What to talk about with a guy - examples and topics for conversation. What to talk about with a guy on the phone. What can you talk about with a guy - the best topics for conversation

Darina Kataeva

Tired of the awkward silence? Don't know what else to talk about? Don't despair, take action. If you are sociable and friendly, this will attract a guy even more. But what are the topics for conversation and how to behave when meeting a new boyfriend?

How to behave with a guy?

If you've been asked out on a date, it's no wonder awkwardness haunts you. However, these feelings can spoil the evening. To prevent such a situation, you should remember the basic rules of behavior with a young man.

Be yourself.

Don't try to look better than you really are. If this is not noticeable, in the future the man will reveal all your shortcomings. This may shock him, so just relax and enjoy your holiday. Remember, if a guy asked you out on a date, then something about you impressed him. So just be yourself!


Any awkwardness will be smoothed out, and in a moment, if you smile at your boyfriend. This simple remedy is one of the most effective. It will be easier for a guy to relax, and for you personally, if a sweet and gentle smile does not leave your face. Laugh, enjoy the conversation. You won't even notice. After such a relaxed and easy conversation, the guy will definitely want to meet you again.


Due to stress, many women at a meeting with a guy do what they talk about themselves incessantly. This behavior is erroneous, because the guy may get the impression that you only think about yourself. Therefore, try to ask the young man questions, and most importantly, listen. This will show that you are interested in communication and that you care deeply about the other person's life. Even if you are not particularly interested in what the guy says, try not to show it. Listen carefully and build your answers based on what you heard.

Talk about your interests, not outstanding qualities.

For a guy to know more about you, it is not necessary to tell him how beautiful you are and how many virtues you have. He will notice it himself. However, do not miss the opportunity to talk about your interests. So you will find something in common, and this will become a topic for further conversation.

Avoid whining and complaining.

Gossip and complaints about others only repel. Avoid such statements, even if you are right. Talk about the positive, and then only the most pleasant and touching memories will remain in your heart from communication.

How to find a topic for a conversation with a guy?

In order for the date to be successful, awkward pauses should be avoided. But what if you find it difficult to strike up a conversation. What to start talking about so as not to look ridiculous and stupid? The following tips will help you find a topic to talk about:

Directly ask what is interesting to the interlocutor.

People love to talk about themselves, their hobbies, achievements and hobbies. Therefore, a direct question regarding the interests of the guy will dispose to a long and relaxed conversation. Ask your boyfriend how his day was, or what he likes to do. Such questions will show the young man that you are interested in his personal life, and this will contribute to the development of even greater sympathy for you.

- trips;

- How was the day?

- memories;

- food and drink preferences

- news at work / at school;

What not to talk about on a first date:

- relatives;

- about a past lover;

- a history of all your diseases;

- gossip and complaints about life;

- do not talk about money and material things;

about their own problems and failures.

Given the strict taboos and proposed topics for a conversation with a guy, you will feel much more confident on a date. Do not forget about good manners, good habits and a beautiful appearance. You won't impress a boyfriend with one conversation, so don't forget about other factors that attract men!

February 11, 2014

What can you talk about with your loved one (with a guy, with a man) on the "open spaces" of social networks? What topics would be interesting to talk about?


You can talk about feelings endlessly! And in prose, and in verse, and with humor .... However, you need to “dilute” such a chic theme with others to make it more interesting! Talk about love until you can put into words what you feel. Tell us about what has accumulated in your heart.


Tell me where you've been, what you've seen. This will smoothly lead you to discussion, nostalgia. The conversation will be long and exciting if you get it right. And you can do it if you really want to.


Questions that will make this topic completely boring:

"How do you think…. What should I wear today?"

The guy will offer various options. You will discuss all this for a long time and come to some kind of common and interesting opinion.

“Do you remember what the weather was like a year ago? After all, we met on this day .... "

Here's what you'll be talking about.... Topics that this romantic question will prompt:

  1. Weather.
  2. Memories.
  3. Tenderness.
  4. Love.
  5. Poetry discussion.
  6. Confessions.

Talk about what's going on in the world

The Internet allows you to share links to pages, sites and forums. And the pictures?! They play a big role for those who belong to the visual type. Visuals are those people who mainly rely on the organ of sight. They love watching videos and reading.

