Benefits for those killed in the line of duty. Benefits for family members of fallen soldiers. Military survivor's pension

Everyone who enters the state military service is subject to compulsory insurance on the basis of legislation. The Ministry of Defense guarantees compensation for any injury or illness that occurred during the period of service. Payments are made to the relatives of the dead military if the death of the latter was the result of illness, injury or otherwise.

Relatives after the death of a military man do not always understand what privileges and payments they are entitled to from the state. The list of applicants for receiving social guarantees after the loss of a family member depends on the military capacity of the deceased before death. Understand in what cases benefits are provided to the widows of retired military personnel, their children and parents, whether they can rely on legal acts issued by the Ministry of Defense, the government and the federal government.

Legal guarantees from the state

There are a lot of documents that approve the appointment in the legislation. The choice of the right legal act depends on the basis on which subsidies will be provided.

The main laws that testify to the rights to military benefits are:

  • 76 FZ, where article 24 sets out state guarantees for families who have lost their breadwinner;
  • 128 and 53 of the Federal Law on social guarantees for the families of the dead military;
  • 306 FZ, 142 PP, which determine, on the basis of monetary allowance, what payments are due for family members of military personnel;
  • 855 PP and 52 FZ, as well as 325 Order of the Ministry of Defense, reflecting the available insurance guarantees and the procedure for post-mortem payments to the family;
  • 400, 166 and 4468-1 FZ, which lists pension benefits;
  • 1100 Order of the Ministry of Defense, which spells out the procedure for assigning a single cash payment - UDV to the relatives of the dead military;
  • 5 of the Federal Law on benefits for widows of participants in the Second World War.

Upon entering the service, military personnel are issued insurance, including in case of death.

It applies to:

  • active servicemen on conscription or under contract;
  • participants in military training;
  • those who are in .

However, if a direct link between the guilty actions of the military man and his death is proved, insurance will not be paid to relatives.

Support for families associated with the death of military personnel is provided in various forms.

It is subdivided into:

  • lump-sum payments;
  • monthly benefits;
  • benefits and subsidies affecting areas of the social sphere.

The first option is mainly based on insurance compensation, the second - on pension accruals, and the third expresses the general concern of the state for those who have lost a relative.

Who can apply for support

In legislative acts regulating state assistance to relatives of military personnel, a common name is used - “family members”, while it can mean different degrees of kinship and a limited circle of people.

  • upon execution, as well as within a 3-month period after dismissal;
  • being a military pensioner;
  • being a recognized veteran or participant in military operations.

So, to the family of a serviceman who died on duty and those who died within a year after dismissal, the law includes citizens who can count on social assistance:

  • spouse / spouse, if the relationship with the deceased is formalized;
  • his parents;
  • grandparents, if they raised the deceased for more than 3 years in the absence of parents;
  • adoptive parents;
  • minor children;
  • incapacitated or disabled adult citizens who are dependent / in care of the deceased;
  • children under the age of 23, if they are studying full-time.

The family of dead veterans and participants in hostilities who can qualify for social guarantees include them:

  • parents;
  • spouses with disabilities and participants in the Second World War, if they did not marry after the death of the second half.

Important! Benefits for widows of participants and combat veterans are provided only if they have not remarried, live alone or with children.

One-time and annual payments

Posthumous payments are made in one amount, the amount of which depends on several indicators.

306 of the Federal Law assigns to the relatives of the deceased during the execution or for the first year after dismissal:

  • the right to receive 3 million rubles;
  • the obligation to divide the issued amount among all right holders in equal shares.

The amount of the lump sum received will depend on how many relatives of the deceased are entitled to it.

Another single cash payment, according to the 5th Federal Law, is due to the families of the victims:

  • invalids of wars;
  • WWII veterans;
  • combat veterans;
  • during the Second World War, members of the air defense personnel and emergency teams;
  • workers of Leningrad hospitals and hospitals during the Second World War.

It is important to know that only those fighters who participated in operations on the territory of the country and abroad, officially recognized by the state as military / combat, are included in the number of combat veterans.

Benefits for relatives of a veteran are given if the deceased:

  • participated in the hostilities of the Russian Federation and during the years of the existence of the USSR;
  • cleared the territories after the Second World War until 1951 and until 1957, depending on the place of work;
  • is a combat veteran in Afghanistan (1979-1989);
  • participated in hostilities in Chechnya (in the first and second companies);
  • participated in the CTO in the North Caucasus;
  • fought in Syria since 2015.

