Feelings the day before childbirth. The last weeks before giving birth... Condition before childbirth

During the gestation period, every woman prepares for an important event in her life - the birth of a baby. Although childbirth is a very long process, there is a lot of time and effort to prepare for them. It's complex and milestone for every woman, after which life changes in the roots. Childbirth is a complex and natural process, so you definitely need to prepare for it. I call prenatal or prenatal period last month gestation. At that time female body is already tuned in for childbirth, and the baby is already fully developed and almost ready to be born. Already 3-4 weeks before the birth, the woman in labor begins to change in many ways: both psychologically and physically.

Life before childbirth

For excellent physical condition future mom so that her muscles are in shape, during pregnancy, she does simple exercises that are included in special gymnastic complexes for pregnant women. Very helpful in the pool.

Of course, we hope that if you smoked before conception, then, having learned about the situation, you immediately quit the bad habit. If not, try to find the strength in yourself to quit smoking. This is essential for both you and your child. After all, many people know that smoking and alcohol have a bad effect on the health of the baby.

Read good books, get busy special gymnastics, walk, rest on fresh air- this will provide you with ideal bearing, and easy childbirth.

You can see for yourself what happens to some mothers with a tummy before childbirth:

Health before childbirth

Many people know that a woman during pregnancy should carefully monitor her own health. Check your health again before giving birth. It is useful to go to a neurologist, ENT specialist, ophthalmologist, therapist. Also go to the dentist, because teeth can be the first source of infection and cause some complications after childbirth. If you have varicose veins of the legs, go to the surgeon. The specialist will determine if surgery is required. After 8 months of gestation, experts advise to undergo a thorough sanitation of the birth canal. They do this to remove pathogenic microflora. This is true if the woman in labor has diseases that are transmitted by sexual activity (candidiasis, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, herpes). Such procedures are tedious in order to protect the child during his passage through the birth canal. In addition, sanitation saves a woman from vaginal cracks that may occur due to inflammation.

Regarding the gynecologist, after the 35th week of pregnancy, the woman in labor mandatory must go every 7 days. At the appointment, the specialist determines the position of the baby, listens to the heartbeat, and measures the size of the uterus.

Food before childbirth

If a woman monitors the quality and quantity of what she eats during pregnancy, then before giving birth, this issue needs to be given even more attention.

After 8 months of pregnancy, food changes not in favor of meat: it must be reduced, and not consumed at all for half a month. You also need to exclude foods containing protein (milk, butter, eggs, fish). At the same time, you need to use herbal teas, mineral water, fresh juices, baked vegetables, cereals on the water, dairy products.

Seven days before the expected birth, salt, dairy products, bread, cereals should be excluded. Food should be only vegetable. It is important that during this period a lot of vegetable oil. , which is present in it, helps to make the birth canal and blood vessels elastic. Also, it is an ideal prevention of hemorrhoids.

Ideal weight gain during the gestation period, becomes a minimum of 9 and a maximum of 13 kg. These kilograms include the weight of the uterus, baby, breast, placenta, amniotic fluid. Of course, everyone is individual, and an increase of 13 kg is not a significant problem. However, you need to be wary if your weight increases by 20 or more kilograms. Then, the specialist prescribes to the woman in labor special diet. After all, an increase can complicate childbirth.

An interesting point: before childbirth, in the last 14 days, a weight loss has been observed in a woman in labor. Doctors attribute this phenomenon to the loss a large number liquids.

Sleep before labor

The closer to birth, the more woman tends to sleep. After all, the female body tries to sleep off and gain the necessary strength before physical work. For the same reasons, sleep during the preparation for childbirth plays great importance. You need to sleep at least 9 hours in a well-ventilated area. You can even sleep with the window open. It is important that the woman in labor feels that she has slept and rested.

