Sanpin on chickenpox in kindergarten. Is chickenpox dangerous for pregnant women. What to do if they refused to accept a child due to chickenpox quarantine

There is a whole list of childhood viral diseases, and it rarely happens that a child does not have time before the onset school age overcome at least one of them. Chickenpox occupies one of the leading positions in this list. Does your child have symptoms of chickenpox? Do not panic, but rather act wisely and consistently. To do this, you need to find out everything about this disease: how the infection spreads, what are initial symptoms and how treatment is organized.

How can you get chickenpox?

The causative agent of chickenpox is the Varicella Zoster virus, which is transmitted by airborne droplets. That is, a baby can become infected with chickenpox by visiting a playground, where he talked and played with a friend who already has this virus in his body. It is even easier to catch an infection in the garden, where there are many children and they are all in a closed room.

The chickenpox virus is a type of herpes. Once in the body of a child, it remains there forever. Despite the fact that the baby develops immunity, Varicella Zoster can cause shingles in the future in an adult.

The virus is actively introduced into the mucous membranes of the nose, pharynx, oral cavity, binding to the cell membrane through specific proteins. After that, it penetrates into the blood, is fixed in the cells skin. This contributes to the development of papules on the surface of the skin, then the epidermis exfoliates, forming a vesicle. In the process of rapid division of viral cells and their introduction into the body, allergic manifestations, fever and other symptoms are possible.

Note that the virus is unstable and dies in open space within 10 minutes. In this regard, it makes no sense to carry out thorough disinfection in a room where an infectious person has visited. If possible, it is better to isolate the patient from others.

chickenpox symptoms

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Chickenpox has symptoms that are different from other childhood infectious diseases. However, the manifestations of chickenpox are sometimes confused with something else. Consider the most striking signs, as well as the course of the disease. Doctors distinguish three periods of the disease:

  • Incubation (hidden or latent) - at this time the virus has already entered the body, but has not yet shown itself in any way. Chickenpox has a two-week latent period. If we are talking about an adult patient, the incubation period can be a month.
  • Intermediate period (called prodromal). Its beginning is considered the moment 1-2 days before the appearance of the first pimple, and at this time the patient is already contagious. Children are asymptomatic, adults show signs of infection and intoxication.
  • The period of rashes - "finish line", lasts about a week.

First signs

Traditionally, the initial manifestations of chickenpox are pink spots on the body, filled with a clear liquid. However, their appearance may be preceded by a general malaise characteristic of the prodromal period. It is expressed in general weakness, fever, headache. Wherein given state more often occurs in adult patients, in children such phenomena may be absent altogether.

As soon as the first formation in the form of a speck appeared on the patient's body, it is already impossible to stop the process of their spread. After a couple of hours, parents may find a few more pimples. At the same time, each of them goes through three stages of its development. The photo above shows the primary "version" of the rashes:

  1. At first, it is a nodule that rises above the skin. Pink colour and dense structure, ranging in size from 2 to 4 mm.
  2. Then it transforms into a vesicle - it fills with a clear liquid and becomes more convex. A pink inflamed edging (maceration) appears around the formation.
  3. The third stage is characterized by drying of the vesicle, which bursts, gradually turns into a dense crust and disappears.

Further course of the disease

How long is the breakout period? On average, about five days. However, the terms can vary both up (up to nine days) and down. In addition to a rash on the body, which can affect the mucous membrane of the genital organs, as well as the lips, the so-called enanthema occurs in the patient's mouth. These are similar bubbles that, when bursting, turn into yellowish sores with hyperemic edges. These ulcers heal quite quickly - after 3-5 days there will be no trace of them.

As a rule, already on the 2nd day after the appearance of the rash, the child feels satisfactory, except for the discomfort due to the fact that skin formations itchy and itchy. It is important not to allow the patient to comb the wounds so as not to introduce a bacterial infection.

