How long does a newborn's temperature last? Normal temperature for a baby - says pediatrician

We are accustomed to the fact that body temperature can tell us a lot about the state of our body.

And when it appears in the house Small child, the parents are very concerned about his well-being and worry that the baby does not catch a cold or get sick.

Therefore, they often measure his body temperature, and even a slight increase in temperature sometimes raises many questions and concerns.

But is it worth worrying so much about a slight increase in temperature, and what should its indicators be in a child under one year old?

We will talk about this and more in our article.

Features of thermoregulation in an infant

The thermoregulation center, which ensures uniform heat production in the body and its release, is located in the brain. And in children of the first year of life, this system works imperfectly. They can easily overheat and overcool, and therefore suddenly become hot or cold for a short period of time.

In addition, children are characterized by a slightly higher body temperature compared to adults.

Thus, due to the imperfection of the thermoregulation system in newborns in the first days of life, body temperature can rise once to 38-39 ° C, but generally remain within 37.4 ° C.

By three months, body temperature normalizes slightly, but still continues to be higher than that of an adult. For a child of the first year of life, it is normal for the body temperature to be lower at night than during the day and evening.

So, the following temperature is considered normal for a child under one year of age:

1 when measured in the armpits: 36-37° C

2 when measured in the rectum: 36.9-37.4° C

3 when measured in the mouth: 36.6-37.2° C

To determine your baby's normal body temperature, take it at the same time and in the same place every day. If you measure in the armpits, then always use the right or left side.

What methods of temperature measurement can be used?

Let's start with the oldest and most reliable method - measurement mercury thermometer in the armpit. Before measuring, check that the thermometer readings are about 35° C. It is better to carry out the procedure on the sofa, away from tiled floors, so that the thermometer cannot break if dropped. Fix the thermometer and hold the baby's hand for 5 minutes.

Digital Thermometer with a metal tip measures temperature less accurately, as it requires closer contact than in the armpit. Therefore, it is best used to measure temperature in the rectum or mouth.

When measuring rectally, insert the thermometer carefully no more than 2 cm, after lubricating it with cream or Vaseline. If the child is very small, this method of measurement can be dangerous, since children have very delicate rectal walls. And older children may resist or move very actively.

Interesting! Should your child be vaccinated against hepatitis B?

Therefore, for those who cannot use a mercury thermometer, there are disposable indicator strips or pacifier thermometers, in the use of which there are usually no difficulties.

Try to measure the temperature in a way that does not alarm your child too much or cause him to have a negative reaction to the thermometer. Check your temperature only when you suspect it may be elevated.

How can you suspect an increase in temperature?

You need to check the temperature by touching your cheek to the child's forehead. Usually the mother immediately feels if the forehead is even a little hotter than usual. But there are other signs characteristic of fever in young children.

It can be:

1 lethargy and moodiness

2 drinking too much and dry tongue, lips

3 increased heart rate and breathing

4 red cheeks or vice versa, pallor

5 “painful” red and shiny eyes.

But even if the child’s temperature has risen within 38 degrees, this does not mean that he is sick.

Cases of fever in infants not associated with illness

It is precisely because of the imperfect thermoregulation system described above that in children under one year old, an increase in body temperature does not always indicate the development of an infectious or viral disease.

If your child’s temperature when measured is no higher than 38° C, check and analyze the likelihood of the following points.

1 Was the baby overheated? This is quite common, because it is so easy to overwrap a child or unnoticed to overheat in the sun. But they need very little to break internal balance temperature. Uncover your child or take him home to the shade. The temperature should drop within half an hour. It is also possible that the child does not have enough water and is thirsty.

2 Constipation can cause an increase in body temperature. Make sure your child goes to the toilet every day, as a last resort breaks should not exceed 2 days.

3 Strong activity of the child before measurement, as well as crying. Perhaps the baby played and ran a lot, or maybe he cried a lot. It is not advisable to measure the temperature of very babies while suckling; it may rise slightly at this moment and for some time after feeding.

4 Teeth are being cut. You need to be careful with this, since often the child’s illness was attributed to teething, and as a result, the development of serious complications in the baby was missed.

It is important to remember that if the temperature exceeds 38° C or lasts for several days, then the reason for this is the development of the disease.

In a child, this may be ARVI, and childhood infections such as measles and rubella, intestinal infections or urinary tract infections.

