How much quarantine for chickenpox in children. How long does chickenpox quarantine last? Chicken pox - incubation period

Chicken pox, colloquially referred to as chickenpox, is an extremely common infectious viral disease that affects people of all ages. However, chickenpox most often occurs in early age: children preschool age are particularly susceptible to this disease, since their immunity is not yet fully developed, and they have no or insufficient antibodies to the varicella-zoster virus.

One of the main features of chickenpox is its high contagiousness (contagiousness). The virus spreads easily through the air and in buildings easily passes from floor to floor through ventilation ducts. You can become infected with chickenpox through direct physical contact with the carrier, and when using shared toys, crockery, various items life.

The contagiousness of chickenpox, as well as its ability to cause serious complications in an unfavorable course - main reason, because of which children's institutions are quarantined in the presence of at least one case of the disease. You will learn about the quarantine mechanism, when you can return to the garden after chickenpox and other features of quarantine measures for this disease from our material.

Chickenpox in a kindergarten group: when and how is quarantine announced?

If in kindergarten a child is found with characteristic rashes and other signs of chickenpox, a pediatrician is called to him, who establishes a diagnosis and reports the fact of the disease to the local clinic. Quarantine for kindergarten is imposed on the basis of the relevant order received from the clinic. Most often, the parents of other children are informed about the quarantine through an announcement on the doors of the institution.

Contrary to popular belief, quarantine does not mean complete cessation the work of a kindergarten or even a group where the disease was discovered. Children who are part of a quarantine group can visit the facility, but they are not allowed into common areas - such as a music or gymnasium. All classes are held in the premises of the group, and children are taken out for a walk through another exit. In some cases, visits to common areas are allowed, but the quarantine group comes there last.

Examining children daily nurse, and, when a rash is detected, the parents of a sick child are called with a request to take him home. The child himself until the arrival of the parents is isolated from the rest of the children.

Children who have not previously had chickenpox and who have been in contact with infected people are not allowed to enter sanatoriums, hospitals and others for the quarantine period. public places where infection can occur. They are also not vaccinated. These rules apply even if rashes and other signs of illness are not yet available.

Windmill in the garden: how long does quarantine last?

Quarantine for chickenpox in kindergarten is announced for 21 days from the moment the last sick child was detected. This period corresponds to the maximum duration of the incubation period of the varicella-zoster virus, during which there are no symptoms of infection. If new cases of the disease are detected, the quarantine is extended.

In the event that your child did not attend kindergarten at the time the first case was discovered, you will be asked to leave him at home until the end of quarantine in order to avoid infection. If possible, the child may also be temporarily transferred to another group. If the parents still insist that he attend kindergarten during quarantine, they take the appropriate receipt. From the moment of the first visit to the quarantine group, the child is considered to be a contact for chickenpox; all quarantine rules apply to him.

If contact with the sick person occurred not in the group, but in the family, the child is allowed to attend kindergarten within 10 days from the moment the disease was detected. However, from the eleventh to the twenty-first day, the child is not allowed in the group.

On May 1, 2018, the Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated February 5, 2018 No. 12 “On approval of the sanitary and epidemiological rules SP 3.1.3525-18 “Prevention of chicken pox and shingles” came into force. This document governs the rules preventive measures and declaring quarantine when there is a threat of the spread of infection.

When registering a focus of infection in preschool general educational organizations (kindergartens), the medical staff of the institution is obliged to conduct daily examinations of children who have been in contact with the source of the chickenpox pathogen. This is necessary in order to identify infected children in time and prevent the spread of infection in the team. The results of examinations should be recorded in the medical journal. During the examination, body temperature is measured, assessed general state child and examined skin.

If 2 or more cases of infection are detected, it is allowed to carry out laboratory research. The purpose of the tests is to identify children with a lack of immunity to the Zoster virus and cases of atypical and mild forms of infection.

Why is chickenpox quarantine not necessary?

Currently, the mass defeat of chickenpox among the adult population is not observed. Most adults are immune to childhood. Children very easily tolerate the disease, without being exposed to acute manifestations of the disease and without the development of complications.

Chickenpox quarantine, being an obstacle to the spread of chickenpox among children, leads to the growing up of a part of the population without immunity. In the future, if infection occurs in adulthood,

These can be the following diseases:

  • meningitis, encephalitis;
  • pyoderma, purulent ulcers;
  • myocarditis, lymphadenitis;
  • sepsis and other systemic diseases.

Thus, despite the fact that the restriction of contacts in the environment for detecting infection is prescribed in SanPin for chicken pox, this is being questioned by modern experts.

