Beautiful congratulations on the holiday of the Airborne Forces. Congratulations on the day of the Airborne Forces beautiful poems, prose, postcards

Congratulations on the Day of the Airborne Forces from the General

Who is the coolest in the world? - Airborne! Who jumps through the clouds? - Airborne!

On the day of the airborne troops
We wish from the bottom of our hearts
To life path and search
He was fruitful and bright.

So that every passing day
Leave only happiness for you
To eternal luck shadow
Walked on the heels of joy.

Happy paratrooper day to you
warrior, hero,
I'm always proud of you
I won't hide this.

Congratulations from the bottom of my heart
Have a good walk!
Happiness, joy, love,
Money - definitely!

My paratrooper dear,
Happy holiday to you! Wait a minute
Give me five minutes
Let the fountains wait!

Be healthy my lord
Lord of my thoughts
Be happy always, everywhere
On the vast earth!

The boys are celebrating today
Airborne Day! They all cheers!
Everyone served after all once,
And now the time has come

Celebrate this holiday together
And remember all your friends!
I am to all of you, blue berets,
I give this congratulations!

cool poems

Let's put on aiguillettes today,
We put on a blue beret.
After all, there is no cooler holiday for us,
Than Airborne Day!

We will not lose face
Though we swim in the fountain, -
Used to pull the ring
Three meters from the ground in the fog.

And nothing! Do we really
After all, our character is firm and ardent,
Not to overcome two or three bottles?
After all, it's just shame and disgrace.

Easily! And it will be in my head
Only a light breeze and fun:
We are not dangerous this potion
After all, we are with you from the Airborne Forces!

Happy Airborne Forces Day
Congratulations people!
Happiness is over you
Let the sun rise!

For our immense landing
I poured a drunken glass today.
I drink for those who serve in military service,
Or she once served.

Let the insidious enemy hopelessly rush about -
He will not make his way into the deep peaceful rear,
When in the ranks - the defenders of the Fatherland,
Paratroopers of the military and Air Force.

You will be recognized not only by berets,
Let the days fly by, the years go by
You are the best, and this is always the case
Airborne assault is forever!

Happy Airborne Forces Day to congratulate you guys
For everyone responsibility and honor.
you are strong and brave soldiers,
Calm down to all of us, knowing that you exist!

Congratulations on the day of the Airborne Forces in verse

With a peacekeeping mission in various countries,
And in the fight against terrorism in the steppes and mountains -
Risking your life is your usual business:
Your service in the airborne troops.

A lot of different legends about "winged infantry"
With the main motto in life: "No one but us!"
You honorably bear your duty to your homeland.
Happy paratrooper's day, we are glad to congratulate you!

May luck always help you in life,
There will be a fighting spirit and excellent health,
Let your parachute always open your dome,
Well, the sky will be cloudless and clear.

Such men, as a rule, are laconic -
What to tell them to all those who did not serve at all?
They are faithful with friends, and infinitely loving with their family.
So there is enough strength for any adversity!

They have answers for any question!
It doesn’t matter what he’s doing now: a teacher, a businessman -
Since August has come - put on vests, berets!
Hurray - Airborne! Congratulations Airborne!

Voice congratulations on the day of the airborne troops

Our pride, our strength - fate has blessed you!

The Airborne Forces are strength, the Airborne Forces are class!

What a paratrooper, oh my God! Cool, cute, reliable!

Elite military family
Unshakable military brotherhood,
Accept congratulations, friends,
Happy Glorious Airborne Assault Day!

Do not crawl, but fly, you are born,
Being strong is destined.
May hopes and dreams come true
Live in happiness: with joy, with love!

You are fearless, brave, beautiful
Blue berets suit you,
You are reliability, courage, strength.
Airborne - and that says it all.

We congratulate you, paratroopers
Who served and who serves now
We wish you strength and courage
And God bless you in difficult times.

Airborne Troops
Your motto: "No one but us!"
Pulsating young blood in the temples.
Great hopes for you!

Always stay strong and strong!
May a cheerful spirit live in the heart!
Support, protection of our country!
You are her reliable stronghold!

Happy Airborne Forces Day to congratulate you joyfully,
Tell you on holiday nice words,
Merit to the Fatherland to glorify,
And wish you only the best in life!

