The main clinical symptoms of threatened miscarriage. The threat of miscarriage in the early stages: symptoms

In this article, you will learn about the symptoms of a threatened miscarriage, the causes that cause it, and the steps you can take to avoid this diagnosis.

Did you see 2 stripes on the test? Congratulations - you are pregnant! From this moment, joyful chores begin in anticipation of the child and its bearing. But you need to know some nuances that may be useful to you in the future and help you avoid trouble.

Statistics do not please us with good numbers, unfortunately.

Approximately every fifth pregnancy ends before the period necessary for bearing a healthy baby. And there are much more women with a diagnosis of threatened miscarriage.

The threat of miscarriage, unfortunately, can occur at any stage of pregnancy, if it occurs before 22 weeks - this is called spontaneous abortion, but if we are talking about later terms, then we are talking about premature birth. The fact is that there have been cases when doctors saved children born after 22 weeks and nursed them.

That is why, starting from this period, if there are any serious complications of pregnancy, they speak not of its termination, but of premature birth. Modern medicine allows you to save children born with a weight of more than 675 grams.

There are quite frequent cases when a pregnancy ends as soon as it starts, that even a woman does not always know what happened, because. at the same time, there is a slight delay in menstruation, but then they come, perhaps they are more painful and more abundant than usual, and the woman may not be aware of what happened.

The later the pregnancy is terminated, the more difficult it is for a woman to survive both psychologically and physically.

How to determine the threat of miscarriage? Symptoms and signs of threatened miscarriage

Knowing a number of symptoms that may occur with the threat of termination of pregnancy, you may be able to avoid undesirable consequences if you take the necessary measures in time. But also do not forget that not every pregnancy can be saved. It depends on the causes of the threat, which you will also find in this article.

So, there are 3 main symptoms of threatened miscarriage.

  1. Uterine bleeding- the most dangerous of possible symptoms, which makes it the most serious. In this case, it often begins with just a few drops, and then gradually intensifies. This symptom may last for several days. The discharge can be either bright red or dark brown. If there are blood clots or pieces of tissue in the discharge, then most likely a miscarriage has occurred. Bleeding most often occurs due to detachment of the ovum
  2. Nagging pain also occurs quite often with the threat of miscarriage, but it may be absent. Sometimes the symptoms come and go, then they come back. At this time, it is better not to doubt, but to get to your gynecologist as soon as possible - maybe you will save your child. Do not confuse pulling pains with pains on the sides of the abdomen, these pains are quite normal and occur in almost all women, they are associated with changes that occur in the ligaments of the uterus when a woman is pregnant
  3. Uterine hypertonicity also quite common. In the first trimester, there is mainly hypertonicity of the anterior or posterior walls of the uterus. This diagnosis is confirmed by ultrasound examination, but it can be determined without it. Read the section below on how to recognize uterine hypertonicity. With hypertonicity, there are painful sensations and the uterus seems to “harden”. You need to see a doctor as soon as possible with complaints about these symptoms, because. the sooner specialists take action, the more likely it is that the pregnancy can be saved. But if you have similar periodic sensations after a period of 32 weeks, then these are the so-called false contractions, or they are also called Braxton-Hicks contractions. This phenomenon is normal and very common in pregnant women, it is such a preparation of the body for childbirth, so in this case you should not worry

All these symptoms can be intermittent, appear and disappear, intensify or be barely noticeable. If you have identified any of these symptoms, contact your gynecologist immediately for help, because. The life of your child depends on adequate treatment!

How to determine uterine hypertonicity?

To do this is quite simple and it is very important to do it as quickly as possible if you have even the slightest suspicion. The symptoms of hypertension are quite simple:

  • in the first trimester, the expectant mother feels heaviness in the lower abdomen, there are pulling pains, similar to pain during menstruation, they can radiate both to the sacrum and to the lower back
  • at a later date, i.e. in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, the symptoms are the same, but you can also visually see that the stomach seems to shrink, it becomes very hard - it “hardens”

Any woman, faced with hypertonicity, will quickly be able to determine its symptoms in herself.

Rarely, but with tone, there are also spotting spotting. When they appear, call an ambulance immediately, lie down and try to calm down.

However, it should be noted that there are cases when hypertonicity is asymptomatic and only an ultrasound examination can make such a diagnosis.

Causes of threatened miscarriage

There are actually quite a few reasons, they can depend both on the state of health of the body of the expectant mother, and on the embryo itself, or on external factors. Some of these causes can be avoided, so you need to be aware of them. But unfortunately, quite often it happens that the cause cannot be found out.

