Magic wand from a pencil with your own hands. How to make a Harry Potter magic wand How to make a real magic wand out of paper

Many children asked their parents how to make a magic wand, because it is quite normal for a child to believe in miracles and magic. Unfortunately, with age, this passes, and people cease to experience a sense of joy from simple things. But children very often not only believe in wizards and fairies, but also want to become such characters themselves. Interest in magic is fueled by various cartoons and fairy tales. What is the Harry Potter saga worth, which has a huge number of fans who dream of their own magic wand.

It is worth noting that the manufacture of this magical attribute is available to everyone, but for this you need to have one virtue: faith in what you are doing.

It is worth noting that the manufacture of this magical attribute is available to everyone, but for this you need to have one virtue: faith in what you are doing. Magic wands can be anything. These may be harsh magical attributes, like those of Hogwarts students, but it will be more interesting for someone to play with a bright and shiny wand, like a fairy from a cartoon. If you turn on the fantasy and add a little patience to it, you can make a real magic wand, like a magician, it will really fly, and the master will be able to control it as he pleases.

Magic wand from a fairy tale

If you look at cartoons and films about magic, it turns out that almost all the characters who worked miracles had special attributes. Most often it is a wand. It can be made from any material, but a real magical accessory with magic must be made from wood. Therefore, the first stage of work will be the search for suitable material.

To do this, you can go to the forest or park. There will be a huge number of trees and sticks of suitable size. Don't take the first one that comes along. First you need to select several options, and then choose the most beautiful blank. It should be fairly even and neat. It is important to ensure that no one lives in the wood, otherwise such a stick will become unusable very quickly, and the beetles will eventually move to home furniture, which parents are unlikely to be happy about.

Attention! Experts in the field of magic wands say that it is very easy to pick up your blank. It should fit well in the hand and be comfortable. If just such was found, you can go home for further work.

Breaking branches of living trees would not be the best idea. But, if there is no other option, you can carefully take a twig, but no more than one from the tree, so as not to harm it. If you choose between young and old trees, then the first option is better for further finishing, since the stick will be soft enough. A branch of an old tree will last longer, but it is more difficult to break it off, although a lot depends on the type of wood. Oak and pine sticks are considered very strong. Some masters also use species of trees that are exotic for our places, for example, bamboo.

At home, careful work will be carried out on the future wand. The branch must be cleaned of all unnecessary knots, shoots and buds, if any. You also don't need a bark. If the branch is thick enough, you can carve something on it, for example, your own symbol, which will make the wand even more magical.

The length of the magic accessory is selected individually. The master must ensure that the wand is comfortable to wear and hold in the hand. It should not be too long or short.

The cleaned and prepared stick should dry out. This usually takes about 10 days. Periodically, you need to check the workpiece and turn it over so that it does not show signs of decay. Dried wood will be very easy to sand. This is a responsible process, on which the beauty of the future product depends. After each grinding, for which you can use sandpaper or pumice, you should leave the stick to dry further, otherwise its surface will become covered with cracks. At the end, you need to make a hole at one end of the wand and thread a string through it so that the accessory can be carried with you on your wrist at any time.

In general, it should take a month to make a magic wand with your own hands. But this is not much for a real wizard who is clearly moving towards his goal.

Flying magic wand

Unlike the previous version, where the magic depends on the imagination of the master, here everyone can see the magic. With such a wand, any child will be in the spotlight and will be able to act as a magician or magician. If you don’t immediately know what the matter is, you can take this trick for real magic. A similar trick is very often used in the circus. But even at home, you can make a real magic wand. At the same time, the whole work will take no more than half an hour and the simplest materials.

The essence of the trick is that the master controls the wand, which obediently flies under his hand at a distance of about 15 cm. This becomes possible through the use of an inconspicuous thread that is tied to the wand. Thus, there is no difficulty here, so everyone can make a flying stick with their own hands, even a school-age child.

To work, you need thick paper or light cardboard, about a meter of invisible thread, which can be replaced with a fishing line, a metal ball or a nut. For decoration, you can take colored foil. Cardboard or paper must be cut into strips and twisted from them into a long thin tube. It should narrow in one part and expand slightly towards the top. The thickness of the tube at its widest point should not exceed 3 cm.

