Do-it-yourself New Year's compositions master. DIY Christmas compositions: master classes with photos. Shiny cuteness of christmas balls

Christmas compositions for your home

On New Year's Eve, everyone, we want to decorate our home, because in a beautiful, bright environment we can better feel the magic of the holiday. Because such an environment will not only be cozy, but will also create a festive mood for us. Everyone can decorate their apartment in an original and unusual way, therefore, if someone has not yet decided what design to make, then I offer some simple but beautiful compositions (I think so :)).

Most of you will have decorated Christmas trees, but I think that small arrangements will be that spectacular addition that each of us thinks about. New Year's compositions will help decorate not only an apartment or a separate room, but and holiday table. For their design, you can use any material. It can be spruce or pine branches, candles, cones, dry branches and bark, pebbles, Christmas balls, flowers (small), fruits or other material that you have. Compositions can be arranged in a basket, in a vase, stand or on a flat dish, or like this:

Composition of cones

To do this, you need a candle and cones of small sizes.

Cones can be covered with silver or gold paint. If you want the buds to open, hold them over the steam. And in order for the cones to have "hoarfrost", then dip them in a hot saturated salt solution, then take them out to the cold and leave them there for several hours. Then put a candle in the middle of the "circle" and place cones in a circle around it. As you can see, this is a very easy way to decorate a composition.

Composition of candles and fir branches

Material: candle, fir branches, flowers, fruits, Christmas balls, flat vase or plate

Such a composition should not be high, but should look harmonious, so the tallest element should not exceed 30 cm. In the center of the vase, you can put a small pot of flowers (violets, crocuses or other similar flowers) or a small bouquet of fresh cut flowers. And near the pot, arrange spruce twigs, a candle, balls, rain. Places where there is space mask with moss.

Composition of flowers and spruce branches

We need spruce branches, fresh flowers - carnations, roses, chrysanthemums, gerberas, a vase.

For such a composition, put the flowers in a vase of water (or a jar, but after that you need to skillfully disguise it) and fix it. Add spruce branches, they can be decorated a little with small Christmas balls or toys. But don't overdo it. Add a "snowball" - polystyrene foam to the branches.

All the proposed compositions are simple, you just need to connect your imagination and do the design. And now I propose to see photos of the compositions that you can make or take some elements for yourself.

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We continue our pre-New Year's marathon to create interesting, bright and stylish compositions. It is New Year's Eve, because we will not notice how time flies and it will already be necessary to prepare for the meeting in 2018. New Year's compositions are useful in everything: at work, to decorate the table and office, at home, for a child at school or kindergarten, as gifts for guests, and so on. We will start with the simplest crafts, and finish with more complex ones that require a little more time and skill.

Compositions with glasses

The easiest option to decorate, for example, a New Year's table is to turn the glass over, put a decorative Christmas tree, a small figure of Santa Claus under the cup, or you can put small Christmas decorations, tinsel and serpentine, dry flower buds, ribbons, beads and other decor. On top of the glass stand, you can install a candle-tablet and light it at the most crucial and magical moment. There can be many such compositions on the table, or you can put several diverse glasses in the center of the table. See the photo for how it might look:

Glasses, by the way, can not be turned over, but decorated using them as vases. You can use large candles instead of tablet candles, it also looks spectacular.

You can pour water into a glass, put colored pebbles on the bottom and put a floating candle on top.

Do-it-yourself New Year's compositions should radiate warmth, care, the creative component of the hostess of the house, so do not be afraid to experiment, do not be afraid to act not according to a template, but come up with something of your own.

Christmas compositions with fir branches

If you do not plan to buy a whole Christmas tree, then you can always make a composition from branches with your own hands. For the simplest, but elegant and beautiful composition, we need:

  • fir branches;
  • several bumps, preferably open;
  • you can have several branches of mountain ash or viburnum;
  • dried apples;
  • large candle;
  • several tall thin candles;
  • Christmas beads for the Christmas tree;
  • any decor that you like (cinnamon sticks, decorative gifts, walnuts, dried citrus slices, dried flower buds).

This composition can be made in a wicker basket, simply by folding branches into it and decorating with decor. And you can form a wreath from twigs, discreetly bandage it with a fishing line, and attach your decor to the wreath. You can use a glue gun, thin wire or fishing line, depending on the situation, which is better to use.