It should be noted that the longer the gestation period, the less likely it is to be interrupted.

  • Genetic changes in the fetus- a very common cause of abortion, or rather, about 70% of miscarriages are caused precisely by pathologies in the fetus. This can happen both because of the external environment, and because of some kind of hereditary disorders. This can be considered natural selection, nature so ordered that non-viable embryos die before birth. In this case, termination of pregnancy is practically unstoppable, and it should not be done. By the time symptoms of a threat appear, the fetus is most often already dead. A woman should understand that in such a case, the pregnancy cannot be saved, and she needs to focus on identifying possible causes of genetic disorders in order to exclude them in the future.
  • Hormonal disorders can also seriously affect pregnancy and its bearing. The most common violation is lack of progesterone in the body, which is responsible for maintaining pregnancy. This hormone is first produced by the corpus luteum, for a period of about 16 weeks, when the placenta completes its formation, it takes over this function. That is why this problem is most often encountered in the first trimester, while the placenta is not yet formed. Also, progesterone is responsible for the successful implantation of the fetal egg into the uterine wall, and with its deficiency, the fetus is rejected. Another common hormonal disorder is excess male hormones. With excessive production of androgens, suppress female hormones, which leads to a threat, and then possibly to a miscarriage. Hormonal balance can be adjusted by contacting a doctor in time. And it is better to identify it before pregnancy, then there will be no threat of interruption
  • Genetic incompatibility of parents fetus is also a common cause of miscarriages. If the genes of the mother and father are very similar, the female body will reject the fetus. So ordered nature, which takes care of healthy procreation with different genes
  • Incompatibility of parents on the Rh factor of blood. There are times when a future mother has a negative Rh factor, and her partner has a positive one, most likely there will be difficulties in carrying a child, in the case when he took the father's Rh factor. This is due to the fact that the woman's body considers the embryo a foreign body and will reject it.

  • Another reason - increased blood clotting. Often this problem is detected at a later date.
  • Features of the structure of the uterus can also interfere with the bearing of a child, because a violation in the structure can prevent the fetal egg from attaching to the wall of the uterus and staying there. There are bicornuate or saddle-shaped uteruses; this developmental defect will make it difficult for a woman to bear a child, incl. possible risk of miscarriage

  • There are also infectious diseases, which can provoke a threat of termination of pregnancy. It can be a banal flu and pneumonia, kidney disease, chlamydia, viral hepatitis, syphilis, rubella and others. It is very dangerous if the body temperature of a pregnant woman is elevated, so infections should be avoided and not in contact with sick people
  • There is also a row gynecological diseases, which can provoke a threat of miscarriage. These diseases include inflammation of the genital organs, endometritis, uterine fibroids and others.
  • Previously transferred by a woman abortions or miscarriages, in which curettage was carried out, can also affect the bearing of pregnancy. This is due to the fact that these procedures damage the endometrium - the inner layer in the uterus.
  • The threat of miscarriage occurs when endocrine or immune system diseases, for example, in violation of the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, as well as in a disease such as diabetes mellitus
  • Medications can also do harm, because. Almost all medicines should not be taken during pregnancy. In addition to medicines, it is even better to refrain from taking medicinal herbs and various herbal preparations, even the most harmless ones.

  • In the second half of pregnancy, there are quite frequent cases of a threat of miscarriage due to the presence of pathologies in the development of the cervix, as well as the placenta. If the cervix is ​​weak, it may not withstand and open ahead of time, not holding the fetus
  • From emotional state a pregnant woman also depends on a lot, in particular the health of her body. Stress can make pregnancy worse, and sometimes even cause miscarriage.
  • Lifestyle a pregnant woman also occupies not the last place among the reasons due to which there is a threat of miscarriage. A pregnant woman should give up bad habits such as smoking, drinking, drugs, and also refrain from drinking coffee and other unhealthy foods that can harm

  • Injuries, physical activity, falls, blows to the stomach can also seriously harm. Interestingly, even if a woman suffered a concussion before becoming pregnant, this can further provoke a threat of miscarriage.
  • Based on statistics, in women over 35 years of age miscarriages happen twice as often. Experts attribute this to the fact that the eggs are aging and more embryos are not viable. In men, sperm are constantly produced from the moment of their puberty, but women are already born with eggs, which gradually grow with them. Therefore, the older the woman, the older her eggs, which eventually lose their viability due to environmental factors: they are affected by past diseases, toxins and other harmful substances.

Be attentive to yourself and your health, it is advisable to start even before pregnancy, and this will help you endure and give birth to a healthy baby.

