Gloss paint: advantages and disadvantages, application to the surface and matting. Review of glossy cabinets and their features

When choosing paint for the ceiling, almost everyone chooses the “classic” option and covers the surface with plaster, getting a white matte surface. However, there are other options - for example, you can add beauty, chic and shine to your apartment by covering the ceilings with glossy paint. This option has many advantages.

Advantages of glossy paint

  • moisture resistance: thanks to this characteristic glossy paint will become excellent option for covering the ceiling in a room with high humidity, such as a bathroom;
  • easy to clean: since the gloss is resistant to moisture and chemical influences, you can wash off all dirt from the ceiling at any time using a regular damp cloth or sponge with detergent applied to it, so this paint is perfect for rooms with increased level pollution - for example, for the kitchen, where grease and soot constantly settle on the ceiling;
  • abrasion resistance: thanks to the high abrasion resistance of glossy paint, you can wash the ceiling as often as you want, and the coating will not be damaged during the cleaning process.

All these advantages make the glossy paint coating very durable. If it is applied correctly, such a ceiling will serve for a very long time. At the same time, glossy paint looks very impressive and attractive, and due to the fact that it can be washed, the coating will retain its appearance for many years.

Using glossy paint, you can visually expand the room - shine on the ceiling gives just such an effect. That's why this type coverings are perfect for small spaces. However, it can be successfully used in large rooms, which, thanks to the gloss, will seem even more spacious.

Note! It must be kept in mind that for visual increase Only light shades of paint are suitable for the room - they allow you to fill the room with air and light, making it visually larger than it actually is.

Use of black and others dark colors, on the contrary, leads to the fact that the room visually decreases in size.


However, this type of coating also has two significant disadvantages.

  1. Due to the fact that it has a pronounced shine, all irregularities and other flaws in the ceiling will be as noticeable as possible. This problem is further aggravated by the fact that light shades of glossy paint are usually used for ceilings. Therefore, it is imperative to carefully level the surface, bringing it to perfect condition, before applying the coloring composition. If your ceilings have various unevennesses, and you are not willing to spend money and time to eliminate them, glossy paint will not suit you. In this case, you can use matte coloring composition suitable shade, the use of which, on the contrary, will hide existing defects.
  2. A glossy ceiling is not suitable for every room, since the entire interior must be combined with it. Otherwise, the room will look tasteless. Very interesting option maybe painting with gloss not only the ceiling, but also the walls.

Types of glossy paint for ceilings

Comparative characteristics of the main types of glossy paint are given in the form of a table.

Table. Types of glossy paint.

Paint typeKey Features

Water-based emulsion is a time-tested option for ceiling coverings. It is diluted with water, and you can choose desired shade by mixing two or more different colors.

Acrylic, on the other hand, is a relatively new type of paint. However, he has already gained great popularity. The main advantages are the same as those of water-based emulsion.

Latex paint is non-toxic, durable and dries quickly. However, it is not very suitable for self-creation colors, as it does not mix well.

Water-based paints do not give up their positions, despite the emergence of many new materials. Perhaps they still remain the most popular painting compositions for ceilings. Water-based emulsions are environmentally friendly and can be used in any room, including children's rooms; they allow the ceiling surface to breathe and are inexpensive.

Acrylic fits perfectly on any type of surface and perfectly retains its pleasant and saturated color for a long time, without fading under the influence of sunlight and other adverse factors. At the same time, the stores offer a wide range of acrylic coloring compositions of any shades.

Latex paint is quite expensive, but it can be applied very thin layer. The coating will still be reliable and durable and will have a good appearance. Glossy latex paint has all the advantages of the paint compositions that were listed above - it is durable, easy to clean and has good abrasion resistance.

It is important! All of the listed types of painting compositions that can be used to cover the ceiling do not require the use of a solvent. Thanks to this, they do not have a sharp unpleasant odor, therefore, you can work with them in a confined space without constant access fresh air. If you use water-based, acrylic or latex paint, the work will not cause you any problems. big problems and will pass with maximum comfort.

