Christmas decorations with your own hands: a New Year's workshop in your home. A master class with step-by-step photos of self-creation of an original Christmas tree toy. Necessary materials and tools for a master class on making Christmas toys for the New Year

In Russia, the New Year tree was not always decorated with glossy painted balls, tinsel and shimmering garlands. IN pre-revolutionary period the Christmas tree was set up in the house exclusively for the Nativity of Christ and decorated with purely symbolic things: apples - in honor of the triumph of Good over Evil, angels and candles - the embodiment of purity and lightness, six-pointed stars - in memory of Star of Bethlehem. Any unusual christmas toys were either transported from a distant "foreign" region, or created by tireless children's hands at home from improvised materials. And even in that difficult era, when mighty leaders suppressed any hint of the usual Christmas rituals, the Soviet people, devoted to customs, still passed their vintage toys to the Christmas tree from generation to generation, hoping for a speedy revival of the fairy-tale tradition. And so it happened...

Today the tree is almost the most important detail for the New Year. Modern stores of souvenir goods offer hundreds of typical and designer options for decorations for the green guest. The first - not everyone's taste, the second - not everyone can afford. Therefore, it is better to make balls, pendants and all kinds of figures on your own, as in the good old days of our beloved grandmothers. Such a do-it-yourself Christmas tree toy made of cotton wool, felt, paper, fabric or light bulbs will be completely authentic, conveying the features of the author and the traditions of the whole family. And also, according to our step-by-step instructions, the New Year's craft will become great option for a competition at school or in kindergarten.

How to make a Christmas tree surprise toy from colored paper in kindergarten

It is the kids who will most enjoy the first step-by-step instructions on how to make a Christmas tree surprise toy from colored paper in kindergarten. Unlike ordinary shiny ball, which does not conceal any secrets, our decoration for new year tree full pleasant surprises. At first, the finished toy will become a colorful addition to the Christmas tree entourage, and then it will turn into a kind of “kinder surprise” for the child. Therefore, we recommend preparing one copy for each fidget, so as not to leave anyone deprived.

Necessary materials for a Christmas tree surprise toy made of colored paper in a kindergarten

  • corrugated paper in different colors - 10 sheets
  • fast drying glue
  • scissors
  • round, square or rectangular souvenir (3-5 cm)
  • sweets, stickers, hairpins, small toys— 7 pcs.
  • decorative christmas elements

Step-by-step instructions for making a surprise toy for a Christmas tree in kindergarten

  1. First of all, prepare everything you need and conveniently lay it out in front of you on the table. color corrugated paper cut into strips 2 cm wide.

  2. Start forming a Christmas ball with the largest souvenir. Carefully wrap the little thing with ribbons of the same color, overlapping them. Try to create an even layer.

  3. At the first stages, the toy will not look like a ball, but this is not a problem. During the formation of the product, each subsequent layer will make its right contribution.

  4. Now attach a second surprise to the resulting bundle and wind another plain layer of corrugated paper.

  5. Attach the next item on the opposite side of the previous one so that the shape we need begins to slowly emerge.

  6. Pay attention to the outline of the toy. Apply another surprise to the flattest and most unexpressed barrel. Secure the tip of each ribbon with quick-drying glue so that the craft does not crumble ahead of time.

  7. Lastly, wrap the thinnest and most flexible gizmos on the toy. With their help, it will be easier to smooth out the bumps of the New Year's ball.

  8. Stretch the last layers well to create the effect of a continuous velvety coating. Make sure that the previous one does not show through from under the top color.

  9. On last step glue a loop on the product and decorate with a pattern of thin colored ribbons, beads, small New Year's decor.

  10. This is how you can quickly and easily make a surprise toy out of colored paper for a Christmas tree in kindergarten. It remains to wait festive matinee and admire the seething emotions of the children unfolding their unusual Christmas decorations.

The simplest do-it-yourself Christmas tree toy made of cotton wool in the garden using nuts and bright cardboard

Often, handmade works are distinguished by amazing craftsmanship and are equated with a work of art. And today, many young parents prefer to contribute to the New Year home decor just such original and completely unique details, using sophisticated master classes from popular portals. So here it is! Our next step-by-step instructions for making the simplest Christmas tree toy from cotton wool, nuts and bright cardboard are not among those, you can even handle it Small child in kindergarten.

Necessary materials for a simple Christmas tree toy in kindergarten from cotton wool, walnut, cardboard

  • thick red cardboard
  • flexible wire
  • walnuts
  • ordinary non-sterile cotton wool
  • PVA glue
  • scissors
  • artificial eyes for toys
  • red bead

Do-it-yourself step-by-step master class on a toy made of walnut, cotton wool and cardboard in kindergarten

  1. Cut out a small square from thick red cardboard (approx. 7x7 cm). Twist a small cone and fix the edge with glue. Thread a loop of their flexible thin wire into the narrow hole at the end. Trim the bottom of the shape. to form a stable cone.

  2. Wash the walnuts thoroughly with an old brush and detergent and dry with paper towels. "Put" the cone-cap on the nut, fix it with quick-drying glue.

  3. cover the bottom of the cap with a small amount of cotton wool, as shown in the figure below. Thus, it will turn out to make the hair of Santa Claus.

  4. Glue artificial eyes, a red nose bead and a fluffy cotton mustache on the front of the nut. Don't forget the good wizard's long beard. Without it, Santa Claus will not be as realistic.

  5. Hang the resulting product by the loop in a warm place so that the glue dries completely. After 3-4 hours, the simplest do-it-yourself Christmas tree toy made of cotton wool in the garden using nuts and bright cardboard will be completely ready to be moved to the New Year's tree.

