When a child begins to see the world around him after birth. Newborn baby: the first month of a baby's life - infant development, behavior and care from birth

With the birth of a baby in the family, parents have many questions. One of them: "When do newborns start to cry?" To answer it, it is necessary to consider the physiological norms of children and get the opinion of a doctor.

The child cries without tears: what to do?

Young parents are increasingly asking the question: “When do newborns have tears?”. After all, it happens that mothers still sound the alarm in the hospital, they say, the baby is crying without tears, is everything okay with him?

Doctors assure that this situation is the norm. Babies under 2 months old can act up without crying. It happens by physiological reasons and is considered the norm.

If parents are very worried that the baby does not have tears, you can turn to He will conduct an examination. Perhaps a massage will be prescribed to help remove the film from the tear duct.

Answering the question of what time a newborn has tears, pediatricians do not give a clear answer. It all depends on the characteristics of the child. For many babies, it opens in the first minutes of life, and tears “flow in a stream”. There are crumbs who begin to cry only by 2 months of life, and this is also the norm.

Dacryocystitis, what is this disease

Many parents ask doctors the question: “When does a newborn have tears?”. Everything is quite individual. It often happens that the baby cries from the first minutes of life. But if this is not the case, do not worry. There is time to wait.

It is worth sounding the alarm when the baby is 2 months old, and the tear ducts have not started to work. In this case, the pediatrician will recommend contacting an ophthalmologist, a doctor who directly deals with eye problems.

Perhaps the baby will be diagnosed with dacryocystitis. The disease may be congenital. It is treatable. But the sooner you understand and solve the problem, the better.

So when do newborns start to cry? Ideally, this can happen in the first seconds of life. The process is quite clear and logical. When the fetus is in the mother's abdomen, the nasolacrimal ducts are closed with a special film. It prevents amniotic fluid from entering the baby's lungs. As soon as the baby takes the first breath after birth, the film should break. But this doesn't always happen.

Symptoms of the disease

If, after a few weeks of a baby's life, his parents still have a question about when tears appear in a newborn baby, you should pay attention to the baby's eyeball. Perhaps the child needs help to get rid of dacryocystitis. The first symptoms of the disease appear as follows:

    Fluid or yellow-green discharge may accumulate in the corners of the eyes. At the same time, its number is increasing every day.

    The baby does not have tears when crying.

    The eyes are constantly in a "wet place".

Unfortunately, many doctors confuse dacryocystitis with conjunctivitis. Parents need to know the following:

    Conjunctivitis in babies in the first weeks of life can only occur if an infection is introduced during delivery.

    The disease affects 2 eyes at once.

    The eyelids swell.

    The eyeballs turn red.

Similar symptoms absent in dacryocystitis.

We carry out diagnostics

If parents are concerned about the time at which tears appear in newborns, an experienced doctor does not stipulate specific dates. But by 2 months, the tear ducts in the child should begin to work. If this does not happen, the ophthalmologist should conduct a thorough diagnosis. Arriving at the procedure, parents should be prepared for the following manipulations that will be done with the baby:

A newborn baby often looks somewhat unusual. Oddities in his appearance or behavior disturb the young mother. About the features of the newborn, which are completely normal, tells neonatologist of the Moscow Regional Neonatal Center Tatyana Nikolaevna ANDREEVA.

The head of a newborn should be slightly larger than the volume of the chest, or, in extreme cases, equal to it. If the baby's forehead protrudes strongly forward, and the calvaria is too large compared to the size of the face, hydrocephalus can be suspected. In the case of microcephaly, everything is exactly the opposite. Often, young inexperienced mothers mistake the usual flattening of the baby's head for microcephaly. It belongs to anyone normal child, just born. The shape of the head often depends on how the fetus was located in the mother's womb. If something scares you, you think that the baby's head is "defective", talk to the doctor who delivered the baby. He knows how the baby was located in the womb and how, accordingly, his head should look.

Now about the sizes.
Average head circumference healthy newborn the child is 33-35 cm. At the same time, the circumference of the chest should be 30-33 cm. Even if this ratio is not observed at birth, then on the second day of life, the child’s head should exceed the volume of the chest by 1-3 cm. This is completely normal , and do not be afraid that the baby's head seems "too big".

When examining the head, pay attention to the condition of the sutures and fontanelles of the baby's skull. The sutures to the touch are ordinary cracks between the lobes of the skull, and the fontanelles are wide, soft areas located at the junction of the sutures.