What to do if your child is sick

First, you need to call a doctor. Then measure the temperature. If it exceeds 38° C, then you need to lower the temperature with the help of medications or non-drug methods. The fact is that in children under one year of age, an increase in temperature above 38-38.5 ° C can cause convulsions. This is especially true for children who have disorders of the central nervous system due to difficult labor or hypoxia.

When the doctor arrives, you need to be ready to answer his questions. To do this, write down the temperature readings you received. And also remember all the events that preceded the disease and that may be important for making a diagnosis. If you gave your child any medications or have been vaccinated, you must inform your doctor about this.

Do not worry if you have a high temperature, it is not always a sign of a serious illness, but can only reflect individual feature child's fight against illness.

It is necessary to create all favorable conditions for get well soon child. To do this, ventilate the room every half hour in the absence of the child. Maintain the air temperature there around 20° C, and also take care of the correct humidity in the room. It should be 50-60%.

If your child has no appetite, give preference to drinking plenty of fluids. Don't force him to eat. But even if your appetite has not disappeared, it is better to switch to light food and feeding in small portions during the illness, so as not to burden the body with digesting food.

And let the child sleep more, he will play less and mostly lie down. But don't bother him just because you need to eat or take his temperature.

Ways to lower fever without using drugs

These methods can lower body temperature by a whole degree, for example, from 39 to 38, which is quite significant.

To begin, completely undress the child, including the diaper. Wipe the baby warm water. Walk with a damp sponge over all parts of the body, starting with the face and moving to the arms, legs and back. It is not recommended to rub down cold water or alcohol, as this can cause vasospasm and an even greater increase in temperature.

At the same time as these measures, let your baby drink as much as possible.

Other ways to reduce fever

Here we mean medications, the dosage of which must be prescribed by a doctor.

You can use paracetamol or ibuprofen based products. Doctors do not recommend using aspirin, as it often causes complications in children.

Often the first sign of a baby's illness is an increase in temperature. Having discovered it, many mothers get scared and immediately rush into battle. On the one hand, such a reaction is understandable. How younger age the baby has more fears for his health. On the other hand, the temperature does not rise without a reason. Most often, it signals the colonization of the body by infection and the activation of protective forces. That is, it should not be eliminated! How to be?

Normal temperature at infant

The thermoregulation system of a newborn baby is not perfect. During the first three months of life, the child reacts sensitively to external temperature fluctuations, since he does not yet know how to independently maintain a certain body temperature. This is why the baby quickly overheats or becomes hypothermic.

The baby's temperature is different time days are not the same:

  • Late at night and in the morning it is minimal
  • Afternoon and evening - maximum

An increase or decrease in temperature is also affected by physical activity, emotional upsurge (for example, crying), overheating, etc.

If your infant has a temperature of 37 C, do not be alarmed, this is normal! Moreover, even fluctuations of several degrees in one direction or another are acceptable.

There is one more important point, which parents must take into account. A baby’s normal body temperature is not the same in different areas! And sometimes this difference is very significant:

  • In the armpit - 36 - 37 C
  • Rectal (measured in the rectum) - 36.9 - 37.4 C
  • Oral (measured in the mouth) – 36.6 – 37.2 C

Sometimes there are people with special body temperature indicators from 35 C to 38.3 C. At the same time, they feel good and for them this is an individual norm.

Advice for parents: Find out your baby's normal body temperature in advance. To do this, measure it at the same time in the morning, afternoon and evening for 3 days. The baby must be calm and healthy. Write down all your results.

Now, if your baby gets sick, you can accurately determine how high the temperature is from his normal temperature.

How and with what to measure the temperature of an infant

When measuring a baby's temperature, it is advisable to adhere to the following rules:

  • Use a safe thermometer! It is better to have several (2-3) different types in the house
  • Consider general state baby. After eating for a long time and crying a lot The baby's body temperature will be higher
  • Any doubts? Measure the temperature again (or several times) and calculate the average

There are several types of thermometers for measuring temperature in different parts of the human body.

  • Mercury. Used only in the armpit! Sit down, take the baby in your arms, place the thermometer correctly, and securely fix it with your hand. Waiting time 3-5 minutes
  • Electronic. More secure. Easy to use. Used to measure oral and rectal temperature. In the armpit, it does not give an accurate result, since in this case it is difficult to ensure close contact with the body. Waiting time 1 minute. Typically equipped with a measurement end signal
  • Temperature indicator. This is a strip with heat-sensitive squares or divisions marked with numbers. During temperature measurement their color changes. The last changed square with its corresponding number is the child’s temperature in this moment. The strip is placed on the baby's forehead. Waiting time 15 seconds. Accurate result not guaranteed
  • Pacifier thermometer. Suitable for mobile and pacifier-attached babies

When should a baby's temperature be reduced?

