What date is World Tourist Day celebrated? World Tourism Day

There is no person who has not been a tourist at least once in his life. Some people go to explore new countries, others, on a bicycle or on foot, with a tent and a guitar, rush through the forests and mountains of Russia. Curiosity is one of the qualities of a person that pushes him forward. And this happens everywhere, which is why Tourism Day is recognized as a holiday all over the world.

From the history of the holiday

Tourism is not only a desire to see the world. This is a huge layer of business, a bet on which can pay off handsomely, or can ruin a person, company, country, which is why the World Tourism Organization was created in 1925. It was renamed many times, the headquarters were moved to different cities of the world (now it is Madrid), the number of participating countries changed, but the essence always remained the same - the World Tourism Organization is needed to make tourism accessible to everyone, safe , exciting and profitable. For example, the first space tourist, Dennis Tito, paid the Russian Space Agency $20 million for his 2001 flight.

In 1970, on September 27, the Charter of the organization was adopted, which justified the date of the holiday. In 1979, the General Assembly of the organization declared the date of World Tourism Day to be September 27 every year. On this day, many events take place in all corners of the world: gala meetings and awards, the best among those for whom tourism is a business, great offers and a day of discounts on tickets for those who travel, as well as all kinds of competitions, rallies, festivals in support of development this area of ​​life. It has been celebrated in Russia since 1983.

The meaning of World Tourism Day

An important goal of World Tourism Day is to establish friendly relations between countries, because it is much more difficult for friends, and even economically connected ones, to start a war than for countries without such relations.

Every year, the World Tourism Organization chooses a holiday motto. Events are organized under this motto. The connection between tourism and the culture of different peoples, economic development and job growth, intellectual and educational interest, as well as ecology, relations between peoples, religious views, and the educational policies of countries - almost everything is important.

World Tourism Day allows you to draw the attention of government authorities and people to the problems of the country, forces you to improve the basics of life, and influences economic development. There are countries that live only on travelers, and it is vital for them to develop in the community of other countries that share their discoveries in the field of tourism.

There are different types of tourist recreation, and on Tourism Day, representatives of countries hold congresses, seminars, debates, where they demonstrate their know-how, for example, eco-parks or new routes.

World Tourism Day is a unique holiday. The benefits from it will affect almost all people: some will be interested in learning new things and receiving additional bonuses during their vacation, others will significantly increase their income and profit from progressive ideas in the field of travel and entertainment.

World tourism day- this is an “open door” day anywhere in the world. Traveling, how wonderful it is! There is not a single person on earth who would not love to travel around the world, to be a discoverer of new unexplored corners of the earth. A holiday for everyone who feels like a tourist, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s a trip to the nearest forest edge or to an exotic country. On this day, you can congratulate everyone involved in travel and tourism: guides, tour operators, hotel workers, staff ensuring the safety of your holiday. This holiday is celebrated on September 27, and its main idea is the development of interethnic relations and cultural ties. On this day, tourist rallies, hikes, and trips to nature are organized. An increasing number of countries are organizing various tourism projects and programs for their citizens, actively involving the younger generation. Today it has become almost impossible to find an unexplored piece of land. You can see millions of beautiful places in the photo, but nothing can replace the emotions and impressions that a tourist will experience after another hike. Being a tourist is fashionable, but the most important thing is to be healthy and active. What to give on this day? Of course, a trip to a very special corner of the Earth!

For everyone who loves backpacking and hiking
And meet the sunrises in tents,
We have good weather today
And we want to wish you good luck.

To everyone who can't sit still,
Who is used to exploring this world -
Impressive meetings, travels,
So that you have something to remember all your life.

Happy Tourism Day, friends, everyone involved.
More strength, more air in the chest!
And let it be incredibly beautiful
Light and bright is your chosen path.

Today is a holiday - Tourism Day,
Skills and professionalism,
Adventure moments
Extreme components...

Let your holiday be the best,
With the best mood,
So that you can visit
In those places - where there is grace!

