How to make your wish come true. What needs to be done to make a wish come true

Now is the time for change, and global change. Much of what used to work and give results does not work now, and sometimes even interferes with us. Completely new energies have come to Earth, and with them come new possibilities. Now lightness and optimism have become more important than ever before. Now you don’t have to think too hard and endlessly, now it’s important to just feel.

In order for a wish to come true, you no longer need to paint everything in detail and to the smallest detail, you no longer need to try to endlessly strain your brain and invent, think up and think out something. What is important now is not what we think, but what we feel at the same time, those impulses and signals that we send to the Universe are important.

In a word, our CONDITION matters. It is precisely this that “rules the ball” today. Today you can easily change your life by changing your inner state and sometimes learning to just FEEL, not THINK. And, clearly understand the difference between thinking and thinking. Think - you can, think hard - you can not. Of course, if you want to live easily and joyfully.

How to make a wish so that it comes true

Today I will introduce you to one quantum technique of the new time, with which you can easily. The technique is easy and very fast (it will take you 10-15 seconds to complete it).

To consciously change your life, you must learn to use two qualities:

1. Attention

2. Intention

Attention gives energy, impulse (it is not for nothing that they say that where our attention is, there is our energy), and intention transforms this impulse into matter.

How to make a wish come true

First, I suggest that you learn three necessary things in order to easily fulfill your desires. And then I will give this technique step by step.

First. It is important to learn to feel emotion. Take any desire you have (for example, regarding money) and turn it into an intention. And this intention is very important to feel with the whole body! This is where intention differs from desire. It is necessary not only to wish, but to feel it as a fact that has come true. For example, you want to open your wallet and always see a lot of banknotes there. Feel with your body how you hold the wallet in your hands, open it, see the money in it and rejoice or feel a sense of calm and confidence. Or, if you have money somewhere in your account, on a card, see how you open your personal account or electronic wallet and see large amounts there. Feel with your body what you feel.

I took the topic of money just as an example, you can take any desire you want, it doesn't matter, what matters is the essence that you now have to catch. That is, if you want love, feel it with your body, as a fact that has already come true, feel that you are already living with an ideal partner for you, for example. How does your body feel about it? One emotion, one impulse is enough, which you will associate with this desire.

Second. And this is one of the most important and key points. You need to learn how to enter into a pause between thoughts, in a word, to stay in a state of “nothing”. Thoughts are slavery, and the space between thoughts means freedom! Realize it now. If you can "slip between thoughts", then all your desires will come true. People who are poor and unhappy are slaves of thoughts, they only do what they think and think, and rich and happy people are the masters of their thoughts, and thoughts become their slaves (and not vice versa, as in the first version).

How to wedge yourself into a pause between thoughts? Many will say that you just need to relax and not think. But how many people actually do it? If you try to relax and not think, then on the contrary, you will think. Now I will show you a quick way to get into the pause between thoughts. Right now, think a thought, and then ask the question, “What is the thought behind this thought?” or "What's the next thought?" And just wait for the next thought. That is, you think some thought, then ask a question and wait.

It is this expectation of the next thought that is “interthinking”. This is what freedom is, this great “nothing”, absolute “thoughtlessness”. This is generally the fastest way to live the moment here and now. At such moments, we not only can, we can simply “be”, and the body at this time is rejuvenated and healed. And when we need to make a wish, we need to focus our attention in this silent space between thoughts. Try it right now (without desire yet, just feel this pause).

Third. Learn to get in touch with yourself. A person is a space, in fact, and not a physical body. Yes, we see ourselves in physical bodies, so to speak, in solid form, simply because we are sure of it. And it is important for you to learn to be nothing, to be air, to be space. To do this, be aware of your body, look at it, and then look at the wall opposite. There is air between it and you, feel like it, because you are this air, which is between the body and the wall. You are the great nothingness, you are space.

I hope you managed to live and feel all these three states. Now let's move on to practice.

Fulfillment of desire with the help of SILENCE in thoughts

1. Pause slowly and focus your attention in the silent space between thoughts.

2. In this state, be aware of your intention and feel it with your body, give an impulse, a signal. That is, as soon as you pause for a thought, give an impulse to intentions. It is at this moment that you see your intention and feel it with your body (for example, how you hold a wallet in your hands). At this moment, it is precisely the connection of two important aspects - attention and intention.