How to keep a pregnancy at risk of miscarriage?

With the threat of a miscarriage, it is quite often possible to save a pregnancy if the woman takes all measures in time and starts treatment. It is best to do this in a hospital where you will be under observation and where all the necessary examinations can be carried out.

Maintaining pregnancy in the first trimester

At any time, the threat of termination of pregnancy should be treated, but in the early stages everything is complicated by the fact that it is difficult to find out the cause of the threat.

If the child is long-awaited or there have already been unsuccessful attempts, doctors in the first trimester try to keep the pregnancy. But if the woman is healthy, the pregnancy is the first and the threat of interruption cannot be eliminated, it is believed that it is better not to go against nature and try again, and perhaps the next pregnancy will proceed better.

This is due to the fact that miscarriages very often occur in the early stages due to the non-viability of the fetus and the presence of genetic abnormalities in it.

Preservation of pregnancy in the hospital

  • Most often, when complications of pregnancy occur, a woman is admitted to the hospital for further examination, treatment and observation.
  • One of the main treatments used is strict bed rest. With hypertonicity, women are given droppers with magnesia, suppositories with papaverine, as well as no-shpu. For problems with carrying a pregnancy in the first trimester, this is enough
  • For hormonal problems, progesterone preparations, such as utrogestan or duphaston, are prescribed. Ginipral is often prescribed in the second and third trimesters.
  • If the pain has stopped, there is no bleeding, the tone of the uterus is normal - this indicates the correct treatment and preservation of pregnancy. But do not forget that after discharge from the hospital, you must take care of yourself, follow the recommendations of gynecologists and follow the regime

Keeping a Pregnancy at Home

  • Many are interested in the question of whether it is possible to treat the threat of miscarriage at home. It is not so easy to answer this question, because it all depends on this particular case, the causes of the threat of pregnancy, its severity, the number and severity of symptoms, the state of health and well-being of the pregnant woman.
  • With a slight hypertonicity, for example, you can be treated at home. But you will need to follow the doctor's prescriptions, including observing strict bed rest, taking medication during the medication, avoiding stress, overwork
  • However, you need to understand that in this case you yourself are responsible for the consequences, you risk, first of all, the life of your unborn child. After all, household chores, a well-fed husband, lessons learned with an older child are not worth it! In addition, all cases can be entrusted to the same husband, mother, sister, girlfriend. Think carefully about this before refusing hospital treatment.

Treating threatened miscarriage at home

Threat of miscarriage in the first trimester of pregnancy

The first trimester lasts from the 1st to the 12th week. The first period, which can be called critical, usually occurs in the 2nd or 3rd week. At this time, the fertilized egg is already in the uterus and is implanted in its wall. This period is very important, and most often a woman does not even know what is happening now, and in case of failure, she may not know that she has had a miscarriage.

The most common causes of a threatened miscarriage are as follows:

  • genetic disorders in the fetus and its non-viability
  • the presence of damage to the endometrium (the layer inside the uterus)
  • the presence of bad habits in a woman, taking drugs that are harmful to the fetus
  • stress
  • scars after caesarean section
  • presence of uterine fibroids
  • disorders in the structure of the uterus

The period of 8-12 weeks is also dangerous and there may be a threat of termination of pregnancy. As a rule, at this time, the cause is a lack of progesterone in a woman.

Threat of miscarriage in the second trimester of pregnancy

In the second trimester, which falls on weeks 13-26, there is also a possibility of a threat of interruption. At this time, the critical period falls on 18-22 weeks, because. the uterus is growing rapidly.

  • Dangerous during this period are violations in the development of the placenta - low presentation
  • Pathology of internal organs
  • Presence of infectious diseases

The above reasons make the placenta sensitive, which leads to its detachment. And as mentioned above, detachment causes bleeding, due to which a miscarriage is possible.

Threat of miscarriage in the third trimester of pregnancy

  • After the 26th week of pregnancy, the third trimester begins. During this period, instead of the threat of miscarriage, the threat of premature birth is possible.
  • Bleeding may occur in the third trimester, most commonly due to low placentation or placenta previa
  • Premature detachment of the placenta in most cases does not harm the mother and baby, but breaks the connection between them. Seek medical attention if bleeding occurs
  • You should also be alerted by the lack of baby movements, it happens that children die in the womb due to entanglement of the umbilical cord or for other reasons. Better play it safe and go to the doctor if you are worried about the long absence of tremors
  • Leakage of amniotic fluid can also lead to fetal suffocation, so don't delay, your baby can still be saved. In these cases, stimulate premature birth with special drugs.
  • The period from 28 to 32 weeks is very dangerous, because. the uterus is growing rapidly. Therefore, at this time, most often, preterm labor occurs due to placental abruption, late toxicosis, hormonal disorders and other reasons.