In many countries of the world, restrictions are not established for contact with a child infected with chickenpox in order to enable all children with normal immunity to get sick.

How to identify chickenpox

But these are only acute manifestations that occur at the end of the incubation period.

Appear on the face or scalp pink spots which do not change color when pressed. The child becomes lethargic and inactive. He loses his appetite and also loses sleep.

How many days does chickenpox quarantine last?

If a rash is detected and the temperature rises to 39 C, the patient is placed in quarantine. If such a child is found in the kindergarten group, then the health worker examines him and informs his parents about the suspicion of chickenpox.

SanPin provides for the isolation of all contacted children from the 11th to the 21st day.

In addition, the admission of new and temporarily absent children who have not been vaccinated against this disease and have not had it before, which means they do not have immunity, is being stopped. Children from the group in which the cases of the disease are reported are not allowed to participate in public events establishments, it is also forbidden to transfer them to other groups.

Chickenpox prevention measures

Herpes has contagious properties only when it enters the mucous membranes, but outside the human body it quickly collapses. It is especially negatively affected by a moving Fresh air, ultraviolet irradiation and heating.

In accordance with the norms of SanPin, when signs of chicken pox are detected in one of the members of the group, the following actions are performed:

  • the patient is isolated from the team for a period of quarantine, which is 21 days;
  • cross-ventilation is carried out in the room at least 4 times a day;
  • twice a day, wet cleaning of the premises with the use of disinfectants is carried out;
  • disinfection of air using ultraviolet lamps;
  • soft toys are excluded from everyday life;
  • toys made from other materials are handled daily hot water with detergents.

The return of the patient from quarantine to kindergarten after chickenpox is possible after five days after the discovery of the last fresh element of the rash. But experts recommend continuing recovery period for 1-2 weeks at home.

Regular hydration does not have a direct effect on Zoster viruses, but it can increase resistance. human body. Humidity in the group should be 50-70%, which maintains optimal condition local immunity in children. It looks like this.

With normal hydration of the mucous membranes of the mouth and nasopharynx, the child produces mucus, which prevents microorganisms from entering directly onto the epithelium. With the constant removal of part of the mucus from the nose, many viruses are eliminated. If the air in the room is dry and hot, the mucus dries up, so access to the tissues where chickenpox is activated becomes open.

It should be remembered that hygiene practices also have great importance in the prevention of chickenpox. Cleanliness of hands will become a reliable barrier to the spread of the disease between contact people. After all, children infected with chickenpox, coughing and sneezing in their palms, can then transfer viruses to the mucous membranes of other babies when playing and actively communicating.

Strict observance of the rules prescribed in SanPin for chickenpox gives a guarantee to prevent the occurrence of epidemics in children's institutions.

Why is it better to get chickenpox in childhood?

Chickenpox or varicella is a highly contagious disease spread by airborne droplets. The risk of infection is especially high in crowded places. This infection primarily affects children and adults who did not have chickenpox in childhood. This disease is traditionally considered childhood. Usually it is infected in schools, kindergartens and hospitals. In this review, we will look at how to properly organize quarantine by

Main activities

As a rule, the virus is transmitted by airborne droplets from the patient to healthy person. As a result of falling into oral cavity and the nasal mucosa of an uninfected baby, the infection instantly enters the bloodstream and spreads throughout the body. Until the pathogen accumulates in the tissues in the right amount he won't show himself. This period can last from 1 to 3 weeks.

So, how to properly organize chickenpox quarantine? How many days does it last? The main purpose of this event is to prevent the further spread of the infection. Quarantine is carried out if a case of chickenpox has been detected in one of the groups. All actions are carried out in accordance with SanPiN. Examination of children in such a situation should be carried out by medical workers every day. During quarantine, all classes are held with children in the same room. In addition, the room should be wet cleaned twice a day. Effectively removes the chickenpox virus and UV exposure. That is why during quarantine, quartzization of premises is carried out several times. Dishes, furniture and toys are treated with a special disinfectant every day. The premises are ventilated twice a day.

Quarantine: as announced

If a child infected with chickenpox is found in the group, then quarantine is declared in the garden for chickenpox. How many days does it last? First of all, information about the sick person is transferred to the children's hospital. The local doctor examines the child. If the diagnosis is confirmed, information about the case of infection is transmitted to the SES, which in turn prepares a quarantine order in the institution.

Will the garden be closed during quarantine?

What awaits the institution in which chickenpox was discovered? Quarantine - how many days in kindergarten? First of all, it is worth saying that the institution does not close and continues to work, but with a number of restrictions.