If you detect an elevated temperature in an infant:

  • Don't panic
  • Measure it using any of the methods described above.
  • Try to soberly assess the general condition of the baby
  • If the temperature is below 38.5 C (for a baby under 3 months - below 38.0 C), the child tolerates it normally, then there is no need to use medicine
  • If the temperature is higher than or equal to 39 C, it is necessary to give an antipyretic drug based on paracetamol once and monitor your well-being. Didn't help (the temperature remained the same or increased)? Give stronger medicine
  • If a child is predisposed to seizures, has serious illnesses cardiovascular or respiratory systems, immediately try to bring down his temperature by any means, and call a doctor!

How infant bring down the temperature?

Please note that a baby with a fever should never be overheated! That's why:

  • Remove his diaper immediately
  • Wrap him in a diaper or dress him lightly
  • If you have chills, cold hands and feet, cover with a blanket

Be sure to give your child water as much as possible. Best with water or fruit drinks. Feed on demand. Offer the breast more often.

Don't forget to ventilate the room.

All methods of reducing temperature are divided into two groups:

  • Not medicinal
  • Medication

Not medicinal– provide a short-term decrease in temperature. They are especially effective in infants due to the superficial location of the vessels. Do not use for chills!

The most popular are the following:

  • Rubbing with cool water (chest, stomach, back, armpits and groin areas, elbow and popliteal bends). Be sure to let it dry!
  • Wet diaper wraps
  • Bathing in lukewarm water
  • Damp cloth on forehead
  • Compresses (contain only water and a little vinegar)
  • In case of prolonged absence of stool - cleansing enemas of clean water room temperature

Medication- This is the use of drugs that have an antipyretic effect.

First of all, Paracetamol (Panadol, Efferalgan) is given. The release form is at your discretion - syrup, suppositories, suspension. It is used after the child is one month old.

In the second - Ibuprofen (Nurofen, Ibufen). Any release form. It is used after the child is six months old, no more than three days (because complications are possible!). Be sure to follow the instructions!!!

Calling a doctor if an infant has a fever

Before she arrived:

  • Try to remember in detail all the treatment methods and medicines, which you have already tried in action. It's better to record all this on paper.
  • Also write down the temperature readings (time and method of measurement, digital indicator)

You should call a doctor immediately if:

  • Temperature in the armpit is more than 38 C/38.5 C
  • The child has a chronic disease
  • Cramps have begun, the neck is tense (the chin does not bend towards the chest)
  • The child has not eaten anything for more than 6 hours in a row
  • He is very lethargic and cries constantly
  • A severe runny nose started
  • Vomiting and diarrhea began
  • A rash appeared on the skin
  • There is no urine for a long time or it has suddenly changed color
  • The methods used to reduce temperature did not give the desired result

How younger baby, the sooner it needs to be shown to a doctor.

Additional facts about temperature in an infant

In conclusion, I would like to note that the temperature of an infant sometimes does not correspond to the severity of the disease. The reason for this is the imperfection of its protective functions. Therefore, he can react to the disease in different ways: with a strong or moderate increase in temperature, or with a decrease in temperature. There are also cases when the temperature remains normal.

However, remember: the success of treatment always depends on the timely adoption of measures to combat the disease.

Increased temperature in infants serious reason for anxiety among parents. But should you panic if the thermometer shows a little more than 37 degrees? When and how to lower the temperature? Let's figure it out.

In newborn children (especially children under 3 months), the body's thermoregulation system is imperfect. The first few days after birth, the baby’s temperature can remain at 37-37.4 degrees.

Don't panic! Up to a year, slight fluctuations in temperature are considered normal, especially if the child has just eaten or has been naughty.

The way the baby is dressed can also affect the temperature: infants very easily overheat or, on the contrary, become hypothermic. Lack of drinking can also cause a slight rise in temperature in a child under one year old.