Do-it-yourself unusual Christmas tree toy from improvised materials for a competition in kindergarten: a master class with a photo step by step

The right way to win New Year's competition in kindergarten - to make not one, but a whole collection of unusual Christmas toys from improvised materials with your own hands according to our step-by-step master class with a photo. It is so simple and fun that it draws you in. creative process Literally every member of the family. In addition, the production of a selection of unusual Christmas decorations from transparent balls easy to turn into a captivating photo shoot with an abundance of festive shiny attributes. Well, see how to make unusual Christmas decorations from scrap materials with your own hands for a competition in a kindergarten in a master class with a photo step by step.

Necessary materials for unusual Christmas toys from improvised materials for the kindergarten competition for the New Year 2018

  • transparent Christmas balls-blanks - 8 pcs.
  • dry white glitter
  • small decorative beads
  • small fluffy pom-poms
  • flickering "rain" on the Christmas tree
  • colored or tinted paper
  • corrugated paper pastel colors
  • colorful sequins
  • pearlescent paint (you can use nail polish)
  • decorative feathers for needlework in different colors
  • hole puncher
  • quick dry adhesive
  • scissors

Step-by-step instructions for making a small collection of unusual toys for the Christmas tree with your own hands for a competition in kindergarten

  1. Prepare bases for future toys - empty glass transparent balls. If you are engaged in creativity with children, give preference to plastic blanks. In the next steps, using a variety of materials at hand, you will create a whole basket of Christmas toys, bright and completely different from each other.

  2. Option 1. Remove the mount from the workpiece, pour 1 tbsp into the ball. white dry sequins and gently push 4-5 small decorative cones inside. Lock the cover back. The designer toy is ready!

  3. Option 2. Select small fluffy pompoms of different colors and sizes and fill a transparent ball to the top with them. Do not tamp the toy tightly, let the parts be loose. Attach the lid - the ball is ready!

  4. Option 3. Fill an empty blank with a small amount of thin, shiny rain to decorate the Christmas tree. Set the mount on the top and shake the toy. Flickering "rain" will stick to the walls of the ball and form an unusual bewitching pattern.

  5. Option 4. Cut multi-colored pastel-colored corrugated paper into strips 1 cm wide, 5-7 cm long. Tie several strips into one bouquet and carefully place it in an empty transparent blank with a knot up. Another Christmas toy is ready.

  6. Option 5. This time cut thick tinted paper into strips bright colors and make holes as thickly as possible with a regular office hole punch. Twist the resulting strips into loose spirals and fill the ball with them. Once inside, the elements will bloom a little and become more voluminous, thereby giving the finished Christmas tree toy an unusual stylish look.

  7. Option 6. Transparent base for a toy, thickly grease with glue without removing the mount from the top. Dump the ball in a bowl with multi-colored sparkles and let the toy dry thoroughly. Strain excess glitter back into the bowl.

  8. Option 7. For the penultimate option, we use mother's old, slightly dried mother-of-pearl nail polish. First, dilute the varnish with acetone and shake the tightly closed bottle well. Then pour some of the dissolved liquid into the transparent blank. Slowly tilt the ball in different directions so that the spreading varnish forms intricate patterns on inner surface Christmas toys.

  9. Option 8. The finishing touch in our collection of crafts is the easiest. It is enough to lower a pair of lush bright feathers into a transparent ball and close it tightly with the usual fastening.

  10. Collect all the toys in one decorative box, carefully lay on a pillow of lumps of perforated paper and take it to the competition in kindergarten. We assure you that such grandiose creativity will not go unnoticed.

Do-it-yourself vintage Christmas tree toy for a school competition - step by step instructions

Did you know that following modern step-by-step instructions, you can learn how to create with your own hands not only newfangled decorations for spruce, but also stunning vintage Christmas decorations of incredible beauty for school competitions, kindergarten exhibitions and gifts for loved ones. If you haven’t experienced such an activity before, be sure to experiment next weekend.

Necessary materials for DIY vintage Christmas tree decorations for the school talent contest

  • thin oval cuts of wooden branches (6x3 cm)
  • acrylic primer
  • decoupage glue
  • decoupage card or napkins with vintage motif
  • construction stapler
  • jute cord
  • glossy varnish
  • scissors

Step-by-step instructions for making an unusual vintage Christmas toy to school for the New Year's competition

  1. The workpiece - a wooden saw cut - is thoroughly covered with a primer and let it dry completely.

  2. Choose from a decoupage card or on a thin napkin a motif that is suitable in size and carefully cut it out, departing from the contours of 3-4 mi.

  3. Attach the cut (or torn) parts to the front side of the cuts and coat with decoupage glue. If there is none, dilute the PVA in half with clean water.

  4. When the glue is completely dry, cover the image with a transparent glossy varnish.

  5. From a thin jute cord, make small loops and fasten them to wrong side saw off with a large technical stapler. That's all: a do-it-yourself vintage Christmas tree toy for a school competition (according to our step-by-step instructions) is fully completed!

Christmas tree toy "Dog", "Herringbone", "Snowflake" do-it-yourself from salt dough

Salt dough is one of the most primitive and budget materials to create interesting Christmas decorations with your own hands (dogs, snowflakes, hearts, diamonds, cones, etc.). With such a non-capricious and pliable substance, both a schoolboy and a kindergartner can easily cope under the strict guidance of a mother. And with a little New Year's inspiration and childish spontaneity, you can create real works of art from small homegrown creators.

Necessary materials for Christmas decorations "Dog", "Snowflake", "Heart" from salt dough at home

  • flour -200 g
  • fine salt -200 g
  • cold water - 125 ml
  • molds "Dog", "Snowflake", "Heart", etc.
  • different textures for prints (leaves, feathers, buttons)
  • cocktail tube
  • thin jute cord
  • gouache paints (optional)

Do-it-yourself step-by-step master class on Christmas decorations from salt dough at home

  1. Mix all the prepared ingredients for a dense salty dough. sweep the mass until completely homogeneous and roll out on a flat surface with a thin layer.

