What is body positive. Body positivity as a movement against stereotypes of female beauty. Bodypositive: for health or for peace

body positivity(from the English Body Positive) is a feminist movement whose goal is to encourage people to accept the body of others as it is. This social movement speaks under the motto "my body is my business". Representatives of the movement defend the right of people to be who they are. They believe that society should learn to accept overweight people. The purpose of the movement is to fight against the imposed standards of beauty.

Body positivity "strives to a respectful perception of any appearance, including those altered due to illness, injury or personal decision" . We are talking about those who had an accident and lost an arm or a leg, about people who were splashed with acid in the face, about women after a mastectomy, about castrated men.

Body positivists also cover such a range of issues as the perception of the body in media and social networks, including Instagram, Facebook and blogs.

Also, representatives of this group of people react very sharply to criticism addressed to them, sometimes the situation can become deplorable for a person who has entered into a confrontation with a representative of this group of people.

The essence of the phenomenon

Body positivists believe that any body shape and any size figure is beautiful. They speak out against ever-changing standards of beauty, for accepting themselves and their own appearance, against fat-shaming (condemnation of overweight people) and skinny-shaming (condemnation of thin people).

At the same time, representatives of the movement do not offer to refuse to work on their own body, but if this is a conscious and voluntary decision of a person, to the extent that seems necessary and sufficient to him. Body positivists do not support fitness fascism - a painful preoccupation with one's own body and bringing oneself to exhaustion with endless workouts.

Body positivists seek to develop a positive attitude towards the body in people, and not to fight the patriarchy or the beauty industry.


In the context of evolution, the perception of beauty can be called complex. Scientifically speaking, beauty is rare.

In Western culture, under the influence of Christianity, a biased attitude towards the human body was laid. If the ideal of a person in Ancient Greece and Rome can be expressed by the phrase "a sound mind and a sound body", for a medieval man, over whom religion prevailed, monastic asceticism became such an ideal. The ancient man was a part of nature and the universe, the medieval man became the crown of God's creation, the center of the universe. The power of the church was universal: a person needs to think about the eternal, and not the corporeal. In painting, there is a tendency for the superiority of the soul over the body. A naked body is shameful. If in ancient sculpture we see the beauty of the body and the cult of power, then in the Middle Ages the body had to be hidden under the cover of clothes.

From this came the modern relation of man to the body. Disgust, taboo is considered good form.

The goal of body positivity is to get rid of complexes and speak freely about the human body.

The body positivity movement began in 1996 when Connie Sobchak and Elizabeth Scott formed The Body Positive. The purpose of the organization is to help people overcome conflict with their bodies for a happier and more productive life. Connie and Elizabeth founded the organization out of "a shared passion for creating a community that offers freedom from public opinion that dictates its own rules and creates problems for people with body problems." In 2014, Sobchak released the book Learn to Love Your Unique Body, in which she emphasized the importance of loving your body and accepting it in all its diversity.


"Body positivity teaches people how to overcome conflicts with their bodies so they can live happier, more productive lives." The purpose of the movement is to teach people to love and accept themselves.

Body positivity is associated with the desire to free the attitude towards the body from standards and social oppression, which, on the one hand, is associated with gender inequality, when society sends a message to a woman “be attractive”, on the other hand, the idea of ​​​​what beauty is in general.

According to the American journalist Naomi Wolf, the ideal perfect body has become an obsession for a modern woman, and inconsistency with it has become a source of suffering. However, now, according to Wulff, a woman herself must decide how to live and look, not paying attention to "myths about beauty."

Body positivists insist: you need to invest less in beauty.

Bodypositive in Russia

The attitude towards body positivity in the West and in Russia differs.

In Russian culture, it is customary to consider Western trends as progressive, and their opposite is deliberate femininity with traditional symbols (heels, cosmetics, etc.) and excessive attention to one's appearance - with backwardness (both cultural and intellectual). The rejection of beauty standards is likened to progressiveness, and concern for appearance becomes a sign of a lack of intellectual abilities (one of the most replicated images is a pretty stupid woman, jokes about blondes in post-Soviet folklore).