In conversations, you can also touch on such topics:

  1. Sport.
  2. Movie.
  3. Future plans.
  4. Memories of the past.
  5. Cooking.
  6. Shopping in hypermarkets, kiosks and online stores.
  7. Kids.
  8. Books.
  9. Travel and travel.

There are "magic" questions

If you can correctly ask them, the conversation will “roll over as a wave of understanding” between you. There are two types of such questions:

  1. Clarifying. The guy tells something, you carefully read and re-read, ask questions, "clinging" to every word from the guy's story. One story (even the smallest one) is capable of “giving birth” to more than a hundred questions!
  2. Counter. He asks you a question - you, answering it, ask a similar one and wait for an answer. Then you can compare the answers and draw conclusions about how similar you are.
  1. Think of or choose the question you want to ask the young person.
  2. Wait for a response (wait as long as necessary without imposing on the person).
  3. Actively develop the topic of communication.
  4. Answer all the questions that the man (boy) will ask.
  5. Ask a new question (this should be done when you feel that the conversation is "slowing down").

With a loved one you can talk about everything!

But there are topics that are best avoided on social networks so as not to quarrel:

  1. Former girls in his life. He won't discuss it with you! And if the discussion starts, he will not tell you the whole truth. Men are quite secretive in this matter (in the presence of a lady).
  2. Former men in your life. A man is afraid to learn new juicy details about you. All men are owners! Everything!
  3. Fiasco in sexual relations. If you want to talk about your failures - please! But don't touch the subject if it touches him. The question of sexual "failures" is a sore point for every man!
  4. Series, films about love. Of course, no one forbids talking about them! You just need to know how a man relates to this "kind" of cinema.
  5. Comparing a guy to someone else. You don't need to compare yourself to anyone! Remember that each person is an individual.
  6. Grievances. You don't have to "get hung up" on them! Forget them and forgive. Forget for real. So as not to remind them at the first scandal.
  7. Mistakes. These include: lies, betrayal, mistrust, doubt. Forgive immediately - do not think about what happened, now!
  1. Dedicate more time to reality! Virtual communication is not the kind of “contact” that is worth wasting your time on. You can't even imagine how short a human life is! Give preference to reality ....
  2. Answer the guy's questions if he asks them. Don't miss anything! Not a single detail! When you understand that he wants to speak out, listen to him. Even if the topic doesn't concern you.
  3. Don't talk exclusively about yourself on social media. Selfishness in the conversation is not welcome. Let the interlocutor insert his own words! There is no strength to wait for your “turn” to speak out - turn on willpower and patience! You will also have the opportunity to talk!
  4. Send your favorite photos, pictures, images, emoticons. Then the conversation will turn into the closest to the real. He will respond to the images in the same way - start communicating with “visuals”. What it is? What can be seen, what can be seen. Something to admire.
  5. Do not “transfer” the conversation to the topic that the loved one does not want to talk about, which he avoids. You only have a few options. Either talk about something neutral, or about what is interesting to your own little man, or on your general topics.
  6. Dilute the conversation with jokes, jokes and anecdotes. You'll see: it's much cooler! You can joke and start chatting on three or four social networks (simultaneously). Just turn off the sounds of incoming messages so that they do not tire you!
  7. Don't swear in conversations. And "stop" him if he starts using foul language. There should be no place for ugly and offensive words in your dialogue! Appreciate and love each other! After all, you might never meet ....
  8. Always give a warning if you go away for a while or leave the Internet. Enter - say hello, leave - say goodbye, please! Put emoticons to "revive" your communication. Look how infectious it is!

If at a party or on a date you are talking with a young man whom you just met or whom you really like, and your conversation has reached an impasse, then you may panic, not knowing what to say and how to continue the conversation. In this case, take a deep breath, calm down and use the tips described in this article.


Part 1

What to say

    Ask open-ended questions. Do this no matter who or what you are talking about. An open-ended question is given a detailed answer, and not just “yes” or “no”, as in a closed question. Open-ended questions are more effective at keeping the conversation going than closed questions that can be answered in one word.

    • Try to rephrase closed questions as open questions. For example, don't ask a young man if he liked the movie you saw; ask him what he thinks about the plot of the film.
    • You can encourage the young person to give a detailed answer if you express your own opinion, but in this case, do not forget that the young person should also voice his thoughts.
  1. Ask questions based on his answers. In other words, use the information you get from the young person to continue the conversation. By carefully listening to a guy's answers, you will always find a topic that he can develop in more detail. Use this technique to continue the conversation on a certain topic or change it to a new one, but somehow related to the previous one.