This ikebana can be put in the office, presented as a bouquet to a teacher in a kindergarten or a teacher at school, it will also decorate a country house or the hall of a city apartment.

Compositions for the New Year from branches

A New Year's composition from branches is also easy to make, like all the previous ones. Go to the forest or the nearest park for good, strong and beautiful branches. On the way, collect acorns, cones, chestnuts and everything that can be useful in hand-made production.

The easiest option is to install a branch in a vase and decorate it with unusual Christmas decorations. You will get something like this composition, as in the photo:

A more delicate version will turn out with a thin branch that has many thin branches. It can be decorated with delicate Christmas toys in the same style, there should not be many of them so as not to overload the composition.

Look at these photos, they will definitely give you some new ideas, perhaps there is some kind of decor at home that you didn’t know where to attach and it will be perfect for this composition.

The branch can be decorated with a small garland, cones that you first need to “snow”, you can, on the contrary, take bright ribbons, bright balls, beads to play in contrast.

The branches do not need to be placed in a vase, they can simply be placed on the table in a bouquet, decorated with decor. You can take small wooden sticks, small logs and place them in a transparent vessel along with other decor. Fantasize, it's always good!

New Year's wreaths

Composition option for decorating a door, table center, coffee table or desktop. Let's start with the simplest - a wreath of Christmas balls.

We will need a large number of balls of different sizes, you can have the same color, or you can choose different ones - this is already up to your taste. Next, you need a wide ribbon to collect the balls, or you can use wire. You will only need to thread it into the eye of the balls and form a wreath, which can then be hung on the door or placed on the New Year's table, see the photo:

As an additional decor, you can use balls of a different shape, ribbons, balls from various other materials, beads and other decorations.

We complicate the design and decorate our wreath with natural materials. The basis of the wreath will no longer be balls, but branches, twigs, fir cones, and so on.

It all starts like this, but it turns out such beauty, as in the photo:

And how do you like this wreath of cardboard sleeves and balls? We think it looks very stylish and original, worth a try.

Such a wreath will definitely look better on a wall or door, so that everyone can admire its unusual design. The bushings can be painted with gold or silver paint, and inside you can put not only balls, but also cones, chestnuts, even put pill candles, provided that you do not set them on fire.

But this version of the wreath will surely appeal to the kids. The wreath can be hung in the children's room, brought to a children's party or presented to one of the child's friends.

As a base, use a thick cardboard circle, on which you attach the decor. Decorations can also be connected directly to each other, without using a base.

And here is another festive wreath for the children's room. Such a decoration is suitable not only for the New Year, but also for a birthday and any children's holiday.

Well, the classic version of the New Year's wreath is a wreath of cones. Always win-win, easy to perform and inexpensive. The whole house will be delighted with such a New Year's decoration.

Connect the cones together with wire, and after creating a frame, attach the decor that you prepared in advance to the wreath.

Christmas compositions for wall decoration

The lightest, but very touching and beautiful composition is obtained from cardboard or paper parts, which are formed on the wall in a herringbone pattern. You need to cut out the silhouettes of New Year's hats, Christmas trees, deer, sweets from bright magazines or unnecessary booklets. These details should not be too large, because then you will attach them to the wall, forming a Christmas tree. Bows, small Christmas decorations, ribbons and serpentine can also be used as decor.

There can be a lot of options, we offer the brightest:

But the composition is a little more complicated. You need to collect branches of the same width, but different lengths. To also use them to form a schematic Christmas tree and decorate it with various decor.

Can you imagine how the house will play when such a composition appears in it?

A beautiful New Year's composition can be made from a garland and family photos. We are sure that such a composition will be able to linger on the wall for a long time. Looks very touching and cute. You can hang photos that you took during the past year.

Garlands of felt toys look beautiful and bright on the wall. The decor can be hung in the children's room or in the kitchen.

Such toys can be bought ready-made, or you can sew them yourself. You will need felt of different colors, threads and patterns. You can make bright balls from wool. We offer several patterns for New Year's toys.

A New Year's composition on the wall can be made from a wooden frame, Christmas balls, ribbons and other New Year's decor.

The frame can be painted in gold or silver, use the color scheme in which the whole house is decorated.

