Presentation for preschoolers human skin of its functions. Presentation on the topic "Skin, its structure and meaning." Man is nature too...

Project: “Why does a person need skin?”

  • Purpose: To reveal the subjective experience of children about the skin.
  • Develop curiosity.
  • Tasks: -develop the ability to search activities.
  • -Clarify and generalize children's knowledge about
  • skin.
  • - to develop the ability to conduct a dialogue, to draw conclusions.
  • - to educate the need for care and respect for the skin.
  • Project leader: Shchetinina T.V. caregiver
  • Project term: 2 weeks.
  • Project type: adult-children, research.

First stage. Where can we find information?

  • Search together with parents in books, magazines, encyclopedias, on the Internet. Examine the skin in a magnifying glass. Conduct experiments with children in a group. Conduct experiments at home with parents and sketch. Find pictures and illustrations. To take pictures. Summarize knowledge and make a "smart book".
  • Search together with parents in books, magazines, encyclopedias, on the Internet.
  • Examine the skin in a magnifying glass.
  • Conduct experiments with children in a group.
  • Conduct experiments at home with parents and sketch.
  • Find pictures and illustrations.
  • To take pictures.
  • Summarize knowledge and make a "smart book".

Day 5 Topic: “Skin hygiene. Introduction to microbes. If the skin is sick. - What to do with a cut of the skin? -What to do if you get burned? What to do if you have frostbitten skin? How can you protect your skin from sunburn or heatstroke? Experience No. 1 "Microbes multiply" (experiment with plasticine) The skin protects us (Anfiska) - conclusion.

Working with parents Experiment No. 1: “The fish also has skin, it is under the scales. Mom and I were cleaning. (Nika) Experiment No. 2: “We drew my hands, my mother’s, my sister’s. We grow and the skin grows” (Angelina) Experiment No. 3: “If you move the cat’s fur with your finger, I saw the skin there. And there are cats without hair with one skin” (Artem) Experiment No. 4: “Baba Zina and I looked at dirty hands under a microscope, they look like sticks” (Ksyusha F)

I remember: to be healthy, you need to wash your hands more often and wash yourself. (Monkey Anfiska)

  • If your daughter gets sick, you need to take her to the doctor. A doctor who treats the skin is called a dermatologist. ( Arisha)

Reflection What have we learned new?

Fish also have skin. Mom and I saw. From above it closes the scales. (Nika.)

The dog has hair, if you blow on it, you will find the skin. All animals have skin. (Eve.)

Did you know that:

  • If you stretch the skin of an average person, it will cover an area of ​​2 square kilometers.
  • Skin makes up about 15 percent of your weight.
  • Your skin is thinnest on your eyelids and thickest on your feet.
  • The average person has 100,000 hairs on their head.
  • Body hair grows in 2-6 years.
  • We lose 20 to 100 hairs a day.
  • More than 50 percent of the dust in your home is made up of dead skin.
  • Every minute the skin loses more than 30,000 dead cells, and every 28 days the skin is renewed.
  • There are 36 basic types of human skin color.
  • The skin produces about 500 ml. sweat a day.
  • Your skin is a microcosm of over 1,000 species of bacteria and about 1 billion individual bacteria.
  • Vitamin A heals skin damaged by sun exposure.
  • Vitamin D reduces rashes and neoplasms.

Skin is ours natural clothing.

A wise man was asked: “What is the most valuable and important thing for a person in life: wealth or fame? Thinking, the sage replied: “Neither wealth nor fame makes a person happy. A healthy beggar is happier than a sick king."

  • What does our skin consist of and why does it have different thicknesses on different parts of the body?
  • Why do people have different skin colors?
  • Why, when we bathe, water does not penetrate into the body?
  • What is hair and nails?

Practical work

Experience 1 Examine the skin of your hand. Feel it, pull it. What can you say about the skin?

Conclusion : The skin is a strong elastic shell that reliably protects the body from negative external influences.

Experience 2 Grab the folds on your finger with your hand. Try to bend your finger. What are skin folds for?

Conclusion: Folds in the skin are needed in order not to interfere with the movement of fingers, hands, feet and other parts of the body.

Experience 3 Run your finger over your forehead, then put your finger on the glass. What's left on the glass? How do you explain it?

Conclusion: Skin releases sweat and oil .