    • If you can't think of an open-ended question, say, "That's interesting. Tell me more about it."
    • Don't interrupt the young man. Let him finish the thought, and only then ask additional questions.
    • A young man will stop talking about a topic if he realizes that you are not interested in it. The beauty is that by asking him to continue, you will not only keep the conversation going, but also make it clear to the young man that you are interested.
  2. Give the guy a compliment to make him relax. Many people appreciate genuine compliments, so if a young person can't speak fluently, praise them to boost their confidence.

    • Do not make seductive or indecent compliments. For example, it is better to say: "You have beautiful eyes" than "I am drowning in your eyes."
    • A good compliment will improve the mood of a young man in any situation. For example, say something like, “I'm glad I met you here. If it wasn't for you, I would be very bored."
  3. Talk about your environment. If you don't know how to start a conversation, start by talking about the room you're in or the activity you're attending.

    • If you are at a party, talk about music, decorations, food, or anything else related to the party.
    • If you're dining at a restaurant, talk about the atmosphere, the food, and whether you've been to the restaurant before.
  4. Be positive. Don't complain - remember that people love to talk to people who are positive and optimistic. Perhaps if you study or work with a young man, you really want to complain to him, but it is better not to succumb to such a temptation.

    • Since everyone has troubles at school or at work, some discussion of problems can bring you and the young man closer, but you should not get carried away and constantly complain about fate - in this case, the guy will get bored, because of which he will end the conversation.
    • Talk not about problems, but about your achievements and positive moments. For example, talk about how your company has grown since the losses, or about a new teacher who teaches much better than the old one.
  5. Talk about the young man's hobbies and interests. Most of us like to talk about our interests and hobbies. Once you recognize a young person's hobby, ask questions about it to keep the conversation going.

    • If you do not know the young person you are talking to very well, either find out his interests and hobbies in advance, or ask him directly about it.
    • Try to find common hobbies with the guy. It will be easier for you to keep up the conversation if you talk about a topic that is of interest to both of you.
  6. Tell a funny story. Such stories are very popular with people, especially those who have a sense of humor. If you talk about something that happened just a few minutes ago, then you will quickly find a common language with a young man.

    • An old story will work too, but you'll have to choose the moment to insert it into the conversation. If you're talking about something related to your story, insert it into the conversation by saying, "This reminds me of one time when...".
    • Keep in mind that telling funny stories is sometimes very risky. Different cultures have different ideas about humor, so a joke that you think is funny may be offensive to another person. Therefore, before telling a funny story, observe what kind of jokes the young man likes.
  7. Tell us about yourself. This way you will let the young man know that you trust him, and he will be more frank with you. With the growth of mutual trust, it will be easier for you to establish a conversation.

    • Do not immediately talk about something personal and intimate. For example, do not talk about your first date if you have just met a young man.
    • When talking about yourself, forget about enthusiastic expressions so as not to present yourself in the best light. If you speak exclusively flattering words about yourself, a young man may suspect you of insincerity.
  8. Do not talk about your ex-boyfriends and dates with them. The young man does not care about your romantic relationship in the past. If he doesn't ask you about it, don't tell him yourself.

    • If you describe your past relationship in negative terms, the young man may get the impression that you are still thinking about your ex-boyfriend.
    • If you recently broke up with your boyfriend, the young person you're talking to might think you're just looking for a replacement.
    • If your ex is a friend of the young person you're talking to, he may choose to end the conversation.

    Part 2

    How to speak
    1. With all your appearance, show that you are comfortable. Body language can tell the interlocutor that you want or don't want to continue the conversation. Turn towards the young man and do not cross your arms. Lean forward a little to show the other person that you are interested in listening to him.

      • When talking to a guy, don't fidget. If you can't sit still, change your posture. If you have nothing to say on a topic of conversation, consider moving on to another topic.
      • Forget awkward or uncomfortable posture. Thinking about it will make you fidget even more.
      • If you show that you feel uncomfortable, then the young man may think that he is the reason for this. Such thoughts will prevent the guy from wanting to continue the conversation.
    2. Sometimes look away from the young man. This must be done even if the guy has very beautiful eyes; otherwise, he will think that you are chasing him. Look at the young man, but look away from time to time (for a few seconds). Eye contact is essential, but you also need to know when to break it.