Quarantine duration

Many parents worry about quarantine after chickenpox. How many days does it last? As a rule, in kindergartens and schools it lasts three weeks. This is the length of the maximum incubation period for chickenpox. If, after the end of the quarantine, a case of the disease is found again, it can be increased.

Should you take your child to kindergarten?

Not every parent has the opportunity to leave the child at home. How many days can chickenpox quarantine last? If your child has not attended children's institution, employees will most likely advise you to stay at home. This will help prevent further spread of the disease. If it is not possible to leave the child at home, you can ask the head teacher to temporarily transfer the child to another group. If the parents decide to take the baby to kindergarten, they will be asked to write a receipt of the appropriate content.

Sometimes there are not quite standard situations. For example, the child could interact with the patient outside the kindergarten. In this case, he can visit the children's institution during the first 10 days from the incident. From day 11 until full recovery, he should be at home.

Vaccinations during quarantine

There are many more restrictions that quarantine brings with chickenpox. How many days will a child have a special regime in kindergarten? Often, parents are faced with a difficult choice: is it worth getting a chickenpox vaccine during quarantine? Is it possible to do the Mantoux reaction during this period of time? According to medical professionals, there are no contraindications to vaccination against chickenpox during quarantine. The best drug for injection in this case there will be a vaccine "Varilrix". It can be administered to prevent disease. As for other vaccinations and Mantoux, they can only be done after quarantine is completed in the garden.

Precaution won't hurt

Suppose a group your child attends has been diagnosed with chickenpox. How many days will it take? If for some reason you have to send your baby to a group where incubation period, be aware of the precautions. They will help protect children from infection.

  1. Children are advised to attend the group in a gauze bandage.
  2. Physical education and music classes are held only in one room.
  3. The quarantine group goes outside through a separate exit and walks only in a specially designated area.
  4. Upon returning home, the child must wash and disinfect their hands.
  5. At home, for the purpose of prevention, it is necessary to carry out a thorough treatment of all surfaces.
  6. Parents should examine the child every day and monitor his well-being. If you suspect that the baby is sick, you need to call a doctor at home.

Quarantined institutions: who should not visit?

Suppose the kindergarten or school that your child attends has introduced chickenpox quarantine. How many days will the special regime last? Who should not go to quarantine establishments? Doctors do not recommend that pregnant women, children under the age of one year and the elderly appear in institutions where quarantine has been declared. If it is impossible to exclude a visit to the institution for some reason, you should definitely wear a gauze bandage.

According to Dr. Komarovsky, there is no need to introduce chickenpox quarantine at school or kindergarten. At an early age, this disease is mild. So it's better to just let the child get sick naturally. If we are talking about such social institutions as a hospital, then quarantine is simply necessary here. However, despite all the recommendations presented, many parents, when in a children's educational institution, which their child visits, introduce chickenpox quarantine, prefer to leave the child at home. If it is still not possible to leave the child, then they ask the head of the institution to temporarily transfer the baby to another group. However, such measures are not always justified.


Chickenpox is an unpleasant and extremely contagious disease. But it is better for them to get sick in childhood. In this review, we examined the cases in which chickenpox quarantine is announced, how many days it lasts, and what other measures are taken to prevent the spread of the disease.

Quarantine for chickenpox in institutions of mass congestion of children is appointed in order to prevent the spread of the disease.

Chickenpox is highly contagious infection which is transmitted by airborne droplets. The reason for the development pathological process is the penetration into the human body of the herpes virus type 3. Most often, chickenpox is ill in childhood.

After a disease, a strong immunity is produced in the body. It remains throughout life.

But if a person did not have chickenpox in childhood, then the risk of infection in adulthood remains. In children, the disease in most cases resolves in mild form and rarely causes complications.

When and how is quarantine declared?

In places of mass congestion of preschool and older children, quarantine is announced for the duration of the incubation period this disease. The starting point is the date at which the last infection was recorded. The introduction of quarantine is carried out by the head of the educational institution. The decree is issued on the basis of a medical report that confirms the outbreak of the virus.

Quarantine in kindergarten means limiting the contact of children with chickenpox with healthy ones. That is, if a child has been diagnosed with chickenpox, he is not allowed to visit preschool. Children who have been in contact with sick people but have not been infected may continue to go to the garden.

If the child at the time of the introduction of quarantine did not attend children's team, then parents are offered to temporarily transfer the baby to a group where there have been no cases of chicken pox. Another option is to leave the child at home until the end of the quarantine period.

Information about the infection and the temporary restriction of attendance at preschool and educational institutions posted on the front door.

Children who have had symptoms of the disease can return to kindergarten or school after receiving a certificate from a doctor, which confirms that there is no danger of spreading the infection in the team.

