The ultrasound did not show pregnancy but the test. Is it possible not to see a pregnancy on an ultrasound? Early pregnancy

The appearance of stripes on a pregnancy test confirms that a woman will soon become a mother.

But it happens that the results of the test and the data of the ultrasound examination conducted to confirm conception diverge. What tests confirm pregnancy by 100%? What is the accuracy of the test? Are there alternative ways to confirm pregnancy at home? Get answers to these and other questions from our article.

What are the ways to confirm pregnancy?

Several methods are used to confirm conception. This is a home test that can be purchased at a regular pharmacy, a blood test from a vein for the level of human chorionic gonadotropin, and an ultrasound.

These methods have different degrees of reliability and have their own characteristics. The expectant mother often knows exactly the date of conception, determining it by the time of ovulation.

The main sign of pregnancy - amenorrhea, or the absence of menstruation, does not always indicate conception. Menstruation may not begin for other reasons not related to bearing the fetus. If there are no periods and there is no reason to assume pregnancy, you should not postpone a visit to the gynecologist's office.

home test

Pharmacy (aka home) test is the most popular method used by every woman who assumes that she is pregnant.

The essence of the test is to immerse in the morning urine a strip impregnated with a special chemical composition that reacts to human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), which appears in the urine. This hormone is produced in the body only with the onset of pregnancy or the development of serious pathologies (oncological diseases).

The production of the hormone does not begin at the moment of fertilization, but when the fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus. In order for hCG to show itself as two strips on the test, it needs to accumulate in the body. After conception, its number grows exponentially every day.

The tests have different sensitivities and also differ in how they are applied. They are divided into classic strips impregnated with substances sensitive to hCG, tablet (the indicator is placed in a plastic case) and inkjet. The most reliable is considered inkjet. It does not require preparation and can be used anywhere.

Laboratory blood test

This method is more accurate than a home test. In the blood, chorionic gonadotropin is detected before its amount reaches the desired concentration in the urine, to which the indicator strip will react.

You can donate blood from a vein in the laboratory on 3-5 days from the start of a missed period or 12-14 days from the expected date of conception. Each week of pregnancy corresponds to a certain level of the hormone. In the laboratory, the results of the study are presented in the form of a table of values ​​corresponding to each week of pregnancy.

Gynecological examination

On examination, the gynecologist determines the presence of a developing fetus by the following signs:

  1. Plethora of the pelvic organs. After conception, blood flow increases in the MT, which causes the labia, vagina and cervix to change their color. They darken, become edematous.
  2. Change in the state of the uterus. The non-pregnant uterus is dense, pear-shaped. After conception, it becomes round, soft, and its size increases.
  3. Slight excitability of the uterus. With a two-handed medical examination, it is easily reduced, reacting to the actions of a specialist, then returns to its normal state again.
  4. Asymmetry of the uterus. One side of the organ is larger than the other, depending on which side the embryo was attached to.
  5. Soft neck. The neck (isthmus) softens, the doctor practically does not feel its tissue during examination.

Signs of pregnancy, which the gynecologist sees during the examination, appear at a period of 4-7 weeks. If the alleged "interesting situation" lasts less than 3 weeks, it is better to postpone the visit to the doctor.


A high-resolution ultrasound machine is able to determine pregnancy on the 5th-6th day of the delay in menstruation (this corresponds to 3 weeks of gestation). An ultrasound examination at this time fixes a tiny tubercle 2-4 mm in size in the uterine cavity. This is the growing fetus.

To determine what it is: endometrial folds or a growing embryo, only a highly qualified specialist can do it.

Confirmation of the beginning of the period of bearing a baby by ultrasound is carried out at the request of a woman or according to indications.

Indications for early ultrasound:

  • ectopic development of the fetus in the woman's history;
  • examination by a gynecologist, which did not confirm changes in the uterus, characteristic of pregnancy in the absence of a woman's menstruation.

At what time is ultrasound informative

Modern ultrasound devices are able to record the first signs of a baby's vital activity already on the 10th day after conception. To accurately determine whether there is a fetal egg in the uterine cavity, the study is carried out transvaginally. Also, this method determines exactly where the fetus is fixed: in the uterus or in one of its tubes.

Even if a woman is eager to find out if she is pregnant or not, she will have to wait two weeks from the date of conception to visit the ultrasound examination room.

Fertilization of the egg takes place in the fallopian tube.