How to choose ceiling paint

When choosing paint in a store, carefully read the information on the can. Here you will find information about consumption per 1 m² of surface, moisture resistance, abrasion resistance, and so on. If the store where you shop has a really good sales assistant, be sure to ask him for advice. In this case, you won’t have to wander for a long time among the rows of banks, looking for suitable option. However, sellers you can trust are very rare, so in any case, before purchasing, you should read the information on the packaging.

When choosing, pay attention to a few more important points.

  1. Buy paint that is designed for interior work- exists a large number of special compositions designed specifically for ceilings; you can also take paint intended for ceilings and walls.
  2. It is better to buy paint that corresponds not to TU, but to GOST - in this case, the likelihood of avoiding the purchase of a low-quality product will increase significantly.
  3. Despite the fact that water-based, acrylic or latex paint can be tinted yourself, it would be better to use a ready-made color or entrust the tinting process to store specialists.

Once you have chosen the appropriate paint composition, calculate how much you will need to cover the surface to be painted, taking into account the hiding power. In general, the consumption of glossy paint is very small - as a rule, in order to cover a ceiling with an area of ​​10-12 m², a liter jar is enough.

Semi-gloss ceiling paints

In addition to matte and glossy paints, there is also an intermediate option - semi-gloss. They have a moderate shine, but just like glossy ones, they are characterized by increased resistance to moisture, abrasion resistance and durability. The semi-gloss paint finish can also be washed with water or cleaning agents without fear of damaging it or reducing its service life.

However, it must be borne in mind that in all these parameters semi-gloss paints are inferior to glossy ones. At the same time, they do not so strongly emphasize the flaws existing on the surface, so they can become good option for rooms where the ceiling has minor defects. However, predict whether you can get good result, covering such a ceiling with semi-gloss is quite difficult. Therefore, in order to prevent repairs from turning into a lottery, it would be better to level the surface, bringing it to ideal condition - just as in the case of gloss painting. In this case, you don’t have to worry about the appearance of the ceiling after painting.

It is also worth noting that a semi-gloss ceiling does not look as bright and textured as a glossy one. Thanks to this, it can be used in many rooms where gloss simply does not fit into the interior.

DIY ceiling coating with glossy paint

The process of painting the ceiling is simple and complex at the same time. On the one hand, in order to cover the surface, you just need to prepare it and then apply the coloring composition in one or several layers - even a child can do this. But at the same time, you must know how to approach the matter correctly, do all the work without unnecessary haste and fuss, and strictly follow the technology in order to get the highest quality result.

Important! As noted above, glossy paint coating is durable, which is why you need to approach the process very carefully. In this case, you will get a ceiling that will serve you long years without causing any problems or questions.

Coating the ceiling with glossy paint takes place in 5 main stages. However, depending on the specific situation, there is a chance that some of them can be skipped without compromising the final result - it all depends on the condition of the coating.

Step 1. The first step is to completely clean the ceiling from old paint. But often it is not necessary to do this - if the surface itself is flat, and the old paint composition lies on it well, does not come off or peel, you can paint directly over it.

Step 2. The second step should be leveling the ceiling. This procedure should only be carried out if the surface has uneven surfaces. Keep in mind that light glossy paint, as mentioned above, will fully reveal all the flaws in the ceiling, making them as visible as possible to the eye. To get a truly beautiful ceiling, it is very important to make the surface perfectly flat before painting.

Step 3. Apply a primer to the cleaned and prepared surface, selected according to the type of paint you have chosen. If you are going to paint over the old coating, you do not need to do this - just sand and degrease the paint that is already on the ceiling to ensure good adhesion to the new paint composition.

Step 4. Apply paint around the perimeter of the ceiling using a small brush.

Step 5. After this, apply the paint composition over the entire area of ​​the ceiling using a brush, roller or spray gun. If you prefer to apply paint with a roller, you can use any roller - velor, polyamide, foam rubber or fur.

Important work points

It is better to start applying paint from the window, and then gradually move deeper into the room. To properly cover the ceiling, you may need from one to three layers, but in most cases two are sufficient. If you want to achieve a truly bright, effective and dazzling gloss, polish the surface after drying. This procedure can be carried out from time to time throughout the life of the coating.

Layers can be oriented in different ways during painting.

