Tick-borne piroplasmosis in dogs: symptoms, treatment and consequences, signs during the incubation period. Babesiosis in dogs: diagnosis, treatment and prevention

Without prompt medical attention, dogs quickly die. How to recognize one of the most terrible diseases in time?

Pathogens destroy red blood cells, multiplying in them and eating hemoglobin. Babesia quickly move from one red blood cell to another, so the disease develops rapidly.

Important! Piroplasmosis is a disease that threatens the life of a pet. Without help, dogs die within a few days due to rapid intoxication.

Symptoms, signs and treatment

Ticks stick to the skin immediately, so infection can be avoided. Piroplasmosis in dogs: symptoms, treatment, we will consider in detail below.

Symptoms of the disease

The main signs, symptoms of piroplasmosis in dogs:

  • due to a large number of dead red blood cells urine darkens and acquires a brick shade;
  • the dog is lethargic, eats poorly, but drinks eagerly;
  • mucous membranes turn pale, may become icteric;
  • body temperature rises sharply (up to 41 degrees or higher);
  • vomiting and diarrhea interspersed with blood are sometimes observed.

If signs of piroplasmosis are found in a dog it is necessary to quickly help her, because without treatment, animals die in 90% of cases.

Important! Seek professional help immediately if your pet's urine turns dark.

In order to diagnose piroplasmosis, the doctor cuts off a dog's claw and collects blood on a glass slide. Express analysis will be ready in a few minutes. If the result is positive, the veterinarian will begin treatment.

Treatment of the disease

For the treatment of the disease, the following scheme is used ( the dose of each drug is selected by a specialist):

  1. First, agents that destroy pathogens (babesia) are injected into the animal's body. They are of two kinds. The first ones are based on imidocarb (Imizol and Piro-Stop). The basis of the latter is diminazine (Azidin, Pirosan, Veriben, etc.). These drugs are extremely toxic, you can not administer them yourself, as they can affect the functioning of the brain.
  2. Due to the destruction of red blood cells, crystals form in the tubules of the kidneys, leading to blockage. To avoid this, the dog's urine is alkalized (the normal pH is 5-6.5, during treatment the indicator is raised to 7-8). Sodium bicarbonate is injected into the vein of the animal, a soda solution is drunk inside (up to 2 g per 10 kg). The pH value is constantly monitored.
  3. With piroplasmosis, the body suffers from dehydration, so the dog give intravenous infusions of glucose, saline or Ringer's solution (preferred) and vitamin C.
  4. In order to help the body cope with the disease, the veterinarian prescribes hepatoprotectors (to support the liver), drugs that stimulate the heart and diuretics (Furosemide).
  5. If the clinic has the appropriate equipment, plasmapheresis is performed on the dog. This cleansing of the blood allows you to quickly remove toxins from the body without damaging the liver and kidneys of the animal.
  6. Donor blood transfusion- a way to replenish the number of red blood cells.

The course of treatment should take place under the constant attention of specialists, the treatment of piroplasmosis in dogs at home is extremely dangerous for a pet.

Attention! It is better to leave the pet in a hospital, where, at the slightest deterioration, the dog will be helped.

The consequences of treatment, features of nutrition and care

Piroplasmosis does not pass without a trace and leaves behind irreversible consequences: kidney failure develops, the liver suffers, the central nervous system is affected, the work of the heart and respiratory system is disrupted.

Complications with piroplasmosis can occur not only because of the pathogen. The consequences of piroplasmosis in dogs are due to the use of toxic drugs that can lead to serious consequences:

  • antiprotozoal drugs (Berenil, Azidin, Imizol, etc.) have many side effects and negatively affect the work of the liver;
  • Imidocarb causes dysfunction of the CNS and also leads to allergies, which may lead to the need
  • Diminazin negatively affects the work of the central nervous system and liver.

After taking the drugs, the dog remains weakened for some time. Anemia may persist for up to 2 weeks. Avoid long walks, the pet needs to be kept calm and warm.