During the first week of its life, a fertilized egg “gets” to the uterine cavity and attaches to one of its walls. In the first week after conception, neither the sensitive ultrasound machine nor the most experienced and qualified specialist will see her. By the end of the second week of the egg's life, germ layers appear on it, allowing the specialist to distinguish a barely noticeable tubercle on the wall from a polyp.

Modern transvaginal ultrasound diagnostics allows you to see the fetal egg in the uterine cavity at 3 weeks. At 4 weeks, the embryo is already visible in the egg.

At 8 weeks old, the torso, head and limbs are already clearly visible. The fetal heart rate is 100 beats per minute.

At 11-13 weeks, an ultrasound specialist can accurately determine the sex of the child, as well as assess how the fetus is developing.

Why ultrasound does not show pregnancy - possible reasons

Sometimes it happens that a woman says to the doctor doing the ultrasound: “I am pregnant and want to know the exact date,” while the study does not show the presence of a fetal egg.

Possible reasons for a negative ultrasound result:

  1. The woman incorrectly calculated the terms, does not know the date of conception.
  2. The study was conducted "through the abdomen", that is, with a sensor that the specialist leads along the patient's abdomen. This method is not as informative as transvaginal.
  3. Obtaining a positive test result and the appearance of human chorionic gonadotropin in the blood is sometimes associated with pathological processes that have nothing to do with conception and gestation.
  4. Ectopic attachment of the fetus. In the early stages of an ectopic pregnancy, weakly sensitive devices do not record the baby's heartbeat.
  5. Vesical mole, or disruption of embryonic development causing a trophoblastic tumor. It develops due to the ingrowth of chorionic villi into the endometrium. At the site of ingrowth, fluid-filled blisters form. The manifestation of this disease is similar to an "interesting situation", they give a delay in menstruation, nausea, an increase in hCG.
  6. home test errors. Perhaps the reason for the unsuccessful ultrasound is not the error of the apparatus or the inexperience of the doctor. Tests often give incorrect results.
  7. Fading of fetal development. It happens that the development of the fetus spontaneously breaks off, barely having time to begin. A woman, having done a test at home and after waiting for the right time, learns at an ultrasound examination that the fetus has frozen. Soon, brownish discharge appears, confirming the death of the embryo.

If pregnancy is not visible on ultrasound (but other signs are present) or there are errors in the study, it is recommended to repeat the analysis in a couple of weeks.

What to do if the ultrasound does not show pregnancy, but the test is positive - the doctor advises

With a situation where the test stubbornly shows two stripes, and the ultrasound does not find the baby, many expectant mothers are faced. Seeing two stripes (especially if one appears clearly and the second is weak), women often go to the ultrasound room than to the laboratory for a blood test.

Often the reason for a bad ultrasound is that women, anticipating events, go to the ultrasound diagnostic room when the egg is just making its “journey” into the uterine cavity and is not visible. In such a situation, you need to calm down, be patient, and after a couple of weeks, having undergone a second examination, get the coveted result.

If there are no periods and there are no other indirect signs of the onset of conception (deterioration, nausea, fatigue, swelling of the mammary glands), do not rush to go to the ultrasound specialist's office.

Wait one to two weeks from the start of the delay, use several tests. If they all unequivocally say yes by showing two dashes, keep calm. It is better to wait one and a half to two weeks, which are necessary for the embryo in order to gain a foothold in the uterine wall.

Even if the fetus develops outside the uterus, this can be verified for sure at the same time that the uterine attachment of the fetus is reliably determined.

If the state of health has worsened and the expectant mother has already had an ectopic pregnancy in the anamnesis, it is urgent to visit the gynecologist's office. Under the guidance of a specialist, it will be possible to cope with any difficulties and troubles with minimal health risks.

All purchased tests still “insist” on a positive result, and for some reason ultrasound stubbornly denies them on a second examination? In this case, an examination is necessary to identify pathologies that cause a jump in hCG, and their subsequent treatment.

Do not discard the likelihood of a low qualification of a specialist in ultrasound diagnostics. You need to go for an ultrasound in another place or carry it out on another machine. In any case, it is impossible to make a decision on the treatment of pathologies, medical cleansing (if a missed pregnancy is detected), or, even more so, that there is no embryo, based on only one medical opinion.

At the slightest suspicion that the doctor of ultrasound diagnostics does not have the proper qualifications and experience, refuse to receive. Look for another specialist.

Continuing the topic, a short video about when you need to do an ultrasound to confirm conception:


Modern devices are able to confirm conception at an earlier date. But without a re-examination confirming the data obtained, the expectant mother still cannot do.