You cannot measure a baby's temperature:

  • after meal;
  • after a walk;
  • after crying;
  • After sleep;
  • after swimming;

The temperature of a child under one year old is measured in different ways: in the armpit (normal - 36-37 degrees), in inguinal fold, orally (normal - 36.9-37.4 degrees) and rectally (normal - 36.6-37.3 degrees). It is best to do this every day at the same time, when the baby is calm.

But, despite all of the above, the temperature of a child up to one year old needs to be monitored, because an elevated temperature can also indicate illness. If the baby is breathing heavily, is capricious and cries a lot, or, on the contrary, is very lethargic, refuses to eat, or shows signs of a cold, then it is unacceptable to ignore the fact that the child’s temperature is rising.

At a temperature of 38 and above, you should immediately call a doctor, since it is very difficult to independently determine the cause of a high temperature in a baby.

Causes of elevated temperature in a child under one year of age:

  • overheating of the child;
  • lack of drinking;
  • prolonged crying;
  • teething;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • constipation;
  • allergy;
  • stress;
  • preventive vaccination;
  • colds;
  • childhood and intestinal infections;
  • inflammatory diseases of the ear, throat, nose, kidneys, etc.

When to lower the temperature of a child under one year old?

Remember that fever is not a disease, but a means of the body fighting the disease! If the child does not have respiratory or heart diseases, then it is recommended to give an antipyretic at a temperature above 38.5 degrees.

But if a child begins to have convulsions or has had them before, the temperature rises sharply at night, then an antipyretic should be given already at a temperature of 38 degrees.

If a child under 3 months has a temperature above 38 degrees on a weekend or holiday, call an ambulance. For children under 3 months, only a doctor should prescribe medication and dosage!

How and with what to reduce the temperature of a child under one year old?

Before the doctor arrives, it would be a good idea to try to bring down the temperature. non-drug methods. Due to the imperfect thermoregulation system of the baby's body, such methods are usually quite effective.

Firstly, ventilate the room more often, after taking the baby to another room.

Secondly, if the child does not have chills, take him off warm clothes, it is best to leave him naked, just cover him with a diaper.

Thirdly, dip a gauze cloth in water at room temperature and squeeze it out, then wipe the child’s face, neck, arms, legs, and body.

Fourth, let your baby drink more often.

Fifthly, if the baby is sleeping, do not wake him without important reason, for example, a doctor's visit (feeding is not an important reason!).

If traditional methods do not help, and the temperature has exceeded 38.5 degrees, the baby should be given antipyretic. Needless to say, it is worth discussing this issue with your doctor in advance?

Antipyretic for infants can be in the form of syrup or suppositories. The effect of the syrup begins 20-30 minutes after administration, the suppositories - after 30-40. It should be remembered that candles have a more gentle effect on gastrointestinal tract infants, but if the child has not had a bowel movement for a long time, then the use of suppositories can provoke colic.

And the syrup cannot be mixed with formula, milk or water. Read the instructions carefully, strictly follow the dosage according to your age, and always check the expiration date of the medicine. If in doubt, call your GP or 911 for advice.

In any case, if the child’s temperature exceeds 38 degrees, you need to call a doctor to identify causes and prescribe appropriate treatment. An antipyretic is not a cure for disease, it is just a way to fight a fever.

Health to you and your children!

Dear readers! What did you do when your baby had a fever? In what ways have you lowered the temperature of a newborn baby? We are waiting for your comments!

A baby's temperature of 38 degrees is not that uncommon. Usually it is caused by objective circumstances or simply a failure in his still fragile thermoregulation system. However, it must be remembered that no less often hyperthermia can be a symptom of a serious illness.

Newborn babies tolerate a temperature rise of up to thirty-eight degrees quite well. Their immune system guards their health, so most often this reaction is justified.

If the child feels well and is eating well, then there is usually no reason to worry. You just need to give him more fluids to drink to prevent dehydration.

He can take any medications only with the permission of his pediatrician.

Quite common are cases when the temperature of infants rises due to:

  • Overheating;
  • lack of fluid in the body;
  • stress;
  • immune response to vaccination;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the cerebral cortex;
  • eruption of the first teeth.

These factors affect the thermoregulation center, forcing it to work at full capacity, disrupt water-salt metabolism in the baby’s body, and also have a significant impact on his immune and nervous system. IN in this case, a baby's temperature is 38 without additional symptoms - a typical occurrence.

The thermoregulation center, which is located in a certain area of ​​the cerebral cortex, is not yet well developed in children under one year old. Therefore, babies suffer greatly from heat or cold.