For the duration of treatment and a few weeks after it, the dog is transferred to a therapeutic diet (Hills, RoyalCanin and others with the Hepatic prefix). In the first few days, it is better to give the pet canned food, and only after the condition improves, you can replace them with dry food.


It is impossible to protect a pet 100%, but the prevention of piroplasmosis in dogs will reduce the risk of infection:

Keep a close eye on your animal during the warmer months. If the dog's urine has darkened, immediately show the dog to the veterinarian and do an express analysis for the presence of the disease. Piroplasmosis is only No less dangerous or Unfortunately,

Remember - the sooner treatment is started, the more chances your pet has to survive and recover!

Additionally, check out the video about the symptoms of piroplasmosis in furry friends:

A seasonal disease carried by ticks of the genus Babesia. Dogs are parasitized by ixodid ticks B. Canis and B. Gibsoni. A severe pathology that requires prompt intervention by a veterinarian, home treatment is ineffective.

What is piroplasmosis?

Intermediate hosts, in whose body the piroplasm reproduces asexually, are representatives of the canine family. The definitive hosts and vectors of babesiosis are ixodid and argas ticks, which are active during the warm season from April to September. In the southern regions, where spring comes from the end of February, March, piroplasmosis begins to "rage" earlier.

Pathogen life cycle

Associated with the change of two owners - a tick and a dog. The latter become infected when bitten by an insect while walking in nature. Babesia penetrating into erythrocytes (trophozoites) feed on hemoglobin, multiply by simple division, forming two daughter cells. Teardrop-shaped merozoites are localized in the central part of the erythrocyte.

With extensive invasions, several pairs (up to 8) of babesia can be found in one erythrocyte. Destroying the shell of red blood cells, Babesia enter the bloodstream and re-introduce into a healthy cell, completing the cycle and turning into trophozoites.

Piroplasmosis occurs seasonally, but in recent years there have been anomalous outbreaks of ixodid tick activity due to climate change. The dog needs protection from the first thaws to the onset of pre-winter frosts, ixodids are active only in the warm season. Contrary to opinion, a tick can bite a dog in a metropolis park. Previously, piroplasmosis was considered a disease only of village pets or dogs taken by owners to nature.

Ixodid ticks do not sit on trees and do not “jump” from there onto a person or animal. The danger is represented by thick grass, bushes, in areas of extensive localization, one can observe how ticks actively move along the trampled grass or through the air (with the wind). In recent years, the distribution area for piroplasmosis has expanded. Now outbreaks of protozoal hemolytic disease are registered in regions with a cold climate (Centre of the Russian Federation).

The first signs of piroplasmosis in dogs appear 4-20 days after the bite, as long as the incubation period of babesiosis. Symptoms are accompanied by fever, hemolysis (destruction) of red blood cells, urine with piroplasmosis in dogs becomes red, and hemoglobinuria develops.

Fact! Even with the independent removal of a tick from a pet, it is impossible to determine whether the insect is infected or not. Therefore, at the time of activity of the ixods, the dog should be treated with repellents and protective collars should be put on.

Piroplasmosis: a reminder for a breeder

Babesiosis affects dogs of all breeds and ages. Even miniature pets that move exclusively on the hands of their owners and instead of walking, preferring a cat tray, become the object of a tick attack. Ixodes move perfectly on human clothes. Therefore, after suburban promenades during the season of tick activity, you need to carefully inspect yourself and your clothes for the presence of dangerous insects.

Puppies, thoroughbreds, and dogs under 3 years of age are more severely ill.

The incubation period of piroplasmosis is on average from 2 days to 2 weeks, that is how much babesia needs to multiply in the pet's body and cause the destruction of red blood cells.

Without treatment, the dog dies, the babesia themselves, which actively inhabit red blood cells, and their waste products, pose a danger. They are very toxic to the body.

Fact! If the animal does not receive specific treatment within 3-4 days after the first signs of piroplasmosis appear, death occurs.