Delayed menstruation, deterioration of well-being, the occurrence of nausea, changes in taste and smell sensations are signs that many women experience in connection with pregnancy. To verify the onset of this physiological state, some people purchase a special test at the pharmacy. After passing it, appropriate conclusions are drawn.

Finding out about the onset of pregnancy using the test is quite simple. You just need to see how many stripes appeared after passing it. If there are two of them, then the result means that the pregnancy has occurred. If one line appears on the indicator, then this means that conception did not occur.

The presence of two strips on the test is a reason to visit a gynecologist in order to register with a antenatal clinic. Doctors of all patients are sent for ultrasound to confirm the onset of pregnancy. However, in some people who receive a positive result when passing the test, the ovum is not visualized. When is pregnancy not detected by ultrasound?

Why the fetal egg is not visualized on the scan with a positive test

There are quite a few reasons why an ultrasound examination does not indicate that a pregnancy has occurred. One of them is an expired or defective test. Buying an expired test can be avoided. The expiration date is indicated on the packaging, so you should always pay attention to it. But it is impossible to know whether the test is defective. To avoid a false positive result, it is recommended to buy different tests in the amount of several pieces.

Another possible reason that there is no fetal egg may be an ectopic pregnancy. With this complication, during an ultrasound examination, sonologists detect free fluid behind the uterus and an inhomogeneous volumetric formation in the area of ​​​​one of the fallopian tubes and the ovary, do not detect a fetal egg in the uterus. In order to confirm an ectopic pregnancy, women are prescribed a transvaginal ultrasound and a blood test to determine the level of hCG (chorionic gonadotropin).

Pregnancy may not be detected by ultrasound if it was done too early. It is worth going to the gynecologist no earlier than 10 days after the delay. It is also worth noting that a sonologist can perform a transvaginal or abdominal scan:

1. The first type of study is considered more informative, because the sensor is inserted into the vagina. The fetal egg during transvaginal scanning is visualized at an early stage.

2. With abdominal ultrasound, the specialist places the sensor on the front wall of the abdomen. This study allows you to determine the onset of pregnancy a little later than transvaginal.

Abdominal Scan

A blood test shows the presence of pregnancy, but the scan of the fetus does not show

Chorionic gonadotropin is a hormone that is produced in the human body. The norm of hCG in women is 0-5 mU / ml. With the onset of pregnancy, this value increases significantly. In the first hours after fertilization, the level of the hormone in the blood rises slightly. By the 5th-7th week, the norm of chorionic gonadotropin increases several thousand times.

A blood test for hCG is one of the ways to determine the onset of pregnancy. However, there are cases when the results reveal a significant increase in the level of the hormone, and ultrasound does not confirm the onset of pregnancy. This is possible if women have serious health problems:

1. Chorionic carcinoma. This is a rare oncological disease that occurs due to malignant transformation of the chorionic epithelium.

2. Tumors in the ovaries, uterus, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, lungs. Neoplasms that occur in the human body are an urgent problem. They are found in many women, regardless of age. The appearance of tumors causes a hormonal imbalance. That is why a blood test sometimes indicates that pregnancy has occurred, and the results of an ultrasound scan indicate the absence of a fetal egg in the uterus.

3. Vesical skid. This term refers to an anomaly in the formation of the fetal egg. The embryo does not develop. Chorion villi grow in the form of bubbles that are filled with liquid. A cystic drift is formed as a result of the fertilization of a defective egg.

Scanning is one of the methods for determining pregnancy

In obstetric and gynecological practice, among the existing diagnostic methods (computed tomography, X-ray examination), ultrasound examination occupies a leading position.

It is used not only to diagnose various diseases, but also to determine pregnancy. During an ultrasound, the doctor performs the following actions:

  • visualizes a fetal egg in the uterine cavity (if it is detected, then the assumption about the presence of pregnancy is confirmed);
  • determines the number of embryonic objects;
  • evaluates the structure and size of the fetal egg (the specialist uses the information received to calculate the gestational age);
  • examines the state of the uterine cavity, examines the ovaries.

Ultrasound is used to determine pregnancy due to absolute safety. This diagnostic method does not adversely affect the female body and fetus. Another advantage of ultrasound is its high resolution. Conducting transabdominal, transvaginal ultrasound allows you to create a clear ultrasound picture. However, there are times when this diagnostic method indicates that there is no pregnancy, although the test and the results of a blood test for hCG indicate the opposite.