  1. You can place them crosswise - for example, if you applied the first along the room, then the second should be placed across. This option will allow you to get the most even coverage.
  2. The Finnish method provides that the paint is applied parallel to the window, that is, perpendicular to the direction of the rays.
  3. With the Swedish painting method, on the contrary, the composition is placed parallel to the rays of the sun that enter the room through the window.

Since a glossy paint composition reflects light well, it is worth paying attention to the issue of how to orient the layers, because this type of coating, unlike matte, actively interacts with the sun throughout its entire service life. This property must be used to the maximum to give the room the desired look.

Before applying the first layer of paint, do not forget to let the putty or other material that you used to level the ceiling dry thoroughly, and then thoroughly dry the previous one before applying each subsequent layer. Thanks to this, you can avoid the appearance of cracks, bubbles and other defects in the paint, which can greatly spoil the appearance of the surface. To the point where the paint will have to be removed and new applied.

Even if you have never used glossy paint to cover anything before and this is the first time you have thought about painting the ceiling with it, do not be afraid to choose this option. And if your ceilings are already smooth or you are willing to spend a little time and money to remove all the flaws, bringing the condition of their surface to ideal, then you can get an excellent result by putting gloss on them.

Any room with such a ceiling will truly be transformed: it will sparkle and shine, it will begin to seem larger and more spacious. If there is a window, the sun will play on the glossy paint, filling the room with additional light. Due to the fact that the glossy paint coating is also durable, moisture-resistant, abrasion-resistant and easy to clean, it will be an excellent ceiling finishing option that can breathe life into your interior. new life and delight you, your family members and guests at home for many years to come.

Video - How to perfectly paint a ceiling

Glossy shiny surfaces give the kitchen spectacular look, attracting the attention of lovers of luxury and glamor. Such facades have their advantages and disadvantages, which are worth familiarizing yourself with when deciding to choose them.

Advantages and disadvantages

Main advantages:

  • The kitchen is visually enlarged.
  • The room appears brighter due to the reflection of light from the facades.
  • Large selection of colors.
  • They even look aesthetically pleasing dark colors, which in a matte finish will seem rough and gloomy.
  • Glossy finishes are easy to clean.


  • The facades are not entirely practical - stains, stains, streaks, and fingerprints remain on them.
  • Sensitive to mechanical stress.
  • They require regular wiping to maintain their appearance - up to 2 times a day.
  • Care is carried out with specialized means, ordinary detergents unsuitable.

In addition to the general pros and cons, kitchens with glossy facades have features due to the material of manufacture:

  • The most practical and economical material is plastic (postforming). Resistant to household chemicals And high temperatures. The downside is that scratches and minor defects cannot be repaired.
  • PVC film – advantages, low price and easy to clean with household detergents. Cons: It can fade and peel under the influence of high humidity and temperature.
  • Painted facade, protected with a layer of varnish. Minor defects can be corrected, but chips can form if you are not careful. The cost is higher than in the previous two cases.

Glossy suspended ceilings in the kitchen with glossy facades of kitchen furniture are not appropriate. Walls should also be kept calm color tones, and make them matte.

It looks elegant when the upper shelves and cabinets are glossy and the lower ones are matte.

It is worth knowing that the most glossy furniture should not have catchy patterns or pronounced texture.

Matching Styles

Gloss can be present in any of the modern styles - modern, modern, etc. The only condition is that you should think through the shape of the set so that the gloss does not seem excessive.

Smooth shiny facades go well with natural materials– solid wood, a natural stone. Glass corners look elegant on glossy furniture.

Glossy and matte facades - comparison

Matte surfaces are less easily soiled and more practical. They are preferable if there are small children or animals in the house. The downside is that they are more difficult to clean, although they require less frequent cleaning than glossy ones. Many people believe that matte surfaces provide home comfort.

Gloss creates an atmosphere of gloss and modern technology. It's perfect for style. Glossy surfaces, although they require more frequent washing, but easier to clean. One of the advantages is that a glossy kitchen seems lighter and more spacious than a matte one.

Caring for a glossy kitchen

Caring for glossy facades requires a significant investment of time and effort. Washing and polishing surfaces is necessary for such a kitchen every day. Ideally after every cooking. Compliance with the rules of care will ensure a long service life of the headset and an ideal appearance.

