Early symptoms of pregnancy before missed period. The very first signs of pregnancy before a delay: advice to expectant mothers. Nausea, increased salivation, vomiting

Whether the conception was a long-awaited miracle or an unplanned surprise, any girl wants to know about it as early as possible. Therefore, women are so fond of sharing descriptions of the first signs of pregnancy. After all, tests promise results only after a delay. But you still need to live up to it! And what is a girl to do, eaten by curiosity, hope or anxiety?

We warn you right away: it is useful to know about these signs, but you should not give them too great importance. Because they are very subjective and can serve as symptoms of very different conditions.

female egg capable of fertilization the first 12 hours after ovulation. If a woman keeps track of her cycle and knows exactly when the egg was released, she can determine whether conception occurred after the act or not.

The symptoms of pregnancy in the first days after conception are similar to the signs of PMS of varying severity. The fact is that during the luteal period, a woman’s body always prepares for pregnancy - just in case. And the processes that take place in it after the release of the egg are always the same for about two weeks, regardless of whether conception has occurred or not.

The corpus luteum, which remains in the ovary after ovulation, produces the hormone progesterone, so in women the breasts swell and become sensitive, irritability, drowsiness, fatigue appear, more often you want to go to the toilet, and so on. If pregnancy really has come, then the signs continue, intensify and become more characteristic, and if not, menstruation comes.

Therefore, before the onset of menstruation, many women notice certain symptoms in themselves, which are often considered signs of conception. Their presence, severity and strength depend on the characteristics of the organism. They are not at all mandatory - neither in the case of pregnancy, nor in the absence of it.

Many symptoms may not even be caused by PMS, but by ordinary illness or stress. Therefore, relying on such signs of conception is not 100% worth it. But knowing them is useful - at least for your own peace of mind.

If a woman usually passes the second phase of the cycle without pronounced symptoms, the presence of such signs can serve as a kind of “beacon” and allow one to suspect an interesting situation.

As a rule, at 1 week, pregnancy is not even considered a pregnancy yet. At this time, the fertilized egg moves through the tubes to the uterus, where it will have to gain a foothold and spend the next 9 months. There are no obvious signs these days, although discharges uncharacteristic for the phase of the cycle may appear, pulling sensations in the stomach, drowsiness, headache and irritability. But for many women, the entire second phase is accompanied by just such symptoms - the notorious PMS is made up of them.

Usually the first signs appear about 8-10 days after conception. In many ways, it depends on the characteristics of the body of each particular woman, on her attentiveness and level of sensitivity. It is at week 2 that some expectant mothers are faced with such a phenomenon as implantation bleeding.

After the fertilization of the egg has occurred, it moves to the uterus and is fixed in one of its walls. In this case, microruptures of vessels and capillaries may occur, which are accompanied by bleeding. This phenomenon occurs in only 20-30% of all pregnancies, and sometimes it is mistaken for menstruation that began ahead of time.

However, it is not difficult to distinguish blood smearing during embryo implantation from normal menstruation. It lasts only a few hours, less often it goes all day. At the same time, its intensity is weak and does not increase. The color of the discharge is light brown, bright red or pink. Analysis for hCG level at this time is not yet informative, as the changes are just beginning.

Signs of pregnancy at week 3 are already more distinct. The sensations in the chest increase - soreness, sensitivity, tingling, the areolas around the nipples darken. are changing taste preferences and reaction to odors, exacerbate chronic diseases. As a rule, at this time a delay in menstruation is already detected, so it's time to do a test or donate blood for hCG.

How to recognize pregnancy early

Precisely recognizing pregnancy before a delay is an unrealistic task. After all, the main reliable sign is the absence of bleeding on day X. However, there are certain symptoms that tell a woman that something is wrong with her. However, as mentioned above, you cannot completely rely on it.

Increased BT

Those women who regularly measure basal temperature know that after ovulation, it always rises sharply by a few tenths of a degree. This usually lasts about two weeks and before menstruation, the temperature returns to normal indicators. If pregnancy occurs, the temperature will remain above 37 for about two more months.

It is believed that a sign of conception after ovulation is an increase in BBT to 37-37.5 degrees at the very end. This is noted by many mothers, although there is no exact confirmation of this phenomenon. At 1 week of pregnancy, this is facilitated by a high level of progesterone produced by the corpus luteum.

Insomnia and nervousness

With hormonal imbalance caused by changes in female body, many systems and organs work in a new way. This greatly affects the emotional background of a woman. Therefore, the first symptoms of pregnancy can also manifest themselves in the form of irritability, nervousness, which lead to insomnia.

Drowsiness, fatigue, low blood pressure

Sometimes a feeling of drowsiness appears in the first days of pregnancy, a woman gets tired faster and feels tired even after a long rest. Head starts to spin reduced pressure. These signs of pregnancy are also subjective and unreliable, they can happen due to normal overwork.

Discomfort in the abdomen and lower back

Secondary symptoms of pregnancy also manifest as strange sensations in the abdomen or lumbar region. At the beginning of pregnancy, the blood supply to the pelvic organs increases, so women often feel heaviness and pressure, discomfort in sitting position.