An adult can also get chickenpox, but the period of rashes in him is long and painful. A high temperature is possible (up to 40 ° C), and the disease can also turn into a complex form - bullous, gangrenous or hemorrhagic. These varieties of the disease often give complications to other organs, cause meningitis, damage to the myocardium, lymph nodes.

Chickenpox treatment

Treatment of chickenpox is carried out only symptomatically. To this day, there are no available drugs that could effectively affect the varicella-zoster virus. The fact is that microorganisms are introduced into the DNA of the patient's cell. However, the prognosis for recovery is almost always favorable if the parents carefully follow the doctor's instructions.

Medication use

Medicines for the treatment of chickenpox are used in two types - for local exposure and for oral administration. Taken orally:

  • Antipyretics, which simultaneously bring down the temperature and relieve pain syndrome. These are drugs based on paracetamol (Efferalgan, Panadol) or ibuprofen (Nurofen, Ibuprofen). It is not recommended to give acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin) to children, as it can cause liver failure and encephalopathy. The syndrome was described by the Australian anatomist Ray back in the mid-twentieth century, and can occur in a baby during an infectious disease while being treated with aspirin.
  • Antihistamines according to the age and weight of the patient. Preparations of this group will help relieve itching and relieve hyperemia.
  • At severe course diseases are prescribed immunoglobulins, interferon. If purulent complications occur, antibiotics are indicated.

In some cases, detoxification therapy is prescribed, crystalloid solutions are used. Light is used to accelerate the healing of vesicles. ultraviolet lamp- Under its influence, the rash stops itching and dries up faster.

At the same time, pimples should be lubricated with preparations for local treatment, which must be applied at least 3-4 times a day:

  • Use brilliant green (brilliant green), a solution of potassium permanganate or a 1% solution of methylene blue. Today, brilliant green can be bought in the form of a pencil, which is convenient to “draw” on the body without getting your hands dirty.
  • Enanthems in the mouth can be treated with hydrogen peroxide, alternating it with a 1% solution of rivanol.
  • Also good results brings lubrication of the vesicles with Acyclovir ointment ( antiviral drug) (we recommend reading:). However, it can only be used if the child is already 1 year old.
  • Some pediatricians recommend lubricating dried crusts fat cream to speed up their maturation.

Quarantine in case of illness

In the group of kindergarten, which was attended by a child with chickenpox, quarantine is announced. During this period, children who were not in the garden at the time the infection was detected are not allowed into it. In addition, children who have been in contact with a sick classmate cannot be vaccinated these days, they are not placed in a hospital with other patients. IN last resort such a patient is allocated a separate ward.

A child who has been in contact with an ill friend may become ill as early as 11 days after contact. If after three weeks he is still healthy, he has clean skin means the infection is gone. Infectivity after the last rash conditionally persists for 10 days - this time is enough for a complete recovery.

When can a baby be bathed?

Often parents wonder if it is possible to bathe a son or daughter during chickenpox (more in the article:)? It is best not to wet the vesicles while the disease is in its acute stage.

Once most of the pimples have begun to crust, it is allowed to take a shower. In this case, you should try not to damage the dried surface of the wounds so that there are no marks. It is worth taking a bath only when the dried crusts fall off.

How many days is the baby contagious?

While the incubation period lasts, the baby will not be able to infect anyone. As soon as initial rashes appear on the skin, the child can become a source of infection for others. How many days is a patient considered contagious? When the last crust falls off, you should wait another week before contacting other children.

If shingles is found in one of the adult family members, the offspring may catch the infection (we recommend reading:). In this case, from 11 to 21 days after the onset of the disease, the contact child can get sick and infect one of his friends. During this period, it is better for a potentially infectious baby not to attend kindergarten.

Chickenpox prevention

Vaccination is one of the measures to prevent chickenpox. To date, in a number of countries in Europe and America, vaccination against chickenpox is included in the recommended calendar of events. Since 2008, vaccination against chicken pox has also been carried out in the Russian Federation. It is noted that vaccinated persons receive strong immunity - so far not a single case of the disease has been registered after vaccination.