During operation, it is advisable to avoid scratches and minor damage. Excessive humidity in the kitchen can lead to swelling of MDF and subsequent cracking or peeling of the coating.

Furniture should be positioned so that it is straight Sun rays do not fall on the glossy facade - this can lead to fading and loss of gloss.

Washing with ordinary household detergents, abrasive substances, and hard brushes is prohibited. The best solution is laundry soap or glass cleaner.

Liquid detergents labeled “for glossy surfaces” and dishwashing detergents are suitable.

When acrylic coatings It is worth remembering that washing them with a too damp cloth is contraindicated. Good for removing household dirt wet wipes. After washing, the surface should be polished with a soft microfiber cloth to remove stains and add shine.

For polishing, special pastes or wax are sometimes used, intended for glossy facades. Wax polishes act as antistatic agents. Without chemicals You can get by using a steam cleaner.

Advice! To minimize the time for care and cleaning, it is advisable to choose more light shades– since dark and rich colors are more easily soiled. It is preferable to choose large handles so that when opening cabinets, household members are less likely to touch the doors themselves.

Color solutions (real photos)

Modern glossy kitchens are characterized by a huge variety of colors. Each color creates its own mood and atmosphere.


White color visually expands the area, and the choice of a white glossy kitchen is ideal for. The color is good in everything style solutions- from baroque to minimalism and hi-tech, and can be combined with any other colors. Chrome details look great on a white background; it goes well with wood and glass.

The color is considered practical - although any stains are visible on it, it is easier to remove them immediately while they are fresh. Plus, fingerprints and water stains are less noticeable on a white background.


Black in a glossy version does not press as much as in matte, and leaves the room quite light. This kitchen will look elegant.

Black can be combined with any cheerful color - say, orange. This allows you to create interesting and bright interiors. The combination with metallic colors and chrome parts looks modern and technological.

To make your kitchen look stylish, don’t go overboard with black. And it is worth remembering that black has many shades - both warm and cold, and warm and cold shades do not look good within the same interior.


The beige color gives an atmosphere of calm and comfort. The character of the interior is determined by the chosen shade of beige - it can be coffee with milk, caramel, yellowish or gray-beige, etc.

Beige is ideal for the kitchen - it is warm and evokes appetizing associations. Monochrome interiors look good in this color; combinations are not uncommon. The most successful combinations are with brown of varying degrees of contrast, metallic gray, red, green, light blue or dark blue.


Red is an intense color: it can enliven the interior, but it is also oppressive and quickly tires if there is too much of it. It goes well with light colors– white, beige, gray.

Bright red color is associated with the kitchen in modern style. Calm shades - burgundy, cherry, terracotta can be present in a classic kitchen design or in a country style interior.


Green color creates a feeling of freshness, calm and tranquility, and soothes vision. The kitchen can be decorated cleanly green various shades(all shades of green can be combined with each other) or in combination with white, black, beige, gray, pink or purple, yellow or orange.

Light, color, brightness– these are the three key components in a photographer’s work Miles Aldridge(Miles Aldridge), who have been attracting so much attention in the fashion world for several years now. In the photographs, colorful scenes and images come to life, in which there is no greyness, gloom and despondency, only brilliance, an abundance of colors and an incredible atmosphere of magic reigning around. A stunning selection of photographs for glossy publications is an excellent example of this.

“I like to create the world around me anew, to bring into it beauty, brightness, shine, a sea of ​​colors and light. And even if it’s gray and gloomy, cold and windy outside, it's raining and thunder roars, but here, in my photographic works, there is no place for problems, sorrows and gray everyday life. Yellow, blue, green, red, gold, brighter and even brighter! This way and only this way, and no other way... I cannot allow fading and dullness in the photographs, I cannot allow models to be gray mice. That is why I strive for expressiveness in everything: makeup, clothes, hairstyles, emphasis on details, accessories, all this and much more allows me to create amazingly rich shots, similar to illustrations from books in which they come to life. magical worlds and fairy-tale-puppet images that are so attractive fashion houses and glossy magazines..."- says one of the most sought-after fashion photographers, Miles Aldridge.