  2. Using various improvised materials (coins, buttons, dried flowers or spruce twigs), leave neat prints on the dough layer. Cut out with molds right amount figurines. Even the smallest helper will cope with this task.

  3. Departing from the upper border of the figure 5-10 mm, leave a small through hole plastic cocktail tube.

  4. Dry the decorations in the oven at 130C on a sheet of clean parchment. When the figures are completely hardened, cool and paint them as needed. Most often, these toys are left in their natural color.

  5. Pass the jute laces through the holes and tie the loops. Hang ready-made Christmas decorations - "Dog", "Christmas Tree", "Snowflake" - with your own hands from salt dough on a festive tree or decorate or decorate boxes with gifts for guests.

How to make a Christmas tree toy with your own hands at home for a child at a labor lesson: a master class with video

With a wild imagination and a huge number of decorative elements (beads, rhinestones, bows, artificial snowflakes, wooden and metal charms, ribbons, ribbons, etc.), it is easy to turn primitive things into amazing jewelry for the Christmas tree. But what about those whose imagination and material resources are conditionally limited? How to make a Christmas tree toy with your own hands at home for a child for a labor lesson (according to a master class with a video) with only three primitive components in a box?

Yes, very easy! Sometimes a combination of the most simple materials- cardboard, twine and bright rhinestones - can surprise with an unexpected result. See for yourself - watch a detailed video with a master class on making a Christmas tree toy for a do-it-yourself labor lesson at home.

How to make a Christmas tree toy from threads and a ball using beads and ribbons

The New Year somehow completely imperceptibly immerses not only children, but also adults into a winter fairy tale. And those, imbued with charming festive atmosphere, are taken to create bright and colorful decorations and souvenirs for the New Year 2018 with their own hands. Someone is trying to remake a whole pile greeting cards. And someone is interested in how to make a Christmas tree toy from threads and a ball using beads and ribbons. In general, to each his own!

Necessary materials for a Christmas tree toy from a ball and threads, beads, twisted lace

  • round foam base
  • thread with beads
  • twisted cord or thick smooth yarn
  • thin satin ribbon
  • glue gun
  • small carnation
  • scissors

Step-by-step instructions on how to make a Christmas tree toy from a foam ball, niton, beads, cord and braid

  1. Make a small indentation in the foam ball. Fold a 15 cm long satin ribbon in half, and attach the ends with a thin carnation in the previously made recess. Fix the result with hot silicone from a glue gun.

  2. Around the resulting loop, begin to fasten the thread with beads and thick yarn (or twisted cord) in turns.

  3. Lubricate with hot silicone small plot. Then fasten the decor and press it gently with your hand until it sticks. Glue the next turn in the same way, etc.

  4. Try to choose the colors of decorative elements in such a way that they emphasize each other, but do not distort. The optimal result is the winter-New Year gamma: blue-blue, red-green, white-gold, etc.

  5. Firmly fasten the ends of the thread with beads and the cord at the lowest point on the bottom of the ball. Cut off the excess with sharp scissors.

  6. In the same way, you can make a Christmas tree toy from threads and a ball using beads and ribbons, but in a different form. For example, oval, cone-shaped or heart-shaped.

The New Year is getting closer, and for those who know how to do DIY Christmas toys, it's time for fruitful work. Making toys is a tradition that arose at a time when mass production of Christmas tree decorations had not yet been established. Today, there are plenty of factory-made toys in stores, but the tradition of making them yourself has not disappeared. The explanation is simple - handmade jewelry and toys give off a special warmth, they look homely and cozy. A nice bonus - you can be proud that a toy made by yourself exists in a single copy.

How to make Christmas toys with your own hands?

New Year's outfits for the green beauty during the existence of the tradition of decorating the Christmas tree have undergone changes many times. In stores, you can still buy standard decorations - glass balls of various colors and sizes, stars reminiscent of the Soviet past, glass cones, fruits and other traditional items. And you can also bring to Christmas and new year holidays an element of creativity, and try to make New Year's toys for 2017 with your own hands.

DIY Christmas toys from improvised materials

The choice for work is almost limitless - any material at hand can be used. Christmas tree toys are sometimes made from the most unexpected materials. Is in New Year's creativity and their "leaders" - materials that are used most often:

  • Wood, plywood;
  • Paper;
  • Beads;
  • Felt;
  • Textile;
  • Beads;
  • Natural materials - branches, vines, cones, etc.

Salt dough Christmas decorations

Do-it-yourself Christmas toys for the New Year 2017 can even be made from flour. One of the simplest and most inexpensive materials for making Christmas toys is salty dough. There is flour in every home, the process is interesting (especially for children), the result is quite worthy replacement ceramic and glass toys.

For work you will need:

  • Wheat flour;
  • Water;
  • Salt (fine);
  • Paints;
  • Lacquer (optional)
  • Leg-split;
  • Oil;
  • PVA glue.

Important! To give the dough plasticity, you can add a little baby oil (can be replaced with vegetable, olive oil).

Dissolve salt in warm water, add flour, knead the dough. To get a variety of figures, you can use the forms for the test. The lack of forms is not a problem; figures from salt dough can be sculpted by hand. To give texture, you can use anything - pencils, caps from plastic bottles, lace. Until the dough is dry, you need to make holes for the holder rope.

After drying (1-3 days, depending on the thickness of the product), the toy can be painted, applied with a pattern, pasted small photos and covered with acrylic varnish.

Christmas decorations from branches

Do-it-yourself Christmas toys are often made from improvised materials. A simple but effective way to decorate a Christmas tree or a house for the New Year is to make toys from natural materials - for example, from branches. To do stylish toy"Eco-style ball" will need wire and branches.

Life hack! Branches are best harvested in October or November, when they still contain enough moisture. Later harvested vines and branches may be brittle and unsuitable for making toys.