There may be a pulling pain in the lower back, although this is often a sign of kidney problems. But the growing pain in the lower abdomen can warn of an ectopic or threatened miscarriage. Changes in the uterus sometimes cause a tingling sensation, although not all girls feel it. Another sign of pregnancy in the second week, and even later, is bloating. Hormonal changes lead to relaxation of the intestinal muscles and flatulence.


The first signs of pregnancy before menstruation include spontaneous headaches. They are caused by hormonal fluctuations. Wherein external causes for a migraine, no - the girl did not catch a cold, slept well, did not sit in a stuffy room.

Zhor or lack of appetite

After conception, the metabolism speeds up, so signs of pregnancy also include an increase in appetite.

The opposite picture can also be observed - a woman cannot swallow a spoon. As a rule, this is due to changes in the perception of taste and aromas of food.

Intolerance to certain odors

During pregnancy, many women become very sensitive to smells and tastes. This applies not only to food, but to everything that surrounds a woman - cleaning products, cosmetics, perfumes, flowers. The girl vividly feels smells and tastes that she had not paid attention to before. Or unexpectedly “fell out of love” with those that she used to like.


Hormonal changes are often accompanied by changes in the digestive tract. Girls may suffer from constipation or diarrhea, belching, heartburn. Nausea and vomiting, which are the first signs of pregnancy, are rare before a missed period. As a rule, toxicosis begins at about 4 weeks.

Increased body temperature, cold

So that the body does not reject the embryo, which is a foreign body for it, after conception, the woman's immunity decreases. That is why one of common symptoms pregnancy - a cold (ARVI).

However, an increase in body temperature to 37 degrees is, in principle, typical for the first months of pregnancy, and due to hormonal imbalance, a woman is sometimes thrown into heat or cold.


After a woman becomes pregnant, her body begins a large-scale hormonal restructuring, so many people notice the appearance of rashes on the skin - acne, blackheads - among the early symptoms of pregnancy. It is especially worth paying attention to those who similar symptoms never bothered before. It should be remembered that acne often accompanies the second phase of the cycle, so the symptom is subjective and unreliable.

Pigmented spots on the face and darkening of the nipples

Many consider the appearance on the face of various age spots or darkening of the areolas of the breast. These signs are also subjective and cannot serve as a reliable guide. In some women, the areolas become very dark already in the first month of pregnancy, while others do not notice this until the very end. The body of each woman is unique, so the birth of a new life always goes a little differently than others.

Frequent urination

Pregnancy before the delay can also be determined by the frequency of trips to the toilet in a small way. Frequent calls associated with increased blood flow to women's bodies, with a hormonal storm. And they can be explained by exacerbated inflammatory processes, for example, cystitis.

Is there an early pregnancy without symptoms

If the child is long-awaited, the expectant mother anxiously tracks the slightest sign and changes in your body. But it happens that a woman finds out about her new position only after a delay. And if the cycle is irregular and her periods are regularly late, then even later. It happens that pregnancy is detected only in the third or fifth month after conception, when the belly is already growing. Since there were no symptoms before. Occasionally, even menstruation can persist (or rather, it is no longer menstruation, but bleeding) in the first 1-2 months. This, of course, rarely happens.

As a rule, signs of pregnancy in the first week after conception are almost imperceptible or may be absent altogether, and this is the norm. At this time, changes in the woman's body have not yet entered into full force, and basically coincide with the usual sensations in the second phase of the cycle or with the symptoms of PMS.

Reliable signs of pregnancy

The true signs of pregnancy in the first month include characteristic symptoms that appear a few weeks after fertilization. As a rule, the time of their appearance is the third or fourth week of pregnancy, when the restructuring in the mother's body is gaining momentum. Their appearance can tell a woman that conception has occurred. But not all of them will necessarily appear: the absence of any of these symptoms is only idiosyncrasy organism.

Delay of menstruation

Delayed menstruation is one of the most famous and true signs of conception. But only if the woman has a more or less regular cycle and does not suffer from diseases that cause long delays.

As a rule, at healthy woman menstruation occurs at the same time, although slight fluctuations of 1-2 days in one direction or another are possible, associated with illness or stress. Therefore, a delay of 4 days is already an occasion to listen more carefully to the sensations and conduct a pregnancy test.

If the cycle is not too regular, then a delay of up to 5-6 days, not accompanied by other symptoms, cannot yet serve as a reliable sign of pregnancy. In this case, it is advisable to postpone the test for 7-8 days of delay, since earlier it can give either a false positive or a false negative result.

Signs of pregnancy in the first days of delay already appear more noticeably, so if the absence of menstruation is accompanied by abundant white discharge, increased fatigue and drowsiness, chest pain and nausea, a woman may well think about her interesting position.

breast swelling

Another characteristic symptom- changes in mammary glands. They can swell, become painful, sensitive, the areola darkens - although all this refers to unreliable signs. Typically, the increase in progesterone secretion associated with conception causes a marked increase in breast size, as well as the appearance of nipple bumps. Sometimes colostrum may ooze.

Pigmentation on abdomen

Almost all pregnant women notice the appearance of a dark pigmented strip on the abdomen - it goes from the navel to the pubic bone. Sometimes this sign of pregnancy appears even in the early stages, although it usually happens later - by about 4-5 months.