It is important to remember that the widow of war veterans (Afghanistan, Chechnya, the North Caucasus, and so on) will receive the right to benefits and benefits only when the deceased spouse officially formalized his status during his lifetime and had a certificate, otherwise it is necessary to receive veteranship posthumously.

For 2019, the value of the veteran payment is 927 rubles. The amount is indexed periodically.

An allowance in the amount of 14,000 rubles is paid monthly to relatives:

  • who died in the line of duty:
  • a person whose death occurred as a result of military diseases and injuries;
  • one who, during the period of military training, is recognized as missing or declared dead (the provision of payment on this basis is determined by the government of the Russian Federation).

The amount paid to each of the relatives is formed by dividing by their number.

If the deceased was a disabled person, then the relatives will be paid in shares the compensation determined for the serviceman during his lifetime.

Important! Military parents will receive the right to the above two payments if they are 50/55 (mother / father) years old, or they are disabled. Disability must be formalized.

A separate law (No. 128) defines a monthly allowance for the children of fallen servicemen. In 2019, its size is set at 1597 rubles 50 kopecks.

Payment is made for each of:

  • small children up to adulthood;
  • adult children if they are incapacitated or incapacitated;
  • adults under the age of 23 in full-time education.

The increase in the amount is made in those subjects where the law provides for the existence of a district coefficient. In addition, the allowance is periodically indexed.

In addition to these payments, if a serviceman during his lifetime was the only breadwinner in the family, a monthly pension is accrued to the relatives left without his support.

Benefits for relatives

This type of privilege consists of assistance that is provided upon application.

Widows, children and parents of military personnel who died in the line of duty, or as a result of undermining their health during service or being on a military pension, can take advantage of the benefits.

For such families, the legal norms:

  • prohibit eviction from the housing where they lived with the deceased, unless another comfortable accommodation is provided in return;
  • provide for the maintenance of privileges for the improvement of housing conditions available to the military;
  • establish the right to subsidize the repair of private houses that are the place of residence of the family;
  • do not allow exclusion from the queue for receiving free housing and housing subsidies for the purchase and construction of housing, if they are recognized as needy (provision is made out of turn and according to the same standards calculated during the life of the military);
  • determine subsidies in the field of housing and communal services (reimbursement is made for the payment of rent, maintenance and repair of a residential facility, as well as utilities);
  • establish the possibility of receiving compensation for fuel and its delivery if the family lives in a house without central heating;
  • imply an extraordinary connection of fixed telephones, radio points and television antennas, as well as compensation for their subscription services;
  • establish guarantees of free medical and social services.

If the applicant for benefits is a pensioner, a disabled person or a person who has lost a breadwinner, he is additionally granted the right to take advantage of sanatorium treatment and free travel to the place (in both directions).

Important! The privileges of the spouses of the deceased shall be preserved until the moment of their remarriage.

Benefits for widows of military pensioners

The working period of the life of the wives of a serviceman is associated with certain hardships. They relate to the impossibility of permanent employment and interruption of seniority due to family relocations during the spouse's service. The death of a military pensioner often leaves his wife practically without a livelihood, so the state tries to compensate them for the lack of support.

The greatest support is provided in matters of calculating pensions, since military wives have little chance of earning a decent old age on their own.

Retirement benefits

Legislation allows you to include in the length of service up to 5 years that a woman spent moving around the garrisons where she could not officially find a job.

In addition, the widow is allowed to independently choose the type of pension that she will receive.

There are several options:

  1. If a woman had no problems with work and experience, she had a good income and earned a decent pension, then she can receive it.
  2. You can choose to receive a spouse's allowance if a military pensioner retired with a high rank and with the required length of service, and deserved a large pension.
  3. If there is a disability or the need to care for the children of the deceased, the widow is entitled to receive a survivor's pension if the military pensioner died from injuries or diseases acquired during the period of service.

At the same time, the widows of military pensioners are included in the list of categories of persons who are allowed to receive an additional old-age insurance pension.

The main requirements for a widow to receive a military pension are the availability of benefits for the deceased and reaching the age at which social benefits for old age are due (55 years).

A soldier can receive benefits if, at the time of dismissal:

  • has 20 years of service for employees of law enforcement and military departments;
  • has reached the age of 45, has 25 years of work experience, half of which is in the service;
  • established disability, provoked by military diseases / injuries.

