The distance between the pubic bones is normal during pregnancy. Complications of pregnancy and consequences for the fetus. Unreasonable pain in the early stages

In the second half of pregnancy, a woman may experience pain in the pubic area. This is due to the normal physiological changes in the body of a pregnant woman, when the bones of the small pelvis diverge, so that during childbirth the child can freely pass through the birth canal.

But if the pain is pronounced and intensifies when walking, turning over from side to side, then you need to see a doctor to determine how big the discrepancy is and whether something needs to be done.

What is the divergence of the pubic articulation?

The pubis in medicine is called the pubic articulation or symphysis.
The pubic symphysis is a cartilage that is the junction of two pubic bones. The symphysis is attached to the bones with the help of ligaments. Normally, this connection is immobile, but during pregnancy (under the action of the hormone relaxin), the ligaments relax, and the process of divergence of the pelvic bones occurs, after which there may be excessive mobility of the bones of the pubic joint, inflammation and an increase in pain.

Symphysitis does not affect the development and health of the fetus, it causes discomfort only in a woman.

It is necessary to undergo an ultrasound (preferably during pregnancy!) Or an x-ray of the pubis to determine how far the bones of the pubic joint have diverged. With a divergence of bones of 10 mm or more, a diagnosis of pubic symphysitis is made (symphysiopathy or dysfunction of the pubic symphysis).

X-rays in the first trimester of pregnancy cannot be performed! From the second trimester (more precisely, after the 16th week of pregnancy), an x-ray can be prescribed if necessary.

Normally, the distance between two pubic bones is 4-5 mm, but during pregnancy the pelvic bones diverge, and this distance increases by 2-3 mm, amounting to 6-8 mm (up to 10-15 mm is acceptable).

This is considered the 1st stage of the disease, although, in fact, this phenomenon is not something dangerous if it does not progress. Just a pregnant woman needs more close supervision by doctors in order to accept in the future correct solution about the method of delivery, if the bones still strongly disperse.

The distance between the pubic bones from 1 cm to 2 cm indicates the 2nd stage, and from 2 cm or more - about the 3rd stage of symphysitis.

Symptoms and causes of the disease

Symphysitis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • acute (“shooting”) pain when walking, it hurts to sit down and stand up, spread your legs apart, roll over to one side, step over the threshold;
  • lameness or waddling gait "duck", which minimizes pain;
  • pain is felt when pressing on the pubis;
  • clicks, crackling or grinding may be heard when moving the legs.

Pain can spread to the femoral, inguinal, lumbar, sacral (coccygeal) region.

Within the normal range in the second half of pregnancy, a pulling or aching pain in the groin, in the pubic area and clitoris, passing to inner surface hips. This is how the pelvis of a pregnant woman is distributed. But if in the supine position it is painful to raise the straight leg up, then this is a sign of symphysitis, and you should contact the local obstetrician-gynecologist with this complaint.

The reasons for the development of excessive divergence of the pelvic bones are not precisely defined. Scientists suggest that symphysitis develops when:

  1. Hormonal disorders, for example, with excessive production of the hormone relaxin. Relaxin helps to soften the ligamentous apparatus, due to which the pelvis expands and it is easier for the baby to get through the birth canal.
  2. Carrying a large fetus or in large numbers amniotic fluid, as well as the low location of the baby's head. An increase in the load on the bones of the pubic joint leads to a stronger divergence.
  3. Poor absorption of calcium due to a deficiency of vitamin D3 or an imbalance in the woman's body of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium.
  4. Predisposition to diseases of the bones and joints (due to old pelvic injuries, excessive loads on the musculoskeletal system, etc.).

Treatment for pain in the pubic bone

Treatment as such is not carried out; after childbirth, the ligaments acquire their primary state. You can only temporarily reduce the pain by taking 1-2 tablets of No-shpa or by rubbing the area above the pubis with a solution of Menovazin. And if there is swelling of the pubis due to the existing inflammatory process, then drugs such as Chondroxide gel or Betalgon ointment are also prescribed (it is necessary to apply funds over the affected area). And to replenish calcium reserves, Calcium D3-Nycomed or its analogues are prescribed.

Do not get carried away with taking calcium supplements. This can lead to premature hardening of the skull bones of the crumbs, which is fraught with birth trauma. Also, an excess of calcium gives an additional burden on the kidneys and contributes to the early aging of the placenta, which is not desirable during pregnancy.

