How to understand when you find your soul mate. How to recognize your soul mate: tips from the "heavenly office"

The most obvious and conspicuous signs, which were compiled by a whole team of experts on love and personal relationships.

Sometimes it is enough to mention the "second halves" in a decent society, so that someone, having heard this word, rolled his eyes picturesquely upwards. The very idea that for each of us there is that very unique person with whom you can instantly fall in love, and then live soul to soul, seems unrealistic to them.

But for many people, though perhaps not for all, there really is a person whom they know as themselves, with whom they are connected on the deepest level, and in whose company they finally feel truly happy. And if this person becomes their romantic partner ... it is impossible to imagine better.

So how do you know that the person you met on the path of life is really the same, one and only "soulmate"? Below you will find some of the most obvious and conspicuous signs, which have been compiled by a whole team of love and relationship experts.

1. You understand each other perfectly - or even without words at all.

Kindred souls are able to read each other like an open book. As clinical psychologist and relationship expert Dr. Carmen Harra wrote in one of his articles: “They are connected at all levels of their existence. They might finish each other's sentences, pick up the phones at the same time to call each other, or just feel bad for each other."

Dr. Sue Johnson, clinical psychologist and author of The Feelings of Love, says your soul mate knows how to respond to your emotional cues. “They listen to your innermost thoughts, stay close to you when you need it most, touch your hand when you are a little unsure of yourself, radiate happiness and contentment when you feel good, and are also extremely caring and gentle, when you feel bad,” she says.

2. All your senses tell you that she is your soulmate.

As old as this world itself, the wisdom “you will understand when you find it” has never been so true when we try it on the question of “second halves”. “If you doubt and wonder if this is your “second half”, then most likely it is not so,” the organizer believes wedding ceremonies and writer Rev. Laurie Sue Brockway. "Usually when you find your true love, this is accompanied by some kind of sign from above, whether it be a voice in your head, a feeling that you have known this person all your life, or out of nowhere the knowledge that he is very important to you has come from nowhere.

3. The connection between you can almost be felt ...

... and when you touch each other, it's like a spark jumps between you - and not only when you're in bed. “You only have to take the hand of your soulmate, and your soul ascends to seventh heaven with happiness, even if your relationship has lasted for many years,” says Harra.

4. You feel comfortable in each other's company from the very first day you met.

From the very beginning, you understand that you can not be embarrassed by each other, and just be yourself without fear that you will be judged for this. “When you find your soul mate, you almost immediately understand how familiar and comfortable it is for you to be in her or his presence,” says Brockway. “A lot of people say that it’s much easier for them to relax around such people and allow themselves to be vulnerable.”

“Your soulmate is the person who, fearless, bares his soul in front of you,” adds Johnson. “This is a man who is ready to risk everything by sharing his inner world, your emotions and your dreams.

5. Your relationship is far from being all sunny days and rainbow butterflies. Sometimes it is difficult for you with this person as with anyone else.

The relationship between you and your soulmate, no matter what strangers think, is not always cloudless and serene. “The fact that this person is your soulmate does not mean that his soul came to you wrapped in the perfect package - be it in terms of physical form or life circumstances - and even more so that fate guarantees you happiness without any conditions, ”says writer Kaylen Rosenberg from marriage agency"Architects of Love". “But the difference between this person and everyone else is that the difficulties that you have to go through together become the glue that tightly holds your relationship together, allowing them to go through all subsequent sorrows and hardships, and each of you to open up to complete."

Both we and our other halves help personal growth each other. “Yes, at first it may seem to you that the relationship with your soulmate is even more insidious and unpredictable than with ordinary people, and that your partner is deliberately pissing you off, but that's only because they bring into your life some of the most important life lessons you'll ever encounter along the way," adds Brockway.

6. You may not agree on the little things, but what really matters is that you are always on the same page.

“The fact that your partner is really your soulmate does not necessarily mean that he will share your aspirations and hobbies even in small things, but it does mean that your common goals and ambitions will certainly coincide,” says Harra. “Your opinions on all sorts of unimportant issues may differ, but much more often your virtues and even vices will coincide - after all, you look at the world with the same eyes for two.”