If the payments of the military pension to the spouse during life were terminated before the death occurred, but in the 5-year period the widow has the right to claim the allowance.

In cases where she is forced to take care of the children of the deceased, who are under 8 years old, her age, marital status and employment are not taken into account when assigning payments.

The amount of the payment to the widow will be determined the same as the military pensioner received during his lifetime. The calculation of the amount is made on the basis of the rank, the amount of monetary allowance and well-deserved allowances.

Important! The spouse has the right to apply for a military pension only within a 5-year period, the period is counted from the moment of his death.

To be eligible for a survivor's pension as a main benefit, a widow must meet one of the following criteria:

  • be declared incapacitated;
  • to lose with his death the main source of income;
  • bring up and support the children of the husband (or his relatives) until he reaches the age of 14;
  • educate and support incompetent adult relatives of the spouse.

If the spouse dies as a result of a disability acquired in the service, then the allowance is paid to the widow upon reaching the age of 55 without restrictions.

The amount of benefits for the loss of a breadwinner will be:

  • 30% of the allowance of the deceased;
  • 50 and 40% if during his lifetime he received a disability in the service, depending on what caused the development of the disease - an injury on duty or an accident.

The survivor's benefit may be paid at the same time as another pension if the spouse of the person who died as a result of disability has not remarried.

The amount of the insurance payment depends entirely on what pension indicators for old age were earned by the spouse herself.

A second pension may be available provided that:

  • the widow has reached retirement age;
  • has at least 15 years of experience;
  • accumulated at least 30 pension points.

The above privileges of the widows of military pensioners are also relevant for the widows of participants in the Second World War.

Social privileges

The law establishes certain benefits for the widows of military pensioners who had the status of veterans during their lifetime:

50% discount on utility bills guaranteed by federal law.

  1. Priority rights when joining cooperative and non-profit formations.
  2. One-time opportunity to be provided with housing at the expense or with the support of the state (if registered on the need to provide housing since 2005).
  3. The right to medical care in departmental institutions and compensation for the costs of sanatorium treatment.
  4. Priority rights to social services.

All types of benefits are active. To start using them, you need to collect documents, apply for privileges and process them.

Survivor benefits

A characteristic feature of these benefits is that they are paid only to those who, during the life of a serviceman, were fully supported by him.

These include persons who cannot support themselves due to age or health reasons:

  • spouses who have reached retirement age;
  • minors, adult children of the deceased, if they are recognized as incapacitated or study full-time until the age of 23;
  • disabled parents and other close relatives of the deceased;
  • spouse, if due to death he has lost his only source of income.

If the spouse has a disability, then the allowance is assigned without regard to marital status.

Benefits for relatives:

  • conscripts is established taking into account the value of the social pension;
  • contractors is determined taking into account the amount of monetary allowance;
  • military pensioners is formed taking into account the assigned payments.

Upon receipt of a disability of group I or reaching the age of 80, the widow of a military pensioner is entitled to a 100% supplement to the existing pension. If the allowance is assigned for the loss of a breadwinner for a minor child with a disability of groups I and II, including children with disabilities, the amount of the allowance increases by 32%.

Where to apply for payments

The procedure for processing due payments consists of 3 stages.

First of all, you should collect the necessary documents.

  1. For the provision of benefits and payments, you should contact the military unit to which the military was assigned during the period of service.
  2. Depending on the type of assistance required, it is issued in:
  • insurance company;
  • pension fund;
  • department of social protection;
  • local municipality.

List of required documents

The list of papers required to obtain support for the relatives of servicemen who died in the line of duty will differ from the one that the widow of a military pensioner must submit.

So, first you need:

  • application for due payments;
  • military death certificate;
  • a certificate from his command indicating the circumstances of the death;
  • documentation confirming the relationship of each of the applicants with the deceased;
  • extract from the order of the command on the exclusion of a soldier from the personnel;
  • personal passports and birth certificates for children under 14 years of age.

If there were third parties in the care or dependence of the military, then documents on guardianship and medical examination, certificates of their disability and other papers that can confirm their status will be needed.

In cases where the deceased has adult children who are undergoing full-time education, they must receive a certificate from the educational institution containing the date of enrollment to study.