If it seems to you that the fontanelles are too brightly colored, and the sutures protrude on the surface of the head, then you can clarify this issue with your doctor. Most likely, the lobes of the skull shifted due to the "flattening" of the head during childbirth. In two or three days everything will fall into place.


The main indicator of the condition of the baby immediately after birth is the skin. After the special natural lubricant with which the baby is born has been removed from it, the baby's skin seems reddish, ruddy and smooth. But by the second or third day of life, it becomes dry, scaly to the touch and pink. From the third to the seventh day in normal children, as a rule, the skin turns slightly yellow. This physiological phenomenon- jaundice of newborns, it should not scare.

After birth, the baby may also have bluish feet and hands. This color will change after some time. In general, in the first hours of a baby's life shades of blue you should not be afraid, they can only cause concern after 12-24 hours. In addition to blueing on the baby's body, you can also find real bruises. They usually indicate a difficult birth or careless handling of the newborn. In some cases, they indicate an infectious disease. Therefore, when you find bluish spots on the baby’s body, you should definitely consult a doctor. The same applies to tiny hemorrhages on the skin. If they do not go away within 24 hours, bring this to the attention of a neonatologist or pediatrician.

Often, young mothers are frightened by the fluff that can be seen on the body of a newborn - thin hairs, sometimes quite thick. There is nothing wrong with this, fluff occurs in all newborns, and especially in premature babies. As a rule, the fluff is best seen on the shoulders, back, forehead and cheeks. It disappears within a few weeks. inexperienced mom can also frighten the so-called milia, characteristic of all newborns. These are small white pimples 1-2 mm in size on the chin, nose, cheeks and forehead. This is what extended looks like sebaceous glands. They will cease to be noticeable, disappear spontaneously after a few days or weeks. Don't be afraid to delete them.


As a rule, in the first two days, the baby practically does not open his eyes, since his eyelids are swollen and heavy after birth. But the doctor examining the child is obliged to pay attention to the condition of the eyes. Firstly, there may be suppuration, in other words, purulent conjunctivitis. It indicates an infection caused by staphylococci and other pathogens. They could be "awarded" both in the hospital and before it. To prevent the development of infection immediately after birth, the baby's eyes are wiped with a sterile gauze pad, abundantly moistened with petroleum jelly or vegetable oil.

Secondly, under the conjunctiva, or, simply speaking, on the eye protein of a newborn, small hemorrhages often appear. It happens that the eye is completely painted in the color of blood. This comes from an increase in pressure during the baby's passage through the birth canal. Do not be afraid - this is not forever, hemorrhages will resolve themselves within 2-4 weeks.


A newborn baby can only breathe through his nose, so any air obstruction can threaten the life of the child. It is necessary to examine his mouth and throat in order to identify deviations in the form of a "cleft palate" - a cleft palate and " cleft lip"- crevices upper lip. Such deviations are rare and are usually noticed first by the neonatologist. It is also uncommon to have premature teeth that need to be removed, especially if they are loose and about to fall out.

Do not be afraid if you find small white formations in the baby's mouth, located one on each side of middle line sky. These are just "Epstein pearls" that disappear a few weeks after birth. This is another one normal feature newborn.

Don't worry if your doctor says the tongue tie is too close to the tip of the tongue. This phenomenon, as a rule, does not interfere with the life of the child, his feeding and the development of speech. IN extreme cases you can decide on the operation to cut the frenulum. But it is not necessary to rush into this unnecessarily. Most often, such an operation is carried out after two or three years, when the child is strong enough.


The chest is one of key indicators condition of the newborn. The ribs of a baby are elastic and only after some time they take on the shape familiar to an adult. Near the midline of the chest, below or above the usual nipples, additional breast nipples. These are harmless pink or pigmented spots that range in size from a few millimeters to the size of normal nipples. You should not pay attention to them. Over time, they will disappear.

It happens that the mammary glands of the child swell. This occurs, as a rule, on the third or fourth day of life, and by the seventh day of life it reaches its climax. Then the swelling decreases. They are symmetrical, and the skin around the nipple is not changed. The maximum diameter of the enlargement of the gland can reach up to 1.5-2 cm. Most often, this process leads to the release of a milk-like substance, which in its composition approaches the mother's colostrum. In no case should you squeeze out the contents: there is a high probability of infection, which will lead to even more swelling and pus. Treatment is usually not required, but if the condition is severe, a warm, sterile bandage may be applied to protect the skin from clothing irritation. For any complications, you should consult a specialist.