The largest Russian-speaking thematic community - vk.com/positivebody (Body Positive ❤ Bodypositive)

Body positivity and media

Body positivity is gradually replacing the beauty commercialization model. Sports illustrated magazine released a three-cover issue featuring women with different body shapes. "What defines beauty today? Times have changed and one size doesn't fit all," the editor said in a press release. One of the heroines of the cover was the model Ashley Graham; Graham was the first plus size model to appear in a swimsuit issue. Graham "has been a body-positive advocate for a long time", she states that "there is no right or wrong size". New Zealand lingerie brand Lonely has released an ad campaign featuring un-photoshopped photos of actresses Lana Dunham and Jayma Kirk. The purpose of the campaign is to offer an alternative to the "ideal" female images, to show real girls with different body types. Amazon Fashion launched the #SaySomethingNice campaign to encourage people not to judge the looks and style of others. Nike published an advertisement in which women with different breast sizes starred: they took into account the characteristics of different body types. American clothing chain JCPenney released a commercial in which girls do what they love, despite the fact that family and society criticize their appearance.

At the same time, the popularization of naturalness separates the artificial (false nails, silicone, an abundance of makeup) and the natural (clear skin, good hair, sports instead of surgery). This is replicated in advertising campaigns for cosmetics, which advocate purity and naturalness. However, such advertising is built on Photoshop. She shows: you need to eat right, paint softly (but hide flaws), play sports. That is, as before, they are not talking about naturalness, but about disguising themselves as it. You need to work on your appearance (dieting and exhausting sports to look "naturally" beautiful and healthy), but do it discreetly, as if a person looks so effortlessly. Beauty from birth is an important factor. "Naturally beautiful" women who do not need makeup to look good become the ideal.

Body positivity seeks to get rid of the imposed standards of beauty. At the same time, when girls dye their armpit hair, this is an illustration of how body positivity is built into the system that it criticizes. The image-forming features come from the current generation of visuals. In fact, a free relationship to the body is assigned to specific visual forms.


Opponents of the movement rely on the fact that body positivists promote an unhealthy lifestyle. Images of plus-size models have a detrimental effect on human health. Studies show that such images can encourage people not to take care of their health, eat unhealthy food and do not exercise. For many, body positivity becomes an excuse for not taking care of yourself. But obesity leads to many health problems: heart disease,

The coming Post-Apocalypse is primarily expressed in the fact that humanity is able to take absolutely any idea, pervert it beyond recognition, bring it to an extreme, gather in a radical sect and thoughtlessly worship its ideals. We studied sects , sects , sects . Today we went down to the very bottom of the sticky horror - to the public of the combat brigades of body-positive, which have already left for you. Hold on.

Hairy female legs and armpits, sagging priests, surrounded by love hearts and declarations of love, kilometers of curses against those who shave - all this is here, so painfully close. And if you somehow do not fit the list of ideals of body positivity, hatred, anathema and painful death await you. Do you shave your legs and don't eat at night? Yes, you are a slave of the patriarchal world. Do you like a slim figure and smooth skin? It's nothing like that, it's been forced on you! Nobody criticizes your appearance? So you're torturing yourself around the clock to meet standards instead of doing really interesting things! What? Exploring Instagram Tess Holliday.

The era of victorious feminism, along with new freedoms and sound thoughts, has given us new types of city crazy people who have already strayed into several quite numerous sects and bring any undertaking to cosmic delirium. One of the most interesting sects is the ultra-radical body-positive movement. In its original sense, body positivity carries a simple and correct idea: any body is normal. According to the main Russian-language mouthpiece of the movement's ideas, Wonderzine, this worldview "strives to a respectful and non-judgmental perception of any appearance, including those changed due to illness, injury or personal decision." But that is a theory, but in our reality everything always turns out to be worse than planned, and invaluability remains a fantasy from books about Buddhists. The real ideology of body positivity is based on strict and unquestioning adherence to the basic commandments: every woman is beautiful by nature, true beauty is not outside, but inside, any attempts to correct their appearance are unnatural, harmful and imposed by the outside world, dictating some harmful standards of beauty. The oppressive outside world means, firstly, men who do not get up on a rich inner world (because they are, of course, smelly chauvinistic pigs), and secondly, the beauty industry, which profits from women's desire to change themselves. Purely theoretically, body positivity exists for people of any gender, but in reality it is a fascist women's community, where men fly extremely rarely, and are mentioned mainly as those very chauvinistic pigs, without which the world would be much better. Better to just burn them.

The main place of power for Russian bodypositives is the public " body positive» on VKontakte. It's a place where fifty-three thousand women gather to tell each other how they don't care what others think of them.

I! I! I! I! I! I!

