Unusual wishes for the new year. new year wishes

Happy New Year!
And I wish that in it
You weren't worried
And sadness day after day!

I wish you a lot of happiness
And, of course, love
To grief and bad weather
Everyone is left behind!

Fun party is coming to us
You can already hear his footsteps.
On everyone's favorite New Year
I want to wish you happiness!

Let it come cheerfully and brightly,
Fill the heart with warmth.
And bring gifts
Love and joy without end.

And failure will fix everything
And will protect you from adversity.
Will add prosperity to everyone
Coming, glorious New Year!

May it be blessed
And forever dispel sadness.
Let him bring a miracle
For every day, for whole year!

Happy New Year to you friends!
It's impossible without him.
Happiness, joy, good luck
And good health to all!

For everyone to live well
There was light in my heart.
To keep all the angels
And fun bowler hat!

Let's believe in the New Year
And in miracles, like in a children's fairy tale.
And let the blizzard dance
Will spin you in a magical dance.

Let under the tree in the morning
And you will find your gift.
Empty fate will be generous to you
And you will light your star!

Rather open the doors
And let the New Year into your house.
Let him bring you in a bag
Happy weekday round dance.
Let it tremblingly put into your hands
Love without painful separation
Good health will give
Get rid of trouble.
Waving a magic staff
And increase your income.
Sprinkle silver and gold
To live richly for a whole year.
Pour your glasses quickly
And welcome him!

A magical holiday, loved by everyone:
Christmas trees, toys, snowflakes, frost.
May the New Year bring us joy
A year of understanding, success without tears.

Let it be bright, happy, rich,
Year of hope, love, beauty.
A year that, sweeping away barriers,
Make all wishes and dreams come true!

When the New Year comes
With an inaudible timid step,
Think of your dream
After all, a miracle is near.

Magic moment let forever
Will change the life of a book.
Let the sea of ​​\u200b\u200bhappiness be in her
And a bit of intrigue.

May secret dreams
Come true instantly.
Magic reigns everywhere
At this precious hour.

Favorite holiday New Year!
Let everything be like in a fairy tale:
Luck won't pass
All around in bright colors.

Let the snowflakes dance
Spin in a winter dance
Holiday fatigue
Will not knock on us.

May everyone's dreams come true
Let happiness sparkle.
So that everyone has time for the New Year
Catch the Firebird Feather!

I wish you joy and laughter
Lots of smiles and warmth
In the New Year - success in everything,
To have a happy life.

So that on this wonderful holiday bright
Suddenly Santa Claus came to your house,
Brought nice gifts
And life filled with magic!

May there be many good gifts
Bring you the New Year
Yasnykh, good days fine,
Bright holidays turn.

Warmth, comfort in the house,
In the heart of happiness without borders,
So that in your life there will be
More rainbow pages.

Strong vigor, health,
Lots of money and love
So that only in joyful worries
You spent a whole year!

Let the champagne sparkle
Let the tinsel sparkle.
Happy New Year.
Happiness, joy, kindness!

Happy winter holiday!
Let the lights shine in your eyes
Let only goodness live in the heart,
And in the house - comfort and warmth.

Make a wish now
You are your treasure.
On the night of magical, good fairy tales
Let it come true.

I wish you a miracle in the New Year!
I wish you happiness in the New Year!
And let every minute
The holiday fills with a fairy tale!

The magic moment is coming
Adds happiness to life
The New Year will be bright
Let inspiration come!

Happy New Year, with a new fairy tale,
Let all problems go away
Happiness will quietly penetrate the house,
After all, he is so much expected.

snowy new year,
Bright and joyful days
Funny jokes, round dance
Among relatives and friends!

May the soul always sing
Let the body not get tired
The mood will be cheerful!
Happy New Year!

Main holiday- New Year!
Let him be without worries!
May he bring happiness
And the worries of the old year
Let him take it with him!

Happy New Year.
I wish you happiness, joy.
May health be strong
Purse - for money tenacious!

May the New Year bring you hope
Let there be wonderful moments in it,
Let everything be better than it was before
Everywhere - good luck, and amazing achievements!

We love this holiday since childhood,
We look forward to it every time.
Let it be warmed with good
This New Year is for you!

New Year is the time of wishes
The time of the best hopes and ideas.
Congratulations! Good luck, dreams,
And miracles, and fun undertakings!

The New Year is already knocking on the door.
May he bring you happiness.
The main thing is that we all believe in a miracle,
And then it will happen.

The holiday shines with colorful lights,
Let all the best happen to you
May the New Year bring happiness to the house,
Give instant health and goodness!

Let the magic happen on New Year's Eve
To make all your wishes come true.
And may your life be beautiful:
Full of joy, love, warmth and happiness.

Only happy changes
In the coming year!
Let dreams come true
Let them bloom with lush color!

Magic night
Wishes will be fulfilled
Soul warmth
And fill with happiness.

Heart wishes for the new year for those who believe in miracles and love to hear good words at holiday time.

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May the New Year be a fairy tale for you. Otherwise, why wait for a long twelve months?! Only I want to wish you not to wait for miracles, but to create them yourself. Act while there is time to change something in life for the better!

* * *

I wish you to receive in the New Year everything that was not possible before. Be more confident and persistent and fate will smile at you with the most dazzling smile!

Wish yourself in the New Year everything that you need most of all now, but do not forget about luck, good friends and loyal allies. Be close to those who believe in you, do not avoid difficulties - they harden you, know the successful - it stimulates!

Let everything change for the better with the chimes in your life! I wish you to have prosperity in all blessings and a complete lack of negativity and problems!