As you begin to come out of the pause, at the moment of the connection between the pause and the new thought, feel your intention again, remembering it as a flash. You no longer need to stop the thought, just as soon as you feel that the pause is ending and now a new thought is about to come, feel your intention again. That is, you give the signal twice, in the very pause and at the moment of the arrival of a new thought, stop it and again feel the impulse of intention.

3. Then feel like a space, enter a state of correlation with yourself. Hold your awareness of yourself as space, as great nothingness, as total silence, as air (you are everywhere, you have the whole earth inside you).

4. Now let go of your attachment to the outcome by mentally saying that the Universe will do everything. Just forget that you had this intention. Just turn off, switch, let go. Don't hang around, make some physical movement.

Remain in the wisdom of uncertainty, enjoy every moment of the NOW, travel through life with ease even if you don't know the outcome. Your wish will come true in due time, you will see everything with your own eyes, you will feel it in reality. Then, when needed. Namely, when you release it completely, like a balloon.

5. Let the Universe handle the details and details. The point of all this is that when you become aware of your intention in a pause of silence, it has a powerful, infinite organizing power. Just rely on this power and it will organize all the details.

Today, such a method of fulfilling desires, with the help of "not thinking", with the help of silence in thoughts, is the easiest and most effective. Having learned once, you can easily enter the desired state later. You can do it 2-3 times at night, and sometimes during the day (but immediately forgetting about it and switching to your usual affairs and life, in a word, between performing the technique you DO NOT THINK about your desire).

Additionally, I advise you to read the mini-book by Lisa Pieterkina “5 Rules for the Fulfillment of Intentions”. The book describes the algorithm of working with intention, known from antiquity, which was shared by the DAO master. With the help of this algorithm, you will be able to fulfill your most cherished desires. You can get the book for free Here .

In general, it all depends on the scale of your desire. If it is light, you can do 1-2 times. If it's serious, then do the technique, for example, for ten days, and then let go. You yourself will feel the moment when the time comes to let go of the intention for good. Just live and enjoy life, think less, feel more. Walk less in your thoughts into the past and the future, live more in the present. And then happiness will not bypass you!

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Every wizard or sorceress (including Simoron ones) sooner or later comes to the conclusion that it’s not enough just to be a wizard, you need to direct your magical essence and supernatural powers into a practical direction - that is, to fulfill wishes.

How to make a wish come true? they ask quite a natural and legitimate question. Well, if you are ready for miracles and really crave to turn your wishes into reality, you can start acting. And I will definitely tell you a few funny, interesting and completely simple Simoron rituals for the fulfillment of a wish. But we will not start with this, but with what:

How to make a wish so that it comes true?

So, a few basic rules for the fulfillment of your desire. They are so simple and effective that it is surprising that not all people got what they wanted. So, what needs to be done to make the wish come true?

  • The wish should be written down. And this must be done correctly, it is inaccurate wording that is the main reason that we get something completely different from what we would like (it's a shame, right?). "I want a new fur coat" - a good wish? May be. But here it is expressed categorically incorrectly. “I get a new fur coat”, “I have a new fur coat” - just like that! Also, when do you want it? A new fur coat after 20 years is unlikely to suit you, right? Here is the time limit. Just get creative. Of course, everyone wants his cherished desire to come true in one day. And even better - in one night, so as not to wait at all, just go to bed and in the morning receive everything you wished for on a silver platter. But it would be better to leave the universe room for maneuver, for example, by ordering a "dream come true in a month or more.
  • “From tomorrow, my boss does not find fault with me” - how do you like this wording? The deadlines are indicated, it is written, as if you are stating a fait accompli, what is wrong? Here is the very particle "not"! The universe will ignore it, and you'll get what you certainly didn't want: more nitpicking. So we write everything in a positive way: there is no need to “not get sick”, you need to “be healthy”, well, and so on.
  • emotions and details. Do not spare colors when describing your desire, if you want it to come true. It is not enough to state it, you also need to present it in detail, and the main detail is how you feel about getting what you want.
  • Don't limit the universe. If you are thinking, for example, of an apartment, of course, you should indicate that it should be three-room. But! Who knows, maybe a three-story cottage is more suitable for you? So, when formulating your order to the Universe, leave room for creativity: this or something bigger and better harmoniously appears in my life.
  • Your desire should not carry evil and negativity. And it shouldn't harm anyone, including you. For example, receiving a large amount of money: after all, it could be winning the lottery, or insurance for a broken leg or a wrecked car. And in order for the desire to be fulfilled in the best possible way, it must be completed with the so-called “phrase amulet”: “for the common good”, for example, or this: “may it bring happiness to me and others”
  • So, you have formulated and written down your desire. Great! You are already halfway to your dream. The next step is illustration. Find a picture (or several) illustrating the fulfillment of desire. You can cut it out of a magazine or find it on the Internet and print it on a color printer. And then hang it where you will always see it.
  • Well. You have done some serious work and now the Universe is aware of what you would like. What's next? And then do not go in cycles in your desire. Release your desire. And the best way to do this is to start taking action to achieve it. You will be surprised, but the opportunities for implementation will begin to turn up every now and then. Including those that you never even dreamed of. Now your task is to take full advantage of them so that your cherished desire comes true.