7. Your relationship brings both partners a sense of inner peace.

When you have entered into a personal relationship with the wrong person, it is almost always obvious - they seem extremely fragile to you, and you are afraid that one wrong word will make your partner cool off. But when you are together with your soulmate, everything is completely different.

“You feel confident because you feel like your partner is with you for the long haul,” says relationship expert Tracey Steinberg, author of Flirting for Fun and Finding a Soulmate. “No matter what happens to you, you will still be together - and you will go through it all together,” after which he adds: “Your inner voice tells you that your relationship with this person is the best thing that could have happened to you. You trust each other, you feel comfortable and confident in each other's company, and you are not afraid to discuss difficult topics on which you have ambiguous opinions.

8. You and your partner are separate individuals, but to the world you are still one.

“Soulmates know that they are two halves of one whole, and that no external influence or internal disagreement can break this connection.”

9. You could well have known each other for several years, but nevertheless you understand that you fell in love with each other, suddenly - and at the same time.

True love comes neither early nor late, but exactly when it is needed. “I happened to organize the weddings of a bunch of couples who met at school or college, met, then parted, and then went about their work, maybe they spent time with the same friends, but didn’t even really communicate,” writes in one Brockway's article, adding, "But then, one day, they magically come together and their love flares up like wildfire." So keep both your mind and your heart open so that when your significant other knocks on them, you are ready to open them.

Probably, there is no such person who has not dreamed at least once in his life - the one and only, with whom he will live a long and happy life and then they will die together on the same day. There are even legends, myths and theories about two halves.

I have been studying this issue for more than 20 years, and I can say with all responsibility: halves really exist ! And they meet each other much more often than you think.

That's just the concept itself - "soul-half", "second half" - does not mean at all what usually understood by it.

It is believed that "two halves" are such a man and a woman who think and feel equally, in unison. A kind of twin souls: one starts something, the other certainly picks up, and so, inspiring and supporting each other, they live life like one day ... Such is the Stairway to Heaven. That is, they are like halves of one apple.

Accordingly, we are disappointed in our expectations, and disagree when we feel that the one in whom we wanted to see our "half" - NOT LIKE ME. Not "mine", not "from m oh apple."

And we leave ... FROM YOUR SECOND HALF! REAL!!!

Not knowing that that's the whole point, the main SECRET, about which - alas! - the legends about two halves are also silent, and even esotericism in its very theory of two halves only hints at it. I'm talking about this:

If we had to be similar, then our bodies would be similar, and thinking would not be divided into “male” and “female”, and so on.

How our bodies and minds are different, yet complement each other perfectly —

so our souls, half-souls, must be different by definition -

not to repeat, but to COMPLETE each other.

Believe me, a woman with solid family experience, I am not saying this from my mind, but solely on the basis of my experience and the experience of all the families that I interview again and again for our magazine: this is the pure TRUTH.

Moreover: it's so COOL, it's much better than if we were the same!!!

Although, of course, such a vision is not immediately revealed in marriage.

But look, our bodies fit together… more like a lock and key than like two halves of an apple. Is not it so? We insert the key into the lock, turn it, and the Doors of Bliss swing open for us.

So: with our roles at home, with character traits, with the needs of our souls, the same thing happens.

For each other, we are the "key" and "lock"

And how to find out: my husband (wife) and I are “two halves”?

Imagine: if you didn’t have small children (or they had already grown up and scattered from their father’s house), if both of you stood firmly on “financial” legs, had no problems with housing and property, that is, you could easily become - would you separate or stay together?

Think well.'Cause when the family passes difficult period, at first it seems - yes, they would have parted for sure. But if then you “for some reason” feel sorry for parting, and bright memories pop up in your head one after another, the good side husband (wife), something about love and romance - then please do not rush to say “gop”. Because, most likely, you are the real two halves!

Just, idealizing relationships in other families, many people are simply unable to discern in their satellite that very, long-awaited, half. Because them Seems, What “well, there are definitely no such problems and conflicts as their soul halves.”

But it's not.

Happy families go through the same problems as everyone else.: solve household, apartment and financial questions, learn mutual understanding, raise children, deal with their complexes and shortcomings, and build their spiritual values.