Also, with symphysitis, it is necessary to minimize such motor activity like climbing stairs, walking for a long time, etc.

Sitting in one position for more than 1 hour and cross-legging while sitting is also not recommended.

It is necessary to stand firmly on both legs, and not to transfer all the weight on one leg.

When turning over in bed, you need to turn first upper part torso, and then the pelvis itself.

An orthopedist/surgeon/traumatologist may prescribe wearing a special pelvic brace and performing a complex special exercises, which are able to strengthen ligaments and increase tone pelvic muscles, which will reduce pain during symphysitis.

The pelvic brace fixes the pelvic ring, preventing the pubic bones from moving and thus causing pain.

In the last months of pregnancy or after childbirth, antibiotics and UV irradiation of the pubic area (the same solarium) may be prescribed to relieve inflammation of the symphysis. If there is no inflammation, then they simply carry the pregnancy on and wait for childbirth.

Childbirth with pain in the pubis

1. Divergence of the pubic articulation of 1 cm or more- can carry out planned C-section. But most often, with a discrepancy of more than 2 cm, they begin to talk about the CS, so that during childbirth the pubic ligaments do not break. After all, if a rupture occurs, then the woman’s legs are immobilized until the ligaments are restored, and this will take about 3 months in a cast.

But with symphysitis of the 2nd stage, women most often give birth safely naturally and recover without consequences for their own health.

After childbirth, with their successful course, it is necessary to observe bed rest about 3 days, tightly pulling the hips with an elastic bandage. After the expiration of this period, you can begin to gradually move around the room, wearing a special corset that fixes the pelvic bones in the desired position, preventing them from dispersing. The corset is worn for 3-6 months.

If after childbirth severe pain in the pubis, then you don’t need to do anything, you can lead a normal life.

2. When the gap between the bones is less than 1 cm, with the pregnant woman feeling normal and provided that the fetus is medium-sized and the pelvis is not narrow, childbirth is carried out naturally. Already on the 3-5th day after childbirth, the pain will not be so strong, but it will completely subside after 2 weeks, a maximum of 2 months after the birth of the baby.

Pregnancy is the most exciting and anticipated event in the life of every woman. But no matter how magical this time was, almost every expectant mother will have to face very unpleasant surprises, and a seemingly joyful moment is overshadowed by discomfort, and often even pain.

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Women who feel strange discomfort or pain in the pubic, perineal, or vaginal area during pregnancy tend to panic and do nothing, thereby exacerbating existing problems.

Girls in an “interesting” position always have some kind of discomfort, although doctors unanimously say that when normal course pregnancy should not be a concern.

Any, even a momentary, pain in inguinal region during pregnancy, it will be a wake-up call about existing deviations:

1. Sprain

The main reason why it hurts, between the legs and in the pubis during pregnancy, usually appears on recent weeks and is a harbinger imminent birth baby. The child has an impact on the bones and ligaments in the hip region, as if pressing on them. Discomfort is manifested when the ligaments are too intensely sprained. The pain that occurs for these reasons can be called dull. It does not pose any threat to pregnancy.

2. Sciatic nerve

Excessive pressure on sciatic nerve- another one possible reason the occurrence of pain. Feelings in this case can be described as a spasm, the pain is pronounced. Also in this case, there are difficulties in moving: moving the legs, as well as turning from side to side, will cause pain.

There is no solution for this type of deviation. Doctors advise to wait until the baby rolls over, then there is a chance that the nerve clamped by the child's body will take a normal position and the pain will stop.

3. Varicose veins veins

During pregnancy, loosening of the ligaments of this area may occur. This is very serious illness, so if the discomfort is not associated with the birth of a child, then you should not delay the trip to the doctor.

4. Unreasonable pain on early dates

What to do with pain in the vagina?

With constant pain in the vagina or labia during pregnancy, you should immediately resort to the help of specialists, which will help prevent future complications. Sometimes to establish true reason pain in the vagina will require consultation not only of a gynecologist, but also of a neurologist, endocrinologist.

To get rid of discomfort for a while will help:

  1. A warm, but not hot, sitz bath will relieve pain due to muscle tone.
  2. A bandage, selected in size, will help reduce the load on this area, thereby relieving pain.