Upon the death of a military as a result of injuries or diseases acquired during the service, which occurred within a year after the dismissal, the set of documents is similar, but it is additionally required to prove that the death occurred precisely for these reasons. To do this, you must present the results of a medical examination (ITU).

If the spouse died as a military pensioner, the widow should prepare:

  • personal passport and birth certificates of all children;
  • a death certificate and a certificate obtained from the military registration and enlistment office about the husband's military service;
  • marriage documents;
  • certificates of family composition and income;
  • a certificate from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on the availability of pension payments / or their absence;
  • work book;
  • ITU results;
  • additional documents (on disability or disability).

Despite the economic difficulties, the state provides support to the families of the dead military personnel in the form of social payments and benefits for widows, children and other relatives. Established cash benefits are indexed to inflationary growth. The list of benefits is also updated periodically.

If you still have questions on the topic, or officials refuse to provide benefits and payments due after the death of a serviceman, write to us in the "Comments" field. Let's try together to find a legal solution to the situation.

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4.1. Parents and wives of servicemen who died as a result of injury, concussion or injury received in the defense of the former USSR or in the performance of military service duties or due to illness associated with being at the front are provided with:

4.1.1. Free prescription medicines.

4.1.2. Use at retirement of polyclinics to which they were attached during the period of work.

4.1.3. The right to use the next annual leave at a convenient time for them, as well as to receive additional leave without pay for up to two weeks a year.

4.1.4. Priority provision at the place of work with vouchers to sanatoriums, dispensaries, rest homes, and non-working - free provision of vouchers in the manner determined by each of the Parties.

4.2. To provide the wives of military personnel who died or died as a result of injury, concussion, injury or illness received in the course of the performance of international duty in Afghanistan, or to other persons who support the children of these military personnel, the preferential right to receive vouchers to rest homes and boarding houses at the place of work for joint recreation with children, as well as to receive vouchers for the children of these military personnel to children's health-improving institutions.

4.3. Preferential taxation for the families of fallen servicemen in accordance with the legislation of the Parties.

4.4. Benefits in the payment of state duty to family members of dead servicemen for issuing them certificates of the right to inheritance are provided in accordance with the legislation of the Parties.

4.5. Families of fallen servicemen who need to improve their living conditions are provided with living space as a matter of priority.

For them, grounds may be provided for recognizing them as in need of improved housing conditions, if the provision of living space per family member is higher than the level established by the local authorities of the Parties.

Families of servicemen who died or went missing in the defense of the former USSR or in the performance of other duties of military service may not be evicted by a court order from the residential premises they occupy without being provided with living space.

4.6. Parents and wives of dead (missing) servicemen who have not remarried, regardless of the type of pension received, children and other dependents of the deceased (missing) serviceman, who in connection with this are paid a survivor's pension for the deceased serviceman, as well as members of their families cohabiting with them are provided with a discount on payment for living space (within the limits provided for by the current legislation of the Parties) in the amount of 50 percent of the rent, and excess living space (up to 15 square meters) is paid in a single amount.

The persons referred to in this paragraph and their family members living with them are provided with a discount of 50 percent from the established payment for the use of heating, water supply, gas and electricity.

These benefits are provided regardless of which family member is the tenant of the dwelling.

The procedure for granting a 50 percent discount on payment for living space and utilities is determined by the legislation of the Parties.

4.7. Families receiving survivor's pensions for a dead soldier living in houses without central heating are provided with a 50 percent discount on the cost of fuel purchased within the limits established for sale to the public.

Providing the families of the dead military personnel with fuel is carried out as a matter of priority.

4.8. Family members of fallen servicemen have the right to:

4.8.1. To obtain a loan on preferential terms for individual or cooperative housing construction in accordance with the legislation of the Parties.

4.8.2. To receive a loan on preferential terms to members of gardening associations for the purchase and construction of garden houses and improvement of garden plots in accordance with the legislation of the Parties.

4.8.3. For preferential (priority) entry into housing cooperatives.

4.8.4. Obtaining local building materials for individual housing construction and major repairs of houses as a matter of priority.

4.8.5. Capital repairs of houses of this category of persons shall be carried out at the expense of the local budget in the manner determined by each of the Parties.

4.8.6. For the release of standing timber for the construction of houses in the manner determined by each of the Parties.

4.8.7. Priority admission to homes - boarding schools for the elderly and disabled, home care, as well as for service by territorial social service centers.