A lot of women are waiting for pregnancy with fear, having heard a lot of horrors about toxicosis. Of course, it also happens that nausea and vomiting just drive you to exhaustion. future mother, and the smell of some products literally turns inside out. But for many girls, morning sickness passes quickly, with little to no inconvenience. And some women note that they have not encountered toxicosis at all.

How to detect early pregnancy

Diagnosis of pregnancy early dates possible, starting from the day of the expected delay in menstruation. The earliest is the tenth day after conception, before this period no one will give a reliable result.

Diagnostic methods include:

Expecting pregnancy, a woman can take any manifestations and reactions of her body for her signs. Therefore, it is still not worth buying a test with loss of appetite, it is better to wait for a delay. In addition, many signs are only secondary and subjective. They are caused by the hormone progesterone, which is actively produced in the second phase of the cycle, regardless of whether conception has occurred or not.

What first changes occur in the body of a woman, which give reason to suspect the emergence of a new life even before the delay?

The first (early) signs of pregnancy before a delay

Nausea and drowsiness

One of the first signs- morning, which manifests itself immediately after waking up and is not passing, some kind of exhausting character.

The occurrence of nausea is associated with a violation of the functional state of neuroendocrine regulation of body function.

Second sign- unexplained drowsiness and. It occurs even when at night you have a good night's sleep.

And if your work schedule is connected with night shifts, then the situation becomes simply unbearable. Not only do you want to sleep madly, but nausea also overcomes. Although nothing like this has ever happened before.

It should also be noted that sleep during this period becomes more restless.

breast augmentation

Another sign- breast augmentation. Although the nipples darken somewhat later. But the discomfort from wearing a bra occurs right in the first days.

Smell and taste

Unexpected and drastic changes smell are another among the first signs of pregnancy. A woman develops intolerance to certain smells, which can even cause nausea.

Taste preferences also change. A pregnant woman may begin to consume those foods that she was completely indifferent to before. As a rule, there is a desire to eat something sour or salty.

Increased salivation

In early pregnancy there is increased salivation because of strong irritation salivary center. This can lead to weight loss of up to three kilograms per week.

And if saliva is swallowed, it can cause a change in the acidity of the gastric juice and lead to a violation of the digestive function.

The occurrence of lack of concentration, forgetfulness and apathy

Signs such as lack of concentration, forgetfulness or apathy can appear from the first week after conception.

All this is to blame - the general restructuring of the body for the successful bearing of the baby, and plus the increased production of the hormone progesterone, which suppresses the psyche.

Probably, many noticed behind themselves that when performing any task, they didn’t take into account something or simply forgot to do it the way it should be. This is a manifestation of forgetfulness that occurs at the beginning of pregnancy.

But do not despair. After all with increasing gestational age, in addition to progesterone, estrogen levels increase that have a stimulating effect on the psyche. Then everything will fall into place.

Change in basal temperature

At the onset of pregnancy, starting from the second half, drops sharply for one day. This is due to two reasons.

Feeling unwell

The whole point is that with the onset of pregnancy the immune system weakens somewhat.

This is due to the fact that the embryo contains half the set of chromosomes from the father, alien to the mother's body. And to avoid its rejection, immunity is reduced.

As a result, our body becomes more vulnerable and defenseless against a whole army of pathogens, which we are surrounded by every second.

The main thing in such a situation, on your own do not take strong drugs, as you can cause irreparable harm to a tiny embryo.

Fever and headache

Many pregnant women notice that they are without special reasons throws it in the heat, then in the cold. And some have reddening of the face in the late afternoon. All these changes are explained by the onset of pregnancy.

- This indirect sign pregnancy. They can occur due to a sudden increase in hormone levels.

Feeling of heaviness in the pelvic area and the occurrence of hemorrhoids

With the onset of pregnancy blood flow to the pelvic organs begins to increase. The uterus is also slowly starting to change. For this reason, many pregnant women begin to feel their uterus from the very first days of pregnancy.

Women who have given birth earlier may experience such an unpleasant phenomenon as the onset, from the very beginning of pregnancy. This is due to increased blood flow.

Noticeable increase in abdominal circumference

A noticeable increase in the circumference of the abdomen is associated with bloating.

During pregnancy, he becomes more lazy. With a decrease in the rate of advancement of its contents, gas formation increases.

Sometimes they arise. The fact is that due to hormonal changes during pregnancy, there is a slight swelling of the intestinal walls.

"Shots" in the lower back

In the early stages "lumbago" in the lower back and in the sacral region can also indicate the onset of pregnancy. They can also appear from the pelvic region to the legs.

Slight swelling of the extremities

Minor limbs can occur due to increased production of the hormone progesterone, which contributes to the retention of salts and fluids in the body.

Frequent urge to urinate

Occur due to significant hormonal changes.

An increased level of sex hormones contributes to a rush of blood to the pelvic organs. Overflow blood vessels temporarily causes changes in the functioning of the urinary system.

After four months of pregnancy, these phenomena decrease.

Lowering blood pressure

Occurs in most pregnant women initial terms. It becomes below 90 to 60 mmHg.

As a result, there is weakness, dizziness, deterioration of well-being.

Decreased sex drive

decline sexual attraction occurs due to hormonal changes in the body and resumes at the end of the first trimester.