When a pregnancy is not visible on a scan

Many factors influence the detection of a fetal egg:

1. Pathological changes. With inflammation occurring in the uterine cavity, swelling of the mucous membranes occurs. Because of it, the sonologist faces difficulties in detecting pregnancy.

2. Features of the structure of the uterus. In some women, this organ has a normal shape, in others it does not. Because of this, specialists in the second group of patients sometimes do not detect a fetal egg, although in fact it is present in the uterus.

3. Professionalism of the doctor. Ultrasound examinations should be carried out by a sonologist. An important factor affecting the reliability of the results is the experience of the specialist.

4. Equipment. Experts get false results as a result of using old technology. It is desirable that scanners with the highest possible resolution be used, but, unfortunately, not every medical institution is equipped with modern equipment.

There may be no pregnancy at all. Positive tests and blood test results are sometimes explained by the use of hormonal drugs. If any treatment is being carried out, then the specialist should be informed about this before undergoing an ultrasound examination. The physician will take this information into account when interpreting the results.

What to do if the scan does not show pregnancy

Many women begin to worry and worry when the test turns out to be positive, and on an ultrasound examination, specialists discover that there is no fetal egg. You need to be prepared for any results, because in the early stages, methods for determining pregnancy cannot guarantee correct information.

In order not to be in such situations, women are advised to:

1. Before visiting a sonologist, conduct pregnancy tests several times. Between them there should be intervals equal to several days. The first test may indicate the presence of pregnancy, and the subsequent tests may indicate its absence. Incorrect results are possible in cases where the tests are defective or damaged.

2. Pass ultrasound several times. Ultrasound examinations are harmless to the adult human body and the fetus, so they can be performed repeatedly. If you receive a negative result, you can re-come for a scan at other medical institutions. A transvaginal ultrasound is recommended.

3. In case of doubtful results, it is necessary to donate blood for analysis to determine the level of hCG. If the concentration of the hormone is within the normal range, and the scan does not reveal the presence of a fetal egg, then a positive pregnancy test is not taken into account by specialists. Most likely, a defective or spoiled test was used by the woman. If the level of chorionic gonadotropin is elevated, and the ultrasound indicates that there is no ovum, then the specialist may have made a mistake in interpreting the scan results.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the test is a simple and informative way to determine pregnancy. It can be carried out at home. However, you should not rely on the results. There are other highly informative ways to determine pregnancy. Women are advised to make final decisions only after undergoing comprehensive examinations.

Suspicions about a possible "interesting situation" may appear in a woman long before the delay of the next menstruation. Modern test strips can determine the content of the specific hCG hormone in the urine already on the first day of delay, and some even a few days before it. Whatever the result of the test, a woman wants to make sure that she is pregnant as soon as possible. About when the baby can be seen for the first time on an ultrasound will be discussed in this article.

Minimum terms for determination

After the conception has taken place, intensive processes begin inside the expectant mother, which she most often does not know about. On the very first day, the fertilized egg divides and moves along the fallopian tube, where the conception took place, into the uterine cavity. This journey lasts about four days. It is no longer a set of individual cells that descends into the uterus, but a blastocyte - a formation in the form of a ball. It is embedded in the lining of the uterus. This is implantation. This happens 6-7 days after fertilization, and sometimes a woman feels implantation by slight pulling sensations in the lower abdomen.

The earliest symptom of pregnancy is sometimes the so-called implantation bleeding - a few drops of bloody or sanious discharge at the time of the introduction of blastocytes into the endometrium. This does not mean that it is time to run for the test or sign up for an ultrasound.

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

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The test strips react to the formation of the so-called pregnancy hormone - hCG, and it is just beginning, the hormone level is below the control level of the sensitivity of the test strips. And on ultrasound, a blastocyte cannot be seen - its size is only 0.2 mm.

How is an ultrasound done?

To determine pregnancy, two types of ultrasound examination are used - transvaginal and transabdominal. In the first case, the doctor examines the uterine cavity and its contents with a vaginal probe. In the second case, the examination is carried out with a sensor through the abdominal wall. For the most part, doctors prefer the first method when it comes to early pregnancy. Through the vagina it is much easier to see the embryo and its structure.

Ultrasound of the pelvic organs by the abdominal method is recommended to be performed with a full bladder, transvaginal - with an empty one, while it is better to take care in advance that the intestines are not swollen from gases. To do this, a few hours before going to the doctor, it is advisable for a woman to take Espumizan or Smecta.