The purpose of quarantine for chickenpox is to limit the contact of healthy children with a sick child. Conditions are being created in schools and preschool institutions to prevent the spread of infectious diseases in accordance with sanitary and epidemic requirements.

The purpose of quarantine for chickenpox is to limit the contact of healthy children with a sick child.

When and how is quarantine declared?

chickenpox quarantine in kindergarten or the school announces after the first case of the disease is detected. If a child falls ill in kindergarten, they are isolated, parents are called and sent for treatment.

The medical worker registers the fact in the register of infectious diseases, within 2 hours sends a message to the clinic by phone, then draws up an emergency message according to the established pattern.

The specialist of the sanitary and epidemiological surveillance authorities issues an order for preventive measures.

Quarantine is declared by order of the head of the institution. Parents will be informed about this by the teacher, an announcement must be placed at the entrance. Children who have been in contact with the patient may attend their own group or class.

What to do with an outbreak of chickenpox in a team

During quarantine, chicken pox is monitored daily. Morning reception and filter in kindergarten control nurse or a doctor.

They examine the body and visible mucous membranes of the child, measure the temperature. The child is not allowed in the group if there are symptoms of the disease (rash with vesicles, blisters, fever).

Parents should also be extremely careful. At the first signs of chickenpox, when the baby has weakness or drowsiness, there is no appetite, it is better to leave him at home and call the local pediatrician.

If the disease occurs in mild form, the child is isolated for 9-10 days.

After the rash, crusts form, and the child no longer poses a threat of infection. With the development of complications (accession of a secondary infection), hospitalization may be necessary. After chickenpox, the child comes to school or kindergarten with a doctor's certificate of recovery.

Sanitary measures do not include a disinfection regime, since type 3 herpes virus is unstable in the external environment. Regular airing and wet cleaning are required.

All classes, including music and physical education, are held in the group or classroom. Children are taken out for a walk through a separate entrance.

Children from quarantine groups are not allowed in sanatoriums, sports and health camps postpone planned hospitalization. Medical certificates to such institutions in without fail contain a conclusion on contacts with infectious patients.

The enrollment of children in the group is temporarily stopped. It is dangerous to expose an unadapted child to the risk of infection.

Chickenpox quarantine does not apply to children who have been ill before. A person acquires stable immunity after the first meeting with the herpes virus.

How long does it take

Quarantine for chickenpox can last from 21 days (if there are no repeated outbreaks) to several months. Three weeks is the maximum incubation period, When obvious signs there is no illness yet, but the child is already infected. With the identification of each case of chickenpox, the duration of quarantine increases.

If the child has not attended preschool at the time of the announcement of quarantine and was not in contact with the patient, parents may be offered a home regimen until the end of quarantine measures or a temporary transition to another group (perhaps not by age).

Sometimes parents insist on admission to the quarantine group. In this case, they must write an application addressed to the head of the kindergarten.

chickenpox incubation period

chickenpox - acute infection. It is transmitted by airborne droplets. The causative agent is a virus from the herpes family. Chickenpox refers to childhood infections, because it affects mainly children. The characteristic signs of chickenpox are fever body and rash. Today, chickenpox is the most common childhood infection.

With chickenpox, the period from the moment of contact with the patient until the onset of the first symptoms lasts 11-21 days. Very rarely it increases to 23 days.