A newborn baby should breathe through the diaphragm, not chest. The respiratory rate in healthy children ranges from 40 to 60 per minute. At the same time, immediately after birth, the respiratory rate is very high, which is natural after the birth shock experienced by the child. In any case, during this time, the child should be observed by a specialist doctor to accurately determine whether the child is breathing normally or for some reason his breathing is disturbed.


At normal newborn In a boy, the foreskin completely covers the glans penis, so the urethra may not be visible. So the genitals can look quite long, up to four to six months, or even longer. And do not try to "help" the baby and pull back the foreskin by force. As a rule, everything goes by itself.

Male babies born at term have their testicles in the scrotum. In this case, the scrotum is large and hangs freely at a great distance from the perineum. If it is not visible at all, then you should consult a doctor. And one more thing: the scrotum should not closely adjoin the perineum in normal children born at term. It happens in premature babies. And now for the girls. When everything is normal, the large labia protrude above the small ones. But sometimes it can be the other way around. However, this is not yet a cause for concern - soon everything will fall into place. If the size of the clitoris is so large that you initially thought that you had a boy, then you should be wary. Do not leave the baby without medical supervision.

For a girl born at term, it is absolutely normal that the free end of the hymen protrudes from the external opening of the vagina and disappears only after a few weeks. In the first week of life, milky-white mucous discharge, sometimes stained with blood, may appear. Do not be afraid - just your maternal hormones "took their own", and after two, maximum three days, everything should pass.

This is a manifestation of puberty in miniature, which occurs in two out of three girls. Such a state is biologically expedient. According to psychiatrists, it plays important role in brain development.


The baby's feet and hands should be examined to rule out malformations or traumatic injuries.

Sometimes it happens that the sixth, extra finger is attached to the side surface of the little finger and looks like a thin leg. As a rule, it is removed surgically, and in the future the hand or leg looks like a normal person. Finger fusion is observed more often on the legs. This is also easy to fix by surgical intervention.

Parents should know that all changes in the structure of the hands or feet are mostly hereditary. And in order not to faint at the sight of an unexpected sixth finger, ask your grandparents, moms and dads if they had this kind of problem.

"Women Health"

Many parents are interested in the development of a newborn by weeks. The most profound changes occur in the first month after childbirth. There are problems that worry parents, but they can be dealt with. Changes in 1 year of life occur every day. Let's figure out how a baby develops up to a year. We will demonstrate an approximate calendar of the appearance of various skills in him.

In the first year of life, the child develops most intensively

Changes at 1 week of life

The little man begins to cognize the world with the help of aggravated sense organs. Even earlier, in the womb, he heard vague sounds from outside. Now baby can hear, see the world, touch and smell it, get to know your parents (we recommend reading:).

In a newborn, vision is poorly developed, he sees only large objects. Vision is not yet focused and everything looks blurry - in this way the body is protected from the abundance of impressions that appear immediately after birth. But hearing and sense of smell are well developed. They appeared in the fetus while still in the mother's stomach.

The most significant change occurs in the newborn in the way of feeding. If before he received nutrients from the mother's body at any time, now you have to wait until he is fed. At first, the child is almost all the time in the mother's arms and constantly requires breasts.

He has not yet learned to suck well, and his mother's milk is not enough. Its production in sufficient quantities will gradually improve. The most important thing during breastfeeding is that the baby feels his physical connection with mom. It calms him down, not just nourishes him.

The most exciting moment for new parents is the first bath of a baby. If you did everything right, the water in the bath has desired temperature, the baby lies in it as it is convenient for him, everything will be fine. The kid will love to swim and will not be capricious.

The first bath is extreme for parents, but right approach baby will love water procedures

Causes for concern

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Many babies often spit up after feeding at first. Normally, this can happen because digestive tract still poorly formed, undeveloped nervous system and the feeding process is not quite right. Regurgitation is inherent in the first weeks of life. If a baby swallows air while feeding, he may spit up. Nothing wrong with that. Try to change your position so that less air enters your baby's mouth.

The second reason for parents to worry is a slight loss in the weight of the newborn (we recommend reading:). There is nothing to worry about. When the mother begins to produce milk abundantly and the feeding process improves, the child will begin to gain weight again.

Often, on the 2-3rd day of life, the baby turns a little yellow - this is a physiologically justified phenomenon. Formed in the blood a large number of bilirubin, which contributes to yellowing of the skin. On the 7-14th day, the skin color should return to normal.