The Russian circle of bodypositive followers has all the signs of a totalitarian sect. The correspondence of the participants is replete with chilling stories about how their mother rotted them for being overweight, classmates for crooked legs, her husband for sagging breasts, and colleagues for their inability to dress, and no one loves them and wants to be friends with them. The whole life of these women consisted of a series of tortures to which they subjected themselves, trying to meet the standards, and offensive remarks from others. And then suddenly they find themselves in a community where they are told: “Sisters! You are beautiful! You are the most beautiful, smart and talented, and everyone who doubts this is an asshole. Don't listen to them, listen to us. You are the chosen ones, and the kingdom of heaven is prepared for you ... ". Oh no, it's not from here yet. For now, just do as we say and you will be free and happy. And, of course, everyone listens.

In reality, under the sauce of liberation from all the rules, the bunnies caught in the net are being imposed new - even more stringent rules. Objections are not allowed. Those who disagree with anything are immediately expelled. Beginners are strongly advised not to open their mouth at all until they understand what can and cannot be said. The leaders, whose word is the law, are the admins, more precisely, the “admins”, everyone is afraid of them and, if the opportunity arises, they suck up to them. They, in turn, terribly afraid all who are not afraid of them. The Sonderkommando adminok not only daily reads thousands of comments in their own public, so that, God forbid, no sedition leaks out, it’s even worse: “By the way, we also monitor reposts in other publics and on personal pages, comments and likes to them. And preventively ban for shit in the address of the public and admins. Thanks to those who send us links to hate stuff, you are doing everything right, continue. Frankly, at this place I had to clear my throat and go for a smoke to think about this question: why spend thirty minutes a day on taking care of yourself is bad, and spend hours reading what no one knows who writes about you and no one knows where - Fine? Some kind of sophisticated form of masochism, multiplied by hypertrophied pride? There are a lot of lesbians in the “Body Positive” public and I don’t understand at all why they care about what men find or don’t find beautiful, and what straight women do or don’t do to please these same men.

It is important to realize here: bodypositives under the concepts of “insults” and “shit against us” do not mean at all what you thought. For them, absolutely everything, except unconditional admiration, becomes “insults” and “unacceptable criticism”. This is where there is no room for valuelessness: bodypositives only want to hear that they are beautiful in their entirety, from pubic hair stuck together from menstrual blood (and I'm not kidding now, they take pictures of that too) to any scrawl proudly called "creativity." Watch your hands: “we don’t give a damn what they think of us” and “we don’t have to be beautiful” easily turns into “we are beautiful” and “we want and deserve admiration and love” - and vice versa.

Here is an example of a flash mob Cellulite”: those who wish send photos of their asses, from which they then collect a gallery. Dissatisfied with the insufficient amount of cellulite on some of the presented asses immediately appear in the discussion. Next comes the Particularly Vigilant Commentator and asks a tricky question: why is there no hair on any ass? There is no such thing that hair does not grow on the ass at all! What are you bitches doing epilation?! Offended by such an assumption, the models begin to make excuses that hair does not grow, well, what can you do, or - yes, they are, they are, it just happened imperceptibly in the photo.

And yes, I didn’t describe myself - it’s a commentator. As well as an affiliate, an author, a blogger, as well as a politician. The bodypositive sect adopted the so-called feminists from feminists - that is, masculine words with the first suffixes attached to them, which, according to the idea of ​​the newly-minted linguists (sorry), should turn them into feminine words. Okay, let's do without a lecture on how the grammatical gender of a word correlates with its lexical meaning. But why a partner? Why not partner? At least there is such a word in Russian.

There are other interesting terms in the body positivity dictionary: fatphobia (when you don’t like fat people), fathaterism (you don’t like fat people very much), fat shaming (you think that it would be good for someone to eat less), body shaming (about the same ), lookism, also known as face fascism (you like beautiful people more than ugly ones, you bastard). My personal favorites are "fluffy legs" (hair on the legs) and "fur coat" (they are the same everywhere else).

To reinforce the ban on grooming, the apostles of body positivity come up with crazy theories about the terrible threats that the usual beauty procedures carry, coupled with horror stories about the unbearable pain they cause. Pulling hair is painful! Yes, it hurts. The first couple of times. Over time, the hair follicles weaken and the pain almost disappears. So this supposedly difficult dilemma is actually like "getting hurt a little bit a couple of times" versus "being dressed as Chewbacca for the rest of your life." In general, adults who are terribly afraid of the slightest physical pain are strange. It would probably not be very cool to find yourself on a desert island with them.