For parents, this means

  1. That in the children's group, where the child was found, the chickenpox patient will be quarantined for 21 days, starting from last date visits to the kindergarten by the last child with chickenpox. If your child did not have chickenpox and was in contact with a sick person, until the quarantine ends in the group, they will not be allowed into the sanatorium, they will not be hospitalized (except in emergency cases - then the child will be placed in a separate box), they will not be vaccinated.
  2. If your child has not been in contact with the sick person (temporarily did not attend kindergarten), you will be offered to keep the child at home until the quarantine in the group ends (this can last a long time, with each new case of chickenpox, the quarantine is extended); temporarily transfer the child to another group where there is no quarantine; or, if you do not want to stop visiting the group by your child, despite the quarantine, they will take a receipt from you that you are aware of the events and do not mind if your child becomes infected with chickenpox in kindergarten (by writing a receipt and sending the child to the group, you make him a contact on chickenpox and it automatically falls under all the rules set out in the paragraph above).
  3. In your child, if he was in contact with the patient, skin rashes should be looked for starting from the 11th day from the moment of contact, and if the child did not get sick within 21 days from that moment, then chickenpox infection did not occur.
  4. If the contact occurred in the family, the contact child can still attend kindergarten for the first 10 days from the onset of illness of a family member with chickenpox, but from the 11th day to the 21st day inclusive, the contact child must stay at home.


Chickenpox and shingles

Chickenpox can be contracted from a person with shingles, because These two diseases are caused by the same virus. In this case, the infection occurs from the elderly during the period of rashes. Parents and grandparents need to be aware of this possibility and avoid contact between the child (as well as an adult who has not had chickenpox) and relatives with shingles.

The most likely source of infection is a child with chickenpox

Chickenpox is most likely to be contracted from a patient in last day incubation period, as well as throughout the disease until the crusts fall off.

Symptoms of the disease

Temperature increase

Body temperature may rise slightly, but it can also reach high numbers up to 39ºС and above. Parents are usually worried that the temperature stays for a long time or decreases, and then rises again. For windmills, this is normal. The temperature with chickenpox lasts until the child has new elements of the rash. As soon as new rashes stop, the temperature decreases.


This is the main, decisive symptom of the disease. Chickenpox without fever is possible, but without a rash, no. To make such a diagnosis, you need to find at least a few elements of the rash on the skin.

  1. The rash first appears on the skin as red spots. Most often, the first elements of the rash are found on the scalp.
  2. Then the spots begin to rise above the surface of the body, resembling mosquito bites. At this stage, parents often think that the child has been bitten by mosquitoes.
  3. Gradually, the elements of the rash turn into bubbles filled with transparent contents. Just the doctor is always looking for them to make a diagnosis. It is the bubbles that distinguish the rash with chickenpox from the rash with other diseases.
  4. Then the bubbles burst and crusts form on the skin.
  5. When the crusts dry up and fall off, the child will be considered healthy.

Features of the rash with chickenpox

  1. With chickenpox in the early days, new elements of the rash continue to appear continuously. Therefore, at the same time you can see on the skin of one child, all stages of development of the rash element: from spots to crust.
  2. With chickenpox, the rash usually does not spread to the palms and soles and to the mucous membranes of the mouth and genitals. The presence of elements of the rash in these areas indicates a rather severe course of the disease.
  3. Skin rash may be accompanied severe itching. And rashes on the mucous membranes - soreness - as a result, difficulties may arise when eating and urinating.

Duration of illness

On average, the illness lasts about 10 days. The first 5 days usually continue with fever and active rashes. Over the next 5 days, the temperature returns to normal, new elements of the rash do not appear, the bubbles gradually turn into crusts and the crusts disappear.

In severe cases and profuse rashes, the disease can last longer.

Admission to the team

A child is considered healthy and is admitted to the team if at least 10 years have passed since the onset of the disease. calendar days and all of the following conditions are met:

  1. The child is active and doing well.
  2. On the skin of the child there are only single crusts and there are no elements of the rash at other stages of development.
  3. At least 5 days in a child normal temperature body.
  4. There are no fresh rashes on the skin for at least 5 days.


