How do calluses form on the soles of the feet (balls of the feet)? Effective drugs that contain urea or lactic acid. How to remove a corn on the sole with pharmaceutical products

An increase in the upper stratum corneum of the skin on the soles and on the toes is called a callus. There are many reasons for the formation of corns: this is a constant overload of the legs, carrying weights, long walking, long standing, poorly chosen shoes, and so on.

There is also a special predisposition of the skin to the formation of corns. It arises from the presence of diseases such as (Here ), psoriasis, flat feet, fungal infections, lack of vitamin A in the body. Calluses on the feet are sometimes extremely sensitive when walking, as the keratinized mass puts pressure on the nerve endings of the skin.

Very similar to corns are plantar warts, which are very painful. Warts are more difficult to cure, so it is recommended to see a doctor. Although there are folk remedies that can help with both corns and warts.

For example, such: take lard, juice in equal parts and smear with this composition sore spot. You can also chop 3 (three) cloves of garlic and insist in a glass of boiling water for one hour, and then smear the wart with the resulting infusion several times a day.

If the corn is very sore and festering, then it is best to contact a dermatologist as soon as possible. If the callus behaves more calmly, but you decide to get rid of it, then first steam your legs in a special solution. To do this, take 10 grams per liter of hot water. baking soda, add 20 grams of soap and a few drops of ammonia.

After five or ten minutes, wipe your feet with a tissue and try to scrape off the stratum corneum. You can scrape off with a pumice stone or use a safety razor blade, which you first wipe with alcohol or cologne. It is necessary to scrape off very carefully: layer by layer. And after the corn has been removed, it is necessary to treat the skin with iodine or a solution of diamond greens in alcohol.

If the surface of the skin after removing the callus has become slightly, it is necessary to lubricate with a 5-10% synthomycin emulsion and cover with a bandage for 2-3 days. The pharmacy sells corn fluids. Also in the same pharmacy you can find a corn plaster and creams. They are designed to remove corns, but you must strictly follow the instructions that come with these products.

Sometimes calluses on the feet can be easily removed even after simple first procedures. So, a strong decoction of the bark helps well. Four tablespoons of the bark should be poured with a glass of boiling water, kept in a thermos for 15 minutes or kept hot for 10 minutes on a very low heat, however, avoiding boiling. Then they insist for 20 minutes, filter and moisten the canvas in this warm broth. Slightly squeezing, wrap their leg in two layers. 2-3 layers of woolen fabric are also wound on top. This bandage is left on all night.

Calluses on the feet are also with the help of lemon. First, the leg is steamed into hot water- 5 or 10 minutes. Then, after wiping the leg dry, they tie a crust with a small part of the pulp to the corn. All this is done at night.

Juice is also used for dressings with corns home flower.

Straw helps. Hot baths are made daily from a decoction of this straw for 15 minutes. After a couple of days, the corn softens and is removed.

It is very important to wear comfortable shoes in which your legs feel free and do not get tired!

But, if the corn did not succumb to removal and it hurts a lot, then you need to go to the doctor.

Wet calluses are a problem familiar to many firsthand, most of all it is the female who has to face it.

Causes of wet corns

New shoes, in which one really wants to show off in front of acquaintances and friends, can bring a lot of unpleasant moments if in practice they turn out to be cramped or uncomfortable.

It is shoes that often cause the formation of blisters on the heels, feet and between painful and filled with a clear liquid inside (as they are also called by the people). The effect of friction is enhanced by sweating of the feet or the presence of holes in the toe. How to treat wet corns on the feet from shoes?

When working for a long time without protective gloves with any tool, the formation of wet and fingers of the hands can be observed. More than anything this phenomenon summer residents are susceptible, who, when working intensively with garden tools (shovel, pruner, hoe), do not notice their appearance in a timely manner. Also, provocateurs of blistering with diligent use can be the usual ball pen Or a tennis racket.

How do dropsies appear?

Wet calluses are formed during the process of friction, which causes the displacement of the surface skin layer relative to the underlying inner layers. The initial transformations of the epidermis often go unnoticed; with continued exposure, the final exfoliation of the upper layer and the appearance of a cavity gradually filled with an intercellular transparent liquid occur. Outwardly, it looks like a slight redness, which subsequently turns into a slight swelling, accompanied by painful sensations. The slightest touch to the bladder can cause increased pain and tension in the walls of the callus. Treatment can be avoided by applying a patch at this stage, by wearing gloves, or by stopping the rubbing action on the skin. Otherwise, the corn must be urgently treated to prevent infection from entering the resulting wound.