As you can see, there are many signs, by the presence of which one can suspect the onset of pregnancy from the first days after conception. We have listed for you what are before the delay. We hope you find them useful and helpful.

The conception of a child can be planned and desired, or vice versa. Therefore, it is so important to figure out and study the first signs of pregnancy in time. If you talk about fertilization, you can identify this in the early stages even before the delay in menstruation. Let's start.

Subjective first signs of pregnancy in the early stages

Subjective symptomatology refers to the condition of the girl, in which pregnancy can be confused with other changes in health. For example, with premenstrual syndrome, chronic fatigue, a mild cold, etc. However, the same symptoms indicate possible conception and therefore needs to be studied in more detail.

So, the symptoms of pregnancy before a missed period are as follows:

No. 1. Sleep problems

To detect conception before the onset of menstruation, you need to pay attention to sleep. Pregnant ladies suffer from apathy and drowsiness, wake up at night, feel tired even after a long rest. Since we are looking at the subjective first signs of pregnancy in the early stages, it is quite possible that this is just chronic fatigue.

No. 2. Change in the psycho-emotional background

After fertilization, the girl suffers from sharp bursts of mood, nervousness, a feeling of unreasonable anxiety, poor sleep, and apathy. If you recently burst into tears, and after 2 minutes you laugh, as if nothing had happened, you should think about it. This is pregnancy or an overly emotional nature.

No. 3. General malaise

It is not necessary that poor health should be included in the first signs of pregnancy, but fertilization can be detected in the early stages in this way before the delay in menstruation. If you are constantly depressed, get tired quickly, it may be a cold or fertilization. It is better to further support your theory with the presence of other symptoms.

No. 4. Frequent headaches and migraines

Subjective symptoms include an increase in intracranial pressure and development against this background of headaches. If you notice that you suffer from severe migraines every day, which only go away in the evening, it is quite possible that you are pregnant.

No. 5. Unstable libido

Signs of pregnancy manifest themselves in the early stages in different ways, until the delay in menstruation is determined by libido. Half a month after fertilization, you can notice a change in sexual desire. First, I really want sex, then vice versa, there is no attraction to a partner.

No. 6. Lower back pain

Tingling in the back and pain (feeling of heaviness) in the lower back are more likely to be symptoms of PMS. But the symptoms of conception in the first couple of weeks also characterize possible pregnancy. If the lower back literally "shoots", plus there is pain in the uterus, then the answer is most likely in the affirmative. Some pregnant girls complained of burning in the back and heaviness in the legs.

No. 7. Cravings for food

The first signs of pregnancy are such that literally on the fourth week after fertilization, you can feel an increased craving for food or a desire to eat an unusual product for you (for example, a banana with pickled cucumber). Also, in the early stages, a brutal appetite is accompanied by complete insatiation, the girl does not receive satisfaction from the meal. If this is not typical for you, then the answer is yes and is determined before the delay in menstruation.

No. 8. Gagging and nausea

Many ladies are interested in whether toxicosis can begin immediately after fertilization. IN this case everything is individual, usually heartburn and digestive problems develop first. Food is poorly digested, sensitivity to smells appears, tastes in food change. On this basis, a girl can vomit, but not always.

No. 9. Increase in basal body temperature

If you are not characterized by the fact that the temperature can jump, then this sign is considered a clear consequence of pregnancy, which is determined before the onset of menstruation. When conception has occurred, the temperature is constantly kept at around 37 degrees. It doesn't go down, but it can go up. Even if your period has already begun, and the indicators are still not falling, the answer is probably yes. Basal temperature is measured by inserting a thermometer into the rectum, not into the vagina.

No. 10. Decreased immune system

After fertilization, the embryo tries to gain a foothold in the mother's body, for this reason, the girl's immunity drops sharply. Many complain of pain and sore throat, mild cold, runny nose. The first signs of pregnancy are usually characterized by all this in the early stages, but before the delay in menstruation, this is only a subjective symptomatology.

No. 11. Heaviness in the pelvic area

When fertilization occurs, the pelvic organs feel the flow of blood, so this place usually “pulls”, heaviness appears. Usually girls do not pay much attention to such symptoms, but in vain. Sometimes, along with heaviness and tingling in the uterus, there is a feeling of fullness in the lower abdomen. It does not go anywhere even after visiting the restroom.

No. 12. Painful chest

Before menstruation, the breasts swell and become sensitive, but after fertilization it hurts unbearably at the slightest touch. Almost all expectant mothers claim that the mammary glands have become larger and began to tingle. Not always this symptom is a consequence of pregnancy, it all depends on the sensitivity of the breast that is habitual for a woman. For some, on the contrary, it stops hurting.

No. 13. Chills, fever

A couple of times a day, the girl first complains of severe chills, then she is thrown into a fever, and vice versa. With all this, the temperature does not rise. The alternation of cold with heat does not depend on this, it manifests itself as an independent symptom of conception. However, the sign can also indicate that you are eating poorly, waking up early, or dressing inappropriately for the weather.