Actually, walk as you like, you just don’t need to tell others about inhuman torments that don’t really exist. From moderation in food, daily exercise or anti-wrinkle cream, too, no one seems to have died. However, in the world of body positivity, you can die even from a manicure.

Another "scientific discovery" made by the feminists is that the hymen, it turns out, does not exist. And therefore, pain and blood during the first penetrating sex come from nowhere. Why do most people still have them? But because men are rude chauvinistic pigs, unable to excite a woman and satisfy their pride, forcing the poor thing to suffer and bleed. More details about this theory can be found. There is also a feast of the spirit in the comments: oh my god, I'm thirty years old, and I didn't even know! Some incredulous persons try to ask, but how then does the gynecologist determine that you are still a virgin? And where then are the operations to restore virginity? But there is no answer. And once in discussion finally, a gynecologist appears and explains that all this, to put it mildly, is nonsense, but, of course, no one believes her.

In general, only the word “virginity” can be used, because “innocence” causes rage and bewilderment in girls. And no one cares that no one has been using this word for a long time, and its etymology is associated with the Christian concept of original sin. But they don’t understand here - questions like “Am I guilty of something after sex ?!” they are not talking about advancement, but only about ignorance. Speaking of which - did you know that washing your vagina

August 29, 2017 1443

Body positivity: how to love your body?

We are often not satisfied with the natural reflection in the mirror: a reflection without embellishment and extra gloss. We spend hours looking at ourselves and can talk endlessly about our shortcomings. Some of them we acquired, keeping up with the times, some were given at birth. We look with envy at the gloss, from which ideal people look at us like a scythe. We begin to think that any deviation from the "norm", the invented and imposed standard of beauty, is our "flaw". Ladies and gentlemen, it's time to change the clock, it's time to tune in to love and acceptance of your body, the one and only, given at birth until death. It's time for body positivity.


In the late 90s, the organization The Body Positive was created in America, its main goal was to help overcome the complexes associated with appearance. It is no wonder that this organization received a great response, because people were simply tired of running after an elusive ideal, the cry of the soul was heard. Over time, a whole movement of like-minded people has grown from a small organization. The name of the movement is the main meaning, but let's try to dig a little deeper. I assure you, there are plenty of pitfalls, it is not for nothing that this topic is so discussed and controversial.

Society has taken bodypositive ambiguously. Supporters believe that this is the philosophy of modernity, opponents call bodypositive a sect. But what you really can’t argue with: body positivity is a new wave of the sexual revolution.

Let's break down the concepts. Body positivity is a movement aimed at promoting a positive attitude towards the body. It calls to love and accept it as real, to respect any deviations from the “standard” of beauty. Bodypositive calls to accept your individuality, "shouts" to us: "All bodies are good bodies." Every body is beautiful, it's time to break the stereotypes. Bodypositive that "your body is your own business", and only you have the right to decide how it should be.

And right away I want to stipulate one erroneously established misconception: body positivity is not about promoting extra pounds. It is about the fact that the “standard” of beauty is not 90-60-90, but whether or not to eat another pie is up to you.


Many have heard the phrase from mothers or grandmothers: "a man should be a little more beautiful than a monkey." But have you heard the phrase “a woman should be a little more beautiful than a horse”? Personally, I don't. With this attitude, we grow up paying much less attention to the appearance of a man than to the appearance of a woman. Because men are more about actions, and women are about beauty.

The root of evil comes from gender stereotypes that pass from generation to generation. Male appearance rarely becomes a topic for discussion, and even more so for condemnation. But in appearance, women more often “drive through” and give some assessment. Typical examples: overweight, problematic skin, body hair. Much more attention is paid to the problem of overweight women. The Internet, television, print media are teeming with advertising for weight loss products. The model of this product is a woman, a direct appeal is directed directly to her. Society easily hangs the label “fat”, “lose weight, or cover up” on the owner of extra pounds. Male extra pounds are usually noticed only to an extreme extent, when their number exceeds a couple of dozen.

How often have you seen ads where a man is a model of decorative cosmetics? All advertising is usually limited to basic care products. Most men, in principle, have never held foundation in their hands. Men are not required to have a perfect picture, they are not encouraged to hide skin imperfections under a ton of cosmetics. On the Internet, I came across the phrase "a man is adorned with what is considered a sign of life experience - years, scars, wrinkles, mustaches, beards. In the case of women, on the contrary - the more inexperienced and innocent, the better." Women are buried in cosmetic novelties, they are encouraged to draw new, perfect skin in order to look 100% in 99 cases.