May fate keep you, protect you,
May it bring you success in business,
Let the holiday lift the mood
So that there is no interference for fun!

Happy paratrooper's day, friends,
I hasten to congratulate you!
I wish you not to get sick
Get younger every year
Pour muscles with force,
Wear a tuxedo on a holiday
Riding in a limousine
Keep success in your fist!

greeting card

Paratrooper, today is your day,
May he live well
Let there be a fighting spirit
Let the Power be proud of you!

We wish you good luck
In the planned affairs and plans,
Solutions for any task
In fate at the turns of the main!

congratulations for a friend

These guys in berets down the street
They walk with a firm step, without straying!
And with delight the girls admire,
Winking and smiling at them!

Among other events and holidays -
Russians know this day!
Happy airborne paratroopers day
And I congratulate you, my friend!

On the second of August, friends, get your berets!
Today we will celebrate and there are no barriers for us!
We are Uncle Vasya's troops, do not stand in our way,
Airborne paratrooper we will meet the day now!
We're in shape and always ready to jump into the fight
Let our blue beret be clean and bright!

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Serve best guys Motherland
In the parachute troops.
Often at the risk of their own lives,
They do not know the danger of fear.
All paratroopers, in full force,
You are the hope of our entire army.
Today we hasten to congratulate you
Happy day of courage and your valor.
May it never be broken
Your attitude and your fighting spirit,
May the wind always be fair,
And you will be kept by fate.


You are fearless, brave, beautiful
Blue berets suit you,
You are reliability, courage, strength.
Airborne - and that says it all.
We congratulate you, paratroopers
Who served and who serves now
We wish you strength and courage
And God bless you in difficult times.


Paratroopers - the glory of our entire army,
Indeed, in hot spots, in unequal battles,
With weapons or in hand-to-hand combat -
All the best guys in the paratroopers.
Our paratroopers are a great force,
They throw you into hell, they call for help.
Wherever the service takes you,
Let the parachute always open.


They call you elite troops,
But “blue berets” sounds better.
They send to the rescue of many parts,
To any region and to any part of the world.
We wish you to pass tests everywhere,
Health to you, endurance, true friends.
Always return from the mission with victory,
And be faithful to your Fatherland.


Paratroopers at the forefront
You are selflessly devoted to your Fatherland,
Your fighting spirit will never break,
The Airborne Forces is not just a service, it is the principle of life.
The one who became a paratrooper will not turn off the road,
After all, he walked along it with his comrades,
And never flinch in the face of danger
And he knows well about strong friendship.
I want to wish you from the bottom of my heart today
Good health, happy minutes,
Let combat training not let you down,
And a friend and a parachute will always be reliable.


With a peacekeeping mission in various countries,
And in the fight against terrorism in the steppes and mountains -
Risking your life is your usual business:
Your service in the airborne troops.
Many different legends about the "winged infantry"
With the main motto in life: “No one but us!”
You honorably bear your duty to your homeland.
Happy paratrooper's day, we are glad to congratulate you!
May luck always help you in life,
There will be a fighting spirit and excellent health,
Let your parachute always open your dome,
Well, the sky will be cloudless and clear.


You are a paratrooper, which means
That you will not be afraid in any battle,
You clearly know your task
You carry out your service with honor.
You are infantry, but there is a difference
After all, you attack enemies from heaven,
And the task for "excellent"
You do it without further ado.
You are an example for young boys,
And let you come home
And with his seven-string guitar
Tell us about the glorious battle.
Keep silent only about the pain of loss,
About danger and fear in the eyes,
You're just true to your honor
After all, you served in the paratroopers.


There is an opinion among the paratroopers,
That any of the Airborne Forces can become a hero,
And all obstacles will pass, the first to accept the battle,
To honorably fulfill the duty to the country.
The guys in the Airborne Forces know what honor is,
Meanness or flattery are alien and unusual for them.
They know the price of friendship, loyalty and life,
And the idea of ​​patriotism is in their blood.
We want to congratulate you paratroopers from the bottom of our hearts,
And thank you for your service and courage.
Let luck help at the forefront,
So that you always return home with victory.


They compose songs about the landing,
Books are written, movies are made,
About the landing brotherhood of honor
From childhood, every boy knows.
Everyone respects you for your courage,
Airborne - we are proud of you.
And let it help you as always
The principle is true: “No one but us!”