The normal temperature for a baby is considered to be up to 37 degrees. And in case of overheating or dehydration, a significant failure may occur and the thermometer readings may increase to 38.8.

After some time, the situation will stabilize and the thermometer readings will return to their previous levels.

A baby's temperature 38 can also be observed during constipation, which creates a considerable burden on his fragile body, prolonged and strong crying, which causes overstrain of the nervous and vegetative-vascular system, and sometimes jumps after heavy breastfeeding.

When teething, the child has a temperature of 38 for 2 months. It is of an unstable nature - when the tooth is completely grown in, the temperature returns to normal, and rises with new eruption. In one-year-old children, the readings do not exceed 38.2 degrees.

Infectious diseases

Parents should keep in mind that hyperthermia can also occur due to less harmless reasons.

An infant may become infected with a bacterial or viral disease, as well as an intestinal or respiratory infection.

In these cases, he most often experiences:

  • profuse sweating;
  • facial redness;
  • weakness;
  • malaise;
  • severe crying;
  • refusal to feed;
  • lethargy;
  • runny nose;
  • sneezing;
  • cough.

These symptoms directly indicate the development of an infection. But sometimes with such diseases a baby may have a temperature of 38 without symptoms.

This usually occurs at the very beginning of the disease. IN similar cases may be absent and any external manifestations diseases other than hyperthermia.

Therefore, you should not rush to eliminate it.

This should be done only if the fever intensifies and exceeds 38.5 degrees. Its further increase is considered life-threatening for the child, since there is a high risk of seizures.

For example, when pneumonia develops on the first day of the onset of the disease, the baby only experiences an increase in temperature to thirty-eight degrees.

If you try to knock it down, then soon these numbers will appear on the thermometer again. The presence of a temperature of 38 degrees in a child for 5-6 days requires immediate consultation with a doctor.

If a child has a temperature of 38 for 2 - 3 days, and at the same time there is a runny nose and cough, this is an obvious symptom of colds.

Whenever intestinal infection the child has a fever within 38.2-38.6 degrees, pain in abdominal cavity, frequent regurgitation, nausea, vomiting mixed with bile, which is extremely unpleasant smell and severe pallor of the skin.

Similar symptoms occur with childhood infections. But among the additional manifestations, skin rashes are always present, based on the presence of which the doctor makes a diagnosis without additional examinations.

Therefore, if a baby has a febrile temperature, it is necessary urgent help doctor

Hyperthermia after vaccination

Very often, a baby develops a fever within 38.3-38.5 after vaccination. Most often this occurs after DTP, which includes a complex of serums that protect against infection with whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus.

Such a load on the child’s body not only has a significant impact on the immune system, but can also cause various allergic reactions.

Therefore, if the baby has previously experienced such problems, then he is given antipyretic and antihistamine drugs in advance. This allows one third of newborns to avoid a significant rise in temperature.

Often its jump is also due to the fact that the composition of the vaccine is not very well balanced and has not been properly purified from ballast substances, or during its implementation measures to prevent complications were not observed.

Therefore, after vaccination, parents should very closely monitor the child’s behavior and well-being.

If he begins to develop a fever without symptoms, then it is better to try to lower it a little in a natural way and do not rush to give the baby antipyretic drugs.

As a rule, the temperature after vaccination lasts for 1 day and goes away on its own.

Since a newborn often has a temperature of 38 degrees after vaccination, it is advisable that after vaccination, the baby is first observed by a specialist.

It is he who will be able to determine the causes of hyperthermia and take timely measures to stop it. The doctor will prescribe the necessary medications in the dosage required for the baby.

Inflammatory diseases

Hyperthermia quite often occurs in newborns and due to the presence of any pathologies.

In the absence of pronounced symptoms, any respiratory disease can occur in this way.

Signs of their development can be so subtle that they may not be noticed in the baby. The only signal in this case is an increase in temperature to 38-38.4 and higher.

Hyperthermia itself is not a disease. But it clearly indicates the development of some disease.

Its appearance indicates the activation of the immune system, as well as the emergence of a strong inflammatory process, always accompanied by significant dilation of blood vessels and, as a consequence, heat. If it does not go away within a few hours, parents should contact their pediatrician.

In an infant, a temperature of 38 degrees may be accompanied by a cough, runny nose or sneezing. Therefore, in such cases, radiography may be necessary to exclude the presence of pneumonia, sinusitis or tuberculosis.