      • A look directed at a young man lets him know that you are listening carefully to him. If you stare around, then the guy will decide that you are bored talking to him.
      • Instead of constantly looking into the other person's eyes, make eye contact, then look away, and then look back at the young person.
    3. Express emotions. When listening to a young person, nod your head to show that you agree with him or that your attention is riveted to his words. Smiling is especially important because it shows that you like the young man's words; this will encourage him to continue the conversation. Also, a smile makes you a more open and accessible interlocutor.

      • Don't be afraid to gesticulate. Many people back up their words with gestures. If you are constantly gesturing, do not try to get rid of it.
      • Your facial expression should match the tone of the conversation. If you are talking about serious things, then a smile on your face will at best indicate that you are not listening to the interlocutor, and at worst - about your sadistic inclinations.
    4. Show interest and attention. When talking with a young man, do not be distracted by something else, such as texting with a girlfriend. To continue the conversation, it is important to show the guy that you are listening to him carefully.

    5. Don't judge yourself. If you accidentally say something stupid or embarrassing, acknowledge the mistake and move on with the conversation. Everyone makes mistakes sometimes; if this happened to you, try to laugh it off - young people love girls who have a sense of humor.

      • By making a mistake and laughing it off, you allow the young man to relax and let him know that he can do the same in case of a mistake on his part.
      • If necessary, apologize for the mistake and then just forget about it.
    6. Do not demonstrate your availability. Perhaps you really want to meet a young man again, but do not think that this desire is mutual, and do not plan a date in advance. During the conversation, hint to the guy that you would like to see him again. But if you go beyond a mere hint, then most young people will no longer be interested in continuing the conversation - they will prefer to act.

      • The best hint is the phrase: “I like to talk with you. I hope we can talk again soon."
      • If a young man is not very disposed to talk to you again, leave him your contacts - perhaps he will change his mind.
    7. Learn to identify what a young person's silence means. Silence is not always a negative sign (as many people think). He may not be interested in talking to you, but it could also be that he is just nervous or shy. Do not judge a young man severely for his silence.

      • If a young man briefly answers your questions and is constantly distracted, then he is not interested in talking with you. But this does not mean that something is wrong with you - most likely, the guy has other worries.
      • If a young man seems cold and distant, but his body language indicates that he wants to continue the conversation, then with such behavior he tries to cover up his shyness.
      • If a young man is surprised or frightened by your pressure, hold your horses and save flirting for later.
    8. Try to avoid romance. Ignore this advice if you want to build a romantic relationship with a young man. But if there is romance in your conversation, then the guy may not be entirely comfortable and may not be able to talk with you for a long time.

      • Avoid romance by avoiding any form of flirting (verbal or non-verbal).
      • Talk to the young man the way you would talk to any other guy or your male relative.

    Part 3

    Conversation on the Internet or via text messages
    1. Talk about what the young man posts on his web pages. If you're talking to a guy online, visit his online pages and read the information posted on them. Compliment him on a post and ask appropriate questions.

      • This advice will come in handy not only when you communicate on a dating site, but also when talking through social networks.
      • You can ask questions about both posts and photos of a young man. For example, if your profile photo shows a guy with a forest in the background, ask him where the photo was taken and talk about the beauty of nature.
      • You don't have to answer right away. It is considered normal if online messages are answered within an hour or so.
      • You don't have to be the first to post every time. Let the young man get bored.
    2. Try to keep your messages short but meaningful. If you are texting a young person you see or want to see in real life, then save long conversations for face-to-face meetings. But your text or online messages should contain more meaningful information than, for example, words about the weather.

      • Ask the young man about his plans for the weekend or how he is handling a new project at work.
      • Do not ask for advice on how to solve your current problems or his opinion on the latest news.
    3. Don't over-message. If a guy doesn't respond to your first message, don't send him a second one. Let the young man respond to the first message. If he doesn't respond for a few days, try sending another message. You are making yourself look bad by sending message after message.

