a professional host to it, who will draw up a suitable script and select fun competitions. If desired, the bride and groom can do this themselves, and entrust the conduct of the celebration to someone close to them.

The lovers spend the last night before the wedding in different places. In the morning, the groom, along with his guests, goes to ransom the bride, and then the whole procession goes to the place of official registration, for a photo session and to the banquet hall. At a wedding in April, it is advisable to include more romantic and gentle music so that guests can enjoy slow dancing. The celebration can be completed with a ceremonial fireworks display.

April is a controversial month for weddings. To make the holiday harmonious, future newlyweds need to think through all the details. The motorcade can be made up of any cars, but you need to decorate them with a large number of fresh and artificial flowers, you can use satin ribbons.

Attention! If possible, you can order retro cars that will look harmonious against the backdrop of the spring streets.

The menu should not be too heavy; it is better to serve more salads and appetizers, and only one main course, or maximum two. It is advisable to use more fruits, berries and vegetables in cooking, since after winter many people want fresh vitamins. The cake can be decorated with fondant in the form of plant motifs and butterflies.

Newlyweds who want to create a romantic atmosphere can invite a musical group to the celebration, which will perform live classical or modern music. It’s good if there is a piano in the banquet hall - its appearance and sounds will harmoniously fit into the overall ambience.

Newlyweds will not have to spend a lot of time and effort organizing an April wedding. They just need to communicate more with each other about the nuances of the organization, express any ideas and find compromises.

The exciting spring time is a great time to organize a beautiful wedding. And even if spring is early, cold and without greenery, you can still count on spectacular and original photographs.

Natural scenery in spring

Many photos of weddings in spring are attractive due to the competent use of bright and varied natural phenomena as the main elements of design and scenery. Moreover, you can use absolutely everything – even nasty drizzling rain, puddles, etc.
Early spring and drops, melting snow hint at the most successful option for a wedding photo shoot - azure, water - with fountains or pools, eco-weddings on the banks of reservoirs, floating banquet options. Slush and rain are ideal not only for photos with umbrellas (although their designs and implementations are also varied and interesting), but also even for ideas with shoes or bonbonnieres. Beautiful dresses in eco or rustic style will look charmingly cute and naive with bright rubber boots or multi-colored galoshes; you can even organize a themed wedding or a whole series of fun entertainments for guests on this theme.

Beautiful photos of weddings in the spring, when the first sprouts appear - young grass, buds on trees, the first flowers. This is exactly what can be used as a theme not only for a celebration, but also for a wedding photo shoot, even adding some symbolic meaning to it - the birth of something new, good, and strong. Young spring grass will perfectly decorate not only street photos, but also a festive table. Macro photographs of festively decorated places look great, where miniature balls of live grass are installed near the guests’ plates, in which there are stylized signs with the names of the participants in the celebration themselves. You can decorate desserts and a wedding cake with grass made of cream - depicting an idyll for a young couple on it.

Green spring wedding

Probably the best definition of a spring wedding ceremony would be “green.” Not only in the choice of color, but also in theme, in the very essence of spring as a wedding season. Spring allows you to choose a wide variety of decor and design options, and photo ideas for spring weddings amaze with their charm and unusualness.

Much, of course, will depend on weather conditions and the month of the celebration. Thus, early spring allows you to show originality and show the awakening of life, and its last months allow you to include a wide variety of plants and flowers in your wedding decoration, all the riot of nature that has already blossomed and blossomed.

May, for example, can be an excellent time for outdoor ceremonies and celebrations - at this time it is not so hot that being in the open sun would be painful, and it is no longer so cold that you limit yourself in outfits. Excellent photographs are obtained from weddings held in a botanical garden or on the shore of a lake, reservoir, on the outside areas of cafes covered with plants, in fields and flowering meadows, in forests.