Make several (5-6) circles from the wire. From them, form the "skeleton" of the ball, fasten the circles together with hot-melt adhesive or wire. On top of the base, carefully wind branches or a vine of small diameter. In order for the branches to hold tightly, they can also be fixed with hot glue. IN finished ball easy to thread a ring of twine or ribbon. Stylish eco-ball is ready!

Toys for the New Year from beads

Spectacular New Year's toys with your own hands can be made from beads. It will not be easy for beginners to make massive or intricately shaped jewelry. But without any problems, you can make hearts, Christmas trees, stars. To make such a toy you will need wire and beads. First you need to string the beads on the wire, and then form desired shape tightly fastening the ends of the wire. Ribbons can be used for hanging.

New Year's toys from light bulbs

For those who are still puzzling over the question "How to make Christmas toys with your own hands?" Wonderful suitable option using items that previously had a utilitarian function. The New Year is coming soon, so do not rush to throw out the burnt out light bulbs. They make adorable Christmas decorations. A little imagination, and you won't have to be content with the usual glass balls.

Attention! For the first (background) layer, it is better to use spray paint. It is easier to apply, besides, such paint lays down even layer. It is much more difficult to create a uniform coating with a brush or sponge.

DIY Christmas toys made of paper

Paper is a versatile material, and Christmas decorations and decorations made from it are cheap, practical and simple. For starters, you can choose flat (not voluminous) decorations. It can be snowflakes, Christmas trees, other thematic figures.

Important! Do not take too thick paper or high-density cardboard: when cutting, the edges of these materials are “shaggy” and the product does not look neat.

Another affordable way is the use of paper for decoration already finished toys- for example, balls. Ordinary glass bowl will look much more original if you stick decorations cut out of paper on it. Or, for example, a small collage of photos.

More hard way- making toys using the origami technique. With the help of separate paper blocks, you can collect a variety of decorations - for example, a Christmas tree.

Even children can make New Year's toys out of paper with their own hands. Most of the patterns and patterns are simple, it will not be difficult for a child to cut a snowflake, a Christmas tree or a silhouette of a bird. And from individual paper figurines and silhouettes can be made Christmas garland to decorate a Christmas tree or room. To do this, you can use a ready-made scheme from the Internet or come up with a design yourself. Christmas garlands can be decorated with snowmen, balls, patterns, Christmas trees, animals.

From felt

Felt is a soft, rather dense felt. This material is perfect for making Christmas toys. It is easy to work with it - you do not need to process the edges, in the store you can buy felt of almost any color and shade. To make a stylish New Year's toy, just two or three colors of felt cuts are enough. For example, a combination of red and white, classic Christmas colors, is perfect for creating simple decorations. Not required to choose complex patterns, it is enough to cut out simplified silhouettes from paper. For example, these:

You can transfer the pattern to felt with chalk or a bar of soap. Then the figure of each type must be cut in two copies. Large do-it-yourself Christmas toys can also be made from felt, as it is sold in sheets of various formats.

Attention! Felt lends itself perfectly to cutting, but for work you need to choose sharp scissors. It is better to fasten the pattern on the fabric with pins to get a neat silhouette.

In the photo: DIY Christmas toys made of felt:

It is better to sew parts from felt contrasting threads- if the toy is red, then you can use white or beige threads. If the toy is white, the finish with red, green, brown threads will look harmonious.

And don't forget the buttons!

Small felt toys can be used both to decorate the Christmas tree and to make interior garlands. Bright ribbons, plain white clothesline, twine can be used as a basis.

Christmas trees, hearts and houses are traditional details of New Year's design. IN Lately become more and more popular toys in the form of animals associated with the New Year - deer and elk.

New Year's toys made of felt, made by hand, look bright and festive and without additional decor. If desired, you can give them additional color by decorating them with buttons, sequins, ribbons, or, for example, embroidery.

The advantage of a homemade garland is that it can be made taking into account the size and color scheme of the room that needs to be decorated. In order to make a garland is not needed sewing machine- Felt pieces are sewn by hand.

Due to the suppleness and softness of the material, it takes very little time to make toys - about half an hour for each. If there is a need to make the toy voluminous, it is stuffed with cotton wool or holofiber.

Important! For stuffing, you can use both cotton wool and holofiber, but you need to take into account that when washing the cotton wool inside the toy goes astray, the product loses its shape. If you are going to use toys in the future, it is advisable to use holofiber for stuffing - it perfectly transfers moisture, the product does not lose its shape.

From fabric

To make a New Year's toy out of fabric with your own hands, it is not at all necessary to have sewing skills. For example, such a ball can be made using scraps of fabric. As a basis, an ordinary Christmas ball or a foam blank is used.

The fabric can be tightly wound on the base, or glued. To work with the fabric, you can use any glue available, but:

Important! PVA, when dried, can leave a yellowish mark on light fabric. Stationery glue will hold the fabric to the base, but since it is not designed to work with textiles, the product may not be durable. hot glue - a good option to work with fabric, but it must be applied as much as possible thin layer.

DIY Christmas toy Cockerel

The upcoming 2017 is the year of the Fire Rooster, so toys in the form of birds will be especially relevant. A do-it-yourself Christmas toy rooster is easy to do - just draw or copy the sketch you like from the Internet.

The easiest way is to make a rooster out of felt or paper. To do this, you need a piece of felt, a pattern, threads, scissors. The toy can be flat or voluminous. From dense felt, you can make parts for a garland, or toys - pendants.

For decoration, you can use beads, for the manufacture of a suspension - suede or waxed cord, twine.

There are many manufacturing options, and the approach of the New Year is the best way to inspire creativity. It is advisable to start preparing for this holiday in a good mood - toys made with positive attitude radiate a special warmth.