To reduce discomfort with pain in the perineum, pubic region and vagina during pregnancy, a few simple ways will help:

  1. It is necessary to control weight gain, not allowing it to create unnecessary stress on the affected area.
  2. Worth choosing a soft chair, chair or mattress, however, it is best to avoid sitting if possible.
  3. When sitting, do not forget that the feet should be completely on the floor.
  4. It is not recommended to take steps to the side. It is better to make a deceptive maneuver: turn around and step forward in the direction you need.
  5. For pain in the pubis, it is worth lying down, placing a roller, pillow, or any device similar in design under the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe legs and hips. This will help reduce stress on the joints.

Whatever the pain, pregnant women need to be careful with drugs:

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I am 24 weeks pregnant. The entire previous period felt fine, but now she began to worry about acute pain in the pubis, which radiates to the perineum and left thigh. The gynecologist listened to my complaints and said that there was nothing to worry about, you just need to endure and wait for the birth. And in the card she wrote “suspicion of symphysitis” and ordered an ultrasound in a week.

Should I be worried about this? Will it affect the child in any way? And what drugs can be taken when the pubic bone hurts during pregnancy? Because it gives me serious discomfort.

Marina, thanks for the question. Today I will tell you more about such a phenomenon as symphysitis (pain in the pubic bone), especially since I myself encountered it during pregnancy.

Pain in the pubis during pregnancy = symphysitis

During the period of bearing a child, your body is under a lot of stress. It undergoes a number of significant changes that are associated with the development of the fetus. Unfortunately, in expectant mothers, these changes most often cause unpleasant and pain.

Complaints that the pubic bone hurts are a very common occurrence during pregnancy. If the pregnancy is proceeding normally, then such pains do not indicate the presence of a pathology or a threat to health, either in the child or in you.

The reasons for this condition may be different:

  • The baby grows and gains weight (read about the development of the child during pregnancy in the article Development of the child in the womb >>>);

And this means that it will be increasingly difficult for you to carry it in your tummy. Increased load on the legs hip joints, what causes aching sensation and bone pain. Similar problems can arise if you yourself gain a few extra pounds during pregnancy.

  • In the event of an incorrect or low location fetus, the baby will press the head (legs) on the bones of the pubic joint;
  • A large volume of amniotic fluid or a narrow arrangement of the pelvic bones can also cause pain.

But the main explanation for the fact that the pubic bone hurts during pregnancy is the restructuring of the body before childbirth. It is so provided by nature that with the approach of the time of the birth of a child, the bones and ligaments of the pelvis in women soften. And you can read about the harbingers of childbirth in the article: 39 weeks of pregnancy. Harbingers of childbirth >>>.

This happens under the influence of a special hormone called relaxin. It is produced in the body of a pregnant woman and is responsible for preparing the birth canal for the baby to pass through it.

Know! Basically, it is the pubis that softens, which consists of two pubic bones and cartilage between them. The place of their connection in medicine is called "symphysis".

The pubic articulation is attached to the bones of the pelvis by ligaments. In the normal state, this connection is fixed, but during pregnancy, the bones of the pelvis and pubis become more pliable and mobile.

I want to draw your attention to the fact that such a process is physiological norm and a prerequisite for a comfortable birth! Therefore, the appearance of painful sensations in the pubic joint indicates that pregnancy is developing in its own way, and it is time to gradually begin to prepare for the birth of a child.

Get a step-by-step system of preparation for childbirth, including physical and psychological preparation, you will be able to know Five Steps to a Successful Childbirth >>>

However, quite often there is an excessive softening of the bones, which can lead to their displacement. It is in this case that a suspicion of symphysitis arises.

What is symphysis?

Symphysitis during pregnancy or symphysiopathy is one of the varieties of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Such a diagnosis is made with a significant divergence of the pubic bones, which hinders movement. It can also be observed:

  1. growth pain;
  2. development of the inflammatory process.

The main signs of the development of symphysitis during pregnancy are complaints that the pubic bone hurts when walking or turning over on its side. There are several stages of this disease:

  • A normal indicator is the divergence of the pubic bones at a distance of 4 - 5 mm;
  • An increase in this distance by 2–3 mm to 6–8 mm is the first stage of symphysitis. This condition is not dangerous, the main thing is that there is no further progression of the disease;
  • The distance between the pubic bones of 1 - 2 cm is the second stage of symphysitis;
  • The divergence of the pubic articulation by 2 cm or more is attributed to the third stage of symphysitis.