No. 14. Low blood pressure

The first signs of pregnancy in hypotensive women appear in the early stages in the form of an even greater decrease in pressure. Before the delay of menstruation, you can determine the result. If the pressure dropped down to 90 to 60, plus weakness, apathy, dizziness and fainting appeared, you may be pregnant. But do not exclude the lack of hemoglobin in the blood, the lack of walks on fresh air or bad dream. In the first weeks of conception, the pressure decreases in everyone without exception, but hypotension will notice this most of all.

No. 15. Sensitivity to odors

Often you can hear from pregnant girls that the room smells bad. In fact, this may not be so, just as a result of fertilization, the sense of smell increases. It is noted that even pleasant aromas (perfume, the smell of food, etc.) can cause disgust. Some girls say that the apple smells like nail polish remover, and the garnish smells like shaving cream. Observe yourself and conclude that such symptoms appear in the early stages after conception.

No. 16. Increased salivation

Symptoms in the form of increased salivation are accompanied by vomiting, nausea and heartburn. But for every woman it manifests itself in individually. Due to the production of saliva, toxicosis becomes more pronounced. In some cases, gas formation and discomfort V abdominal cavity.

No. 17. Discomfort while sitting

The first signs of pregnancy may appear as discomfort when a woman is in a sitting position. But in the early stages it will not be possible to identify this, especially before the delay of menstruation. Such discomfort usually appears after the sixth week or later.

No. 18. Vaginal discharge

By increasing the secretory functions, the discharge can become more abundant. They appear before the onset of menstruation in an amount greater than usual. But this is only a subjective symptomatology that does not give a 100% answer to the question.

No. 19. Allergic reaction

Due to the restructuring of the hormonal background and some disorders in the body, a woman may develop allergic reaction, which was not previously noticed. If you feel like you start sneezing when going out into the sun or being near flowers, you may still be pregnant.

No. 20. convulsions

These symptoms cannot be attributed to clear signs conception, but it is worth knowing about it. After fertilization, a woman may wake up at night due to the fact that she has cramps in the calf muscles. Typically, these symptoms are accompanied by heaviness, swelling of the limbs.

No. 21. Thrush

The vagina is a special environment that contains a large amount of hydrogen ions. Because of this feature, fungi of the Candida family can actively multiply. Itching occurs, curdled white discharge appears. This means that thrush is developing. Often it is this disease that indicates pregnancy. Do not panic ahead of time.

#22 Frequent Urination

The first signs of pregnancy may appear in the form of frequent trips to the toilet. This feature is typical in the early stages. It is also worth understanding that you cannot be completely sure of pregnancy before the delay in menstruation. Frequent urination occurs due to a restructuring of the hormonal background or a common cold. During pregnancy, this phenomenon persists throughout the entire period. Consult a doctor to rule out the development of cystitis.


Run diagnostics at without fail, so you will be sure of the result. All of the symptoms described may not appear during pregnancy. Still, if you are faced with certain health problems, going to the doctor will not be superfluous. Be sure to donate blood for hCG. There is no more precise analysis.

External signs of pregnancy

To determine the first signs of pregnancy, you should carefully examine your appearance. Some symptoms may indicate conception.

No. 1. Swelling of hands and face

Often, the first signs of pregnancy are a slightly noticeable swelling of the face. In addition, you may feel a slight swelling of the limbs. This feature becomes especially noticeable when you clench your hands into a fist. Also pay attention to the swelling of the legs, in the late afternoon you will no longer be able to fit into your usual shoes.

No. 2. Rashes in the form of pimples

The first signs of pregnancy are characterized by the formation of pimples. In the early stages, this is a common occurrence. The body is subjected to hormonal imbalance. The face is covered with blackheads even before the delay of menstruation. This feature can manifest itself even if you have not previously suffered from rashes.

No. 3. Strong gas formation

Shortly after fertilization, the intestines begin to work differently. Because of this, women often face the problem of constipation. You may also encounter increased gas formation. The abdomen is very swollen from time to time. Appetite will change dramatically. Focus on general state.

No. 4. "Printing" of veins on the chest

Most women claim that after fertilization, you can soon notice a change in breast volume and the formation of a venous network on it. Such patterns appear depending on the characteristics of the organism.

No. 5. Breast augmentation

It's no secret that during pregnancy there is a noticeable increase in mammary glands. The chest becomes more magnificent, it seems to be poured. Even if your appetite disappears and you start to lose weight, such a “bonus” is visible to the naked eye. Feels like a ball in the chest.

No. 6. Areola darkening

Darkening of the areolas can be the first sign of pregnancy. This phenomenon often occurs in the early stages. Do not lose sight of the fact that the feature can be individual until the delay of menstruation. The skin may or may not darken.

No. 7. Facial redness

After conception, a slight blush appears on the face. During pregnancy, blood circulation in the female body increases significantly. The face becomes very red. With the onset of evening, you begin to throw in a fever.

No. 8. The appearance of a line on the abdomen

After fertilization, the girl's body is rebuilt. Over time, it appears on the stomach brown line. It stretches from the navel down and becomes more pronounced.

To understand whether you are pregnant or not, you should read some facts. Examine your own body and try to find out what has changed. Take a pregnancy test if necessary. If in doubt, visit a specialist and donate blood.

The article talks about ways to determine pregnancy in the early stages and describes the very first signs of pregnancy.