Do-it-yourself outdoor Christmas toys

If the area of ​​\u200b\u200byour house allows, you can make a variety of floor New Year's toys with your own hands. For example, make a snowman out of plastic cups, as shown in the photo, and put inside the LED garland. If there are kids in the house, finding sweets in the cavity of the cups will bring them real surprise.

You can also design cone-shaped outdoor Christmas toys with your own hands. It is necessary to make a base-cone from thick cardboard, and then arrange it in the form of a Christmas tree, a gnome, Santa Claus and other figures. Use colored paper. Cut decorations out of it and glue them to the base. You can also use foamiran, felt and other materials. You can make a cone-shaped frame from a bending strong wire, wrap it with green thread, and strengthen the LED garland in the middle - you get a Christmas tree.

Making Christmas toys with your own hands in large and small sizes

Making New Year's toys with your own hands using the most ordinary materials allows you to create the most unusual products that sometimes amaze not only with originality, but also with their size.

DIY mini Christmas toys

To decorate a small Christmas tree or a bouquet of spruce branches, we advise you to make mini Christmas toys with your own hands. The easiest way to make such decorations is from salt dough. Take 250 g of water, a glass of salt and 2 glasses of flour, knead the dough and start modeling. Can be formed volumetric figures or flat, having previously rolled out the dough in a thin layer. Sculpt whatever.

It can be snowflakes, Christmas trees, balls, snowmen. It will not be superfluous to make a small puppy - a symbol of the coming year. All these "semi-finished products" must be dried in the oven (5 - 6 hours on low heat) or 2 - 3 days on fresh air. Such New Year's toys with your own hands can be decorated, sprinkled with sparkles, pasted over with tinsel and other decorative elements.

Huge DIY Christmas toys

For the decoration of a private house are often used spectacular decorations that differ in their scale. It can be overall garlands and huge New Year's toys with your own hands: New Year's creatures, balls, bells. Such decorations can also be found on urban holiday events and fairs. A large do-it-yourself Christmas ball toy can be made from an ordinary gymnastic ball, you just need to decorate it and decorate the loop beautifully, disguising the handle with a satin ribbon with a bow.

A huge do-it-yourself New Year's toy "clock" can decorate not only the exterior of the house, but also the interior of a spacious room, if you install a flat design against the wall. They can be a great element of the corner for a photo shoot, and the arrows will remind you of the upcoming holiday. Such a clock can be made from plywood, and the mechanism may not be available at all, or you can get it along with an old clock at a flea market. Like all DIY Christmas toys, the clock should also be decorated. This can be done with multi-colored tinsel, the image of Santa Claus on the dial, artificial snow.

How to make Christmas toys with your own hands in different stylistic directions

The design has become quite fashionable New Year's interior in compliance with one or another stylistic orientation, on which the design of New Year's toys with their own hands largely depends. Let's consider some options.

Do-it-yourself New Year's toys in Provence style

Provence is the style of an old French village, characterized by comfort, warmth, natural materials, textiles and floral print. To make New Year's toys in the Provence style with your own hands, take old ball toys, wrap them in a bag of natural patterned fabric, make lace bows on top and decorate with beads. Great solution there will also be a variety of toys made of felt or decorated with decoupage technique with images of small flowers.

New Year's eco toys with their own hands

Eco style has become more and more popular over the years, as humanity has appreciated the priority natural materials. new year eco do-it-yourself toys can be made from wood, cones, branches and other natural material. For example, having collected acorn caps in an oak grove, you can paste them over a simple christmas ball. To make such a toy look spectacular, treat each hat with varnish, dip it in golden sparkles and glue it on. The addition will be a loop of gold braid.

Do-it-yourself vintage Christmas toys in retro style

You can make interesting New Year's toys with your own hands if you decorate them antique. To decorate the decor of New Year's toys with your own hands in antique style, you can use the decoupage technique. Paint the ball initially not white, but light brown paint to get the effect of antiquity. You can choose napkins with the image of angels, since the decoration of the Christmas tree was previously considered purely Christian tradition. Apply it with PVA glue and, after drying, open it with varnish. The toy can be decorated with a satin ribbon bow, beads or pebbles can be glued on.

Do-it-yourself vintage Christmas toys can be made from salt dough according to the recipe that we reviewed earlier in the article. When decorating them, you should not use bright unnatural colors, but it is better to choose muted ones. Scuffs on toys will be an ideal addition.

DIY Christmas toys in modern minimalism

minimalist direction in pure form, suggests the absence of unnecessary non-functional decorations, but on New Year's holidays you can make some exception. When decorating New Year's toys with your own hands in this style, you should choose one or two primary colors that will be present in the interior. It can be white with blue or yellow with red, etc.

The forms of toys should also not be full of variety. Make neat bows from satin ribbons, paint the balls in one color and hang it all on the Christmas tree in a checkerboard pattern. You will be convinced that even such a seemingly modest design will have a rather spectacular look.

Exists a large number of a variety of ways to make New Year's toys with your own hands, and in our article we tried to present some ideas for their design, and it's up to you to decide which technique to use. In any case, you will get an exclusive and original decoration.

Interesting ideas for creating Christmas toys with your own hands.

On the eve of everyone's favorite holiday, each of us wants to create wonderful toys that can decorate the forest beauty. There are many ideas and interesting options, which can be realized by creating a very warm, cozy atmosphere in the house and good mood. Let's take a closer look at all sorts of ideas and unusual ideas, because the time before New Year's fairy tale there is less and less every day.

DIY Christmas toys made of felt: patterns, master class

Needlework lovers offer many ideas for sewing Christmas tree decorations. For this you will need:

  • Pattern matching pattern
  • A variety of colors of felt, suitable for the pattern
  • Pencil, pen, ruler
  • Needle and thread
  • Scissors, glue, filler
  • Necessary materials for decor
  • Transfer the pattern cut out of paper to the fabric.
  • Carefully cut out all the details, sew, leave a small area and fill with cotton wool or padding polyester.
  • Then sew the rest, sew on the decor: nose, buttons, scarf, hat, gift box and stylish belt.
  • Toys are ready, do not forget to make a beautiful loop.