Wish for the new year

I wish you in the New Year on autopilot to get straight to happiness and get past all the hardships on this thorny path! Let this happiness be the way you imagined it (a), because everyone has their own, personal and unique! If you find it, hold on tight. Do not share with outsiders, but do not be greedy for those who are dear to your heart!

Breathe in frosty Fresh air and enter the New Year with renewed dreams. Let them rejoice that they will come true one after another!

May your career in the New Year indulge you with success and bring you the desired prosperity. May your family always be your support, and your home a cozy and calm haven where you can take a breath before another victory!

May you not have difficult trials, painful experiences and difficult moments in the New Year. I wish you to live and breathe easily, as in the dead of winter in the frost!

Best Wishes for the New Year

Do not count the years lived, count the victories! Let it go to thousands in the New Year! I wish you prosperity for the realization of all your ideas and order in your thoughts and plans, then the goal will become not illusory, but obvious!

I wish you happy and happy holiday! Let the New Year's Eve illuminate the dark sky with fireworks and decorate your subsequent life with new colors!

Under the chiming clock, I wish you to think about what you are waiting for in the new year. What you remember first of all is the most important for your well-being in the future! Live joyfully and live according to your own heart!

Short wishes for the new year

I wish you satisfied ambitions right decisions, easily feasible plans! Be with someone who is pleasant, do not react to provocations and reach heights in everything!

May life become successful in a new way and show you all the facets of pleasure, fun and happiness!

Dare from the New Year to do what you could not dare before. May all undertakings be crowned with stunning success!

Best wishes for the new year

For each of us, the best thing is what our soul wants more than anything else. I want Santa Claus to perform Your wish just the way you want it!

I wish you to receive under the Christmas tree the most desired gift of all that you have ever wanted to have! Keep your dream secret, and it will repay you by becoming your waking companion!

You surely have the most cherished dream that you carry with trepidation in your soul. So, I wish it to take on real shape and bring you unspeakable satisfaction from life!

funny wishes for the new year

But in the New Year I wish you to meet a cute Santa Claus who will be able to make all your dreams come true! Let there be enough happiness, health and success for you in his huge bag, and instead of deer, he will drive a team with cool cars to the house and put a pack of dollars in each sock!

I wish you to meet the sexiest snow maiden in the new year and not freeze next to her, but melt everything together snowdrifts! Under them, the expected success will surely be found, and soon you will have joint plans and little heirs!

In the new year, create your own fairy tale! Let it have no end, but only a happy continuation and a fascinating plot!

In the new year, do not rely on anyone but yourself, because you are the main builder of your future, the engine of your success and the best adviser for your rebellious soul!

There is no such thing in the world that you cannot wish for yourself or think of! So dare, make your destiny the way you want! Not a single Santa Claus can do this for you.

Let this winter not freeze your desires at the stage of reflection! Let the action swirl you in a round dance of success, like snowflakes spin in the air during a blizzard!

IN new year's eve in any country of the world it is customary to please each other with warm, affectionate, tender wishes, which must necessarily come true in coming year. Every time for New Year's table we try to please each other with something new and unusual, while today the lines already thought up for you in the form of poems are in great demand or small quatrains. In other words, for many wise wishes for the New Year 2018 will interest and attract the attention of many, especially those who really want to look unusual and somehow congratulate in an original way. What can be offered this year?

Wishes from the heart.

After such New Year's wishes, there was little left to do, or rather, to make a wish on this festive and magical night. But in order for your most cherished desire came true, it is necessary to guess it correctly. Today there is a large number of different ways and traditions of divination new year wishes, but we will get acquainted with those that have already been tested.

How to make a New Year's wish?

  • Method 1. Ashes in champagne. This unique and extravagant method guarantees almost 100% results, and is therefore the most beloved and frequently used method. While the chimes are striking midnight, you need to write your desire on a piece of paper, set fire to a piece of paper with a desire on a candle. Then pour the ashes into a glass of champagne and have time to drink it before 12 hours stop striking midnight.
  • Method 2. 12 wishes. Write 12 different wishes on 12 separate sheets of paper. The prerequisite is that you start writing them after midnight. Then all 12 leaflets with wishes must be rolled up and placed under the pillow. The next morning, without looking, take out one of the paper slips. The wish that you have drawn out must certainly come true. But there is important nuance! In order for it to come true, you need to go to bed before 3 in the morning, while the night is still early. It is believed that after 3 o'clock in the morning the morning begins and the magic of the night goes away.
  • Method 3. This method is designed to wish yourself material well-being. If you want financial stability and career growth in the coming year, you should prepare small bags or pouches. The number of bags should be equal to the last two digits of the coming year, for example, this year you should cook 15 pieces. Place treats such as fruit or candy in each bag. When the chimes start to strike midnight, without saying a word, make a wish. Then, when you leave the house after midnight, give the packages to strangers you come across.
  • Method 4. Desire in a jump. This interesting way to make a wish, perfect for large group friends and family. While the clock strikes 12, you need to jump as high as possible and make your most cherished wish in the jump. The wish must be short so that you can make it in its entirety during the jump. The method is a little chaotic and noisy, however, the children will be delighted with it.
  • Method 5. 12 grapes. This is the most delicious way to make a wish! On festive table put a large plate of grapes. A minute before the chimes strike midnight, think of a wish. Once the clock starts chiming 12 times, eat one grape with each stroke. You need to have time to eat 12 grapes. If you succeed, your wish will surely come true in the coming year!

As you can see, on New Year's Eve, you can not only wish all the best to your family and friends, and also listen to them in your address, but also make the most cherished wish for yourself, which must necessarily come from a pure heart.