The tube must be carefully fixed so that it does not fold or unfold even from a blow. You should not use ordinary glue, as it quickly deforms. It is better to take a strip of foil and attach it in a spiral to the paper joints. Everything is wrapped with duct tape. But you should not get carried away with adhesive tape in order to maximize the strength of the stick: this way the workpiece will become very heavy, and it will be impossible to twist it normally. Light sticks are better controlled. Therefore, some craftsmen do not take paper and cardboard for their manufacture, but old lighted film. It is very convenient to twist a tube from it, which for a long time does not lose its shape and does not deform. The main thing is to fix everything well so that the stick does not fold.

A very long tube for children should not be made, otherwise it will be difficult to manage. In order for the stick to fly and behave obediently enough, its length should be about 80 cm. If at the same time it is light enough, inertia will not prevent it from moving normally.

A little away from the center, you should fasten the thread or fishing line. It is best if it is transparent so that no one will guess the secret of the trick. In addition, you should pay attention to the fact that the lower part of the stick should not turn over. If it is too light, you can attach a small load to it.

At the end of the fishing line, a ring should be made that is put on the finger. It should be invisible. After that, the master will only have to practice to hone his skills and control the magic flying wand, real with magic, at ease and easily. If the thread is left long enough, then the tube can not only fly at hand, but also perform other tricks, for example, do somersaults. But this is a task for a true master. It will be quite difficult for an inexperienced wizard to control his wand, he can get tangled in a long fishing line.

Idea! For greater effect, the finished product can be decorated with various foil scraps, rain and tinsel. So the illusion of a flying stick will become more vivid and impressive.

fairy magic wand

This option will appeal to every girl. Many dream of becoming a sorceress, and some lack just one accessory, such as a wand, with which you can create magic.

You can make such beauty very simply from a pencil, rain or tinsel, as well as adhesive tape. The whole workflow consists in attaching shiny elements to the end of the pencil, which will flutter beautifully in the wind during witchcraft, creating the feeling of a real magical process.

Another option for creating a fairy magic wand would be to use rain and straws for cocktails. Only these two components are needed here, and the work itself will not take more than one minute. The rain must be collected in a bundle and tie a knot on one side. Next, this part must be threaded into the tube using a knitting needle. It is enough that the rain reaches the middle of the tube. So the shiny decoration will not fall out.

On this work on the magic wand can be considered completed. With each wave of the hand, the rain will pour beautifully. The main thing is that the manufacture of this magical accessory does not take more than a couple of minutes. If desired, you can make several of these sticks in different colors. Such decoration will be a great addition to the fairy costume. Moreover, if girls perform the dance of sorceresses, such an element can be an excellent decoration.

This simple option can always be supplemented with various decorations. For example, you can make a tip for a magic wand with your own hands. To do this, you need to cut out an ornament of the desired shape from paper or colored cardboard and be sure to leave a strip at the bottom. Glue is applied over the cardboard blank and sparkles are poured. After the glue base dries, you can remove excess sparkles. Then the decoration is attached to the magic wand. It will hold well if the strip is firmly inserted into the tube over the rain.

There can be a lot of options for making a magic wand. To do this, you can use both ordinary colored paper and cardboard. Recently, such decorative material as foamiran has become very popular. It is easy to use and makes it possible to make various crafts quickly and beautifully. These sticks are lightweight yet durable. If you wish, you can choose foamiran with sparkles, which will allow you to create a very beautiful magic wand for a real fairy or wizard.

A handmade magic wand may not help in solving your problems, but you will definitely have a wonderful time, and you will certainly reveal your own creative potential. Well, by believing in magic, you may well find that the magic wand works. No wonder psychologists unanimously argue that your thoughts can materialize. At first magic with magic will exist only on paper, but then they will appear around you. To test this, it would be nice to start by creating a basic magical tool - a magic wand.

What do you need to make paper sticks?

You will need thick paper. A4 format is suitable, it is best to take cardboard. You will also need a glue gun, silicone and a gun for it. You will need gold and brown acrylic paints, brushes, a stapler and staples, scissors and newspaper.


A sheet of thick A4 cardboard is suitable for a small wand, but those who want to make not a small, but a large magic wand, a true magician's wand, will have to use larger paper.

