Congratulations to the driver on February 23 are cool. Congratulations to the driver. Comic congratulations to drivers

You are an excellent driver
Day and night at the helm
I congratulate you today
Happy February 23rd!

And I wish you smooth roads
Let them lead to success
And always waiting for you at home
Joy, tenderness and comfort!

Let the car be your friend
And a colleague in work,
Awaiting great success
You for a new turn.

May wishes come true
Let them wait at home with love
Wheels don't drop
Fortunately, let them run briskly.

Days go by driving
Every day you are behind the wheel,
On Defender's Day, I wish
To keep the road smooth.

Let the car carry happiness
There will be a turn of passion
May on all roads of life
You guys are in luck.

And let the cabin be the second house,
It's always nicer to go home
I want to wish today
Celebrate with friends.

Let it always be lucky on the road
Let your back and legs not hurt,
Let the whole family rejoice
Since February 23!

Steering wheel, car, motor and track -
Battlefield every day
win on this front
There will never be laziness.

On Men's Day I wish you all
I am warm
Not a nail to you and not a rod,
May the fate be good.

Today all drivers are wonderful
Congratulations on February 23,
I wish you smooth, safe roads,
Do not let go of the steering wheel from your hands.

So that the track, twisting and winding,
Led only to happiness, to dear friends,
So that success awaits in life, great love,
And a strong family was waiting at home!

Let the engine growl to glory -
I wish not joking.
Dear our driver,
Happy February 23rd!

May health only grow stronger
The easy way is waiting for you
And fate whispers in your ear
“All right!” Be happy!

Since February 23, dear drivers! All roads are under your control, and let there be no obstacles, no enemies, no difficulties on these roads. I wish you courageously overcome any distance, I wish you always follow the routes of good luck and luck. Be healthy and tireless, conquer flights of success and always return home to your dear and loving people.

I wish drivers smooth roads,
Live without grief and any worries.
Don't let your car break down
And no one dares to spoil life.

I wish green light everywhere
Go ahead, don't give up.
Let relatives and friends surround
And all undertakings will be supported by the family.

Happy holiday! Let the roads be smooth and without traffic jams so that you can look into a brighter future. I wish you all the best, smiles and health, happiness and victories!

Flashing kilometers
Beckoning beyond the horizon
I congratulate the driver
Since February 23.
I wish you a holiday for men
Good luck to you,
To be met at home
The hugs of loved ones.
Let the road run
Among forests, fields
May the sky be peaceful
Above your head.

Drivers, congratulations
On the twenty-third day from us!
We want to enjoy life
So that fate takes care of you everywhere.
We wish you endless health
Diseases never come.
We wish you joy with love
For many wonderful years.

Dear driver, congratulations
Happy Defenders of the Fatherland Day to you!
I wish you safety on the roads
And everything that the soul so desires.
Let order reign at home
Let love live in the soul
Let prosperity grow
Well, happiness excites the blood.

February 23rd
We celebrate now
And country drivers
We must congratulate together!
Anyone who often drives
Dark night, bright day
We heartily congratulate you
And with all our hearts we wish
To work easily
And always lucky in everything!
Your work is interesting
So not a nail to you and not a rod!

Congratulations to the driver on Defender of the Fatherland Day

Driver! You look ahead.
Is there a maze? And you drove.
We congratulate you on the 23rd,
We wish you well.
The roads are always straight for you,
Let there be many weekends

Congratulations on the twenty-third,
My driver is dear!
I always want to rush forward
Follow your dream!
Enjoy every moment
Steer confidently!
And advance in your career
So that incomes grow up!

Drivers, I congratulate you on the holiday,
Be always proud of your deeds,
Success in work, good health,
Live easy and inspired.
Joy, light, prosperity in life,
The road was to be flat and smooth,
Let passengers see protection in you
Good luck to you a lot and an enviable life.

Let the engine growl to glory
I wish not joking
Dear our driver,
Happy twenty-third of February!
May health only grow stronger
The easy way is waiting for you
And fate whispers in your ear
“All right!” Be happy!

You always know the way
And rush to help.
You are the defender of the country
We need those!
February twenty-third
I congratulate you!
Be healthy and happy
Long and beautiful life!

Driver! You look ahead.
Is there a maze? And you drove.
We congratulate you on the 23rd,
We wish you well.
The roads are always straight for you,
Let there be many weekends
Fair wind, cool steering wheel,
And so that everything in life is normal!