You can make such wonderful forest beauties or a warm and cozy house that are ideal for creating a festive mood. The technology is the same as described above.

felt toys

DIY felt toys

For decoration, you can use everything that fantasy suggests, experiment and get real pleasure from the process itself.

Patterns of Christmas tree toys made of fabric with your own hands

According to this pattern, you can sew a very beautiful snowman, which can be hung on a Christmas tree, or put under it. Your children will certainly appreciate this beauty.

For this snowman you will need:

  • thick white fabric and red for a hat with a scarf
  • small buttons or beads

The process itself does not take much time:

  • according to the pattern, cut out the body of the future snowman
  • fill it evenly with cotton
  • sew original buttons
  • separately cut the head
  • embroider your eyes and smile
  • then attach the nose
  • after all the main details are sewn, take care of the decor

Such a variety of toys can be made very quickly, from various color scheme fabrics, just show yourself. An original and very positive star will cheer you up.

fabric star

You can make it voluminous, it will look very unusual, and a heart or a Christmas tree will fit perfectly into a series of various Christmas decorations. The main thing is that you put all your heart and soul into it.

Do-it-yourself children's Christmas toys for kindergarten: photo

On the eve of the New Year holidays, each preschool children's institution organizes exhibitions of very interesting and original Christmas tree decorations. Now that there are many various materials and detailed descriptions, the child himself will be able to make such a craft with great pleasure.

Parents, of course, can help their baby in creating a real masterpiece and support him in everything. There are a huge number of different options, here are just a few of them.

Everyone in the house has a lot of buttons in shape and color, with their help you can create such very simple at first glance and unusual toys. The child will show his imagination and discover new abilities.

Christmas decorations from buttons

And using ordinary napkins with a New Year's pattern, you can create a real fairy tale. The main thing is that it is very exciting!

Napkin toys

Do-it-yourself New Year's cockerel toy: pattern

There is very little left before the end of the year. We all know that the coming year will be born under the sign fiery rooster. Of course, such a toy should hang on the New Year tree in every house.

It can be made from multi-colored scraps of fabric, plasticine, colored paper and cardboard, and even plastic bottles. In order for the toy to look, show your imagination and, most importantly, decide how it should look.

You can experiment by combining different materials, at the same time, do not forget about safety and make toys such that they do not ignite very quickly, and all the New Year holidays delight you with their beauty. Little hint:

  • make a torso out of fabric, filling it with cotton wool.
  • scallop and wings made of multi-colored plastic.
  • sew on buttons instead of eyes.
  • cut out paws from disposable plates.

Symbol of 2017

New Year's cockerel with a pattern

DIY toy

Beautiful Christmas tree balls with your own hands: photo

These very simple and beautiful balls can be made using a regular tennis ball, colored paper, beads and glue. Even small children can make them together with their parents:

  • Choose your favorite color in advance and make blanks for flowers or snowflakes.
  • Apply with glue to the surface of the ball and hold for 5 minutes.
  • After complete drying, attach the previously selected decor to the middle of each flower and make a neat loop.
  • You can also decorate a foam ball with a decorative cord mixed with small plastic beads.
  • Deepen the end of the cord into the inside of the ball and use glue to fix it at the base, then glue it in a spiral.
  • You can make a heart and decorate it beautifully with beads.

DIY Christmas balls

Tennis ball ball

Decorate with fabric

Thus, update old toys. It's very easy and fun. You can also make very original foam balls by decorating them with interesting buttons or colored pebbles.

DIY Christmas toys made of colored paper

You can make a lot out of paper interesting toys: snowflakes, garlands, various animals, angels, cones and so on. Everything is done very simply, the main thing is desire and imagination. For example, to make an angel, you need:

  • Cut out one large rectangle and two small ones.
  • Fold them like an accordion, attach the wings to a large square body.
  • Take wooden bead, draw eyes, nose, lips, eyebrows and attach using glue to the angel.
  • Optionally, you can add additional details that you want to emphasize.

Colored and white paper angel

DIY Christmas toy

  • Look at the picture and cut for yourself big snowflake made of paper, it will decorate not only the Christmas tree, but the whole house.

paper stars

DIY Christmas star

christmas star

  • To make a bump, you need to cut squares of the same size, in each of them bend two edges inward.
  • Then attach to a pre-prepared form.

Paper cone

Christmas paper toy

DIY Christmas toys made of cardboard

Such original jewelry can be done fairly quickly. For this you need:

  • take an ordinary postcard with a beautiful pattern.
  • cut it into even pieces.
  • fasten on both sides with a button.
  • and then spread evenly in the form of a ball and attach a loop of tape.

Cardboard toys

Cardboard Christmas toy

Openwork cardboard toy

To make such a miracle star you need:

  • cut a square of any size, fold it in half and diagonally.
  • then lightly make small cuts at the corners.
  • fold them into triangles and glue the two sides for volume.
  • make another star in the same way, and glue the two together without matching the direction of the rays.
  • can be decorated with sequins or small beads.

Christmas tree toy made of cardboard

openwork star

DIY Christmas decorations from improvised materials

In every home there is a huge amount of used materials from which you can make very unusual jewelry, which will amaze with its simplicity and practicality. It is interesting to make them with young children, developing their imagination and fine motor skills. Give your child a chance to express themselves.

There are a huge number of ideas, everyone can find their own option:

  • You can make funny toys out of peanuts by decorating them and drawing funny faces.

Christmas tree toy made of peanuts

  • From ordinary Pepsi or wine caps, you can make smiling snowmen that will cheer up all family members.

Lid toys

From wine bottles you can make a cute toy

  • Snowflakes made of cotton swabs or a spruce branch made of corrugated paper look very original.