  1. Chickenpox is usually treated on an outpatient basis. Except for severe cases of illness.
  2. Home mode is recommended - exclusion of contact with children and adults who have not had chickenpox.
  3. Bed rest is recommended for a period of elevated body temperature.
  4. Symptomatic treatment - alleviating the patient's condition, and not destroying viruses.
  5. An increase in body temperature above 38 ° C requires the use of.
  6. A plentiful warm drink is prescribed: a decoction of chamomile, rose hips, fruit drinks, compotes, tea.
  7. It is recommended that the elements of the rash be treated with brilliant green at least 1 time per day. Zelenka is smeared separately with each element of the rash. It has a drying, disinfecting effect, relieves itching. Zelenka helps to distinguish fresh (not smeared) elements of the rash from old ones - thereby more clearly limiting the infectious period of the disease.
  8. For those who do not like brilliant green (usually teenagers and adults, they do not like to walk with green face and hair) also have options. You can use a 5% solution of potassium permanganate (this is a concentrated solution, it has a dark purple color. It can be purchased at a pharmacy with a doctor's prescription. If you decide to prepare a solution at home, before use, it must be filtered through cheesecloth so that potassium permanganate crystals do not appear on the skin and Potassium permanganate solution is used in the same way as brilliant green, they are smeared separately with each element of the rash.The potassium permanganate solution does not allow you to accurately track when new elements of the rash stop appearing on the skin, but it is washed off faster and does not leave behind green marks.
  9. There are also ointments, powders and lotions that have the same effect as brilliant green or potassium permanganate, but do not stain the skin. For example: "calamine lotion", "delaskin."
  10. If there are elements of the rash in the oral cavity, frequent rinsing of the mouth with chamomile, sage is recommended.
  11. If there are elements of the rash on the genital mucosa, sitz baths with a weak, pale pink (0.1%) solution of potassium permanganate or chamomile are recommended. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes - 2-3 times a day.
  12. With a strong skin itching Oral antihistamines such as Zyrtec can be used.
  13. It is recommended to bathe a child only after the crusts have completely fallen off, because. in a humid environment there is a risk of secondary infection.


Chickenpox is not a severe dangerous infections, relatively rarely causes severe complications so the chickenpox vaccine is not included in the Russian calendar vaccination. Although in some countries, such as Greece and Germany, such a vaccination is on the calendar.

Our fellow citizens have the opportunity to get such a vaccination in a paid center. In addition, there are risk groups for the severe course of chickenpox: people with blood diseases and malignant neoplasms - it is recommended that such children be vaccinated against chickenpox.

In Russia, 2 vaccines are used: Varilrix, manufactured in Belgium and Okawax, Japan. There are no fundamental differences between these vaccines.

Both vaccines contain a live attenuated varicella-zoster virus cultured on human diploid cells, the antibiotic neomycin and excipients: mannitol, sorbitol, amino acids. Both vaccines are available as a dry powder complete with a diluent. Introduced subcutaneously into the shoulder area. Vaccinations are given to children from 1 year. Children from 1 to 12 years of age are vaccinated once. Children over 12 years old and adults twice with an interval of 6-10 weeks.

Contraindications to the introduction of the varicella vaccine are acute diseases and pregnancy.

For healthy people, the administration of the Varilrix vaccine can be combined with the administration of any other vaccines, except for BCG, provided that they are injected with different syringes in different parts of the body.

Okavax vaccine is recommended to be administered simultaneously only with inactivated (killed) vaccines. and do not belong to inactivated ones, therefore they are not combined with Okavax. Between their administration and Okavax, it is recommended to observe an interval of 1 month.

Reactions to the introduction

At the injection site, there may be moderate pain, redness, swelling - occur in the first 48 hours, disappear on their own after a few days.

Perhaps a short-term increase in temperature to low numbers, weakness, lethargy, headache, very rarely rash (from 7 to 21 days after vaccination). All these manifestations pass on their own in a few days and do not require treatment. In addition to raising the temperature above 38 ° C - in this case, as always, you need to use antipyretics.

Severe allergic reactions are extremely rare.

Immunity after vaccination reaches a protective level after 6 weeks and persists in children of 7 years.