It should be noted that pregnancy can be seen in a transvaginal way earlier than in a transabdominal way, for several days. So, a vaginal sensor and a good specialist in addition can tell a woman about her “interesting position” already on the 5th-6th day from the day of the delay, and scanning through the abdomen may not show pregnancy even on the 8th-10th day. The procedure is painless, harmless for a woman and a baby, it lasts no more than 5-7 minutes.

Deciphering the first ultrasound

At the very first ultrasound to determine pregnancy, the diagnostician will be able to detect an echogenic formation. This is the fertilized egg. Its dimensions will indicate the exact gestational age. Also, the doctor will determine the size of the yolk sac, the position of the fetal egg, the thickness of the endometrium, exclude inflammatory processes in it, as well as the presence of cysts, polyps and other unwanted formations. The dimensions of the fetal egg and the timing table are presented below.

Are mistakes possible?

The method of ultrasound diagnostics is considered one of the most accurate for determining pregnancy in the early stages, but you should not assume that its accuracy is 100%. In gynecology, the accuracy of this study is estimated at about 90%. In early pregnancy, the accuracy decreases to 75%. A doctor is first and foremost a person, not a machine with a program embedded in it. He has the right to make a mistake, especially if a woman has problems with the health of the reproductive system. So, the doctor can confuse uterine fibroids with pregnancy in the initial stages, if the woman had not previously been diagnosed with fibroids, and she found out about her presence only on ultrasound. A cyst or polyp can be confused with a fetal egg, since a cyst is also an echogenic formation.

If a woman had late ovulation, then pregnancy a week after the delay may not be detected at all by an ultrasound specialist, since the fetal egg later descended into the uterus and is not yet visualized. Naturally, the doctor will write in the conclusion that no signs of pregnancy were found, but after 7-10 days on a second study, he will be able to determine both the fetal egg and its structure. Only the dimensions will help to understand that ovulation was really late.

Common Questions

On the Internet, inexperienced pregnant women and those who still dream of an “interesting position” ask a lot of questions regarding the earliest diagnosis. The most common situations should be discussed in more detail.

Pregnancy test came back positive but ultrasound didn't

There may be several reasons for this. First of all, it should not be ruled out that the test turned out to be defective, this happens, and quite often, especially when it comes to inexpensive test strips that are sold on almost every corner. In the desire to see two cherished stripes, some ladies go too far, starting to look for "ghost" strips on the dough strips. If they find it, they automatically begin to consider their test positive, although in reality there may not be a pregnancy.

If the test still did not deceive, then the reason for the negative conclusion of the ultrasound diagnostics doctor may be that the woman turned to the doctor too early, and the fetal egg is not yet visible. The device itself may be outdated, with low sensitivity and poor resolution. The reason for the absence of signs of pregnancy on ultrasound may be late ovulation, and the presence of an inflammatory process in the uterine cavity, and, of course, the insufficient qualifications of the doctor.

Pregnancy test came back negative but ultrasound came back positive

There may be enough reasons for such a situation. Firstly, the woman could have performed the test at home with an error, the test could have been defective or expired, and it is also possible that it was performed too early, when the level of the hCG hormone in the urine was still insufficient for the test to respond brightly to it. second stripe.

Ultrasound diagnosis in this case is rarely premature, since a woman, after a negative home test, is in no hurry to see a doctor, patiently waiting for the start of a late period. After one and a half to two weeks of delay, when the lady still goes to the doctor, the pregnancy on the ultrasound is already clearly visible. Therefore, the results of ultrasound should be considered more reliable than the results of a home test. In doubtful cases, you can donate blood for hCG to get even more accurate data.

How to calculate the gestational age by ultrasound?

To do this, you can use the table above. If a greater specification of the term is required, use a table of correspondence of the term to the nearest day to the average internal diameter of the fetal egg (SVD). The table of gestational age according to SVD is given below.

The value of the average inner diameter of the fetal egg

Gestational age

Many women barely get a positive pregnancy test result. They immediately rush to the ultrasound room to find out the period of their joyful state. But here they can expect a big disappointment - You can't see a pregnancy on an ultrasound! Yes, it is upsetting and frustrating - after all, several tests at once confirmed that the woman is expecting a baby. It is necessary to understand for what reasons an ultrasound examination does not show the presence of an embryo.

To begin with, let's clarify that an ultrasound examination is a method that uses ultrasonic waves to image what is happening inside the body. The waves transmit on the monitor what they hit and what they bounce off. In this regard, pregnancy can not be seen on ultrasound in several cases. The first of them is a poor, outdated diagnostic apparatus, which has insufficient power.