Driver, congratulations
Today is February 23rd!
I wish not only in a car
You be the first - at the helm.
I want to be the first everywhere
So that all things can be done quickly.
I want steel nerves
May all your dreams come true for you.

Congratulations to drivers today.
After all, you are not in vain turning the steering wheel.
You, too, now, we all glorify
On a special day - February 23.
We wish you inspiration and good luck,
So that the path is always only easy.
Let happiness come into your life in addition
And your special ardor will never go out!

Beautiful congratulations to the driver on February 23

From February 23
I send you congratulations
I want to wish, driver,
Peaceful I am dear to you.
So that you hold the steering wheel firmly,
Confident in the brakes
And you didn't get carried away
On steep turns.
Kilometer after kilometer
Let it lie under the wheels
And bypass
You let the storms and thunderstorms.
Drive, luck and luck
May they be friendly with you
And may the sky be peaceful
Over the roads of the country.

Turn the steering wheel - is that really the case?
Turn on the music and you rush forward.
You overcome kilometers boldly,
And the 23rd is celebrated by the people.
We wish you the beauty of the roads,
Reliable brake threshold,
Comfortable body, brakes are in order,
May your path be
Smooth, joyful and smooth!

Behind the wheel you mean a lot
And God forbid the military road,
You will pass it with courage,
save your homeland!
Congratulations on February 23
I wish with all my heart.
You have neither a rod nor a nail,
Let the road be peaceful!

You are the driver, you are the warrior
Warm words are always worthy!
You will stand behind your relatives,
You will not leave your homeland in trouble!
Congratulations on the twenty-third
I wish you
So that the car does not break,
A lot of joy in fate!

On February 23,
I want to congratulate you not in vain,
My driver is so kind.
I'm safe with you!

Behind the wheel, the road winds
You are constantly on the road.
Let the bad go
Well, the engine rumbles.
I want to live without traffic jams.
Live beautifully slowly
With all my heart I congratulate
Happy February 23rd!

You are the driver - just super,
There are no equals behind the wheel,
From the bottom of my heart I want to congratulate
I have a wonderful day for men.
Happiness, joy, success,
Good health in the body
Stay by all means
Guru in his classy business.

You only dream of peace
Our native military:
You serve on the border
Gate of Russia guard!
You on an army holiday,
On such a wonderful day
We wish different
It’s not too lazy to give wreaths:
May happiness last all your life
Around - goodness, love!
Yes - the border is locked! -
Let's do it again and again!!!

O dear valiant Man!
Your holiday is knocking at the door.
Rather, open the doors,
After all, they will praise you, Man.
Today you are a hero and a knight,
For women's souls - King.
Irresistible, strong, brave
And maybe in something unearthly.
All praise to you today.
And your valor and courage.
But don't forget, Man:
Without a woman, you wouldn't be the same.

With them, the lamps shine brighter!
And there are countless dishes on the festive table.
They are a joy to us and our children.
Thank you men for being you.

Cool congratulations on February 23

Dear, congratulations
You are my protector.
From tenderness I melt
Under the gentle hand
But I know her strength
How can protect.
Safe with you, dear
Walk the streets.

Cool congratulations on February 23

Who would give us tender names?
And we were protected, when not for them?
Who would sing? Who would kindle a fire in us,
In which we burn with love?
Who would shield with strong shoulders?
Who paid with his blood in battles,
So that our lullabies sound
To the sound of rain, to the whispers of branches?!
The hearths with them are warmer warmer,
You can’t count the dishes on dostarkhans!
They are a joy to us and our children!
It's good, men, that you exist!!!

Cold winds rustle strainedly,
And in the warm windows the lights shine.
Soldier in the ranks. He is always where he is needed
Be it steppes, mountains or sands.
The soldier is on the march. Oath to the motherland
Lives unshakably in his soul,
Like the eternal light of a single banner,
Leading forward, always forward.
The soldier is in business. Let it not be sugar service,
Above other feelings - Fatherland duty,
In addition, in difficult times, male friendship
It will help and come to the rescue.
Soldier - in school. Everything must be comprehended
To defend the country, if thunder strikes,
And for him the coveted reward
To be the first in the difficult business of combat.

How often are we unfair to men,
Though they themselves are capricious, jealous, talkative
And only once a year we are kind,
Forgetting insults, we wish men:
Unconquered mountains, impassable forests,
Friends, so worthy, girlfriends trouble-free
Smart bosses, various enemies:
But, better, weakened and safe
Cars - foreign cars, normal neighbors,
Powerful computers, virtual dating,
The problems are only conditional, the successes are real.
The tasks are simple, but very relevant.
Love of different sexes, love is very different
Calm, fun and even dangerous
Brilliant ideas, friends, so that with beer,
And himself, so that he always remains beautiful ..
Non-jealous wives, long-legged girlfriends
Heads so that they are bright, and better without horns!