Signs of infection in wet corns

Any impact of a mechanical nature (impact, squeezing, continued friction) leads to the rupture of the bubble and the outflow of the fluid contained in it. When the walls of the dropsy are torn off, a weeping red wound remains on the skin, which with a high probability can be infected with staphylococcal or streptococcal bacillus.

The infection that has occurred can be determined by such signs as redness beyond the borders of the corn, strong pain, turbidity of the liquid, discharge of pus, the formation of yellow crusts around the callus, fever. How to treat wet calluses on the legs at home?

Act proactively

Unlike large dropsy, small calluses do not cause pain and do not open on their own; they are simply covered with a band-aid to prevent further injury. Discomfort and pain cause dropsy big size ready to explode at any moment. Therefore, in this case should be proactive and pierce them.

Most favorable period for such a manipulation is the day on which the wet corn was discovered.

Wet calluses on the legs: home treatment

  • Be sure to disinfect the puncture site by lubricating with iodine or brilliant green.
  • The puncture must be made with a needle or a pin, previously treated with alcohol or calcined over a fire.

  • The corn should be pierced only from the side, inserting the needle almost parallel to the skin surface. If this condition is not observed and the corn is pierced in the upper part, there is a huge risk of damaging its bottom, which is fraught with the onset inflammatory process.
  • To ensure a continuous outflow of fluid from the corn, it is recommended to make several punctures. It is undesirable to get carried away too much: the walls of the bubble, protecting delicate skin inside the corns from damage and infection, must remain intact.
  • After making punctures, wet corn is recommended to be gently pressed with slight pressure tissue paper or with a bandage so that all the internal fluid comes out. If the dropsy fills up again, the puncture will need to be repeated.
  • To prevent infection, an ointment containing an antibiotic should be applied to the opened wet corn.

  • After the manipulations, it is recommended to cover the dropsy with a protective patch, which is changed twice a day and removed before bedtime. This is required in order for the wound to “breathe”: air access will speed up the healing process and quickly dry out wet calluses on the legs.

Treatment, an ointment with antibacterial properties should be used for spontaneous opening of a wet callus and separation of its wall. The wound must first be cleaned and disinfected. In order to avoid injury and contamination, it is recommended to cover the lesion site with a gauze pad with adhesive tape, thus creating favorable conditions for its healing.

If infection nevertheless occurs, the corn will have to be opened completely, all the walls of the bladder should be removed, because it is an ideal environment for the reproduction of bacteria and the development of the infectious process. Be sure to consult a surgeon in such a situation. The doctor will perform an autopsy of the corn, process it in compliance with all the rules of sanitation, apply a bandage, and then prescribe antibiotic therapy.

Folk methods for the treatment of wet corns

How to treat wet calluses on the legs? can be successfully treated folk methods, one of which is the use of a bath of saline solution(per liter of warm water - 1 tablespoon of salt). It is not recommended to keep your feet in this composition for a long time, just rinse them enough.

Wet corn is recommended to be treated 4 times a day with a composition of 1 part of the oil tea tree and 3 parts vegetable oil. In addition to the healing effect, this tool will protect the wounds from the penetration of infections and bacteria. Helping you get your legs back healthy look baths from sour milk or serum.

Soothing properties have gruel obtained by grinding fresh and clean leaves plants. This remedy It is recommended to apply to the damaged area of ​​the skin.

An all-weather medicine in the treatment wet calluses is an ordinary potato. Available in the bins of every housewife, it is recommended to grate this product, put the resulting slurry on a gauze swab, which is applied to the painful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin and secured with a bandage and plaster. The bandage should be renewed once a day. For the healing of dropsy, 3-4 sessions are enough.

Kalanchoe and aloe against corns

How to treat wet Aloe juice is considered an excellent wound healing remedy. To treat dropsy, a small piece of the plant is cut into two halves and applied to the wound. inside. You can fix the healing agent with a plaster or bandage. Constantly change. Repeat the procedure until the corn is completely healed.

Not less than effective tool is Kalanchoe, a piece of which (with children along the edges of the sheet) should be applied to a previously steamed and wiped dry leg. Fix the leaf of the plant with a bandage or plaster. Such a compress is recommended to be done every day, and the result will not be long in coming.

This omnipotent medicinal herb

How to treat wet calluses on the legs at home? Often, with wet calluses, plantain leaves are used, which are well washed under running water, which can be fixed on the leg with a bandage or plaster. Previously, it is recommended to rub the plantain with your hands.