Similarly, you can not ignore the chandelier. It can also be decorated with decor. If the design allows, then you can attach a wreath of cones, hang Christmas decorations, gingerbread cookies and other decor.

If the design does not allow, then you can attach only a few ribbons with balls or New Year's figures to the chandelier.

Fir cones, dried citrus slices and other natural materials are suitable as decor.

We now offer to see how they make New Year's compositions with their own hands in a video master class:

No matter how old you are, no matter how exactly your composition will turn out, whether it will look like the original, but it will be yours, with a piece of your soul, it will be exclusive and will surely warm the house on cold winter evenings. Appreciate every moment of your life and delight your loved ones with your crafts.

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I love holidays very much, but New Year and especially Christmas I appreciate the most. Every year all my friends and acquaintances are surprised how I manage to create Christmas mood, even in slush and in the absence of snow outside the window.

The secret lies in the fact that since November I have already begun to gradually transform and decorate your home so that the two most important holidays of the year pass brighter and more cheerfully. From my personal experience, I was convinced that the festive atmosphere affects a person and helps him create a festive mood.

Winter compositions

Not only the queen tree will help to decorate the house in an original way for the New Year, but also a variety of New Year's decor, bouquets and compositions made from natural materials.

In anticipation of New Year and Christmas miracles, the editors "So simple!" prepared 19 ideas winter compositions for home which you will definitely want to implement.

  1. The most popular are desktop compositions. They collect New Year's decorations for the table in round or oblong flat vases that resemble ordinary plates.

    The composition may consist of fir branches, cones, Christmas tree decorations, silver rain and "hoarfrost" on the branches (crushed foam planted on glue). Well, beautiful decorative candles will help to give warmth and sincerity to the New Year's composition.

  2. The Christmas wreath is one of the traditional and favorite attributes of the winter holidays. And needlewomen have recently become very fond of making a topiary tree for the New Year.

    By the way, for those who cannot put up a Christmas tree indoors, a topiary can be an ideal replacement.

  3. Ah, what a great composition! How I wish that someone would give me just such a gift.

  4. Pine and spruce branches in New Year's compositions goes well with fresh flowers. The most winning option for a winter bouquet is roses, chrysanthemums and carnations.

    Pay attention to how charming these compositions look in hat boxes!

  5. Another stylish variation of the topiary tree.

  6. Who said that Christmas compositions should only be in table vases or in the form of a Christmas wreath? What do you think of this decorative moss cushion tied with a velvet bow?

    In my opinion, this is a great solution not only for home decor for the holiday, but also for a gift.

  7. I think this is one of the best ideas for Christmas!

  8. It is very easy to bring the idea to life, and the result is a feast for the eyes.

  9. New Year's compositions from branches - simple in execution, but very effective decor. To create such a composition, you will need dry branches.

    You can follow them into the forest. Paint the branches with spray paint in gold or silver, or leave it in its original form.

  10. And this is one of those compositions that I did last year to create a festive atmosphere in the house. Beautiful, isn't it?

I suggest you familiarize yourself with the creative New Year and Christmas

Nastya practices yoga and loves traveling. Fashion, architecture and everything beautiful - that's what a girl's heart aspires to! Anastasia is engaged in interior design, and also makes unique decorations with a floral theme. Dreams of living in France, learning the language and keenly interested in the culture of this country. He believes that a person needs to learn something new all his life. Anastasia's favorite book is Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert.

Decorating your home for the New Year holidays is a common activity for many. Probably, this activity brings no less pleasure than the holidays themselves. You can not only follow long-term traditions by hanging a family collection of decorations on the Christmas tree, but also learn new ideas for decoration. Materials for creativity can be searched during a country walk. For some types of decor, you do not need to cut down entire trees - branches left after sanitizing the forest will do.

Branches of all sizes can be used in home decoration for Christmas and New Year. Not only the usual spruce and pine, but also other conifers will be used. In some compositions, for example, juniper or thuja will look great. The main thing is that the plant belongs to the so-called evergreen. You can decorate every room in the house with crafts made from needles and cones. Something, however, is more suitable for a country house. But, if you like the idea too much, try to implement it on the balcony or decorate the front door.