The main thing that a woman should do is, at the slightest disturbance in her state of health, seek medical help, try to calm down and trust the doctors. Nowadays, thanks to the latest medical technologies, 96% of premature babies can be saved and left in special children's departments.

Treatment for threatened miscarriage. Drugs for threatened miscarriage

  • When treating the threat of miscarriage, a woman must observe bed rest. In some cases, she is not allowed to get out of bed even to go to the toilet.
  • Naturally, at the first symptoms and the diagnosis of a threatened abortion, a woman begins to worry and get nervous. However, stress is not the best medicine, the depressed psychological state of a pregnant woman can aggravate the situation, so doctors prescribe sedatives, such as valerian tincture, sedasen

  • In the first trimester, doctors very often prescribe hormonal drugs that contain progesterone (utrogestan, duphaston) or drugs that suppress excess male hormones - androgens
  • If immune diseases are the cause of the threat, experts recommend drugs such as dexamethasone, Medipred
  • If an insufficiency was detected on an ultrasound scan or examination by a doctor, then under anesthesia, an operation is performed to sutured the cervix, which prevent the fetal egg from coming out. In this case, the woman receives drugs that relax the uterus.
  • With the threat of miscarriage for a period of more than 16 weeks, gynecologists prescribe pregnant drugs that relieve spasms of the muscles of the uterus, for example, ginipral, partusisten, magnesium sulfate. Usually a pregnant woman is given droppers with these drugs.

  • If a woman has bleeding, hemostatic medications are used.
  • If necessary, a pregnant woman is treated for infections, inflammatory processes, and various chronic diseases.
  • To strengthen the body, doctors also prescribe a pregnant woman to drink a course of vitamin

In most cases, the threat of termination of pregnancy can be avoided if you properly approach the issue of your health during the planning of a child or at the beginning of pregnancy. And also do not forget that by contacting a doctor on time, you will save the life and health of your unborn baby.

Vitamins with the threat of miscarriage

If you have been diagnosed with Threatened miscarriage, pay attention to the vitamins you are taking, because. their lack or excess can worsen your situation and condition. You do not need to take vitamins during pregnancy on your own, be sure to consult your doctor. Try to adjust your diet first, which should include vegetables, fruits, dairy products, fish, and lean meats.

Vitamin E plays a rather large role, it helps to maintain pregnancy, and is also necessary for the normal development of the fetus. You will find this vitamin in butter and vegetable oils, seeds, nuts and other products.

Duphaston with the threat of termination of pregnancy

  • Duphaston is prescribed for pregnant women with a lack of progesterone in their body. Like Utrozhestan, this drug is a synthetic analogue of the female hormone
  • Duphaston is well tolerated by women and has no contraindications for pregnant women, does not affect the liver and blood clotting. Most often it is prescribed in the first trimester of pregnancy.
  • As previously mentioned, progesterone is produced by the corpus luteum until the 16th week, and then the placenta takes over this function, which by this time will have completed its formation. Therefore, the lack of this hormone is observed precisely at the beginning of pregnancy. In rare cases, the drug is extended up to 20 weeks
  • The dosage required by a particular woman is prescribed by a doctor. After the symptoms of the threat have passed, the drug is taken for another week, then the dosage is gradually reduced. If the symptoms return, you need to continue taking the drug for a while. It is not recommended to abruptly stop taking Duphaston.

It is better, of course, to prevent the threat of miscarriage, and now we will tell you how:

  • Prepare for pregnancy in advance: examine your body to identify chronic and other diseases, various infections dangerous for the fetus and expectant mother, do an analysis for genetic compatibility with your future father, find out about compatibility by Rh factor
  • Treat all diseases and infections found
  • Avoid crowded places and people who are sick - you need to avoid any infections during pregnancy
  • Visit your doctor regularly at the antenatal clinic
  • When planning a pregnancy, you need to stop smoking, do not use alcohol and drugs, and, of course, all this must be abandoned during pregnancy. The same should be done for the future father.
  • Eat right and watch your diet
  • Avoid stress, if you can't, ask your doctor to give you a sedative
  • Protect yourself from unnecessary physical exertion, do not carry heavy things, avoid injuries and falls, protect your stomach

If you still experience symptoms that indicate a threat of termination of pregnancy, you must urgently take the necessary measures.