4.9. In the event of the death of a disabled veteran of the Great Patriotic War, members of his family are paid a burial allowance in the amount determined by the legislation of each of the Parties, but not less than two months of the amount of the pension assigned to him. In the absence of family members, the allowance is issued to other persons who have assumed the duties of burying a deceased disabled person.

4.10. Families of dead (deceased) military personnel called up for military training, persons in command and rank and file of internal affairs bodies are paid a lump sum allowance in the amount established by the legislation of the Parties.

4.11. In the event of the death of a serviceman, his family has the right to travel to the place of burial and back (but not more than three people), as well as to travel to the new place of residence chosen by the family (within six months from the date of death of the serviceman) at the expense of the Ministries of Defense of the Parties.

4.12. The burial of a deceased (deceased) serviceman is carried out at the place of his last service at the expense of the funds of the Ministries of Defense of the Parties. In exceptional cases, the transportation of the body of a serviceman who died in peacetime in the performance of military (civil) duty or who died from general diseases to other places of burial (reburial) may be carried out by decision of the Ministry of Defense or the commander of the troops of the district (group of troops, fleet), commander of internal troops of the parties.

4.13. The wives of deceased generals, admirals and pensioners from among these military personnel who receive survivors' pensions shall retain for life the right to appropriate benefits established by the legislation of the Parties for military personnel, persons liable for military service, persons discharged from military service, and their families.

4.14. After the death of a disabled veteran of the Patriotic War who received a car or a motorized carriage for free, the car or motorized carriage remains in the ownership of his family.

Real estate under a social lease agreement or ownership can be provided:

  • if the soldier at the time of death or death had the right to receive it. That is, if he has a length of service of at least 10 years, and was registered as needing housing.
  • the size of the apartment with this option of provision is calculated based on the total number of relatives who cohabited relatives with him at the time of death.

When calculating, it is taken into account that each person has 18 sq.m. In addition, if the deceased during his lifetime had the right to preferential square meters, then his family also has the right to receive them.

In addition, taking into account the design features of the building, the total area of ​​the apartment can be increased by 9 sq.m. The same calculations are applied when issuing apartments under a social contract.

It is noteworthy that real estate is taken into account, which is already owned by relatives of the defender of the Fatherland, as well as under a social lease agreement. Previously provided square meters are deducted from the norms of living space laid out for issuance.

Payments to the families (widows) of dead servicemen, according to the current legislation, are:

  1. One-time - 3,000,000 rubles
  2. Monthly - 14 thousand rubles.

Monthly payments are assigned from the month following the month of death. In addition, they are indexed annually and increase by the percentage of inflation.

The amount of payment due to each is calculated by dividing the entire amount due for payment by all relatives, taking into account the military himself. This norm was repeatedly challenged, but, unfortunately, no changes were made to the legislation. Therefore, even if there is only one family member, benefits are paid in half.

The following are entitled to compensation: children of a serviceman under the age of 18 (during training, this age can be increased to 23 years) and a spouse (wife) aged 50 (55) years, as well as other relatives recognized as disabled.

Compensations are paid from the date of the foundation, but not more than 3 years.

Despite the fact that the Russian army is currently not officially in an armed conflict with anyone, Russian servicemen sometimes die in the line of duty. Most often this happens on foreign trips, when our soldiers take part in combat operations, exercises and escort of significant cargo. It is not uncommon for the military to be sent to Russian bases located on the territory of other countries, where it is also not always safe. In any case, under whatever circumstances a soldier dies, members of his family will be under special supervision of the authorities. They will be provided with all kinds of benefits, as well as compensation for the families of the dead servicemen.

Benefits, payments and compensation to the families of fallen servicemen

In general, all payments existing at the legislative level for members of military families can be grouped as follows:

  1. Allowances for mothers and fathers of military personnel who died in the line of duty during the period of hostilities. This compensation to the families of fallen servicemen may include the appointment of two types of pensions. This is feasible if the mother or father is currently already the recipient of monetary support from the military department, which is based on seniority. But at the same time, only service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the Ministry of Defense of the country counts. Parents who have lost a son who died while on duty are also entitled to a survivor's pension. But there is a condition here - this pension benefit is paid only to mothers and fathers who have reached the age of 55 years.
  2. Allowances for members of the family of a military man who died during his stay in the service. All family members and dependents will receive survivor benefits.

To whom is compensation paid to the families of the victims?

