A four-year-old baby was found in the Sverdlovsk region, who was lost in the forest four days ago. In the Urals found alive a four-year-old boy who disappeared in the forest four days ago

Four-year-old Dima Peskov, who disappeared on June 10 in the forest near the Reftinskoye reservoir in the Sverdlovsk region, was found alive, according to the website of the regional department of the TFR.

Volunteers of the search and rescue squad were the first to announce the discovery of the child. "Lisa Alert", then the information was confirmed by the police.

On the morning of June 14, the child was found alive, but in serious condition, the TFR reported. The boy was at a power pylon, about seven kilometers from the place of his disappearance. Now the child is being taken to the hospital, he is receiving the necessary assistance.

On the fact of the disappearance of the child, investigators opened a criminal case under the article "Causing death by negligence." Despite the fact that the boy was found, the investigation of the case continues - a forensic medical examination will establish the degree of harm caused to the child's health.

More than 50 people have now been interrogated as witnesses - relatives of the child, his neighbors, employees kindergarten, which he visits, as well as the fishermen who were on the shore of the reservoir on the day the boy disappeared. More than 10 inspections of the scene of the incident were carried out in the case - the place of residence of the child, the family's route from home to the place of rest, the place where the family set up a tent, the place where the fishermen stop, the place where traces were found in the forest, etc.). Investigators are looking into the causes and conditions that contributed to the emergence of a situation in which under real threat the life and health of a young child were put.

In May 2016, Komsomolskaya Pravda wrote, citing the curator of the Lisa Alert search team in the Sverdlovsk Region, that every month they receive more than six applications for missing children in the region. Some children are found within a day, others are searched for months. If we talk about Russia as a whole, then about 50 children disappear every day, of which one in four is either not found or found dead, the Sokol PSO said. The leaders of the search teams recommend that parents never leave the child unattended.

The boy was on vacation with his parents, moved away from the tent and got lost. Rescuers, police and hundreds of volunteers searched for him for more than four days, combing the forest, ponds, inspecting the area from a helicopter and with the help of drones. A volunteer discovered Dima Peskov: the child was barely alive.

Dima Peskov disappeared on Saturday morning. The family - father, mother and son - rested with a tent on the banks of the Reftinskoye reservoir in the Sverdlovsk region. At about nine in the morning, Dima and his dad went to collect firewood, but after a quarter of an hour the boy asked to go back to the camp, which was literally a few meters away. Dad released the child, but when he returned to the tent, he did not find him.

For about an hour, the parents themselves walked through the forest and looked for Dima. Then they called the rescuers. By 12 o'clock, the forces of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the police were on the spot, about 300 people gathered, volunteers from the search teams pulled up. How the rescue operation went is clear from the posts in the group "Search squad "Falcon".

On the second day, hundreds of people came to the aid of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the National Guard and the police. The total number of those who were looking for Dima, writes Komsomolskaya Pravda, amounted to 1200 people. A helicopter flew over the forest, boats inspected the banks of the reservoir and the Kamenka River, divers combed the bottom near the place where the tent was.

Both rescuers and search engines launched various drones with conventional video cameras and thermal imagers that could fly relatively low over the forest.

At night, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the police did not recommend volunteers to go into the forest. These places are found wild animals, including bears, in addition, by mistake in the dark it was possible to get under the bullet of a poacher. But some, despite including a direct ban, continued to comb the forest at night.

Found on the second day fresh footprint boy, he led away from the shore of the reservoir and was lost on the edge of the swamp. It became clear that the child had left the lake deep into the forest, but it was not possible to find him in hot pursuit.

At that time, the Investigative Committee interrogated more than 50 people, the 66.ru website writes. Dima's father, Andrei Peskov, was also interrogated. According to him, the investigators considered, among other things, the version according to which he killed his son and buried him in the forest.

Only on June 14 in the morning, the rescuers managed to attack the fresh footprint of the child: footprints remained after the rain that had passed the day before, which means that Dima should have been somewhere nearby. After some time, one of the volunteers found the boy lying on the ground without moving near the power transmission pole. The father tells how it was:

The guy who found him is from the Falcon squad. He approached, saw a hillock, some kind of birch lay near the hillock. I went behind a birch and saw a lying child. He looked at him, it seemed that lifeless. Then the son stirred. Now he is in good health, understands me, nods his head or eyes. The guy, of course, is strong, but you yourself understand that on the fifth day ... he is exhausted. Many thanks to everyone who joined, did not leave us in trouble.

A medical helicopter was sent for Dima, but after the doctors examined him, he was taken to Yekaterinburg by land, in an ambulance, and the helicopter was returned to the base.

Dima is severely dehydrated, bitten by ticks, he has hypothermia and possibly pneumonia. He cannot speak. Here is how his mother describes his condition:

The place where they found Dima was seven kilometers from the tent, next to which he got lost. four year old child V light clothing and spent more than four days in the forest without food. A map of the area with markings was published by the Ekaterinburg Online website.

As the journalists of the Yekaterinburg edition of Nasha Gazeta write, the Peskov family does not live well, but it cannot be called dysfunctional. Dima is normally developed physically, there were no problems with him in kindergarten. He doesn't speak perfectly yet, but it's within the normal range for a boy of his age.

Last year, Medialeaks wrote about a young girl who got lost in the forest near Chelyabinsk and. She was saved by the fact that she came across a hunting lodge, where she found stocks of cereals and a well.

07:02 — REGNUM In the Sverdlovsk region, the name of the participant in the search operation became known, who on June 14 found the man who was lost in the forest on June 10 four year old in the area of ​​the Reftinsky reservoir. They turned out to be a volunteer Pavel Karpenko, reports the correspondent.

“I disobeyed the commander and went to another place altogether. I went out to the hillock and thought that I would receive from the commander for what I had disobeyed, I thought I would get lost myself ... I see a birch tree, I go behind it - there is a child, I was just shaking. I started yelling into the radio that he was here. They began to carry out, evacuate. When the child was found, he did not move, to be honest, I thought he was dead. That's what I said at first into the walkie-talkie. But then I heard a voice, it began to move somehow. And I already felt so good that he was moving. I was waiting for the others, because I was afraid to touch him, maybe he was injured or something. The group has arrived. They gently lifted him up and gave him some water to drink. Examined. Began to evacuate , - said Pavel Karpenko to the asbestos channel Kadr TV.

The boy was evacuated to the road on a stretcher built by rescuers. Pavel Karpenko was thanked by the father of the child, hugging him and wishing young man health. According to the rescuer, the child is very strong. Pavel Karpenko said that the boy was found seven and a half kilometers from the place where he was lost, and not every adult can withstand the route without food and water, which the child went through the forest and swamps.

Participants in the rescue operation reported that the child was exhausted and asked for water. Also, according to them, he ate grass to survive and drank water from puddles and swamps. The Sokol volunteer rescue squad found the child, and the Liza Alert squad participated in delivering the child to the road where the ambulance was rushing.

emergency doctor Mikhail Zheleznov said that doctors suspect that the boy has pneumonia, as his lungs are wheezing and breathing complications. The child himself, according to him, was in a stable, adequate condition, he understands everything and is oriented in what is happening. Mikhail Zheleznov said that the child was bitten by ticks, but, according to the parents, was vaccinated against viral encephalitis.

Subsequently, the child was taken to a helicopter, which, with the help of employees of the "disaster medicine", evacuated him to the hospital in the city of Asbest. Then the boy was taken to the CSTO No. 1 in the city of Yekaterinburg. Chief Physician children's hospital Oleg Averyanov reported that four ticks had been removed from the child and sent to the laboratory. He added that doctors are conducting X-ray studies, taking blood and urine tests of the child. Oleg Averyanov clarified that the boy was hypothermic and stressed, while he talks, but with difficulty. On this moment the child is in intensive care, but then psychologists will work with him.

“I don’t remember that the child was three or four days old, for four days he was in the forest” - said Oleg Averyanov.

The doctor did not make predictions, but noted that the boy would spend at least a week in the hospital. He also said that the parents would be allowed to see the child.

A child lost in the forest is usually the subject of fairy tales, horror films and nightmares of his parents. Some children who were alone in the wild managed to survive, while others were less lucky. This article contains both examples of miraculous rescues and cases of mysterious disappearances that have remained unsolved.

10. Yamato Tanuka

Seven-year-old Yamato Tanuka from Hokkaido, during a family trip out of town in the summer of 2016, threw stones at people from a car window. The parents decided to teach him a lesson. They stopped on the side of the road next to the forest, dropped the boy out of the car and drove away. They returned five minutes later, hoping that their punishment had worked. But Yamato was gone.

Yamato could not be found for six days. There was tall grass in the forest and a lot of bushes, the search party had to comb through all of them to be sure that they did not miss the boy in case his body was lying on the ground. The nights were cold, it was raining, and there seemed to be no hope of finding Yamato alive.

It turned out that Yamato really believed that his parents abandoned him because of bad behavior. He decided to go deeper into the forest and look for cover. After walking five kilometers, Yamato came to an empty military base with small buildings. He opened the door of one of them and found a thin mattress on the floor. This made it possible to sleep comfortably, he drank rainwater, but for six days he did not have any food.

When the search party finally found him, Yamato was taken to the hospital. Apart from emaciation and mild hypothermia, he was physically healthy. According to Dr. L. Alan Sroof of the Institute for Child Development at the University of Minnesota, the only way to scare a child was to simply threaten to be left alone.

Yamato Tanuka remained alone for a very long time, but there is no information about whether his psyche was traumatized.

9. Jarid Atadero

In October 1999, Allin Atadero was a member of a Christian group, and he became close friends with the rest of its members. The group organized a hike in the Roosevelt National Forest in Colorado. Allin did not want to go camping that day, but his children wished to take part in it. Since Allin was confident in his friends, he entrusted them with his own children: three-year-old Jarid and six-year-old Josallin.

The group chose to hike the trail to Comanche Peak, which is located in the depths of a massive 260 square kilometer wildlife preserve. It is possible that the members of the group did not have much experience with children. The kids were full of energy and constantly running, no one paid attention to where Jarid was. Subsequently, each of the members of the group gave "The New York Times" absolutely different estimates how long they didn't see Jareed - from 20 minutes to an hour and a half.

The search party, which consisted of more than 50 people, searched for Jarid for several days with the help of specially trained dogs, but the boy was never found. Despite extensive searches, not even a trace of him was found - until 2003, when 170 meters above the trail, in a place that is difficult to reach even for adults, Jarid's sneakers (pictured above) were found. The sneaker seemed brand new, although it had been there for several years. Then a completely intact shirt and pants were found, turned inside out.

Approximately 45 meters from the clothes, one tooth and a fragment of the skull were found. Some people speculate that a mountain lion dragged the boy's body up the steep path, but many believe he was killed. If he were attacked by a mountain lion or a bear, his clothes would be torn to shreds.

There are many facts in this case that defy explanation. The story of Jarid's disappearance remains a mystery to this day. Although local authorities have closed the case, amateur detectives continue to publish their opinions on the Internet.

8. Tserin Dopchut

For a three-year-old child, few things can be more attractive than little puppy. In September 2016, little Tserin Dopchut was visiting his beloved great-grandmother, who lived in the small Siberian village of Khuta, one of the coldest places on Earth. In this area, the temperature drops below zero already in September.

Tserin was playing in the street, he was without a coat and with one chocolate bar in his pocket. After playing with the puppy, the boy went into the forest and disappeared. As you know, bears and wolves are found in Siberian forests. Considering the still severe cold, he had practically no chance of survival.

He was absent for three days, from food he had a single chocolate bar. Tsering left for 3 kilometers from the village and fell asleep between the roots of a tree, hiding from the wind. Tserin's uncle was looking for his nephew through the forest, calling out his name, and Tserin, hearing his native voice, responded.

After Tsering returned to Hutu, the whole village held a feast in his honor. The villagers were amazed at his ability to survive in the taiga and speculated that he would grow up strong and brave man.

7. Dennis Martin

It happened on a Saturday in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park in June 1969. Seven-year-old Dennis Martin went camping with his family. He was mentally retarded and thought worse than other children at his age. His older brother Douglas and two other boys were playing together in a clearing in the middle of a large forest. The adults sat a few meters away from the children, not allowing them to disappear from view.

Nine-year-old Douglas told Dennis and his friends that it would be fun to play a trick on the adults by sneaking into the woods and sneaking up behind their parents. So the kids split up. The three boys went in one direction and Dennis ran in the opposite direction.

Dennis's father, William, from where he sat, could see everything. After three other boys "pranked" their parents, Dennis never made it out of the woods. No more than five minutes had passed since he had disappeared when William got up and ran to the place where he last time saw Dennis. He went deep into the forest for 3 kilometers, calling out his son's name, but found no trace of the boy.

From the National Park Service's detailed 30-page report on Dennis's disappearance, we know that park rangers and Martin's family spent the rest of the evening looking for the boy. Despite the fact that it rained at night and the next morning, a huge search party was formed, even military special forces were involved. The press published this story, and on June 21, about 1,400 people went looking for Dennis. Despite a massive search, Dennis was never found. His remains were not found either.

As the unsolvable mystery has been discussed for years, the Knoxville News Sentinel conducted its own investigation in 2009. They interviewed a man named Harold Kay, who was not far from where Martin's family was vacationing that day. He reported that he heard a terrible scream, and then saw a man coming out of the forest, like a rough wild mountaineer. The FBI decided that they had no evidence that this unkempt man was involved in the disappearance, and did not begin to search for him.

6. Brennan Hawkins

In 2005, 11-year-old Brennan Hawkins was among the Boy Scouts. summer camp Jambury at the Boy Scout Reservation Bear River near Salt Lake City, Utah. The Jamboree hosts an annual gathering of all Scouts in the state, giving them the opportunity to earn some merit badges and make new friends. About 1,400 Boy Scouts gathered in and around the camp that year. Lake Bear Lake, which is located in the center of the Scout Reservation, covers an area of ​​about 280 square kilometers. The surrounding forest is even more extensive.

Although the boys' camp is located in the middle of a wild forest, they usually live according to a strict schedule under the supervision of mentors and are almost always under control. One afternoon, Brennan was having trouble getting his climbing harness off. His mentor lost patience, he decided that his presence was no longer needed, since the camp was nearby. He told Brennan to catch up and left. But when Brennan managed to get rid of the safety harness, he decided to skip dinner and take a walk in the woods.

More than 3,000 people took part in his search. In reality, Brennan was hiding from them. According to him, he thought they were "villains". Instead of approaching any of the searchers and asking for help, he deliberately stayed in the forest for four days, going deeper and deeper. In the end, Brennan was found and returned to his parents.

Brennan didn't think he'd been missing for four days, but just one. His parents said he was "a little slow" but claimed he was never formally diagnosed with any developmental disability. During the interrogation, the parents blamed themselves for not telling the members of the search party to use them. Secret word"BYU" because Brennan was trained to distrust strangers.

5. Amber Rose Smith

The village of Newaygo, Michigan is located in the middle of a dense forest. In 2013, Dale Smith was at home with his two-year-old daughter, Amber Rose. She was playing, so her father decided to go to the next room. When he returned, Amber Rose was gone. Apparently, she decided to go outside and take a walk in the forest.

Luckily, she was found in less than 24 hours. It was the middle of October, at night the air temperature dropped below 7 degrees Celsius. When the Forest Resources Department officer found the girl, she was 3 kilometers from her home, she was wearing only a T-shirt and a diaper. Everyone was shocked at how she managed to survive the night. The employee who found the girl burst into tears of joy, saying that this is the most an important event in his career.

Until Amber was found, the local police were suspicious of her father's words that the girl had disappeared without a trace. They could not believe that the little girl had really wandered into the woods. Even after they found her safe and sound, they tormented her father for a long time with questions about how the girl was left alone.

4. Dennis Johnson

In 1966, eight-year-old Dennis Johnson was vacationing in Yellowstone National Park with his family. The parents began to prepare for the picnic and told their children to play for a while. A few minutes later, Dennis ran up to his parents and told them that his younger sister disappeared in the forest.

According to Dennis's father, his son knew the basic rules of survival well and had a head on his shoulders. So he instructed the boy to continue looking for his sister and arranged to meet him at the picnic spot. They broke up and the parents found their missing daughter. But Dennis didn't come back. The National Park Service searched for it for weeks, spending thousands of hours looking for it. The parents were so terrified that they went to a psychic who told them he saw their son drowning in a shallow ditch.

What actually happened to Dennis is still unknown. His remains have never been found, and it is possible that he was kidnapped.

3. Garrett Bardsley

It happened at 8:00 am on August 20, 2004, on the Uinta Mountain Range in Summit County, Utah. Garrett Bardsley and his father Kevin got up early in the morning and went fishing on a nearby lake. Garrett got too close to the water and got his shoes and socks wet. He decided to return to the camp to change his shoes.

Their tent was only 140 meters away, so Garrett's father let his 12-year-old son go alone. There was no reason to worry, as they had made this journey more than once. In addition, Garrett had the skills to survive in the wild. Kevin kept his eyes on Garrett as he walked around the lake and even yelled at him to tell him the closest way to the tent.

After 20 minutes, Kevin began to worry that his son was gone too long. He returned to the camp, but Garrett was nowhere to be seen.

The only thing rescuers found was the boy's sock 800 meters from where he disappeared. The local police decided they didn't have enough evidence to point to a kidnapping. They believe that the guy got lost and died. In 2006, Kevin Bardsley gave an interview and very vividly described the details of the day his son disappeared. He says he will never give up hope of finding his son.

2. Malachy Bradley

In 2015, 10-year-old Malachi Bradley went camping with his family. They headed for the forest on the Uinta Range in Utah. The boy decided to look for mushrooms, so he walked a little away from everyone. When he realized that he had gone too far, he could no longer find his parents. Malachi knew that he needed to find a way and stop the car, but he was in such a remote place where there were no roads.

Malachi drank water from the lake, but he could not find any food. When it got dark, Malachi found some stones that had warmed up well during the day under sunbeams. Before going to bed, he took off his T-shirt and wrapped it around his legs to keep them warm. He buttoned up his jacket and curled up on the rock in a fetal position. Although the night temperature dropped below freezing, he managed to save enough heat to survive.

In the morning, Malachi woke up to the sound of helicopters flying above him. He knew that he was not visible because of the trees, so he found the nearest clearing and remained there until the rescuers found him.

1. Alfred Beilharz

In 1938, hiking in the forest was much less comfortable than it is now. After the Beilhartz couple, who pitched tents with their 11 children in the Rocky Mountain National Park, woke up, they had to go to a nearby stream to wash and get water. Back at the camp, they noticed that one of the youngest children, five-year-old Alfred, was missing.

The parents ran as fast as they could to the park rangers. A rescue team of 100 people went in search of the boy. Although shortwave radios had already been invented by that time, they were so massive that the members of the group had to carry heavy backpacks in order to be able to communicate with each other.

After 10 days of searching, only the 12 most dedicated searchers and dogs remained in the group. When suspicions arose that a kidnapping might have taken place, even the FBI joined the search.

The only thing that could be found out was the testimony of a married couple who saw a boy who, according to the description, was similar to Alfred. He stood on the edge of the cliff, looking out into the forest. The boy did not ask the couple for help, so they assumed that the boy's parents were nearby. Alfred simply went into the woods and has not been seen since.

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Are you looking for this? Perhaps this is what you could not find for so long?

A resident of the city of Bor Artur Shtoyan became a real hero - it was he who, after a whole day of searching, found four-year-old Yaroslav Baluev, who was missing in the Nizhny Novgorod forests. He told the correspondent of Komsomolskaya Pravda - Nizhny Novgorod about how this happened.

- We started the search from yesterday evening, by nine o'clock we were in place, and at midnight we were only allowed to look for the child. About two hundred volunteers and volunteers entered the forest, until four in the morning we went around one territory, about two kilometers, and closer to five in the morning we returned to the headquarters. Then reinforcements arrived, they began to look for the child with the help of drones. By about seven o'clock, people from literally all over the country had already begun to come forward to help search. We divided into chains and began combing the forest, but it was all to no avail, ”recalls Artur.

Then the rescuers and the National Guard began to examine this territory. Volunteers without special training were asked to leave the forest for a while so as not to interfere. But Arthur was unable to sit back. Then with small company comrades, he went to the place where the baby was lost in order to inspect the part where they did not have time to visit at night.

- We took the direction to the north-west, walked about two kilometers through the swamp, and went back the other way. And at some point I wanted to call Yaroslav, we began to shout: “Yarik! Yarik! ”, And then a real miracle happened - we heard a thin voice in response. At first they didn't even believe it! And then, twenty meters from us, they saw a boy. Emotions just can not be described in words! Arthur shares. - We ran up to him, wrapped him in our jacket, gave him a dry hat and socks, gave him hot tea with chocolate.

According to the volunteer, Yaroslav looked completely healthy and not even very scared.

- He behaved very well. a real man Arthur admires. - I didn’t cry at all, I just said that they went for mushrooms, and then he got lost. It feels like he didn’t even notice that a whole day had passed - as if he got lost half an hour ago! And most of all, Yaroslav was surprised to learn how many people were looking for him, that even searches were carried out from a helicopter.

According to preliminary data, the child's state of health is quite satisfactory, but he was nevertheless taken by ambulance to the children's regional hospital for examination. After the examination, the doctors will decide whether the boy needs hospitalization.