Experience 4 Examine the skin through a magnifying glass. What do you see on it?

Conclusion :

With the help of a magnifying glass, we saw hairs and depressions on the skin -

This pores .

Conclusion: Pores are the way to remove sweat and fat from the body, air conductors, in other words, our skin “breathes” through the pores.

What do you think they mean?

Anatomy and physiology of the skin. The structure of the skin. The skin has three layers. Outer layer - epidermis, average - dermis, internal - subcutaneous adipose tissue .

Epidermis consists of several layers. The upper layer is an accumulation of keratinized dead cells. When washed, they exfoliate. In the lower layers of the epidermis, new cells are formed that replace the disappeared cells.

In one of the lower layers of the epidermis are cells containing pigment melanin, which determines the color of the skin and protects it from the harmful effects of sunlight. In summer, this pigment helps you tan. It darkens and protects the skin from the burning rays of the sun.

The stratum corneum under a microscope.

Amazing Fact: People whose ancestors constantly lived in hot countries always have dark skin. Black or brown.

Skin features.

The epidermis is most clearly expressed on the palms and soles. Therefore, the skin on the heel is much thicker and harder than on the cheek.

The skin on the palms is less sensitive to cold than the skin on the abdomen.

Dermis made up of connective tissue. Many elastic fibers give it elasticity and strength. It contains nerve endings that perceive various sensations, blood and lymphatic vessels, hair follicles, sebaceous and sweat glands. Most of them are on the palms, soles, in the armpits. The top layer of the dermis determines papillary pattern skin of fingers and palms.

Even with the lightest touch on any surface, it remains papillary pattern. This pattern never repeats itself in nature. Every person is special. Throughout life, the pattern of the skin does not change. The uniqueness of the pattern of the fingertips makes it possible to establish the identity to which they belong. This is used in criminalistics. Fingerprints left at the crime scene are used to search for criminals.

  • Protective
  • Heat exchange
  • "This is interesting": Different parts of the skin have different temperatures. In the mouth it is 37 degrees, and on the skin of the toes and hands it fluctuates between 26 and 32 degrees. The highest temperature that a person can withstand is 44-44.5 degrees.
  • excretory
  • "This is interesting": The skin produces vitamin D when exposed to sunlight. Participates in respiration - supplies 1% oxygen to the blood, is capable of regeneration - recovery.
  • organ of touch
  • "This is interesting": The tips of the fingers, the middle of the palm, the middle line of the back have the greatest sensitivity.
  • "This is interesting": The skin is the largest organ of our body. Its surface area in an adult is about 2 m 2 , and weight - 4 kg or more.
  • Hair and nails are also leather. This is the hardened stratum corneum.

Skin hygiene.

On one square centimeter of dirty skin, there are up to 40,000 microbes. .

Cleanliness is the key to health!

Temper yourself!

Know how to provide first aid for skin injuries!

  • Wash your body 1-2 times a week.
  • Wash face, hands, feet, neck, armpits daily.
  • Wash with soap 2 - 3 times a week, alternating washing with hot and cold water.
  • Wash hands with soap before eating, after walking, after going to the toilet.
  • It is good to dry the skin after washing with a towel.
  • Trim nails once a week or as needed.
  • Keep track of the length and styling of the hair.
  • Know how to provide first aid for skin injuries.

Dermal diseases.

Contact dermatitis


Lichen (microsporia)


The most common skin allergies

Skin is an indicator of health. If you have clean, smooth skin, then everything is in order with your health!

S. Ostrovoy

Man is also nature.

He is also a sunset and a sunrise.

And four seasons in it,

And a special move in music.

And a special mystery of light,

Now with cruel, now with good fire.

Man is winter. Or summer.

Or autumn with thunder and rain.

And what is the weather like in it?

How many loneliness is there? And meetings?

Man is nature too...

So let's take care of nature!

"Smoking and alcohol" - Production and consumption of cigarettes. Statistics. US CIGARETTES PRODUCTION IN THE 20TH CENTURY PER POPULATION PER YEAR. Tobacco smoking. This is what a thrombus looks like - a clot of stuck together red blood cells. material weapon. Consumption. Areas of the brain. In Russia, 58% of men and 12% of women smoke. "Light" alcoholic products are the first steps for sliding into alcoholism.

