Crafts from wooden beads. DIY lavender beads

Wooden beads are suitable not only for large ethnic necklaces or slingobus. It is an excellent and eco-friendly craft material that can be used to make both home decor and cute jewelry. Wooden dolls, towel holders, key chains - everything turns out to be cute and cute, with a minimum of labor and money expended.

Try crafting with your child: the natural material and the smooth, rounded surface of the beads are a great option for children's creativity.

Eco-doll made of wooden beads

For this wooden doll, in addition to beads, you will also need colored yarn for making hairstyles, and a marker to draw a face. Assembling the doll is easy: just pull a durable cord through the beads, fastening it at the ends.

Towel holder

A handy item for the kitchen or bathroom. String the beads on a hoop of metal wire, and bring the ends as close as possible. Secure the loop with a strip of leather, thick cardboard, or a strong fabric. If desired, the beads of the holder can be painted.


A hair band with wooden balls at the ends is a cute and unfussy decoration. Pull the ends of the elastic tape 12-15 cm long into the holes of the beads, and secure by tying knots at the ends.

Keychain or phone

A cute accessory can be made in just a couple of minutes: just thread a piece of thin silk or leather cord through the holes of the beads. Choose beads of different lengths and shapes. Make a loop at the end and thread a metal key ring through it.

Boho style necklace

The weaving technique is extremely simple. But due to the different sizes of beads, you get a spectacular summer decoration that perfectly complements a floor-length skirt and woven sandals.

Making jewelry with your own hands is no longer a curiosity for anyone. Handwork is now back in price and many earn good money on it. But there are those who do it just for the soul, giving finished products to relatives for the holidays or periodically presenting their child with some new craft.
It is not at all difficult to make original ones with your own hands, both for a child and already for an adult fashionista. Material for these purposes, you can use any. This is polymer clay, from which even children can sculpt. As well as a tree, which can then be painted or felted on top of it from wool of the desired shape, beads or knitted beads that look very lively and fun on a homemade product.

Beads are also strung depending on the mood and type of beads, and also depending on whether rhinestones, pearls, bows and fabric flowers, and other materials are used in the craft. You can string beads on ribbons and on chains or ordinary ropes.

In this article I will give you an example of how you can easily turn ordinary colorless wooden beads into stylish and fashionable two-tone beads for real fashionistas.

Materials for decorating homemade - wooden beads:

  • Pliers
  • Special ribbon for creativity
  • Paints on wood
  • Chain
  • small golden beads
  • Wooden beads for homemade
  • Clasp

Step 1. The first step is to paint half of each wooden bead with dark blue paint. For really smooth and clean lines, you need to wrap the second part of each bead with a special handmade tape. Insert the bead wrapped with ribbon with your hands into the toothpick so that you can hold it vertically so it can dry quickly.

Step 2 After each ball has been wrapped with ribbon, insert them carefully into the dryer (sold in specialized stores for handicrafts). Or do as

Step 3 After 24 hours of drying, carefully remove the film and your beads are ready to be strung on a chain.

Step 4 Take your gold or gold-plated chain and with your own hands, one by one, starting with gold balls, string them onto the craft. There should be wooden beads (12 pieces), and gold balls (11 pieces).

Step 5 The last step: using pliers, attach the clasp to the chain with your own hands.

Step 6 Well, here are your two-tone beads and ready!

As you can see, it was not at all difficult, but in the end it turned out - a homemade product that is in no way inferior to designer products that not everyone can afford to buy.

If you like to do it yourself, then you will need various materials to get started. For example, to work with polymer clay, purchase the clay itself, a special knife, glue, varnish to cover homemade products, and paints.

Stock up on all kinds of rhinestones, gold and silver beads. As well as plastic, woolen, knitted beads or wool and knitting threads, to create such beads with your own hands. Good luck with your creative work!

Today, in the era of automation and mass production, handmade products are highly valued.

This may surprise those people for whom the words hande made are associated with socks knitted by a grandmother from a loose old sweater.

The production of clothing and jewelry, interior decor and gifts allows craftsmen to express their inner world and feel the magical creative flight. In addition, many beaded jewelry (you can create a real masterpiece with your own hands) become an excellent alternative to mass-produced factory jewelry.

What determines the price of materials

The reverse side of the development of technologies in the field of production can be considered a significant reduction in the cost of most goods. Huge factories, which include many workshops and production lines, can produce a large amount of products per unit of time. Its cost is reduced by reducing the time and cost of processing raw materials, manufacturing blanks and their assembly.

Natural beads today have very little value precisely because they have become much easier to produce. Escalators are used for mining, not shovels, pearls are grown in shellfish on special farms, and do not dive into the depths of the sea at the risk of life. Of course, there are also valuable stones that are relatively rare or have some unusual properties (malachite, ruby, diamond).