It is not necessary to diagnose such a disease on your own. To do this, you will need to conduct an ultrasound examination or x-ray of the pubic bones. Of course, ultrasound with symphysitis during pregnancy is a more preferable procedure.

Symptoms and causes of the development of symphysitis

The main reasons for the development of symphysitis are:

  1. Hormonal disorders, resulting in excessive production of relaxin;
  2. Lack of calcium in the body;
  3. Vitamin D3 deficiency, which improves calcium absorption;
  4. Imbalance of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus;
  5. Predisposition to diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

As you can see, in many ways it can be the fault malnutrition during pregnancy. To avoid vitamin deficiency, study our course Secrets of proper nutrition for the expectant mother >>>

Also, a strong divergence of the pubic joint can be triggered by a significant increase in the load on the pubic bone, for example, when carrying a large fetus.

Symphysitis during pregnancy is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • the appearance of pronounced swelling at the junction of the pubic bones;
  • pain in the pubic area, which is aggravated by pressure;
  • on palpation of the pubic bone, a characteristic click is heard;
  • feeling of sharp pain when changing the position of the body;
  • aching pain in the pubis "gives" to the pelvis, perineum, thigh, coccyx;
  • change in gait - "duck" or small steps;
  • constrained movements - you can not raise straight legs up, spread them apart or raise your leg on a step.

1 trimester

2 trimester

In the second trimester, you can notice the first echoes of symphysitis:

  1. Already at week 13, under the influence of hormonal changes, the pelvic bones will begin to soften. This process is individual for everyone, and the speed of its progression can be different. Usually acute pain is episodic and occurs after physical activity, long walk;
  2. After 20 weeks, the natural process of divergence of the pelvic bones begins. If you feel drawn and aching pain, then such a condition should not be regarded as symptoms of symphysitis during pregnancy.

3rd trimester

Most often, this disease is diagnosed in the 3rd trimester. At the same time, based on observations and establishing the degree of development of the symphysitis, a decision is made about the method of childbirth.

  • Usually, with stage 1 symphysitis, natural delivery is recommended;
  • Also in stage 2 we are talking only about conventional childbirth, but during their course, anesthesia or stimulation can be used labor activity;
  • The establishment of stage 3 symphysitis is an indication for a caesarean section. Otherwise, a rupture of the symphysis may occur, which will lead to a long hospitalization.

Symphysitis treatment

I should disappoint you, but getting rid of this disease will not work. You can only stop its progression. Treatment of symphysitis during pregnancy is associated with the elimination of provocative causes and a decrease in pain. For this, it can be assigned:

  1. vitamin complexes with a high content of calcium;
  2. non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  3. painkiller - No-shpa;
  4. the use of external agents - Menovazin, Chondroxide gel, Betalgon ointment;
  5. wearing a bandage for pregnant women.

Important! It should be noted that taking synthetic calcium in last month pregnancy is not possible. This can lead to hardening of the pelvic bones in the woman and the bones of the skull in the baby, causing problems during childbirth.

After the birth of a child, all the symptoms of symphysitis will disappear on their own. If, during childbirth, a violation of the pubic articulation occurs, for a quick recovery it is recommended to do the following:

  • observe bed rest;
  • wear a postpartum bandage;
  • tightly bandage the pelvis.

Usually the pain decreases already on the 5th - 7th day, and the normalization of the condition occurs after 2 weeks. In the most severe cases, this period lasts about 3 months.

Prevention of symphysitis

To avoid the complicated development of symphysitis, I recommend that you follow the following preventive measures:

  1. Control your weight;
  2. Eliminate prolonged stay "on the legs";
  3. Do not climb stairs;
  4. Don't sit for more than an hour. You need to constantly change the position of the body. Try to sit so that the stomach does not press hard on the pubic bone;
  5. Do not take asymmetrical postures: cross your legs, lean on one leg, hang your legs on one side of the chair, cross your legs, etc.;
  6. During sleep, choose a position so that the legs are higher than the torso. To do this, you can put a pillow;
  7. Turning over in bed, first turn the upper body, and then the lower;
  8. sit and lie on soft surface, put pillows under the sides and lower back. You can use a special pillow for pregnant women >>>;
  9. Never walk in heels!