  1. If you start bleeding, call an ambulance immediately
  2. If you find any symptoms of a threatened abortion, contact your doctor as soon as possible.
  3. If your stomach has become hard, you feel that the uterus is in good shape, lie down, relax, calm down. Light a papaverine candle and drink valerian
  4. While you are waiting for an ambulance or a doctor, exclude all physical activity, incl. and household chores, lie down and try to calm down

VIDEO: The threat of miscarriage: how to keep the pregnancy?

Drawing pains in the lower abdomen during pregnancy, spotting, uterine tone and back pain. Yes, these are symptoms of a threatened miscarriage in the early stages. Calmly! You can help, most importantly, see a doctor in time. And we will help you with tips on how to avoid such a situation.

Let's first figure out what the phrase "threatened miscarriage" means. This is a pathological condition in the body of a woman, when there is a real risk for the termination of bearing a child, the death of the fetus, or the birth of a premature baby.

Depending on the gestational age, there are:

threatened abortion (up to 12 weeks of pregnancy);

threatened miscarriage (up to 22 weeks);

threatening premature birth (from 22 to 36 weeks).

The threat is especially dangerous in the first two trimesters, when the risk of losing a child is highest due to the fact that the baby is not viable. But even in the third trimester of pregnancy, threatening premature births require urgent treatment, because it will take a lot of effort to nurse a prematurely born baby.

Causes of threatened miscarriage

There are so many reasons for the threat of termination of pregnancy that it is easier to divide them into separate groups:

general diseases (heart disease, vascular disease, spinal problems, kidney disease, anemia);

infectious (any kind of microbes - bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa);

genetic (fetal malformations, congenital anomalies);

anatomical (bicornuate uterus, duplication of the uterus, septum in the uterus) changes in the inner surface of the uterus after traumatic operations and abortions (synechia, endometrial receptor defect);

endocrine-metabolic (general and gynecological hormonal disorders, metabolic disorders, water-electrolyte imbalance with changes in the concentration of trace elements);

immunological (the formation of a variety of antibodies that contribute to the rejection of the fetus);

weakness of the circular muscle in the lower part of the uterus, when, at a period of 14-16 weeks, isthmic-cervical insufficiency (ICN) occurs and premature opening of the exit from the fetus occurs;

trauma (fall, impact) and physical activity;

severe stressful situation;

the use of toxic drugs;

bad habits, especially smoking, coffee abuse, fasting and frequent constipation.

It is possible that the cause of the interrupt threat is completely unclear. Neither the woman nor the doctor can understand why the symptoms of a pregnancy-threatening condition occur.

Symptoms of threatened miscarriage

1. Pain in the lower abdomen

Do not think that with the threat of a miscarriage, the pain will be only in the lower abdomen. It happens that discomfort occurs in the lower back, in the sides. By nature, they can be different: pulling, cramping, aching, cutting.

2. Discharge of blood from the vagina

As a rule, if there is heavy bleeding, it is almost impossible to keep the pregnancy. And vice versa: if the blood is released very poorly, then there are a lot of chances to continue bearing the fetus. In any case, even with minimal manifestations in the form of dark blood staining the pad, you should quickly consult a doctor.

3. Hard stomach in the uterus

This is a very unpleasant symptom, because it indicates an increased tone of the muscles of the body of the uterus. It can cause contractions that lead to premature birth in the third trimester or miscarriage - with a short gestation period.

During a gynecological examination, the doctor will notice these manifestations (increased uterine tone, the presence of blood). In addition, the doctor will evaluate the cervix (length, density, opening of the external os), blocking the exit from the womb to the baby.

With the help of ultrasound, the gynecologist will be able to see not only the threat, but also its possible cause (malformation of the fetus, placenta previa and abruption, signs of intrauterine infection, impaired blood flow). With ultrasound, you can always assess the condition of the baby and, if necessary, take all possible measures to preserve the pregnancy and save the life of the fetus.

Consequences of a threatened miscarriage for a child

If you had a threat of miscarriage from the first trimester, and for this reason you had to stay in the hospital often, then there is a risk of fetal growth retardation (IUGR). In addition, if the culprit of this condition is an infection, then there is a real risk of intrauterine infection of the fetus and amniotic fluid, which will cause sepsis in the baby and premature rupture of the membranes.

With vascular disorders and trauma, placental abruption may occur. Insufficient supply of oxygen to the brain tissues often causes its organic damage or severe functional disorders (perinatal encephalopathy). In any case, the threat of abortion is a serious and dangerous problem in carrying a fetus.