In any case, the child must be shown to a specialist for comprehensive instrumental diagnostics his body.

Principles of treatment

After clarifying the diagnosis, the fight against the underlying disease is carried out, since it is this disease that causes a rise in the baby’s temperature. As soon as the pathogenic factor disappears, it will fall off by itself.

If the temperature has risen to thirty-eight degrees, it is not advisable to immediately reduce it. It is necessary to allow the child’s immunity to strengthen and learn to cope with stress.

In addition, when the thermometer increases, most of the pathogenic microflora dies. Therefore, this mode of functioning of the body is necessary in the presence of infection.

You should start to worry only if the thermometer already records readings at 38.2 Celsius.

In such cases, parents need to first get rid of the heat that is causing Negative influence per child. But it is also worth remembering that full functioning immune system It has defense mechanism, therefore, only the attending pediatrician can decide on the urgent prescription of antipyretic drugs.

Usually the doctor prescribes:

  • Antibacterial drugs;
  • antiviral agents;
  • detoxification therapy;
  • disinfectants;
  • antihistamines.

Sometimes, if these methods are not effective, it is recommended surgical intervention.
Therefore, when a newborn’s temperature is 38 and lasts for 3-5 days, only the attending physician can decide what to do in this case. All assistance measures will be aimed at eliminating the underlying disease.

Usually, he allows antipyretic drugs to be given to the child when the cause of the disease is clear.

Doctors recommend taking them if the child’s temperature does not go astray at 38, and the general condition remains unchanged, as well as if hyperthermia continues to intensify and the marks on the thermometer are already approaching 38.7-38.9 Celsius, but no other symptoms are observed.

If a child’s temperature is 39°C and the general condition is easily controlled, then there is no need to worry too much. But the absence of accompanying symptoms should cause concern, since this is a fairly high thermal threshold, signaling sharp deterioration baby's condition. The source of any heat is the body’s reaction to the occurrence of pathology, the invasion of a virus or infection. This leads to destabilization of the processes of heat transfer and heat production, which in healthy body balanced.



A moderately febrile temperature (39 degrees) may indicate serious illness. There are few reasons for the rise in temperature and they all have pronounced symptoms.


A sharp increase in body temperature above 38.5-39°C is a condition inherent in newborns and children in the first year of life.

The following factors can provoke the development of hyperthermia:

  1. Overheating of the body. Most often observed in infants who are dressed too warmly by caring parents. The imperfection of the thermoregulation system provokes a sharp increase in body temperature in the baby, impaired breathing and heart rhythm. Symptoms of overheating are easily eliminated if the child is undressed and given water.
  2. Reaction to teething. Often accompanied high temperature. The child is nervous, refuses to eat, sleeps poorly, and has increased salivation.
  3. Viral or bacterial infection most often entails fever and is accompanied by cough, diarrhea, vomiting, and rash. The problem requires immediate consultation with a specialist.

Infectious diseases

A high body temperature that occurs in the absence of acute respiratory infections symptoms may indicate the development of the following infectious diseases:

  1. Stomatitis. Characteristic signs of the disease are purulent rashes on the oral mucosa. The child refuses to eat, gets nervous, and cries.
  2. Pharyngitis. Clinical picture The disease manifests itself as redness and rashes on the mucous membranes of the larynx.
  3. Angina. Throat diseases, which are characterized by the presence of white purulent plaque on the tonsils. The temperature during a sore throat persists until the breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria is eliminated. As a rule, treatment of sore throat is rarely complete without taking antibiotics.
  4. Otitis is an inflammation of the middle ear. U one year old child who cannot yet speak, the development of otitis media can be suspected by high body temperature and characteristic gestures (the baby covers the sore ear with his palm or does not allow him to touch it).
  5. Roseola. The disease occurs against the background of enlarged lymph nodes and moderate febrile temperature, which can be brought down only on the third day. After the fever passes, characteristic pink spots appear on the child's body.
  6. Intestinal infections (rotavirus, salmonellosis, enterovirus, dysentery). Pathogenic microorganisms, entering the child’s gastrointestinal tract, produce toxic substances that provoke hyperthermia, abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea.
  7. Tuberculosis. During the incubation period, as a rule, there are no signs of pathology, but within two weeks from the moment of infection, headaches, fever, and cough may occur.
  8. Pneumonia. With a typical type of pneumonia, the temperature begins to rise sharply, a cough with sputum appears, and sometimes pleural pain is observed.
  9. Measles. The disease develops very quickly and is accompanied by fever. After incubation period The child may experience a runny nose, dry cough, conjunctivitis and other symptoms. One of characteristic features- the appearance of red spots on the hard and soft palate.
  10. Chicken pox. Most often, in children, the rash period is painless, but an increase in temperature may be observed.
  11. Scarlet fever. The disease begins with fever, headache and general malaise. Always accompanied by a sore throat and rash. On days 2-4, the tongue becomes grainy and bright red.