Fear of childbirth

A pregnant woman has a rhinestone for all nine months. However, the longer they are, the stronger the fear. A woman in labor, especially a primipara, asks many questions: how to avoid complications? Will the baby get hurt? Will it hurt? Such and many other women do not allow a woman to rest or sleep peacefully. The stories of “well-wishers” about the problems that labor pains, fatal births, complex experiments. Believe me, such information in this moment should not interest you. If you have not attended special courses for pregnant women, then do it right now. Some schools conduct express courses before labor. At such courses, a lot of things are explained to a woman in labor: ways to alleviate pain, the mechanism of childbirth, teach techniques. All this information is very helpful during childbirth. If it is not possible to attend courses, there is special literature or the Internet.

You need to understand: that fear has a bad effect on the course of childbirth itself. Therefore, severe pain, tears, cracks can occur. It turns out that the more the woman in labor is afraid, the stronger the pain will be. Many people know that pain breeds fear. To prevent this from happening, a woman needs to learn how to relax even before childbirth, and when the time will come calmly apply your knowledge.

Harbingers of childbirth

Before childbirth, some signs appear that indicate that childbirth is approaching (). Such as, it becomes easier for a woman in labor to breathe, the fetus lowers her abdomen, it is difficult to walk or sit. Before childbirth, defecation and urination become more frequent. There is pain in the lower abdomen. The woman in labor has abrupt change states and moods: She is sometimes passive and tired, sometimes “subversive” and energetic. Some people can't wait for this moment. Half a month before giving birth, women manifest the maternal instinct of "nesting". She's ready for a long time make, clean, wash, clean. All this is good, of course. However, everything should be in moderation. Do not forget that in this position you are contraindicated to overstrain.

Most clear sign the onset of childbirth, these are irregular contractions of the uterus. 14 days before childbirth, a special mucous plug leaves the woman in labor, which closes the cervix during the gestation period. The mucus may be pink or yellow color. At times, the woman in labor clearly sees that the cork has come off. But it can also go unnoticed. A woman in labor, you need to understand that her water can break at any moment. This is the main sign that began birth process. In such a situation, you can not waste even a second. Go to the hospital immediately or call an ambulance.

Feelings before childbirth are the clues that the body gives to a pregnant woman. With their help, you can determine the current changes in the body, the health status of the expectant mother, the moment of the birth of the child. Below we will take a closer look at this question, as well as describe and explain the feelings that ladies experience during the period of bearing a child.

Due to numerous changes in the body, expectant mothers become more absent-minded, forgetful and impulsive. Their mood often changes, fatigue accumulates, non-standard wishes. Many of them throw all their efforts into home improvement, where the unborn child will live. This behavior is explained simply - expectant mothers want to bring the child to a clean and beautiful world. And also to distract from fears and worries that especially bother ladies a week before childbirth, when they begin to feel the approaching appearance of a child.


1-3 weeks before childbirth, muscles and ligaments are greatly stretched in the body of a woman. Because of what they feel a lingering pain (as during menstruation) in the abdomen and lower back. Often, ladies are worried about false contractions that prepare the body for the upcoming birth. They create the same sensations as when the uterus is petrified. Finally - due to the displacement of the bones in the pelvic area, ladies may experience pain in the area pubic bone. Usually, it persists after the birth of the child. To solve this problem, at least a week of rest is needed, during which changes in the woman's body will return to normal.

Physiological factor

Approximately 1-2 weeks before the onset of contractions, the ladies begin to lower the abdomen. The 2nd feeling 2 weeks before the birth is the relief of breathing (the baby stops pressing on the diaphragm and stomach). But during this period there are less discomfort:

  • numbness in the thigh and leg;
  • pressure on the bladder;
  • frequent stool, its liquefaction.

Important - do not be afraid of prenatal pain, in the last weeks before childbirth, discomfort is the norm. They appear due to displacement of bones, softening of cartilage, changes in the location of the child and many other changes that take place in the body of a pregnant woman. But if the pain is very strong, then you need to immediately call an ambulance and wait for her arrival, being in a comfortable position.

Another clear signal of the imminent approach of childbirth is the appearance of mucous secretions. They appear a few days (less often - hours) before the onset of contractions and signal the destruction of the mucous plug, which isolated the child from all external threats.


Even on early periods pregnancy between mother and child is established close connection. Thanks to this, many ladies can determine the date of birth of a child without any signals. Some call it spiritual intimacy. Others argue that at such moments you just feel changes in the body at an unconscious level.

