That day is March 8th. How did women's holiday appear?

Even a preschooler will tell you without hesitation that International Women’s Day is celebrated annually on March 8, but not every adult is familiar with the unusual history of this beloved holiday. How did the tradition of congratulating the fair half of humanity originate, and what exactly was the reason for the appearance of this wonderful spring holiday on the calendar?

Origin story

The historical roots of the fun-filled, flower-filled, gift-filled holiday have a feminist and political flavour. For the first time, the day of March 8 appears in the events of distant 1901. That day, American housewives filled the streets of Chicago with pots and basins turned upside down. In such an original way they wanted to attract the attention of society and authorities. Participants in the march demanded equal political rights, self-respect, the opportunity to work in production and serve in the army alongside men. Seven years later, feminists repeated their demands, but on a national scale. After which National Women's Day was proclaimed in the United States.

The founder of International Women's Day is Clara Zetkin, a German communist, a woman reformer who made a huge contribution to defending women's rights. She is the one who is the leader women's group The Social Democratic Party of Germany, in a difficult year for communists in 1910, at the International Women's Conference, made a proposal to establish a Day of Solidarity for Working Women of the World.

Clara Zetkin believed that annual holiday, celebrated on one day, will unite women from different countries in the fight for equal rights. The main purpose of the new holiday was the struggle for freedom and equality of female workers. This initiative received a response in the form of a wave of rallies that swept across Europe. The first women's holidays in various countries noted in different dates Martha. And only in 1914 did the working people of the world celebrate their holiday on March 8th.

In 1957, on March 8, workers in New York garment factories came out to fight for their rights. They actively demanded improved working conditions, a reduction in the inhumane 16-hour working day and an increase in meager wages compared to men. wages. As a result of this event, a women's trade union emerged, which subsequently continued its activities.

The UN adopted the celebration of International Women's Day in 1975, which was also declared the International Women's Year, and the next ten years, from 1976 to 1985, were proclaimed the International Women's Decade. In 1977, a resolution was issued according to which Women's Rights Day was dedicated to March 8. It's spring now women's holiday celebrated in more than 30 countries around the world. In some states it is still a working day.

In Russia, Women's Day was first celebrated in pre-revolutionary St. Petersburg on March 2, 1913. On this day, a government-approved “scientific morning on women's issues” took place, with issues of motherhood, inflation and women's voting rights on its agenda. One and a half thousand people took part in the event.

In the revolutionary year of 1917, the current government did not give St. Petersburg women the opportunity to celebrate the international women's holiday. Attempts to join the women of other countries ended in clashes that turned into demonstrations and the February revolution. In 1921, at the meeting of the 2nd Communist Women's Conference, it was decided to coincide the celebration of March 8th with the memory of this demonstration, which involuntarily became a harbinger of the February revolution.

In the new Soviet state, Women's Day immediately received the status of a holiday, but continued to remain a working day. Working women of Soviet enterprises gradually received equal rights with men to the opportunity to work, to legal rest, to study, and to govern the state. Freed from oppression, Soviet women morally supported their friends from capitalist countries at rallies and meetings.

On the holiday, Soviet ladies were not given flowers or gifts, but they were previously released from work, awarded with certificates of honor, thanks and bonuses. There is evidence that in some stores workers were treated to pleasant discounts. True, the discounts were not on perfumes and cosmetics, but on galoshes - shoes that were popular in those days.

International Women's Day was declared an official holiday in the Soviet Union in May 1965. Since 1966, March 8 is a public holiday. Gradually, Women's Day lost its original political overtones and the fierce overtones of feminism. Also in Soviet times appeared good tradition give ladies flowers, sweets, cards and gifts.

In Russia, Women's Day was officially included in the list of public holidays of the Russian Federation in 2002. In the new conditions, it gradually became a day of admiration for women, mothers, and wives. On March 8, men are especially gallant and courageous. They are happy to take on women's responsibilities and free the fairer sex from housework and everyday chores.

International Women's Day is a holiday celebrated annually on March 8 in a number of countries as “women’s day.”
The UN celebrates this year as the International Day for Women's Rights and International Peace. Historically, the holiday appeared as a day of solidarity among working women in the struggle for equal rights and emancipation, but at the moment the meaning attached to it can vary significantly, even to the point of honoring the patriarchal image of women.

