What is today for a holiday on August 2. The second of August is one of the most revered holidays - Ilyin's day. Day of the Airborne Troops in Russia

The day of Elijah the Prophet is always celebrated on August 2 (July 20, old style). For the Orthodox, Ilya is one of the greatest prophets. Believers turned to Elijah the prophet, asking for help in healing and in love. The Slavs celebrated Perun's Day on August 2. Read about the traditions, customs, signs of this day in our regular section "Question and Answer".

Believers on August 2 celebrate the Day of Elijah the Prophet. This is one of the most revered saints. The prophet instructs the lost, patronizes the faithful to the Lord. In the submission of the saint - rain, thunder and lightning. Harvest and earthly fertility depend on Elijah. Ilya is considered the patron saint of warriors, aviators and paratroopers.

history of the holiday

Elijah the prophet was born 900 years before the birth of Christ in Thesvia of Gilead in the tribe of Levi. When the baby was born, his father Sovak had a vision: handsome men talked with the boy, swaddled him with fire and fed him with a fiery flame. The vision turned out to be prophetic. In his youth, Ilya retired to the desert. He prayed earnestly and kept the strictest fast.

The prophet was an example of a chaste life. He fought against idolatry, performed miracles in the name of the Lord.

Elijah was called to serve King Ahab, who worshiped Baal (the sun). Elijah, according to the word of the Lord, urged people to turn to the true God, otherwise the kingdom would suffer famine. The king did not listen to the prophet, and a drought began in the country. A year later, Elijah again announced to people that all troubles are due to the worship of Baal. In order to "break" the delusion of the Israelites, Elijah offered to make two altars: one to Baal and the other to God, and said: "Let's make sacrifices, and if fire from heaven descends on the altar of Baal, then he is the true God, and if not, then an idol" .

According to legend, the prophet was taken to heaven alive. There he rushed off in a fiery chariot harnessed by four white horses, leaving behind his spiritual disciple Elisha. It is believed that in heaven Elijah is waiting for the second coming of Christ in order to return to earth again.

The first Orthodox church in Rus' was built in Kyiv in honor of Elijah the Prophet even before the official Baptism of Rus'.

How does the church celebrate Ilyin's day?

In churches on August 2, they glorify Elijah with prayers and divine services as one of the most revered saints of the Old Testament. In some churches, divine liturgies and religious processions are held.

How did our ancestors celebrate Ilyin's Day?

The Slavs considered Ilya the lord of rain and thunder. They prayed to him when a terrible drought came. Ilya was also asked for a good harvest and fertility. On this day it was forbidden to work. A particularly strict ban was on working in the field.

The villagers celebrated this day together. They prepared for the holiday in a few days. And on August 2, everyone got together, danced round dances. The main dish was a young lamb or a bull, which was symbolically sacrificed to Ilya. Women baked bread from the flour of the new harvest.

Why is it impossible to swim on Ilyin's day?

Swimming was forbidden on this day. There are several explanations for this. The people believed that evil spirits were hiding from Elijah in the water. Those who dare to enter the river are dragged to the bottom by mermaids and mermen. Also, the ancestors believed that bathing on Ilyin's day was fraught with serious illnesses.

It was also believed that summer ends on August 2: "Until Ilyin's day, a man bathes, and from Ilyin's day he says goodbye to the river" or "On Ilya before lunch - summer, after lunch - autumn."

Rituals, signs and traditions on Ilyin's day

Elijah the prophet is the executor of God's law and the manifestation of God's wrath. He is especially strict towards evil spirits, which he strikes with lightning arrows.

There are many rituals and signs associated with this day.

It was considered obligatory to wash with spring water on this day - this saved a person from illness and damage. Those who went out to work in the field on Ilyin's day, the prophet could punish. For example, strike with lightning or burn hay.

A popular sign says that the weather on this day should be rainy. The bright sun foreshadowed fires.