Drying, wound healing and antibacterial properties are characterized by chamomile and calendula. Baths from these medicinal herbs help to quickly heal damaged skin.

Preventive measures

Preventive measures to prevent the formation of wet calluses in the first place is to protect the skin from friction. You can protect your hands by wearing protective gloves.

Heels, feet and toes can be protected with a careful approach to the choice of shoes: an important factor is comfort and conformity to the size of the foot. For sports activities uniforms must be appropriate and intended only for the selected sport. Closed shoes are recommended to be worn only on the toe. You should know that acrylic socks protect the skin from friction better than cotton ones, which become rougher after two or three washes. Because of this, sweat does not evaporate, the fabric gets wet along with the feet, which increases friction.

With significant loads ( sport games, running, jumping, long walking) it is recommended to first put on an acrylic sock on the foot, and then a cotton sock on top of it. It is advisable to use against dropsy on the legs special creams(for example, Vichi) or

no wet calluses

It is worth remembering that wet skin is more exposed to friction. Therefore, one should take necessary measures for drying it out:

  • Fight sweaty feet by using sweat-reducing creams and sprays. Or use ordinary talcum powder, which is sprinkled on the soles and spaces between the fingers.
  • Dry shoes thoroughly.

Also, you should always have a regular band-aid with you that can protect the damaged area from infections. Of the wide variety presented on the shelves of pharmacies, Silkoplast, Scholl, Compeed are considered the most effective. Such means isolate corns from external influence, reduce pain, reduce friction, protect against infection.

Secrets of healthy legs

Wet calluses on the feet, which can be treated without fear at home, should not cause discomfort and anxiety, so it is recommended to choose comfortable and comfortable shoes, wear them according to the season and take care of the cleanliness of your socks. Feet need the same care as the face and hands.

Once or twice a week, you need to make relaxing baths from decoctions of such medicinal herbs as chamomile, string, nettle, tansy. Fatigue of the legs can be relieved by massage using essential oils.

Conditions modern life and its fast rhythm is often reflected in human health. One of the most unpleasant sensations is the appearance of a callus on the foot. No one is immune from such a neoplasm, the disease appears both in adults and in people. The seal brings discomfort, it becomes difficult to walk, the gait in this case changes, the affected area hurts and requires immediate treatment. To start it, you need to know: what is a corn, what types of corns exist, how to remove and how to treat them from the skin of the legs and forget about the reappearance forever. Such questions are faced by every patient who wants to get rid of the growth on their own.

Calluses seriously affect the quality of life

Definition of corn and its types

Callus is a form of damage to some areas of the skin, which occurs as a result of friction with another surface. The appearance of a seal is most often sudden, feature there will be bumps on the skin of the legs. The bump can be either dry or wet. The characteristics and types of corns will depend on this. In medicine, it is customary to define the following types appearing seals:

  • Dry. When dry neoplasms appear, the skin above the surface of the foot rises both thick and thin layer. A lump appears, which differs in color from healthy skin. About Us yellow tint, It has round shape, firm to the touch. When walking brings discomfort, sometimes up to the occurrence pain, it becomes very unpleasant and painful to attack. Dry callus on the foot looks like a wart. main feature- this is when the seal is damaged or pricked from the wart, blood points can be seen, in the case of dry callus, they will not be, since this is already dead tissue. These two types of inflammation on the skin are similar, but the principle of their treatment is different.
  • Watery or wet neoplasms on the skin of the legs. The skin in this case also tends to rise and form a specific bubble. Inside this bubble is lymph, and sometimes purulent masses. When pressing on the corn on the foot, a small tubercle (bubble) is felt. In no case should you burst it - this can lead to an abscess and infection. Most known species calluses on the feet - this is a bution. He does not respond to home treatment You can get rid of it only by cosmetic methods.
  • Calluses. They affect the skin of the sole if worn uncomfortable shoes. They can appear on the heels or on the sides. Getting rid of them at home is difficult, but possible.
  • Calluses on bones. This form of growth occurs on the heel or bones of the fingers in the form of a large tubercle due to fractures, dislocations and subluxations.
  • Rod or ingrown bump. It penetrates the epidermis with deep roots. It is difficult to remove this type of corn, since a bump can form on the surface again and again, but this is only if the subcutaneous roots are not completely removed.

Serious attention should be paid to growths with black dots. Black color is a sign that there are roots under the skin.