All materials must be prepared in advance. Next, we take a sheet and grease it all on the inside with PVA glue. For more convenience, you can use a brush. After that, starting from one corner, you should wrap it diagonally in the shape of a tube. The shape will be something like a cone. When everything is ready, you need to leave it in this form for a while. Wait for the glue to dry, but not completely dry. To prevent your paper tube from unfolding, you can fix it around the edges with clothespins or paper clips. Then you need to cut off a little paper on a stick on both sides. Alternatively, you can squeeze it lightly first. After that, using a silicone gun through the thin end of the paper, you need to fill the entire cavity of the future magic wand with silicone. When it is full, turn it over to the other side, then fill the cavity with silicone through a wide hole. Well, the void is filled with crumpled pieces of paper or newspaper. The end of the stick is completely filled with silicone. After filling, it must be left to dry completely, and then you can start decorating. By this time, the stick has already completely hardened, so it is necessary to apply silicone in a circle with a gun. After the silicone has completely dried, we will need to color the stick with it.

To do this, you can use acrylic or spray paint. You can paint over it completely or partially. The base can be brown, and curls are best painted with golden paint. And then creativity begins in its purest form - we give free rein to our imagination by drawing magical symbols with spirals and other magical elements on it. Now the wand is ready and you can do any magic with it.

Harry Potter wand

You can make a wand, like Harry Potter. To do this, double-sided tape is glued into the middle of the tube rolled up with a cone. In this way, the design will not unfold, since it is securely glued with adhesive tape. The remaining free end of the sheet is smeared with PVA glue and glued to the stick. Then the structure must be left to dry completely. You can fill it with anything, for example, wads of paper. Next, the end of the stick is filled in such a way that a rounding is formed from a drop of glue at its end. You can also make 2 sticks and place them inside each other like a nesting doll. This will make the structure solid. To make it the same as that of Harry Potter, you need to decorate the little thing with rings or lines, zigzags, spirals and stars.


A magic wand is not always real magic, but its creation is always an exciting, childish activity that can give a lot of positive emotions to a little fidget.

Making a stick out of paper

How to make a magic wand out of paper

Making a magic wand

We got a general idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe magic wand from fairy tales and stories. She was an essential attribute of fairies, sorceresses and magicians. We could see a magic wand in fairy-tale films, for example, a wonderful fairy tale about Harry Potter or when reading books. Of course, every little child would like to have such a magic wand to fulfill their cherished dreams and desires.

No one can say with 100% certainty about the existence of fairies, wizards, gnomes and magicians. Maybe because we do not meet them in everyday life? Or has anyone come across them? Unfortunately, we will never know the answers to these questions. But in every fairy tale there is a grain of truth, and this is what the folk proverb says - "There is a lie in a fairy tale, but there is a hint in it."

But if such a magic wand falls into the hands of a person, the consequences can be irreversible. But despite all the epics, there were people who knew how to make a magic wand, but they didn’t tell anyone the secret of making, but only passed on knowledge from generation to generation. If you like magical things, you can make.

Only wizards recognized in the wizarding world knew such a secret. Such was the Ollivander family of England in 382. Their family in those days mass-produced magic wands. How strange their secret is used in our time, but it is not told to anyone. Today you have a unique chance to learn this secret, but don't tell anyone about it.

How to make a real magic wand

To make a magic wand, you need to find a magic pencil. Everyone has it, we assure you, listen to your inner voice, it will tell you which pencil you need to take. We take a magic pencil and glue it with adhesive tape, colored paper, foil or other decorative decorations. At the top of the stick we embellish, for example, a star cut out of paper.

In order for the wand to truly work, to fulfill all your cherished desires, you need to charge the magic wand with the energy of magic. Take a wand in your hands, close your eyes and clearly say the following spell:

“Oh, great wizards! I ask you to give magical power to my magic wand and accept powerful magicians into your ranks. I promise to use the magic wand only for the good of good, to help people and fight evil. I pledge never to tell anyone the secrets of wizards and I am ready to be punished if I break this spell.

This spell must be spoken from a pure heart and with all my heart. Then the wizards will hear you and will help you in every possible way. They will always be there, but you will not see them.

You need to use the magic wand as follows:

  • You need to move the wand smoothly without sudden movements;
  • No need to shake and pull the wand;
  • What you are thinking of, the words should be clear and intelligible, you should not speak loudly.