Simoron for the fulfillment of a wish

magic notepad

This is one of my favorite ways to get what I want. Thanks to him, I have already managed to get something very necessary, well, a whole bunch of pleasant little things. I’ll make a reservation right away: this method is not very suitable for the fulfillment of global dreams, but it’s very possible to attract many different amenities into your life in this way. So, let's begin. We need a notepad. It is best to buy it in advance, and you do not need to give it to someone, it is a personal item.

But we will begin creative activity for the fulfillment of desires on the new moon - on the first lunar day. However, true simoroners do not bother with the selection of favorable days at all. They simply declare the day auspicious by their command - and act. Which method suits you best is up to you. A notebook can be any, the main thing is that you like it - it “murmurs” so that it is pleasant to take it in your hands and right now you feel the vibes of magic from it. So - started!

We take our magic notebook and write our first wish, in this form: “I gratefully accept a large ripe apple from the Universe.” Or pear. Or hand cream - something that you can implement yourself. And when your magical will is properly marked, we proceed to the next step - we go to the store and buy ourselves what we need. Hooray! The wish came true, so everything works! Let's move on to the next step - gratitude.

Rovnenko under the first entry we write: “It came true! Thank you so much!”, and now instead of a wish that came true, we are writing two new ones. So we will continue to do so: as soon as the desire comes true, write two new ones instead. Only for the first time, one of the two desires should be the same - self-fulfilling. Write down dinner at a restaurant - and go there that evening, and in the morning we thank you again and write two more.

It will turn out like in a fairy tale about the Serpent Goryncha - in place of a cut head, two more grow. Don't forget to look through your notebook, discover wishes that have come true, thank you, and write new ones. And sometimes, along with the “real” ones, you can still write those that you can do on your own - so that the notebook is fueled by magical power. This method worked great for me, and I wish you the same.

Miracles from under the bed

Another one of my favorite rituals was discovered at the Simoron forum and repeatedly and very successfully applied. It's about what's under your bed. If there is only dust or (God forbid!) a lone holey sock, nothing good can be expected. So we get rid of everything that can symbolize something bad, and instead we put there notes with desires and gizmos that symbolize something positive.

From my experience - one day there was a card with roses under the bed. To be honest, this was not done on purpose (when there are children in the house, anything can happen). But it was then that they simply showered me with flowers - there were not enough vases to arrange them all. At first I could not understand: what is it? But when, during the cleaning, I took out that very postcard from under the bed, everything became clear. When I urgently needed a job, a work book went under the bed with a description of what I would like, and a job was quickly found, and even better than I could have imagined. And many other desires helped to realize this pretty and simple magic.

How do other fairies use the space under the bed? Differently. A pair of lace stockings (as well as a men's tie or socks) will help organize a date with the man of your dreams, and a piggy bank or just a jar of coins will improve financial well-being. A feather from a pillow will bring an unimaginable amount of PER - that is, luck. And then - invent it yourself, because a wizard is first of all a creator, right?

Desirable gum

Here is another one of my favorite methods for fulfilling all sorts of desires. We buy ordinary chewing gum at the kiosk (many sorceresses prefer Orbit - it means it takes you into orbit, where all desires come true).

And what should be done with chewing gum to make the wish come true? You just need to correct one single letter. And you get the desired gum. Now it remains to chew. Slowly. This pack, like any other, can even last for a week.