Outdated apparatus and doctor's qualifications

When coming for an ultrasound examination, make sure that the installed device belongs to the devices of the modern generation. It is they who can give a clear picture and demonstrate in detail what is actually happening in the uterus of a pregnant woman. But even the most modern device does not guarantee that the pregnancy will be visible at the first visit.

A good device and low qualification of a specialist will give the same result - you can not see the pregnancy. Even if the embryo is still too small, an experienced specialist will be able to note something unusual in the uterine cavity and draw a conclusion about a possible happy state. Therefore, before going to ultrasound diagnostics, you should ask about the reputation of the person who will carry out the ultrasound procedure.

early pregnancy

Often, women with a delay in the menstrual cycle immediately run for an ultrasound scan to determine pregnancy. They are waiting for the answer that the pregnancy is not visible. This happens due to too short a gestation period. First, a fertilized egg will have to climb up the fallopian tube and attach inside it. This happens within the first week. Naturally, it is possible not to consider such a small fetal egg even with extensive experience and the most modern diagnostic apparatus.

Starting from the second week on the ultrasound, you can see a small tubercle in the uterus, just in the place where the egg entered the uterine cavity. In the process of diagnosis, you can see it, but it’s still impossible to say that this is a 100% chance of pregnancy. Too early pregnancy suggests an embryo size that can be mistaken for a polyp. Only at the end of the second week, an increase in the embryo and the appearance of germ layers will make it possible to diagnose pregnancy with a high probability.

Type of examination

Do not forget that it is important to choose the right method for conducting an ultrasound examination. There are two main methods - transvaginal and transabdominal. The transabdominal method involves the procedure through the abdominal wall. This option is not suitable for diagnosing early pregnancy due to the large distance from the uterus.

A transvaginal ultrasound is performed by placing a transducer in the vagina. This method is the most suitable, since the sensor is located as close as possible to the uterus and allows you to examine in detail what and where is located in the uterine cavity. Correctly chosen method allows you to get a more accurate answer.

It is necessary to properly prepare for a transvaginal medical event. The sensor will not be able to display a picture if a full bladder interferes. By the way, this will bring considerable discomfort to the woman. An empty bladder is the main condition for this type of diagnosis.

Women believe that it is possible to diagnose pregnancy with an ultrasound immediately after a positive test. Although the test results may be reflected in various other factors that distort the result. Therefore, ultrasound will not show the presence of an embryo. Pregnancy can not be seen on ultrasound when a miscarriage occurs in the early stages. The woman will still consider herself pregnant, and the test will confirm this.

Ectopic pregnancy

Another reason why pregnancy can not be seen on ultrasound is an ectopic pregnancy.. This condition is extremely dangerous. According to the results of the ultrasound, the embryo in the uterine cavity will not be visible, the heartbeat will not be heard. When the diagnosis shows a false fetal egg, we can talk about an ectopic pregnancy. It is worth noting that the embryo and pregnancy are still present. But this is an abnormal condition when the pregnancy will terminate on its own or specialists will be forced to do this.

It is imperative to monitor your condition, since ultrasound can help detect an ectopic pregnancy in the early stages, when you can get by with milder methods of terminating it. Delays in treatment can be fatal for a woman. Modern high-quality equipment is capable of quite accurately making predictions in combination with other types of analyzes.

Result in 2-4 weeks

As for the terms of pregnancy themselves, then, as mentioned above, it is possible to determine that an embryo is present in the uterus quite accurately only by the end of the second - the beginning of the third week. The optimal period is four weeks, because during this period, the ultrasound specialist, of course, will not yet see the embryo in all details, but states the presence of a yellow sac. It should measure between two and three millimeters. A week later, the diagnosis will show a very small embryo.

Starting from a four-week period, it is possible to say almost one hundred percent whether the pregnancy is uterine or ectopic. An ultrasound specialist will be able to tell exactly where the embryo is. Of course, in certain cases, even at four weeks it is not always possible to determine the presence of an embryo and pregnancy. Then the observing gynecologist will recommend a second ultrasound examination in a week or two, as well as donating blood for hCG.

If you do not agree with the results of the ultrasound examination, then it is better not to get upset and not give up. The examination can be carried out after some time. You will also have time to donate blood to determine a special hormone that is produced by the body of a pregnant woman. An examination on a gynecological chair will also clarify the issue of determining pregnancy at an early stage.

If pregnancy cannot be detected on an ultrasound examination, and the tests show a positive result, try to eliminate all factors that would allow the test to show a false positive result.