The son does not want to learn lessons. Different children learn lessons in different ways. Don't think grades are too important

Is your child still unable to sit up and do his homework on his own? Looking for tips and guidance from you? The article will tell you how short time change the situation and develop a responsible attitude to learning.

Few of today's children can boast of an independent and responsible attitude to learning. Most often, their parents force them to do their homework. But, if for a first grader this is more justified, then for a second grader it is already unacceptable.

The constant reminder of unfinished lessons, the threat of weaning from tablets, TVs and phones - will not make the child responsible. A different approach is needed here. He must himself realize what his behavior will be fraught with.

The methods presented in this article terrify many parents. There is no way they can "give the reins of power" into the hands of the child himself. After all, he is still small and dependent. That's why he doesn't do his homework himself. It's so convenient to be small, and wait until the parents solve all his problems. This is especially true for children of active, authoritarian mothers who are ready to carry everything on their shoulders.

What steps need to be taken so that the child begins to do homework without involving parents

1. Do not remind him of unfinished lessons.

Yes Yes exactly. Not once will your son or daughter come home from school to be reminded that homework is not ready. Modern children, in addition to the school, they attend many additional sections and circles. Therefore, their time at home is usually limited. I didn’t start doing homework in the allotted time, which means I didn’t go to school ready. This is the only way to take responsibility for your life. And going to bed, as usual, on schedule.

2. While the student is busy with homework, close the door to his room.

Do not distract with extraneous sounds and allow to concentrate. It is unacceptable to sit next to him and comment on his actions. Even if, in your opinion, he does everything wrong. This is his job, not yours.

3. Try not to help.

Let him do everything on his own. If you are still worried about the correctness of the work, a draft will help him. Prompt, only when he comes up and says that he did not understand the task. But make sure that “misunderstanding of the task” does not become a habit.

4. The student must warn about reports and crafts in advance, and not before bedtime.

Did not warn in advance, went without a report. Yes, at first the teacher will consider your family not exemplary, but then your life and the life of your student will be noticeably easier.

5. Do not consider grades too important.

Of course, I want the child to bring only fives, to grasp the material on the fly. But, unfortunately, there are few such children. The main thing is to keep friendly relations with a son or daughter, and not scold for every three. How many of these triplets will there be! How many triplets did you have?

6. Read together the wonderful book by Leah Geraskina "In the land of unlearned lessons."

It is easy to read and makes you look at the situation from a completely different perspective.

Of course, this advice is not for everyone. For example, they are not suitable for insecure, anxious children. This will only make their condition worse. A more subtle approach is needed here.perhaps with the help of a psychologist.

But when the child is waiting for the mother to "order" to sit down homework, does not even want to delve into the meaning of the next exercise - something needs to be decided. After all, after all, we want to grow whole individuals who will go through life easily and naturally, making important decisions.

Kindness is the only way
which is possible in dealing with a living being.
Terror can't do anything.
This I affirmed, I affirm and I will affirm ...
M. Bulgakov

To begin with, it is worth noting that if you are make do your homework, you are at great risk. Learning from under the stick causes the opposite reaction: the more the child is forced, the less chance instill in him a love and interest in learning. In this way, you can only cause disgust not only for doing homework, but for the entire learning process.

  • Select "hour X". Let the child decide for himself: when he will do his homework, when to walk, and when to "cut himself" in computer games. Give your child the right to choose: you don’t really want to break your own rules.
    If the child starts to offer some nonsense, like "I will do my homework at 10 pm," set a time frame. For example, indicate that the lessons must be done before, for example, 8 pm.
  • Equip workplace . If a child learns the rule while lying on the couch, writes Russian language exercises to the accompaniment of the TV, and solves math problems with his mother in the kitchen, unfortunately, it will not work to accustom the child to order. A teenager should get used to the fact that this particular table and chair is his workplace. Then the appropriate mood will appear.
  • Provide your child good mood and cheerful mood. It is extremely unreasonable for those parents who immediately after returning from school to seat their child for lessons. Give your child time to rest, take a walk, and lunchtime naps are known to be a good way to relax.
  • Follow a certain order completing the task. But here it is better to consult with the children: it is easier for someone to first "deal" with oral, then with written assignments, for others it is easier to do everything first, leaving light objects "for a snack".
  • Learn to manage time. Have you heard of time management? Extremely useful and effective piece. It is better to learn how to manage and plan your time from childhood.