Snowflakes from cotton swabs

DIY bright snowflake

Christmas tree toy made of threads

DIY Christmas decorations

Get inspired simple things and create!

Do-it-yourself Christmas toys on a large street Christmas tree

In order to make such beauty you need fantasy and inspiration. Each of these decorations will not take you much time, but it will please not only you, but also all the inhabitants of the city. When choosing a toy, the main thing is to be guided by three basic rules:

  • practicality
  • strength
  • originality

There are many options for a flight of fancy. Can be used:

  • packages
  • cups
  • baskets
  • gift boxes of different shapes and sizes
  • threads

Various materials for decoration:

  • rhinestones
  • sequins
  • rain
  • beads
  • beads

For example, to make a ball or a snowman from cups, you need to make a frame and then attach flower-shaped cups to it. For beauty, you can decorate with rain or sparkles.

Decoration for a big Christmas tree

Balls for a street Christmas tree

You can make wonderful toys from disks, just stick a variety of New Year's pictures on both sides of the carrier.

DIY Christmas toys from plastic bottles

Many of us did not even think that such beauty can be made from ordinary plastic bottles. The process is very exciting and interesting.

For balls, lamps and bells, you can take bottles of any color. They are very easy to make and don't take much time.

Shiny ribbons or beautiful stickers will make the finished product even more beautiful. Penguins look very funny, in the picture you can see detailed, step-by-step instructions on how to do it.

Santa Claus is simply incomparable, it doesn’t take much time to make it either. Take a plastic bottle, make a beard, eyebrows and a cap side with disposable small spoons, paint the torso with paint. You can decorate with rain if you like.

Funny plastic toys

Beautiful and original DIY Christmas toy for the competition

For such a miracle toy you will need:

  • A bundle of straw or cotton buds
  • piece of burlap
  • Thin wooden sticks and branches
  • Dry leaves, rose hips
  • Scissors, glue, knife and a small sponge

To start:

  • Make a ball or buy one ready-made from Styrofoam.
  • Put a napkin on top, slightly wrinkling it, and apply paint.
  • After complete drying, proceed to create a composition: a cozy home.
  • For the roof, use straw or cotton swabs, lay out doors, windows and fencing with thin wooden sticks.
  • For beauty, make a bouquet from branches and rose hips that will harmoniously fit near the house.
  • Lay a path with burlap and decorate on top.
  • At the end with gentle blue flowers make a background, and leave to dry completely.
  • You can add additional details if you wish.

DIY New Year's toys from cotton wool

To make a Snow Maiden out of cotton, for starters:

  • Make a wire frame.
  • Then gradually take the pre-prepared cotton wool desired color and make felt boots and mittens.
  • Next, for the torso, take some paper and glue it, put a layer of cotton wool on top of it for outerwear.
  • Now you can proceed to the head. It is better to make it from polystyrene foam and carefully paint it with paints.
  • But the hat and braid are best laid out of cotton wool. It will look very impressive and elegant.

Cotton wool maiden

  • For such a cute Christmas tree, a frame is not needed.
  • You can simply cut out the shape you like from cardboard, glue it with ordinary white cotton wool, and then paint it with acrylic paints.
  • If desired, you can decorate the Christmas tree with beads or also multi-colored balls and roll it in salt, which is used for baths.

DIY Christmas decorations from satin ribbons

Crafts from satin ribbons are very popular. Finished goods are very elegant and beautiful.

In order to make any decoration for the Christmas tree, you will need a certain number of ribbons, it all depends on the size and pattern. In order to make a forest beauty:

  • Cut out a small square, fold it horizontally (you get a triangle).
  • Then fold one end over again and secure with hot glue.
  • When you have made the desired number of such petals, attach them to the frame, reducing the number towards the top.
  • Decorate beautiful decor and can be gifted to friends and family. They will definitely appreciate such a wonderful gift.

Christmas tree from ribbons

Christmas tree from satin ribbon

To make a voluminous rose:

  • Take two wide satin ribbon different shades base color.
  • Begin to form the center of the flower, twisting into a spiral, and wrapping one edge to the right.
  • So for the ball you need six of these roses, which you then simply glue to a pre-prepared base.

Christmas ball from satin ribbons

Volumetric roses

DIY Christmas tree decorations from light bulbs

With burnt out light bulbs, you can make such bright toys, at one glance at which the mood immediately rises, and the hands themselves begin to make such beauty. For decor, you can use:

  • sequins
  • rhinestones
  • beads
  • shiny ribbons
  • toothpaste
  • acrylic paints
  • stickers
  • voluminous napkins with a beautiful pattern

Christmas decorations in sparkles

light bulb toys

Painted light bulb

You can create whole compositions, it looks gorgeous. Minimum financial costs, effort and energy. Children with great pleasure will be included in this process and will receive a sea of ​​emotions and pleasure.

DIY Christmas toys from salt dough

Children are very fond of making crafts from salt dough, you can dream up, and the process of preparing the dough itself is very exciting:

  • On a pre-selected pattern, apply the dough and place on certain time into the oven, when it is browned, you can pull it out.
  • When it cools down a bit, start decorating.
  • You can use cinnamon, lemon, coffee, or just decorate beautifully with paints.
  • You can simply make a palm print on a piece of dough, draw the face of Santa Claus and a wonderful Christmas tree toy is ready.

Dough toys

Edible toys

DIY figurines

New Year's attributes from the test

Do-it-yourself New Year's foam plastic toys

The easiest way to make an original toy. Cut a ball of the required size from the foam plastic or buy a ready-made one and decorate it as your soul desires. Nowadays, there are a huge number of beautiful in shape and color decorations that will make an ordinary, inconspicuous ball sparkling in the world and radiant.