Features of piroplasmosis in dogs:

  1. Not all ticks are dangerous, but only those who have babesias (piroplasmas).
  2. Ixodes, which cause viral encephalitis in humans, are not dangerous for animals.
  3. Piroplasmosis cannot be transmitted to humans and other animals that are not at risk for babesiosis.
  4. To identify the disease, a blood test for piroplasmosis is taken. A smear is made from peripheral blood taken from the ear or fingertips.

A direct confirmation of the disease is the detection of babesia in the smear. However, the results of analyzes in the primary execution are not always reliable. With small infestations or incorrectly taken blood, babesias may not fall into the field of view of the researcher.

The consequences of the introduction of babesia into the body of a dog:

  • destruction of red blood cells;
  • anemia (anemia);
  • shortness of breath, general weakness.

The severity of the course of the disease is determined visually by the pallor of the visible mucous membranes and a blood test. The destruction of red blood cells can be stopped if the drug for piroplasmosis is promptly administered. With extensive lesions of red blood cells, the consequences are unpredictable, only a blood transfusion will save the pet.

Features of the impact of piroplasmosis on the body

With the introduction and active reproduction of babesia, a strong inflammatory reaction is observed, the temperature rises, the dog becomes lethargic, apathetic. It is good if the breeder associates the appearance of symptoms of malaise with a tick bite and delivers the dog to the veterinary clinic on time.

What can happen inside:

  • Removal of red blood cells by the spleen.

In the initial stages of the disease, the spleen removes the destroyed red blood cells. But with an immune failure, the body begins to remove all the red blood cells in a row, IOHA (immune-mediated hemolytic anemia) develops.

  • Kidney damage.

With the destruction of red blood cells, bilirubin and hemoglobin are excreted by the kidneys, so urine with piroplasmosis is colored red. Sometimes the colors are brown or bright yellow, due to the large amount of bilirubin, which also makes the mucous membranes and skin of the dog intensely yellow. Symptoms: renal failure, change in the frequency of water consumption, vomiting, diarrhea, anorexia, change in urination.

  • Disturbing symptoms.

After a tick bite, the dog becomes lethargic, there is weakness in the hind legs, vomiting, body temperature rises, the color of urine and mucous membranes changes. If such signs appear, the pet must be delivered to a veterinary clinic.

Fact! Ixodid ticks carry borreliosis (Lyme disease). There is no immunity after having been ill with babesiosis. There is no vaccine for piroplasmosis for dogs.

The only remedy that prevents the disease is the exclusion of a tick bite! An ill dog is not considered fully recovered. Pyroplasmosis affects the liver little, but it hits the kidneys hard, and the nephrons do not have the ability to regenerate.

Renal failure is diagnosed in animals by veterinarians in case of damage to the kidney tissue by 65-70%. If “only” 50% of the kidneys suffer after piroplasmosis, then it is almost impossible to establish this during examination or analysis.

It is impossible to predict how the disease will behave, piroplasmosis has no species, breed, age. It all depends on the immune system of a single individual, the timing of the start of treatment.

Signs of piroplasmosis in dogs

Symptoms after a tick bite may take 2-4 days to appear. The acute course is characterized by a sharp jump in temperature up to 41-42 C, hyperthermia lasts 2-3 days. The pulse and respiration are speeded up, the dog lies down, there is no appetite. The mucous membranes of the mouth and eyes are pale icteric. Urine becomes dark (brown, coffee) for 2-3 days, which indicates severe damage to erythrocytes and the release of hemoglobin.

A sick dog is characterized by:

  • weakness of the hind limbs, the animal moves with difficulty;
  • diarrhea, vomiting with an admixture of blood;
  • feces from bright yellow to greenish;
  • pulmonary edema.

Sometimes the signs of piroplasmosis are not very pronounced, the pet becomes inactive, the appetite is slightly reduced. The breeder does not go to the veterinary clinic, considering the ailment to be temporary. As a result, the animal is admitted to the hospital in critical condition.