Today we are glad to congratulate
On the day of the paratroopers of all fighters,
Who has long deserved the award,
And who is ready to serve.
Let there be enough courage for all
And patience and skill,
To proudly with a victorious flag
Return from any battle!


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Congratulations on the Airborne Forces Day in verse

"Congratulations on the paratrooper's day"

When I was in the tenth grade,
We were struck by a beautiful new film,
And the guys all fell ill with the landing,
After all, the feat of youth is necessary!

The tide went in Tula and Ryazan,
And this year the countdown was led by Afghan...
To all the guys who served in the landing,
I shake hands tightly, happiness, peace to you!

"Happy Airborne Forces Day Wishes"

There are few like you my friend.
With you, our army would be stronger
You are a brave paratrooper from God,
Wish there were more people like you!

On your holiday, I wish today
Health, happiness and peace of mind,
Let the paratroopers take a walk today
And shout loudly: "Glory to the Airborne Forces!"

"Beautiful congratulations Happy Airborne Forces Day"

Paratroopers today wishes -
May all your wildest dreams come true.
Let you be given extraordinary titles,
And the girls will give you flowers!

So that BeeMDashki were fast,
The armor was powerful and strong.
And life flowed so peacefully and freely,
So that the bullets do not whistle at the temple!

"Congratulations on Airborne Forces Day"

Tight, trimmed, overly gloomy
The back is like a titanium rod.
He will wear again protective suit,
And the enemy will be defeated again.

When assaulted like a hawk of blue color
The enemy is attacked by a paratrooper in a beret.
The country is proud of the winged infantry -
For the day of the Airborne Forces, drink to the bottom!

"New congratulations on the day of the Airborne Forces"

Accept congratulations on the day of the Airborne Forces!
The blue beret stands out in the crowd.
Paratrooper day without crazy you
And do not hold, and it is impossible to imagine!
The youthful prowess will please everyone:
Rivals are strong heaped down!
Reveler, warrior, steel hero,
At the celebration of life, you are not rowdy!
I wish the elite beauty of the gene pool
good luck, victories and big record!

"Best congratulations Happy Airborne Forces Day"

This day - great holiday,
He is famous, he is loved
Airborne Day -
Many years unbeatable!

Heroes go to the parade
Holiday, songs ahead,
Will water bathing
You dive into the fountain, don't wait!

And from the roar of fireworks
Ears should be saved
But every child knows
This holiday is worth the candle!

"Happy Airborne Forces Day"

On Airborne Forces Day, I hasten to congratulate
Beloved with all my heart.
So I want to praise from the heart
Man's breadth of soul!

You, my good, I wish
From the life of titles and awards!
So that you find happiness without end,
Encounter no obstacles on the way!

August 2 - Airborne Troops Day. Not everyone celebrates this holiday, but many people know about it and this is understandable. "Blue Berets" celebrate their day noisily, on a grand scale.

If you have familiar paratroopers, then you probably want to congratulate them. Here you will find the most different congratulations With Happy Airborne Forces- in prose, poetry, short poems for sms, postcards, pictures.

A bit of history about Airborne Troops Day

In 2006, by the Decree of the President Russian Federation No. 549, the day was determined, August 2, to honor the paratroopers and the memory of the brave paratroopers who died.

The date was not chosen by chance. On August 2, 1930, at the exercises of the Moscow Military District, for the first time in world history, a combat parachute jump was performed by a group of twelve people who, after landing, had to complete a combat mission. This event is considered the birthday of the landing troops. A year later, the first amphibious unit of 164 people was created. At first, the paratroopers belonged to the air force, then to the ground.

The airborne troops have several unofficial names - "blue berets", "winged infantry" and "uncle Vasya's troops." More recently, it is connected with Army General Vasily Filippovich Margelov, who made a huge contribution to the reconstruction, formation and development of the Airborne Forces. Margelov was firmly convinced that in modern operations only highly mobile landing forces capable of wide maneuver would be able to successfully operate deep behind enemy lines. He abandoned his earlier views on holding the area captured by the “winged infantry”, before the main forces break through to it, by the method of tough defense, because with this approach, the landed men face complete destruction.