"To be healthy is fashionable" - The quality of the external environment. Fitness. Cardio and power aerobics stretching. Lifestyle quality. Karate and Kickboxing - aerobics. The quality of medicine. The quality of living conditions. Swimming pool in winter - prevention of SARS. The quality of a person's heredity. Health. Eastern martial arts. Healthy to be fashionable!. Taiji.

"Alcohol in the blood" - From the blood, ethapol enters the tissues, where it is distributed unevenly. Drunkenness and alcoholism are one of the major causes of crime. Frightening statistics. Alcohol affects each of us differently. The average age of the first "initiation" is 13.5 years. forms of alcoholism. The growth of tolerance (tolerance) to alcohol.

"Alcohol and the human body" - We do not undertake to predict a common disease or a malignant tumor. A congestion is formed - a blood clot. Deprive a person of oxygen, and cell death is ensured in a short time (several minutes). CHAPTER 1 A TROJAN HORSE in which the reader learns about the "joys" that alcohol brings to the human body.

"Death from alcohol" - - 5.0 years. Focal paretic venular hyperemia. Signs of IBS. 2010? Alcohol and sudden cardiac death. Alcohol in the Russian Federation. Micropreparation: Primary multiple prenecrotic damage to the myocardium. Oganov R.G., 2007. Ventricular preexcitation syndrome. The degree of intoxication by alcohol level: Light - 0 -1.5 ‰, Medium - 1.5-2.5 ‰, Strong - 2.5-3 ‰, Heavy - more than 3 ‰.

Ludmila Novozhilova
Presentation "The project "Why does a person need skin"

Project leaders: educators of the preparatory group of Kindergarten No. 1 p. village of Ardatova, Nizhny Novgorod region: Kournikova Tatyana Vladimirovna and Novozhilova Lyudmila Viktorovna

Project participants: children of the preparatory group of Kindergarten No. 1

Project passport

Purpose: To reveal the subjective experience of children about the skin. To develop cognitive and creative activity of children.


Develop the ability to search:

Define a task based on the problem posed

Plan the stages of your activities in accordance with the task

Choose materials and methods of action

Be able to justify your choice

2. Clarify and summarize children's knowledge of the skin

3. Develop dialogue skills by activating your personal experience

4. Develop collective mental activity

5. Raise the need for care and respect for the skin

Project participants: children of the preparatory group of Kindergarten No. 1

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Type of project: research-creative, cognitive-speech. Implementation period: 1 week Project participants: educator, children of the eldest.

, General pedagogical technologies

Objectives: to acquaint children with the structure of human skin, its functions, teach children how to properly care for the skin, develop observation skills, and cultivate accuracy.

Equipment: a microscope with skin samples, a drawing of the structure of the skin, a record “Moydodyr” by K.I. Chukovsky, record player, colored pencils, cards with words.

During the classes:

Presentation of the topic and objectives of the lesson. - Today we will have a lesson on valeology. Board entry: Valeology is the science of healthy living. Let's get acquainted with our skin, find out its structure, what are its functions, how to properly care for it.

Introductory conversation. What do you think, what is skin and what is it for? (Answers of children - 2-3 people). Leather - the outer covering of the body, which is protection from external influences. It does not let water through, protects a person from cold and heat.

Observations. What is our skin made of?

On this poster, consider the structure of the skin.

The outer layer is very thin, it is constantly updated. The upper scales (cells) are exfoliated, new ones are formed that grow from the inside (show). This top layer of skin is called epidermis (cards on the board).

Below it is a connective tissue that connects the top layer with the next. It contains sebaceous and sweat glands - organs that produce and secrete any substances (fat, fat, sweat). Here are the roots of the hair, blood vessels.

This layer is called dermis.

And the third layer adipose tissue , consists of "lumps" of fat. They serve as a "warehouse" of nutrients and energy, as well as a cushion for the internal organs.

Thus, we see that the skin is not just a shell, but a complex organ that lives and breathes, just like you and me. The skin has many functions that you and I need to help it perform.

Let's look through a microscope at what the skin and its small particles - cells - look like.

Practical lesson. Take a magnifying glass and examine your skin. What do you see?

