Drawing mushrooms and berries in the senior group. Drawing "mushroom meadow" Drawing a mushroom meadow for children

We are visiting for a week. On top are 2 MOTHER YA, and
3 children. A boy aged 6-7, and 2 girls under 5 years old.
They don’t walk, although there is a children’s playground in the courtyard, and now we’re sitting drinking wine from Georgia, straight homemade, and we hear them rushing around, so whitewash is falling from the ceiling, I don’t think I need to talk about the fact that the walls are shaking.
And one of the invitees offered to stage infrasound; he generally organizes music for various shows. He says, let’s put it on for a couple of hours at night, the main thing is YOU go out for a walk, he makes you feel afraid... and the neighbors will come crawling...

Honestly, I really think it needs to be done.
No need to throw slippers at me, those who invited us are waiting for replenishment, and really at night (yes, 2-3-4 in the morning is night) they cannot sleep - as the neighbors are jumping from above.

We tried to talk - it didn’t help. Repeatedly. I’m not sure that the children go to the DS or somewhere else and walk with only one YAZHMOTHER for exactly an hour (I see from the window).

The question is - how legal is this?


Ulyana Mick

I'm sorry, I'm unusually prolific on topics all of a sudden.
I am writing because in the previous topic a dispute arose regarding the perception of oncology, and in this dispute there are no wrongdoers. Everyone is right.
1. Stage 4 cancer cannot be cured and this is true. There is no remission here, there is a term - new lesions have not been identified by available diagnostic tools. And this is the highest thrill. NOT IDENTIFIED. Cure - no. But you can live - from a couple of days to infinity.
2. How to live? Everyone chooses for themselves. And there are many options - from false diets, super restrictions, rituals and self-hypnosis, to “anything is possible.” What influences the development of the disease? Sorry, Idk. One with stage 4 drank and smoked and died under a train, having previously gotten into a fight with a friend. The second prayed, ate dietary supplements, kept Shabbat, and died of the first stage of cancer. Personally, I choose the middle. And you won’t believe it, I smoke, I can drink, but I strictly take the necessary microelements and vitamins, and constantly take targeted chemotherapy, IVs once every two weeks, there is no other way. From the unexpected. My liver counts began to rise significantly, since I am on constant chemotherapy for life. They weren’t growing, and suddenly they were - almost three years of Target, 22 percent of the liver remained, the rest was cut off... And then I seemed to be nervous like everyone else... In general, I drank alcohol (yes, we cancer patients are just like normal people) And surprisingly, the indicators, which in theory should have increased even more, returned to normal.
3. We are not different. We are exactly the same. Maybe a little more scared, maybe a little more appreciative of life. But nothing happened, we are still your same people. Cancer is not a demon that has taken over, and you shouldn’t speak in a low voice so as not to scare it away. You can die without cancer.
4. All cancer victims have different perceptions. And that's okay! I personally am aware that I am terminally ill. But that doesn't stop me from paying off my debts. I am not good. I pay off my debts, that's why I help others. There is no need to comment, because there is nothing to comment on here. You could say this is my goal. Pass on the goodness to the child and the system. And hence p5...
5. I didn’t come up with this. You. I can name the list, it’s huge. Lena Obolenskaya, Tanya Vedekhina, Natasha Kalinina, Yulia - ambulance, Yulia - Yalya, Zhenya, Marina, Masha, Natasha, Vika Vaska (sorry, you should be on a separate list), Gala, Irina, Zhenechka, Alena... and this is just the beginning of the list, and not everything is on the forum now. It was you who gave me this push. Although, of course, journalism assumed something similar). But this powerful push was given by all of you. I promised you kebabs if everything was ok. No, girls, I moved on. I'm helping. Every ruble that you once transferred to me went to help others now. I pay off my debts. I earn money, run chats, take people to hospitals, look for doctors, pay for someone’s treatment, give gifts to doctors... well, in general, believe me, I’m trying very hard to pass on all the good I can. And that's all you.
6. Cancer perception often asks the question – why? This is fine. This is part of the stage. I very rarely, but I met the opposite picture - thanks for the cancer, I began to live. So cancer is nothing to thank for. We must live now, before cancer, in cancer, outside of cancer. Live.
7. My personal forecasts cannot be made. I have an atypical picture, let's put it this way. Although any life is an atypical picture. But my picture is completely atypical. Vika…. Where are you...help)))
8. If anything, I have everything ready/nothing ready. It's impossible to prepare. My big-butted boy desperately needs a mother like me. Everything else is bullshit.
9. Girls, if you knew what heroes I meet every day. What kind of people there are, incomprehensible in their strength of spirit, what personalities, God, that’s the only thing you can be grateful for - that you showed such people! I will write with their permission. These are those whom I help and those who help me.
10. If suddenly something happens, I’m here. And I will be glad to help.
Well, thank you for being alive)
I probably should have written this topic a long time ago.