Actually, they differ only in one:

One day they turn off the road where "my opinion is the best" and "it will be better for everyone if we do it my way" -

on the path where no “better” and “correct” can be more important than their love, and it is not worth it to offend a loved one or sort things out.

They don't have complete understanding. at the beginning of the journey. They can hurt each other, proving their case.

But if they aspire to become the closest people to each other, in every situation again and again picking up the keys to each other's hearts - then gradually “grind”, and ... become two halves . Step by step.

And most of all, on this path, they cherish their love, no matter what problems they face. appeared in their lives.

What is "pick keys"?

Is to look for those words or those ways to convey to your partner your desires, feelings and thoughts, which he (or she) will hear. It's like sorting through the languages ​​of speech until there is a common one for both of you. And it's not easy.

It happens that it takes months, or even years, to find the right “key” for some especially immovable problems. But it's worth it, honestly!

After all, each selected key means that where there was an abyss of conflict between you yesterday, mutual understanding has appeared today. You are in this matter! — we got used to it, became related and… BECAME TWO HALVES!!!

Then - in another, and another, and another ... This process is "turning", and there is a movement towards the kinship of SOULS, soul halves ...

For example, I have been searching for three years a way to "talk" to your husband, so that in marriage we begin to communicate as sincerely as before. Share feelings. Exchange thoughts. Three years - before he first spoke to me not about the weather, stock indices, clients and the world situation - but about his feelings. I remember that I did not hear a word - I only understood that "it" had happened, "the dam had burst." I stood about five meters from him and cried with happiness ...

One small detail: for this I had to get up (for the first time in many years) on hated skis. I had painful childhood memories associated with them, and all three years of our marriage (!) I resisted ski touring with all my might ... And on that day, finally resigned to the impossibility of reaching mutual understanding and giving up on everything, I thought: “Maybe not mine, but at least his ardent desire will come true” - and got up on skis ...

As soon as I was the first (!) to meet my husband, he, of course (!!!), without even realizing it, went to meet me. This is the joke of God...

Yes, pick up the keys to the ser It's not easy for a partner. I even suspect that about this very laborious process many family boats are wrecked.


In the fact that we are for each other - a key and a lock, there is one not only pleasant, but absolutely amazing side!

It is derived by me empirically, and p works without exception. I'm telling.

By the age of twenty, we all have a certain load of stereotypes, complexes and shortcomings from childhood and adolescence (and what can we say about the baggage that we have collected over dozens of past lives!).

All this heaviness literally entangles us, as if invisible chains, hindering the construction a good relationship with certain people, study well, get a job interesting work and so on.

Some chains bind diseases our body, others hold back our feelings, others limit our possibilities. We all have a lot of chains, but we are so used to their weight that we no longer notice it ...

Each chain has its own lock, or even more than one. We don't have keys...

Do you agree? Take any of your old problem, and you will understand: all our “things” and “difficulties” only then grow to the level of a “problem” when We do not know, how to proceed. How to break these chains...

So. When we feel some own chain (problem, complex, disease), then notice how every day it interferes with us more and more in life. Then we n we begin to look for a way to free ourselves, get rid of it

And did you notice? - a miracle happens here: our desire, like a magnet, attracts to us the person who has the “key” we need. Neighbor, teacher, psychologist, guru, priest...

We unconsciously reach out to those people in whose souls there is something that we lack so much.

Some qualities, outlook on life, interests ...

He will begin to speak - and in our chest he will automatically recall Xia: "He's right!" He will tell us the reason for the appearance of this chain in us and, perhaps, a way to get rid of it.

The point is small - to use the advice received (although this is the most difficult, but we will omit these details now). Breaking free from chains is truly inspiring...

The man who "accidentally" found the key even from one of our chain, who "just" casually "dropped" a few important words– remains in our memory for many years.

Those who have several important clues from our castles, become favorite teachers. The more keys, the more authoritative this person is for us.

With close friends a lot of useful keys. And we have no less keys for them, otherwise friendship would not be mutual ... We don’t even think about it, perhaps - but it’s true. And don't we go to friends when we need advice? ..