These tips will help you ease the discomfort and pain. The main thing: do not go in cycles in these sensations and do not “wind” yourself. At right attitude To this disease, symphysitis does not pose any danger to either you or the baby.

Pain during pregnancy literally haunts a woman. At the same time, they can be very diverse - both in strength, and in the brightness of sensations, and in localization.

The third trimester is the time when the fetus has already significantly gained weight, and the whole body of the mother is actively preparing for childbirth, a woman may feel strange and unpleasant sensations in the pubic area. However, the situation when sore pubic bone during pregnancy, is quite normal. So, the pelvic bones begin to prepare for the upcoming birth.

Why the pubic bone can hurt during pregnancy - symptoms and risk factors

Pain in the pubic region during pregnancy for a period of 20 weeks or more is the norm, doctors say.

In medicine, the pubis is called the pubic articulation or symphysis. It is represented by cartilaginous tissue and is a ligament for two pubic bones. By its physiology, this complex is immobile, but due to pregnancy, the hormone relaxin is released in women - a substance that relaxes the ligaments. Their increased elasticity is necessary so that the child can pass through the mother's birth canal and not get stuck in them.

However, as a result of this, the pelvic bones are left without their strong corset. The symphysis becomes mobile. The sensations from this, if you study the reviews of expectant mothers, are not the most pleasant.

When pain develops, or even when a pregnant woman simply aches in the perineal region, many people wonder what it could be, and whether such a condition threatens the fetus.

Doctors point out that normally does not hurt very much. But if the pain pubic symphysis intensify, they say that inflammation has begun. In this case, the pregnant diagnosed with symphysis.

In the normal state, the pubic bones of a woman are at a distance from each other up to 5 mm. Due to the processes occurring during pregnancy, the pelvic bones can diverge over a distance up to 8 mm, i.e. almost 2 times. Despite the fact that this is normal, doctors already with such a discrepancy put I stage of pubic symphysitis.

Pain in the pubic part during pregnancy should not be ignored - it is better to consult a doctor as soon as possible. After all, the bones can continue to diverge for a greater distance. If the distance between them reaches 2 cm, they speak of stage II.

Of the advantages of the state when the pubic bone hurts during pregnancy, one can name the fact that this situation does not harm the child in any way. So at least for the fetus at this time you can not worry.

If the bone hurts when walking, it is safe to say that the expectant mother has symphysitis.

Among the symptoms of pathology are:

  • acute pain while walking (very painful), in a sitting position, when trying to spread your legs to the sides, when turning the body and trying to change the position of the body;
  • the appearance of a duck-like gait - when it hurts in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe pubic bone, it is this mincing gait that reduces discomfort;
  • soreness when pressed;
  • the presence of extraneous sounds, such as clicks, crackles and other options when walking;
  • often part of the perineum hurts, but the pain can also pass to the coccyx, lower back, groin, and even radiate to the thigh.

Reasons for the development of symphysitis

When a pregnant woman begins to whine in the perineum, or she feels that it hurts at the bottom when walking, she should see a doctor to find out exactly why it hurts. The reasons may be completely different.

And here it is important to understand that for the most part this physiologically normal process, but still there are pathological situations when the pubis begins to hurt.

Physiological divergence is understood as a small defect, when the bones diverge for a small distance, and pubic pain not so strong and annoying. This often happens in the third trimester.

In this case, it is noted that the cause is a hormonal disorder, due to which the ligaments of the pubic bone are actively softened. This is part of the process of preparing for childbirth. If it hurts a lot, the pain does not go away and prevents you from fully moving, it is worth checking for the presence of pathologies.

Yes, in the list pathological causes why does the pubic bone hurt during pregnancy:

  1. Large fruit.
  2. Low position of the fetus.
  3. Polyhydramnios.
  4. Lack of calcium in the body, lack of vitamin D, lack of the necessary magnesium, calcium and phosphorus in full.
  5. Heredity for diseases of the musculoskeletal system in a lady - for example, pelvic injuries.

How is the problem diagnosed in pregnant women?