Karpova Karpova

I have heard many times that our time is much better than the previous one, and in the comments to the post about the USSR, many also wrote that now it is generally worse than those times of terrible shortages and total lack of freedom. I thought for a long time what undeniable advantages can be found in today’s time compared to the USSR.

A carriage of all sorts of grub. Well, this is, of course, super, yes - for those who have the opportunity to buy it. In my circle, probably no one has tried jamon and all sorts of oysters, so for many there is no sense at all from the fact that they are sold. well, ok, but the rest of the food is full of all sorts of varieties and prices, and this is a definite plus.
Internet!! Well, you can't argue with that at all. There is generally everything on the Internet that was never heard of in the USSR.
Opportunity to travel abroad. Great opportunity! But also not for everyone.

Opportunity to buy a car. Oh yeah! I remember that before one car passed by every hour, but now)))))

Loans. Many people can argue and say that loans are evil, but you can’t live without them. Especially if it’s a big purchase. In the USSR there were almost no loans; there were mutual aid funds at large enterprises, and all sorts of private moneylenders who worked under the counter.

CD, DVD, all sorts of super photo and video formats! And, accordingly, all the equipment, cell phone cameras, cameras, video players, not to mention audio, which, it seems, is already available even in irons.

And, of course, cellular communication! This is so super that I don’t understand how we all used to live with pay phones in booths)

Clothes and shoes for every taste and color! If you want it on Ali, you want it anywhere. Ali Express, too, seems to be considered a miracle of our time.

Let's add what other advantages there are now compared to the USSR, in your opinion.


Anna A

I found out at 7 weeks of pregnancy that my man has another family and two children for 5 years. And after that they replaced him, he told me I love you, and he moved to live with her. As I understood from their messages, she gave him a choice: either she and he doesn’t see me anymore, or me. He chose her. We have a planned child, he asked for this child. I wrote it chaotically, my soul is torn. I don't know how to survive this betrayal


Yulia Chubrikova

I want to show you how simple it would seem drawing became a journey into the forest for mushrooms. Before you start drawing, we read a fairy tale about mushrooms, studied various types mushrooms, looked through all the illustrations and went on a journey.

First, the children were divided into 2 groups, 1 group decided don't draw mushrooms, but to sculpt. And this is what we got

Our second subgroup decided paint with watercolors. First we did a clearing for our mushrooms

Then we cut out “grass” from green paper and glued it to the clearing"Unfortunately, this photo fragment has been deleted.

well, after cooking clearings, the kids started drawing, we have a variety of species mushrooms. But the most important thing is with what pleasure we did it. And the most important thing in the idea was that almost no one the mushroom did not recur, since our children agreed in advance what they will draw mushrooms!

And so fabulous we have a mushroom clearing! Then each child added their own drawing, which they thought fit here!

Publications on the topic:

"Mushroom Carousel" Thematic entertainment with parents in the preparatory group“MUSHROOM CARUSEL” Themed entertainment for children of the preparatory group with their parents. Presenter Mushroom Boletus Autumn Children wear hats.