The ancestors were convinced that summer ended on this day. According to popular belief, after Ilyin's day, the water becomes colder.

People believed that on Ilyin's day, evil spirits, escaping from the wrath of the prophet, turn into various animals. Therefore, on August 2, people did not let dogs and cats into the house, so as not to incur the wrath of Ilya.

On Ilyin's day, the weather was predicted for the near future: thunder rumbles for a long time and not sharply - unfortunately, if abruptly and briefly - it will be clear, but rain on Ilyin's day portends a bountiful harvest of millet.

Proverbs and sayings

"From Ilyin's day, flies and mosquitoes stop biting",

"To Ilya it's summer before lunch, and after - autumn",

"The peasant has the same update on Ilyin's day, which is full of novelty,"

"Ilya the prophet - mowing the term",

"After Elijah, mosquitoes stop biting"

"From Ilyin's day, the water freezes",

"Before Ilyin's day, rain in the bin, and after Ilyin's day - from the bin",

"From Ilyin's day the night is long and the water is cold"

"Before Ilya, the priest will not beg for rain, after Ilya's day, a woman will catch up with an apron,"

"Ilya holds thunderstorms, Ilya gives bread",

"Before Ilyin's day, a pood of honey in the hay, after Ilyin - a pood of manure",

"On Ilyin's day, sheaves are not thrown: they will burn with a thunderstorm,"

"Before Ilya, a man bathes, and from Ilya, he says goodbye to the river."

Published on 02.08.18 00:18

Today, August 2, 2018, they also celebrate the Day of the Airborne Forces, the birthday of the mailbox and other events.

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August 2, 2018 is Ilyin's Day. This folk-Christian holiday replaced the pagan celebration dedicated to the god of thunder Perun. The Orthodox Church on this day honors the memory of the holy prophet Elijah.

Elijah is a biblical prophet who lived in the 9th century BC. in the kingdom of Israel. From an early age, he devoted himself to serving the One God. The prophet Elijah lived in the wilderness, spent his time in prayer and fasting. He fought against paganism and idol worship. Prophet intcbatch convicted King Ahava and his wife Jezebel in the cult of Baal and Astarte. Elijah sent a three-year drought and famine to the kingdom of Israel, which ended only after the priests of the pagan deities were executed.

After the death of the priests, Jezebel decided to take revenge on Elijah and subjected him to persecution. The Prophet settled on Mount Horeb, where he took Elisha as his disciple. Elisha witnessed the ascension to heaven of the living Elijah in a fiery chariot drawn by horses.

In Russia, Saint Elijah is considered the patron saint of the air force and airborne troops (VDV).

It is impossible to work in the field and around the house, so as not to anger the holy prophet.

On the day of the holiday and after it, it is forbidden to swim in the reservoirs.

It is believed that summer ends on Ilyin's day.

According to signs, a rainy day promises few fires a year.

Strong thunder on August 2 - throughout the year your head will often hurt, but if you get caught in the rain on Ilyin's day, then you will have good health all year.

birthday mailbox

It is customary to celebrate the birthday of the mailbox on August 2 - the day the device was installed on the streets of London in 1858. The first mailbox was installed in Vienna in 1785. They appeared in Russia in 1848. On December 1 of the same year, it was decided to install them not only in post offices, but also near retail shops (for convenience). This date is considered the official birthday of the mailbox in Russia. True, the design was inconvenient. It was easy to open, and correspondence was often lost along with the vault itself.

Leonty, Kuzma, Ilya, Konstantin, Alexey, Alexander, Efim, Ivan, Georgy, Athanasius, Tikhon, Fedor, Peter, Nikolai, Sergey.