True, his opinion was not always taken into account, he often encountered misunderstanding and obstacles from the Ministry of Defense and the "upper echelons of power." He constantly had to prove the need to equip the Airborne Forces with modern models of equipment and weapons. It was thanks to Markelov that in our country, for the first time in the world, a BMD-1 with two crew members on board was dropped from an An-12B military transport aircraft on parachute-platform means - commander Major Alexander Margelov (general's son) and driver Lieutenant Colonel Leonid Shcherbakov. It happened on January 5, 1973.

“Paratrooper No. 1,” as Margelov is called, made sure that the paratroopers, like Marines, born under Peter I, received the right to wear vests, only it was decided to make the stripes blue - the color of the sky.

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in 2005 established the medal "General of the Army Margelov" in recognition of the special merits of "paratrooper No. 1" to the Fatherland. It is awarded to military personnel, veterans and civilian personnel and the Airborne Forces for conscientious service and personal contribution to the strengthening and development of this type of troops.

On the day of the Airborne Forces sound official congratulations from the Ministry of Defense, the next ranks, awards are handed over to especially distinguished paratroopers. On this day, both employees and veterans put on vests, blue berets and take to the streets of cities. Meetings are accompanied by memories of various events of their difficult service, songs with a guitar, swimming in fountains, fights and fights often occur during celebrations. One of the versions why the tradition of bathing in fountains has taken root so much is that paratroopers see the reflection of the sky in the water of the fountains and want to be closer to it that day.

The leader of the Just Russia party, Sergei Mironov, who served in the airborne troops, wrote on his blog:

“How is a paratrooper different from a soldier of other types and branches of the military? Only by the force of weapons and technology? No, the tank troops will probably have such a force more. Maneuverability and speed of transfer? No, many types of aircraft have both maneuverability and speed. Maybe airborne? But other troops can also land, if necessary, from the air. No. The landing party differs from others in that there are no insurmountable tasks for it. When a task is set, the paratrooper will fulfill it with a 100% guarantee. He will not just die, but he will fulfill it, even if for this it will be necessary to die. This is what Uncle Vasya's troops are different from other glorious troops.

So let's congratulate these courageous and strong guys on their professional holiday.

Congratulations on the Day of the Airborne Forces in verse

Happy Airborne Forces Day, guys, congratulations,
I wish you strength, courage!
Swimming in the fountain is great
Today is enough to laugh.
I want to roam for glory,
All paratroopers.
You are the best troops in the world
Even kids know about it!

We'll raise our glass
For our landing!
To strengthen the spirit of the soldiers,
Growing muscles!
So that in difficult moments
Don't lower your hands!
We give you compliments
We respect the service
May the sun shine brightly on you
Experience comes to you!
Let the girls smile
And sadness is gone!

"Winged Infantry"
Congratulations today.
We are very proud of you
We appreciate you, we respect you!
The paratroopers are ready
Risking my life
Execute all orders
And skydive.
May peace reign everywhere
There will be no cursed wars
So that for the native country
Guys don't die!

Who hasn't skydived
And he didn’t try on the beret,
He does not know that many
Lost in my life.
Congratulations to the landing
For whom the vest is a mother,
Who is fearless, strong, brave,
Can crawl and fly.
We want to wish the guys
On this courageous day
Be shy and stately
And worthy of the Airborne Forces!
And in my life proudly
To carry the honor of a paratrooper,
So that Russia, if necessary
Save from the invasion!

You are brave and decide
You, my friend, are fearless
You call yourself a paratrooper
In battle, like a lion, fearlessly rushing!
You are in the army - almost a god,
There is nothing you can't!
So let, wherever you are,
Dreams come true
May you succeed
Let the enemy surrender
Romance reigns in the soul!
Paratrooper, Happy Paratrooper Day!

Paratrooper's work
Protect the homeland!
And this is not wrappers for you,
And just to say!
Whether in heaven, on land,
They are good for everything!
Landing - the best soldiers
At the army of the country!
Defenders of the Fatherland
Landing troops!
Known to mankind
It's safer not to find!
Soldiers and Romantics
May you be lucky in everything!
Happy holiday to you, paratroopers!
Thank you for everything!

Short SMS congratulations on the Day of the paratrooper

Chosen guys - blue berets,
All of Russia is proud of their valor and courage.
Health and happiness and vivacity to you in addition
To complete difficult tasks with dignity!