Curiosity and the desire for certainty are natural human traits. This explains the irresistible desire of a woman to know about her social status as a mom, as soon as possible.

Many couples plan pregnancy for more than one month or even more than one year. In such cases, a woman is often visited by thoughts that a pregnancy test is simply not able to show a second strip, and she begins to diligently listen to any changes in the body with the hope that the next cycle will become special.

woman looking at the test

How to recognize the symptoms of nascent life at the most early stages? Can this be done with a certain degree of probability even before the expected delay?

How to determine pregnancy before a delay?

Spectrum of means for determining pregnancy even before the end menstrual cycle quite wide, especially in comparison with the possibilities of previous years. But the probability of an exact result, unfortunately, is not one hundred percent. Among the methods there are more reliable and less due to individual characteristics:

  • blood analysis
  • pregnancy test
  • ovulation test
  • basal body temperature
  • changes in the body (chest, abdomen, mood, taste and smell habits, poor health, unfamiliar sensations)
  • folk methods

A family aspiring to procreation is likely to practice all available methods to check pregnancy from the first days after a potential conception. However, the simplest and natural way is a pharmacy purchase special test for pregnancy.

Will a test show pregnancy before a missed period?

positive test

In order to find the answer to this question, it is necessary to understand how the test works, and at what point in the female body changes associated with fertilization begin to occur. Otherwise, the test simply will not be able to fix what is not yet manifested.

For example, if you test two days after intercourse, it will obviously be premature because:

  • distinguish between intercourse and ovulation

Fertilization occurs on the day of ovulation or the day after it. Spermatozoa after intercourse can remain viable for several days, that is, fertilization does not occur immediately after intercourse

IMPORTANT: The egg ceases to exist if conception does not occur within 12-24 hours after ovulation.

  • pregnancy occurs after the implantation of the egg in the uterine cavity

This process involves the movement of a fertilized egg from the tube to the uterus, searching for a suitable place there and implantation, which takes an average of 6-9 days, but can vary in one direction and the other quite individually.

  • the principle of operation of the tests is in the detection of human chorionic gonadotropin (hereinafter referred to as hCG)

HCG rises after the introduction of a fertilized egg into the uterus


For example, consider a cycle of 30 days (not everyone is the owner of a "book" cycle of 28 days).

  1. Ovulation divides the cycle into two phases: follicular and luteal. The duration of the first is purely individual, the duration of the second phase is usually 14 days. In other words, ovulation occurs on average 14 days before menstruation.

In the example: ovulation presumably occurred on the 16th day of the cycle (=30-14)

2. Fertilization, as mentioned above, can occur within a couple of hours after sexual intercourse, when the spermatozoa reach the egg, or maybe in a day

In the example: let's say fertilization occurred on the same day, that is, on the 16th day of the cycle

3. After that 4-6 days fertilized egg moves to the uterus and stays there for another 2-3 days before attaching

In the example: take average term at 8 days, that is, implantation occurred on the 24th day of the cycle (or on the 8th day after ovulation, hereinafter referred to as DPO)

4. HCG levels start doubling every day from now on

In the example: on the 25th day of the cycle (9 DPO) - 2 units, on 26 (10 DPO) - 4 units, on 27 (11 DPO) - 8 units, on 28 (12 DPO) - 16 units, on 29 (13 DPO) - 32 units and so on

5. A regular pregnancy test should show a second line at hCG levels greater than 25 mIU / ml

In the example: this is possible on the 13th day after ovulation or 1 day before the delay

However, implantation could occur later than 8 days after ovulation. Therefore, test manufacturers recommend for more accurate results wait for the delay.

What test exists for pregnancy before a delay?

pregnancy test

Pregnancy tests are divided into:

  • standard
  • sensitive
  • hypersensitive

The former can determine the presence of pregnancy at an hCG level of more than 25-30 mIU, the latter at a level of 15-20 mIU, and the hypersensitive at a value of 10 mIU. The corresponding figure is indicated on the test.

Most sensitive test promises to fix the pregnancy a few days before the delay.

If we refer to the example above, then this may be possible as early as 12-13 days after ovulation or 2-3 days before the delay. Accordingly, these dates will be shifted if ovulation occurred at an uncharacteristic time for a woman (early, late ovulation), or implantation took longer or shorter.

In addition to this classification, tests are divided into:

  • paper strips
  • tablet (cassette)
  • jet
  • electronic

different pregnancy tests

The most popular and available are paper tests, however, they are best used after a delay as they do not contain the most sensitive reagents a large number factors:

  • urine should be collected in an ultra-clean container
  • the strip must be correctly lowered (to a certain depth)
  • the time of day for the analysis matters (in the evening, when urine is diluted after a whole day, the result will be inaccurate)
  • you should strictly adhere to the waiting time for the result (no more, no less)

If you decide to take the test without waiting for the delay, the hCG level may still be very low, and the test will be negative. More accurate answers can be given by other types of tests (tablet, inkjet, electronic):

  • they are more sensitive
  • contain a special container for collecting urine or do not imply its presence at all (for example, inkjet tests)
  • an electronic test will save you from guessing: the second strip appears, or it is still there, since the result is displayed here quite specifically “+” or “-” (“pregnant” or “not pregnant”)

electronic test

In addition, it should be remembered that in order to obtain a more reliable answer, it is necessary:

  • do a test in morning time when the concentration of hCG is maximum
  • follow the manufacturer's instructions
  • maintain the necessary time for analysis
  • if the result is negative and there is no menstruation, do the test again in a few days

IMPORTANT: The concentration of hCG in the blood is higher, so the presence of the hormone in the blood can be detected earlier (7-9 days after conception) than in the urine (10-14 days after conception).