Summing up

The above information characterizes only the general features of pregnancy. We cannot answer the question: “What do you feel before giving birth?” Because this process is different for everyone. But we can assure you that every test that you have to go through will be compensated by the great joy from the birth of a rosy-cheeked little one.

Childbirth and maternity hospitals

If a pregnant woman is attentive to the signals of her body, she will never miss the harbingers of childbirth, as a sign of an early meeting with her beloved baby.

In the last weeks of pregnancy, there is a smooth change in the hormonal profile of a woman. As the placenta naturally ages, the amount of progesterone produced by it decreases, and the relative amount of the other female hormone- estrogen - on the contrary, it grows. Progesterone "reigned" in the body throughout the entire period of gestation, ensuring the preservation of pregnancy, while the effects of estrogen are directed in the opposite direction, to prepare for childbirth. When the concentration of estrogen in the blood reaches a maximum, the receptors in the brain will perceive this as a signal for childbirth and labor will begin. Those changes that occur in the body of a pregnant woman under the influence of a change in hormones and prepare the birth canal for the birth of a baby are called the harbingers of childbirth. This is the logical final stage of pregnancy, which in obstetrics is often called the preparatory period for childbirth, the purpose of which is to ensure a gentle, as less traumatic progression of the fetus through the birth canal as possible. According to the medical literature, this process occurs at 38-39 weeks of gestation, but for many women, some of the precursors may appear a day or two before delivery. If this will be your second birth, the harbingers will probably begin a little later, closer to the time your baby is born.

9 harbingers of childbirth:

1. A well-known omen early delivery- "abdominal prolapse" is absolutely correct and is based on anatomical changes at the end of pregnancy. If the baby is upside down, then in this period his head drops even lower and now it is a little more fixed. In medical terms, inserted into the pelvis. Top part the uterus also descends and no longer squeezes the lungs and stomach so much, so women rarely ignore this harbinger of childbirth, because it becomes a little easier for them to breathe. Sometimes there is a protrusion of the navel, the skin of the abdomen is even more stretched.

2. A slight increase in the amount of discharge from the genital tract as a result of the fact that the lower part of the fetal bladder has exfoliated from the walls of the uterus. This sign of an imminent meeting with the baby sometimes suggests possible leakage amniotic fluid and is very worried about expectant mothers. To clarify the situation, you can use special test for express diagnostics, which will reliably show whether the discharge contains amniotic fluid.

3. Changes in the cervix. This does not affect the condition of women in any way, such anatomical harbingers of an early birth are visible only to the doctor during a vaginal examination, but, perhaps, it will be interesting for pregnant women to learn about this process. If earlier the cervix, along which the baby will move during childbirth, was, figuratively speaking, a tube about 4 cm long, with a narrow pinhole on both sides, now it looks different. WITH inside, where the baby's head adjoins, it opens quite strongly, and the rest, its narrow part is now only 1-2 cm and still resembles a pipe, but with an enlarged hole passable for one finger. fetal membranes now it is very close and easily accessible for infections, which is why a woman, towards the end of pregnancy, is not recommended to take baths, limited to a shower with a mandatory daily toilet of the genitals.

4. If you often weigh yourself, you will surely notice that in the last weeks of pregnancy, the weight has dropped sharply by 1-1.5 kg. This occurs as a result of a decrease in tissue edema. Pay attention to the legs - if before the gum from the socks left a pronounced mark on them, but now it is not so noticeable - the birth is just around the corner and it's time to start mentally preparing for a meeting with the baby.

5. Isolation of the mucous plug. This harbinger of childbirth is probably the most famous and shrouded in myths. It is very important to understand what a mucus plug is. This is a collection of mucus, usually slightly thicker than daily vaginal discharge, colorless or with slight streaks of blood, about 2-3 ml in volume. If you notice bloody or profuse watery discharge see a doctor, this can be a dangerous symptom.

6. Change in posture. As a result of the prolapse of the uterus, the center of gravity shifts. The woman acquires a characteristic proud look, and her head is usually thrown back somewhat, and her gait becomes “duck”.