The chronic course of piroplasmosis occurs when you have been ill with piroplasmosis earlier, with strong immunity or in mestizos. In the first days, the symptoms resemble an acute form of the disease, then the temperature drops to normal (38-39C). There is a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract (diarrhea, more often constipation). The illness lasts 3-8 weeks. Full recovery - after 6 months, subject to proper care.

Often, signs of piroplasmosis are combined with leptospirosis. The first jump in temperature begins after the sucking tick falls off.

Diagnosis of piroplasmosis in dogs

The best method is a peripheral blood test, a smear is taken from the veins of the auricle. Blood for piroplasmosis in dogs is taken twice, the second analysis is done after 1-2 days.

Urinalysis shows a change in color, in advanced cases it becomes almost black. Find urobilinogen, bilirubin, hemoglobin. Piroplasmosis genes are detected by PCR.

The anamnesis takes into account the season of the year, cases of tick bites, the situation with piroplasmosis in the region. The coincidence of at least 2 signs and the presence of characteristic signs, even with a negative laboratory result for babesiosis, may be the basis for prescribing therapy. The treatment regimen for piroplasmosis in dogs is developed individually for each case of treatment.

Treatment of piroplasmosis in dogs at home

2. Alkaline therapy.

3. Auxiliary treatment.

4. Plasmapheresis on the 2nd day.

Further treatment depends on the well-being of the animal. Without the plasmapheresis procedure, recovery is slower.

During the period of illness, a week after the start of treatment, urine, ultrasound of the kidneys are performed. Specific therapy is needed for convulsions, heart, kidney failure.

Prevention of piroplasmosis in dogs

It consists in preventing a tick bite of a pet. To do this, in the spring-autumn period, the dog is treated with repellents, especially when leaving the city.

If an ixod is found, it is removed as soon as possible. At the first symptoms of discomfort after a bite, the dog is taken to a veterinary clinic. The earlier treatment is started, the higher the likelihood of a successful outcome when infected with babesiosis.

Chronic piroplasmosis in dogs is quite rare. It affects dogs whose immunity is very strong, or animals that have previously been attacked by piroplasms and have recovered.

Symptoms of the acute course of piroplasmosis:

  • an increase in body temperature in the first days of the disease to 40 ° C or more, with its further decrease to the lower limits of the norm, which is explained by an increase in intoxication;
  • persistent refusal of food;
  • breathing becomes frequent and heavy;
  • general lethargy, difficulty in moving, increasing lethargy, paresis or paralysis of the legs;
  • change in the color of urine from bright red to light and dark brown;
  • violation of the digestive tract, diarrhea is replaced by constipation;
  • pallor of all mucous membranes up to a whitish hue (decrease in the amount of hemoglobin).

Symptoms of the chronic course of piroplasmosis:

  • an increase in body temperature in the first days of the disease up to 40 ° C or more, with its further decrease to the lower limits of the norm;
  • weakness, increased fatigue;
  • diarrhea and constipation;
  • increasing anemia.

Chronic piroplasmosis in dogs is dangerous due to its unpredictability, complications and duration. Its duration can be up to 4-7 weeks. Already, it would seem, a recovered dog can again show all the signs of the disease. All body systems and organs are exposed to the harmful effects of toxins and can malfunction. First of all, immunity suffers, the weakening of which makes it possible to activate chronic diseases and become infected with viral infections.

Diagnosis of piroplasmosis in dogs

To determine the pathogen, only blood taken from the peripheral vessels of the ear or fingers of the extremities is suitable. Blood from large vessels is not very informative for diagnosing the disease. Piroplasma is found in the active main bloodstream already in the last stage of the disease, when the treatment of the dog can no longer be effective. It is very important to consider that in the early stages of the development of the disease, despite the seemingly vivid symptoms, the pathogen in the blood may not be detected. Therefore, the analysis must be carried out daily for at least 5 days, and characteristic symptoms should be considered evidence of the disease. Delay in the treatment of piroplasmosis in dogs is fraught with the death of the animal, however, the treatment itself is dangerous due to the toxicity of the drugs used.