      • Don't ask a guy why he didn't reply to your first message unless it happens regularly.
      • If you still decide to ask the young man why he does not respond to your messages, do it politely. Refer to the imperfection of technology and say something like: “My phone hasn't been working well lately. Did you receive my message that I sent a few days ago?"
      • You can also ignore the fact that your first post was ignored. To do this, your second message must be devoted to a completely different topic.
        • Remember that there are two people involved in the conversation, so let the young person express his opinion.


        • Even if you get a great conversation, do not retire with an unfamiliar young man in a secluded place. Date a guy in public places until you get to know him better.

Do you find it difficult to come up with topics for conversation with a guy? Be natural. After all, this is the secret of a successful relationship. When a girl begins to live a life that is not her own just because she wants to please someone - it's terrible. Respect yourself and talk about what interests you. Believe me, there will always be caring people who will be interested in talking with you. We offer the following list of topics:

  1. Movie.
  2. Memories.
  3. Auto.
  4. Trips.
  5. Hobbies.
  6. Dreams.
  7. Plans.
  8. Answers on questions.

Now let's take a closer look at each of these points.


Can't find topics to talk to a guy? The win-win is cinema. All people love movies. This is magic, an opportunity to get away from reality and spend time in the country of fiction and fairy tales. And if the film is good, memories of it will haunt you for a long time. Do you want to discuss emotions and thoughts with someone? Your boyfriend is one of those who will really be interested in hearing all this. A girl who knows how to think and see in the film not only the main idea is a treasure. That's what guys think. Therefore, there is no need to hide your opinion behind general phrases: the film was good. Tell us what you liked and what you didn't. Discussion of the film is an opportunity to discuss. It is especially great to discuss a film that is familiar to both interlocutors. In this case, there will be no boring monologue, but an interesting dialogue will start.

Ask what kind of films the guy likes and ask him to explain what is so attractive about them. Perhaps among the tapes he listed there are those that you watched. Then it will be doubly interesting to hear the opinion from the outside.


The topic of conversation with a guy may not be entirely trivial. For example, you can reminisce together. After all, you must admit that it is fun to restore pleasant events in your head. So feel free to remember how great it was at the party last week. Such conversations will be able to tell the guy that you are having fun with him. So, there will be more pleasant events. You can remember not only general incidents. Tell us about your childhood trips and incidents. Funny stories are liked by the opposite sex. You won't look ridiculous. On the contrary, a person who can laugh at himself will always deserve respect. Feel free to ask the guy about the best event of his life. Through such conversations, people become closer.


Cars are a masculine topic of conversation. With a guy, you can discuss the design of cars or their characteristics. If your friend is well versed in the device of the car, give him the opportunity to speak out. You are not interested? Be patient. Your boyfriend may not like long art tirades either, but he listens to them. Think of it as a chance to get to know the machines better. Remember - there are no stupid questions. The more questions you ask today, the smarter you will be tomorrow. So if you have no idea how domestic cars differ from foreign cars, ask you to explain the difference. If you're curious about how a motor works, ask about it. You don't have to study mechanics textbooks to talk to a guy on an equal footing, but you should at least occasionally show interest in your friend's hobby.


Don't know what to talk about with a guy? The topic of conversation can be thought up according to the situation. For example, your friend has just returned from vacation. This could be a great topic of conversation. Ask where the guy was resting, what he saw and what he learned. Ask him to describe the most memorable vacation day or the most beautiful view that he was able to capture in memory during the trip. You can use this theme to talk to a guy on the phone. But what if the vacation is only planned? Find out where the guy usually rests, what he does. Perhaps he has a favorite country or city. Maybe your friend prefers to go on a long hike or go boating on a river? Thanks to such conversations, the girl will be able to recognize the guy, and at the same time expand her horizons.


What can you talk about? Topics for talking with a guy, the list of which is given in this article, can be replenished with a hobby item. A person can talk endlessly about his hobbies. Especially if he really "burns" with what he does. This may involve music, drawing, singing, or sports. It doesn't matter what the guy does. Perhaps he enjoys reading or skating. Ask him. The sincere interest shown on your part will definitely not go unnoticed. But in return, be prepared that you will have to talk about your hobbies. And if you don't have one, you need to think about it. Perhaps you will like the guy's hobbies, and you will also want to skate, pick up a guitar, or work together to do something interesting and exciting, for example, start dancing. It all starts with a simple and sincere conversation.