A man is a gift from God for the weaker sex:
A man is a protector, a man is a support!
And there are many more reasons
So that women glorify men today.
And we just need the guns to be silent,
So that you protect a woman from sadness,
They radiated heat, stirring our blood ... -
And together we would defend love!

Congratulations, sailor
Happy bright day - Defender of the Motherland Day!
Your service is sometimes difficult,
Many miles have been covered in the oceans!
Let under the keel - always seven feet,
Let the watch - to calluses and sweat,
May trouble pass by!
We believe in your strength and fleet!!!

On such a great sunny day
Defenders of the Fatherland, father-in-law,
I'm not too lazy to repeat about pride:
It's good to have you in the world!
Grandson goes to school, granddaughter squeaks,
Daughter at work, mother-in-law at the stove.
Who to all of them from enemies - a sword and a shield?
My father is strong, it's only you!
Defeat the devil and satan
Rockets, bombs - will be a bummer.
You will make the country flourish
With your mind, warmth and kindness!!!

Today, a holiday is knocking at our door!
We must congratulate you today.
The one who swam in the stormy sea,
The one who guarded our lives on the border!
You served, guarding on guard
Beloved and relatives peaceful sleep.
And they were waiting for you, praying and dying,
It felt like my heart was beating in unison with yours.
We don’t need awards, and we don’t need feats!
We do not honor and love glory in you!
We just love. Isn't that enough?
And we will love you - such is the decree of fate.

There is a beautiful day in February
When we congratulate men.
There is no "Man's Day" on earth,
But we are correcting the error.
Today you love
We carry handfuls.
Men, life without you is empty,
There are sad examples of this.
For you all our beauty,
We do not lose faith in love.
Lipstick for you
We perm our hair.
And in high heels
We hurry to those we love.

Cool congratulations on February 23

And I'm immune to evil -
Diseases, years, even death,
All stones - by, bullets - by,
Do not drown me, do not burn.
All this because near
Worth and saves me
Your love is my joy
My protective armor.
And I don't need another armor
And a holiday - every weekday.
But, without you, I'm defenseless
And defenseless, like a target.

O dear valiant Man!
Your holiday is knocking at the door.
Rather, open the doors,
After all, they will praise you, Man.
Today you are a hero and a knight,
For women's souls - King.
Irresistible, strong, brave
And maybe in something unearthly.
All praise to you today.
And your valor and courage.
But don't forget, Man:
Without a woman, you wouldn't be the same.

Congratulations, airborne fighter,
Happy Defender of our Motherland Day!
The enemy has no hope in war -
You are stronger and smarter, you are fearless!
Do not get sick from boredom, longing,
Loneliness does not threaten without friends:
Life - flights, jumps, forced marches,
Become stronger, more resilient - you want!
You are a landing force, and all enemies are trembling -
You will doubt them in hand-to-hand combat ...
Take care of the elderly and children
Defending your Motherland!

Young beardless student!
Get older - for the country once

Gotta do well in school
Love the great motherland!
Girls to live without fear,
Boys should serve in the army!

Tankman! Congratulations
Happy Day of our strong army!
We live, only loving you -
You are terrible to the enemy with your fire!
You, keeping loyalty to the oath,
You will be the winner again! -
Tank armor keeps you
And our big love!

On this day, trunks rattle,
The bear's roar is loud.
Son you are the best, the strongest,
On the day of the protector from evil,
We congratulate you together
Everyone: parents, friends.
On this day, we wish you happiness
Courage, love and power.
To achieve childhood goals
Become the defender of the fatherland!

Today is a holiday for men
And we want to congratulate our colleagues,
There are many reasons for this
What can a man be praised for:
For daily hard work
For the fact that he loves the work very much,
For the fact that he, forgetting comfort,
Goes on business trips with confidence.
For having women in their arms
Ready to wear every day
With him, a woman knows no fear,
He is devoted to a woman immensely.
Today we congratulate men
Every woman needs it
According to the house-building - sir ...
But to be a good husband!

On the day of the Men's Day
I want to wish you all:
Insomnia until half past two
Enemies countless army,

Wife - quarrelsome shrew
And my mother-in-law is a match for that wife,
And make a janitor career
And take out the jaw at night,

I want stress and excitement
Swallow handfuls of validol,
Earthquakes, floods
And avoid other disasters!