Direct educational activity on drawing “Mushroom Glade” Summary of direct educational activities in the preparatory group (age 6-7 years). Topic: “Direct educational.

Summary of a lesson on appliqué with drawing elements “Mushroom Glade” Lesson notes for the second junior group "Mushroom Glade". Objectives: 1. Learn to depict mushrooms using the appliqué technique. 2. Diversify the technique.

Age of children: senior preschool age (speech therapy group) ODD: predominance of recumbent motor mode

Summary of GCD for the application “Mushroom clearing” Goal: Learn to alternate images of different sizes. Objectives: Learn to stick circles on a strip. Develop the idea.

Goal: developing ideas about the non-traditional visual technique “salt dough”, skills in working with it Objectives: 1. Educational:.

Lesson summary on the topic “Mushroom glade” (second junior group) Purpose: to give an idea of ​​the appearance of mushrooms and their growth, to promote.

Prepared by Category I teacher Lashina Galina Alekseevna GBOU OF MOSCOW "SCHOOL No. 2116 "ZYABLIKOVO" D/O 5 2016

Goal: Clarify ideas about mushrooms growing in the forest. Give children a choice of materials and means of depicting mushrooms. Develop artistic and creative skills, the ability to read a map of action algorithms. Cultivate interest in the world of the forest.

Materials: improvised clearings; basket containing: dried mushrooms, a letter, riddle pictures, cookies "Mushrooms" .

For applique with lumps of paper: corrugated paper, PVA glue, brushes, coasters, napkins.

For modeling: dough, rolling pins, stacks.

For applique: colored paper, scissors, glue, napkins, oilcloths.

Cereals: buckwheat, semolina, millet, PVA glue.

1. Organizational moment. Invite the children to stand in a circle with her, hold hands and greet each other:

"Let's stand side by side in a circle
Let's say "Hello" each other
We are not too lazy to say hello
Everyone "Hello" And "Good afternoon"

If everyone smiles
Good morning will begin

Good morning!

2. -Guys, this morning at the entrance to our group I found a basket. There is some kind of bag on top. Oh, what a delicious smell. Do you want to smell this? (children sniff the bag). Who guessed what it was? Yes, these are dried mushrooms. They smell so wonderful. Did you like it? (Children's answers). What else is in the cart? Look, there's a letter here. What is written on the envelope? Yes, kindergarten "Smile" , group No. 7, which means it is addressed to us. Let's sit down on our cushions and read. (children sit down, read the letter)

“Hello, dear guys! Your friend Lesovichok is writing to you!

You guys know that it’s autumn now and my forest has become quiet and sad, the birds are not singing, they have flown to warmer lands, there are no mushrooms and berries. Guys, I know that you know how to do everything, could you make me a forest clearing with mushrooms, so that it would be pleasant for me in my house and I would remember summer.

Sincerely, your Lesovichok."

3. - Well, guys, let's help our friend? (children's answers) But first, let’s remember what mushrooms we know - guess the riddles that Lesovichok sent you. (guess riddles).

1. This mushroom lives under a spruce tree,
Under her huge shadow.
Wise bearded old man,
Resident of the forest -... (boletus)

2. I was born on a rainy day
Under the young aspen,
Round, smooth, beautiful,
With a thick and straight leg. (boletus)

3. I don’t argue – I’m not white,
I, brothers, am simpler.
I usually grow
In a birch grove. (boletus)

4. They lead a friendly round dance
Red sisters.
Everyone will immediately understand:
In front of him… (chanterelles)

5. Red hat with polka dots,
Collar with a thin leg.
This mushroom is beautiful to look at
But dangerous, poisonous. (fly agaric)

6. Along forest paths
Lots of white legs
In multi-colored hats,
Noticeable from a distance.

Pack, don't hesitate!