The following applicants may become recipients of compensation in the event of the death of a serviceman:

  1. Family members of police officers who died or died due to injury or injury acquired in the course of their official duties, or due to an illness that began while serving in the police department.
  2. Family members of the military, who died or died during the performance of military duties (including conscription service).
  3. Family members of persons who have taken up military service under a contract and who died or died after being dismissed due to unsuitable age for service, due to poor health or due to a reduction in the number of employees (in this case, the total service life should be at least 20 years).
  4. Family members of employees of bodies and institutions of the penitentiary system, the fire service, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the emergency response service, the State Drug Control Service, customs, tax police, who died or died due to a wound, injury, concussion or illness that occurred during carrying services.

Peculiarities of assigning payments to the family of a deceased serviceman

It happens that a mother and father die during their military service, and they apply to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for a payment for the loss of a breadwinner. The parents at that time are already recipients of a disability pension and have not yet reached the age of 55. And the specialists of the Pension Fund refuse applicants and recommend applying again upon reaching the specified age.

If the deceased soldier received disability pension payments during his lifetime, it will be possible to issue a second similar pension only after receiving an opinion from the military medical commission, indicating that the death of a military man and the assignment of a disabled group to him in the course of duty or service are connected.

Insurance pensions from the military departments are provided for employees of federal executive bodies. The condition for receiving such a pension is the personal execution of an order related to the protection and security of Russian residents located on the territory of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. In this situation, members of the military family can also count on the payment.

Compensation to the families of fallen servicemen in Abkhazia and South Ossetia

Servicemen who served in the territory of South Ossetia and Abkhazia are entitled to the following compensations:

  1. Free vouchers to sanatorium-and-spa institutions for mothers and fathers in need, the wife of a dead or missing serviceman.
  2. Enrollment without waiting in line in kindergartens for children of disabled or missing military personnel.
  3. Social allowance to pay for trips to children's camps during school holidays for children of deceased soldiers.
  4. Insurance pension for minor children (or children of any age with a disability, or full-time students up to 23 years old) who died and disappeared during military service.
  5. The right to be provided with new comfortable and free housing to replace the one from which the family is evicted.
  6. Free repair in a country house.
  7. Providing an apartment without waiting in line.
  8. Compensation for housing and communal services, rent, repairs, maintenance of housing, installation of telephones, radios and antennas.
  9. Compensation for the cost of firewood and the delivery of firewood for stove heating.
  10. Free transportation to the place of treatment and back.

What compensation is paid to the families of the dead military personnel

The military family receives:

  1. Insurance payment in the amount 2 215 500 rubles.
  2. Lump sum in amount 3 323 250 rubles.
  3. Monthly compensation to disabled family members (dependants) of the deceased in the amount of:
    • 7 754 rubles for 1 dependent;
    • 5 169 rubles for each of 2 family members;
    • 3 877 rubles for each of 3 family members;
    • 3 101 rubles for each of 4 dependents;
    • 2 585 rubles for each of the 5 family members.

Legislative acts on the topic

Common Mistakes

Error: The parents of a dead soldier apply for a survivor's pension, while the wife is 45 years old and the husband is 47 years old.

In accordance with the Federal Law "On the Status of Servicemen", the family members of the dead (deceased) servicemen include:

spouse (husband);
minor children;
children over 18 who become disabled before they reach the age of 18;
children under the age of 23 studying in educational institutions full-time;
persons dependent on military personnel.

In the event of the death (death) of a military serviceman - a citizen, members of his family (but not more than three people) have the right to free travel to the place of burial and back. One of the family members of the deceased (deceased) serviceman - a citizen and buried in the territory of the Russian Federation once a year has the right to free travel to the burial place and back.

Family members of dead (deceased) servicemen are entitled to a survivor's pension, which is assigned and paid in accordance with the pension legislation of the Russian Federation.

Family members of military personnel who have lost their breadwinner cannot be evicted from the living quarters they occupy without providing them with another comfortable living quarters free of charge in the event that family members terminate their employment relations with the relevant organizations; in accordance with federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation. The widows of military personnel are granted this benefit until they remarry.

Repair of individual residential buildings belonging to family members of military personnel who have lost their breadwinner is carried out in accordance with the norms and in the manner established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 27, 2006 No. 313 “On approval of the rules for ensuring the repair of individual residential buildings belonging to family members of military personnel who have lost their breadwinner”. The widows of military personnel are granted this benefit until they remarry.