What to do with an outbreak of chickenpox in kindergarten and school

Most often, infection occurs with direct contact with a carrier of pathogenic microflora. Outside the human body, the virus quickly dies. However, when information about children infected with herpes type 3 appears, disinfection measures are not taken.

Quarantine rules in preschool and educational institutions:

  • Groups in which cases of chickenpox have been recorded are not allowed in areas such as a common sports or music room.
  • Game classes and the educational process are held in a room, access to which by other groups of children is limited.
  • Quarantined teams are provided with a separate (alternate) entrance to the building.
  • The room is regularly ventilated, wet cleaning is carried out.

If a person's immunity is strong, but infection still occurred, the incubation period can be long. For this reason, children who have not previously had chickenpox, but went to the quarantine group, are not allowed to visit public places.

Chickenpox - Dr. Komarovsky's School

Is quarantine necessary for chickenpox? - Doctor Komarovsky

Children who are in quarantine and attend kindergarten or school must undergo a daily medical examination. The doctor examines the skin for the presence of vesicles of chickenpox and measures body temperature. If signs of illness are detected, the child is isolated from the team and the parents are informed. From a public institution, a patient can be taken away by one of the relatives.

How long does it take

From the moment the pathogenic microflora enters the body until the first symptoms of the disease appear, 21 days pass. Quarantine for chickenpox is established relative to the duration of the incubation period. If 21 days have passed since the last recorded case of the disease and there are no repeated outbreaks of the disease, then all restrictions on the team are removed.

If another infected person appears during quarantine, the isolation period is extended.

If there is a patient with chickenpox in the family, healthy child it is allowed to attend kindergarten or school from 1 to 10 days. Starting from day 11 and up to and including 21, home quarantine is introduced, i.e. visiting public institutions is prohibited.

chicken pox guidelines

SanPiN are sanitary rules and norms that establish criteria for the safety of the external environment and requirements for ensuring suitable conditions human activities.

This document states that in the event of an outbreak of chickenpox, it is not necessary to introduce quarantine in the children's team.

Parents or guardians of an infected child have the following obligations:

  1. Diagnostics. Even if the disease is mild, it is necessary that the child is examined by a doctor.
  2. Provide care. During the illness, the child must remain. Visiting public places is not allowed for about 3 weeks. dangerous period for others, the time when the body is covered with bubbles is considered. After the rash, they burst, and the liquid they contain contains a "concentrate" of the virus.
  3. Get confirmation of the end of treatment. After chickenpox, when the crusts come off and the patient feels normal, the child can attend a kindergarten or school, but with a certificate from a doctor that confirms a satisfactory state of health.

SanPin norms do not require mandatory vaccination (more).

Chickenpox spreads through the air very quickly and over long distances. Children get chickenpox more often because their the immune system extremely weak and unstable to the virus. That is why, as soon as kindergarten begins, for most parents, the first serious illness becomes windmill.

Windmill in the garden: how long does quarantine last?

As a rule, quarantine is declared immediately after medical institution where the sick person is observed, an order will be received. The sick person is isolated for an average of 10 days, and the rest are warned that quarantine has been introduced into the group. Parents are usually notified by a notice posted on the door to the group.

The incubation period is 21 days. If during this time no more cases of the disease are detected, then the quarantine is lifted. If new infected people appear, then 21 days of quarantine are added to the date of the last case.

So, quarantine can be 3 weeks and even reach 7 months, depending on the number of children in the group and the sequence of their illness. At this time, the garden and the group do not stop their work, the quarantine group is only not introduced into public places: a dining room, a music or sports hall. They are allowed to walk on the site, as a rule, each group walks on its own.

What to do if they refused to accept a child due to chickenpox quarantine?

There are cases when some parents are refused to accept a child in a group during quarantine. Such cases occur mainly in those who were ill at the time of the discovery of chickenpox or for some other reason did not attend kindergarten. And this is not because the manager and the nurse feel sorry for a little virus for you, but because they want to reduce the quarantine period in this way.

Remember - you can not refuse to visit! You can only be advised not to drive the child so that he does not become infected, but in no way turn around and send him home. If the situation cannot be resolved peacefully, then there are several ways:

  • demand from medical worker kindergarten number and name of the document, according to which they do not accept your child in the group. Usually, after this, they will simply give up on you and allow a visit, because this is not prohibited by law;

  • if you do not want to get sick, then offer to transfer your child to another group for a while, where there is no quarantine;

  • write a receipt stating that you have been notified of the chickenpox quarantine and do not mind that your child will get it.

It is important to know that children tolerate this disease much easier and easier.