  • 1930 - At the exercises of the Moscow Military District, an airborne assault was landed in the USSR for the first time
  • 1933 - The construction of the White Sea-Baltic Canal was completed
  • 1946 - World Federation of United Nations Associations (WFAUN) founded
  • Ann Dvorak 1912 - American film actress
  • Myrna Loy 1905 - American actress
  • Georgy Movsesyan 1945 - Soviet and Russian songwriter
  • Leonid Linnik 1930 - Doctor of Medical Sciences, ophthalmologist
  • Samuel van Hoogstraten 1627 - Dutch painter, graphic artist.
  • Ilya Knabenhof 1972 - Russian rock musician.

The list of holidays in Russia on August 2, 2018 will acquaint you with state, professional, international, folk, church, unusual holidays that are celebrated in the country on this day. You can choose an event of interest and learn its history, traditions and rituals.

Holidays August 2

Day of the Airborne Forces (Day of the Airborne Forces)

Airborne Forces Day in 2018 is celebrated on August 2. The date is celebrated by employees of the airborne troops, support personnel, former paratroopers, cadets and teachers of specialized higher educational institutions.

Airborne Troops (VDV) - a branch of the Armed Forces. They are designed to carry out offensive operations on land and airspace, defend sectors, communications and fight the enemy, including in his rear. They are considered an elite unit and have a specialized material and technical base. A professional holiday is dedicated to them.


The memorable date dates back to August 2, 1930, when the airborne unit disembarked from an aircraft to perform a combat mission. This event is considered the birthday of the landing troops, which a year later began to actively form and infiltrate the Red Army of the USSR. At first they belonged to the air force, then to the ground.

The holiday is celebrated in Russia, Belarus and other CIS countries. Official celebrations in the Russian Federation began with the Decree of President V. Putin No. 549 of May 31, 2006 "On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation."

In Belarus, the holiday is called the Day of Paratroopers and Special Operations Forces and was established by Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated March 26, 1998 No. 157 (as amended on July 30, 2010 No. 397).

Ilyin's day

Prophet Elijah is one of those holy people who are revered in different religions. There are even traces of the presence of Elijah in pagan religions, Judaism, Islam. In the article we will talk about Ilyin's day. The history of the holiday is vague. Various myths are associated with it.

history of the holiday

The history of Ilyin's Day began a long time ago, even before the birth of Christ. According to legend, Elijah is a great prophet from the Old Testament. He was born nine hundred years before the birth of Christ.

When Ilya was born, his father, Sovak, had a vision that the men were talking with the child and feeding him with fire. From a young age, the prophet lived in the desert, in strict fasting and prayer. After he was called to the service of King Ahab, who worshiped Baal. The Lord sent Elijah to the king and told him to say that if his people did not turn to the true God, then famine would befall his kingdom. The king did not listen, famine came in the country, a severe drought came.

During the famine, Elijah lived in the wilderness for a year. Birds brought him food. Then he came to the widow Sarepta. After three years of wandering, the prophet returned to the kingdom of Israel and again tried to convey to the king that all the troubles are from wrong faith. To prove his point, he offered to make altars, one for Baal and the other for the true God. If the fire descends on the altar of Baal, then he is the true God, if not, then this is just an idol.

First an altar was made to Baal. People stabbed the bull, the priests began to pray, asking to send fire from heaven. Despite all the pleas, no fire was sent.

In the evening of the same day, Ilya made his altar, laid firewood, watered it with water and began to pray. The fire that descended from heaven ignited both the firewood and the sacrifice. The fire burned the stones, the waters evaporated. The people saw the miracle and glorified the real God, believing in him again.

For his earthly deeds, Ilya was taken to heaven alive, in a fiery chariot. This miracle was seen by the prophet Elisha. Then, in the Transfiguration of the Lord, he appeared together with Moses and stood before Christ. They were talking on Mount Tabor. The tradition of the church says that the prophet Elijah is the Forerunner of the Terrible Second Coming of the Savior to earth. He will be on earth in a mortal body.

birthday mailbox

The modern mailbox has become a familiar attribute of our lives. It is in it that we look every day, expecting to receive our favorite magazine or greeting card.