7. Increased urinary frequency and loose stools due to pressure fetal bladder pelvic organs. It should be noted that, according to some experts, stool thinning occurs under the influence of sufficiently high, close to peak estrogen concentrations, so this sign can be considered a harbinger of an early birth, unlike the previous ones, which can last for weeks.

8. The appearance or strengthening of "training" fights. Unlike true contractions, these contractions are irregular, painless, and of varying duration. Thus, the muscles of the uterus, which will soon great job, getting ready, so to speak, warming up, training.

9. Discomfort in the lower abdomen and back. It means not sharp pain, and pulling and aching sensations, as a result of a regular stretching of the ligaments. In that case. If this is not the first, but the second birth, the harbingers of this nature may not bother.

Harbingers of childbirth in primiparas

Since the described symptoms are mostly subjective in nature, that is, they are felt by a woman, pregnant women without childbirth experience are more likely to interpret the precursors as malaise. A special role is played by the fact that the harbingers of childbirth in primiparas usually have a smoother character. They can begin both two weeks and a week before childbirth and therefore serve as a very conditional time guide. It is important to know the fundamental differences between false and real contractions, since for a woman who is unfamiliar with the sensations in childbirth, a training fight may seem strong enough and cause excitement. It is worth noting that the harbingers of childbirth in primiparas often go unnoticed at all or include 2-3 of the listed signs.

Harbingers of childbirth in multiparous

The anatomical difference of women who have already given birth is that their cervix has a wider lumen and responds faster to hormonal stimuli. Therefore, some harbingers of childbirth in multiparous are more pronounced and begin at a more early dates. So, there are observations that the mucous plug in women who give birth again is more voluminous, as is the liquid discharge, which increases towards the end of the gestation period. Training contractions during the second pregnancy begin to disturb earlier, however, most likely, this is due to the fact that the woman clearly differentiates them. It should be noted that in the second and subsequent times, not only the birth process itself occurs more rapidly, but the time between precursors and childbirth is often reduced. Sometimes the harbingers of childbirth in multiparous people appear a day or two before childbirth. It is characteristic that usually the prolapse of the abdomen in these women does not occur 1-2 weeks before the birth, but almost immediately before them. Listen carefully to your well-being during pregnancy, if you have a second birth, the harbingers can be interpreted as a signal to pack bags for the hospital and prepare for contractions.

Where does childbirth begin? How to distinguish false contractions from real ones? When does the "cork" leave? Why does my back hurt? Experienced sibmums share their observations, and Nelli Mikhailovna AGAMYAN, obstetrician-gynecologist, chief physician network of the MC "Ultrasound Studio" in Novosibirsk tells what symptoms can signal an impending birth at 37-40 weeks of gestation.

  • Abdominal prolapse on the eve of childbirth
  • Weight loss and bowel cleansing
  • Removal of the mucous plug before childbirth
  • Painful sensations
  • The nesting instinct
  • Change in mood
  • Is there a lack of forerunners?

Abdominal prolapse before childbirth

If you look into your exchange card, then you will see there the numbers noted during visits to the doctor with the mark AFDM (height of the fundus of the uterus). These measurements help the doctor to monitor the dynamics of the baby's development - during pregnancyas it grows, the uterus rises higher, reaches its highest point at about 37 weeks, and then begins to decline. This happens because the child goes to the "low start" and begins to move closer to the "exit". Its head (subject to head presentation) moves towards the cervix and is located in the pelvic area.

Symbum experience:


- My stomach dropped 2 days before the birth.


- At 24 weeks my baby was already low. At 37 weeks, the head was already inserted into the small pelvis. The doctors were all worried that I would sneeze, for example, and immediately give birth. Yeah, how! She gave birth at 39 weeks 3 days, and that had to be done, because the bladder was flat.

- 5 days before the birth, I felt an increase in heaviness in my stomach, I thought that the head had dropped after reading books. Something hard pressed. On examination the next day, head prolapse was confirmed.