Download instructions for the vaccine,

The SanPiN document (sanitary rules and norms) on chickenpox contains a list of recommendations that help prevent the spread of this infectious disease in children's or adult groups. These rules apply throughout Russia. They must be followed by both state organizations and institutions with a private form of ownership.

What is windmill

Chickenpox is caused by a virus called Varicella Zoster. It belongs to the category of herpesviruses of the third type. This DNA-containing microorganism is rather unstable to negative environmental factors. Despite this, he is able to remain fully active for several hours in a room with dry and stagnant air. Also, the chickenpox virus easily moves along with ventilated flows, overcoming several tens of meters.

IN environment the microorganism enters with particles of the patient's saliva. He is highly contagious. When it enters the body of a person who does not have specific immunity, it causes a disease with almost 100 percent probability. Especially big risk chickenpox exists in such conditions:

  • low humidity;
  • lack of regular ventilation;
  • neglect of the most simple rules hygiene.

The need to perform SanPiN is caused by the peculiarities of the course of chickenpox.

This disease spreads quite quickly indoors and can cause serious complications in the absence of adequate and timely treatment.

After infection, the symptoms of chickenpox do not appear immediately. This disease has an incubation period of 1-3 weeks. Its duration depends on the state immune system organism and age of the patient. The shorter it is, the more severe the chickenpox.

The threat of this disease is also the fact that a sick person becomes potentially dangerous to others 1-2 days before the first rash appears and remains so for another 5 days after the last papules form on the body. Chickenpox is considered the most dangerous on the 14th day, when the disease reaches its peak.

Is quarantine necessary

SanPiN indicates that if chickenpox is detected in a children's or adult team, it is necessary to limit the patient's communication with others. But this rule is actively discussed by modern experts and criticized. It has been established that chickenpox is not capable of causing epidemics among the adult population. This is due to the fact that this virus is very active and most often affects a person aged 6 months to 7 years. Therefore, many adults have specific immunity and they are not afraid of chickenpox.

In the developed countries of the world, the communication of a sick child with the team is not limited in any way. This leads to the fact that most people get chickenpox in childhood which reduces the risk of any complications to zero.

When limiting the contact of people with chickenpox with healthy population significantly reduced the number of patients. As a result, many adults do not have specific lifelong immunity, which is very dangerous. The older the patient, the greater the risk of developing various complications that cause disability or even death. These include:

  • Abscess, suppuration, bullous streptoderma. They develop as a result of secondary infection when combing formations on the body.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Meningitis, encephalitis.
  • Myocarditis.
  • Lymphadenitis.
  • Sepsis.
  • Reye's syndrome, which is accompanied by acute liver failure.

Characteristic symptoms of the disease

After the end of the incubation period, the first symptoms of the disease develop. These include:

  • Severe weakness, which can be combined with increased fatigue and decreased ability to work.
  • Very rarely - diarrhea, vomiting and other digestive disorders. Sometimes this condition can lead to the development of seizures.
  • The appearance of various sleep disorders.
  • Detection of rashes characteristic of chickenpox.
  • Increase in body temperature.

The severity of symptoms depends on many factors, including the age of the patient..

What rashes appear with chickenpox

by the most hallmark chickenpox is considered a rash. Its development is as follows:

  • small reddenings appear on the body, the size of which at first does not exceed a millimeter, after which they increase to a centimeter;
  • the area located in the middle of the redness rises up and forms a papule;
  • in the center of the formation, a liquid is collected that resembles a drop of water;
  • the appeared vial with transparent contents is covered with a thin skin film;
  • over time, the liquid begins to become cloudy, and the formation itself is significantly compacted;
  • the appeared papule becomes scalloped, gradually dries up;
  • over time, the formation is covered with a crust, which disappears after a few days.

Most dangerous are rashes that form on mucous membranes.. They can be found in the mouth, in the nose, on the surface of the genitals, or near the eyes. These formations very quickly transform into erosion with a yellowish-grayish bottom. Such rashes are prone to secondary infection, which can cause the development of various complications.