1. Decor for the front door.

A wreath on the front door is traditionally considered a sign of trust and invitation of passers-by to your home. Now on sale are many factory-made wreaths made from artificial branches. But you can create a similar decoration yourself to create a festive atmosphere for passers-by. Any message can be written on the door! Maybe you, on the contrary, want to ask strangers to bypass your house?


1. Pick up the branches that will become the basis of the decoration. Fluffy spruce branches with long cones will look very impressive in such a “bouquet”.

2. For a plate with an inscription, you need to choose a board of a suitable size. Pine wood is the best for processing.

3. Saw off the corners with a hacksaw so that they have a more interesting shape.

4. Drill holes for which the plate will be attached to the wreath of pine needles.

5. Print out the inscription with the selected message. Then take a ballpoint pen, pencil or other pointed object and circle the inscription by pressing on the wood. On the plate there will be a trace necessary for work.

6. Circle the inscription with paint. Water-based dyes, such as acrylics, work best.

7. After the paint has dried, cover the plate with stain or varnish.

8. If you used a stain, cover the plate with acrylic varnish from a spray can.

9. Pull the twine through the holes.

10. Fix the sign on a bouquet of fir branches. You can complement the composition with burlap or other natural fabric.

Decoration is ready!

2. Composition with candles.

Candles are traditionally used in New Year's decor. If you use pine needles and cones as a stand for them, you get a full-fledged decor item. You can fasten the structure with wire and mounting foam. You can add bright ribbons and shiny balls. The decoration will look even more interesting if you combine branches of various coniferous trees in it.

Prepare all the necessary materials - white or red candles, bright satin ribbons, wire, or a special mesh for crafts, foam for floristry (you can use polyurethane foam), cones, balls, skewers or sticks for attaching candles.

2. Pick up coniferous branches. Look great together pine, juniper.

3. If you have special flower arrangements, use them. Build a structure with foam and mesh, which can be purchased at specialized stores. But these materials can be replaced with mounting foam and ordinary wire. In addition, ordinary clay can be used as a base.

4. Fasten the branches to the base, starting with the largest.

5. The result should be a rather lush bouquet.

6. Attach candles with wire or colored tape to colored wooden sticks or skewers. Install the candles on the base.

7. Attach cones to the composition. Ideally, if you have green wire at your disposal. Attach other decor in the same way.

8. Choose a place to place your composition. If you put the decoration on the windowsill, not only your household members, but also passers-by will be able to admire it.

3. And one more option for a wreath on the door ...

You don't have to stick to standard Christmas hues. Instead of red and gold, complement the coniferous branches with silver balls and ribbons in the color of spring grass. This decoration will look great on a bright door without too much decor.

4. Balloons with natural decorations.

We used to hang balls on the Christmas tree. Or you can do it in an original way and place the Christmas tree inside the ball. You can replace spruce branches with any other needles. In extreme cases, you can even make a similar decoration with artificial needles. Just pick up a transparent ball of the right size, remove the mount and fill it with the selected branches.

5. Mistletoe for kissing.

According to tradition, if a free guy and a girl accidentally find themselves under mistletoe branches, they should kiss. Sometimes lovers can spend hours waiting for their soul mate under a Christmas decoration... You can make your own Kissing Ball and don't rely on luck!


1. Pick a base for your ball. It is more convenient to work with special balls from a floristry store, but you can simply make a wire frame.

2. Fasten the branches of the needles to the base.

3. Complete the composition with mistletoe leaves and other herbs of your choice.

4. You can decorate a kissing ball with cones and dried flowers.

5. You can add a golden or scarlet flying balloon, for which the composition, among other things, can be fixed in the right place.

6. Laconic decoration for the kitchen.

Thuja or juniper will perfectly refresh any interior. You can not be smart, and just arrange the branches throughout the house in beautiful festive dishes.

7. Another variation on the theme of wreaths ...

If you love Christmas wreaths very much, you don't have to limit yourself to just one on your front door. You can hang homemade decorations anywhere, arrange accordingly. For example, a composition of wreaths made from different coniferous branches looks very harmonious.


  1. Pick up branches of different coniferous trees of approximately the same size.
  2. Make a ring out of thick wire and paint it white.
  3. Secure the branches to the base with wire or with a glue gun.
  4. Hang the wreaths on a wide red ribbon at different heights.
  5. If desired, you can add decor from ribbons and balls to the wreaths.