An interesting technique was proposed by F. Cherillo. His task execution strategy became known as the Pomodoro Technique. The bottom line is this: it turns out that optimal time to complete a task - 25 minutes. It is this time that our brain and body are able to work efficiently and without getting tired.

All tasks need to be painted according to the template and spend no more than 25 minutes on each, or "1 tomato".

For example, the son was asked to complete two exercises in Russian, solve 1 problem in mathematics and write a report on geography.

Let's schedule the tasks:

Now we set a timer for 25 minutes and proceed to the first task. No distractions and no interruptions! When the alarm rings, put a "tick" in front of the first task and rest for 5 minutes.

Then we start the task again (we didn’t have time to finish the exercises in Russian - we continue to work on them). Having completed the first task, we move on to the second. After 4 time intervals (tomatoes), we take a break for 15-20 minutes.

Important! If you have completed the task, and the timer is still ticking, do not be distracted. Sit, think, check again - sometimes it is at this time that brilliant ideas come to mind, blunders are found.

Want to add motivation? Offer a reward. For example, for 4 successful "pomodoros" - an extra half hour at the computer.

  • Don't judge mistakes and don't shout if something doesn't work. Mistakes are an integral part effective learning. Be patient and instead of screaming and hurtful words, try to talk. Why do errors appear? Maybe due to the fact that in a hurry, maybe the topic is not understood or there is some gap in knowledge. It is important that the child always feels your support. And in general, it is better to be guided by the principle: "Praise the performer, criticize the performer."
  • Don't make homework a punishment. Often parents threaten: "If you write dirty or with errors, you will rewrite everything again!" Believe me: empty rewriting will not bring up diligence and accuracy, but will only discourage all the desire to study. Teach to use drafts and do not forget about the previous recommendation.

To help or not to help, that is the question!

Many parents ask: "How to teach a child to do homework on his own? Help or teach him to be independent?"

Of course, learning to be independent is essential. But not immediately, not "right off the bat." So, first-graders simply cannot do without parental assistance. But the older the student becomes, the more independence he must show.

It is important here to immediately warn your offspring that you will not sit with him forever, and after a certain time he will have to do everything on his own. And be sure to inspire that the lessons are HIS work, NOT YOURS! After making sure that the child has learned the rules for doing homework, parents should "stop doing homework."

No, of course, you should not leave everything to chance. Your task now is simply to control, to explain the incomprehensible (if he asks). The main thing is that the initiative does not come from you, but from your child.

Another helpful advice: . Today he remembered about your agreement with him to start lessons at 16.00 - already good, express sincere joy. Tomorrow the child himself sat down for lessons. Even if things haven’t gone further than simple preparations, it’s all the same: you sat down for the lessons yourself - again praise. It is important for the child want do homework. Let your joy for his success and for any manifestation of independence be an incentive - why not motivation?

To check or not to check?

Be sure to check your homework! And believe me, the question "Have you done everything?" — obviously not enough. Do not be too lazy, check what your offspring "made" in a notebook, whether he learned a verse, whether he prepared for a geography lesson, etc.

All the tips above are not rules, but recommendations. Unfortunately, there is no panacea, because all children are different. For some, the principle of trust will work (parents trust me, which means I simply have to do my homework so as not to let them down), others may be helped by the principle: earned - get rewarded, others will only be helped by patience and endless conversations. But you should not despair. After all, the main thing is not only to "educate", but to educate a responsible and independent person, to preserve his health and your good relationships.

It is no secret that for many parents, the question of how to get a child to do homework is especially relevant. And this is not an idle question. After all, often preparing homework becomes a big test for the whole family.

Remember how many tears, experiences it took to learn what century Yuri Dolgoruky was born in or how to calculate the integral equation! How many children with hatred remember their school years, teachers who tortured them with exorbitant homework, parents who forced them to do these jobs under duress! Let's not repeat these mistakes. But how do you teach your children to learn? Let's try with the help of psychologists to give some answers to these difficult questions.

Why does the child refuse to work?

The first question that parents must answer for themselves is why the child does not want to study at home? There are a lot of answers to it.

A child may simply be afraid of making a mistake when doing homework, he may simply be lazy, afraid of the parents themselves, he may simply lack motivation for homework. Also, a child may simply be tired of the fact that he has a lot of study load, because, in addition to a regular school, he attends a musical institution, an art circle and a chess section. It's like A. Barto, "Drama circle, photo circle ...". At this point, it’s true, there are too many things for a child to do, so he has to unconsciously refuse something. So he refuses to do homework.

However, schoolchildren have plenty of other motives for refusing to complete lessons. But parents must go through all the options in their minds and find the only correct answer that fits the character of their child. Moreover, it should be remembered that homework in modern school- the matter is very difficult, often, in order to complete it, the efforts of literally all family members are needed. After all, programs are becoming more and more complicated, even in the first grade today a child should already read about 60 words per minute. It's in the third quarter! But before, our mothers and fathers, being first-graders themselves, learned only to add letters.

Well, if the parents have identified the reasons why the child refuses to do homework, then they need to accustom themselves to patience and understand that the difficult mission of home mentors awaits them.

Let's talk about motivation

The key to success in this case- This is a positive motivation for the child to do homework. It takes a lot of effort to build that motivation. First of all, these efforts are based on positive school experience. If your child is not doing well at school, then he will perceive homework as a continuation of school torture.

Therefore, positive motivation is developed, first of all, within the walls of the school, and only then at home. Here we can talk about the need for close interaction between the school and the family.

Well, what about those parents who understand that they cannot find an answer to the question of how to make a child do homework without scandals, due to the fact that the child simply does not like the school that he has to go to every day? Such parents can be advised to solve this issue on principle, up to changing schools or finding another teacher.

In general, fathers and mothers need to be very sensitive in matters of schooling. It also happens that in the classroom the child gets the unenviable role of “stuffed animal”, “whipping boy”, relations with classmates do not add up, others offend your child. Naturally, he does not want to study at all. After all, how can you go to school if you are not loved and offended there? What is there correct execution homework...

Does age play a role?

Much in this issue decides the age at which the child himself is. It happens, for example, that a child does not want to do homework, grade 1, in which he is still studying, simply has not yet formed the correct positive motivation. In this case, it is much easier to interest such a first grader than an older student.

In general, parents of first-graders need to remember that their children go through an adaptation process in the first quarter. Therefore, the problem of how to make a child do homework without scandals is not yet so significant. There will be scandals in this case. But there is a chance that they will stop when your son or daughter goes through the difficult process of adjusting to first grade.

Also, parents of first-graders need to remember that it is the 1st grade that is the “golden time” on which all the future successes or failures of their child depend. After all, this is the period when your son or daughter understands what school is, why you need to study, what they want to achieve in their class. The personality of the first teacher is also very important in this matter. It is the wise and kind teacher can become for your child that guide to the world of knowledge, a person who will show the way to life. Therefore, the personality of such a teacher is very important for children! If a first-grader is afraid of his teacher, does not trust him, then this, of course, will have a very bad effect on his studies and the desire to do homework.

How to make a high school student do homework?

But this is already more complex issue. After all, parents can still put pressure on the baby, they can force him, using, in the end, their authority, but what about the offspring who is in transitional age? After all, nothing can force such a child to learn. Yes, it is much more difficult to cope with a teenager. Here you need patience, tact, the ability to understand. Parents need to think about the question of how to do homework with a child without screaming, because, perhaps, often they themselves simply provoke a conflict, unable to stand it and blaming their grown-up son or daughter for all sins. And teenagers react very sharply to criticism, it is difficult for them to cope with it, as a result they simply refuse to do the work that is given at home at school.

The transitional age in which schoolchildren are from 12 to 14-15 years old can seriously affect a student's progress. Children at this moment experience serious physical and psychological stress, often they experience their first love, strive to impress their peers. What kind of education is there? And parents at this age become a kind of opponents for children, because a teenager seeks to break away from his family, to get the right to manage his own life. Overly authoritarian parents in this case begin to put a lot of pressure on their children to call them to obedience. But they do not always achieve this obedience, but it happens that the child begins to protest. And often refusal to comply homework- this is the result of this protest.

Teach Children Responsibility

A good help for all parents who seek to build relationships with their child, and at the same time make their son or daughter study well, is to find the answer to the question of how to teach a child to do homework on his own? After all, if you teach your child from the very first years at school to the fact that he himself must be responsible for his actions, then perhaps this responsibility will accompany him all the remaining school years. In general, it is very important to teach children to understand that everything in life depends on their actions, on their desires and aspirations.

Think about why your child is studying, what did you inspire him? Did you tell him that he is studying for a career that lies ahead of him in a nebulous future? Did you explain to him that the learning process is a kind of work, difficult work, the result of which will be knowledge about the world of people that cannot be bought for money? Think about what you are talking with your child, what are you teaching him?

Therefore, before analyzing the problem of if the child does not learn lessons, what to do with him, try to understand yourself. And don't forget about the example you set for your children. After all, your attitude to work, housework will also become a kind of incentive for your children to study. Therefore, with all your appearance, demonstrate that studying has always been an interest to you, continue to study with your children, even if you are already 40 years old!

Use methodical techniques!

Of course, it is worth remembering about modern methodological techniques. There are many such methods. Most of them, however, are aimed at helping younger children. school age. These are various games that are held before and after doing homework, stimulating cognitive activity children, retellings and more. An old methodical technique is to draw up a daily routine for a child. Even your first grader needs to know how much time he has for school, extracurricular activities, games and, of course, lessons. After all, you, being preoccupied with the problem of how to make a child do homework, should help in every possible way in this.

Do not do homework instead of your son or daughter!

Very often, parents make another pedagogical mistake. They are from the very early age teach their child to do lessons with him instead of him. The child quickly realizes that his task is simply to do, to rewrite what mom or dad has already prepared for him. Don't make this mistake! Thus, you accustom your child to the fact that without labor, at the expense of others, much can be achieved in life. And it turns out, as in Dragunsky's story "Vasya's dad is strong ...". Don't be like mom and dad. Remember, you must know the answer to the question of how to teach a child to do their homework on their own. This is your parental duty!

Another common mistake is the excessive ambition of parents who want to make young geniuses out of their children at all costs. Moreover, such parents often simply “break” the psyche of their children themselves, simply forgetting that they should be concerned about the problem of how to teach a child to do homework, and not about how to raise a young talent in all subjects.

Very often, homework in such families turns into torture for children. Mom or dad forces a son or daughter to rewrite the same task several times, achieving its perfect completion, parents find fault with trifles, they are stingy with praise. So what is left for the kids to do? Of course, after some time, children refuse to work, fall into tantrums, showing with all their appearance that they simply cannot become young geniuses, as their parents want from them. But this is still the easiest case. But it happens that parents inspire their children with a “complex of an excellent student or an excellent student”, setting him tasks that their children simply cannot complete.

For example, an ambitious mother, who has raised her son alone all her life, dreams of him becoming a great violinist and giving his concerts all over the world. Her son is really doing well in music school, however, he could not rise above the level of a music school, let's say this: he simply did not have enough talent and patience. And what should such a mother do, who in her imagination has already elevated her son to the rank of great musicians of our time? She doesn’t need an ordinary loser son ... And how can you blame this young man that nature did not make him a genius?

Or another example. Parents dream of their daughter defending her doctoral dissertation. Moreover, it is not even very important for them that scientific direction within which this should be done. Girl with young years they inspire this family dream, they demand wonderful results from her in a scientific career, but the girl has intellectual ability just above average, ending up in a mental hospital for her pursuing a degree.

Agree that these examples are sad, but they are the very flesh of our real life. Often, very often, parents do this with their children.

What if the subject is simply not given?

It also happens that the subject is simply not given to the child. Well, your son or daughter does not have the ability for physics or chemistry, for example. What to do in this case? How to make a child do homework if he does not understand anything, simply does not understand how to solve this or that task? Here, parental patience alone is no longer enough. You need endurance, tact, and another person who can explain a difficult task to a child. In this case, it would be wiser for parents to hire a tutor for their son or daughter to help resolve this issue in a positive way.

Is it possible to do lessons for money or gifts?

IN Lately parents began to use simple way manipulation, which is simply called - bribery. Its essence lies in the fact that a father or mother, without thinking about an objective solution to the question of how to do homework with a child, simply seek to bribe their child with various promises. It can be both sums of money, and just gifts: a cell phone, a bicycle, entertainment. However, it is worth warning all parents against this method of influencing children. This is ineffective because the child will start demanding more and more over and over again. There are a lot of homework every day, and now your child is not satisfied with just a smartphone, he needs an iPhone, and he has the right to it, because he is studying, fulfilling all school requirements, etc. And then, imagine how harmful the habit for their daily work, which is the responsibility of the child, to demand from their parents any handouts.

What should parents do? Psychologist's opinion

Experienced specialists in the field of psychology advise parents to help their child do homework. Help is wise and loving heart. In general, a sense of proportion is ideal here. In this case, the parent must be both strict and demanding, and kind, and fair. He must have patience, remember tact, respect the personality in his child, not strive to make a genius out of his son or daughter, understand that each person has his own character, inclinations and abilities.

It is very important to show the child that he is always dear to his parents. You can tell your son or daughter that the father or mother is proud of him, proud of his academic success and believe that he can overcome all his academic difficulties on his own. And if there is a problem in the family - the child does not do homework, the advice of a psychologist will come in handy in resolving it.

Finally, all parents should remember that children always need our support. Studying for a child is a real job with its problems, ups, successes and falls. Children change a lot in the process of schooling, they acquire new character traits, learn not only to understand the world, but also to learn. And of course, teachers and their closest and most faithful comrades, parents, should help children along this path!

The beginning of a new school year often becomes the beginning of endless scandals about unfulfilled lessons and the unwillingness of the child to do homework. If for students lower grades the authority of parents is still in effect, then neither requests, nor threats, nor heart-to-heart talks have any effect on high school students.

How to be? To begin with, parents should remember that best age for the formation of skills of independence and a sense of responsibility for one's actions (including for studies) - this is the age from 4 to 9 years. However, the reluctance to do homework can overtake your child at any age, even if before that he did an excellent job with homework.

It is important to identify true reason unwillingness to take lessons.

1. Spoiled. Perhaps your child simply does not have a daily routine. It is difficult to sit him down for lessons, because he prefers games, watching TV, a computer and other "joys".

  • Patiently and persistently accustom the child to a certain routine. Watch TV, do homework, sleep, eat and walk, he should always be at the same time.
  • Be sure to arrange a separate workplace for the child. It is undesirable that he perform tasks on the kitchen table, then on the table in front of the TV, etc. Even in the smallest apartment you can find a corner where to put a desk, nail a few bookshelves. Even better, if the child himself takes part in the arrangement of the workplace. This will help him get back to work.

2. Laziness and irresponsibility. If your little student effortlessly learns the school curriculum, but does not want to do homework, banal laziness may be the reason. Such children often lack understanding of the importance of homework, responsibility for their actions. It can help to talk about the fact that the lessons are work, "work", the same as the work of mom or dad.

By the way, adults lose their salaries for not doing their job. Discuss with your child what he can lose if he does not fulfill his duties: walks, access to a computer, i.e. some good things in life. Your son/daughter must realize that idleness is ineffective.

3. Fear. Quite often, the refusal to complete the lessons is associated with the child's fear of receiving a "new portion" of criticism. If a teenager hears constant reproaches addressed to him by teachers, parents' maxims on the topic "How can you not understand this! How sloppy are you! Yes, at your age ..." are added to these notations - such a cocktail can completely deprive self-confidence. Subconsciously, such children will always expect reproaches. Hence the refusal: "If I can't do anything, I won't do anything at all!"

In such cases, only parental love and attention. Let your child know that parental love is love without conditions. It doesn't matter what flaunts in his diary - "deuce" or "five". In the first case, you will definitely explain and help correct, in the second case, praise and sincerely rejoice. But never scold your child for grades!

4. Conflict with the teacher. Sometimes the refusal to do homework is connected with the current situation at school. Perhaps your child has a conflict with the teacher, hence the constant "deuces" and unfulfilled tasks.

Possible solution: a conversation with this teacher. Get a psychologist class teacher, administration (if necessary) - it is important to eliminate the conflict and improve relations between the student and the teacher.

5. Boredom. This word contains more than half of the cases of unwillingness to do homework. Indeed, doing homework is not a trip to Disneyland.

Try to build on your child's extracurricular hobbies. It is important to find a link to school subjects here.

6. Difficult. The child may refuse to complete tasks if he encounters difficulties over and over again. Find out: perhaps some section was missed, maybe some topic remained misunderstood, unlearned, and therefore all subsequent tasks turned into torture.

If you yourself are not able to explain and "pass this topic", it makes sense to hire a tutor or enroll the child in extracurricular activities.

The Five Big Nos, or The Biggest Mistakes Parents Make

  • Don't label. If you constantly repeat that your child is a lazy person, a slob, an idiot, a fool, etc. Sooner or later he will come to terms with it. Here, as never before, the proverb works: "How do you call a ship ...".
  • Don't overpraise. Phrases like "You're capable, just lazy" backfire. We hope that this will encourage the child to "commit feats" in the school field. In fact, the child's subconsciousness forms the attitude: "I'm already capable, why work and prove something?"
  • Do not abuse financial incentives. Often, parents reward their children for completed lessons with gifts, pocket money and other "joys". The "earned-gotten" technique works, if it is applied in reasonable measures. Otherwise, sooner or later the child will begin to bargain, demanding more and more rewards.
  • Don't Focus on Your Motivation. Eliminate the phrases from the vocabulary: "I will be happy if you do your homework!", "I'm just in despair that you refuse to do your homework." Instead of the expected zeal, you can endow your child with a sense of guilt towards their parents. It is better to focus on the fact that the completed lessons will help to work better at school, to better understand new topic etc.
  • Don't Overdo Care. Of course, it is almost impossible for a first-grader, for example, to do homework without the help of parents. But from the very beginning, strive to accustom yourself to independence.

And the most important rule - do not despair. Learn to listen carefully to your child, surround him with attention and care. It is parental love that can instill in a child an interest in learning - and, consequently, in doing homework.

Here it went graduation party in kindergarten - goodbye to the period of cloudless childhood! Many parents send their children to school before the age of seven, not realizing that in doing so they shorten the time for enjoying irresponsibility. As soon as the child sits down at the desk, the burden of responsibility for the completed / unfulfilled homework will immediately fall on him. Like this. How to get a child to do homework? Let's think together.

Elegant first-graders with bouquets of flowers are on the first line. They do not yet realize what a school is and what is required of them. For them, the period of carefree childhood continues. And only parents understand that their child has taken the first step into the adult world - the world of science and knowledge. It looks solemn and exciting. What awaits the baby along the way?

At the first lessons, kids are introduced to a new subject for them - the realm of letters and numbers. Lessons are held in an abbreviated mode so that the psyche little student adapted to the learning process without stress. Homework is not assigned or allowed to complete a simple task. creative work. Grades are not given in the lessons: stars or circles are given instead.

Psychologists have thought in detail all the nuances of the initial adaptation of babies to new circumstances. But now the time has come for real study and a life has come, full of responsibility for one's actions. Now the efforts of a small member of society will be evaluated on a five-point (or ten-point) system.

Many parents notice that they, together with the baby, “went to study” again. The first textbooks, notebooks and pens appear on the child's table. He has become quite big and looks like an adult. Mom has a new concern: how to teach a child to learn? Oddly enough, this is not taught in school. In the classroom, kids are taught to write, count and read. The student must do his homework on his own. You can’t do without mom’s support at first!

First homework

The first academic quarter passed, and the mother began to notice: the child does not want to do homework. A first-grader can sit at a desk and draw with a pen or look out the window. It also happens: the baby quickly gives up an unnecessary activity for him and begins to play with toys. What if the child does not want to study? The main thing is not to scold!

Try to understand the baby: he is not used to working! This is a school for adults - not a job. For kids, this is real work, because there is responsibility. Previously, he was engaged in some business at will, but now everything has changed: he is required to do his homework every day. This is a revolution in the mind of the baby: how is it, and why do you need to do what you don’t like? A rebellion is brewing in the child's soul, the whole being resists change.

Child psychologists note the following features of the psyche of first-graders:

  1. limited attention to time;
  2. fatigue from monotonous work;
  3. loss of interest due to lack of motivation.

A first-grader can keep his attention on the subject under study for no more than twenty minutes. Further, attention begins to weaken and dissipate. Add to this the lack of motivation, and everything becomes clear: the child does not want to do homework, because he has lost interest and is tired.

The mother should do the first homework with the child, especially if he did not attend kindergarten. Caregivers in kindergarten prepare children for school, teach even to read by syllables. Psychological preparation helps the child quickly adapt to new conditions. It is much more difficult for children at home to get used to the school rhythm, even if they have mastered reading.

We instill independence and responsibility

It just seems that the school teaches only to read and write. IN primary school a new quality of a small person is being formed - willpower. If before the little one did everything at will, now there is responsibility.

The kid must learn the most important life lesson - to do “through I don’t want to”. It is to this that he must get used, it is this skill that will be useful to him in later life.

Many mothers begin to scold the first-grader for laziness. It seems to them that the child does not want to do homework, because laziness attacks him. This is not true: the baby is not yet familiar with laziness. He may not understand the educational material well or not know where to start doing homework. All this puts pressure on the psyche, and the child loses the desire to go to school. This is the reason why the child does not want to learn.

If the mother begins to scold the first-grader "for laziness", the situation can become disastrous. Mom should be sympathetic to new problem your child and help him join the learning process. Need to:

  • patiently explain homework;
  • help draw/read/write;
  • to instill the skill of filling out a notebook accurately;
  • keep the desk clean;
  • pay attention to an even posture during classes.

If the mother approaches homework responsibly, the child will also become responsible. How to teach a child to do homework on their own? Only by my own example. Moms who pay a lot of attention to their children will not face the reluctance of being capricious to go to school and do homework. Moms who love to read books are a great example for first graders. The kid will not feel lonely in the learning process, because mom is also learning!

Important! Use your child's natural imitative instinct to teach him how to learn. Read books in front of the baby, keep notes in the diary in his presence.

Problems in learning

You were doing everything you could to help a little student succeed in school, but suddenly his performance began to drop. What is the reason?

Achievement may drop due to:

  • complex curriculum;
  • a large amount of studied material;
  • lack of interest in the subject;
  • fear of failure.

There is no unified curriculum for first-graders: the school itself chooses methodological teaching aids. The child may misunderstand in the lessons what he is being taught. In this case, the mother should take on the role of a teacher and explain the material to the child patiently and without irritation.

If the teacher gave a big homework assignment, the first-grader may start to panic - how to cope with the lessons? Skipping classes due to illness can also become a problem: classmates passed new material which the child does not know.

Some students do not want to learn a subject that they do not like or do not understand. Mom should try to instill interest in the subject in any way, or diligently do homework together with the first-grader, without irritation.

Fear of failure must be overcome together: the baby will not cope alone. Mom needs to help raise the self-esteem of the child, praise and encourage him more often.

If a first-grader brings bad grades, do not scold without finding out the reason and do not punish. Such a method of influence will quickly destroy all desire to study and read books.

Problems with peers

Are you puzzled how to get a child to do homework? Have you noticed that the kid stubbornly refuses to study and does not even want to go to school? Ask him about classmates: maybe one of them offends the child? If the baby is silent, talk to the teacher: she should be aware of the situation. Problems that depress the psyche of younger students can be:

  • ridicule by classmates;
  • relationship with the teacher;
  • fear of the wrong answer;
  • feeling of inferiority.

If the kid is ridiculed by classmates, and the teacher shows indifference, a small student may develop a neurosis on this basis. The feeling of worthlessness, fear and the inability to defend oneself can so oppress an imperfect psyche that the child will become terrified of going to school. Instead of thinking about how to get a child to do homework, take an interest in his mental anxieties.

Unhealed mental trauma over time can turn into persistent psychosomatic illnesses. Be spiritually close to the baby, let him always feel the support of his mother - it will be easier to overcome troubles. Do not scold for low grades: it is better to find out the reason for the decline in academic performance.

Incentive for Successful Learning

How to get first graders interested in learning? This requires a good incentive.

  1. With all your appearance, show that studying is a very important and honorable occupation that commands the respect of the whole family.
  2. Do not start doing homework immediately after coming home from school: give the baby a little rest.
  3. Do not load the baby with additional educational material so that he doesn't get tired.
  4. Don't force your child to do schoolwork as punishment for a misbehavior.
  5. Do not scold the baby for mistakes, praise more often for achievements.
  6. Don't bring up past failures and mistakes.
  7. Never do homework for a child: only help.
  8. You can introduce the practice of incentive prizes for good grades: arrange a festive tea party.

The main incentive for a good study of the baby will be the realization that his success pleases the whole family.

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