How long do the main symptoms appear

Chickenpox is characterized by the simultaneous presence of rashes on the body, which have gone through different stages of development. On the skin area, both fresh vesicles with liquid and dried crusts may be present. Each of the formations on the body usually completely disappears only after 2-3 weeks.

In the presence of fever, it lasts no longer than 2-3 days. With a complicated course of the disease, fever can be observed for about 10 days. With chickenpox, fever very often appears and disappears at intervals of several hours or days, which is quite normal. The period of appearance of rashes usually lasts from 2 to 9 days.


Diagnosis of the disease is carried out on the basis of clinical symptoms. The rashes characteristic of chickenpox are significantly different from the formations on the skin that develop with other pathologies. Therefore, only on this basis, most patients can be diagnosed correctly.

To determine the state of the body, some patients are prescribed general analysis blood. It clearly shows an increase in ESR. Very rarely, specific serological methods are used that will accurately establish the fact of the development of chicken pox. But this is practiced very rarely due to the high cost of diagnostic procedures.

Is chickenpox dangerous for pregnant women

If a pregnant woman has chickenpox, there is no indication for artificial termination of pregnancy. Wherein this rule relevant for any period. If chickenpox appeared in the first trimester of pregnancy, the risk of a fetus being affected by a virus is negligible - no more than 0.4%. For a period of 14 to 20 weeks, the probability negative consequences for a child is no more than 2%.

For more late term the risk of complications for the fetus is almost zero. You can further reduce the likelihood of negative consequences from chickenpox for a pregnant woman by introducing a specific immunoglobulin. It completely protects the child from all the negative consequences that chickenpox can provoke.

The only danger that exists for the baby is his infection in the period 4-5 days before birth. At this time, women most often lack clinical symptoms diseases, which does not allow it to be diagnosed in time. In this case, a child is born who may have congenital chickenpox with a probability of 17%. A third of these children die, while others develop severe consequences. The first symptoms of congenital chickenpox usually appear between 6 and 11 days after the baby is born.

Quarantine regulations

Operating normative documents in the field of health care (SanPiN) it is established that when the fact of the appearance of chickenpox in children's team no need to quarantine. If a child has chickenpox, you should use the recommendations common to all diseases:

  • the patient should not be in contact with other children and attend an educational institution (on average, about 3 weeks);
  • it is necessary to consult a doctor to determine the patient's condition and treatment tactics;
  • if a child is absent from school or kindergarten for more than 5 days, it is necessary to bring a certificate of his state of health.

In SanPiN there are no requirements for mandatory vaccination against chickenpox. If employees of educational or medical institutions insist on such an action, it is illegal.

Chickenpox treatment

To date, does not exist effective drugs, which could directly attack the varicella-zoster virus and destroy it. Therefore, the treatment of the disease is mainly symptomatic or comes down to increasing the body's defenses. It is recommended to adhere to strict bed rest throughout the fever period.

Doctors prescribe certain drugs to alleviate the patient's condition and prevent the development of complications. These include:

  • Antihistamines. Assigned in the form of ointments, creams or tablets inside. They fight itching, which causes the patient to scratch the formations on the skin, which provokes the addition of a secondary infection.
  • Antibacterial agents. Used to treat rashes to prevent infection and speed up healing.
  • Preparations from the group of tannins. They are used to dry formations on the skin and accelerate regeneration.
  • Anti-febrile drugs. Used to lower body temperature. Most often used medicines that contain paracetamol or ibuprofen. Aspirin is strictly prohibited for children because it can cause the deadly Reye's syndrome.

In order for the treatment of chickenpox to be more effective, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • It is forbidden to dress the child too warmly. Increased sweating provokes increased itching, which leads to combing formations on the body.
  • The child should have short-cut nails to prevent scratching of the rash. Very young children are advised to wear gloves or thin mittens.
  • After water procedures the body must be gently blotted with a towel. Rubbing the skin is prohibited.
  • It is advisable to keep the child busy all the time so that he does not concentrate on skin itching. In extreme cases, doctors prescribe not only antihistamines to eliminate given symptom but also light soothing.