The most important thing is not to doubt your magic wand and believe in its strength, then you will succeed. Remember, the wand will grant wishes for as long as you put your efforts into it when creating it. But powerful wizards will somehow prevent you from using your magic wand for other purposes.

Unfortunately, she will not be able to do your homework for you, will not brush your teeth, will not learn your lessons. These are the things you need to do on your own.

How to make a magic wand with your own hands video

Examples of what magic wands you can make with your own hands:

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Speech to the idea is not about the children's "toy" wand, which little mummers "princesses" carry with them to all kinds of New Year's parties. It's about the real, real magic wand, which has the power to protect its owner from any danger posed by all sorts of invisible entities that fill our world.

The wand can become the executor of the most secret desires. However, you should not abuse the power with which you charge your wand. The magic wand, no matter how powerful, is a tool in the hands of man. Therefore, falling into the wrong and inept hands, it can harm even its owner!

If you still decide and think that life is not life without a magic wand, then know that it will take you a whole year to make it. Doesn't stop such a long time? Then - forward to the dream, show all diligence, perseverance. In the process of creating a wand, you will have to teach it a lot, as well as learn a lot yourself. You will learn along with your wand throughout your life - it is this period that your wand, endowed with your energies, will show the properties of "magic" and will be able to conjure.

In order to properly make your wand (there are also not quite correct, we will talk about them later), you need to find YOUR tree that will voluntarily agree (yes, yes, it will agree, you were not mistaken!) To become your friend and assistant for the rest life.

In search of a suitable tree, you should turn off all extraneous thoughts, focus on the task, listen to your intuition.

Pay attention - the tree is also a living being! You can also talk to him, communicate. Some people have very well developed abilities with which they communicate with the surrounding nature! But if you do not have such abilities - do not despair! No one canceled intuition and perseverance!

So, for the RIGHT magic wand, a young tree is best suited. If a powerful tree responded to your call, then ask him for a branch.
Just "ask"! In order to “hear” YOUR tree, you need to wander more than one day in the park, in the forest, take a walk in the garden.

You can search for material for a stick at any time of the year, even winter-autumn are not an obstacle to communicating with a tree. Yes, the Tree is sleeping, but it continues to hear, which means it can answer you.

Approaching each tree, address it respectfully with your request, ask the tree for a branch as your faithful friend and helper.
Listen to yourself, perhaps you will be attracted to the tree you need like a magnet.
Having chosen a suitable clearing, sit down among the trees, put all your thoughts in order, start meditation - it will help you concentrate, remove all unnecessary and enter into harmony with nature.
When choosing a tree in advance, you can also be guided by the Celtic horoscope, in which you will find out which tree matches your character. But, again, I remind you that the tree must agree and voluntarily give you its branch.

Showing your imagination, you can find many more ways to unite with nature, which will be very useful to you later - you also need to communicate with a magic wand, mentally merge ...

Some experts advise choosing sound tree species for a magic wand. In young plants, the core is softer, while adults have a harder base, stronger.
Sticks made of oak, pine, and bamboo will have interesting properties.

If your choice fell on bamboo wood, then you just need to go to the places where this tree grows. An even better option would be self-grown bamboo in a pot - it is already half energetically connected with you.

Do you know that Ganesha priests and even some Indian Yogis use magic wands with great success even in our time! They certainly will not reveal to us their centuries-old secrets and methods of making sticks!

So, you started walking in the forest (park, garden). While meditating, you felt that some tree was “calling” to you. Another moment and you are already standing under it. Try to start a dialogue with the tree, listen... If you have the ability to communicate with nature, it will be easier for you to establish contact with the right tree. If not, turn on your intuition.

Listen to your feelings carefully and do not try to cut off the first branch that comes across. When you clearly hear the response of the tree, explain to him why you need a wand. Explain that you will make a magical thing out of it, which will be your friend and helper. Only after receiving the consent of the tree to give you a branch, you can proceed to the next step!

Consent received. Now you need to correctly cut off the desired branch. To do this, hit the base of the branch sharply, but not hard. The proof that you nevertheless heard everything correctly and correctly understood the answer of the tree will be an easily fallen branch.