Sometimes in a baby in the first days. When he is born, the body is covered with natural lubrication to facilitate passage through the birth canal. Then, in the air, the lubricant dries and begins to peel off. This is a natural process, nothing to worry about.

The child will very soon make up for the slight weight loss that occurs in the first days of life.

Second week of life

The hardest week is over. The baby begins to get used to a new way of existence. The mother's milk supply increases and the feeding process becomes more stable. Gets used to the digestion of the stomach and intestines. The child consistently defecates 3-4 times a day. The umbilical cord is healing.

The baby is starting to gain weight. He examines the objects around him with increasing curiosity. From a distance of 25-30 centimeters, he can even see some details. The little man has a facial expression - he can twist his face if something was not to his taste, after eating he will please his parents with a sweet smile. Baby photos of this period will touch mom and dad for a long time. The only thing that darkens life healthy babyintestinal colic. He expresses his dissatisfaction by crying and shaking his legs in pain. Doctors have not come to a consensus on why colic begins and how to deal with them. You can be comforted that this is a temporary phenomenon that will gradually pass.

third week of life

By this time, the first achievements of the baby are dated. He tries to raise his head - although this will only work for a short time, it will fill his parents with pride. The baby is curious about the toys that you hang in front of him across the crib. He tries to reach them with his hand.

The newborn responds to the voice. When an adult addresses him in a friendly tone, he begins to coo and smile in response. New impressions pile up on the baby. There are so many of them that the nervous system is strained to the limit. Before going to bed, the baby may cry to relieve stress. Some cry every time for 20 minutes. The intonation of crying changes, it becomes demanding.

By the third week, the baby is already smiling, responding to mom and dad

Fourth week of life

Time flies very quickly. Passes the first month of life. This is the stage of transition from the status of a newborn to the status of an infant. The baby strengthens the vestibular apparatus. He is aware of his position in space. This will soon help him learn to roll over and grab toys.

The legs and arms are still half-bent, since the flexor muscles are still stronger than the extensor ones. Muscle hypertonicity in a baby of the first month of life - normal phenomenon. It's too early to worry. When the child is one month old, you need to visit a pediatrician who will determine the degree of his development and compliance. age norms. At the end of 4 weeks:

  • the child is able to focus on the subject under consideration;
  • he turns his head towards a nearby sound;
  • raises and briefly holds his head, lying on his stomach;
  • recognizes parents and reacts to their appearance.

Week 5 to 8

If we consider the development by weeks, we can say about this period that a certain regimen is established in the child. He still sleeps a lot, but now parents know when he will fall asleep approximately and how much their child will oversleep. The baby begins to grab toys and other objects with handles. What else can the baby do during this period:

  • it focuses on both stationary and moving objects;
  • rolls over from side to back
  • raises his head, lying on his stomach;
  • rises on the handles and arches his back, turns his head to the sound;
  • if you put it on hard surface, holding, he pushes off with his feet from the support;
  • responds kindly to the appearance of parents - hoots, smiles, waves its arms and legs, sings.

From 5 to 8 weeks, the baby learns to roll over, recognizes the voice of his parents

9 to 12 weeks

By the age of 3 months, the average child is able to roll over from his back to his stomach, rises on his hands, and holds this position for several minutes. If your baby doesn't know how to do this yet, don't despair. He will learn everything in a month or two (we recommend reading:).

The child is gaining weight, he has subcutaneous fat. Folds-dressings appear on the arms and legs. The body takes on a rounded shape. The baby puts everything in his mouth to taste it. At 3 months, it is supposed to undergo another examination by a pediatrician (we recommend reading:). Skills include:

  • flips from back to stomach;
  • lifting the body on the hands from a prone position, holding the body in this position for a short time;
  • activation of the reaction to the appearance of an adult - the baby tries to respond with a coo to his mother's and father's phrases.

Weeks 13 to 16

Fortunately for parents, intestinal colic at this age is left behind. The respite, however, will be short-lived - some babies are already teething, although it is difficult to say by weeks at which this process begins. The stages of growth are approximate.

The child begins to selectively relate to others, as a rule, singling out the mother from all. His speech changes slightly. He introduces consonant sounds: "p, b, m". Can accidentally say: "mom" or "dad", but it will be unconscious. At this age, the child:

  • holds small objects, toys with handles;
  • gurgles and babbles, says: “ba, pa, ma”;
  • reacts when someone says his name;
  • sits confidently in the arms of an adult, holding his head in an upright position;
  • grabs and tastes various objects;
  • trying to squat.