Have you ever…

One of the interesting things to talk about with a guy is getting to know his dreams. Today, many people are puzzled to write a list of their deepest desires. Well, for example, swim under a waterfall or pet a lion. These interesting questions can serve as a topic for conversation. The girl may ask if the guy was in Africa or skydiving. And if he did, he could tell an interesting story. Sometimes things that seem completely unbelievable to some, are a common routine for others. Never discount this.

If you want to get to know a guy better, you need to be an interesting person yourself. Then you won't have any problems keeping up the conversation. You can talk about your unusual achievements. For example, that once in the zoo you ran after an ostrich or tried to saddle a camel. Such episodes can become a topic for conversation.


What topic can you start a conversation with a pen pal? Ask about plans. This is a great way to get to know the person better. You can ask a guy about his further personal development when you meet, but not everyone is ready to give a thoughtful answer right off the bat. Some take time even to answer this question to themselves. Therefore, you can ask the guy where he sees himself in 5 years. Sometimes the answers are surprising, and sometimes it seems that your acquaintance is a purposeful person and will definitely succeed. But it may also be that he refuses to talk about the future. For example, he will refer to the fact that he does not build plans. This is not worth believing. No man lives for tomorrow. There are plans in everyone's head. But if you find that the topic is unpleasant, you can change the philosophical conversation to something simpler. For example, to discuss plans for the coming weekend.

Ask questions

Have you run out of all the topics to talk with a guy? A list of questions will help. If you understand that you cannot start an interesting conversation, pass the word to the guy. Let him talk, and you just ask the topic. The best way to do this is with questions. To get to know a person better, it is not necessary to ask platitudes about your favorite color or song. Ask about something philosophical. Sample list of questions.

  • If the universe could grant you three wishes right now, what would they be?
  • What superpower do you find most useful?
  • If you were given a chance to live your life again and correct all the mistakes, would you agree?
  • Do you think that talent exists or can it be replaced by diligence?
  • If you could travel anywhere in the world today, where would you buy a ticket?

In this article, you will learn about what topics there are for conversations with men.

The right question can be a successful start to a dialogue and affect your relationship with a man. In order not to get confused at an important moment and always interest your interlocutor, it is important to know in advance what you can and should ask him.

Questions for correspondence:

  • Hello! How are you spending your evening?
  • How is the mood today?
  • What are the plans? What are you doing?
  • How to cheer you up?
  • I want to surprise you with something, do you think I can do it?
  • Hello! Let's play something?
  • I want adventure, do you?
  • There are evenings when it's especially boring, don't you think?
  • Tosca is mortal! Can you recommend any good movie?
  • How did you spend this day? Was he successful today?
  • Do not want to chat with a dreary, but terribly interesting person?
  • I'm boiling inside, do you want to listen?
  • Let's spend the evening together?
  • Have you watched this series (name)?
  • I love music, can you send me a couple of great tracks?
  • Haven't talked in a while, how are you? What changed?
  • Are you still into sports (fishing, basketball, dancing)?
  • Have you heard the latest news about (person's name)?
  • When was the last time you went to the cinema? Maybe we can go see something together?
  • I listen to a great track, you will definitely like it, can I throw it off?
  • Do you remember when we danced to this song? (drop track)
  • Hello! Already forgot what you look like, can we meet?

What questions can you ask a guy on the phone: list

Questions for a telephone conversation:

  • Haven't heard from you in years, how are you?
  • How nice to hear your voice! Are you all right?
  • Thank you for calling! I hope nothing happened to you?
  • Good thing you called! Let's agree that you will call me more often?
  • Hello, are you bored tonight?
  • Hello, have you forgotten my voice yet?
  • Hello! Guess who's calling?
  • I give you 3 attempts to guess my name. Will you try?
  • Hello! Do you want some entertainment tonight?
  • How do you feel about me inviting you for a couple of cocktails?

What questions can you ask a guy when meeting: a list

  • Dear, does your mother need a daughter-in-law by any chance?
  • I'm sure I've seen you somewhere, maybe in my dreams?
  • Are you by any chance the man of my dreams?
  • How would you like to get to know you, would you leave your phone number?
  • My mom will definitely like you, but let's check it out?
  • I have never seen such a handsome man in my life! Have you been told this before?
  • Can you leave me your phone number so we can talk later and have a good time?
  • Do you happen to want a new romantic and completely crazy relationship?
  • I liked you at first sight, and you like me?