Treatment of piroplasmosis in dogs

Treatment of piroplasmosis in dogs includes not only the use of specific preparations that destroy babesia. Due to the toxicity of drugs and general intoxication of the body, all systems and organs of the animal suffer from the destruction of erythrocytes by piroplasm. Treatment should take this into account and be sure to be comprehensive. The primary goal of therapy is to reduce intoxication and support the basic physiological functions of the body. Intravenous infusions of electrolytes and plasma substitutes, along with the use of vitamins, hepato-, cardioprotectors and immunostimulants, should be mandatory in the treatment of piroplasmosis. In the most severe course of the disease, the use of blood transfusion is successful. Without complex therapy, the effectiveness of the main drugs in the recovery of dogs is less than 30%.

The rehabilitation period after treatment of piroplasmosis in dogs can be up to 2-3 months. If the therapy proved to be effective, the dog must be provided with a long-term sparing regimen. Nutrition should take into account possible complications acquired after an illness. The dog's diet should be compiled with regular monitoring of biochemistry and indicators of the general blood test. Walks should not be long and not tiring for the dog. Physical activity should be minimized and gradually wait for the animal to fully recover. Competitions, matings and visiting exhibitions are contraindicated.

Prevention of piroplasmosis in dogs

Insecto-acaricidal agents that protect dogs from tick bites are varied. Basically, they are presented in the form of . There are a huge number of manufacturers producing such tools.

Nevertheless, no matter how effective means of prevention of this kind are, they, unfortunately, can never guarantee one hundred percent protection against the bites of ixodid ticks. Therefore, the most rational and practical is the use of several types of protection at the same time. All three main types of protection can be used either simultaneously or in various combinations with each other. Most often, the collar is combined with drops or spray. But the use of drops and a collar and spray is also possible, especially if a trip to the forest is planned for recreation or hunting, where the concentration of ticks is especially high. The combined use of insectoacaricides suggests that they will use substances that differ in their action. This will enhance the desired result.

It is necessary to remember the regularity of the use of ticks and in no case save on the health of the dog - "The miser pays twice." Drops never work for more than 30 days, and collars are rarely effective for more than 3 months, even if the manufacturer indicates a longer effect in the instructions for the drug. Sprays also “work” effectively, but limited (no more than 7-10 days). Specific drugs for the treatment of piroplasmosis in dogs should never be used for the purpose of prevention. It is very dangerous! Moreover, such attempts should not be made without the consent of a veterinarian.

Vaccination of dogs against piroplasmosis

The effectiveness of the use of vaccines against piroplasmosis Nobivak Piro and Pirodog can be questioned. Their application is rather controversial. The manufacturer in the instructions does not guarantee the effectiveness of vaccination. Practicing veterinarians are of the opinion about the traditional ways to protect dogs from piroplasmosis. Regular tick treatments are still the most effective means of prevention. This should not be forgotten by any responsible dog owner.

With the onset of spring, all dog lovers try not to miss the development of piroplasmosis in their pets. It is easy to notice the presence of this disease if you pay attention to the behavior of the dog. So, she refuses food, sleeps a lot and does not ask for a walk. Each person should be able to recognize these warning signs at an early stage in order to avoid serious complications and a long rehabilitation period for the dog.


In young dogs, the disease is noticeable after a few weeks, and in severe cases, early symptoms can be detected 3 days after the bite.

Disease danger

The process of spreading babesia throughout the body of an animal is very active. In this case, massive death of erythrocytes occurs, and macrophages fail to destroy the affected cells.

The consequences of piroplasmosis are very serious:

  • Since erythrocytes are responsible for the respiration of cells, they are insufficiently oxygenated.
  • Destroyed red blood cells must be urgently removed from the body of the dog. Otherwise possible death due to intoxication. As a result of the processes occurring in the body, there is too much stress on the liver and kidneys.
  • Due to the presence of a significant number of destroyed red blood cells, blood clots form, which leads to kidney failure.