This… (russula)

Before we get started, let's stretch our fingers:

One two three four five! (fingers walk across palm)

We're going to look for mushrooms
This finger went into the forest (curls fingers)
This finger found a mushroom
I began to clean this finger,

This finger began to fry,
This finger ate everything

That's why I got fat.

4. -Guys, I suggest you choose "clearing" and the material with which you will depict mushrooms.

You can unite in small groups, then there will be more mushrooms in your clearing.

Children disperse into subgroups. In the first subgroup, children roll up lumps of corrugated paper and glue them onto the finished outlines of mushrooms.

In the second: mushrooms are made from salted colored dough.

In the third: on the contours of mushrooms on "clearing" glue is applied, then the cereal is poured and distributed.

Children do the work using action algorithm cards.

5. - Summing up. Reflection.

Guys, who did we receive the parcel from?

What did Lesovichok ask for?

What did you guys enjoy doing most?

What do you guys think, will Lesovichok be happy?

Well done, guys, for helping Lesovich, for this he sent you a treat. (treat the children with cookies "Mushrooms" )

In the senior group, children are systematically and consistently introduced to different types of fine art, which are based on a thematic principle. The teacher continues to develop compositional skills, improves the skills of plot drawing on themes of the surrounding world and works of art. When studying the topic “Mushrooms,” children’s knowledge about the diverse world of mushrooms is consolidated, acquaintance with the nature of their native land continues, and a caring attitude towards it is cultivated. Knowledge about their shape, structure and color is structured, a sense of composition and the plot line of the drawing is developed, and acquaintance with non-traditional drawing techniques continues.

Features of pedagogical guidance in organizing drawing classes

In older groups, much attention is paid to creative tasks, since the process of learning and creativity are interconnected. However, we should not forget about the active use of gaming techniques in the classroom, because gaming motivation contributes to children’s desire to complete the educational task. To this end, briefly, but vividly and emotionally, the teacher tells a fictional story about the need to help the game characters (dolls, bear cubs, squirrels, etc.). Main - cause children to have a good attitude towards the characters and a desire to help them.

In the process of working on the topic “Mushrooms” with children 5–6 years old, the use of expressive means to convey shape, color, compositional and plot components becomes more difficult. Thus, the teacher’s work is aimed at consolidating and improving previously acquired knowledge about drawing geometric shapes and conveying them through images in various objects of the surrounding world with more complex color and detailed drawing, and the child’s artistic intention also becomes of great importance.

Development of visual skills of older preschoolers

Children learn to depict mushrooms more naturally. Particular attention is paid not only to the transfer of form and the main color palette (middle group), but to the development of artistic design and imagination. Unlike younger children, who often depict them by drawing a vertical and horizontal oval in the center of a sheet of paper, older children can depict different shapes and sizes, use colors depending on their types, create different scenes (in the grass, under the trees , in a forest clearing, in a basket), and also include various characters (butterflies, hedgehogs, ladybugs) in the drawing.

You can use traditional painting techniques (with watercolors, gouache, colored pencils or wax crayons) using various techniques, for example, painting with a brush (full brush, end, painting in one direction). Non-traditional techniques are an excellent way to create small masterpieces, turning children into real masters, and the lesson into a creative workshop. Such techniques not only add variety to the traditional course of the lesson, but also develop children’s creative potential, imagination, and children’s talent in drawing. Among the non-traditional techniques that a teacher can use when teaching drawing are the following: finger painting, signet printing, drawing with salt and cotton swabs.

This topic allows you to develop interest in visual arts, that is, along with drawing, the teacher can use modeling, for example, on the topic “The bear has mushrooms in the forest, I take berries,” and an application on the topic “Mushroom family.” During the classes, one learns the ability to sculpt a whole piece of clay or plasticine of different shapes, cut it from a relatively large sheet of paper, create decorative compositions, and consolidate technical skills (sculpting using stacks, training various types of cuts).