Water calluses look like a fluid-filled bladder

Reasons for the appearance of neoplasms

Any callus in medicine is a benign tumor and defensive reaction organism, which after a certain period of time passes. The reasons for the appearance of neoplasms can be:

  • Uncomfortable and ill-fitting shoes. This is the main cause of skin discomfort. Shoes that don't fit properly and are made from poor quality materials can cause bunion because the foot feels either too tight or too loose. Calluses will not keep you waiting.
  • Wet feet. When feet sweat in shoes - it's not good. Therefore, it is recommended to wear socks and hosiery.
  • Flat feet and a special structure of the sole and foot.

Callus bumps can appear anywhere on the foot: on the toes, heels, soles, sides, and it is recommended to discuss what to do when they appear with a dermatologist.

Treatment process

If corns, pain, itching and redness appear on the foot, then treatment should be started immediately. The process of treating corns on the feet can be either long or not, sometimes without additional friction, it goes away on its own. Many sources talk about how to get rid of corns, but the treatment process for each type is different.

Neoplasm on the bone

How to cure callus on bones? There is only one option - surgical or cosmetic. To the touch, the neoplasm is very hard, sometimes even affecting the bones. It is unlikely that it will be possible to remove the corn at home, it does not respond well to methods traditional medicine and pharmaceutical preparations.

Bone calluses are treated only surgically

old corns

It will also be difficult to remove the old callus, which reminds of itself with a certain frequency, especially when changing seasonal shoes. The skin is in a coarsened state, it is dry, sometimes with black dots and internal roots. In extremely advanced cases, you can use the services of a medical clinic and carry out laser removal, or try the following recipes:

  • Heat milk 3.2% fat and dilute the pulp of fig fruits in it. It takes a little milk to make the mixture quite thick. The resulting infusion is applied to dry skin of the legs and bandaged. It is necessary to repeat the procedure daily, until the moment when the corn falls off by itself or it can be removed with scissors.
  • Pharmaceutical oil (castor, sesame), and you can also use vegetable or olive oil to lubricate the neoplasm. When it becomes soft, it can be removed or scraped off with a pumice stone.

The appearance of black dots

This is the first sign that a benign tumor has already taken root. Sometimes this type of neoplasm can appear due to a fungus on the skin, as well as when wearing uncomfortable shoes. effective method deliverance will be a cure liquid nitrogen or drilling. Such methods act deep under the skin and are aimed at the rod. Folk remedies advise the following:

  • Bath with mustard. Pour into a small basin required amount warm water, add 4-5 tablespoons of mustard powder. Steam your feet in this solution. Approximately 4 procedures will be enough.
  • Apply pointwise celandine, aloe or Kalanchoe juice to the affected area, avoiding contact with healthy skin. This method is used 4 to 10 times a day. In the evening, the legs are steamed in warm water, dried and lubricated with a rich moisturizer.

Mustard will help soften the root

Education with blisters

As mentioned above, in no case should you pierce and cut off this type of inflammation on the skin. Inside the blister contains lymph, which protects against infection in the skin. If you pierce it, then infection can occur. Such a watery bump can burst on its own, without human intervention. The remaining skin cannot be cut either - it is a natural barrier and protective film. Corn should be dried in the following ways:

  • Bath with herbs. Chamomile and coltsfoot are excellent anti-inflammatory, wound healing and disinfectant agents. IN warm water a pre-prepared solution of these ingredients is added. The legs are steamed. Repeat the process daily in the evening until complete drying such a pathology.
  • The peel of the lemon is thinly sliced ​​and mixed with lemon juice. The resulting slurry is applied to the finger, heel or foot and bandaged. In the morning the compress is removed. Repeat every evening until the corn is dry.
  • In a bowl of hot water, dilute a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate with baking soda. Steam your feet in this solution for no more than fifteen minutes and let dry at room temperature.

Lump with purulent masses

When the bubble bursts, the lymph comes out, purulent masses may appear inside the remaining skin. You can get rid of this type of seal at home. The most important thing is to protect the skin area with a bandage or plaster. The following popular recipes will also help:

  • Grate potatoes until gruel. Peel the tomato from the film and add a couple of tablespoons of the pulp to the potatoes. Mix thoroughly and apply the product on the affected area of ​​the foot, bandage it. In the morning next day remove the bandage and wash your feet in warm water.
  • Aloe juice will help heal the resulting wound.

It is best to use the above baths, infusions and lubrication in the evening.

Feet and legs rest, it is possible to relieve fatigue and inflammation with the help of steaming. In addition, you do not have to immerse your feet in shoes, which only worsens the situation.