To make an accurate diagnosis of a future mother, they can prescribe ultrasound if she is on time up to 16 weeks, or x-ray if the deadline is higher. According to the results, treatment can be prescribed.

The doctor must enter information about existing problems into the pregnant woman's card. This is necessary so that there are no unexpected “surprises” during childbirth.

What a woman needs to do to relieve pain - useful tips

Treatment, as such, with the usual course of symphysitis, if it is uncomplicated, is not prescribed. After the baby is born, the mother's ligaments will acquire their original state and return to their place.

If the pain is quite severe, then, in agreement with the doctor, you can use those allowed during pregnancy. painkillers- tablets and ointments. In the case when edema is observed, doctors may recommend the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory creams and ointments.

However, it is important to bear in mind that all medicines must be prescribed by a doctor.

Also, a pregnant woman can be advised calcium intake. But here it is important to understand that it is worth being more careful with it - an excess of such a substance consumed from the outside can lead to ossification of the baby's skull, which will cause birth injuries.

If the pubic bone hurts during pregnancy, the doctor may prescribe to the woman bandage use. And exercise therapy, which will unload the ligaments and strengthen the muscles. The bandage will hold the bones, preventing them from spreading wider.

From acute pain the expectant mother will help get rid of and simple recommendations.

The lady should sit in a soft position, without crossing her legs and not in an asymmetric body position. From a prone position, you should get up, first turning the upper part of the body, and only then change the position of the pelvis.

Similarly, when carefully turning around, it is worth stepping over if you need to turn around. It is important to understand that there should not be any sudden movements.

To avoid the manifestation of pain, it is also worth taking care of your menu - you should add dairy products, nuts and dried fruits, legumes, cereals and dark green leafy vegetables to the diet.

The danger of ignoring symptoms

If it hurts in a pregnant woman in the area of ​​​​the pubic joint, this fact cannot be ignored. It doesn't matter how intense the pain is. Only a doctor can correctly assess the degree of development of the situation.

If you leave such manifestations without attention, you can get serious complications. It should be understood that the symphysitis itself does not pose a danger to the fetus, but if an inflammatory process appears against the background of the divergence of the pelvic bones, then this can already affect the baby. For example, due to inflammation, nutrition in the mother-fetus chain can be disrupted, and it also often triggers premature birth.

Local inflammation causes swelling in the perineum, often accompanied by elevated temperature body. And this causes an additional burden on the body of a pregnant woman, who already works for two. Arises real risk infection of the water and placenta.

by the most serious complication is considered a rupture of the symphysis. It happens closer to the birth - weeks after the 37th, when the baby's head has already dropped. In this case, the pressure on the ligaments begins to increase, and they do not withstand. It should be understood that when severe course situation, doctors will recommend delivery by caesarean section. After all, the pubic joint can suffer even more.

Video with helpful tips:

Prevention of pain in the pubic region during pregnancy

In order to prevent the development of pain in the pubic area, the expectant mother should keep track of your weightoverweight will increase pressure on the perineum.

In addition, you should choose soft mattress, avoid climbing stairs to the maximum, withstand a certain physical activity. Light exercise will only benefit.

A woman after the 20th week of pregnancy may feel different kind pain. They can be short-term, long-term or intermittent. If the pubic bone hurts during pregnancy, then most often this is due to the most common physiological changes. Why is this happening? This may mean that the pelvic bones are separating. This is important so that the child during childbirth, it is as simple and easy as possible to pass through the birth canal.

However, if the pain is very strong, makes it difficult to walk up the stairs and becomes intolerable when flipping from side to side, then this may already indicate a disease and you should immediately consult a doctor.

The pubic articulation and its divergence

In medical language, the pubis is called the pubic articulation or symphysis. It is a cartilage that connects two pubic bones with the help of ligaments.

If there are no pathologies and diseases, then such a connection is absolutely motionless. And during pregnancy, a woman's level of the hormone relaxin rises. It helps to relax the ligaments and because of this, a divergence of the pelvic bones can be observed. This sometimes leads to excessive mobility of the pubic joint. Inflammation and pain may also occur.

The distance between the pubic bones before pregnancy should be no more than 4-5 mm. However, during pregnancy, the pelvic bones diverge slightly and this distance increases to 6-8 mm. This is already considered stage 1 of such a disease as pubic symphysitis. This is not dangerous, and if a woman does not feel pain in this area and does not experience any particular discomfort, then she does not require any treatment. Doctors just take note this moment in order to take the necessary measures during childbirth.