With pain in the lower abdomen, as well as, in the presence of a hard abdomen and discomfort in the uterus and lower back, you should consult a doctor in order to start maintaining the pregnancy as soon as possible. If even minimal bleeding appears, you should immediately go to the hospital. Whatever matters are planned, a woman needs to postpone them until later and do everything possible to save the pregnancy. The best choice is to go to the hospital in an ambulance.

Treatment of threatened miscarriage

In the hospital, to save the pregnancy, you must follow the recommendations of the doctor. The basis of therapy will be the following activities:

- bed rest (sometimes this is the best treatment when a woman stops going to work and doing household chores);

- taking hormonal pills or vaginal suppositories (duphaston or utrozhestan);

- intramuscular or rectal administration of papaverine;

- taking magnesium preparations (magne-B6, magvit, magnesia) or tocolytic drugs that relieve increased uterine tone (ginipral);

- with ICI, the doctor puts a suture on the cervix, which ensures the preservation of pregnancy;

- drugs are used to improve blood flow between the mother and the fetus.

Threat Prevention

In the case when timely therapy gave a positive result, and it was possible to save the pregnancy, then after discharge from the hospital, you should immediately consult a doctor to continue treatment. Sometimes you have to follow the recommendations of the doctor for the rest of the months before the birth. Here's what to do to avoid a second threat of abortion:

- restriction of sexual life and pronounced physical exertion;

- use of prenatal bandage;

– compulsory treatment of infections, general and endocrine diseases;

- taking magnesium and calcium supplements;

- the use of utrogestan up to 36 weeks of pregnancy;

- prophylactic hospitalizations in the terms determined by the doctor.

When carrying a pregnancy, various situations arise that threaten the life of the baby. And a woman should first of all think not about everyday affairs or problems at work, but about the life and health of the baby, about its proper growth and development. With all the dangerous symptoms, it is necessary, without hesitation and postponing the problem for later, to quickly seek medical help in order to do everything possible to maintain the desired pregnancy.

The origin of life is the greatest miracle on Earth, and the bearer of this miracle is a woman. How often the expectant mother thinks about what the baby will be like, dreams about his first steps and smiles.

Unfortunately, circumstances may not turn out so well, and a woman is forced to think about how to keep her pregnancy early. It must be understood that the level of modern medicine allows you to save even hopeless cases, but only when the woman herself takes all measures to save her.

Source of risk

Before you puzzle over the question of how to keep an early pregnancy, you need to determine why a tragedy can occur. Doctors classify causative factors as follows:

  • The threat of spontaneous abortion is the main reason for miscarriage up to 20 weeks.
  • Rh conflict is formed if the mother has a negative Rh factor, and the embryo is positive. The body perceives it as a foreign body.
  • Hormonal disruptions. Insufficient production of these substances makes successful gestation almost impossible.
  • Artificial insemination. An embryo is implanted into the female body. Even after hormonal preparation, the risk of termination of pregnancy remains, because the uterus pushes out the ovum.
  • Unsuccessful previous experience of bearing (habitual miscarriages, frozen pregnancy).

A reliable clinical picture emerges after the examination. According to the results of the diagnosis, further treatment tactics are being developed. All manipulations can be carried out at home or in a hospital, it depends on the severity of the patient's condition.

Threat of spontaneous abortion

The question of how to keep an early pregnancy is relevant for many families. Doctors explain that it is customary to call a miscarriage early, which develops for up to 12 weeks. They note that about ¼ of all incidents occur in the first few days after the actual conception, when the woman herself does not know about her situation.

Statistics say that the first abortion occurs in every tenth case, and a secondary abortion is twice as common. The cause of spontaneous miscarriage can be uterine hypertonicity or rejection of the fetal egg.

  • Proper nutrition (more detailed instructions will be given later).
  • A woman should be protected from stress.
  • It is better to refrain from adverse working conditions and all kinds of overvoltage. Requires strict bed rest.
  • Unquestioning adherence to medical prescriptions. Usually these are magnesium preparations, "No-shpa", "Papaverine", according to indications, hormonal agents "Utrozhestan", "Dufaston" are prescribed.
  • If necessary, hospitalization is carried out.

How to keep an early pregnancy at home?

If after the examination no serious threat is found, the doctor prescribes a set of procedures that can be implemented at home. Usually, help consists in the pharmacological support of the patient, in compliance with strict bed rest and complete emotional rest.

Among the groups of medications, hormones, drugs that relax smooth muscles, vitamins and minerals are subject to appointment. How to keep an early pregnancy? The answer is simple. It is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations of the doctor, especially if the therapy is carried out at home.

What to do after successful artificial insemination?