Congratulations, VDV!
This is your holiday!
You are a soldier, our defender,
And also a hero!
Happiness, joy, you
Peace on the planet!
Let luck settle
In a blue beret!

It's August in the yard
Airborne Day has arrived.
Take the blue beret
Raise a toast with your friends.
Accept congratulations,
Celebrate the holiday well.
May they always be with you
Friendship, loyalty and love.

Thanks to you we can sleep peacefully
We know that the Airborne Forces will not let you down,
You serve with dignity
We wish you happiness and go ahead!

The parachute has a white dome, and takes on the head,
White and blue vest. Congratulations VDV!
We wish you a lot of happiness, strength and pressure,
So that green always burns on your life path!

Congratulations to dad on the day of the airborne troops in verse and prose

Father, there is no former paratrooper!
We are in a hurry to congratulate you
And on this important day, we wish:
Be healthy, happy and loved!
Look at life with a happy look,
Let there be no troubles and separations.
We are calm, because next to us
There is a faithful and reliable friend!

Airborne Forces Day is celebrated today by the country,
Let's have glasses full of wine
For their health, happiness, friendship,
We will drink everything to the bottom.
You, father, I wish only happiness,
Let all bad weather fly by
Let life flow like a full river
May the Lord keep you.

My strongest, bravest dad,
You served in the landing troops,
Today you are celebrating
And you remember your youthful ardor!
And Happy Paratrooper Day today
I want to congratulate you
Let everything be fine in life
Live for us and for yourself.

Dear dad, Happy Airborne Forces Day to you! You are a reliable support for our family and a vivid example of wisdom, loyalty, kindness. May the years only strengthen your health. Happiness to you and good luck in all your affairs!

Father, I congratulate you on the holiday - Airborne Forces Day! I am proud that you are a paratrooper and that you are my father! I want to wish strength and courage, activity and prosperity, hope and faith in a beautiful future. Let life bring only the most pleasant surprises every day.

On Airborne Forces Day, I want to congratulate the hero, the defender of the country and the dearest person in the world. Dad, I wish your strength to grow stronger, may your health not leave for a moment, may all your undertakings lead to success, always go ahead and know that we love you!

Congratulations on the Airborne Forces Day in prose

Today, on the day of the Airborne Forces, I would like to sincerely congratulate you on the holiday. Wish that under any circumstances you have strength, courage and reliability. Your life principle is “No one but us!” causes admiration and pride for you. You guys in blue berets always have willpower, pride in the country, striving for the best and willingness to defend the country from all dangers and enemies. From the bottom of our hearts we wish you good health, courage, patience and happiness.

Our dear airborne troops, we congratulate you on the holiday! You are the pride of our country, always remain so courageous, brave and reliable. I would like to wish you that joy visits your strong hearts, grief bypassed your homes, and happiness and luck were true friends.

Our dear paratroopers air force, with your day you, with the day of the Airborne Forces. I wish you only the best - so that your hearts do not know insults and disappointments, so that your plans and dreams always come true, let you be surrounded faithful friends, as well as the love and warmth of your loved ones and relatives. Good health to you, strength. Happy holiday!

On the Day of the Airborne Troops, you can usually see a lot of guys on the streets, men in blue berets and vests. These are our "winged infantry", these are our "blue berets", these are our guys, which the country is proud of. After all, you are always ready to go ahead and selflessly fight against dangers, protecting the country. May fire always shine in your eyes and all peaks submit. Happiness to you, love, health. My toast is for the Airborne Forces!

Dear defenders serving in Airborne troops, I want to congratulate you on the holiday! I wish you happiness, success, confidence in a bright future, fulfillment cherished desires and confidence that everything will certainly develop as we would like. May the Lord keep you.

Congratulations to your beloved

Your blue beret confuses me

Put on that way famously sideways.

Why did you put it on, of course I know

Today is the holiday of the Airborne Forces!

Cheerful, drunk, with a flag and in a vest

With friends you will walk the streets

And you will drink vodka for the Airborne Forces from a flask,

Driving all the newbies today in a shiver.

You, my warrior, I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,

May there be peace in the soul and on Earth.

I always wish to be cool and strong

Health, happiness and love to you!