If the distance between the bones reaches 1-2 cm, then this indicates stage 2 of the disease. Diagnose the 3rd stage of the disease when the divergence of the bones is more than 2 cm.

You can determine pubic symphysitis by making an x-ray of the pubis or ultrasound. For up to 16 weeks, X-ray is contraindicated and better limited ultrasound. But after 16 weeks, if necessary, the doctor may prescribe an x-ray.

Note! Symphysitis does not render negative impact on fetal health and development. He delivers unpleasant moments only to the expectant mother.

Causes of pubic symphysitis

It has not yet been precisely established because of what exactly such a divergence of the bones of the womb occurs. Doctors suggest that the following points contribute to this:

Symptoms of the disease

Pubic symphysitis is most often characterized by the following symptoms:

  • gait "duck" and lameness, minimizing pain;
  • acute pain when walking, when spreading the legs to the sides, discomfort when turning over from side to side and stepping over the threshold, as well as painfully sitting down and getting up;
  • crackling and clicking when moving the legs;
  • severe pain on palpation.

After the 20th week of pregnancy, aching and pulling pain is almost the norm. It can manifest itself in the pubic area, groin and clitoris. It can even move to the inner thighs. This only indicates that the pelvis is slightly expanded and the body is preparing for childbirth.

A clear sign of symphysitis is the presence of pain when lifting a straight leg from a supine position. Then you do not need to waste time, but you should seek the advice of a specialist.

Treatment of pubic symphysitis

Even when diagnosing symphysitis, no treatment is required. As a rule, after childbirth, the ligaments will take their correct anatomical position.

In order to relieve suffering from pain, doctors recommend taking 1-2 tablets of No-shpa. You can also rub the area above the pubis with Menovazin's solution. If, due to a progressive inflammatory process, swelling of the pubis is observed, then drugs such as Betalgon ointment and Chondroxide gel are indicated.

To restore calcium reserves in the body of a pregnant woman, you can drink Calcium D3-Nycomed or other similar calcium-containing drugs.

In addition to the medicinal components of treatment, it is important to reduce physical activity. It is necessary to try to walk less and climb stairs. It is not recommended to sit for a long time, and in a standing position, distribute the weight strictly on both legs.

The doctor can also prescribe wearing a bandage, as well as performing a special set of exercises. Thus, it is possible to achieve an increase in the tone of the pelvic muscles and a decrease in the level of pain.

In the last weeks of pregnancy or even after childbirth, a young mother may be advised to take antibiotics and UV irradiation of the pubic area. This helps to relieve inflammation of the symphysis.

If all the above measures do not bring relief in the last weeks of pregnancy and even after childbirth the pain does not disappear, then treatment in a hospital is recommended.

Childbirth with pain in the pubic joint

If a woman in labor in the last weeks of pregnancy has a discrepancy between the bones of the womb by more than 1 cm, then she is shown a caesarean section. Otherwise, there is a risk of their complete rupture during labor, which means the subsequent complete immobilization of the patient and the imposition of plaster for 3 months.

Stage 2 of symphysitis is like a border zone, many women gave birth on their own and then quickly recovered, but there are cases when, after childbirth, immediately in a cast. The doctor can only recommend a caesarean section, and the woman in labor herself makes the decision directly.

If a woman decided to give birth herself, and everything went well, then after the baby is born, it is important to observe bed rest for about 3-5 days and tightly pull the hips with an elastic bandage. Then you can already move around, but in a special corset that will not allow the pelvic bones to diverge. It is recommended to wear such a corset for some time - 3-6 months.

With stage 1 symphysitis, as a rule, women give birth on their own. The exception is very large fruit And narrow pelvis. After childbirth on the 3rd-5th day, the pain will subside a little, it will completely disappear after 2 weeks. It is advisable to bandage the pelvis at least 2-3 weeks after the birth of the child in order to allow the pelvic bones to quickly take their correct anatomical position.

Summing up all of the above, we can conclude that pubic symphysitis is not particularly dangerous disease if you follow all the doctor's recommendations. If you neglect such advice, then you can get Negative consequences And a long period treatment and rehabilitation.