Hair on a woman's body, except for her head, is generally considered nonsense. And the most striking example of absurdity is an advertisement for hair removal products, in which a girl shaves already shaved legs or depilates the absence of a mustache above her upper lip.

Therefore, it is no wonder that there are more women than men in the ranks of bodypositives. In addition, women more often and willingly reflect on their appearance.

The Body Positive movement itself has no gender restrictions, because the slogan says, "every body is beautiful." It doesn't matter if it's male or female. However, if body positivity is backed up by radical feminism, such as separatist feminism, then there is no place for men in such ranks of body positivity.


Body positivity has a number of detractors. Many believe that in such images people simply justify their laziness. For most people, the typical body positivity is a fat, pimply, hairy, scary woman who has been unlucky in life.

How could bodypositive cause such a negative reaction?

The answer is obvious: the presentation of information, namely its aggressive form, "shock therapy". The essence of the movement is taken, which is brought to the point of absurdity. Instagram has played an important role in this. A bunch of photos of the body in all its glory, brightly painted and violently displayed armpits; odes dedicated to acne; exaggerated cellulite. And all this in a super ostentatious format.

The most striking example of "shock therapy" is "free-blooding" (free bleeding). There is nothing wrong with the idea itself, it only says that critical days are a natural process, there is nothing to be ashamed of. This can and should be discussed openly. But the way freeblooding was brought to the table shocked the average layman: photos of underwear covered in menstrual blood, holding demonstrations during menstruation without the use of hygiene products.

To the movement, which continues to gain popularity in social networks, the attitude of the public is very ambiguous. For one follower of body positivity (often a blogger of significant merit), there will certainly be at least five to ten “well-wishers” who are eager to tell the girl how wrong she is by publishing her photos in a non-XXS size bikini, and give a couple of unsolicited health tips. But the activists (we note, in fairness, that there are very slender people among them) do not give up and continue to carry the ideas of self-love to the masses. The fact that the Western press sometimes compares body positivity with communism (read - with a utopia that will never come) does not stop them.

To figure out what to expect from body positivity (or, if you prefer, body positivism), which is unthinkable without the #effyourbeautystandards hashtag, we turned to experts who, due to their professional activities, constantly face problems of both overweight and excess guilt. for their flawed appearance. Curiously, one clear trend was traced in their answers to the questions - men talked about body positivity in the context of society, and women thought more about its impact on an individual person.

Cui prodest, or who benefits from it

“Body positivity is a propaganda story to promote a huge market for fat products. All the so-called plus-size models also work for this market. They earn crazy money. But in real life, carrying extra weight on yourself is simply inconvenient. I once talked with these models at a Moscow event and did not see in them a sincere acceptance of themselves, ”Vasily Smolny, the founder of the Crazy Drying project and the author of the book“ PP for TP ”, shares his opinion, the winners of which receive prizes for the fight with fat.

Today, more and more people are faced with the concept of "body positivity". But many, even those who use it, do not think about its meaning.


Body positivity is a social movement originally created by feminists. It is aimed at accepting one's own imperfect body and destroying negative opinions, labels, established in relation to people whose appearance does not meet generally accepted standards.

The modern parameters of beauty, imposed by the media, are accessible to few. Few people can boast of their impeccable physique. The conditions to somehow meet the standard are tough. This is especially pronounced among teenagers. Problematic skin is not allowed, for girls - overweight, for men - hair loss, non-standard shape of ears. Meanwhile, from the screens of televisions and cinemas, from the covers of magazines, slender, athletic, lean, dazzling heroes of our days are constantly shown.

When you look around, do you see a lot of these beauties or beauties around you? No! There aren't that many. Even in people who are not overweight, you can find flaws in the figure. If you want, you can always find fault with something. And what? All together start to complex? Adherents of body positivity assure: of course not!

A bit of history: how it all began

You have to go back to history to fully understand what it is. Body positivity was created by feminists who agreed to tell the world that a woman is not a sex object, but a person. Their motto sounded approximately like this: "My body is my business!". The founders of the movement invite everyone to love their appearance for what it is, according to world standards of beauty. Why did an idea so harmless at first glance have opponents? It would seem that everything is so well and rosy invented. But how much negativity about this. What a huge amount of dirt can be found on the Internet against an informal social movement. People, having learned about the body positivist communities, immediately start brushing aside the very idea with two hands, start shouting: “Body positivity is bad.” Why? Let's try to figure it out.