It is also important - what chewing gum you choose. For money desires, mint is suitable, for love, of course, strawberry, for travel - exotic multifruit, well, and so on. Include your own associations - and forward to the fulfillment of the cherished!

What you need to do to make a wish come true in 1 minute. And is it possible? Let's look at the magical rituals of Feng Shui. What does ancient magic offer us.

Feng Shui - rituals for the fulfillment of desires

An adult sometimes wants to feel like a child and dream about a magic lamp from which a genie will appear and fulfill all our desires. Although we are no longer children, it is so nice to dream and believe in miracles. But there is also a good side to the fact that we gain life experience. After all, in fact, a person is able to influence his own life, it's just that not everyone succeeds. Going with the flow is much easier, but at the same time it is almost impossible to achieve success. If you build your own destiny, then you can get the most out of every minute of your existence.

How to start the magic of rites

Purposeful people have long known how rituals work on the fulfillment of desires. In general, rituals for the fulfillment of desires were invented in ancient times, when people were close to nature and the earth: according to their observations, each depicted symbol corresponded to a special energy. Combining certain signs, our great-grandfathers could only do sometimes impossible things with their knowledge:
Although we are far from the secret knowledge of shamans and magicians, elementary rituals for the fulfillment of desires have come down to us and anyone can conduct them.

Such rituals include: and a conspiracy to fulfill a desire. You can lay in them any life moments that, in your opinion, should improve or appear.

How to do the ritual

The meaning of these rituals is to write a short semantic message that is read independently. During this act, you imagine visual images in your head: if you need a car, you should clearly draw for yourself: what color should it be and how you will drive it. Such a spatial image tends to materialize, therefore such rituals for the fulfillment of desires are often used in everyday life. For example, at home you can.

Carrying out a strong ritual for the fulfillment of desire

In order to increase the likelihood of an event occurring, it is worth holding a strong one.

How is it different from the usual? Let's figure it out.
If the ritual is backed up with certain dates and times, then such a day will be energetically more favorable for this. It has even been officially confirmed that some days of the year are characterized by anomalous properties: strong magnetic storms, or vice versa, a decrease in solar activity. If you correctly adjust to such days, you can increase the effectiveness of a strong ritual for the fulfillment of desire.

What Not to Do

There are basic rules in magical rites that must be followed:

  1. The ritual cannot be interrupted. If you are distracted by extraneous influences, then it is better to stop the ritual and reschedule it for another time, because a hole is formed in the energy flow.
  2. Rituals "like" odd numbers. Almost all rituals are repeated three times, usually using seven or nine items, etc.
  3. It is not customary to perform rituals on church holidays, since these days the energy space is overflowing with millions of mental messages, and your request will not acquire the necessary strength.

Bringing money into the house will help you.

Carrying out various rituals for the fulfillment of desires, you should remember about the people around you. Sometimes, it would seem, at first glance, a simple desire can harm someone close. For example, you want to take a leadership position at work. You performed the corresponding ritual and finally received the coveted offer. But, as it turned out, the person who held this position before you became very ill and that was the only reason you were appointed there. Therefore, it should be remembered that it is better to carry out such strong rituals for the fulfillment of desires with kindness in your heart: then you will bring only positive emotions into this world.

But, having decided to do it, seriously think before you start whether you need such love.

Esotericists believe that our desires will come true if we write them down correctly. The fact is that those tornadoes of thoughts that are spinning in our head cannot be fixed by the Universe as our desire. Therefore, let's correctly formulate our desires, and perhaps they will come true faster.

Rule 1 Desire must be written

But it is easy to say, it is more difficult to write down the desired desire. Strange as it sounds, but writing your own desire correctly is really a problem. “I want to have my own house.” Correctly written? Turns out to be fundamentally wrong! The problem is that such a desire is always fulfilled, but the question is: when will it be fulfilled. That is, desires without exact dates are meaningless. So the next rule is:

Rule 2 The wish must have a date or period of fulfillment.

For example, “In March 2014, I will buy a large plasma TV.” Even if you write: “I will buy a TV”, this will also be a mistake. Because what is written will surely come true, but not at the right time. Thus, we remember the next rule:

Rule 3 The correct wish is always written in the present tense.

In other words, instead of: "I'm going on vacation to the Crimea," you should write: "I'm going on vacation to the Crimea."