Where the soul is full of freedom,
From the most beautiful nature,
From wonderful hobbies,
Multiple impressions!

Happy World Tourist Day! I wish you new discoveries, interesting routes and a backpack full of happiness. Let your health and finances allow you, and let your life encourage you to travel. And may the compass of fate always point to prosperity and success.

Congratulations on Tourism Day,
And I wish you adventures
Many trips in life
Only bright impressions.

Let your eyes shine with fire,
Peaks are conquered
Let the enthusiasm not fade away,
Never know a routine!

Long live tourism
And the thirst for travel,
Long live the seas
Resorts and taiga,
And the ski slope
And the rocks of the coasts;
Ready to be everywhere
Tourist leg!

World Tourism Day
We celebrate today.
Tourism as a way of life -
Health, joy, benefit!

Nature, sports and people -
Everything is inextricably connected.
Let tourists have
Continuous luck

The route is surmountable
And an easy road.
And the person you love
Will wait at the doorstep.

Overseas countries, gorgeous views,
The landscapes all around are of unearthly beauty.
Sorrows will go away - everything will dissolve instantly,
When will you get to your dream city?

After all, the life of a tourist is a fairy tale,
Where there are no gray everyday life and boredom,
Where the sea is raging, where the colors are bright,
Where lights beckon into the blue distances.

We would like to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,
We would like to wish you impressions of the fountain.
May secret doors open to you all,
Let life inspire again and again.

So that the soul sings and is eager for adventure,
So that the sun shines and flowers smell.
Tourist Day has arrived - let’s cast aside doubts
And let's quickly make your crazy dreams come true!

Happy World Tourism Day!
Let the sun shine for you,
And lucky in this life,
Everything works out great!

There are many interesting places
I wish you to visit.
Happy days, not bland ones,
Bright joy without end!

Maybe not often, but sometimes
Trying to hide from everyday life,
I’ll want to, alas, I won’t hide it,
It is dear to know the wonderful ligature.
Risk peace for travel,
But the road is life.
Here without comfort and decoration
Just dare, hold on!
When a tourist is a tramp at heart...
...he knows the value of all roads.
Guys, happy holiday! Where's the flask?
We know how to go beyond the threshold!

We wish tourists
Travel all over the earth,
Three hundred years worth of impressions
You can save money while traveling.

New meetings and interesting ones,
Amazing discoveries.
Let the rest be useful.
Live brightly, have fun!.ru/cards/prazdniki/den-turizma-otkrytka-pozdravok.gif

Tourism as an international phenomenon has long been part of our everyday life. Each of us has traveled at least once in our lives, visited various places, studied the peculiarities of life and culture, as well as the sights of states. World Tourism Day is dedicated to promoting this phenomenon.

International Tourism Day

This event is widely celebrated in more than thirty countries of the world, in particular in the Russian Federation.

When is it celebrated?

Official date of celebration - September 27. On the same date in 1987, the Charter of the international tourism organization was approved.

This date was chosen for a reason - it is during this period that the tourist season in the Northern Hemisphere is coming to an end and is just beginning in the Southern.

Historical reference

The holiday was established by a commission of the World Tourism Organization in 1979. The event turned into an event later - in 1983. Every year, a country that is part of a tourism organization hosts all participants of the holiday on its territory. In 2003, Russia became the host country.

What's the point?

Like any festive event, this holiday has its own traditions and goals.

Purpose of the event

The main goal of the event is tourism promotion, development of tourism connections between different countries of the world. This event will strengthen relations between countries and strengthen the economies of states, because let’s not forget that tourism brings some funds to the treasury and supports the cultural and social sphere of society.

Tourism should not only be exciting, but also accessible for all segments of the population - for the poor, the disabled, families with children, the elderly.

The holiday serves as a reminder of how wonderful and important it is to travel, expand your range of interests, and become familiar with the culture and history of another state and your homeland.