Lowering of the abdomen before childbirth. Expert comment

The height of the fundus of the uterus during the entire pregnancy increases by about 1 cm per week. This figure reaches 37-40 cm by the 37th week of pregnancy, and a couple of weeks before the birth, the stomach drops by 2-3 cm. This can happen in just a few hours. The fact is that on the eve of childbirth, the lower segment of the uterus stretches and becomes softer. Because of this, the fetus sinks lower and presses against the base of the small pelvis.

37-40 weeks of pregnancy is accompanied by the following sensations:

  • easier breathing (the uterus no longer squeezes the chest so much);
  • pulling pains in the lower abdomen, due to the fact that the uterus and fetus presses with all their weight on lower part abdominal cavity;
  • low physical activity baby - movements at 37-40 weeks of gestation, if the stomach has dropped, are not so noticeable: this is due to the fact that the child has already taken a stable position before childbirth and cannot turn around, but only move his legs and arms.

Weight loss and "cleansing" the intestines before childbirth

Many pregnant women are surprised to find that the weight last trimester, as you know, grows by leaps and bounds, after 37-39 weeks it unexpectedly decreases by 1-1.5 kg. Weight loss is especially noticeable if pronounced edema was observed during pregnancy. Do not be afraid - this is an absolutely natural process and another sign that a meeting with your baby is just around the corner.

Symbum experience:


- 2 days before the birth, I started to feel nauseous (with Polinka I even vomited, but with Leshka it was just sick) and (sorry for the detail) the stool was liquid 3-4 days before the very birth. The body was cleansed.

Mama and BABY M.

- I woke up at 4 am and realized that my stomach hurts. Well, the real indigestion. I went, sorry, to the toilet, strained ... And only when my stomach was relieved, I realized that something was not right. I recorded the time - contractions every 7 minutes go like clockwork.


- I didn’t feel the lowering of my stomach, but ... liquid stool 4-5 days before delivery! And the tummy ached a little, pulled somehow. And then the waters broke in the morning, and she gave birth in the evening.


- The first sign of the approaching birth was, sorry, diarrhea: about 4 hours before the birth. Then I was drained of water, and after a couple of hours I gave birth. All!

Weight loss and bowel cleansing. Expert comment

Before childbirth, the body gets rid of excess fluid, which leads to a slight weight loss. This happens in order to thicken the blood and, in the future, reduce its loss during childbirth. In addition, the additional liquid, which up to this point has been used for the production amniotic fluid, now it is no longer required and the body gets rid of it. Often this process can be accompanied not only by increased urination at 37 weeks of gestation, but also by nausea or diarrhea.

False (training) contractions

One of the most important features the fact that your uterus is preparing itself for the upcoming event - the appearance of "forerunner" contractions. They are usually not painful and feel more like intense muscle tension. The stomach at this moment seems to “harden” and shrinks, and then gradually relaxes. The main sign by which such contractions can be distinguished from true ones is their irregularity. They occur at random unequal intervals - sometimes the uterus contracts several times a day, then a couple of times a week. Most often, pregnant women note the appearance of such training fights in the mornings or evenings.

Symbum experience:


- 3 days before the birth in the morning there were false contractions - I even woke up from them. They were not strong, but rhythmic, at intervals of 10 minutes, lasted for 2 hours. Another interesting phenomenon - during the week before the birth, when driving a car, when jumping on bumps, I apparently had a strong feeling of pain in the cervix. It looks like the neck is open.


- I started training contractions for 2 weeks. The interval reached 10 minutes, and after 1-2 minutes they stopped. I started writing down every time. So it was on the day of childbirth: in the morning I woke up in pain, well, I think, training again ... I went to the shower ... And then I realized that after a shower it’s easier (and usually after a shower, training contractions go away) does not become, that I got caught five times while washing ...

- On the eve of the birth itself, everything was as usual, but a week before that I had false contractions.