The teacher can offer individual tasks to children who show special interest and ability in drawing. For example, create a more complex composition: draw an autumn leaf on a mushroom cap; depict a sunny or rainy day, explaining that mushrooms grow faster after rain; forest inhabitants (a hedgehog or a squirrel preparing supplies for the winter) and other subjects depending on the creative activity of both the teacher and the children.

The role of plot and composition in children's drawings

Composition plays an important role in children's artistic development. Children can offer their own options for the arrangement of mushrooms on a sheet of paper and their characteristic surroundings. The teacher corrects their ideas and directs them in the right direction. A correct and clear presentation of the final result is facilitated by preliminary work with children at the beginning of a drawing lesson, as well as conversations during classes on familiarization with the outside world, modeling, and appliqué. Children already have an idea about edible and poisonous mushrooms, where and how they grow and how to collect them correctly, what animals eat mushrooms, how to behave correctly in the forest, that is, in addition to art education, the foundations of environmental education are laid.

The classic composition includes an image of boletus, boletus, fly agaric and others in the grass, in a forest clearing, in a basket. However, as noted above, children can be offered individual tasks with a more complex plot composition. Individual tasks can be given to small subgroups of children of 3-4 people. The works can then be united by one collective plot (from children’s drawings, make a forest mushroom clearing and help the bear collect everything; from drawings of edible and poisonous mushrooms, create a collage for the book “Help the animals learn everything about mushrooms”; first draw a truck on a large Whatman paper, in the back in which children can place drawn mushrooms and create a picture “Autumn gifts of the forest”, etc.). You can diversify classic compositional solutions with the help of fairy-tale plots (the heroes of your favorite fairy tales are picking mushrooms; the heroes of the fairy tale “The Three Bears” went into the forest to pick mushrooms and berries), drawing fairy-tale and fantastic mushrooms for different characters (the seven dwarves are looking for a fairy mushroom for Snow White; the heroes of your favorite cartoons are looking for mushrooms of fancy colors on an imaginary planet in order to wake up sleeping trolls).

Preparation for class

At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher devotes several minutes to intensifying the children’s cognitive activity, which, in turn, contributes to the formation of a holistic picture for completing the educational task. As a motivating start, you can use scenes when your favorite toys (doll Masha, Bear, Bunny, Squirrel, Dunno, etc.) come to visit, including guessing riddles or reading poetry. Next, you should talk with the children about the types (edible and poisonous), find similar features (mushrooms consist of a cap and a stem), discuss the differences (shape and color of the cap, thickness and height of the stem). Next, the teacher shows pictures, slides or dummies of different mushrooms and names them.

When drawing up lesson notes, you need to pay attention to the sequence and types of tasks that you plan to use and correctly allocate time for each educational stage:

  1. Preliminary work (2–3 minutes)
  2. Main part (15–17 minutes)
  3. Physical education minute (1–2 minutes)
  4. Final part (summarizing) (2–3 minutes)

An example of a drawing lesson summary for a senior group on the topic “Mushrooms”

HE. Mishchuk “Drawing lesson on the theme “Amanita in the grass”

When a child draws, he transfers his pure soul to paper.

Organizational educational activities
Kind of activity Topic/Materials Objectives/Program content
Red, green and simple pencils, eraser, sketchbook sheets for drawing.
Learn to draw a fly agaric from its constituent parts (leg with skirt, cap).
Clarify children's understanding of the structure of mushrooms: common and distinctive features. To develop an interest in learning about the world around us, to introduce them to edible and poisonous foods.
Lesson stage GCD content
Preliminary workLook at pictures of mushrooms, talk about edible and poisonous ones, name them.
Consider the peculiarity of the appearance of the fly agaric (bright red cap with white dots, skirt on a leg).
Main part Conversation on the topic
The teacher tells the children that old man Lesovichok came to visit them today (brings in a doll and a basket of dummies). Lesovichok talks about the forest school “Pantry of Knowledge”, where animals study. And tomorrow they will come to class, and Lesovichok will tell them about mushrooms. He found many different mushrooms in the forest, but he did not find a very bright and beautiful mushroom, but very poisonous.
The teacher invites the children to help Lesovich and draw fly agarics so that he can take their drawings to the forest school and tell them to the animals.
The teacher invites the children to talk about mushrooms and show Lesovich that they also know a lot about them (shows pictures of mushrooms and asks questions about what they are called, what color the caps of boletus, boletus, boletus, and fly agaric are).
He makes riddles about the fly agaric so that Lesovichok will also make them at his school.
This mushroom grows in the forest
Don't put it in your mouth!
It's not sweet at all
Specks on the hat
Red like a tomato
Inedible... ( fly agaric).