Bead crafts can be extremely cheap. This is especially true for those who choose plastic, wood or acrylic materials and buy them in a wholesale store.

If you want to create jewelry for an elegant or evening look (headdresses and flowers made of beads), craftswomen use glass materials, as well as elements coated with a layer of some precious metal (gold, silver, rhodium). Their value is also affected by their size, shape, cutting and polishing technology.

Types of beads

Most domestic needlework stores offer a fairly standard set of materials that craftswomen use to make jewelry from beads with their own hands. Popular ones include:

  1. Plastic and acrylic.
  2. Wooden.
  3. Glass.
  4. Ceramic.
  5. From natural stones.
  6. Metal.
  7. Textile.

Their size and shape are extremely diverse: round, square, rectangular, teardrop-shaped, flat, in the form of a ring or disk, and many others. Despite all the splendor of the selection, many bead crafts have a classic design. It involves the use of round or oblong elements of discreet colors.

Decorative materials made of polymers

Plastic beads are the most inexpensive, and their range is the most diverse. Here you can find small items, larger ones and very huge ones. Their advantage is a small weight and a wide range.

Plastic is often used to make imitations of wood and stone materials. This simple beaded jewelry is great for kids, teens or going to the beach. This material does not heat up as much in the sun as metal and does not burn the skin.

Glass beads

Glass is one of the most rewarding materials when it comes to making beads. It allows you to create elements of literally any shape and color.

The strength and durability of such beads is much higher than plastic ones. They do not rub, do not get dirty, do not peel off. True, beaded earrings can fall and break, but a fall can be “fatal” for almost all materials.

The easiest way to find glass elements is factory production, they can be monochrome or multi-colored. But there is such a technique as “lampworking”, the adherents of which make glass beads on their own. This is an amazing craftsmanship, the result of which are unique and inimitable decorative elements. The ability of the master to enclose some miniature object (flowers, other beads, golden drops) inside a glass bead is considered the pinnacle of art. This technique is not given to every performer.

As a rule, to make a necklace of handmade beads, just a few of these elements are enough. They are placed in the product, combined with simpler materials (glass or natural). If the craftswoman wants to get an interesting jewelry and at the same time save money, the best option would be to buy two identical elements to create earrings.

Natural beads: types and applications

Having set out to buy beads of natural origin, you can find that there are three types of decorative stones:

  • Whole.
  • Pressed.
  • Artificial.

The first ones were indeed mined from the bowels of the earth, cut and polished. This is the most expensive type of stones.

Pressed material is obtained by mixing fragments and dust left after processing the mined stones with an adhesive solution. The resulting substance is subjected to high pressure, resulting in a substance similar in appearance and characteristics to the original fossil.

Artificial stones are completely made by man. The factory mixes chemicals from which natural stones are formed in nature, and at times speed up the process. In this way, not only turquoise, amethysts and other semi-precious materials are made, but even diamonds.

When natural stones are cut, waste (chipped and cut fragments) inevitably occurs. If they are large enough to be dusted, but not large enough to be cut, they are ground and sold as a chip. This is the cheapest type of natural materials for needlewomen. Skol is used to make beads, necklaces, earrings and rings. It is also actively used for the manufacture of interior crafts (paintings, trees of happiness, and others).

Ceramic beads are a good alternative to natural beads. However, their disadvantage can be considered heaviness and fragility.

stone jewelry

Crafts made from beads of natural origin have a specific design and characteristic appearance. As a rule, manufacturers of such materials emphasize the layered structure of the stone and its uneven color.

True, there are stones whose color is extremely even and uniform (quartz, amber, some types of agate and other materials). When cut, they are very similar in appearance and weight to glass.

A beaded necklace often contains such an element as a cabochon. This is a large decor with a flat base and a processed front side. Cabochons are attached to some kind of base, and around the edge they are braided with beads or enclosed in a metal frame. This is a classic version of the medallion.

Jewelry made of wooden beads

Wood is one of the most malleable materials. Anything is made from it, including beads. They can be of various shapes, sizes and colors.

In the wake of the craze for ethnics and folk style, wooden beads are in high demand. They are used for earrings, beads, necklaces, bracelets, as well as for accessories (belts, bag handles, various fasteners).

These materials for creativity are of low cost, because wood is easy to process and paint. In addition, it is quite lightweight.

Such beads can be used for creative activities with children, as well as for making slingobuses. Wood goes well with bone, some types of stones and plastic elements of the appropriate colors.

Accessories for jewelry

When working with beads, that is, with decorative elements that have a hole, it is impossible to do without several tools and auxiliary materials. In the simplest case, you will need a cord and a needle of the appropriate size for stringing.