And the one we fall in love with, we fall in love seriously - there are even more keys than the best of our friends and all authorities. Him have all or almost all the keys to our chains, and we have to his . Because we are HALF of each other. This is how it ALWAYS happens. And it's great , because we can help each other!

How can soul halves help each other?

Very simple.

Asking questions And listening carefully to the answers.

When I have a problem, when I don’t understand the reasons for what is happening and see no way out for myself, I start a conversation with my husband over tea:

I have a problem and I don't know what to do.

Accuracy of hitting "the bull's-eye" - practically chesky 100%.

Even when he is completely “out of touch” with the specifics of my problems (female, creative, etc.).

And, it seems to me, when he turns to me for advice, he feels the same ...

and what you like!

Significant other

Everyone knows such concepts as "soulmate" or "second half", or at least many have heard about it.

The second half is the person with whom you feel a deep passion, an all-consuming sense of intimacy, sexuality, spirituality, in which you dissolve.

You have a lot in common with him, and at the same time, you complement each other. You feel your "completeness" with him. This is an ancient concept, backed up by many legends, stories and myths. There is such an idea that on earth every person has his soul mate, and now we spend our whole lives searching for it.

According to Greek legend, there was a time when there were people on earth in the form of hermaphrodites, they had the features of both sexes, male and female, four arms and a head with two faces. Angry at these people for their pride, the supreme god Zeus divided people into halves, thus creating even more people who should have worshiped the gods.

But people missed each other so much that they could neither drink nor eat, plunged into sadness and died quietly. Apollo took pity on them, he tried to restore, sew their bodies back, and the only evidence of this restoration is the navel, which they did not have before. This time, everyone still had one head, two arms and one gender. The legend says that since then everyone has been looking for their soul mate, and when he meets her, they will understand each other without words, feel like a single whole and experience the greatest bliss when they "lie down together."

This is very similar to karmic connection, but the goal of the karmic connection is a lesson, working through the old. The purpose of the search for the second half is the very process of connecting and establishing relationships. And there is no such rule that would say that you must be married, although this is usually desirable. There is also no rule that says what you will spend with your kindred spirit all life. Understand one thing: you yourself are the creators of your life, everything depends on you. The Universe will help you meet, and then everything develops according to your inner beliefs, everything is filtered through the matrix of your individual perception and then it will be programmed by you personally.

There is a belief that everyone has one soulmate. Very often, when we have a first love, which then passes, we are sure that we will never have anything like this again in our lives. Or vice versa, when parting with a loved one (for example, he left you), you are sure that nothing like this will happen again in your life. And you continue to mourn your past relationship, subconsciously programming yourself that "this will not happen again."

Let's think about it from the point of view of the Universal Mind.

Is it really possible for each person to have only one real love in life? Is it practical?

The Universe is primarily practical, it takes care of the most important thing on Earth - life. That is why at the cellular level we are biochemical machines that carry the programs of procreation. If we have only one kindred soul, then there are no guarantees that this soul will be born, firstly, in your time: it can be born both in the past and in the future. Secondly, she can be born either much earlier or later than you: then the age difference can make your personal relationship impossible. For example, he is 14, and you are 22. Thirdly, even if she was born in your time and is close in age, then she can be born on the other side of the world, and your chances of meeting her again are reduced to zero.

And time is running out, we need to support life on the planet! Since all these options are really possible in our quantum Universe, it remains only to accept the fact that the smart and practical Universe is not a sadist: it does not watch how we suffer here in search of a soul mate who is either not yet born or has already died. The Smart Universe took care of us and prepared for each person a lot of “second halves”, or “soul mates”.

In principle, it is not so difficult. Over the centuries of our incarnations, we have had so many connections that it is easy to run into the heroes of our novels from past lives. As I sometimes jokingly say: "If we slept with every lover from our past lives, then in this life we ​​would not get out of bed." Accepting the fact that there are many kindred spirits, you can breathe in with relief and be programmed to meet them.

Remember that people are attracted to them both by their positive qualities and negative ones, so it is important to work through as many negative beliefs as possible. It is very important to be able to love yourself, because relationships are a mirror. Why would you attract a partner who will show you that you still don't love yourself? It is very important when you meditate before going to bed about your soulmate, be sure to see everything in its completed form, including the gender of your soulmate, otherwise you will easily attract a kitten that will be nailed to your door, you will look into his eyes and melt. The second half may not be a person! Which, in principle, is good news for pet lovers, especially if they have already died and the owner cannot find a place for himself. In this case, you can visualize the arrival of a new pet like a kindred spirit.