And now begins the second important part of turning an ordinary branch into a magical tool of witchcraft.

Related video: How to make a magic wand at home?!

How to make a magic wand to cast spells

There comes a very important moment! The branch has been received, now you need to correctly make the wand itself from it.

To begin with, the resulting branch must be rid of side shoots and buds, cleaned of bark, given the intended shape and cleaned to smoothness.

Take your branch in your hands, align the cut, cut the other end of the branch, determining the desired length for your stick;
Cut off all the shoots on the branch;
Now put down the knife! In the future, when making a wand, you will not need it more painfully! All processes will need to be done manually!
Clean the workpiece from the bark with nails and teeth. When the workpiece becomes completely white, you can stop - the bark has been successfully removed;
The cleaned stick should dry well for 10-15 days, so that we can move on to the next operation. I draw your attention - the wand must be in constant contact with the owner;

The next step is smoothing. To do this, you need to take only natural tools, namely, fine-grained pumice or stone. With their help, slowly, putting your whole soul into it, you should carefully process the wand. If desired, you can sharpen one end of the stick. After grinding the stick in this way, achieve its complete smoothness, align it along its entire length;
For convenience and in order to constantly carry the stick with you, make a small hole in it (again with the help of your nails!) And thread a loop of braid into it.
Do not be afraid that soon, a smooth stick will be covered with small cracks - this is a normal and natural process. We continue to grind and achieve complete drying of the stick - then it will no longer crack, but will remain smooth forever. When such a result is achieved, know that your wand for witchcraft completely ready!

A prerequisite is the constant contact of the owner with his future magic wand (from the moment of cutting)! Whether it's a shower, whether it's a bed, work, street - the blank "candidate" for sticks should be with you constantly and every second! Contacting with the owner, she gains his energy, is born as a WAND! Staying with the owner in various life situations, she, along with him, feels the emotions experienced by the owner, which allows the wand to tune in to the owner and get in touch with him. The most interesting thing is that over time, the owner will feel the emotions experienced by the wand - the connection is two-way. Try to take a wand in your hands at every opportunity, talk to her, tell her about your desires, let your thoughts pass through her. Performing magical rituals, your magic wand should be the main participant in the action.

Do not leave your "sorceress" even for a moment for a whole year - it is during this time that the wand will be saturated with YOUR energy. The contact will be established so powerful that any of your desires, any of your slipped thoughts will be known to the magic wand. It will become a formidable weapon in your hands, protection and friend. You will never want to part with her!

At the very beginning, we mentioned that there is another type of sticks that is easier, simpler to make, but such a stick will not differ in the long-term effect of work.

A wand will turn out to be half magical if you do not contact it every second, if the time for its manufacture is significantly reduced, if during its processing you used sandpaper or a nail file instead of natural stones.

In such a wand, some magical properties will also be present, but it will not last long at all.

Video how to make a Harry Potter wand

Did everything you read scare you? Are you not afraid to be the owner of the Force of such power? Then seek and create, but do not forget that you should be guided primarily by justice, objectivity and mercy. Otherwise, your weapons in the wrong hands will be directed at you! To alleviate the suffering of people, to heal incurable diseases, to get rid of harmful entities - this is a worthy use for a magic wand!

Magic wand, or magic wand - one of the main tools of the magician. It allows you to concentrate, enhance and direct magical energy. How to make a real magic wand with magic? There are several ways.

The manufacture of a magic wand must be taken into account.

Who can make a working wand

Magic wands with real power can not be done by everyone.

There is no need to undertake this for a person with a greatly weakened energy, for example, as a result of a long illness.

First, you should restore your strength, for example, by being alone in nature. It is impossible to make such an instrument for a woman during the period of monthly discharge, during this period a woman radiates negative energy in large volumes, and this energy can be transferred to magical objects, the consequences are different.

Some magicians, not without reason, believe that magical items made by people whose birth year ends in zero (1960, 1990, 2000) will not have witchcraft power. Magical influences directed with the help of such objects, as it were, "go to zero."

Making from a tree branch and checking it

How to make a real magic wand with magic? An important point here is the choice of wood species. Witchcraft tools made from trees of different species will have different magical powers.

The choice of wood species also depends on the purpose for which our assistant will be used.

If a magical wand made of oak wood is better suited for power influences, then a tool made of jasmine (for women) or sequoia (for men) is better suited for love magic and divination.

In choosing a tree for our assistant, it is important that the tree, as it were, "give consent" to such a use of its parts. You must determine this consent by tuning in to the selected tree in an appropriate way, you can remember the druid calendar, or - if you want to simplify the process - just try to feel, walking through the forest, which of the trees is suitable for realizing your goals. It is better to choose wood on a new moon.

Going for a tree, you must:

  • Get rid of bad thoughts
  • Wear clean, light-colored clothing
  • Take a small cloth bag of salt with you to throw away on the way back
  • Don't talk to anyone along the way

After selecting a tree, separate the branch from it with a new hunting knife. It is better if the knife handle is wooden or leather. Bring the blank home, on the way home you must remain silent. The first day after cutting a branch-blank for your future companion in the world of magic, you must always carry it with you, ensuring skin contact with wood. So she kind of “gets acquainted” with your energy.

After a day, peel the branch from the bark, then carefully cut off the ends, leaving a stick 20-40 centimeters long, then level it with an abrasive stone as best as possible, until it acquires an even cylindrical shape.

After all the preparations, you need to charge the magic wand with magical energy in accordance with the rules and traditions of your magical school, traditional or.

You can test the effectiveness of a new tool by applying it to some simple spell. It is advisable to repeat this test three times.

A properly made magical instrument on a full moon can emit a subtle greenish light, it can be seen against a uniform light background.

An experienced magician can determine the suitability of your assistant.

How to make it in one second

If you are an experienced magician and you urgently need witchcraft tools, you can quickly, in a second, make a temporary wand that will help, for example, repel an enemy attack. Take any cylindrical object that your eyes fall on in a moment of acute need, mentally douse it with strong fire, cleansing from everything alien.

Then quickly say 3 times, holding the mentioned item on the outstretched right hand: “Help me now, I will repay you later!”.

The magical item is ready in a second, it is suitable for emergency force effects and is able to amplify your magical message several times. After using it, you need to thank it, but you can no longer use it. At night, take it to the crossroads and leave it on the road.

At home

You can make our companion in the world of magic at home, quickly enough. These may be non-classical ways of making them, and most importantly, an atypical material for the manufacture of this tool of magic.

A magical assistant can be made from:

  • Cardboard
  • papers
  • ebonite
  • good crystal
  • simple pencil

Some of these tools will be discussed below.

paper making

Our assistant can be made from paper, because paper is made from wood. To do this, roll a sheet of paper into a tight roll, preferably new, but continuous along the entire length of the roll.

Paper used for recorders, or just a long piece of paper, is suitable for this. - contact with the body during the day and charging with magical energy, as mentioned above.

The peculiarity of our magical companion, made of paper, is that it is less suitable for brute force and has a shorter service life than a similar stick made of solid wood. To make a real paper magic wand is enough, it is better suited for love magic.

From a simple pencil

Yes, it can be made even from such an everyday tool as a simple pencil. Only wooden pencils are suitable for this purpose, not automatic and not made of flexible plastic.

First, twist the pencil between your palms for 2-3 minutes, expelling someone else's energy from it (this action can be omitted if it is brand new and was bought in a factory sealed package).

Then sharpen the pencil, casting performance spells and thinking about the magical item that will come out of this pencil. It is better to sharpen it with a new knife and only at night.

Then place the already sharpened object under the pillow, after wrapping it in black or dark blue fabric. Carry it with you all day long.

Late at night, turning off the electric lighting, light a candle (preferably from black wax), and write the phrase on a piece of paper 3 times: “There was a simple pencil, now it has become magical.”

In the morning, a pencil stick can be checked and used.

The right decorations for a magic wand

An important, though not mandatory, moment in the manufacture of witchcraft items is decorating them with minerals (precious stones), natural leather or animal fangs. These adornments can increase the magic power of the wand if they are added correctly and in accordance with the purposes for which it was made.

A magical item made for power magic can be decorated with stones of cold tones: lapis lazuli, amethyst, blue calcite. It is better to decorate a wand for the magic of love with stones of warm colors: ruby, orpiment.

Decorations made from pieces of skin and fangs of animals are suitable for a protective wand.