Established traditions

Every year the festive event takes place under a special motto:

  • V 2017 The motto of the event this year is “Tourism and water resources: protecting our common future”;
  • V 2016 — “Tourism for all - Promoting universal accessibility of tourism”;
  • V 2015 - “One billion tourists - one billion opportunities and chances.”

Scope of celebrations

The celebration usually takes place on a special scale - people who are in one way or another connected with tourism come to the city where World Tourism Day takes place.

Where can I mark it?

The location of the celebration is largely determined by the motto. Events are also usually held in those cities where well developed tourism industry and there are rich natural resources.

For example, Tahiti hosts national festivals and competitions, as well as fairs on international themes. Various events are held that encourage people to be more favorable towards such a phenomenon as tourism. There are conferences and seminars designed to study the impact of tourism activities on water resources.

WITH on the biggest scale International Tourism Day is held in the birthplace of this holiday, directly in the city of Torremolinos. Carnival processions are organized here, music plays everywhere, and various theater and dance shows are also held.


In many countries, various procedures are held to mark this holiday:

  1. rallies famous tourists and travelers;
  2. festivals and concert events;
  3. conferences and seminars, dedicated to this industry;
  4. trips outdoors and hiking;
  5. staff meeting, one way or another involved in the tourism field;
  6. broadcast TV shows and educational films about travel;
  7. tourists' stories about your travels.

All these events are aimed at motivating people to engage in active recreation, traveling and learning about the culture of other countries.

In order to popularize the tourism industry, World Tourism Day was established in 1979 in a small town in Spain by the General Assembly of the World Tourism Organization.

history of the holiday

This holiday was officially celebrated for the first time in 1980. The date of celebration was September 27th. It is worth noting that this day was not chosen by chance - it was on September 27, 1970 that the charter of the World Tourism Organization was approved in Mexico City. The main purpose of the celebration is to create and strengthen business and economic relations between countries, as well as maintain diplomatic ties. Annual meetings help strengthen established relations between states, and also position some states in the global tourism market.

Every year, on September 27, Tourism Day is celebrated in many countries and states. Every year, the WTO holds various festivals and tourist rallies that fully convey the holiday atmosphere.

Traditions of World Tourism Day

Over the several years of the history of this holiday, some countries have developed their own specific traditions. For example, tourism day is held on the greatest scale in Spain - the birthplace of this event, directly in the city of Torremolinos. On September 27, carnival parades take place here, music plays everywhere, and a variety of dance and theater performances are held, even with the participation of horses.

In Madrid, World Tourism Day is celebrated in its own way - free excursions are held for city guests, and huge screens are installed in the most important squares and streets, on which entertaining and useful tourist information is broadcast. Tahiti celebrates the international holiday with a traditional cuisine festival, fairs and various competitions. But in the capital of France - Paris - the government organizes various events with the help of which they urge the local population to be more loyal to foreign tourists.

World Tourism Day

What is this holiday for? Why is it celebrated in many countries and states around the world? First of all, tourism day is celebrated in order to highlight the significant role of this phenomenon on a global scale. In addition, this holiday helps to promote tourism, strengthen business and economic ties, as well as develop the cultural and tourism potential of many countries.

This event allows us to draw attention to tourism - a process that is of the most important international importance from the point of view of economics, culture and integration. All countries and states taking an active part in the celebration strive to establish new diplomatic ties, and also strive to directly develop the tourism potential of their country.

Who celebrates this holiday?

September 27 is a holiday that is celebrated by many. These are, first of all, passionate fans of travel who have visited many countries around the world. However, there are also representatives of the tourism industry, thanks to whom traveling to a particular country becomes more comfortable and interesting. Travel agency employees, museum workers, tour guides, friendly hotel staff - these are the people who ensure a traveler's stay anywhere in the world. This is a professional holiday for those working in the tourism and hospitality industry.

Numerous international forums, conferences and seminars, which are held not only on International Tourism Day, allow you to exchange experiences and gain even more skills for working in this field.