How good he is!
He has a polka dot hat!
This fungus grows in the forest,
But I won’t bring it home!
He's too quick to kill
Poisonous mushroom... ( fly agaric).
The teacher asks a question about why you can’t collect fly agaric mushrooms.

The teacher tells the children that now they will draw a fly agaric, but first they will play a game to remember all the types again.

Game “Edible - Inedible”

Explanation of the drawing scheme.

Physical education minute Gymnastics “Into the forest to pick mushrooms”
All the little animals are at the edge of the forest (children walk in a circle holding hands)
They are looking for milk mushrooms and trumpet mushrooms.
The squirrels were jumping (children are jumping)
The saffron milk caps were plucked. (tear them off)
The fox ran
I collected chanterelles. (children run in a circle and collect them)
The bunnies were jumping
They were looking for honey mushrooms. (children jump, collect honey mushrooms)
A bear passed by (children walk like a bear waddle)
The fly agaric crushed. (children stomp their right foot)
Final part (summarizing)Let's tell Lesovich once again which ones can be collected and which ones cannot. What are their names?
The teacher prepares a large sheet of whatman paper in advance, tinting it with a light green color, drawing bushes and grass as if in a forest clearing.
Children lay out their drawings in the clearing, look at them, choose the best ones and give them to Lesovich.

Step-by-step drawing of a fly agaric

The teacher should pay special attention to explaining all the stages of drawing a fly agaric.

The teacher shows pictures depicting edible mushrooms. Children name them and describe their appearance features.

Photo gallery: pictures of edible mushrooms to show to children

Boletus on a thick white leg with a brown cap Boletus on a long white leg with black specks and a brown cap Family of boletuses with orange-red caps

The teacher shows pictures of poisonous mushrooms. Children name them and describe their appearance features.

Photo gallery: pictures of poisonous mushrooms to show to children

A fly agaric on a white leg with a skirt and a bright red cap with white dots A pale grebe on a long thin leg with a skirt and a yellowish cap False honey mushrooms with light brown caps A chanterelle in the grass A clear day in the forest. Fly agaric family

In the senior group, the improvement of artistic skills continues, new techniques and drawing techniques are included in the work, revealing the creative abilities of children. Drawing is directly related to classes to familiarize yourself with the outside world, appliqué, and modeling. The theme “Mushrooms” helps to enrich children’s knowledge about nature, develop imagination and aesthetic taste. The proposed original outline of a drawing lesson can become the basis for further creative developments by educators.

I want to show you how a seemingly simple drawing became a trip to the forest to pick mushrooms. Before we started drawing, we read a fairy tale about mushrooms, studied different types of mushrooms, looked at all the illustrations and went on a trip.

First, the children were divided into 2 groups, 1 group decided not to draw mushrooms, but to sculpt them. And this is what we got

Our second subgroup decided to paint with watercolors. First we made a clearing for our mushrooms

Then we cut out “grass” from green paper and glued it to the “clearing.” Unfortunately, this photo fragment was deleted.

Well, after preparing the clearing, the children started drawing, we got a variety of types of mushrooms. But the most important thing is with what pleasure we did it. And the most important thing about the idea was that almost not a single mushroom was repeated, since our children agreed in advance which mushrooms they would draw!

And here we have such a fabulous mushroom clearing! Then each child added their own drawing, which they thought fit here!