Our dear boys, men, gentlemen,
suitors, husbands and supermen,
homebodies, farmers, fathers,
warriors, hussars, well done,

subordinates, leaders, bosses,
puritans, seducers, wise men,
beauties, jokers,
knights, friends, merry fellows,

geniuses, poets, madmen,
motorists, pedestrians,
hard workers, female souls idols,
toastmasters, cowboys, ringleaders,

knights, lords, paladins,
sponsors, troublemakers, citizens,
sweet tooth, players, partners,
lyricists, creators and musketeers,

proud, dancers, democrats,
wise men and diplomats,
life-lovers, intellectuals, daredevils,
horsemen, singers, sorcerers and adventurers, fishermen,

hunters, artists and heroes,
jokers, angels, devils and cupids,
dreamers and big men - OUR DEAR MEN!

We congratulate you on this holiday. The above list of virtues explains that in this world, believe me, it’s still worth loving you!

Always be a man
Everywhere be a man.
When you are with a car
When without a car.
With money when
And when you're out of money.
In weekdays,
And when you're a bum.
In the theater, in the cinema, in a restaurant, in bed,
On a bench, in a park, in a luxury hotel.
On harsh weekdays, on noisy holidays,
Be strong, be brave, and a little smart.
And Katya, Elena, Tatyana and Nina,
Sigh and say, this is a man!

It's not easy to be a man in our century,
To be - the best, the winner, the wall,
A reliable friend, a sensitive person,
Strategist between peace and war.
Be strong, but... submissive, wise, gentle,
To be rich, but... spare no money.
To be slim, elegant and... casual.
To know everything, to do everything and to be able to do everything.
On holiday we wish you ... patience
In solving your life problems.
Health to you, love and inspiration.
Successes creative and every success!

Congratulations on February 23 to father-in-law
On such a great sunny day
Defenders of the Fatherland, father-in-law,
I'm not too lazy to repeat about pride:
It's good to have you in the world!
Grandson goes to school, granddaughter squeaks,
Daughter at work, mother-in-law at the stove.
Who to all of them from enemies - a sword and a shield?
My father is strong, it's only you!
Defeat the devil and satan
Rockets, bombs - will be a bummer.
You will make the country flourish
With your mind, warmth and kindness!!!

Congratulations on February 23 to recruits:
They escort the guys to the army,
As if in the forty-first to the war,
And again, how many years in a row,
The boys break the silence with a song.
And again, like many years ago,
Mothers cannot be kept from tears:
After all, these future soldiers,
So many deadly thunderstorms await!
That's why it's louder than the alarm,
Drowning out the song and steps
Mother's lips say:
"Help them, God, help!"

What do men need? I found out recently.
Bank account with six zero capital,
Reliable friends, grandiose prospects,
Five-room and five-star dwellings,
A whole supply of disposable socks,
Everywhere pass "Face" control once,
So that your car was better and cooler,
Gasoline is endless, the weather without clouds,
Good traffic cops, no traffic jams,
A friend, so that legs grow from the ears,
So that she never asked for money,
She was silent about marriage and wore beer,
The chief praised, so that for the mind and courage,
And he gave out awards, without straining,
The salary increased, the team respected,
And grew in connection with this, absolutely capital,
So that the "Masyanya" cat is happy with everything,
Slept somewhere nearby, and meowed modestly,
It would be nice to teach her:
Cooking, washing, going to work.
Oh, and, of course, to be president,
Another rock star and legend.
And if everything I say is true,
All this then I wish you.

Congratulations on February 23 to a schoolboy
Happy Russian Soldier's Day,
Young beardless student! ..
Get older - for the country once
Rise to death, formidable and great.
Only to any enemy in the sea,
Break in the air and on the ground,
Gotta do well in school
Love the great motherland!
... For girls to live without fear,
Boys should serve in the army!!!

Congratulations on February 23 to grandfather
It was: lived in the barracks and
He carried the service - in fate ...
On the Day of the Russian Army,
Grandpa, I'll tell you:
Let the hours be busy
During the day you sometimes sleep
Hold the banner firmly, you -
Homeland hero!
Okay, the shape is tailored.
Retirement is not the time.
Congratulations, warrior
And the army - hurray !!!

My best friend!
In the midst of everyday bustle
You are a holiday, a dream come true.
You have been given so much from birth!
You conquered me a long time ago
So conquer more fate. And let her
Your attention is immensely flattered,
Will give you joy
Glitter of victories
Love happiness light
For many years!