Acute inflammatory diseases

No less often, the cause of high fever in infants is acute inflammatory diseases, such as:

  1. Meningitis. Most pathologies caused by disorders of the functioning of the brain provoke fever. The child also has nervousness, nausea, hallucinations, and sleep disturbances.
  2. Pathologies of the genitourinary system (cystitis, pyelonephritis). Symptoms: pain, cramps and cramps in the abdomen, child complaints of difficulty urinating.
  3. Inflammatory processes in the abdominal cavity (appendicitis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, intestinal obstruction). Their signs: pain on palpation of the abdomen, lack of appetite.

Oncological pathology

The emergence and development of malignant tumors in a child may also be accompanied by high body temperature.

In this case there are additional symptoms, such as:

  • lack of appetite, resulting in exhaustion of the body;
  • general state of weakness;
  • drowsiness and apathy;
  • frequent bleeding;
  • pale skin;
  • the occurrence of bruises and hematomas at the slightest blow.

In this case, you need to go through as soon as possible full examination body in order to exclude the most terrible suspicions of cancer pathology.

What to do in case of high temperature?

Until a specialist determines the nature of the development of fever, it is important to ensure maximum comfortable conditions, at which the heat will not increase.

In the room where the child is located, the air temperature should not exceed 20° C and the humidity level should not exceed 60%. The air must be fresh. The room where the patient is located must be ventilated several times a day. There is no need to wrap your baby up; allow him to move freely in light clothing.

At high temperatures, the child needs to be given water as often as possible. Offer him clean water, herbal teas, diluted juices and fruit drinks, and when breastfeeding- milk.

More information about what to do if elevated temperature, presented in a video filmed by the “Question to the Doctor” channel.

Drug treatment

Antipyretic drugs will help reduce a child’s temperature above 39:

  1. Paracetamol. Most safe drug. For children over 3 months of age, experts recommend the use of Paracetamol in the form of a suspension or suppository. For children over three years old - tablets. Antipyretic effect rectal suppositories begins within 40 minutes after administration, and for drugs taken orally - after 20 minutes.
  2. Ibuprofen. In addition to excellent antipyretic properties, it has a good anti-inflammatory effect. Most often used in complex treatment bacterial infection. Prescribed for children from 6 months.
  3. Analgin. As a rule, it is administered intramuscularly, in the form of an injection. Used for severe conditions when other drugs do not provide required action at a high temperature in a child. Can be prescribed to children from 1 year.

Paracetamol (20 rub.) Analgin (13 rub.) Ibuprofen (7 rub.)

It is important for parents to remember situations when medication is ineffective and immediate attention is required. ambulance doctor:

  • body temperature rose above 39.1°C;
  • fever caused the development of seizures;
  • loss of consciousness and hallucinations are observed;
  • vomiting, diarrhea, difficulty breathing appeared;
  • a child has a temperature of 39°C for more than a day when taking antipyretic drugs;
  • it is impossible to adequately assess the baby’s condition on one’s own;
  • after visible improvements, the temperature rose sharply again;
  • the child refuses to drink and there are signs of dehydration.

What not to do?

If a child’s body temperature exceeds 39 degrees, it is strictly prohibited:

  1. Independently determine the cause of the inflammatory process and begin treatment without prior consultation with a specialist.
  2. Use alcohol wipes.
  3. Apply ice. Such actions provoke vasospasm and worsen the baby’s condition.
  4. Give several antipyretics at the same time.
  5. Wrap up a child and restrict his freedom of movement. The exception is chills.
  6. Give an enema yourself.
  7. Force feed. At high temperatures, it is better to drink more than eat.
  8. Take a hot bath. Such actions can provoke a deterioration in the baby’s condition.
  9. Leaving a child alone with a high fever. The body's reaction is unpredictable; at any moment the baby's condition can deteriorate sharply.