False (training) contractions. Expert comment

At 37-40 weeks of pregnancy, training contractions are the most main feature upcoming birth. They differ from prenatal contractions by their irregularity and low intensity. These are the training tensions of the uterus, which can appear several times a week, and sometimes every day. Such contractions help the cervix to smooth out and make it softer, preparing for the upcoming pregnancy. labor activity

Removal of the mucous plug on the eve of childbirth

Another harbinger of an early birth can be the discharge of a mucous plug - a jelly-like mass that is secreted by the membranes of the cervix during pregnancy. This plug fills the cervix and protects the birth canal and fetus from ascending infection. On the eve of childbirth, the cervix begins to soften, open slightly, and as a result, the cork (in the form of colorless, yellowish, or slightly pinkish mucus) can move away before the onset of labor - sometimes this can happen in a week or even two. Important point: after the cork is removed, you should refrain from visiting the pool, swimming in ponds and even taking a bath, as this increases the risk of getting . Better to take a shower.

Symbum experience:

- On July 10, in the evening, the plug came off without any preliminary symptoms. 11 in the morning water began to leak, by lunchtime small contractions began, at the maternity hospital, at the direction of the midwife, she arrived at 7 pm, all this time she kept in touch with her by phone. She gave birth on July 12 at 12.20. The PDR was July 29th.


- The cork completely came off in 1 day (its first half came off in 2 weeks).

- My cork came out gradually, it looked like the result of a prolonged runny nose, with blood streaks.

Cork removal. Expert comment

Mucous discharge can signal the release of a cork that protects the uterus and fetus from external infections. During the period of preparation for childbirth, the cork liquefies and begins to flow out. It should be taken into account that this sign individual, for some, the cork leaves a week before childbirth, and for someone with the onset of labor. Sometimes these secretions can be confused with amniotic fluid. In this case, it is worth remembering that the latter leak constantly and intensify with a slight cough. If you still have doubts, it is better to immediately consult a doctor for an amnio test.

Pain before childbirth

In the last weeks before giving birth, many pregnant women begin to complain of pulling and aching pain in the lumbar region and in the lower abdomen. This is another sign that the body is intensively preparing for childbirth: the pelvic ligaments begin to soften and stretch, and blood flow to the pelvic organs increases. The sensations are specific, a bit reminiscent of menstrual pain, but the realization that at this moment the “exit” for the baby is preparing to open makes it very easy to experience unpleasant sensations.

Experience sibmam


- On the eve of the birth, my back was pulled, my stomach “felt” and there was a feeling that my son’s head was already at the very exit. The next day in the delivery room, I was surprised for a long time that this is exactly what the first hours of contractions look like.

Nata k.

- My back hurt for about a week before giving birth. Sometimes there were false contractions, also for about a week. And, in general, everything was as always. I was driving until the last day. I went on Sunday and gave birth on Monday. But! Somewhere inside I felt that I was giving birth before the PDR, and it happened.

- My back hurt badly. He pulled his stomach. And most importantly - a relentless feeling of anxiety.

- And the day before my back hurt so much that I climbed the walls. The plug didn't come off.

Pain before childbirth. Expert comment

At 37-40 weeks of gestation, future mother may hurt your stomach. Cause pulling pains, as a rule, not only the prolapse of the abdomen. The fact is that closer to the beginning of childbirth, a pregnant woman stretches and softens the joints of the pelvis, so that the baby is born more freely. In addition, it can sip muscles and ligaments, this is also the preparation of the pelvis for labor.

Nesting instinct on the eve of childbirth

On the eve of childbirth, many women receive from nature one more “news” that the baby will be born very soon. There is an indomitable desire to prepare a cozy “nest” for him and the expectant mother with great pleasure chooses tiny socks and undershirts for her future son or daughter, embroiders diapers, knits a hat and a plaid, buys the softest and most beautiful bed sheets in a crib, a comfortable stroller, a warm envelope, a lace blanket, a set of bibs and that nice rattle over there! Another obligatory item of "nesting" often becomes spring-cleaning(and even repairs). Having arranged children's Corner, having bought things and “licked” the house, the woman breathes a sigh of relief: you can give birth. And ... it is at this moment that contractions often begin. - an incredibly happy time, because it reminds you that your dream of meeting your baby soon is about to become a reality!

Experience sibmam

- Two days before the birth, it became more active -both timesI started big cleanings in the whole apartment, for which I had no strength for a long time. I noticed because I read here on the forum that this happens - preparing a nest. And there were no more signs.


- At 39 weeks 5 days, I woke up with a terrible burst of energy and decided that it was simply vital to tear out all the floors in the house. Then I realized that it would start at night.