IMPORTANT: Do not hesitate to ask a man even the most "juicy" questions, getting to know him better.

What questions can you ask a guy to interest him?

Question options:

  • Do you like my eyes?
  • I am often told that I look good, what do you think?
  • I have a feeling we used to know each other, don't you think?
  • I have many interests, would you like to share some?
  • I'm sorry, but can I fall in love with you?
  • You have a beautiful look, have you heard that before?
  • How often do you go on dates? I want to invite you to one more!
  • Have you ever watched a movie from kissing places?
  • I was once told that I'm a good kisser, would you like to check?
  • Have you ever drunk champagne under the moonlight? Me not. Let's try together?

What questions can you ask a guy on a first date?

Every woman's dream is the perfect date. It can only go well when you know exactly what you can talk about on a date. Preliminary preparation of topics and questions can help you with this.

Good question options:

№ 1

№ 2

№ 3

№ 4

What questions can you ask a guy when talking?

If communication with a man is established, you may well count on signs of attention from him. Try to ask him as many questions as possible about his hobbies and passions.

What can we talk about:

Ideas for conversation

What questions will tell more about a man that you can ask a guy?

When you get to know your beloved man closer, you can understand what your life with him will be like in the future. Use the selection of "interesting" questions, designed to obtain the most detailed information.

What can you ask about:

Themes and ideas

What questions and what can you ask the guy you like?

It’s very easy to “scare off” a guy you like with a funny or inappropriate question, so choose your phrases carefully and take into account all the features of your relationship.


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What questions can you ask your boyfriend, beloved?

If your relationship is already "started", you should not let your guard down and relax. Try not to stop being interested in your man's life. So you can earn his trust and attention!

Ideas to start a conversation:


What question can I ask a guy to find out if he likes me?

Very often, a woman is tormented by questions about mutual sympathy on the part of a man, try on your own and directly ask him about it by asking a delicate question.

Ideas for conversation:


Questions for dating a guy on the Internet, VKontakte?

Suitable topics:

For "Contact"

Interesting questions for a guy, on any topic: a list

Love relationships are not only sex and signs of attention, they are also conversations and mutual interests. Don't lose your thread by asking your partner questions about his love life, adventures, successes, and women.

Suitable topics:

What can you ask?

What intimate questions can you ask a guy?

Questions like these will help you get on with your sex life, make adjustments, and set rules. Feel free to talk to your partner about sex.

Ideas for conversation:

"Intimate" compilation

What erotic questions can you ask a guy?

There is one secret: any man not only loves sex, but also any talk about sex. Feel free to be interested in any topic about sex: experience, technique, number of women.

Ideas for conversation:

Erotic compilation

What dirty questions can you ask a guy?

Every man has his own hidden sexual fantasies and dreams, talking to him about it, you not only give him your attention, but also show love.

Ideas for conversation:

"Naughty" selection

What tricky, tricky questions can you ask a guy?

Do you want to surprise your man? Intrigue? Show that you are not such a simple person? Feel free to ask him unusual questions and let him try to answer them!

Ideas for conversation:

"Tricky" selection

What "unusual" questions can you ask a guy?

Surprising a beloved man is not easy, but you try to ask him a non-standard question and see how he answers it!

Ways to start a conversation:

What to ask the "second half"?

What kind of "honest" questions can you ask a guy?

The line between interesting and superfluous is very thin. With the help of "frank" questions, you can not only get closer, but also spoil the whole relationship. Try to choose the right topics for conversations.

What to talk about:

original selection

What romantic questions can you ask a guy?

Having learned some nuances about the romantic nature of your beloved man, you can understand what your relationship will be like in the future.

What to ask about:

What questions about love and relationships can you ask a guy?

Relationships are hard work and if you do not discuss some of the nuances between each other, you can lose understanding and trust.

Suitable questions:

Compilation "love"

What questions can you ask a guy to confuse him?

Ideas for conversation:

  • Are you looking at me just like that or do you have special plans for me?
  • Be honest, do you want me?
  • Am I attracted to you like a woman?
  • Do you want me to show you something interesting?
  • Do you think I can surprise you in bed?
  • Is this your friend or lover?
  • Have you ever slept with your friends girls?

Video: "Men's questions?"