If the embryo transfer procedure was successful, and pregnancy tests showed a positive result, the woman should make every effort to ensure that all previous efforts are not in vain.

  • The exclusion of any emotional shocks and stresses, peace must be ensured.
  • It is imperative to take all hormonal medications that support the body. If "Utrozhestan" is prescribed in the form of candles, they must be injected deeply in order to realize the maximum effect. The tablets of the same name are taken at bedtime, as after them drowsiness and slight dizziness may occur.
  • Compliance with the daily routine. Afternoon sleep, calm walks in the fresh air are shown.
  • It is necessary to monitor the hormonal background. If jumps of estradiol and progesterone in the blood are observed, this can cause an abortion. Timely delivery of analyzes is shown.
  • If a woman is prescribed several drugs, it is better to have a special box in which the drugs will lie depending on the time they are taken, respectively, in the morning / afternoon / evening. Among the daily hassle, you do not have to remember which remedy was drunk and which was not.
  • Running, jumping, lifting heavy bags, shaking, sex life are strictly prohibited.
  • All actions the patient must coordinate with the attending physician.

Non-developing pregnancy

If a woman once suffered a similar condition, she automatically falls into the risk group. The more unsuccessful pregnancies she has had, the more likely she is to experience this problem again. In addition, those who had an ectopic fixation of the fetal egg should be wary.

  • The patient should undergo an ultrasound examination to exclude the presence of anatomical abnormalities of the uterus. On ultrasound using an internal sensor, which helps to get a detailed picture, the organs of the small pelvis are viewed.
  • It is equally important to determine the level of hormonal levels and exclude the possibility of developing diabetes. This is necessary after a woman has suffered repeated frozen pregnancy and conceived again. Depending on the results obtained, doctors prescribe the correct treatment and medication support aimed at preserving the fetus.
  • Up to 18-20 weeks of the term, the length of the cervix and the width of its canal should be determined in order to determine whether the organ is capable of holding a fetal egg. When the uterus is unable to fix the fetus, a suture is applied to the neck, which is removed immediately before delivery.
  • To preserve the fetal egg, the doctor may prescribe the installation of special rings with a bactericidal coating, which also support the cervix and help to successfully bear the baby.
  • It is important to lie down as often as possible with a pillow under your feet. They must be on some elevation.
  • Accordingly, all stressful situations and loads should be excluded.

Alternative medicine

All the experience of folk healers and healers could be embodied in the recipes of alternative medicine. Their use is permissible only with the permission of the doctor, otherwise the development of negative consequences is possible.

Recipe number 1 - complex collection

It is necessary to collect several herbs: erect cinquefoil (100 g), nettle nettle (50 g), rye stalks (50 g), marigold inflorescences (50 g), medicinal angelica (30 g). All ingredients are mixed and ground into powder, for which you can use a coffee grinder. The resulting product is brewed with 1 liter of boiling water, covered with a lid and infused for five hours. After the time has elapsed, the drug is filtered through multilayer gauze and taken twice a day in a volume of 250 ml.

Recipe number 2 - to reduce the tone of the uterus

The main components used are: blackcurrant berries (50 g), stinging nettle (50 g), elecampane root (30 g), licorice root (30 g), cinquefoil root (20 g). Herbs are combined and brewed with a liter of hot water, for which a metal container is used. The saucepan is placed on low heat, and the broth simmers for about 15 minutes, after which the mixture is set aside, and the remedy is infused for another 60 minutes. The liquid is filtered and taken five times daily, 100 ml each.

Recipe number 3 - to stop bleeding

The bark of common viburnum in an amount equal to 50 g is brewed with 500 ml of water. The mixture is brought to a boil over low heat and cooked for no more than 15 minutes. The finished broth is filtered and taken 100 ml three times a day until the pathological process stops.

Given all these recommendations, you can supplement the list of useful appointments. In order to maintain a pregnancy, it is important to maintain psychological calmness. A decoction of mint or lemon balm, which is taken in a cup a day, can help with this. It is known that milk with 1 tsp contributes to a sound and restorative sleep. honey, which can also be used while waiting for the baby in the early stages.

Proper food is the source of health

When considering the question of how to keep an early pregnancy, nutrition plays a key role in it. The entire list of products can be divided into groups II. One contributes to successful bearing, the second negatively affects the health of the woman and, as a result, the state of the fetus.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, it is necessary to saturate the diet with food rich in fiber and vitamins, the main source of which is fresh fruits and vegetables. You can eat carrots, beets, apples, pears, cucumbers, zucchini, eggplant, bananas, tomatoes. Low-fat boiled meat and whitefish, cereals are welcome. Do not get carried away with fatty foods, dishes with flavor enhancers and other chemical additives. How to keep an early pregnancy after a miscarriage and other failures? You should not forget about the drinking regime, giving preference to sour-milk drinks, fruit drinks, juices, weakly brewed teas. A lack of fluid can cause a sharp deterioration in health and increase the chances of an unfavorable outcome.