- Before giving birth, I didn’t have any special feelings, except that, like a field mouse, I dragged all the products from the store home for the last 10 days. Well, I couldn’t get past the store. I will dial full bag and dragging, then I understand that I won’t inform, it’s hard, so I catch a taxi. Twice I came home in a taxi with shopping bags ...

Change in well-being and mood

All changes in a woman's body on the eve of childbirth are associated with hormonal changes. At the beginning of pregnancy main task the body was to preserve and care for the safety of the baby. The “head” of this process was the hormone progesterone, which is produced by the placenta during pregnancy. By the end of the third trimester, the placenta begins to age and progesterone levels gradually decline. Now the first violin is played by the female sex hormones estrogens, the level of which is increasing as the placenta ages and the functional maturation of the baby. It is estrogens that are “responsible” for softening the cervix, stretching the ligaments and increasing the sensitivity of the uterus, contributing to its contraction. Such a hormonal storm can affect mood, causing sudden tears or bursts of joy. In addition, in the last weeks before giving birth, a woman is preparing for serious changes, she is afraid of the upcoming birth, in a word, she leads a rich emotional life. Treat your mood swings with understanding, because such mood swings are also part of preparing for one of the most important meetings in life!

Experience sibmam

Cheshire Cat

- The mood before childbirth changes in the direction that you want to kill everyone who even hints at the topic« well, when» . And in books, by the way, they often write that one of the signs of an approaching birth is hormonal changes, accompanied by mood changes and a feeling of how tired everything is, no strength, fatigue from a sense of uncertainty, impatience - when is the birth, finally! Probably, there is something in this, you really expect childbirth, like a holiday. But when the fights begin, there are no more fears that previously tormented, and one thought - well, thank you, Lord - it has begun!

Changes in well-being and mood. Expert comment

A few days before the birth, there may be changes in the well-being and mood of the expectant mother. Some are worried about tearfulness, rapid mood swings, irritability, emotional upsurge. In addition, it may appear heavy sweating, chills, fever, dizziness. These symptoms are due hormonal changes in the body of a pregnant woman on the eve of childbirth. It is important to understand that the harbingers of childbirth at 37-40 weeks are not yet the beginning of labor. However, if you feel such symptoms, you should not leave them unattended. Be sure to tell your doctor about them.

Has anyone started giving birth with a floundering bay?

- My first birth began in the hospital. Before that, the cork had come off in a few days - but, in my opinion, the doctor just picked it out. And then for several days there was silence, no sign of an approaching birth - until the first regular, slightly painful stretching in the tummy on the day of birth. It all started very smoothly, I had time to get used to the idea that today we are spending the night with my husband and the doctor in the maternity ward ...


- And I had no warning signs, no tummy tuck. It was just that the contractions started at 3 at night, in a dream I could not understand why my stomach hurts, as with menstruation. At 6 I woke up, realized, measured - the interval between contractions was 5-7 minutes.


- There were no special feelings. She ran, as usual, ate cherries well at night ... woke up in the morning from strong contractions.

- We were told in the courses that the primiparous most often does not really feel anything. Cork and water is by itself, and the onset of contractions and other precursors in the primiparous are most often mild. Although I understand that it's different for everyone.

How did you feel before giving birth? Share the link to our article on social networks!

A few days before giving birth, women, as a rule, note the appearance of unusual sensations. They can become a kind of signal that delivery will happen very soon.

Shortly before the expectant mother feels real contractions, she is able to feel training uterine contractions. They are also called Braxton-Hicks contractions. The nature of the pain in both cases is the same, but training contractions differ from real contractions in a much less pronounced intensity, less pronounced soreness, and irregularity.

Braxton Hicks muscle contractions can be felt as early as 1-2 months before delivery, but in the very last weeks of pregnancy they become more intense and occur much more often.

Shortly before childbirth, a woman may feel pain in the lower abdomen and frequent urination. This is due to the fact that the fetus descends and begins to put pressure on the nerve endings. Bladder V this case is also under pressure. Unpleasant sensations in the pelvic organs and in the area below the waist may appear due to increased blood flow.