During this period, the child is already confidently holding his head, being in the arms of his mother.

Weeks 17 to 20

The child begins to move actively. He no longer has enough beds, he is drawn to examine the entire apartment. After a thorough wet cleaning, it can be released onto the floor. Every movement must be monitored, because the apartment has many dangers for a fool. In the average child, the first teeth begin to erupt - this process is accompanied by anxiety and abundant salivation. The child's gums itch and he tries to gnaw miscellaneous items to scratch them. At this age, the child:

  • can roll over from back to stomach and vice versa;
  • raises upper part bodies on hands;
  • little by little begins to crawl;
  • can occupy himself by playing with his toys for 5-10 minutes;
  • his babble, consisting of individual syllables, begins to resemble meaningful speech.

21 to 24 weeks

Some babies can crawl. They sit in the crib, but they can sit for a very short time - the spine is not yet sufficiently developed. Teeth continue to be cut and cause concern to everyone. If the baby is naughty - most likely it is because of the teeth. At six months, you should see your pediatrician again. Skills of a six-month-old child:

  • the child sits for some time in a stroller or on highchair(you can prop up his back with pillows to help hold the pose);
  • he successfully crawls;
  • he laughs, mumbles and babbles, sings;
  • the baby loves to jump when an adult supports him by the armpits.

25 to 28 weeks

The intelligence of the baby is noticeably manifested. Its development is manifested in the fact that the little man understands the words, points his finger at the objects that the mother calls. It is more difficult to outwit him - if you hide a toy behind his back, he knows where to look for it. The psyche also progresses. The baby begins to feel anxious when the mother leaves the room.

The most noticeable changes occur in the motor sphere. The baby gets up on its own, holding on to the headboard or other support. He moves around holding his mother's hands or leaning on furniture, crawls well (although some children do not start crawling, but immediately get up and move around with the help of a support).

29 to 32 weeks

The child has character. He learns to get what he wants from adults, understands what they want from him, knows the word “no”. This knowledge does not give him pleasure. He divides people into friends and foes, does not trust strangers.

Many children by this age have 4 to 6 teeth in their mouths. If there are no teeth, do not be upset - the process of teething is individual and each baby has its own schedule.

The child is able to:

  • sit down without the help of adults;
  • plays with toys, shifting them from right hand to the left and vice versa, throws cubes and rattles from the crib onto the floor;
  • takes her first steps holding her mother's hand.

The ability to sit independently appears in a child from 29 to 32 weeks

From 33 weeks to 36

The child grows up, it catches the eye. He tries to do everything on his own, although this does not always work out. He sits and stands up on his own, walks holding hands or furniture. Speech becomes more meaningful. The little man can say “mom” or “give” for the first time. If your child has not begun to speak the first words, do not worry - this will happen later (we recommend reading:).

To convey his desire to an adult, the baby pronounces syllables and short words helps himself with gestures and facial expressions. At the age of 9 months, you should again be examined by a pediatrician. At this age, the child

How to understand that a child is teething? Symptoms of teething in a child.

Your beautiful baby is almost six months old. Behind the neonatal period, the regimen of the day and feedings is established, and colic no longer torments. The baby is showing activity with might and main and is about to start crawling. It seems that a wonderful period has come in his life and yours. Don't relax! Soon the child will begin to cut milk teeth, and this process does not always go smoothly. Read the article to find out the timing, sequence and symptoms of teething in baby. You will be able to distinguish these symptoms from a cold or intestinal infection learn to ease them.

When, at how many months, do babies cut their first teeth?

From doctors of the "old school" you can hear that the first teeth erupt in a baby at the age of 6 months. Modern pediatricians set a range of 4 to 8 months. The famous doctor Komarovsky generally claims that it is unfair to set any deadlines: one out of 2000 babies is born with 1-2 teeth, one out of 2000 does not have them until 15-16 months. Everything is individual here, since many factors influence when the baby’s first tooth begins to knock:

  1. Genetics. If the teeth of the mother and father of the child began to erupt from 3-4 months, it is likely that the baby will also be early. And vice versa, you should not worry that a nine-month-old baby still has a toothless smile if his parents had the same at that age.
  2. Features of the course of pregnancy. Pregnancy with pathologies delays the timing of teething.
  3. Features of the course and term of childbirth. If the baby was born prematurely, his teeth may begin to erupt later. IN this case, the biological age of the baby should be taken into account, and not his age according to the certificate.
  4. Diseases in a child (due to some infectious diseases transferred by a child, his teeth may appear later), the sufficiency of his nutrition, climatic conditions, living conditions, etc.