8. Mini Christmas tree

For those who do not have enough one Christmas tree in the house. A mini tree will decorate your desktop, kitchen or hallway. Just tie a few small branches together around the base and decorate with the smallest piece of jewelry you have. Great alternative to branches in a vase!

9. Garland of branches.

If you really have a lot of small pine or spruce branches at your disposal, just tie them into a huge garland. You can add it with luminous lanterns or any other decor.

10. Another option for decorating a Christmas wreath

Can't choose between silver and gold decor? Use both at the same time! Just paint the buds collected in the forest with acrylic spray paints. Pine cones will add volume to the decoration.

11. Tags for gifts.

So that your guests do not confuse the gifts placed under the Christmas tree under the chiming clock, you can write the names of the recipients on such original tags. Unlike torn packaging, few people raise their hands to throw them away!

12. Aroma of needles in the house.

A simple and incredibly successful solution for everyone who has only an artificial tree in the house. You can create the aroma of a real Christmas tree yourself!

You will need cinnamon (sticks are best, but powder will do) and other Christmas spices such as nutmeg, cardamom, cloves, and pine or spruce needles. Boil the spices together with the needles and store in a warm place. If necessary, the mixture can be heated. If the house has a fireplace or stove, place the mixture in them. If you can’t get the needles, just add a few drops of fir oil to the decoction, which you can buy at the pharmacy.

13. Candlesticks decorated with greenery.

A very simple idea, for which you only need glue and medium-sized coniferous branches. It is better to choose water-based glue, then after the holidays it will be easy for candlesticks to give their former look.

14. Bowls with greens.

Any copper or earthenware is associated with holiday bells. Therefore, a simple combination of beautiful glasses or glasses with small branches looks very festive!

15. And again a garland ...

The usual garland of pine needles is perfectly complemented by juniper berries. If there are no natural ones, you can use artificial ones! And rowan berries go well with needles.

16. Star from branches.

For those who are tired of the usual forms ... These stars can be hung around the garden or used as a wreath at the entrance.

17. Basket with flashlights.

An elegant composition for decorating a garden or balcony. Flashlights can run on a battery hidden in a basket.

18. And again a composition with a message ...

This time, large red letters were used.

19. Mistletoe frame.

Strictly speaking, evergreens for Christmas and New Year will look appropriate when decorating absolutely any item. Create a festive mood and please your loved ones!

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Soon the New Year is the most favorite holiday of adults and children. According to the Chinese horoscope, 2020 is the year of the Blue Metal Rat. Astrologers recommend using a lot of vegetables, mushrooms and berries for cooking. The menu must have sweet pastries and a large fruit basket. Gluttonous rats are very fond of eating, which means that an abundance of goodies and lots and lots of greens are welcomed on the festive table.

The main colors for the new year 2020 are yellow, gray, brown and gold. This range should be used to decorate the table and the room where the holiday itself will take place. It is also advisable to choose an outfit for a celebration with a brilliant golden embroidery.

When compiling New Year's compositions to decorate the festive table, it is better to use fresh flowers - carnations, roses, hydrangeas and daisies. It is worth refusing to use objects of burning shades. Eliminate dark red, blue and poisonous green shades.

New Year's compositions 2020 with their own hands from sweets - a master class

Do you want to surprise guests, relatives and children with unusual crafts for the New Year 2020? For example, you can collect an unusual Christmas tree from sweets.

For work you will need:

  • foam base;
  • glue;
  • some green wrapping paper;
  • fluffy rain of green color;
  • beads;
  • sweets.

Cut out the base for the future Christmas tree from the foam. It should be two volumetric circles. One is bigger, the other is smaller. Fasten with glue.

It is their size that will set the "growth" of the Christmas tree.

Cut a rectangle out of wrapping paper large enough to wrap around the bottom circle. Coat the edges with glue and secure so that the paper holds well.

The next step is the formation of the Christmas tree itself. Wrap the shape with fluffy green tinsel. Secure it with small pins. They will easily enter the base and will not allow the tinsel to turn around.

The top of the Christmas tree is traditionally decorated with an asterisk. We will make it from red beads. Focus on the photo and you will succeed.

We wrap the wire with paper to mask the wire. And we fasten (stick into the base) on the top of the head.