Features and principles

Everyone can't be the same clones. Everyone in their own way and all together people are beautiful. Here, perhaps, is one of the main explanations for what it is - body positivity. This trend, which came from the West, declared to the world, to society: "Beauty must be natural."

Milla Jovovich was photographed on the cover of a fashion magazine with unshaven armpits. It was a strong call to support the movement.

A little later, Dove began to focus on the natural beauty of its consumer.

In general terms about the problem

There are a lot of people, and everyone is different from each other. The body standards that are constantly advertised on TV channels and in glossy magazines are just a small fraction of the diversity that exists around. Is it possible for everyone to become a superhero, an athlete, a graceful gymnast, a beauty with a wasp waist? Of course not. But everyone around insists that it is necessary to change!

As a result: a lot of neurosis, depression associated with Especially focusing on an actual or imagined physical deficiency is pronounced in adolescents and young people. The peculiarity of the body can be taken as a vice, as a sentence for life.

Undoubtedly, this is a mental disorder. This is not only a consequence of external factors.

But approval, praise of other people is one of the main priorities and incentives in a person's life.

An attentive person, having studied the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcreating a society, will be able to freely understand what this movement (body positivity) is fighting for. The community teaches: love your body, accept yourself for who you are, because everyone does not have to be the same. All people are beautiful from the nature of their birth.

Distortion. Where did the kinks and distortions come from?

Any trend, any idea can be distorted to the point of disgust, inflated so that it becomes hateful. Understanding this, one can imagine what a body-positive sect is. Here everyone understands each other and says that you don’t need to get slim and somehow strain, everything is in order anyway. You don't need to epilate. Being fat is okay. There must be many good people. Extremes cause rejection.

Taking care of yourself is natural. Nature does not take care of man entirely. She needs help. No need to look for excuses for laziness or ignorance, distorting the original idea and claiming that this is body positive.

Medicine and body positivity

The words of doctors that extra pounds are a signal of diseases are being questioned. But these are, most likely, signs of metabolic disorders, the presence of diabetes mellitus, disharmony of the thyroid gland. Doctors are scolded, ridiculed and accused of discrimination. And this is an absolute minus of the movement, proving that not everyone managed to fully understand what body positivity is.

Usually the doctor focuses on medical indicators. For him, the main thing is the patient's health, and then his beauty.

There are also metaphysical problems. They lie in the human subconscious. They also cannot be written off.

Of course, there are physical features that are not associated with losing weight or gaining the missing weight. This, for example, is a birthmark of an unusual color and shape, strabismus problems, the shape of the nose, chest, legs, and more. Is it only the services of a plastic surgeon that will help the unfortunate? Or are there alternative ways to solve appearance problems?

It is worth asking yourself: body positivity - what is it, is it just the ability to accept one's imperfections and live with it? First of all, it is necessary to decide in an adequate manner what to adopt from the informal movement.

What might come in handy

Here are some tips for accepting yourself:

  • Accept positively all the shortcomings of your body.
  • Convert weaknesses to strengths. Make a list: why is it beneficial to stay that way?
  • Re-evaluate the characteristics of your own body.
  • Create a list of your strengths - 15 points.
  • Always remember them.
  • Remind yourself more often that true beauty is not in a doll's appearance, but in the harmony of a person's inner world.
  • Do not focus on individual parts of the body.
  • Build a positive environment.
  • Wear comfortable, beautiful, fashionable clothes that are comfortable to be in.
  • Look at the information provided by the media through the eyes of an outside critic or observer. You need to see the idea of ​​directors and editors who fulfill someone's orders to manipulate consciousness through the media.
  • Do something nice for your body so that it understands that it is loved.

The creative side of body positivism

All modern psychologists urge you to love your body the way it is. The stage of weight loss often begins with the fact that until you fall in love with yourself with excess weight, you will not be able to part with it.

Until self-love is fully manifested, it is impossible to achieve success in any area of ​​\u200b\u200blife. Only the person who is able to accept any criticism in relation to himself can become the director of his life. “Know how to laugh at yourself, and then life will smile at you,” says the saying.

World fashion trends are changing and natural beauty is becoming more and more popular. Models with a plus-size figure appeared.

Now you can see the most unusual photos with non-standard top models. This is Moffi, she has a clear squint, or, for example, Amazon Eve, whose height is 2 m 03 cm. And when asked how they get on the covers of magazines, the answer is that this is body positive. Most likely, photographers and designers want to expand the range of their creativity.