However, to create more complex items (necklaces, earrings, a bracelet with a clasp, beaded hair ornaments), the following will come in handy:

  1. Pliers, round nose pliers and wire cutters.
  2. Scissors and needles.
  3. The basis for beads and bracelets: cord, thread, fishing line, string, ordinary or "memory" wire, elastic.
  4. Blanks for earrings (earrings).
  5. Basic metal fittings (studs and hinges, rings of different sizes, stoppers).
  6. Clasps.
  7. Additional decorative elements that match in color and style (beads, beads, buttons, and the like).

How to make a simple bracelet

In order to make such a bracelet, as in the picture below, you should prepare the following materials:

Accessories that will be used in the work: jewelry rings and clips for tips, clasp.

Let's start making a bracelet

Three fragments should be cut from the coil of string, the length of each of them should correspond to the girth of the wrist, minus two centimeters for the clasp.

Connect the ends of the segments and secure with a clamp. Then string beads on each piece of the string in the order shown in the photo. You can come up with your own scheme. It is best to start with small beads, then move on to medium-sized elements.

When all three segments are ready, they should be threaded into one of the middle beads, and then into a large one. Next, you need to repeat the order of the set of beads in a mirror order.


When the previous stage is completed, you should proceed to the final stage: collecting the product and fastening the fastener. It is important to observe a few points here:

  • Avoid loose string fragments (no beads).
  • Do not overtighten the bracelet, otherwise it will be too stiff.
  • Do not drop the entire structure, as it will instantly shatter into components that will have to be taken out from under the sofa and chairs.

Having connected the ends of the string, they are cut with wire cutters, then put on and fasten the retainer. The last step is the clasp.

Here is such a simple way to make a bracelet from beads of different sizes.

Wooden beads are suitable not only for large ethnic necklaces or slingobus. It is an excellent and eco-friendly craft material that can be used to make both home decor and cute jewelry. Wooden dolls, towel holders, key rings - everything turns out to be cute and cute, with a minimum of labor and money expended.

Try crafting with your child: the natural material and the smooth, rounded surface of the beads are a great option for children's creativity.

Eco-doll made of wooden beads

For this wooden doll, in addition to beads, you will also need colored yarn for making hairstyles, and a marker to draw a face. Assembling the doll is easy: just pull a durable cord through the beads, fastening it at the ends.

Towel holder

A handy item for the kitchen or bathroom. String the beads on a hoop of metal wire, and bring the ends as close as possible. Secure the loop with a strip of leather, thick cardboard, or a strong fabric. If desired, the beads of the holder can be painted.


A hair band with wooden balls at the ends is a cute and unfussy decoration. Pull the ends of the elastic tape 12-15 cm long into the holes of the beads, and secure by tying knots at the ends.

Keychain or phone

A cute accessory can be made in just a couple of minutes: just thread a piece of thin silk or leather cord through the holes of the beads. Choose beads of different lengths and shapes. Make a loop at the end and thread a metal key ring through it.

Boho style necklace

The weaving technique is extremely simple. But due to the different sizes of beads, you get a spectacular summer decoration that perfectly complements a floor-length skirt and woven sandals.

Before you is a master class on wooden decor. A big plus of MK is that it is suitable for any age, including. The technology is simple, and the scope for imagination is huge! Girls of any age will be happy to paint several beads with their mother, from which they will then assemble their own beads. Well, adult needlewomen will be able to use the results of their labors both for the manufacture and decoration of any finished needlework.

Everything that is required for work will surely be found in your "hamster" stocks:

  • Wooden beads of various shapes
  • Acrylic paints
  • Sponges
  • wooden skewers
  • Paper disposable plates
  • Paper tape

Tip #1: Lay all tools and materials on the table, within reach. The bead decorating class is very fun and addictive, so we recommend that you include some interesting movie and be prepared for the fact that this activity will take some time.

Tip #2: Wrap the skewers with paper tape - so the beads will not slip and it will be easier for you to paint them.

So let's get started!

How to color round beads.

This is the easiest way. However, the result is interesting. Simply place the bead on the skewer, scoop some paint onto the sponge, and then paint the bead from the hole in the bead to the middle. The bead turns out to be half-colored, and in the middle there is a beautiful color transition. See photo:

How to color a half bead.

For this we need paper tape. We wrap a bead with it and paint the open part. The other half can be left unpainted. Here's what happens:

How to make painted wooden beads.

Pick up paint on the tip of the skewer and draw on the beads. Here are some simple drawings:

How to make colorful beads.

It's not as difficult as it seems! First, paint the entire bead in one color. Then place a few drops of different paint on a paper plate. Place the dyed bead on this plate and tilt the plate in different directions so that the bead is dyed in different random colors. See photos for how it's done:

How to make fruit beads.

Now that you have mastered the basic techniques for dyeing beads, you can combine them and get interesting beads. Use a skewer as a pen to draw the leaves and seeds on the berries. Also, using paper tape, color fruits in 2 colors - this way you can draw, for example, a watermelon or kiwi. Imagine, experiment!

Here are examples of different beads: