Write a story about the family around the world. The story of my friendly family

Vasily Sukhomlinsky

Grandma is resting

Little Galinka came from school. She opened the door, wanted to say something cheerfully to her mother. But mother threatened Galinka with her finger and whispered:

- Quiet, Galinka, grandmother is resting. I didn't sleep the whole night, my heart ached.

Galinka quietly approached the table and put down her briefcase. I had lunch and sat down to study. He reads a book quietly, to himself, so as not to wake up his grandmother.

The door opened, Olya, Galinka's girlfriend, came in. She said loudly:

- Galina, listen ...

Galinka shook her finger at her, like a mother, and whispered:

- Quiet, Olya, grandmother is resting. She did not sleep the whole night, her heart ached.

The girls sat down at the table and looked at the drawings.

And from the closed grandmother's eyes rolled out two tears.

When the grandmother got up, Galinka asked:

- Grandma, why did you cry in your sleep?

Grandmother smiled, fondled Galinka. Joy shone in her eyes.

Vasily Sukhomlinsky

All good people are one family

There was a drawing lesson in the second grade. The children drew a swallow.

Suddenly someone knocked on the door. The teacher opened the door and saw a tear-stained woman - the mother of little blond, blue-eyed Natasha.

“I beg you,” the mother turned to the teacher, “let Natasha go.” Grandma died.

The teacher walked up to the table and said quietly:

“Children, a great sorrow has come. Natasha's grandmother died. Natasha turned pale. Her eyes filled with tears. She leaned on the desk and wept softly.

- Go home, Natasha. Mom came for you.

While the girl was getting ready to go home, the teacher said:

We won't have lessons today either. Indeed, in our family - a great grief.

- Is it in Natasha's family? Kolya asked.

“No, in our human family,” the teacher explained. All good people are one family. And if someone in our family died, we became orphans.

Vasily Sukhomlinsky

seventh daughter

Mother had seven daughters. Once Mother went to visit her son, and the son lived far, far away. Mother returned home a month later.

When she entered the hut, the daughters, one after the other, began to say how much they missed their Mother.

“I missed you like a poppy flower misses a sunbeam,” said the first daughter.

“I was waiting for you, like dry earth waiting for a drop of water,” said the second daughter.

“I cried for you like a little chick cries for a bird…” cooed the third daughter.

“It was hard for me without you, like a bee without a flower,” said the fourth daughter, caressing her mother and looking into her eyes.

“I dreamed of you, like a rose dreaming of a dew drop,” the fifth daughter chirped.

“I looked out for you like a nightingale looks out for a cherry orchard,” whispered the sixth daughter.

And the seventh daughter did not say anything, although she had a lot to say. She took off Mother's shoes and brought her water in a large basin to wash her feet.

Boris Ganago

They forgot...

Genus, homeland, relatives, darling ... Alas, for some, these words are an empty phrase. Seryozha lived with his parents, but were they father and mother? They only thought about drinking. Getting drunk, the father went berserk and beat his baby. The boy ran away from home and spent the night in the park in the summer, and in the porches in the winter.

Having drunk everything, the parents sold the apartment, forgetting that they are father and mother. And they left somewhere, not remembering their son.

Seryozha found himself alone, without a home, and he was only five years old. He looked for food in the trash, sometimes starved for days.

Once he became friends with the same homeless boy. Both were better. One day they settled down for the night in an old car in a junkyard and fell asleep. What did they dream? Maybe a house, a plate of porridge that gave off delicious steam, or a mother, a still sober mother, singing a lullaby?

Seryozha woke up from acrid smoke - the car was on fire. The door jammed, the fire was already burning his face and hands. Sergey pushed the door with all his might, jumped out, tried to pull his friend out, but the car exploded. The shock wave threw him aside. He passed out; when he came to his senses and saw his burnt face, he decided to go out only at night in search of food. The kid suffered from severe burns. It seemed to him that he was forgotten and abandoned by everyone.

One day - O inscrutable ways of the Lord! - journalists found him in a landfill. Worried about the fate of homeless children, they talked about the boy on television.

The very next day, a man who called himself Nikolai called the studio. He said that he wanted to find Serezha and adopt him. Soon Nikolai took the boy to his village. Good people raised money for the operation. Now the burns are no longer visible. Mental burns also heal. Serezha goes to school. He is the happiest person in the world - he has a house, he has a father.

Vasily Sukhomlinsky

Tale of the Goose

On a hot summer day, a goose took her little yellow goslings for a walk. She showed the kids the big world. This world was green and joyful - a huge meadow stretched out in front of the goslings. The goose taught the children to pluck the tender stalks of young grass. The stems were sweet, the sun was warm and gentle, the grass was soft, the world was green and singing with many voices of bugs, butterflies, moths. The goslings were happy.

Suddenly dark clouds appeared, the first drops of rain fell on the ground. And then large, like sparrow testicles, hailstones fell down. The goslings ran to their mother, she raised her wings and covered her children with them. Under the wings it was warm and cozy, the goslings heard, as if from somewhere far away, the roar of thunder, the howling of the wind and the sound of hailstones. It even became fun for them: something terrible is happening behind the mother's wings, and they are warm and comfortable.

Then everything calmed down. The goslings wanted to hurry to the green meadow, but the mother did not raise her wings. The goslings squealed demandingly: let us out, mother.

The mother quietly lifted her wings. The goslings ran out onto the grass. They saw that the mother's wings were wounded, many feathers were torn out. Mother was breathing heavily. But the world around was so joyful, the sun shone so brightly and kindly, the bugs, bees, bumblebees sang so beautifully that for some reason it never occurred to the goslings to ask: “Mom, what is wrong with you?” And when one, the smallest and weakest gosling came up to his mother and asked: “Why are your wings wounded?” - she answered quietly: "It's all right, my son".

The yellow goslings scattered over the grass, and the mother was happy.

Vasily Sukhomlinsky

Who is taking home

There are two five-year-old boys in the kindergarten - Vasilko and Tolya. Their mothers work on a livestock farm. At six o'clock in the evening they go to the kindergarten for the children.

Mom dresses Vasilka, takes him by the hand, leads him along and says:

- Let's go, Vasilko, home.

And Tolya dresses himself, takes his mother by the hand, leads him along and says:

- Let's go home, Mom. The road was covered with snow. There is only a narrow path in the snow. Vasilko's mother walks through the snow, and her son follows the path. After all, she leads Vasilko home.

Tolya walks through the snow, and mom follows the path. After all, Tolya is taking her mother home.

Twelve years have passed. Vasilko and Tolya became strong, slender, handsome young men.

In winter, when the roads were covered with deep snow, Vasilka's mother fell seriously ill.

On the same day, Tolin's mother also fell ill.

The doctor lived in a neighboring village, five kilometers away.

Vasilko went out into the street, looked at the snow and said:

Is it possible to walk on such snow? - He stood a little and returned to the house.

And Tolya went through deep snow to a neighboring village and returned with a doctor.

Vasily Sukhomlinsky

The legend of motherly love

The mother had an only son. He married a girl of amazing beauty. But the girl's heart was black, unkind.

The son brought his young wife into the house. The mother-in-law disliked the daughter-in-law, she said to her husband: “Let the mother not come into the hut, put her in the hallway.”

The son settled the mother in the hallway, forbade her to enter the hut ... But the daughter-in-law did not think this was enough. She says to her husband: "So that the spirit of the mother does not smell in the hut."

The son moved his mother to the barn. Only at night did the mother come out into the air. A young beauty was resting one evening under a blossoming apple tree and saw her mother come out of the barn.

The wife became furious and ran to her husband: “If you want me to live with you, kill your mother, take the heart out of her chest and bring it to me.” The filial heart did not tremble, he was bewitched by the unprecedented beauty of his wife. He says to his mother: "Let's go, mom, we swim in the river." Go to the river rocky shore. Mother tripped on a stone. The son got angry: “Look under your feet. So we will go to the river until the evening.

They came, undressed, bathed. The son killed the mother, took out her heart from her chest, put it on a maple leaf, carries it. A mother's heart flutters.

The son stumbled on a stone, fell, hit, a hot mother's heart fell on a sharp cliff, bloodied, startled and whispered: “Son, didn’t you hurt your knee? Sit down, rest, rub the bruised place with your palm.

The son sobbed, grabbed his mother's heart in his palms, pressed it to his chest, returned to the river, put his heart into his torn chest, poured hot tears over him. He understood that no one loved and could not love him as devotedly and disinterestedly as his own mother.

So great was the mother's love, so deep and all strong was the desire of the mother's heart to see her son happy, that the heart came to life, the torn chest closed, the mother stood up and pressed her son's head to her chest. After that, the son could not return to his wife, she became hateful to him. The mother did not return home either. Together they went through the steppes and became two mounds. Every morning the rising sun illuminates the tops of the mounds with its first rays...

Vasily Sukhomlinsky

I won't be anymore

In the spring, fifth-graders helped the collective farmers to plant watermelons and melons. Two old men supervised the work - grandfather Dmitry and grandfather Dementy. Both of them were gray-haired, both of their faces were covered with wrinkles. They seemed to be the same age as the children. None of the children knew that grandfather Dementy was the father of grandfather Dmitry, one of them was ninety years old, and the other was over seventy.

And so it seemed to grandfather Dementy that his son had incorrectly prepared watermelon seeds for planting. Surprised children heard how grandfather Dementy began to teach grandfather Dmitry:

- How slow you are, son, how slow-witted ... I have been teaching you for a century and I cannot teach you. Watermelon seeds need to be kept warm, but what did you do? They got cold... They will sit motionless in the ground for a week...

Grandfather Dmitry stood in front of grandfather Dementy, like a seven-year-old boy: evenly, shifting from foot to foot, bowing his head ... and whispering respectfully:

- Tatu, this will not happen again, sorry, tattoo ...

The children thought. Each of them remembered his father.

Vasily Sukhomlinsky

birthday dinner

Nina has a big family: mother, father, two brothers, two sisters, grandmother. Nina is the smallest: she is nine years old. Grandmother is the oldest; she is eighty-two years old. When the family is having dinner, Grandma's hand trembles. Everyone is used to it and try not to notice. If someone looks at grandmother's hand and thinks: why is she trembling? Her hand trembles even more. Grandmother carries a spoon - the spoon trembles, droplets drip onto the table.

Nina's birthday is coming soon. Mother said that there would be dinner on her name day. She and her grandmother will bake a big sweet pie. Let Nina invite her friends.

Guests arrived. Mom covers the table with a white tablecloth. Nina thought: and the grandmother will sit down at the table, and her hand is trembling. Girlfriends will laugh, tell everyone at school.

Nina said quietly to her mother:

- Mom, let grandma not sit at the table today ...

- Why? Mom was surprised.

- Her hand is trembling ... Dripping on the table ...

Mom turned pale. Without saying a word, she removed the white tablecloth from the table and hid it in the closet.

Mom sat silent for a long time, then said:

Our grandmother is sick today. There will be no birthday dinner.

Congratulations, Nina, happy birthday. My wish to you: be a real person.

Vasily Sukhomlinsky

The most affectionate hands

A little girl came with her mother to a big city. They went to the market. The mother was holding her daughter by the hand. The girl saw something interesting, clapped her hands for joy and got lost in the crowd. Lost and crying.

- Mother! Where is my mom?

People surrounded the girl and ask:

- What's your name, girl?

- Olya.

- What is your mother's name? Say we'll find her right now.

- Mom's name…. mother... mother...

People smiled, reassured the girl and asked again:

- Well, tell me, what are your mother's eyes: black, blue, blue, gray?

“Her eyes are… the kindest…”

- What about braids? Well, what kind of hair does your mother have black, blond?

“Hair… the most beautiful…”

People smiled again. Ask:

- Well, tell me what kind of hands she has ... Maybe she has some kind of mole on her hand, remember.

“Her hands are… the most affectionate.

And announced on the radio:

“The girl is lost. Her mother has the kindest eyes, the most beautiful braids, the most affectionate hands in the world.

And my mom found it right away.

Vasily Sukhomlinsky

How the Nightingale waters her children

Nightingale has three chicks in the nest. All day long Nightingale brings them food - insects, flies, spiders. The nightingales have eaten, they are sleeping. And at night, before dawn, they ask to drink. Nightingale flies into the grove. On the leaves - pure, pure dew. Nightingale finds the purest drop of dew, takes it in his beak and flies to the nest, brings his children to drink. Puts a drop on a leaf. Nightingales drink water. And at this time, the sun is rising. Nightingale flies again for insects.

Vasily Sukhomlinsky

Yurko - Timurovets

Third-grader Yurko became a Timurovite. Even the commander of a small Timurovsky detachment. There are nine boys in his squad. They help two grandmothers who live on the outskirts of the village. They planted apple trees and roses near their huts, they water them. They bring water, go to the store for bread.

Today is a rainy autumn day. Yurko and the boys went to chop wood for their grandmother. Came home tired and angry.

He took off his shoes, hung up his coat. Both boots and coat are covered in mud.

Yurko sat down at the table. His mother serves him dinner, while his grandmother washes his shoes and brushes his coat.

Vasily Sukhomlinsky

How Vasilko was born

- Children, today is the birthday of your friend - Vasilko. Today you, Vasilko, are eight years old. Congratulations on your birthday. I will tell you, children, how Vasilko was born.

Vasilka was not yet in the world, his father worked as a tractor driver, and his mother worked in a sericulture link.

The young wife of a tractor driver was preparing to become a mother. In the evening, the young husband was going to take his wife to the maternity hospital tomorrow.

A blizzard broke out at night, poured a lot of snow, the roads were covered with snowdrifts. The car could not move, and there was no way to postpone the trip, the young woman felt: a child would soon be born. The husband left for the tractor, and at that time the wife began to experience terrible pain.

The husband adapted a large sleigh to the tractor, laid his wife on them, left the house, and seven kilometers to the maternity hospital. The snowstorm does not stop, the steppe is covered with a white veil, the wife is moaning, the tractor is barely making its way through the snowdrifts.

Halfway there, it became impossible to go further, the tractor sank in snowdrifts, the engine stalled. A young husband approached his wife, lifted her from the sleigh, wrapped her in a blanket and carried her in his arms, with incredible difficulty getting out of one snowdrift and plunging into another.

The blizzard raged, the snow blinded his eyes, the husband was drenched in sweat, his heart burst out of his chest; it seemed that one more step - and there would be no more strength, but at the same time it was clear to a person that if he stopped even for a minute, he would die.

After a few tens of meters, he stopped for a moment, threw off his coat, remaining in a padded jacket.

The wife groaned in her arms, the wind howled in the steppe, and the husband in those moments did not think about anything except a small living creature that was about to be born and for which he, a young tractor driver Stepan, is responsible to his wife, to his father and mother, to his grandfather and grandmother, in front of the whole human race, in front of his conscience.

The young father walked four terrible kilometers for several hours; he knocked on the door of the maternity hospital in the evening; knocked, handed over to the nurses his wife wrapped in a blanket and fell unconscious. When the blanket was unrolled, the astonished doctors could not believe their eyes: a child was lying next to his wife - alive, strong. He had just been born, the mother began to feed her son here, in the corridor, and the doctors surrounded the bed in which the father was lying.

Ten days was Stepan between life and death.

The doctors saved his life.

Thus Vasilko was born.

Tamara Lombina

Everyone has their own happiness

Fedka has long dreamed of a bicycle. He even dreamed about it: red, with a shiny steering wheel and a bell. You go, and the counter - click, click! - considers how many kilometers you have clocked.

And yesterday he just couldn't believe his eyes: the son of the farmer Avdeev Vaska was bought a bicycle. Exactly the one that Fedka dreamed of! It would be at least a different color, or something ...

Fedka never seemed to be envious, but here he even cried into his pillow, he was so sorry for his dream. He didn’t pester his mother with questions, they say, when they also buy a bike for him - he knows that his parents have no money.

And now Vaska rushed past his yard ... Fedka watered the holes with cucumbers and quietly swallowed his tears.

As always on time, Uncle Ivan burst into the yard with noise, laughter and such a familiar cough. Unlucky, that was the name of his relatives. He graduated from some very smart institute and came to his native village. Here there is no work for his head and there will not be, and the uncle did not want another job, he got a job tending horses at the Avdeevs.

It's amazing how he always manages to understand that Fedka is in trouble.

- Fedul, that he pouted his lips, - his uncle asked slyly looking into his eyes, - did you burn the caftan?

But then Vaska rushed past the yard, ringing like crazy. Uncle Ivan looked at Fedka knowingly.

“Will you go with me tonight?” he suggested unexpectedly.

- Can? Will mom let me?

“Yes, we’ll persuade the two of us,” assured the resilient uncle.

How wonderful this uncle Ivan is!

In the evening he arrived on a white Orlik, and next to Orlik ran Ognivko - a young red horse with thin legs, a fiery mane, huge and cunning eyes. Fedka himself does not remember how he sat on Ognivka. Under the envious glances of the boys, they drove through the whole village, and then rolled through the meadow through the clouds. Yes, yes, Uncle Ivan said that clouds descend into their Silver Log at night to sleep until morning. It's so cool to ride through the cloud, completely surrendering to Firefire's instincts. And then, right on horseback, they rode into a warm, like fresh milk, river. Ognivko turned out to be so smart, they played so well with him in the water! Fedka hid behind the other horses, but he found him and with soft lips managed to grab him by the ear ...

Already exhausted, Fedka climbed ashore. Ognivko was still running and playing with the foals, and then he came and lay down next to Fedka. Uncle Ivan cooked an ear. Whenever he succeeds. When did he manage to catch the fish?

Fedka lay down on his back and... screwed up his eyes—the sky looked at him with all the stars. From the fire there was a delicious smell of smoke, fish soup, and from Flint, from his breath it was so calm. It was nice to feel such a lively smell of a young half-foal, half-horse. The crickets sang some endless song of happiness.

Fedka even laughed: so unnecessary and ugly now, here, next to the stars, the dreamed-up bicycle seemed. Fedka embraced Ognivka and felt that his soul flew high, high, to the stars. For the first time he understood what happiness is.

Boris Almazov


Grishka from our middle group brought a plastic straw to the kindergarten. At first he whistled at her, and then he began to spit plasticine balls out of her. He was spitting on the sly, and our tutor, Inna Konstantinovna, did not see anything.

I was on duty in the dining room that day. Inna Konstantinovna says that this is the most responsible post. The most responsible thing is to spread the soup, because you can’t take a plate by the edges - you can dip your fingers, and carry it hot on your palms! But I spread the whole soup well. Just great! I didn't even spill it on the tables! He began to lay out the bread on bread plates, then all the guys came, and this Grishka with his straw. I carried the tray to the kitchen, and I carried one humpback in my hand - I left it for myself, I love humpbacks very much. Then Grishka blows at me! The plasticine ball hit me right in the forehead and bounced into my bowl of soup! Grishka began to laugh, and the guys began to giggle too. They laugh at me that a ball hit me in the forehead.

I felt so offended: I tried, I was on duty with all my might, and he hit me in the forehead, and everyone laughs. I grabbed my humpback and how I launched it into Grishka. I throw very well! Aptly! Hit him right on the back of the head. He even groaned - wow what a humpback! Not some kind of plasticine ball. The crust from his cropped head bounced off and rolled along the floor across the entire dining room for a long time - that's how hard I threw it!

But it immediately became quiet in the dining room, because Inna Konstantinovna blushed and began to look at me! She bent down, slowly picked up the crust, dusted it off, and placed it on the edge of the table.

“After a quiet hour and an afternoon snack,” she said, “everyone will go for a walk, and Serezha will remain in the playroom and think carefully about his act. Serezha goes to kindergarten alone, but I feel I need to talk to his parents. Seryozha! Let your dad or mom come tomorrow!

When I came home, dad had already returned from work and was reading the newspaper, lying on the sofa. He is very tired at his factory, once he even fell asleep at dinner.

- Well how are you? - he asked.

“It’s fine,” I answered and hurried to my corner to my toys as soon as possible. I thought dad would read his newspaper again, but he folded it, got up from the sofa and squatted next to me.

– Is it all right?

- Yes OK! All is good! Wonderful... - and faster dump truck

I load with cubes, but for some reason they are not loaded, and they jump out of my hands.

- Well, if everything is fine, then why do some people in a hat enter the room and, having come from the street, do not wash their hands?

And indeed, I in a hat and forgot to wash my hands!

- In general, yes! Dad said when I got back from the bathroom. “Come on, tell me what happened to you?”

“But because Inna Konstantinovna,” I say, “is an unjust person!” He will not understand, but punishes! Grishka was the first to throw a ball at me in the forehead, and then I threw it with a crust ... He was the first, and she punished me!

- What humpback?

- Ordinary! From round bread. Grishka was the first to start, and me

punished! Is this fair?

Papa did not answer, he just sat on the sofa, hunched over, his hands hanging between his knees. He has such big hands and veins, like ropes. He got very upset.

“What do you think,” Dad asked, “what were you punished for?”

- Not to fight! But Grishka was the first to start!

- So! Dad said. - Come on, bring my folder. It's on the table, in the bottom drawer.

Her dad very rarely gets her. This is a large leather folder. There are dad's certificates of honor, photographs of how he served in the navy. (I'll be a sailor too when I grow up). Dad took out not photographs of his fellow sailors, but an envelope made of yellowed paper.

Have you ever wondered why you don't have a grandma or a grandpa?

“I thought about it,” I said. - This is very bad. Some guys have two grandfathers and two grandmothers, but I have no one ...

- Why aren't they? Dad asked.

“They died in the war.

“Yes,” said dad. He took out a narrow strip of paper. “Notification,” he read, and I saw how my father’s chin trembled small and often: “Having shown courage and heroism as part of the amphibious assault, he died the death of the brave ...” - this is one of your grandfathers. My father. And this one: “He died of wounds and general physical exhaustion…” – this is your second grandfather, your mother’s father.

- And grandmothers! I shouted, because I felt very sorry for them all.

“They died in the blockade. You know about the blockade. The Nazis surrounded our city, and Leningrad was left completely without food.

And without bread? These words came out in a whisper.

- A day they gave out one hundred and twenty-five grams ... One piece, the kind that you eat at dinner ...

- Is that all?

- And that's all ... Yes, and this bread was with chaff and needles ... Blockade, in general, bread.

Dad pulled out a photo from the envelope. Schoolchildren were filmed there. All bald and terribly thin.

“Well,” Dad said, “find me.

All the guys were like each other, like brothers. They had tired faces and sad eyes.

“Here,” Dad pointed to a boy in the second row. - Here's your mom. I would never have known her at all. I thought it was a five year old boy.

“This is our orphanage. They did not manage to take us out, and we were in Leningrad throughout the blockade. Sometimes soldiers or sailors came to us and brought a whole bag of bread. Our mother was very small and rejoiced: “Khlebushko! Bread!", and we, the older guys, already understood that the soldiers had given us their daily rations and, therefore, they were sitting there in the trenches in the cold, completely hungry ...

I wrapped my arms around my father and shouted:

- Daddy! Punish me as you wish!

- What you! Dad picked me up. - Just understand, son, bread is not just food ... And you put it on the floor ...

“I will never again!” I whispered.

“I know,” Dad said.

We stood at the window. Our big Leningrad, covered with snow,

glowed with lights and was so beautiful, as if the New Year was coming soon!

- Dad, tomorrow, when you come to the kindergarten, tell me about bread. Tell all the guys, even Grishka...

“Okay,” said dad, “I’ll come and tell you.”

The stories were collected by Tamara Lombina

Member of the Writers' Union of Russia, candidate of psychological sciences.

Text 1 - a short story, a miniature essay about a family

My family is very friendly. It consists of five people: me, mom, dad, sister and brother. My mother's name is Elena. She does all the housework: she cleans, cooks, washes dishes, does laundry, waters flowers. My father's name is Roman. He is very hardworking and helps his mother in everything. My sister's name is Oksana. She is three years older than me. My sister helps my mother with household chores and helps me with homework. I am very grateful to her for this. I also have a younger brother. His name is Seryozha. He loves to play computer games very much. But mom always makes sure that he does not sit at the computer for a long time. Our family is complemented by a Rex Labrador dog. I always take her outside for a walk. I really like my big and friendly family. I think she is the best in the world.

Text 2 - Mini essay about family

We have a very friendly and happy family. We all help each other and try to never fight. Dad loves to read books and tell interesting stories to everyone, and mom cooks the most delicious meals in the world. I love my parents very much. They never scold me, even if I am guilty, but only explain the mistake, and I, in turn, try never to repeat it again.

I am sure that my family is the best. I always feel on myself parental protection. She gives me strength and confidence every day. Family warmth is sacred to me, it warms and gives joy. Wherever I am, I always want to return home to my family.

I dream that my future family will also become a cozy nest in which love, harmony and mutual assistance reign.

Contests, games, promotions Author: Alla May 30, 2011 We are glad to meet wonderful families participating in the Me and My Family contest. We present you the story of Lilia Maltseva: her eldest daughter Dasha (11 years old) wrote a story about her family, and the drawing on this topic was drawn by her middle daughter Sophia, she is 8 years old. My family consists of five people. This is mom, dad, and we are three sisters: Dasha, Sofya and Polina. I think that we have a very large family, because sometimes there is even nowhere to sleep and play, there are so many people. But we are very friendly, although sometimes, of course, there are quarrels, especially with Sonya. My mother's name is Lilia, she is 34 years old and she is now sitting at home with Polina. And dad's name is Igor, he works as a programmer and he is 40 years old. My name is Dasha, I am 11 years old and I am already finishing the 4th grade. I will be graduating soon. My middle sister's name is Sonya, she is now 8 years old and finishing 2nd grade.

one more step

My family consists of three people - mom, dad and me. Mom's name is Lyudmila Ivanovna, and dad's name is Alexander Vitalievich. We all love to travel together. Last summer we went to Krasnoyarsk. Mom and I went to the zoo. There are many animals and birds there.

We especially liked the monkey. She is cheerful and funny. My mother and I named her Anfisa. Often walking in the park, we went to the zoo. I approached Anfisa, smiled at her, waved my hand. Mom loved her too.

Once we went in, but Anfisa was not there. I felt very sad, and my mother comforted me. And I felt good with my mom. A day later we saw our Anfisa. It's good that mom is always there! She knows everything and can help me.

I love my family very much - my mom and dad, because mom will always help me in difficult times, and dad protects our whole family. Julia Arkhishina There are four people in our family, this is mom Marina, dad Lyosha, brother Daniel and, of course, I'm Julia.

Essay "my family"


Do not shake the house with your beard. House without a mistress orphan. Conclusion In the process of working on the project, I answered the following questions:

  • What is "genus", "pedigree".
  • Who are the "ancestors"?
  • What is a "generation"?
  • What is family".
  • What is a "family tree"?

In the process of working on the project, I interviewed my parents, grandmothers, looked through family documents and photographs, compiled a genealogical tree, and together with my parents picked up a family motto, poems and proverbs about the family. The product of my activity was a family tree.

As a result of my work, it became clear to me where our family came from, what ancestors lived before us and how they lived. I learned a lot of interesting facts from their lives. I was very surprised and excited. Together with my parents, we wrote down all the memories that we managed to collect.



My family is very friendly and polite. Serebryansky Dima I want to tell you about my dad, his name is Sergey. My dad and I always have fun - we play computer and board games. And also, when I don’t understand something with homework, my dad always helps me.

My dad is like a friend to me, I would go on reconnaissance with him. My mother, her name is Natasha, is a housewife, she works around the house, and I help her - I take out the garbage and help with my brother. I love my family very much!!! Fedotova Sophia In my family there are me, mom and dad. My mother is a hairdresser, my father is a military man. I want to talk about my dad.

He is my friend. He helps me do my homework, plays board games and often talks to me. Once we could not solve the Olympiad problem.

Story about my family

He, like my mother, helps me do my homework, helps my mother with the housework, plays with me. Mom and dad are friends. I love my family because they are friendly. Vlad Murygin Me and my family My family is my fortress! They love me very much there, they always support me, I feel completely safe.
I know for sure - in my family they will not offend and betray! My mother's name is Irina Mikhailovna. She is a psychologist by training, but she works as a career pathologist. Mommy helps schoolchildren to choose their future profession correctly.

My mother devotes all her free time to me. We do homework together, prepare for tests and olympiads, play different games, and in the summer I help my mother arrange flower beds in the country. My father's name is Alexey Viktorovich. He works as a repairman for instruments and equipment. My dad has a hobby - assembling wooden models of various techniques, and he also reads a lot.

First class page

  • Walks, trips with children, going to the cinema, circus, theater, museum.
  • Celebration of significant events in the life of the family: birthdays, anniversaries and other holidays.
  • Easter tradition to paint eggs.
  • Every summer we go together to the forest, to nature, relax, swim.
  • Every New Year, we decorate the apartment together, put up a Christmas tree, ride a hill, launch fireworks. And every New Year, dad becomes Santa Claus!

One of the features and even traditions of our family is the continuity of the name Tatyana. On the line of the pope, my great-grandmother bore this name and is borne by my father's own sister (my aunt).
On my mother's side, this name is given to my great-grandmother, my mother's cousin (my aunt) and myself. Actually, I was named after my great-grandmothers. (Appendix 6) Also, one of the traditions, as I said, is the long hair of the girls in our family.

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I also want to tell you about my mother. My mom is my friend. We play Sea Battle and other board games with her, drink tea, talk heart to heart. She often gives me advice. That's what my mom is! I love my family very much. Bogdanov Kolya There are four people in my family.

My mother's name is Vika, my father's name is Vlad, and I also have an older sister, her name is Veronica. Our family has a common favorite - this is our dog, dachshund Lisa, she is three years old. Mom always helps me. She recently helped solve the problem about apples.

There you had to come up with your own task. And I almost made a mistake. And when mom doesn't know, then I ask dad. With dad, I like to go mushroom picking in the summer. Once I saw a fly agaric, and dad said that you can’t touch it.

I love my family very much! Borovik Vlad My family consists of four people. My grandmother's name is Valentina Nikolaevna, my father's name is Roman Alexandrovich, and my mother's name is Lidia Anatolyevna.

Collection of children's stories about myself and my family "Me and my family"

Ministry of General and Vocational Education Sverdlovsk region Department of Education of the Administration of the Severouralsk City District Municipal budgetary educational institution secondary school No. 11 My family Direction socio-political Information about the author of the work: M. Tatyana Aleksandrovna Place of study: MBOU secondary school No. 11, 1 "B" class Head: Shipilovskaya Svetlana Leonidovna, teacher primary school, the first k / k Director MBOU secondary school No. 11 Home address of the author: Severouralsk 2013 Content Introduction …………………………………………………………………………….. 3 Chapter 1. Family in human life………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………5 1.1. Studying theory…………………………………………………………..5 1.2. What does family mean to me…………………………………….7 Chapter 2. History of my family….………………………………………………… .9 2.1. My family…………………………………………………………………..9 2.2. My grandparents…………………………………………………10 2.3.

In the old days, a person was inseparable from his kind, and knowledge of his genealogy went back to antiquity. Every piece of this knowledge has been passed down from generation to generation. In the lesson on the subject "The world around us" we studied the topic "My family".

And it became interesting for me to learn about my family and about my ancestors and talk about it. The purpose of my project is to conduct historical research and compile a genealogical tree of my family. My project goals:

  • studying the history of my family through a deeper and more solid development of the topic "My family tree"
  • to promote the unity of family members through a common interest in the history of one's family,
  • choose a motto for your family,

The object of research is the history of my family. The subject of the study is the genealogical tree of my family.

Story my family 1st grade sample

In winter we like to go skiing, and in summer we like to relax with our grandmother in the village. There we pick strawberries, currants, go swimming in the river. When a circus comes to our city, the whole family goes to watch the show.
What a wonderful family I have! Zakharova Polina My friendly family. My family is my mom, dad, sister and me. Mom's name is Alena, and dad's name is Sergey. They work as entrepreneurs. The elder sister Rita goes to school, in the tenth grade. I go to the same school, only in the third grade. In our free time, my dad and I like to play chess, and my mom and I like to assemble mosaics. I also love to read books. Once a week, the whole family goes to the Ice Palace to go skating. Sometimes in the evening we go bowling. In the winter we go skiing, and in the summer we go out to the nature to swim and sunbathe. We have a very interesting free time. We have a very close-knit family.

In the family circle, we are growing,
The basis of the foundations is the parental home.
In the family circle, all your roots,
And in life you leave the family.

Love. Kindness. Tenderness. Care. All these qualities are combined in one word dear to every person - Family. I am only in the second grade, but I really want to talk about my small native island on this big Earth. About my family.
My family! What a short but great word. A word that includes the history of ancestors, a word that warms even with its sound. When a person is just born, he still does not know anything, does not understand anything. Everything is taught in the family. Here, on the basis of family traditions, relationships and actions, the upbringing of a Person takes place. What a man has learned in his family, that he will teach his children. I think,
all people of the Earth want to have a strong happy family. I think my family is like that.
My family is my home, dad and mom, brothers, grandparents, joys and sorrows, holidays and traditions. My family is that corner of love where I feel very warm and well. It's good because we are all together. I think that is why a person always returns to his loved ones, to his home.

Home is where you are expected
Where they will surely understand
Where the bad will be forgotten
This is the house.

I love my house very much. He protects us from evil people, from troubles. Gives warmth, comfort, peace. Saves from cold, rain, wind. Here we live: we work, we rest, we eat, we laugh, we sing songs, we tell interesting stories. It is very important to have your own home. I think without it a person cannot be happy. And happiness, in my opinion, is to have parents, to be close to your relatives, to live in your homeland. After all, it is not for nothing that parents, relatives and homeland are related words, the same root, similar to each other. We often talk about this in Russian language lessons.
It seems to me that we are also similar in the family: we understand each other and, of course, help. Dad is our head of the family, assistant to everyone and in everything. And he does not only men's work with us: he cooks food wonderfully, plays chess with me and my brother, and reads fairy tales. He knows a lot about us. Do not count everything. I respect dad very much, love and obey.
Another important person in our family is Mom.

Four letters, only two syllables - mom.
The very first word in life is mother.
The word is important, albeit short - mother.
Mother! Good mother!
The main thing to say about mothers
Just two words to say:
We call the motherland "mother",
And mother gently - "mother."

Most of the time I spend with my sweet mommy. I really love talking to her. It is interesting to listen to her explanations and advice. They are always correct. I have convinced myself of this many times. They say that my mother and I are very similar. I am proud of this. We do all the housework together. After all, it's more fun together. We prepare dinners for our men, bake pies, put things in order in the house. Mom teaches me to knit, sew clothes for my dolls - daughters. I can't do without my mom. I can’t live without her tenderness, kindness and affection, so I really appreciate and feel sorry for my mom.
I also want to talk about Nursultan and Dima.

Everyone in the village knows these guys -
Kind, polite, healthy.
Come to the aid of everyone
Always ready everywhere.

It all starts with family...
The call of the child in the cradle
And wise old age pesky arrows,
It all starts with family...
To endure grief and pain of loss,
Get up again, go and make mistakes.
And so all my life.
But just don't give up!
It all starts with family...

There are four people in our family: father, mother, brother and me.

My dad works at NNHK as an I&C mechanic, he repairs computers. Mom works as a laboratory engineer at a factory that manufactures panels for residential buildings. My brother is in the fourth grade. His name is Maxim.

And my name is Polina. It means "small" in Latin. When I went to kindergarten, I dreamed of growing up and going to school as soon as possible. Although I liked kindergarten. I especially loved choreography and choir classes.

And here I am at school! I am only six years old. When I first came to school, I thought that you can get lost in it - it's so huge! Now I'm in the third grade. My favorite subjects are mathematics and literary reading. I study well and want to become an excellent student. I have a lot to learn because when I grow up I want to be a teacher.

We have a very close-knit family.

In winter we like to go skiing, and in summer we like to relax with our grandmother in the village. There we pick strawberries, currants, go swimming in the river.

When a circus comes to our city, the whole family goes to watch the show.

What a wonderful family I have!

Zakharova Polina

My friendly family.

My family is my mom, dad, sister and me. Mom's name is Alena, and dad's name is Sergey. They work as entrepreneurs. The elder sister Rita goes to school, in the tenth grade. I go to the same school, only in the third grade.

In our free time, my dad and I like to play chess, and my mom and I like to assemble mosaics. I also love to read books. Once a week, the whole family goes to the Ice Palace to go skating. Sometimes in the evening we go bowling. In the winter we go skiing, and in the summer we go out to the nature to swim and sunbathe. We have a very interesting free time. We have a very close-knit family.

Matyushina Anastasia

Walk with family.

We have a friendly family: mom, dad, brother Kostya and me. On weekends in the summer we go out into nature to get some fresh air. There we walk in beautiful places, fish on the Kama River, play tennis in the forest in a clearing. Sometimes the whole family goes to the motor city, where Kostya and I ride bicycles.

In winter we go to admire the winter forest. In the forest white - white and such silence! In winter, it's also my birthday. On this day we go to McDonald's and have fun. I love my family very much!

Semenova Anastasia

Letter about my family.

There are many families. I have the best family. Our family has a father, mother, brother and me.

My dad is a lawyer, my mom is a nurse, my brother and I go to school. My brother is in the eighth grade and I am in the third. We are a friendly family and never quarrel.

On weekends we go to the village to visit my grandmother. There, with the whole family, we go to the forest for mushrooms, go fishing. We do everything together, we help each other.

My dad is very strong and hardworking, he is also smart. My mother is kind, affectionate, cooks deliciously. And my brother is engaged in freestyle wrestling. He took second place and was awarded a diploma. And I'm the smallest in the family, and everyone loves me.

My family is the best and happiest!

Nurgalieva Dilyara