It should be understood that piroplasmosis in acute or chronic form is a huge burden on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. The heart, along with the lungs, tries to compensate for the lack of oxygen, which can lead to disastrous consequences.


In order to notice the development of piroplasmosis in time, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the dog from the beginning of spring until the end of autumn. If an animal abruptly stops playing, becomes lethargic and eats poorly need to go to the veterinarian immediately. A possible reason for this behavior may be fatigue from the heat, however, it is better to be safe, because in the presence of piroplasmosis, every hour is very valuable.

Even really caring dog owners do not always recognize the disease at an early stage. People usually know something is wrong when they notice black or brown urine in a pet. Other dangerous symptoms include:

  • blanching and yellowing of the mucous membranes;
  • refusal to eat;
  • strong thirst;
  • temperature increase;
  • dyspnea;
  • apathy;
  • vomiting or diarrhea.

Symptoms may vary depending on the severity of the disease. So, in especially dangerous cases, intoxication of the body occurs very quickly, because of which the dog can die in just 3-4 days.

Diagnosis and treatment

As soon as the owner notices alarming signs in the pet, he must urgently take the dog to the veterinary clinic. There, a blood test will be taken from the animal. Since babesias do not always have time to breed, it is better to take 2 samples at the same time from different areas. In this case, only an urgent analysis should be done, because its results will be ready in 1.5 hours.

If, as a result of a full-fledged laboratory test, the diagnosis is confirmed, the veterinarian will prescribe treatment based on the dog's symptoms and the results of tests for the number of babesia in the blood. In the case when the doctor offers any standard treatment regimen at the discretion of the owner of the animal, it is necessary to contact another clinic, since an individual approach is of particular importance to get rid of piroplasmosis.

In order for the animal's body to quickly cope with such severe intoxication, maintenance therapy is necessary. We are talking about taking the following drugs:

  • plant-based hepatoprotectors;
  • vitamin complexes;
  • saline solutions;
  • drugs designed to normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Since with piroplasmosis there is an intense load on the kidneys and liver, the pet needs follow a special diet. So, the diet should not contain raw vegetables, and the amount of proteins and fats should be reduced. The basis of the menu is sour-milk products.

For faster recovery, you need to regularly donate blood and urine biochemistry. If necessary, the doctor prescribes special drugs to maintain the work of a particular organ.

As a result of piroplasmosis, the following complications are possible:

  • renal, hepatic, pulmonary and heart failure;
  • dysfunction of the immune system;
  • pancreatitis;
  • ischemic brain injury.

To minimize the likelihood of developing such complications, doctors prescribe plasmapheresis. So, the dog's blood passes through a special filter, thanks to which it is possible to separate babesia and dead red blood cells, that is, to save the liver and kidneys from too serious a load.

Preventive measures

The best prevention of piroplasmosis is use of special sprays and drops. In addition, examining the pet after each walk on the street will help to avoid the development of the disease. Dog owners who live in the private sector should process the entire local area, which will help prevent babesia from entering the pet's body.

What is piroplasmosis in dogs

With the first warm rays of the spring sun and the appearance of thawed snow, dog owners must prepare for the many dangers that await their pets in the summer.

Piroplasmosis in dogs photo of an ixodid tick

The dog does not feel the bite, therefore it cannot remove the insect on its own, since the tick paralyzes the skin area with its saliva and the animal does not feel its presence.

Unfortunately, all dogs can get sick with piroplasmosis, without exception. Puppies and decorative breeds can be included in the risk zone, as they are at risk of complications from the disease. For example, hunting breeds are more likely to be found in forests and fields where there is a lot of dry grass, and therefore ticks. The owner of such a breed simply does not have the right to take it into the forest without first treating it with an anti-tick agent.

If the tick does not carry the virus, its bite can cause an allergic skin reaction, itching, and redness. Therefore, every responsible breeder must take care of prevention, be able to recognize the symptoms of the disease and know how to behave if the dog is bitten by a tick.

What to do if a dog is bitten by a tick?

Found a tick on a dog. What to do? How to get a tick out of a dog?