It will be interesting to know that he has his own history. It is believed that the first mailbox was installed in the capital of France, Paris, and this significant event took place in 1653.

Russia is somewhat behind in this innovation and can boast of the first wooden miracle for correspondence since 1848, when the first collection of letters, dark blue, knocked down from simple boards and lined with sheet iron, was installed in Moscow.

The high point in the development of the delivery of newspapers, magazines and letters can be called the rapid 20th century. Currently, mail services are still in demand, and August 2 - the birthday of the mailbox - is celebrated by the public with undisguised pleasure.

Objectively, it should be said that the modern look of the device that stores our personal mail has changed significantly recently - there is even a whole movement of creative enthusiasts who have turned an ordinary street mailbox into a unique art object.

So did the resourceful inhabitants of a small California town, who seriously compete among themselves in the honorary title - "whose mail drive is more original." Against the backdrop of bright lawns near private houses, sometimes the most unexpected structures are installed, for example, these are bright fire trucks, sharp-nosed sharks, copies of ancient cathedrals, figures of turtles, cute kittens, penguins and dogs, and you can also see a whole family of fur seals on the lawn. Probably very kind people live in this city who like to write and receive letters, of course, only with good news.

Every year on August 2, any state celebrates a certain event. To keep track of the latest events, we suggest scrolling through the calendar, where all events are listed. This section contains useful information. So let's get started.

Holidays in Russia August 2, 2019

Day of the Airborne Troops (Day of the Airborne Forces)

August 2 is considered one of the main and significant dates, when the “Day of the Airborne Forces” is celebrated. Over the years, paratroopers have been awarded various epithets. It is worth noting that the landing troops have always been distinguished by special courage, perseverance and reliability. In 1933, military districts were formed in Ukraine, Belarus and Moscow.

Thousands of guardsmen were always in the forefront during the battles of the Great Patriotic War. They play an important role in the armed forces of the country. Military personnel appear at the right place and time when danger is outlined.

Holidays in the rest of the world August 2, 2019

Azerbaijan National Cinema Day

Workers of the republican cinema annually celebrate the “Day of National Cinema of Azerbaijan” on August 2. In 2000, by order of President Heydar Aliyev, a date was established to celebrate this event.

This date was not chosen by the president at random. Since the story says that in 1916 a film appeared on the screen, which was called "In the power of oil and millions." Since that time, the era of cinematography has been born in Azerbaijan.

The film was first shown on the screen on August 2. Accordingly, the organizer was A.M. Michon is a famous photographer. Today, cinema art is actively developing in Azerbaijan. Various films are being shot, both documentary and feature.

Day of the Angelic Maiden

Every year on August 2, the so-called "Day of the Angelic Virgin" or "Day of Our Lady of the Angels" is celebrated. This holiday is considered religious. Many Costa Ricans visit ancient temples and churches to pray to the Angelic Virgin. The figurine of the Virgin is located in the Basilica Church in the capital of Costa Rica.

For this event, all roads are closed. The highway is illuminated along its entire length to the temple. A variety of snacks are sold on the roadsides. Red Cross tents are located at a distance of several kilometers. If there is a need, there are always orderlies who will help or give a massage. Music plays all day long. All TV channels broadcast interviews with pilgrims, etc.

Other holidays August 2, 2019

Ilyin's day

The greatest prophet and the first virgin was Elijah. He was born nine hundred years before the birth of Christ. From an early age, Elijah lived in the desert, where he fasted and prayed all the time. He was called to a prophetic ministry during the reign of the idolater king Ahab.

Ahab, in turn, worshiped the sun. The Lord sent Elijah to Ahab and commanded him to predict that if he and the people did not turn to Bok, they would soon suffer famine.

Consequently, Ahab did not listen to the predictions. After a while, the drought set in. While everyone was starving, Elijah was in the wilderness. Crows brought food. A few years later, Elijah returned to Israel. He predicted to people that all disasters are due to the fact that they have forgotten the Lord God. After that, Elijah decided to prove the error of the people by offering to make 2 altars (to Baal and to God).