Paratrooper, my dear hero,
One at heart, unique.
On Airborne Forces Day, your cherished
I send wishes, my love!
I promise to wait faithfully
From your difficult, long service.
Sometimes you just want to hug
Say that I really need you!.
I pray that God keep you
In flight to the goals and to victory.
My white-winged pilgrim
Let the sun of happiness shine brighter!

Happy Airborne Forces Day, my love!
You are the best, the strongest.
And on your very important holiday
Let there be the right attitude.

I wish you all the best,
Solutions to life problems
Moments full of positivity
In the soul - goodness, and in the world - peace.

Again you fly from heaven down on a parachute,
You know all your air routes
Let the earth meet you as softly as possible,
And I'm worried, you're the only one in the world.
I'll send you a kiss to the sky
And he will reach the goal, wherever you are,
Let him congratulate you on the day of the landing troops,
Let me leave a memory.

I'm happy that you're by my side
Reliable, strong, generous for no reason.
After all, there are no former paratroopers,
Happy Airborne Forces Day to you, my beloved man.
I wish you simple things:
In the family - love, success at work,
Health, happiness, peace, kindness,
Let it circle in a bright cycle of life!

Holiday cards for the Day of the Airborne Forces

congratulations pictures

Postcards, pictures, poems, prose with congratulations can be sent to email or congratulations via social media. You can also send an original congratulation to your phone.

Don't forget to watch so you don't miss an important date.
Happy holiday everyone!

Congratulations guys
Happy Paratroopers Day!
Let the parachute always open
Let the girls fall in love at first sight
Let the sky be clear, without clouds,
And may there be no debt in life!

Cool congratulations on Airborne Forces Day

Who jumped with a parachute
Legs kicked in the sky,
So I wish you well!
A short fur coat to wear from a beaver,
Ride a wheelbarrow cool
Build a big house
Keep your salary in euros
And be the happiest!

A short congratulations to the paratroopers on the Day of the Airborne Forces

I congratulate the brave soldiers
Brave, beautiful, athletic guys!
Those who conquer the expanses of heaven.
Those who do not know about the word cowardice.
More honest victories for you guys.
Live openly, without falsehood and troubles.
You are all heroes of your country.
We need brave guys like you!

Great congratulations on the Day of the paratrooper

Congratulations guys, happy landing day!
May fate be kind to you, unbiased,
After all, there are no more worthy guys in the whole world,
You won hearts with your valor!
May success greet you everywhere,
Save the honor of the paratrooper forever,
Let in the history of our loud power,
Your courage inspires all descendants!

Beautiful congratulations on the Airborne Forces Day

The strongest and bravest guys
On this sunny August day,
I congratulate you on the day of the Airborne Forces!
Aim for your height!
Fate is not given to you to retreat,
Your right is to always win
You are the winged brotherhood of the country,
We were born to protect our peace!
Courage, courage, strength is your flag,
The fierce enemy is broken by valor!
Only no one can break you,
You are always born to win!

Unusual congratulations on the Paratrooper's Day

Paratrooper, today is your day,
May he live well
Let there be a fighting spirit
Let the Power be proud of you!

We wish you good luck
In the planned affairs and plans,
Solutions for any task
In fate at the turns of the main!

Original congratulations on the Airborne Forces Day

Happy Airborne Forces Day to congratulate you joyfully,
To say warm words to you on holiday,
Merit to the Fatherland to glorify,
And wish you only the best in life!

May fate keep you, protect you,
May it bring you success in business,
Let the holiday lift the mood
So that there is no interference for fun!

Unusual congratulations on the Airborne Forces Day

Everything obeyed the height
And there is a second to think.
Barely close to the ground
And just a little touch

The paratrooper is in a hurry to execute
The task of considerable complexity.
And life hardly values,
After all, the Airborne Forces are experienced troops.

Happy Airborne Forces Day dashing guys,
Men worthy and pleasant.
The landing party is always on top
God bless all of you guys.

Original congratulations on the Day of the Airborne Forces

Elite military family
Unshakable military brotherhood,
Accept congratulations, friends,
Happy Glorious Airborne Assault Day!
Do not crawl, but fly, you are born,
Being strong is destined.
May hopes and dreams come true
Live in happiness: with joy, with love!

Short congratulations on Airborne Forces Day to your beloved, husband

Paratrooper, I'm glad to congratulate you,
I wish you happiness, joy around!
Your love is my best reward
My beloved and most faithful friend.