Some features of celebrating World Tourist Day

Every year, on the eve of September 27, the World Tourism Organization approves the motto of the event, under which the entire holiday will take place. The combination of culture and tourism in different countries of the world, gaining accumulated experience and developing new technologies in the field of tourism, relations between different ethnic groups, the educational potential of tourism - the topics of this event can be very diverse.

Tourism Day is not just a holiday, it is an occasion to gather around a large round table and discuss the most important and significant issues relating to the tourism sector. It's no secret that many countries exist thanks to this industry, which provides most of the state's income.

What is this holiday for?

World Tourism Day, as already mentioned, contributes to the creation and maintenance of diplomatic ties. In addition, this event contributes to the integration of international relations and the development of the economic, business and cultural potential of many countries.

International Tourism Day is celebrated by everyone who has at least once plunged into the atmosphere of exciting travel. This holiday is especially popular in countries that are attractive to tourists. This event, which is celebrated every year on September 27, is important not only for travelers. Many are employed in the tourism sector, and this holiday allows you to attend many conferences, exhibitions and seminars dedicated to this date, and thus receive a lot of useful and exciting information, express your opinion, and also get acquainted with various innovations in this industry.

Tourism Day is, of course, an international event. And it's not just about the name. This holiday allows you to strengthen relations at a high level and make them even more profitable and diplomatic.

In 1979, a significant event took place in the small Spanish town of Torremolinos - World Tourism Day was approved. Its main goal was the development of international relations between different nations, the promotion of tourism and recreation, and the development of the economic sphere of states. In Russia, this holiday began to be celebrated in 1983.

Every year in many countries on these days there are gatherings of tourists, various festivals and festive events. And in 2003, at the junction of the end of the tourist season in the Northern and the beginning of the Southern Hemisphere, the high right to chair was granted to the Russian Federation.

Currently, many different employees are involved in the tourism sector, and for many countries tourism is almost the only source of budget replenishment, its potential only slightly inferior to oil production. This year, as always, World Tourism Day will be celebrated on September 27th.

Interesting fact! The world's first travel agency was opened in 1841 by Briton Thomas Cook.

History of tourism

The development of a tourist destination is usually divided into four stages:

  1. From ancient times to the beginning of the nineteenth century. Background of tourism.
  2. Beginning of the 19th century – 20th century. The emergence of tourism services and elite tourism.
  3. The beginning of the twentieth century - before the Second World War. The formation of social tourism.
  4. After World War II until today. Mass tourism, the full formation of the tourism industry as an independent intersectoral direction.

Let's look at each of them in more detail, because World Tourism Day is just around the corner.

Background of tourism

Even before our era, many peoples of the Mediterranean had detailed geographical descriptions of neighboring territories. They needed them for the development of trade, pilgrimage, treatment, enlightenment and education. The Phoenicians were especially successful in this; on their large and durable ships they went to the open sea and laid out routes along the African and Western European coasts. This significantly helped them strengthen trade and good neighborly relations with neighboring peoples.

The inhabitants of Hellas did not lag behind them. Herodotus in the 5th century BC. and Pytheas in the 4th century. BC. sailed on long routes to open new trade routes and promote ancient Greek culture. The Olympic Games gave no less importance to the development of tourism. Every year thousands of athletes sailed to Athens not only from Hellas, but also from other countries of the Mediterranean Sea. Spacious guest houses were specially built to accommodate guests, that is, we can say that this was the prototype of modern hotels.

The first detailed geographical data are dated to the 2nd-1st centuries. BC. and belong to Valafrid Strabo and Claudius Ptolemy. They systematized the information into one detailed reference book, which became for many a kind of tourist map.

During the heyday of the Roman Empire, patricians eagerly loved to travel to neighboring states, and they especially liked to go to neighboring Greece. There they completed their education, relaxed at thermal and mineral springs, swam and sunbathed. Local residents had to meet their high demands and provide suitable recreational conditions, so the first guest houses were built especially for wealthy Romans.

In ancient Rome itself, they also appeared on the main roads and cities of the empire, approximately one day's ride away on horseback, stretching from the capital of the empire to Gaul and Asia Minor.