Now it's time for decor. We take a toothpick. We put a candy on one side, and stick it into the foam plastic on the opposite side.

You can also make decorations from pieces of shiny mesh.

It turned out very nice! And most importantly, an easy creative master class that can be held with children will bring joy and pleasure to everyone.

Another simple version of the candy tree. Even a first grader will do it.

For the basis of the craft, we take a paper cone, folded and secured with adhesive tape. First, we wrap the wide base with Christmas tinsel and fix it with glue. We decorate the second row with sweets, which we attach to the paper with double-sided tape. So, alternating rows, we get an elegant Christmas tree - a spectacular decoration of the festive table.

The next master class will teach you how to make beautiful New Year's wreaths. However, they are not quite common. Their peculiarity is that they are "sweet" - from sweets.

So, for manufacturing we need:

  • cardboard;
  • about 15 bell-shaped sweets, depending on the diameter of the future wreath;
  • tinsel;
  • scissors (or clerical knife);
  • pencil;
  • cones or some other decorations;
  • ribbon;
  • glue.

When everything you need is prepared, we begin work.

Draw a circle on the cardboard with a pencil. Then carefully cut it out with a utility knife. Next, glue the mount for the wreath. We will make it from a regular ribbon.

To make the circle even, you can use a compass

Now we take the tinsel and begin to wrap it around the workpiece. Try to wind the tinsel so that the cardboard from under it is not visible.

After making a few turns of tinsel, you can already glue sweets.

Candies can also be attached to the workpiece using a stapler, not glue

We continue to wind the tinsel and attach the sweets to the end. After that, the composition can still be decorated with cones, leaves, gifts, balls, everything that you have for decoration.

Here we have such a New Year's wreath. It can decorate your home or the home of your loved ones. Happy New Year!

We decorate the New Year's table 2020 - a composition with a candle of flowers and fir branches

To create this trendy New Year's composition, you will need various improvised items and fresh flowers.

We will need:

  • candle,
  • raffia,
  • decorative ribbon (satin),
  • decorative ribbon (organza),
  • fir cones,
  • floral flasks,
  • floral wire,
  • gold foil,
  • plaid fabric,
  • carnation,
  • needles,
  • christmas balls,
  • tennis balls.

Let's start making our New Year's composition.

We start by making a loop of wire and inserting it into a tennis ball. We wrap the ball in foil, decorate with raffia and organza.

Bright ribbons have turned an ordinary tennis ball into a very interesting Christmas decoration.

Using an elastic band, we attach floral flasks to the candle. In these flasks we will place flowers and needles.

We insert sprigs of needles cut to the same size into the flasks. First, water must be poured into the flasks.

We insert a candle, decorated with needles, into a bag of checkered fabric. To make a real voluminous bag, the fabric needs to be filled with cotton wool or paper. Our New Year's bag will keep its shape, because we tied it with raffia, decorated with balls.

We insert cut carnations into flasks with water. Our festive bag sparkled with new colors of magical flowers.

We insert floral wire into Christmas balls so that they can decorate our composition. We decorate balls with raffia.

We decorate the New Year's bag with fir cones. We also inserted floral wire into them.

Our "New Year's gift" is ready. We got a bright, original, truly New Year's composition.

It turned out simple and at the same time festive and elegant in a New Year's way!

Compositions for the New Year 2020 from flowers

The Christmas tree is the main decoration of the living room, and the floral beauty of roses, daisies and spruce branches is best placed in the center of the festive table. Making such a bouquet is quite simple! The main thing is mood, fantasy and a variety of materials for a pleasant creative process.

You can make such an exquisite decoration for the New Year's table by following the detailed author's master class by Elena Lomakina.

Will need:

Flowers and greens:

  • red ranunculus,
  • pink roses,
  • white spray chrysanthemums,
  • fir branches.

Auxiliary materials:

  • small wicker basket
  • stationery knife,
  • oasis (floristic sponge),
  • anchor tape (waterproof and super-adhesive green tape),
  • wooden skewers,
  • can of artificial snow
  • glue,
  • themed decorations (in this case, a rattan star, a plastic Christmas ball, decorative apples and cones),
  • candle.


Cut off a piece of oasis of the required size and shape, place it in the basket.

Fix the oasis with anchor tape.

Sequentially, in a spiral, place the plants in the oasis.