It's best to make a list of all the criteria for your significant other that are important to you and read it during the "magic 30 minutes" before bed.

In this list of criteria, you can also indicate height, otherwise you will suddenly meet a soul of completely incompatible growth, and you will not be able to continue the relationship? Be sure to include a weight or weight range that is acceptable to you so that you don't attract someone out of your weight class at all, which also prevents your relationship from progressing beyond "hello." Indicate nationality if this might be a problem for you.

Nobody knows what you need better than you. Specify family status! And then you will meet cool guy, desired weight, height, athletic, and he is married! And he loves you, and loves his wife, what to do? By the way, what to do in this case is up to you. The universe does not judge here, judgment is an exclusively human habit, generated by our duality, when we divide everything into white and black, into Yin and Yang.

The universe will never scold or blame anyone, only people do it.

Only you know better what to do, and this is a personal matter between you and your partner, how you live and with whom to live. But it is better to protect yourself from such surprises.

I had such a case. A woman came to me for training, we got to the topic of soul mates, and everyone in the group had the opportunity to set up a program for a soul mate. The lady was married, she decided to play, probably did not believe that it would work, but nevertheless she set herself a program to meet her soul mate. Then I find out that she did meet her, fell in love, and now she has a dilemma: it’s a pity to leave her husband, she seems to love him, and she can’t refuse new feelings either. So take programming seriously, why create such drama in your life? Not everyone can live in such a relationship, unless you are polyandrous in nature.

In another case, two years ago, at my training, a lady set herself a program for her soulmate, but she was afraid of the responsibility of a long relationship. By the way, this should also be added to your list, if you, of course, want a long-term relationship. So, she put the program on a "short relationship."

I found out about this quite recently, when she came for a second training and complained that since then she has met only business travelers, tourists, visitors - in general, everyone comes to her with a short relationship. She tried to reprogram herself, but she didn’t succeed, that’s why she came back, now she already wants a long-term relationship, she asked me to put a new program on her.

It should be noted that the timing of the manifestation in your life of what you create will be different for everyone. I have seen people meet their soul mates 2 weeks after programming, while others kept working and only met them after 2-3 years! But the truth is, then they admitted that they had to change a lot in their lives in order to be fully prepared for such changes.

This is what studies by American psychologists showed, which compared people who believe in a soul mate, and people who believed that relationships need to be worked on and grow in them.

People who believe in a soul mate tend to expect strong, passionate emotions with a partner. When they finally get strong emotions, when everything “lights up” with their partner and they enter into a relationship, then as soon as problems and difficulties arise, they tend to leave this relationship. Thus, their inner convictions make themselves felt that everything should be smooth with the second half.

It is these beliefs that prevent these people from growing and working on relationships. Instead, they decide that it probably wasn't their soulmate and move on to the next connection. As a result, they remain with a large number of passionate, but short-lived relationships, the sea romantic stories, a bunch of one-night partners and, as in a fairy tale by Pushkin, they remain with nothing.

People who believe that relationships need to be worked on, that they need to grow in them, are looking for partners who will grow and work with them, resolving conflicts as they arise. As a result, they are less passionate, they do not have such a euphoric reaction to a partner. But when problems arise, they are more patient and loyal and work on problems together, and are not in a hurry to abandon a partner and move on to finding the next “perfect soulmate”.

Oddly enough, it was also found that those who believed in the perfection of their significant other were less forgiving in relationships compared to those who believed that relationships needed to be worked on. Scientists are convinced that it is precisely the belief in the existence of a “somewhere out there” soulmate created especially for you that is the factor that prevents you from establishing long-term, loyal and trusting relationship. Ultimately, in any relationship, disagreements, conflict and some incompatibility always pop up. Therefore, if you fall in love with the “perfect guy” all the time, and then leave him after another disappointment, and this repeats again and again, then the problem here lies most likely in your internal beliefs and programs.