Arab merchants and travelers traveling to India, China and other countries made a huge contribution to the development of tourism in the Middle Ages. The spread of Christianity and Islam across the globe also had a significant impact, and the Crusades, which initially had as their goal the thirst for profit, allowed a huge mass of people - pilgrims, priests, merchants, vagabonds, beggars who followed the troops - to expand knowledge, spread their influence and settle in new lands.

During the Enlightenment and Renaissance, religious influence weakened significantly, but the individual nature of trips gained importance. Rich classes often simply traveled around Europe for the purpose of getting acquainted, going to healing springs or establishing trade relations. Particularly popular were Paris, Rome, Milan, Florence, London, Switzerland, and the Netherlands.

The next impetus in the development of tourism was the era of massive geographical discoveries, which occurred at the end of the 15th - mid-17th centuries. Vasco da Gama, Christopher Columbus, Marco Polo, Afanasy Nikitin, Ferdinand Magellan and other travelers made a huge contribution to the exploration of new continents and closing the blank spots on the tourist map of the world.

If we summarize this stage, we can note that tourism was mainly carried out by people who were distinguished by curiosity, had a thirst for profit or developed new trade routes, and had a clearly defined goal of finding new lands. But still, this was only a limited contingent of residents; the day of tourism acquired mass appeal and global appeal much later.

The origins of tourism services and elite tourism

The invention of the steam locomotive and steamship at the beginning of the 19th century made it possible to significantly expand the road network, increase the speed of travel and reduce travel costs, which allowed more people to move to other countries. The increase in flow became especially noticeable during the time of mass migration to the New World, at the same time large shipping companies emerged that were capable of transporting travelers en masse and inexpensively.

Also, the development of tourism was facilitated by scientific and technological progress and social strikes of workers at the end of the 19th century, which resulted in the provision of paid holidays and a reduction in working hours. As a result, people have free time and cash on hand.

All these factors led to the fact that by the end of the 19th century many people began to travel to neighboring cities and countries, so the first hotels began to appear en masse, replacing modest boarding houses and guest houses. Especially many of them began to appear in Switzerland and Germany near local mineral water sources. Moreover, they completely amazed with their luxury, since they were built mainly for aristocrats and the upper classes. Around the same time, the French and Italian Riviera and North Africa became popular.

Also in Europe, the first travel agencies are beginning to appear en masse, whose main job is to accommodate and provide additional services to travelers. For the middle class, which is not yet able to afford a vacation by the sea and mineral springs, summer trips to dachas on weekends are offered.

The formation of social tourism

World War I and II, economic depression of the 30s. The twentieth century had a huge impact on the further development of tourism. Chic and luxury are gradually disappearing, and they are being replaced by the first sprouts of social tourism, this becomes especially noticeable before the start of the Second World War. Travel agencies already offer not only holidays in warm regions, but also trips to historical and cultural places within their own and neighboring countries. Most of the routes run through European cities, this was especially evident in Germany during the rise of Hitler. Over five years, from 1933 to 1938, the passenger flow in the country increased almost 5 times (from 2.3 million to 10.3 million people).

Grassroots and World Tourism Day

Further development of the tourism sector continued after the Second World War. In devastated Europe there was not much free money, so there was a further redirection from elite recreation to mass recreation.

In the 50-60s. Active construction of hotels, motels, and entertainment venues begins, and the number of travel companies increases. Initially, they were aimed at wealthy American residents who were practically not affected by the war, but gradually, as the well-being of Europeans improved, the number of Europeans increased and tourism became widespread. Moreover, not only the middle class, but also the lower class can afford to stay in hotels. All this leads to even greater development and mass development of the tourism business, and the industry itself is gradually emerging as an independent industry.

Thus, today a huge number of people are involved in the tourism sector, colossal funds are circulating in it, and for many countries, a decrease in the number of vacationers leads to a drop in the level of the economy and, as a consequence, social riots.

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