Styrofoam decorated with beads

Styrofoam toy

A cute Santa Claus can be made in 15 minutes by simply sticking a drawing on the foam and circling it with a felt-tip pen. Color and decorate, and smiling Santa Claus will surely bring you happiness.

DIY Christmas tree toys made of threads

Prepare thread, glue and Balloons different form. A child can make such beauty if you explain and show him the essence of the process:

Snowman from threads in stages

New Year's toys from cones with their own hands

What is the New Year without cones and funny toys from them. There are very simple toys, where you just need to spread with glue and dip in sparkles and a sparkling cone is ready.

To make animals, you need to work a little longer:

  • Find suitable form bump, wooden ball, artificial hair and pretty ribbons.
  • It is not very difficult to do, it just takes a lot of time for all the details to dry, and you can hang it on the Christmas tree.

Or make a beautiful Santa Claus, additionally using plasticine for a hat, mustache and beard.

  • You can also print beautiful drawing and stick on the disc to emphasize, for example, snowdrifts or snow-white treetops, apply glue and sprinkle with semolina or salt, you can add glitter.

  • The disc looks very unusual in combination with the tubes, which are laid out in the shape of a polygon.

DIY Christmas decorations from pasta

Creating with pasta is an all-consuming process. For toys, you can choose a variety of types of pasta. Just lay out the drawing of the future snowflake, starting from the center.

New Year's figurines from pasta

Video: Master class: do-it-yourself Christmas toys

Good afternoon I hasten to please new year ideas toys, and those who have not yet made gifts for the New Year, I recommend not to delay this for a long time and choose them in this

Tell me, what do you prefer to give for the New Year? What about receiving? Probably everyone really likes to receive toys for the Christmas tree, and just different kind Agree, I remember when I published a post about crafts for upcoming holidays, so a lot of people sent me wishes and congratulations, so I also want to congratulate everyone on the upcoming!

Having written a previous note about New Year crafts, letters came to my mail with a request that I publish more options for what can be made from plasticine, I share with you my best practices.

Here she is a beauty!

Do you like to sculpt Christmas trees and snowmen? Then use this step-by-step instruction with a photo:

Where without Santa Claus, the kids just love to see him at the holiday, and even more so to sculpt crafts.

These are the compositions you can get.

If you want, you can even sculpt Peppa Pig and her brother George from a cartoon.

You can make a dog lying near the Christmas tree, let it bring warmth to your home and become a talisman.

Such an affectionate and sad puppy girl.

Or playful Tuzik, what do you choose?

I remember once upon a time I had to work in a kindergarten, you yourself understand that kindergartens are almost not funded, so at that time we made and decorated our group from what we could, in general from all sorts of things. It was ordinary foam or they took cheap ceiling tiles and this is what happened:

Agree, there seems to be nothing difficult, but it also looks original, with a twist.

A little more difficult, and time-consuming, are toys made from salt dough.

Beautiful felt toys for the Christmas tree

Now, as for felt, well, a lot of ideas can be created and found on the Internet.

Their patterns and patterns are quite simple, you can easily draw yourself.

Funny deer.

The Christmas tree is a forest beauty.

If you are interested in this Christmas tree, or such a bookmark for books in the form of a dog, then write to me below, I will send you templates and a diagram.

Snow Maiden from felt.

And how do you like such wonderful creatures, if you decorate a Christmas tree with them, there are diagrams in an enlarged form, they will soon appear in another note, or write to send.

By the way, I was so hooked on the topic of felt that I will soon write a separate article on this topic, so expect fans, add my blog to bookmarks and rejoice with me))). By the way, if you need crochet toys, then feel free to go here, there is a whole

Master class of paper crafts in the form of balls and lanterns

Who doesn't love Christmas tree balls? Probably everyone just loves them, let's make a simple option.

You will need colored or multi-colored paper, scissors and glue. You will need to cut out 20 circles of the same size from it. And then act according to this scheme, roll up as shown in these pictures.

Then, as shown, glue with good glue, it is better to take an erikrauzer or PVA.

There is another version of such a paper Christmas tree ball.

And I also give you the most popular type of balloon decorations, in this video everything is shown in great detail and clearly, you just have to repeat the necessary steps after the presenter:

And here is another super idea that you definitely haven’t seen before:

For school and kindergarten, I can offer such interesting flashlights that everyone probably knows and remembers.

And another masterpiece in the form of a garland, it's not that unimaginably beautiful. Watch this video from YouTube channel:

Paper toys for the New Year

The first place can rightfully be given to snowflakes of various types and in origami style and bulk options who needs all sorts of ideas and patterns, see snowflake schemes here

It is also easy to fold various figures from paper stripes.

We make Christmas decorations for the Christmas tree with our own hands from plastic bottles and light bulbs

A fairly common craft, a souvenir, and someone will even give such a treasure as a gift, I recommend doing it yourself at home. Just be careful if you are making crafts from a light bulb, after all, this is not for children's hands.

Made of plastic bottles will be safer and more durable.

Souvenirs from improvised materials

You can make crafts from wire and knitting threads.

As they say, an idea does not come alone, it pulls another.

From satin ribbons and beads, balls.

In just a couple of minutes, you can fashion a chic spruce out of cardboard. Cut out a Christmas tree shape from cardboard, use three templates, then drag it with threads.

Then glue the napkin on the glue, after drying, paint with gouache paint and decorate with beads.

Cool magic rope star.

Love to collect cones in the forest, then make such a gift.

It can also be made from foamiran.

Believe it or not, you can even make a souvenir out of oranges.

Using cotton pads you can make an angel

Video on how to make shibbeh chic toys

Well, I think you have not heard of this, so you can see this miracle more clearly in this video and repeat. It turns out indescribably beautiful, and most importantly, it is not particularly difficult, it resembles decoupage.

That's all for me, if you want more ideas, then look in. Have a great weekend everyone and see you soon. Bye bye!

Sincerely, Ekaterina Mantsurova