Place a candle in the center of the composition.

Attach skewers to cones, apples and balls with glue: with their help, it is easier to fix the decor in the composition.

When the composition is already assembled, in some places apply a thin layer of artificial snow on it.

Your Christmas miracle is ready!

Decoration for the New Year's interior from beads

You will have to make a lot of efforts to make such a green New Year's beauty. The work is not easy, but the result is worth the effort, material and time spent!

You will need:

  • chopped green beads - 50 grams
  • chopped brown beads - 5 grams
  • copper or brown wire ≈ 50 meters
  • pair of pearl beads
  • colored stones
  • glass beads
  • alabaster
  • glue "Moment"
  • stand

How to make a beaded Christmas tree

Our beaded Christmas tree has 10 tiers, each with 4 branches.

  • The top of the Christmas tree with the first tier

In the middle of a wire 45 cm long, we string a golden bead, * a white bugle, a gold bead, a silver bead, a green felling *. The second end of the wire from * to * is skipped as in needle weaving.

We collect 4 green beads on each end of the wire, twist the ends together for 4 turns. We make a loop on one of the wires with a set of 4 green beads, 2 brown beads and again 4 green ones. We make a similar loop on the other side. We twist the ends of the wire by 2 turns and make two more exactly the same loops.

  • Second tier

We will need 4 pieces of wire 25 cm long to make four branches with three loops in each with the following bead set: 3 green beads, 2 brown and again 3 green ones. We twist the wire from the loop to the loop for 5 turns, and from the last loop - for three turns.

  • Third tier

From 4 pieces of wire 30 cm long we make 4 branches with 5 loops in each. The first three loops are similar to the loops from the second tier. In the next two loops, instead of three green beads, we collect 4.

  • fourth tier

From 8 pieces of wire 30 cm long we make 8 branches with 5 loops in each. The first three loops are similar to the loops from the second tier. In the next two loops, we collect 6 green beads. After the last loop, twist the wire down 5 turns. Now we collect one of two such branches, twisting them with a spiral for 4 turns.

  • Fifth tier

From 4 pieces of wire 35 cm long we make 4 branches with 7 loops in each. The first three loops are similar to the loops from the second tier. In the next two loops, we collect 6 green beads.

  • Sixth tier

From 8 pieces of wire 30 cm long, we make 8 branches with 5 loops in each, as for 4 tiers. Now we collect one of two such branches. We will need an additional piece of wire 20 cm long. With an additional wire from the last loop, we wind 12 turns with a spiral. Then, for 15 turns, we fasten the second branch with a spiral.

  • seventh tier

We need 4 pieces of wire 60 cm long. In the middle of the wire we collect the first loop. Then, on the same end of the wire, we collect 6 more loops, as in the 6th tier. The other end of the wire should remain long. Behind the last loop we twist 7 turns. At the long end of the wire we also collect 7 loops. With the help of an additional wire, we twist the branch 8 turns down with a spiral.

  • eighth tier

We will need 4 pieces of wire 60 cm long and 4 pieces of 30 cm each. From long pieces of wire we twist branches, as for the 7th tier, and from short ones - branches with 5 loops. Then we collect one of the two branches by screwing them with a spiral: first we start the spiral for 15 turns on a branch with 2 ends, and then we fasten a small branch for 15 turns.

  • Ninth tier

We duplicate the 8th tier, only increase the number of turns from 15 to 18.

  • Tenth tier

We will need 4 pieces of wire 70 cm long and 4 pieces of 35 cm each. We make twigs according to exactly the same pattern as for the 8th tier, only in a small branch we collect 7 loops, and in a large 8 and 9. We also increase the number of turns of the spiral up to 22.

  • Assembling a Christmas tree from beads

With the help of an additional wire, starting from the top, wrap the ends of the wire down. Due to the number of tiers and branches in them, the trunk of the tree thickens and the structure does not bend, so you can do without an additional rod. Between the tiers we maintain a distance of 0.8 cm (from the top to the first tier) to 1.2 cm to the bottom.

We “plant” the finished Christmas tree in a decorative stand: we breed alabaster and stick a tree. Five minutes later, when the alabaster dries, using the transparent Moment glue, we decorate the “ground” under the Christmas tree with beads or colored pebbles. How alive!