Initially they made an altar to Baal. They killed the bull, threw in firewood, and began to call on their idol. However, no one received any response. Then, we decided to pray to God. Suddenly, fire fell from the sky. In turn, he burned not only the wood and the sacrifice, but also the stones and water of the altar. After this miracle they saw, the people finally believed the Lord.

Name day August 2, 2019

Leonty, Kuzma, Ilya, Konstantin, Alexey, Alexander, Efim, Ivan, Georgy, Athanasius, Tikhon, Fedor, Peter, Nikolai, Sergey.

Significant events on August 2 in history

  • 1930 - At the exercises of the Moscow Military District, an airborne assault was landed in the USSR for the first time
  • 1933 - The construction of the White Sea-Baltic Canal was completed
  • 1946 - World Federation of United Nations Associations (WFAUN) founded

Born on this day

  1. Ann Dvorak 1912 - American film actress
  2. Myrna Loy 1905 - American actress
  3. Georgy Movsesyan 1945 - Soviet and Russian songwriter
  4. Leonid Linnik 1930 - Doctor of Medical Sciences, ophthalmologist
  5. Samuel van Hoogstraten 1627 - Dutch painter, graphic artist.

The holiday Airborne Forces Day is known to almost every person living in Russia or on the territory of the former USSR. The airborne troops are often called "blue berets", "winged infantry", they are considered courageous and reliable. The principle "No one but us" even became a kind of hallmark of the Airborne Forces.

It is known that it is from the date of August 2, 1930 that the history of the Airborne Forces begins. It was then that the exercises of the Air Force of the Moscow Military District were held, and a paratrooper unit of 12 people was parachuted out near Voronezh.

This experiment made it possible to understand the prospects for the development of parachute units that would be able to capture the enemy in airspace conditions. From that moment on, Airborne Forces Day began to be celebrated.

It must be said that the airborne troops entered the history of the Armed Forces, thanks to their courage, valor, selfless devotion to the Motherland. Today, paratroopers inspire admiration and respect from both veterans and those who are just preparing to start military service. It is the "blue berets" who take part in both peacekeeping and anti-terrorist actions, and always stand guard over the security of the population.

There is a legend associated with the history of the holiday. Thus, people engaged in idolatry decided to build an altar for Baal and began to pray to him. And to make sure that their god exists, they began to ask him to send fire from heaven. But there was no answer. And then the prophet Elijah made his altar, laid firewood, watered it with water and began to pray. Suddenly, fire fell from heaven and engulfed the altar. And then people believed in the real God.

It is known that for his faith and love for God, Elijah was taken to heaven alive, and the prophet Elisha became a witness of this phenomenon. In the Transfiguration of the Lord, together with Moses, Ilya appeared before Jesus Christ, talking with him on Mount Tabor. According to the existing tradition, the prophet Elijah will be the forerunner of the Terrible Second Coming of Christ to earth and will accept bodily death during his sermon.

Today, the prophet Elijah is prayed for rain during the drought. As for the holiday, it was believed that after August 2 you can not swim in the river. If someone violates this prohibition, he will die. In any case, that's what the people in Rus' said.

National Cinema Day in Azerbaijan was established by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev on December 18, 2000. It must be said that the choice of this date is not accidental. Thus, the history of Russian cinema does not originate in 1916 from the moment the film “In the power of oil and millions” appeared on the screens, but earlier.

The first attempt to show cinema was made in 1898, and 2 years after the invention of cinema by the Lumiere brothers, it also appeared in Baku. Thus, the first public film screening took place on August 2 and was organized by photographer A.M. Michon, who made films from the life of his native city. Today, this date is considered a public holiday.

August 2, 1912 was born Abbé Pierre, one of the most popular people in France at that time