The descent of the uterine fundus can occur 1-2 weeks before delivery, and in multiparous women, this usually happens a few days before the onset of labor. At the same time, the woman feels that it has become easier for her to breathe, she is no longer tormented by heartburn, belching. The shape of the abdomen changes somewhat, which is noticeable even visually.

In the last weeks of the term, the pregnant woman's body weight slightly decreases. So the body is preparing for the upcoming work. On average, a woman's weight can decrease by 2-3 kilograms.

Shortly before childbirth, the expectant mother may lose the mucous plug that protected the fetus from infections throughout pregnancy. After its complete or partial destruction, a woman should not take a bath. We are only allowed to use the shower.

Shortly before the start of delivery, the expectant mother may feel the leakage of amniotic fluid. This is serious reason to see a doctor.

What does the expectant mother experience when the birth process has already begun

If childbirth has already begun, the woman begins to feel regular contractions. At first, they may feel rather weak.

If you suspect the onset of labor, you need to detect the intervals between contractions and their duration. If muscle contractions occur at regular intervals and their duration is the same, the birth process has already begun.

When spotting from the genital tract, you must immediately go to maternity hospital. This may be a consequence serious pathologies.

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The closer the long-awaited birthday of the child, the more often the expectant mother experiences anxiety and fear, which, due to lack of information, can turn into panic. These negative emotions are especially pronounced in women preparing for the birth of their first child.

What are women afraid of before childbirth?

The most common fear of a woman before childbirth is the fear severe pain. Expectant mothers should remember that pain during childbirth is completely natural, but the more you are afraid, the more unpleasant the sensations will be. To cope with this fear, during pregnancy you need to learn to relax, master breathing techniques that reduce pain. Be sure to ask your doctor about pain relief methods they can offer if you can't take the pain anymore. In order not to panic, try not to listen to your friends about the "horrors" of childbirth and do not look for such information on the Internet. The pain of having a baby will seem like such a small thing when your baby smiles for the first time!

Another common fear of pregnant women is the death of a child or mother during childbirth. Currently, almost all maternity hospitals are equipped with everything necessary equipment which may be required in an emergency. Doctors strictly monitor the condition of the woman and the child, and if there is a risk of an unsuccessful outcome of childbirth, they take all necessary measures. Discuss with the doctor possible situations and the plan of action of the medical staff. Also find out about the possibility of your husband or mother being present at the birth - in emergency cases, they will be able to control the actions of the staff.

Some expectant mothers are afraid premature birth. To cope with this fear, you should know that a baby born at 22-37 weeks is viable, albeit premature. In this case, he is given a special health care. For your own peace of mind, find out if your maternity hospital has equipment for nursing premature babies.

If the due date is already very close, some women are afraid of not having time to get to the hospital on time. Childbirth is a long process, in very rare cases the birth of a child takes less than 1-2 hours. But to worry less, prepare a package of documents and everything you need for the hospital in advance. Consider several options for how you get to the hospital - you can get there with a relative, your husband, or in an ambulance.

Chat with positive-minded and well-born friends. They will not scare you, but will give adequate advice about the mode of the maternity hospital, its employees.

Attend prenatal classes. Instructors will tell you about the birth process, teach you how to breathe and relax.

Spend more time on your favorite leisure or hobby - read, listen to music, walk, knit, draw.

Treat childbirth as a responsible job for which a worthy reward awaits you. This psychological attitude sets up a business mood and helps to cope with panic.

Many women experience real panic in last days pregnancy. Especially often fears of upcoming childbirth worries women during their first pregnancy. There are a lot of thoughts swarming in their heads about whether they will be able to do everything right, whether it will hurt, and how everything will go.


To overcome all these fears, you must, first of all, learn that the body of a woman is designed in such a way that children. Most women cope with this task successfully. Therefore, you need to try to relax and set yourself up for a positive outcome.

Before it would be wise to study all the information about this process. In order for the information received to be reliable, it is best to use medical reference books and allowances. It would be useful to present all the stages of childbirth or even try to play them. Then in the process real childbirth you will understand what is happening to you, and you will not panic.