Here I would not agree with the conclusions of the researchers. Because the very belief about the existence of the second half is very good and motivating, positive, giving hope. But the belief that you won't have to work with them is precisely the problematic factor.

The belief that with the second half everything will be like on autopilot, smoothly and smoothly, without quarrels and without the manifestation of negative emotions, is erroneous.

Our life on the earthly plane, in addition to being a world of mirrors in which we are reflected, is a pendulum whose movement is due to the duality of our existence. What does duality mean?

Duality means that we, like on a pendulum, constantly pass through opposites: Yin and Yang, good and evil, right and left, positive and negative.

That is when you are at your peak positive emotions, you are in euphoria, you fly and soar, then this is usually followed by a decline. This is the natural law of balance. Our brains are wired that way. Remember how as a child, when you were "furious" before going to bed, your parents told you to calm down, otherwise you would cry. And more often than not, they were right, everything ended in tears. You either accidentally fell and planted a bump on yourself, or cursed and argued with those with whom you played, or you dreamed that night scary dreams.

It was these terrible dreams that established the balance between the energy charges generated by your brain. The same thing happens in life. Accordingly, if you are too cheerful today and your pendulum goes off scale in this zone, then it will begin to return, and, having passed the middle, it will not stop there, the energy will go further and find itself in the zone of negative emotions. This can end in a quarrel, swearing, or a serious breakdown.

Our task is to learn to always be in such a range of emotions that our pendulum always oscillates (it must oscillate, because movement is life), without deviating too much from the middle. This way you can avoid a large number drama, suffering and pain.

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Sometimes it is enough to mention the "second halves" in a decent society, so that someone, having heard this word, rolled his eyes picturesquely upwards. The very idea that for each of us there is that very unique person with whom you can instantly fall in love, and then live soul to soul, seems unrealistic to them.

But for many people, though perhaps not for all, there really is a person whom they know as themselves, with whom they are connected on the deepest level, and in whose company they finally feel truly happy. And if this person becomes their romantic partner ... it is impossible to imagine better.

So how do you know that the person you met on the path of life is really the same, one and only “soulmate”? Below you will find some of the most obvious and conspicuous signs, which have been compiled by a whole team of love and relationship experts.

1. You understand each other perfectly - or even without words at all.

Kindred souls are able to read each other like an open book. As clinical psychologist and relationship expert Dr. Carmen Harra wrote in one of his articles: “They are connected at all levels of their existence. They might finish each other's sentences, pick up the phones at the same time to call each other, or just feel bad for each other."

Dr. Sue Johnson, clinical psychologist and author of The Feelings of Love, says your soul mate knows how to respond to your emotional cues. “They listen to your innermost thoughts, stay close to you when you need it most, touch your hand when you are a little unsure of yourself, radiate happiness and contentment when you feel good, and are also extremely caring and gentle, when you feel bad, she thinks.

2. All your senses are telling you that she is your soulmate.

As old as this world itself, the wisdom “you will understand when you find it” has never been so true when we try it on the question of “second halves”. “If you doubt and wonder if this is your “second half”, then most likely it is not so”, says wedding planner and author Rev. Laurie Sue Brockway. “Usually, when you find your true love, it is accompanied by some kind of sign from above, whether it be a voice in your head, a feeling that you have known this person all your life, or out of nowhere the knowledge that he is very important to you ".

3. The connection between you can almost be felt ...

...and when you touch each other, it's like a spark jumps between you - and not only when you're in bed. “You only have to take the hand of your soulmate, and your soul ascends to the seventh heaven with happiness, even if your relationship has lasted for many years,” Harra says.

4. You feel comfortable in each other's company from the very first day you met.

From the very beginning, you understand that you can not be embarrassed by each other, and just be yourself without fear that you will be judged for this. “When you find your soul mate, you almost immediately understand how familiar and comfortable it is for you to be in her or his presence,” says Brockway. “A lot of people say that it’s much easier for them to relax around such people and allow themselves to be vulnerable.”

“Your soulmate is the person who, fearing nothing, bares his soul in front of you,” Johnson adds. "This is a person who is ready to risk everything, sharing with you his inner world, his emotions and his dreams."