Before the delay, it would be more appropriate to take a blood test for hCG, but in the early stages it is better to do this twice. This will allow you to see the dynamics of changes in hCG, if it doubles compared to the analysis the day before, you can definitely talk about the onset of pregnancy.

Pregnancy test - a weak line before a delay: what does it mean?

faint streak
  • As a rule, despite the declared sensitivity, a conventional pregnancy test responds well only to a significant level of hCG, which is observed after a delay.
  • If you find a second strip on the test, but it is very weak, subject to the rules for conducting the test, you can assume the presence of pregnancy with a high degree of probability. The fuzziness of the result is explained too low level hcg for home test
  • To confirm the guess, repeat the test the next day - the strip will become brighter if the guess is correct. Alternatively, take a blood test for hCG

How to determine pregnancy without a test?

If there is no opportunity to purchase a pregnancy test, and the desire to reveal the veil of secrecy is great, you can try to determine pregnancy without it. At home, you have three options:

  • conduct a relaxation session, during which you can try to listen to inner feelings
  • turn to folk methods (see below)
  • analyze the presence of other signs that you may not have paid attention to

The first, early signs of pregnancy before the delay

early signs

The test at home has already been done and not even one, but the pregnancy is not yet visible due to short term, the woman begins to closely monitor changes in herself. Pregnancy can be suspected by the following clues:

  • small bleeding during implantation
  • lethargy, drowsiness, fatigue, dizziness
  • swelling and soreness of the breast
  • tingling, cramps in the lower abdomen
  • change in taste preferences
  • intolerance to certain odors
  • nausea
  • weak immunity (runny nose, cough, congestion)
  • elevated rectal temperature
  • irritation, excitement, nervous excitability
  • increased salivation
  • frequent urination
  • special difficult to describe sensations inside

Unfortunately, most of the signs are not unique to the pregnancy condition. Often many of them are explained by other reasons, some of them are far-fetched, some appear due to experiences and stressful condition about the failures of past attempts, and some coincide with the harbingers of menstruation.

How to distinguish PMS from pregnancy before a delay?

In fact, it is very easy to mistake one for the other. A few days before a new menstrual cycle, a woman may have pain in her breasts, her lower abdomen may ache, and sudden changes in mood are possible.

changes in addictions

Therefore, it is quite realistic to suspect pregnancy in its absence or, conversely, not to notice it before the delay.

Doubts can be dispelled:

  • the level of hCG in the blood is above 25 mU / ml
  • positive pregnancy test

IMPORTANT: In most cases, an affirmative result of one of the indicators above indicates pregnancy, but there are exceptions too. A number of diseases can cause increase in hCG in organism.

  • If hCG is still low, pregnancy can be distinguished from premenstrual syndrome by signs unusual for you.
  • For example, if you always felt breast swelling a week before your period, and in this cycle you don’t feel anything like that, you can assume pregnancy. Similarly, in the reverse situation
  • But not many women can boast of regular clear signs of PMS to detect the slightest changes in case of pregnancy

pms or pregnancy

The presence of other signs of pregnancy that are uncharacteristic of PMS may also become a guideline. For example:

  • implantation bleeding

The sign is quite reliable, if this is not the beginning of menstruation. But it is not observed in all women, and often not even detected by them, because we are talking about a drop of blood

  • frequent urination

It is not associated with an increase in the size of the uterus and pressure on bladder(this phenomenon will be relevant for later pregnancy). The brain simply incorrectly recognizes the signals emanating from the nerve endings of the pelvic organs. These signals come from the uterus after the introduction of the fetal egg into its cavity

  • a special feeling of "butterflies inside"

Often a woman intuitively guesses her situation, relying on her feelings.

Feeling pregnant before delay

feeling pregnant
  • This symptom does not have a clear description or medical confirmation. But many women, describing their condition, when they did not yet know about pregnancy, are the first to recall precisely this feature.
  • Hormonal changes are observed after conception, but they are not significant. And only after implantation, the effect of hormones begins to increase.
  • But this does not mean at all that a woman cannot feel the beginning of a new life within a few days after fertilization.
  • The process of birth is purely individual, so the strange sensations of the presence of something new in the stomach may be early signal and the reason to take a test or take a blood test for pregnancy

Temperature during pregnancy before delay

If a woman has been trying to get pregnant for a long time, she is probably familiar with the term basal temperature and plotting to calculate ovulation.

basal body temperature

Basal temperature reflects the temperature of a person in a dream (after a long rest). Measurements are carried out:

  • on the mucous membrane (in the rectum, in the mouth, in the vagina)
  • morning after waking up
  • lying down, trying to do as few movements as possible

IMPORTANT: Rectal measurements are considered the most reliable.