Photo ticks in dogs (piroplasmosis in dogs) - ticks

  1. In any case, after each walk, you must inspect the animal, and make sure that there are no ticks. Places where you can most often find a tick: head, eyes, muzzle, neck, forelimbs, dewlap, groin area, abdomen, armpits.
  2. Having found a tick, do not panic, put on rubber gloves and use tweezers or special tools for removing ticks (Tick Twister, Tick Away, etc.) in a circular motion to unscrew it from the skin. You do not need to water or lubricate the tick with vegetable oil or kerosene, and even more so, you should not cauterize it and thereby frighten your pet.
  3. Inspect the bite site for the head or particles of the beetle, they must be removed. Treat the wound with iodine or any antiseptic.
  4. Over the next few days, monitor your health, noticing any changes in the behavior or health of your pet, immediately seek help from a veterinarian. Only timely treatment will help save the health and life of your pet.

Piroplasmosis in dogs (babesiosis) - symptoms and diagnosis

  • lethargy
  • Apathy for everything that is happening
  • Refusal to eat and drink
  • High body temperature (39-42 degrees for 2-3 days)
  • Red-brown urine
  • The dog cannot stand up on its hind legs
  • The whites of the eyes turn yellow
  • The mucous membranes of the mouth and eyes are pale
  • Disorder of the work of housing and communal services (vomiting, diarrhea with blood impurities)

During the treatment of piroplasmosis in dogs, veterinarians use special preparations against the virus itself and anti-inflammatory drugs, conduct complex treatment to reduce intoxication of the body, and support the functioning of the liver and kidneys.

You must understand that only with timely medical treatment, the dog has a chance to survive and improve his health. Therefore, never treat yourself.

Why is piroplasmosis dangerous in dogs, what changes occur in the body of a dog with piroplasmosis?

Photo of an ixodid tick

A dog bitten by an ixodid tick is at great risk because the virus, penetrating the red blood cells, begins to multiply in them. As a result, red blood cells are destroyed, releasing a large amount of hemoglobin, which the kidneys and other organs do not have time to process.

Hemoglobin breaks down directly in the bloodstream, and since its decay products are toxic, this leads to disruption of the normal functioning of vital body systems. Intoxication of the body disrupts the conduction of blood vessels, which leads to cardiovascular insufficiency. Due to anemia, oxygen starvation of internal organs occurs, the liver is destroyed, pulmonary edema begins, and complications are possible even in case of recovery.

Unfortunately, many animals have paid with their lives for late treatment or incorrect diagnosis.

Piroplasmosis in dogs - how to feed a sick animal?

The first adviser in this matter, of course, is your veterinarian. The doctor should advise a sparing diet to maintain and restore body functions. During the period of illness, the dog has no appetite at all, and he even refuses to drink, therefore, you need to control his well-being. Throughout the day, squirt water into the mouth, in small portions, using a large syringe (no needle).

For lunch, it is recommended to give soft pasty food (paté, wet food or canned food). Their meaty flavor should get their smell and taste buds working, and there's a chance the dog will at least taste the food.

A sick dog with piroplasmosis is much easier to lick off such food. Start with small portions (1-2 tablespoons), and gradually increase the number of servings as your appetite increases. If the dog flatly refuses to eat, don't force it. But be sure to drink regularly. Believe me, when the pet gets better, he will ask you to eat, because the animal's body works according to the principle "I need to eat in order to live."

Piroplasmosis (babesiosis) in dogs: prevention

If you are the owner of a hunting breed or you are going to have a long vacation in nature or in the countryside, if necessary, you can combine 2 products.

For example:

  1. drops - collar
  2. drops - spray

In this case, be sure to consult a veterinarian in what sequence each drug is used, and most importantly, the doctor should advise drugs consisting of different components, no matter what intoxication of the body occurs.

Remember the surest prevention is to regularly check the skin for the presence of a tick, despite regular treatment, and if possible, do not walk with your pet in dangerous places, at least during a period of special activity.

May your pets be healthy and happy.