5. Your relationship is far from being all sunny days and rainbow butterflies. Sometimes it is difficult for you with this person as with anyone else.

The relationship between you and your soulmate, no matter what strangers think, is not always cloudless and serene. “The fact that this person is your soulmate does not mean that his soul came to you wrapped in an ideal package - whether in terms of physical form or life circumstances - and even more so that fate guarantees you happiness without any conditions” ,- says writer Kaylen Rosenberg from the marriage agency "Architects of Love". “But the difference between this person and everyone else is that the difficulties that you have to go through together become the glue that tightly holds your relationship together, allowing them to go through all subsequent sorrows and hardships, and each of you to open up to complete."

Both we and our other halves help each other's personal growth. “Yes, at first it may seem to you that relationships with your soulmate are even more insidious and unpredictable than with ordinary people, and that your partner deliberately infuriates you, but this is only because some of the most important things in life come into your life with them. lessons that you will meet along the way,” adds Brockway.

6. You may not agree on the little things, but what really matters is that you are always on the same page.

“The fact that your partner is really your soulmate does not necessarily mean that he will share your aspirations and hobbies even in small things, but it means that your common goals and ambitions will certainly coincide,” Harra says. “Your opinions on all sorts of unimportant issues may differ, but much more often your virtues and even vices will coincide - after all, you look at the world with the same eyes for two.”

7. Your relationship brings both partners a sense of inner peace.

When you have entered into a personal relationship with the wrong person, it is almost always obvious - they seem extremely fragile to you, and you are afraid that one wrong word will make your partner cool off. But when you are together with your soulmate, everything is completely different.

"You feel confident - because you feel that your partner is with you for a long time", says relationship expert Tracey Steinberg, author of Flirting for Fun and Finding a Soulmate. “No matter what happens to you, you will still be together - and you will go through it all together” and then adds: “Your inner voice is telling you that your relationship with this person is the best thing that could happen to you. You trust each other, you feel comfortable and confident in each other's company, and you are not afraid to discuss difficult topics on which you have ambiguous opinions.

8. You and your partner are separate individuals, but to the world you are still one.

“Soulmates know that they are two halves of one whole, and that no external influence or internal disagreement can break this connection.”

9. You may well have known each other for several years, but nevertheless you realize that you fell in love with each other, suddenly - and at the same time.

True love comes neither early nor late, but exactly when it is needed. “I happened to organize the weddings of a bunch of couples who met at school or college, met, then parted, and then went about their work, maybe they spent time with the same friends, but didn’t even really communicate,” writes in one article Brockway, after adding: “But then, one day, they magically come together, and their love flares up like wildfire.” So keep both your mind and your heart open so that when your significant other knocks on them, you are ready to open them.

They say that one day love comes to us... But it's not love that comes to us, but we come to it...

We live in anticipation of a miracle, in anticipation fabulous day when long-awaited love appears on our way. We accomplish our intentions and actions, moving in a direction that can lead us to love. In every person who comes into our lives, we try to see that very one, dear and most beloved, the one who will wake up our heart, sleeping under the cover of sincere feelings.

But where is he, the man who will make us happy? He is very close, closer than we think ... And somewhere on this Earth he leaves his steps, somewhere his voice sounds and his laughter is heard ... But we know what he will be like, don't we? His image always appears in our mind. And this is not a figment of fantasy, not a fictitious ideal, but a real man that exists on this Earth and in this life.

From birth, we are given the image of our soulmate, and we carefully store it in our minds, but often take it for the fruit of our imagination, for a fictional character that does not exist in reality, this person seems too ideal to us. But the more we accept the image of our soul mate as a fantasy, the further life takes this person away from us, the more difficult it will be to meet him halfway. We doubt and cannot see a holistic image of our soul mate, but as soon as we discard all doubts, prejudices and focus on the image, a picture of the person who will be next to us will immediately begin to emerge in our minds. And this picture is multidimensional, it has many facets and development scenarios.

The fact is that we can see not only the image of that very person, but also all sorts of options for our meeting. Our ancestors knew that every person has a soul mate, and that their meeting will definitely happen when each of them is ready. Because young girls and boys were not allowed to have relationships with just anyone, because virginity had importance when choosing a wife or husband. All the people with whom we have relationships leave their mark on our energy field, which in turn creates interference and distorted vibrations for the person who is truly our soulmate.