IMPORTANT: If a child's first teeth did not come out in six months, you should never panic. Given the health of the baby, this is considered the norm. For your own peace of mind, discuss this issue with your pediatrician.

The order and timing of teething in a child.

Can teeth be cut at 2, 3, 4 months?

It is already obvious that teething in infants can be early, that is, one that occurs before six months (at 2, 3, 4 months). But this does not mean that you need to get into the mouth of a child if, in your opinion, he is without a reason:

  • getting restless
  • sleeping badly
  • refuses to eat
  • constantly puts toys and rattles in her mouth
  • temperature
  • coughing or showing other warning signs

Show the child to the doctor, first of all, it is necessary to exclude diseases, and then sin on early teeth.

Which teeth are cut first in children? In what order are teeth cut in babies?

The order of teething can be as individual as the timing. But in most babies, it still persists. Study the table in the figure to understand which teeth are cut first, which and when to wait after them.

Until what age do children cut their teeth?

The milk teeth that erupt last are the fangs. On average, they appear in a child at 1.5 - 2 years. Again, due to individual circumstances it may happen sooner or later.

VIDEO: First teeth – School of Dr. Komarovsky

How to understand that a child is teething: symptoms. How does a child behave when teething?

How do you know if a child is teething? This process is accompanied by certain symptoms:

  1. The child is acting restless. He is capricious for no reason, it is difficult to distract him with something and not for long.
  2. The baby may be off food. Or, conversely, ask for breasts more often if he is on breastfeeding. Mom may notice that the child seems to be chewing on the nipple - this is how he scratches the gums.
  3. The child has increased salivation. If the crumbs have a bittern around the mouth or on the chest, this may have happened due to saliva getting on the skin.
  4. The child pulls fingers, toys, objects into his mouth, bites a pacifier or a spoon. He wants to scratch his gums.
  5. The baby's gums swell, swell and become inflamed. Sometimes white vesicles are visible under the mucosa, sometimes cyanotic hematomas.

IMPORTANT: If you suspect that the baby's teeth are on the way, you do not need to climb into his mouth a hundred times a day, especially with dirty or unkempt hands. First, it will be painful and unpleasant for him. Secondly, the risk of getting into the body of infection is high.

Swelling and swelling of the gums are signs of teething in children.

What do gums look like when teeth are being cut in babies?

To see what a baby's gums might look like when they're teething, look at the photo.

First teeth: photo.
Photo of baby's gums during teething.
Hematoma on the gum during teething.

How long does it take for a child to cut their first teeth?

In a child who has just been born, there are 20 follicles of temporary teeth in the gums. Before "knocking", they pass through the bone tissue and gums. This requires a certain amount of time, strictly individual for each baby. Usually, the process of teething the first teeth in a baby takes from 1 to 8 weeks.

What temperature can a child have when teething? Teeth are cut in a child - temperature 37.5 ? C, 38 ? C, 39 ? C, runny nose, diarrhea, vomiting: what to do?

There is a category of mothers who write off all the troubles that happen to their child up to 2 - 2.5 years old "in teeth". Rhinitis, sneezing, coughing, fever almost up to 40 degrees, a rash on the body, constipation and diarrhea, they consider teething symptoms. This is a huge misconception that can cost a child's health. Similar symptoms accompany SARS, influenza, tonsillitis, stomatitis, herpetic infection, a variety of intestinal infections, etc., occurring in parallel with teething.

  1. Normally, there is no temperature above 37.5 degrees during teething. Some of its increase may occur due to local inflammation (gums). Subfebrile, febrile, pyretic or hyperpyretic temperature indicate that the child has a disease not related to the teeth.
  2. Diarrhea, vomiting, accompanied by fever, restlessness, various manifestations intoxication are symptoms of an intestinal infection. The child needs urgent medical care, since dehydration can occur very quickly, its consequences are often fatal.
  3. Rhinitis, sneezing, coughing are signs colds. If the child has snot, he coughs dry or wet cough, while its temperature is normal or elevated, it is necessary to consult a doctor in order to establish a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

IMPORTANT: Indeed, due to increased salivation during teething, the child may sneeze and cough, thereby clearing Airways from saliva. It happens irregularly. If salivation is too abundant, the child may even vomit.