Chickenpox vaccination

the only effective method chickenpox prevention is considered to be vaccination. In some countries of the world, it is done without fail - Australia, Austria, USA. In Europe, such a vaccine is given only to people who are at risk of developing life-threatening complications. The decision was prompted by fears that mass vaccination of children could lead to an outbreak of herpes zoster among the elderly. In Russia and many other countries, such prevention of chickenpox is carried out selectively, at the request of parents.

As a result of the introduction of the vaccine, a person develops a strong immunity. It is saved on long years- not less than 20 years. To achieve this result, the vaccine is given according to the following scheme:

  • Okavax vaccine. It is used in the amount of 1 dose for children under 1 year old.
  • Vaccine Varilrix. It is administered to children over the age of 1 year twice in the amount of one dose with an interval of 6-10 weeks.
  • For emergency prophylaxis, any of the vaccines is administered in the amount of one dose for 3 days after contact with the patient.

How to deal with an outbreak of chickenpox in a team

In most cases, chickenpox does not pose a risk to children, but it can cause serious consequences in adults. Therefore, the state norms prescribed in SanPiN clearly indicate what needs to be done in case of an outbreak. this disease a team.

(or chicken pox) is an acute infectious disease with symptoms manifested by many rashes on the skin in the form of papules filled with a clear liquid and high temperature body.

The infection is transmitted by airborne droplets and spreads among children aged 2 to 6 years. In children, the disease occurs in a milder form. Some time after the illness, the body is covered with pink spots, which subsequently turn into papules with liquid. They itch a lot. After a rash, the patient's temperature rises to 39 ° C (more). After the disappearance of the bubbles, a brown crust forms in their place.

In the absence of immunity to this infection, chickenpox can also affect adults. The disease they have is severe (more). If a person's immunity is weakened, then in most cases he develops complications.

Since children are susceptible to infection with chickenpox, kindergartens and schools are the centers of the spread of the disease. If a disease is detected, special disinfection measures are not carried out in educational institutions. This is due to the unstable activity of the microorganism that causes chickenpox. In the external environment, the virus that causes the infection is rapidly destroyed.

In the kindergarten group, quarantine for chickenpox is announced for the incubation period from the moment the last case was detected.

All babies who have been in contact with the patient are allowed to visit the kindergarten. Children by different reasons who did not visit at that time children's institution, it is proposed to move to another group or stay at home for the quarantine period.

When and how is quarantine announced?

If a child with symptoms of chickenpox is found in an educational institution, a doctor is called to the group or class to make a diagnosis. When positive result the head of the educational institution issues an order to introduce quarantine.

An announcement about quarantine for chickenpox in a kindergarten or school to inform parents is posted on the doors of the institution. Sick babies are left at home for a period while rashes appear.

What to do with the outbreak of chickenpox in the team?

During the quarantine, the institution continues to operate. Measures to protect the team from the spread of chickenpox:

  • Quarantined groups are not allowed in the music and sports halls, classes are held in the group's premises or in the classroom;
  • into buildings educational institutions and for a walk, quarantined groups get through the emergency entrance;
  • on the premises frequent airing and wet cleaning
  • children from quarantine groups who have not previously had chickenpox are not admitted to sanatorium-and-spa institutions, for inpatient treatment and others public places where they can become sources of infection.

According to the rules of quarantine, children should be examined by a nurse every day. When a patient is identified, he is isolated from the rest of the kids and the parents are called to take the child home.

How long does it take?

The maximum incubation period for varicella zoster virus, when there are no symptoms, is 21 days. For the same period, quarantine is prescribed for chickenpox from the date of detection of the last sick baby. If another patient appears, the quarantine is extended.

Contact with a sick person at home healthy child allowed to attend kindergarten for 10 days. From 11 to 21 days inclusive, he is not taken to kindergarten.