Based on daily temperature measurements at the same time, you can build an appropriate graph, calculate ovulation and suggest pregnancy.

The second phase of the cycle or luteal is characterized by the action of the hormone progesterone, which manifests itself in an increase in temperature compared to the first phase.

  • If conception and pregnancy does not occur, the temperature drops in 2-3 days, and menstruation begins
  • If the basal temperature is kept in the region of 37.0-37.2 ° C, pregnancy can be judged

Does the stomach hurt during pregnancy before the delay?

abdominal pain
  • Soreness in the lower abdomen, backache and spasms are completely optional companions of pregnancy
  • Very often women just do not feel aching pain characteristic of approaching menstruation, which makes them think about the onset of pregnancy
  • In some cases, the attachment of the future embryo to the uterus can be felt in this way.
  • In any case, abdominal pain in the absence of other signs cannot indicate the presence of pregnancy, but it does not exclude the opposite either.

Is there discharge in early pregnancy before the delay?

A woman may find:

  • spotting brown or Pink colour in a small amount 6-9 days after conception (ovulation) - embryo implantation
  • copious thick white discharge from the vagina - the action of progesterone

IMPORTANT: If during the expected period of menstruation you find significant changes in the nature of menstruation: scarcity and short duration - pregnancy is not excluded, you should take a test and consult a doctor.

Breast during pregnancy before delay

breast changes

The female breast is one of the most sensitive organs of the body. However, changes in the mammary glands usually become noticeable only after the 6th week of pregnancy (approximately 2 weeks after the delay).

The normal reaction of the breast to the development of a new life in the female body includes:

  • swelling
  • soreness
  • darkening of the nipples and the area nearby
  • colostrum secretion

Before the delay, there is a chance to feel only a slight heaviness and pain. But these symptoms are also characteristic of early menstruation, therefore they are considered uninformative.

Ultrasound will determine the pregnancy before the delay?

Ultrasound examination has great potential and is used to confirm pregnancy and monitor fetal development throughout the gestational period.

However, do not rush to sign up for an ultrasound scan in the early stages for no apparent reason, because before the delay it:

  • uninformative
  • unsafe

  • You can consider a fetal egg when it reaches a size of 5 mm, usually doctors are guided by the level of hCG and do not perform ultrasound until it reaches 2000 mU / ml. In other words, an ultrasound before 5 weeks of gestation may not yet show pregnancy.
  • Moreover, there is a risk of adversely affecting the natural course of events if the ultrasound was taken very early, for example, at the time of the embryo's attempt to attach to the uterus.
  • For this reason early ultrasound usually done when there is suspicion ectopic pregnancy. In other cases, intervention in the first weeks is associated with an unreasonable risk

Will an ovulation test show pregnancy before a delay?

Approaching ovulation is determined by an increase in luteinizing hormone (hereinafter - LH) in the urine. It is for the search for this hormone that the reagents in the corresponding test are designed.

ovulation test

It would seem that a pregnancy test and an ovulation test, hCG and LH cannot be connected in any way. But as the experience of many expectant mothers who love to experiment shows, an ovulation test can show two strips in the presence of pregnancy.

This is explained by the fact that:

  • ovulation test is very sensitive
  • LH is similar in structure to the hCG hormone

If ovulation has already passed, there are still a few days before menstruation, and ovulation tests are left at home, you can check for pregnancy on them. Positive result should be the reason to buy a pregnancy test, and it is this test that should be taken into account when diagnosing pregnancy.

IMPORTANT: You should not exclude the possibility that ovulation has shifted to a later date in the cycle, and the test still shows ovulation, not pregnancy.

Folk signs of pregnancy

signs of pregnancy

Despite the impressive possibilities of diagnosing pregnancy compared to past centuries, folk ways do not lose their relevance. There is some magic and mystery in how our ancestors satisfied their curiosity in determining pregnancy, which attracts the attention of many impatient women.

In addition, when the pregnancy is long-awaited, potential parents resort to all possible methods to quickly make sure that a miracle will appear soon.

Folk signs of pregnancy before delay

Among the famous and popular folk signs the onset of pregnancy in the earliest stages are the following:

  • dream of fish or water
  • a ring is threaded onto the hair and placed over the woman's stomach, if the ring begins to move on its own - there is a pregnancy
  • a woman tastes metal in her mouth
  • conduct home tests with urine, iodine and soda are used as reagents

How to determine pregnancy with iodine?

Method number 1

  • urine is collected in a container
  • dripping iodine into it
  • dissolves - no pregnancy
  • remains at the top - there is a pregnancy

iodine test

Method number 2

  • urine is collected in a container
  • drop paper into it, take out
  • dripping iodine on paper
  • blue - no pregnancy
  • purple color - there is a pregnancy

home pregnancy test with baking soda

  • urine is collected in a container
  • sprinkle a pinch of soda
  • hissing, bubbles - no pregnancy
  • no reaction and sedimentation - there is a pregnancy

Thus, even before the expected delay, there are many ways and signs to detect pregnancy. However, if you really want to, you can almost always find a sign of pregnancy in yourself, even if it is not there. Therefore, there is no need to rush. You will still have time to enjoy this amazing state in the next nine months.

Video: The first symptoms of pregnancy before a delay