Preparation as a conservation measure

Doctors do not tire of warning that pregnancy must be maintained even before it actually occurs. A woman should plan conception and prepare for this serious period of her life with all responsibility.

  • Refusal of a harmful lifestyle, lack of sleep, addictions. A properly organized daily routine will help to quickly restore the body and create a strong potential for the successful bearing of a baby.
  • Organization of a proper and balanced diet.
  • Saturation of the body with vitamins, especially folic acid and tocopherol. In addition, many multivitamin complexes have been synthesized, the action of which is aimed at preparing the female body for pregnancy.
  • Treatment of old ailments, infections. All kinds of damage to the body, including the human papillomavirus, cervical erosion, chronic inflammation - a serious risk that is best eliminated.
  • Before pregnancy, it is necessary to pass all tests and smears in order to assess the actual state of one's own health.
  • Self-administration of pharmacological agents should be avoided.

Instead of a conclusion

The threat of miscarriage in the early stages is a fairly common diagnosis. But doctors do not always put it justifiably, while it causes great concern to suspicious expectant mothers. It is necessary to distinguish between a “threat” and a miscarriage that has already begun, and also to know what the causes of detachment of the fetal egg may be, how to avoid this in the early stages and in the later ones (yes, this happens!). But first things first.

Signs of threatened miscarriage

The doctor can make this diagnosis only on the basis of the detected uterine tone, while short-term and painless uterine contractions, especially in the last trimester of pregnancy, are absolutely normal. However, if the tone occurs frequently and does not last for several seconds, but longer, physical activity should be limited to a minimum, rest more often and limit sexual relations. To alleviate the condition and prevent miscarriage, every expectant mother should have No-Shpa and papaverine suppositories in the medicine cabinet. It is much more dangerous if bloody discharge from the vagina appears, which means that the detachment of the fetal egg or placenta has already begun. In such a situation, urgent treatment in a hospital and bed rest are required.

The threat of miscarriage in the later stages can be expressed not only by the tension of the myometrium (determined by the future mother herself and the doctor during palpation), but also by the leakage of amniotic fluid - a very dangerous condition that threatens to infect the fetus.

Causes of the threat of spontaneous abortion

1. Hormonal. Most often, miscarriage occurs due to a lack of the hormone progesterone. A little less often - with a lack of progesterone and estrogen, or an excess of male hormones - androgens, which in turn lead to a lack of estrogens. For this reason, the threat of miscarriage in the early stages also requires hormonal treatment. Doctors prescribe drugs containing progesterone - the dose is selected depending on the severity of the situation. If a woman has already had abortions due to hormonal imbalance, then at the planning stage she is prescribed special hormonal preparations for prophylactic purposes and doses.

2. Another reason - chromosomal abnormalities. For this reason, miscarriage most often occurs. In this situation, parents are often not to blame, they are absolutely healthy genetically. But nature has played such a cruel joke. Nothing can be done to help in this case.

3. The next very common reason is various infections. If we talk about "sexual", then those with which a woman falls ill for the first time while pregnant are especially dangerous. That is why even during the planning period it is necessary to be fully examined and fully treated if necessary.

4. The threat of miscarriage in early pregnancy also occurs due to heavy physical exertion, pronounced toxicosis and stress. The reason may also be air travel or a long car trip. By the way, travel in the first trimester is generally undesirable.

5. And if the threat of miscarriage in the early stages of the symptoms is quite clear and noticeable, then with regard to the second and third trimester, then everything can be more complicated. For example, at 20-25 weeks, miscarriages may occur due to "Weakness" of the cervix, or rather, isthmic-cervical insufficiency when, under the pressure of the baby, amniotic fluid and placenta, the cervix, and often in conjunction with hormonal disorders, begins to soften, shorten and open. At first, the woman does not notice anything, while you need to act quickly. A doctor can make a diagnosis during a gynecological examination, but more precisely, the result can be obtained with an ultrasound with a vaginal sensor. In this way, the doctor will be able to accurately measure the length of the cervix, and if it is insufficient, a minor surgical intervention may be required. Namely, the cervix is ​​sutured, and the stitches are removed only before childbirth. Of course, after the procedure, a woman is recommended a calm, measured lifestyle without any stress.