Shocking photographer Brian Ziff She has been working in the world of the fashion industry for many years, so she knows better than anyone else what is necessary for a high-quality photo. He manages not only to create, thanks to catchy details such as colorful makeup, unusual hairstyles, decorations and jewelry that are unlikely to be useful in Everyday life, but for the implementation of the planned plot, they are quite suitable...

Oil painting knows three methods for mixing paints:

  • The physical mixing of two or more paints to produce a new color, which is subsequently applied to the canvas;
  • Translucent or completely transparent paint is applied to a dried layer of one paint on canvas to create a new color shade;
  • Close placement of brush strokes different colors for the illusion of creating a new color scheme.

Method of physically mixing two or more colors

To create the third paint, you can glaze 2 covering paints with each other. If there is a lighter paint, when mixing it with dark shade the following technology must be observed: mixing is permissible only with small strokes of dark light paint, on the contrary, nothing will work. If you mix clear paint with opaque paint, the result is a new opaque paint. Mixing two transparent paints results in the formation of a new variety of transparent paint.

It is worth noting the inevitable decrease in color purity and intensity of paint tones when using the method of physically mixing them. This circumstance can explain the weaker orange tint of the paint - a product of mixing red and yellow flowers with each other compared to the natural orange pigment. Moreover, the following pattern is noted - an increase in the number of colors involved in physical mixing leads to a more pronounced blurriness effect.

1) Mixing two cadmiums - red and pale yellow - leads to the formation of orange body color;

2) A mixture of pale cadmium yellow and quinacridone pink is responsible for the similar orange body paint;

3) Transparent orange paint can be obtained by mixing quinacridone (pink) and pigment yellow No. 128.

Paint application method

Glazing method

This overlay technique occurs when one transparent oil paint is applied to another. The process of glazing, aimed at applying transparent red paint to transparent yellow, results in orange, which will be very different from orange tint- the result of physical mixing of two colors.

Transparent cadmium yellow served as the basis for glazing with light-resistant pink paint.

In the photo there is a painting painted by.

Through stroke method

A special type of glazing performed using general rules surface coating of transparent or translucent paint, but with one difference - relaxed brush movements in the process of applying the top layer. At the same time, the influence of the lower layer on the overall visual image at the end of applying the surface layer is very large.

Translucent glaze is performed by applying light-resistant pink paint to cadmium yellow.

Adjacent Color Method

When brush strokes are applied very close to each other, two or more colors are combined, which, through an optical illusion, are able to create a third color of paint. If you place the human eye at a certain angle and at a given distance from the canvas, the illusion of orange arises due to the independent combination of colors of other paints.

Paints of the lower and upper tonal ranges

When it comes to expressing the saturation and degree of brightness of a color, the term “upper and lower tonal range” must be used. If shades and shadows are used in painting, we can confidently say that the lower tonal range predominates. This picture has a muted color scheme and the colors cannot be called bright. However, along with this, they can be distinguished by their subtlety of execution and grace. The upper tonal range can be characterized by a bright color range that has high degree color saturation.

Paints that belong to the upper tonal range do not mix with each other; they are applied in pure tones of secondary or primary colors. These colors are light, fresh and very bright. Strengthening the basic qualities of paints in the upper tonal range can be achieved by using certain effects. This could be a contrast of additional colors. Color contrast technology became widespread after Chevrel's discovery of the theory of light in the 19th century. Since then color contrasts- one of the parts of the process of creating an image (for more details, see the “Color” section). The use of these effects is most justified in oil painting; it allows the paints to acquire gloss and bright variety.

Using rich colors in painting

The upper color range of the last two centuries has expanded so much due to new saturated and rich shades that painting of the 20th and 21st centuries can simply dazzle and stimulate brain activity. The picture presented below in the figurative sources has very rich colors of costumes and bright shades lighting. All this is justified by the style of Latin American dance. The use of a modern digital monitor for viewing has increased the intensity and saturation color range many times. Thus, technological progress can improve what is already beautiful in itself.

Using rich and vibrant color

Usage oil paints is able to bring such qualities of paints to painting as color saturation and depth of shades. Oil-based paints can add brightness and a glossy look to the canvas. In this specific example the additional contrast between the red and green paint only enhances the effect.