Which teeth are cut most painfully in children?

It is very difficult to answer the question of which teeth during teething give the baby the greatest discomfort. Again, everything is individual. There are several reasonable options:

  1. Fangs. These teeth are sharp, they literally cut the gums. In addition, the upper canines (the so-called "eye teeth") are in close proximity to the facial nerve.
  2. Molars. The surface of these teeth has the most large area, their eruption through the gum can cause pain.

Is it ok to walk while teething?

Walking with a child who is teething is possible and necessary. Fresh air and activity will only benefit him. But places of large crowds of people, where there is a high probability of catching an infection, it is better to avoid during this period.

IMPORTANT: Starting from the first, the baby's teeth will be cut one by one. You can't sharpen it at home for 1.5-2 years!

Can I get vaccinated while teething?

Teething is not a contraindication for vaccination. The doctor will give a challenge for vaccinations only if during this period he reveals another disease not related to the teeth.

Teething is not a reason not to get vaccinated.

Can complementary foods be introduced while teething?

  1. Check with your doctor before introducing complementary foods.
  2. Introduce complementary foods carefully, strictly according to the recommendations.
  3. Pay close attention to your child's reaction to new foods.
  4. If the baby’s menu is already quite diverse, if possible, wait a little with the introduction of new products.

A conspiracy that will help if a child is teething

Unfortunately or fortunately modern medicine there are no known ways to help baby teeth erupt. You do not need to tear his gums with a finger with a bandage, a spoon and other objects, let him gnaw apples and dryers (which, by the way, the baby can easily choke on). Somewhat facilitate the process certain medications, which should be prescribed only by a doctor, and special toys - teethers.
If you are one of those parents who simply cannot let the process go by itself, try the Teething plot. They say it works well.
You will need to say the following words three times: “A month, a month, you have Antiny’s brother, his teeth grew easily, they never hurt, and the servant of God (the name of the baby) does not have gums, his teeth grow and do not hurt. God grant that my child's teeth grow easily, do not hurt, do not pinch. Amen".

IMPORTANT: During the pronunciation of the words of the conspiracy, it is recommended to lubricate the child's gums with honey. But you know how strong this allergen is. The reaction to honey in an infant can be very strong, up to edema.


Newly born baby, nine months surrounded amniotic fluid and tightly squeezing the eyelids while passing through the birth canal, sees almost nothing at first.

The baby comes into this world not yet fully formed. The eyes need time to see and distinguish the light, brightness, colors of the surrounding space. Most of the information the baby receives through vision. The formation of this skill occurs during the first half of the year. Until then, he doesn't even have tears.

Why are there no tears at first

The first days the baby sleeps all the time, opens his eyes for a short time. And he has no tears yet. If the baby screams, then it screams without tears, this is normal in his young age. The fact is that in the embryonic period, the eyes of the crumbs were washed and protected intrauterine waters. There was no need for the production of tears by the lacrimal glands at that time. Therefore, the tear ducts were closed with mucous plugs to protect the tear ducts from fluid ingress.

When the tears come

During the first few weeks, the closing plugs dissolve, and by 1.5-3 months, tears begin to flow into the eyes.

The day when the baby has tears, mom will remember for a long time. It's so unexpected - there were no tears, and suddenly there are. In some babies, they run in streams on their cheeks, for the first time this is a touching sight. Other children get one or two drops, and for the first time this is enough.

If by a certain point when crying, the baby does not have tears, then, most likely, his tear ducts are clogged. You need to visit an ophthalmologist

If there are no tears

At birth or a little later, gelatin plugs dissolve or rupture. naturally. If this does not happen, tears accumulate inside the canal. The doctor diagnoses the obstruction of the nasolacrimal duct in a newborn. The baby cries without tears. As a result, the eyelids become inflamed, stick together, the children are capricious, they feel bad.

While the outlets of the tear ducts are closed, the resulting fluid accumulates inside the ducts. This is not always painless. From the accumulation of fluid, the mucous membrane becomes inflamed, the whites of the eyes turn red, a runny nose appears, pain in the nasolabial region. The child becomes capricious and should be helped.

Sometimes mothers notice that tears appear in one eye, but not in the other. This suggests that one tubule is open, and the other is clogged with a birth plug or suppuration has occurred.

In some newborns, tears flow even without crying, in a calm state. This condition indicates closed ducts clogged with plugs.