A plucked corn should be protected with a band-aid

What shoes should I choose to avoid the appearance of growths

To purchase new shoes should sharpen Special attention. The following tips will help you choose decent shoes:

  • Shoes should be tried on and bought in the first half of the day, as by evening the foot swells and thereby increases in size.
  • Be sure to try on with socks on.
  • The human body is not symmetrical, so one foot may be longer and wider than the other. New products should be chosen according to the larger size of the foot.
  • Insoles should be bought orthopedic, they keep the foot in the correct position.
  • The toes should not bend in new shoes, but feel comfortable.

It is possible and necessary to get rid of corn formations, as they lead serious pathologies associated with deformities of the foot and toes.

Root callus at home

The first sign of a hard (dry) root callus is excessive thickening of the stratum corneum. He puts pressure on soft tissues resulting in corns (or hyperkeratosis). In the future, an increase in horny masses occurs in depth, in the direction of the deep layers of the dermis. As time passes, the top of this cone "meets" the nerve. As a result, it is damaged and irritated, which causes pain and inflammation. Formed solid root like, glassy in appearance, with a slightly brown or yellowish tinge, having a diameter of up to 3 mm. When it appears, stepping on the foot becomes very.

You can get rid of the root callus provided that it is removed.

Corn is a problem that not only causes discomfort, but it also looks extremely unaesthetic. Callus occurs due to wearing tight, uncomfortable shoes, as well as due to neglect of the legs. If left untreated, they can cause an inflammatory process that makes walking much more difficult. Eliminate the cause, cure them, and they will not bother you anymore.


Hard calluses, the so-called corns, should be removed with a dry one. This is done in a special office using an apparatus with abrasives of various grain sizes. If the corn is old and deep, then it will not succeed in 1 time. You will need to carry out several procedures, combining them with home processing.

The easiest way: steam your legs in a basin of hot water, in which soda and soap are dissolved. After 40 minutes, the legs are taken out and wiped. If you are a shallow corn, then it is not advisable to rub it with abrasive materials. By combining steaming with a dry pedicure, you will notice that after 5-7 treatments your soles will become soft.

For deep callus apply special formulations to exfoliate and soften the skin of the corn. It can be a keratolic ointment or gel. From folk remedies, an application with gruel from aloe is very good. First, the legs are steamed, then gruel is applied to the corn and fixed with a bandage. This application should last on the leg for 1 day, after which it is unwound and the softened callus is scraped off. If necessary, repeat the procedure.

A few hours of walking in uncomfortable shoes is enough, as corns appear on the legs. Although this problem is unpleasant, it can be easily dealt with. However, if wearing tight shoes normal, more trouble is to be expected.


With regular rubbing of the skin, the body tries to protect vulnerable areas as much as possible. To do this, it produces more epidermal cells. They gradually layer on each other and keratinize in the area where the damage occurs. Thus, a kind of shield is formed that protects the skin from injury.

With the appearance of corns that form when wearing new or uncomfortable shoes, everyone has encountered in their lives. And if in young age the problem is limited to a painful watery blister, then over the years, when metabolic processes begin to slow down, and the skin becomes dry, in places of rubbing, small cuts or injuries, keratinization occurs, which at first does not cause any particular inconvenience. However, if you do not get rid of such skin hardening immediately, they imperceptibly turn into the so-called dry callus.

may appear in various places, but still their favorite place is the feet and palms. Formed on the toes, heels and soles of the feet, with deep rods or in the form of corns, they give their owner a lot of inconvenience and suffering, both physical and aesthetic.

So, how to treat the unfortunate dry calluses and corns with folk remedies at home?

Dry corn is found in two types:

  • soft callus has a hard core, surrounded by not too coarsened tissue and extending rather deep, usually appears between the fingers
  • hard dry callus occurs more often on outside fingers, on the soles of the feet, and has a radial hard thickening around the shaft

In addition to dry corns, the so-called calluses. They usually occur at fracture sites, regardless of their location. As a treatment, physiotherapy is prescribed. IN extreme cases resort to surgical intervention. In the presence of callus are prohibited physical exercise, hypothermia and overheating.

There are many ways to get rid of dry corns at home. To do this, you need to be patient and strictly follow all the procedures, since interrupted treatment drives the problem even deeper. Successful removal of dry calluses is possible on early stages, old calluses are successfully removed by laser, liquid nitrogen (cryodestruction), radio wave method or electrocoagulation in beauty salons and medical institutions. With concomitant fungal infection, cryo- and laser exposure are the most optimal. How to treat calluses on the legs in traditional ways.