After all, we attract each other thanks to our own energy, a certain level of vibrations, which is reflected in all components of our life. Because in modern world where perverted ideals have become a value, it is so hard to meet that same person. But there is always the opportunity to cleanse ourselves of other people's energies, to tune in to the wave that will reunite the river of our life with the ocean of love. We can prepare the ground for long-awaited meeting. It is enough to realize the connection with your soul mate, cast aside all doubts and accept the image that is reflected in our minds. After all, each of the halves develops simultaneously, everything that happens to one on the energy plane, the same happens to the other.

Just stop, stop looking, feel how your heart breathes, feel the presence of your soulmate, an invisible connection - a thread stretched between you, along which the energy of your love moves. And the stronger the awareness of love in the heart, the closer that one and only person becomes to you.

One day, you will remember the eyes that reflected your life for thousands of years. You will remember the hands that always hugged you so tenderly. And your dear and beloved smile will touch your soul. Everything will be remembered by the heart when you meet your soul mate. Wonderful memories will emerge from the depths of your soul, and love will illuminate you with all your being. The love that has lived in you for thousands of years. From one life to another you went together, each time you met and parted to find each other again. So it was and will always be, and this circle of joy and bright feelings is endless. Remember, no one can lose anyone, no one will ever be left alone, because your heart keeps the image of a loved one, you follow each other in every new life, in every incarnation. And the power of your love creates its universe.

If you knew how close love is to you, if you understood that from the moment you were born, that same person is next to you, you would stop looking, suffering and making mistakes. A thread is stretched between the two halves, which binds the hearts together. You are together even when you have not yet met each other. You are always there, wherever you are, with whomever you are. There is an image of your soul mate in your mind, you always feel "your" person, you just do not attach any importance to this, since many people cannot separate their thoughts and feelings from those of others.

You live life together, develop at the same time and are always energetically connected with each other, so "strangers" will always leave, you should not consider this another disappointment or mistake and suffer from loneliness. In fact, it was just not your person. But it is worth realizing the connection with your soul mate, as all anxieties and worries will go away. You will simply feel that he is there, that he is very close to you. Remember that this person also always thinks about you, he also feels your thoughts and feelings, and there is your image in his mind. At the moment when both of you are ready for a meeting, life will bring your paths together and a long-awaited meeting will take place.

The truth of the word: "When you meet that very person, you will understand why it did not work out with others."

When you meet that same person, love like you love for the first time. Love with all your heart, with all your soul, completely surrendering to feelings, giving all of yourself, but not demanding anything in return. Love sincerely, where the light will not know darkness, where fears, doubts and prejudices will fade before the fire of unconditional love.

Wherever you are, whoever you are with, remember who is in your heart, keep your love, keep it from all negative and selfish manifestations. Protect your loved one, as the Universe protects every child. Give him warmth, tenderness, care. Appreciate it. Accept his true essence without masks and stereotypes. Admire his virtues. Respect his shortcomings. After all, he is your reflection. Everything that attracts or repels you in a loved one is only you. You see in him who you are. Love your reflection in it. Love yourself in it.

When you find your soul mate, when you love unconditional love, you are doing a great good for the entire Universe, you are helping the entire Universe. Together you create a world of harmony and love around you, fill the space with light and pure energy, you revive the world and the souls of people who come into contact with yours.

Even if a person does not yet know about your love, you send him the light of your heart, you heal him, you help him develop, he may not know that it is you who make him happy, but what could be better than the happiness of that person who do you love?

And then, one day, the love that you have been waiting for so long will appear in your life. Love that will heal your soul and fill your heart with light. Love that will reveal the truth of being. Love for everything that exists - for every living soul, every manifestation of energy is its beginning. Love is all-encompassing, limitless, all-powerful. Love that gives you awareness. Love lives in everything and everywhere. She is selfless. She is unconditional. Love that will give you the desire to see yourself in everything created by the Great Creator. Love that will open your spiritual beginning and bring boundless happiness into your life.

Unconditional love is the only key to healing and awakening the soul.

© Alexandra Mershchy