For family members of military personnel who died (deceased) during military service, and family members of citizens who served under a contract and died (deceased) after being discharged from military service upon reaching the age limit for military service, health status or in connection with with organizational and staffing measures, the total duration of military service of which is 20 years or more, the right to receive housing is retained. At the same time, housing for these persons is provided as a matter of priority. The right to receive residential premises does not apply to family members of military personnel who participated in the accumulative mortgage system of housing for military personnel. The widows of military personnel are granted this benefit until they remarry.

For family members of military personnel (with the exception of military personnel who participated in the accumulative-mortgage housing system for military personnel), who died (deceased) during military service, as well as for family members of citizens who served under contract and who died (deceased) after being discharged from military service upon reaching the age limit for military service, health status or in connection with organizational and staffing measures, the total duration of military service of which is 10 years or more, the right to be provided with living quarters, which they acquired before the death (death) of a serviceman, is retained or a citizen discharged from military service.
Residential premises are provided to these persons on a priority basis.
These persons, before January 1, 2005, registered by local governments as those in need of residential premises, are provided with residential premises at the expense of the federal budget at the choice of a citizen in the form of providing:
residential premises in the property free of charge;
residential premises under a social tenancy agreement;
a one-time cash payment for the purchase or construction of a dwelling.
The Russian Federation transfers to the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation the powers to provide housing for these citizens. The procedure for providing citizens with residential premises in their ownership free of charge or under a social tenancy agreement and providing them with a lump-sum cash payment for the acquisition or construction of residential premises is determined by the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The widows of military personnel are granted this benefit until they remarry.
(the provisions of clause 6.1 came into force on January 1, 2011).

Family members of military personnel who died (deceased) during military service, and family members of citizens who served under a contract and who died (deceased) after being discharged from military service upon reaching the age limit for military service, health status or in connection with organizational and staff activities, the total duration of military service of which is 20 years or more, are entitled to compensation payments for payment:
1) the total area of ​​residential premises occupied by them (in communal premises - living space), as well as the hiring, maintenance and repair of residential premises, and the owners of residential premises and members of housing construction (housing) cooperatives - the maintenance and repair of public facilities in multi-apartment residential houses;
2) utilities, regardless of the type of housing stock;
3) installation of residential telephones at current tariffs, local telephone services provided using residential telephones, subscription fees for the use of radio broadcasting points, collective television antennas;
4) fuel purchased within the limits established for sale to the population, and its delivery to those living in houses that do not have central heating.
The widows of military personnel are granted this benefit until they remarry.
The procedure and amounts of these compensation payments are determined by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 2, 2005 No. 475 “On the provision of compensation payments to family members of the dead (deceased) military personnel and employees of some federal executive bodies in connection with the costs of paying for residential premises, utilities and other types of services” .

For family members of military personnel who died (deceased) during military service, and family members of citizens who served under a contract and died (deceased) after being discharged from military service upon reaching the age limit for military service, health status or in connection with with organizational and regular measures, within one year from the date of death (death) of the breadwinner, other social guarantees and compensations that they used during the lifetime of the specified military personnel (citizens) are preserved, unless otherwise provided by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

For family members of military personnel who have lost their breadwinner, parents who have reached retirement age, and disabled parents of senior and senior officers who died (deceased) during their military service, as well as senior and senior officers who died (deceased) after being discharged from military service upon reaching the age limit for military service, health status or in connection with organizational and staffing activities that had a total duration of military service of 20 years or more, the right to social guarantees for the provision of medical care, sanatorium treatment, travel to the place of this treatment and vice versa, which they used during the life of a soldier.

Children of military personnel - citizens undergoing military service under a contract and having a total duration of military service of 20 years or more, children of citizens dismissed from military service upon reaching the age limit for military service, for health reasons or in connection with organizational and staff activities, total the duration of military service of which is 20 years or more, the children of servicemen - citizens who died in the performance of their duties of military service or died as a result of injury (wounds, injuries, contusions) or diseases received by them in the performance of military service duties, enjoy the right to be enlisted in the Suvorov military , Nakhimov naval schools and cadet corps out of competition, and upon admission to military educational institutions of higher and secondary vocational education - a preferential right, subject to successful completion of entrance examinations and compliance with other requirements established for applicants.