If there is any problem with your baby's eyes, contact your pediatrician or optometrist immediately. The doctor will figure it out, make the correct diagnosis, prescribe washes, lotions, softening drops, massage of the lacrimal canals or other means.

Helps clear tear ducts special massage. Often it is enough. But if he doesn't bring desired results, the baby will be probing the lacrimal canal


To soften the plugs, special drops are instilled into the eyes (on the recommendation of a doctor). Chamomile infusion or very weak tea can wipe your eyes on your own.

How to do massage, the doctor will show. Lacrimal duct massage is prescribed 3-5-10 times a day for 1-2 minutes in a circular motion clean little fingers in the inner corners of the eye. On inner corner there are eyes small bump. You need to massage under this tubercle with careful movements without pressure. It is easy for the mother and painless for the baby. By massaging the tear ducts, you act on the accumulated tears, they press on the cork, squeeze it out or burst it. Within 3-4 days of massage procedures, the tubules open, lacrimation is restored.

If during the systematic massages the tears do not come out, you will have to undergo an operation. A tear duct piercing procedure may be required.

Protective functions of tears

The main function of lacrimation is to moisten the eyes and protect against infections. The functional necessity of tears is still poorly understood, but folk wisdom says that "tears wash the soul, as soap washes the body." From infancy to old age it is tears that moisturize, cleanse, protect our eyes. When tears shine in the eyes while crying, the baby is easier.

In newborn babies, the conjunctiva, or mucous membranes, are thin and dry because the lacrimal glands do not produce enough fluid. Protection of the peephole is not fully carried out, so the eyes sometimes turn red or inflamed, "turn sour".

Eye Care

While the cleansing tearing of the infant has not improved, this function is performed by the parents. Every day during morning and evening hygiene procedures carefully consider the whole crumb, and his eyes as well.

Important: use potassium permanganate with extreme caution, carefully filter and defend the solution. One inconspicuous grain of potassium permanganate can bring big problems little eye. Be attentive and careful.

Along with washing, wipe your eyes with warm boiled water. Cotton wool soaked in warm water, wipe your eyes in the direction from the temple to the bridge of the nose. Use a separate cotton pad for each eye.

On the recommendation of a pediatrician or optometrist, you can wash your eyes with decoctions of herbs, for example, chamomile decoction. Pour a teaspoon of chopped herbs with a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour, cool to room temperature. When using self-prepared decoctions, carefully filter them, do not allow solid particles to enter the solution.

If necessary, take a little disinfectant solution of furacilin 1: 5000 or a weak, almost transparent solution of potassium permanganate on a cotton swab.

After birth, the baby must be shown to the ophthalmologist several times - at 1 month, at 6 months, per year and at three years. The doctor will monitor the condition of the eye and vision of the crumbs, advise preventive measures or prescribe treatment if there is any problem

Prevention of eye problems

Pediatricians refer children to an ophthalmologist for preventive examinations. Mandatory visits to the doctor - 4 times from birth to three years: per month, six months, one year and three years. The optometrist will assess the current condition and control the dynamics of the development of the organs of vision.

  • During the examination, when the baby is 1 month old, the structure of the eye apparatus and visual ability are checked, the transparency of the optical medium of the eye is assessed. In the same examination, the doctor will check the condition of the lacrimal passages and the closing plug. Ask your doctor to show you how to massage your tear ducts to avoid further problems.
  • When examining a baby at six months, the doctor checks the speed of eye movement, clarity and visual acuity, coordination of the movement of the eye and handles. The doctor examines the fundus, determines the norm or deviations. By six months, the baby is already crying with tears, and sometimes with streams of tears.
  • In a year old, coordination between vision and body movements is important. At this time, the eye is already developed, the child is mobile. Parents keep an eye on the little one to protect the child from injury.

Observing the baby for a year, the ophthalmologist reveals all violations in the work of the visual organ, prevents the appearance of visual anomalies.

When applying in kindergarten or at the age of 3, visual acuity is checked according to pictures or according to a special table, like in an adult.

The world is not worth a child's tear

Crying, crying, tears, the baby communicates with parents, talks about their needs and problems. With a loud cry, the baby asks for food and drink, as well as to change the diaper and wash the ass. If the tummy hurts, the cry becomes even louder. The baby cries even if it is uncomfortable for him to lie down, if he is hot, if he is teething, if he is tired, if he wants to take care of his mother. The child is tender and defenseless, cannot help himself, stand up for himself. Task and duty loving parents make sure that the child has to shed as few tears as possible.