(Many hairs and small holes)

This is only the outer layer - the epidermis. The hairs remained from those times when man was still an ape - a primitive man (show the picture). Then people did not wear clothes and thick hair covered their body, protecting them from the cold. Many years have passed since then, and the hair on the skin remained, despite the fact that a person has been wearing clothes for a long time. Somewhere there are more of them (on the head), somewhere there are none at all (on the palm). When a person is very cold, then his hairs become “on end”.

And through the holes - the pores out sweat, fat, which is secreted by the sweat and sebaceous glands. Fat softens the skin. Sweat, evaporating, cools our body, along with sweat, unnecessary substances are released.

Hygiene rules. - Scales, which are peeled from the surface of the upper layer, stick together with sebum, close the holes. The skin cannot breathe, sweat and fat cease to stand out. The skin becomes dirty. Germs breed on dirty skin. On each square centimeter (show cm 2) of the skin, up to 40 thousand microbes can be found, among them there may be pathogens, scabies, and others.

What can protect a person?

Scene K.I. Chukovsky "Moydodyr"

The blanket has run away, the sheet has flown away,
And the pillow, like a frog, jumped away from me.
I'm for a candle, a candle - in the stove!
I'm for a book, that one - run!
And jump under the bed!
I want to drink tea
I run to the samovar,
But pot-bellied from me
Run away like fire.
What's happened? What's happened?
Why is everything spinning around?
Spinning and rushing wheel?

Suddenly from my mother's bedroom,
Bow-legged and lame,
The washbasin runs out and shakes his head:

Oh, you're ugly
Oh you dirty
Unwashed pig!
You're blacker than a chimney sweep
Love yourself:
Wax under your nose
You have a blob on your neck
You have such hands
That even trousers ran away
Even pants, even pants
They ran away from you.

There is a great washbasin.
The famous Moidodyr,
Washbasin Head
And washcloth Commander,
Ran up to me dancing
And, kissing, he said:

“Now I love you,
Now I praise you!
Finally, you dirty
Moidodyr pleased!

Teacher: So what should a person do to keep his skin clean?

(children's answers)

Only washing with hot water and soap completely frees the skin from all microbes accumulated on it, from fat and sweat - this is done twice a week - in a bath or bath. On ordinary days, you should wash your face with water at room temperature; from frequent use of hot water, the skin becomes flabby.

Which soap is the best?

(children's answers)

Our soaps are very good - “Lanoline”, “Vaseline”, “Glycerin”. They are very soft, the skin after washing with these soaps becomes tender, soft. Good soap "Children's", created especially for children's skin.

Reading an excerpt from a poem by K.I. Chukovsky "Moydodyr";

Gotta, gotta wash
Mornings and evenings
And unclean chimney sweeps -
Shame and shame, shame and shame!

Long live scented soap,
And a fluffy towel
And tooth powder
And thick scallop!

Let's wash, splash,
Swim, dive, tumble
In a tub, in a trough, in a tub,
In the river, in the stream, in the ocean,
And in the bath, and in the bath, always and everywhere -
Eternal glory to water!

Cards with words on the board: Lokhan - round or oblong dishes for washing, washing; tub - a small tub with “ears”, i.e. handles for lifting, hanging.

Skin protection at home. - Minor injuries are very dangerous for the skin - cracks from frequent washing, washing dishes. Often a person injures the skin with splinters, scratches it, calluses appear from the fact that he does not follow the rules for working with shovels, hoes, and saws. Microbes get into these wounds, and this can lead to various diseases. In order not to injure the skin, you should work with gloves - rubber - when working with water, cloth - when working with other tools.

If there are still wounds, what should you do?


The skin should be treated with iodine, "brilliant green". You can seal a small wound with BF-2 glue. It forms a thin, durable film and protects the wound from microbes entering it. After 4-5 days, the film itself disappears, but the wound will have time to heal.

If the skin was injured during a hike, gardening, walking, and you do not have medical supplies with you, then you can attach a clean psyllium leaf to the wound.

Conclusion: Proper skin care, work with gloves, regular washing prevent skin diseases. The skin will be smooth, supple, soft, and will perform its tasks well.

Outcome: What did you learn about the skin? What it is? What is our skin made of? How to properly care for the skin?

Always and everywhere - eternal glory to water!

Independent work. Now take paper and colored pencils. Draw what we just talked about. At this time, listen to the tale of K.I. Chukovsky "Moydodyr" and his other tales.

Summary of the lesson. Exhibition of drawings.

What is pictured and why?