Treatment of dry corns with folk remedies at home

The procedure for removing dry corns, in fact, comes down to extracting the rod. Since this is not easy to do, before applying any corn remedy, the problem area must be steamed well, and the softened cornification should be cut off with nail scissors or wiped off with a pumice stone.

During treatment, the stem from dry corn is removed after 1-2 weeks daily use at home, folk remedies, with a noticeable relief, and in place of the former callus, a deep hole from the rod is visible, which is tightened over time.


Modern pharmacology offers many effective keratolytic, disinfectant drugs that get rid of annoying dry corns and corns.

This and the well-known corn plaster "Salipod" and a patch for corns "Compeed", pasta "5 days", balm "Mountain celandine",Kolomak, 10% salicylic ointment in combination with benzoic acid and much more.

For treatment callus it is necessary to steam the legs in hot water with the addition of a few drops tea tree and a tablespoon apple cider vinegar. Dry the skin terry towel, then cut a hole the size of a corn in a regular band-aid. Stick the patch on the corn, while the corn should be completely open. After the healthy tissue is isolated, salicylic ointment is applied to the corn, and another patch is sealed on top. After 8 hours, the patch is removed. The corn softens so much that it can be removed with ordinary pedicure tools. If necessary, the procedure is immediately repeated.

Folk remedies used at home are suitable for treating corns on any part of the legs: on the fingers and between the toes, on the foot, sole, heel and even on the little finger. Despite the abundance of pharmacy offers, these recipes are still very popular. Here are some of the most effective ways removal of dry corns on the legs.

Soda soap baths. Dissolve a tablespoon of soda and the same amount of grated laundry soap in 1 liter of hot water. Steam hands or feet for 15-20 minutes, then remove softened excess skin with a pumice stone or manicure tools. Then the skin is dried with a soft towel and lubricated nourishing cream. Adding to the bath chamomile infusion significantly accelerates the result, and 72 percent laundry soap It also helps fight fungus. Repeat the procedure daily until complete recovery.

Soda gum baths. hot tub for legs is prepared at the rate of 1 teaspoon of baking soda per 1 liter of water. A regular patch with a cut hole is applied to the dried, cleansed of excess skin, the diameter of which repeats our dry corn. Then 2-3 drops of fir resin are applied to the corn itself, sealed with another piece of adhesive tape on top. Repeat the procedure every other day until complete recovery.

Onion peel compress- the easiest and most popular method of getting rid of dry corns at home. Dry onion peel poured with a table bite and infused for 2 weeks. Then the husk is applied to the steamed corn, smeared with petroleum jelly or fat cream and leave overnight. The procedure is repeated every day until complete relief.

Vinegar baths. In very hot water mixed with 2-3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar (6%), steam the foot daily until the water has completely cooled, remembering to remove the softened part of the corn. Then dry the skin with a soft towel and lubricate the dry corn with 10% salicylic ointment. Cover the affected area with a napkin, fix with a bandage and put on a cotton sock. Repeat the procedure every day for 7-14 days.

Lemon compress. It is good to steam the legs, remove the keratinized excess with a pumice stone. Then put a piece of lemon peel on dry corn, press and bandage. Remove the bandage after a few days. The corn falls off on its own.

Pepper plaster. On the steamed and peeled dry corn, glue a pepper patch cut to the size of the corn, but 3-5 mm larger. Fix on top with a regular plaster. Do not remove for several days, then the corn should be torn off on its own. If this does not happen, repeat the procedure.

Compress with tea tree oil. Steam legs, clean, wipe dry. Prepare a mixture of 1 teaspoon honey, 1 teaspoon grated radish and 10 drops of tea tree oil. Apply the gruel directly to the corn, covering healthy skin with a patch applicator. An insulating bandage is applied on top. In the morning everything is removed, the corn is cleaned. Repeat the procedure daily until complete cleansing of rough skin.

Propolis. A plate of natural propolis is applied to the steamed and cleaned problem area, fixed with adhesive tape. The procedure is repeated daily until complete healing.

Should be remembered: it is easier to prevent the disease than to fight it later. To prevent the appearance of corns and corns, you need to give preference to comfortable, loose shoes made of natural materials, stockings and socks should also be made of natural fiber. In addition, the skin of the hands and feet must be continuously looked after, softening creams should be used, and keratinized skin particles should be removed in a timely manner.