Here is another common mistake: "I don't want to be poor." Correctly written? No, it's wrong! And there are good reasons for that. First. The Universe does not perceive particles of "not", "no" or any other negative words. You say: “I don’t want to be poor”, but she, the Universe, ignoring the “not” particle, receives the message: “I want to be poor!”

Second. Most of the time, we attract what we think about. Saying: “I don’t want to be poor,” we automatically think about poverty, and saying: “I want to be rich,” about wealth. Therefore, do not forget about the following rule:

Rule 4 We forbid ourselves to use the particle “not” and any other negatives.

Another important note: when writing a wish, you need to use more details of what you dream about. From this follows the following rule:

Rule 5 More details and emotions.

If this is a trip to the Crimea, in a few words describe at least a sanatorium and a beach. If it is a new machine, please indicate its main characteristics. And be sure to describe the feelings that will take possession of you when the desire is fulfilled.

It is also important that the fulfillment of your desire does not harm other people. From this, another rule is formed:

Rule 6 Any written desire should end with a talisman phrase:

“Let this or something more harmoniously enter my life, bring joy and happiness to me, and to everyone whom this desire concerns”.

Note the wording "or something more". Wanting something in particular doesn't have to limit the Universe in its efforts to help you. Maybe our World considers you worthy of rest not in the Crimea, but on the Cote d'Azur?

So, our desire is clearly formulated and written down. All 6 rules are exactly followed. And what's next? Next, you need to calmly let go of the desire into the Universe and even almost forget about it. Experiences and obsessive thoughts will only interfere with the fulfillment of your desire. Therefore there is

Rule 7 Don't dwell on the dream. Let her go, but act!

This does not mean that now, as in a fairy tale, you can lie on the stove and wait for your dream to come true. No! A rolling stone gathers no moss! The universe can provide you with amazing opportunities, but without your actions they will not be able to translate into the desired result.

Man is always dreaming of something. For some, the limit of desires is to go on a trip, for others - to do well or graduate from college, for some the most important thing is to successfully marry, have a child, and children often want a bike or ice cream, someone just wants to go to the theater. Dreams are different depending on the person, on the conditions of his residence, hobbies and inclinations. How many people, so many separate secret or not very thoughts. But regardless of the scale of the dream, everyone is concerned about the question: "What needs to be done to make the wish come true?"

There are many rituals for making your dreams come true. A man, an interesting creature, thinks that if you formulate in your mind a phrase like "I want a palace to heaven", then in the morning, opening his eyes, he should see it and, moreover, be its full owner. And if this does not happen, he will complain that he is unlucky in life. This, unfortunately, does not happen, one cannot dream about what is obviously unattainable, otherwise what is quite real can pass by. This is the first answer to the question of what needs to be done to make a wish come true.

Never think of something impossible, immaterial, unreal. The desire must be clear and thoughtful. It’s good if you even set a date for when it should be fulfilled, but then you should not sit back and wait for this date, but think about the goal all the time and try to bring it to life. One cannot dream of something illusory, such as a castle in the air where wishes come true. Our world is still material, desires and thoughts should be the same.

Never formulate your dream with the prefix "not", it carries negative energy. For example, “I want not to get sick”: you can’t think like that. It is necessary: ​​“I want A correctly formulated thought is already half the battle. The second thing to do in order to fulfill a desire is to decide whether the prefix “but” has “stuck” to it. For example, I want a car, but I don’t have a license, I want dress, but the figure does not allow.

If your desire is hindered by the prefix “but”, which also carries negative energy, start fighting it first, go to driving courses, lose weight, etc.

We figured out the negative energy, let's move on to the positive points that will tell you what needs to be done to make the desire come true. The dream must come from the heart. Everything that happens to us depends only on us. If you want something out of envy, greed or self-interest, then these are not the best feelings to want something. You may get the object of your desires, but whether it will serve you for a long time and whether it will bring joy is not yet known. All of our You thought about something, and it suddenly happens before your eyes. Someone calls matter, where all human thoughts “gather”, a single intellectual space, someone - God, someone - cosmic mind, one thing is true that if you manage to bring together three forces: will, a sense of the reality of desire and a feeling , which you experience, knowing that the dream is already yours, then it will certainly come true. Such positive energy will definitely be recorded in the heavenly office. And it will become a reality. People say correctly: it is not harmful to dream, it is harmful not to dream. May wishes come true! Be happy, do not forget that everything depends only on you.