Textile workers' strike

A widely accepted version is that the tradition of celebrating International Women's Day on March 8 was started by the “March of Empty Pots,” which was held on this day in 1857 by women workers in the textile industry and clothing factories in New York to protest against unacceptable working conditions and low wages. They demanded a reduction in working hours, improved working conditions, and equal wages with men. Women at that time worked up to 16 hours a day, and their work was very low paid. Liliana Kandell and Françoise Pic showed in their article that this fact is not confirmed, and the legend was probably invented in 1955 to separate the holiday tradition from communist ideology, which was important for women's rights activists in Western Europe and the USA during the Cold War.

Early 20th century

On March 8, 1908, at the call of the New York Social Democratic women's organization, a rally was held with slogans about the equality of women. On this day, more than 15,000 women marched through the city, demanding shorter working hours and equal pay with men. In addition, there was a demand for women to be given the right to vote.
In 1909, the Socialist Party of America declared National Women's Day, which was celebrated until 1913 on the last Sunday in February. In 1909 it was February 28th. Later, in 1910, delegates from the United States arrived in Copenhagen for the Second International Conference of Socialist Women, where they met Clara Zetkin.
Clara Zetkin in 1910, at the Second International Socialist Women's Conference, held in Copenhagen on August 27 as part of the Eighth Congress of the Second International, proposed the establishment of an international women's day. It was meant that on this day women would organize rallies and marches, attracting the public to their problems.

Clara Zetkin and Rosa Luxemburg, 1910

In 1911, the first International Women's Day was celebrated in Germany, Austria, Denmark and Switzerland on March 19, at the suggestion of Helena Grinberg, a member of the Central Committee of the Social Democratic Party of Germany, to commemorate the March Revolution of 1848 in Prussia. In 1912, this day was celebrated in the same countries on May 12. In 1913, women rallied in France and Russia on March 2, in Austria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Switzerland, and Holland on March 9, in Germany on March 12. In 1914, Women's Day was celebrated for the only time on March 8 simultaneously in six countries: Austria, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Russia and Switzerland. That year, March 8th fell on a Sunday.
Until 1917, women in Australia, Finland, Norway, Denmark, and Iceland received full or partial voting rights.

February 1917

On February 23 (March 8), 1917, during the beginning of the unrest that later developed into the February Revolution, textile workers in the Vyborg district of Petrograd were among the first to go on strike. Also, a procession organized by socialists took place along Nevsky Prospect to the City Duma, demanding women's equality and bread.
February 23 (March 8), 1917 is the date of the beginning of the February Revolution, as a result of which the monarchy was overthrown in Russia and the dual power of the Provisional Government and the Petrograd Soviet was established.
On March 8, 1917, the executive committee of the Petrograd Soviet decided to arrest the tsar and his family, confiscate property and deprive civil rights. The new commander of the Petrograd district, General L. G. Kornilov, arrives in Tsarskoe Selo, announcing to the empress the resolution of the Council of Ministers on the arrest of the royal family, and placing guards, including to protect the tsar from the rebellious Tsarskoe Selo garrison. On March 8, the tsar in Mogilev said goodbye to the army, and issued a farewell order to the troops, in which he bequeathed to “fight until victory” and “obey the Provisional Government.”


International Women's Day was popular around the world in the 1910s and 1920s, but then its popularity waned. For the first time, “March 8 Day” in Russia was celebrated in 1913 in St. Petersburg, as a popular event in Western society.
In 1921, by decision of the 2nd Communist Women's Conference, it was decided to celebrate International Women's Day on March 8 in memory of the participation of women in the demonstration in Petrograd on March 8 (February 23, old style) 1917, as one of the events that preceded the February Revolution , as a result of which the monarchy was overthrown.
Since 1966, in accordance with the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of May 8, 1965, International Women's Day has become a holiday and a non-working day. Gradually, in the USSR, the holiday completely lost its political overtones and connection with women’s struggle against discrimination (according to some points of view, a radical change in the meaning of the holiday in the public consciousness could be, to a greater or lesser extent, the result of the deliberate activities of the country’s political leadership), becoming “the day of all women” and acquired modern features.

In modern world

This day is declared a national holiday in some former republics of the USSR, as well as in Angola, Burkina Faso, Guinea-Bissau, Cambodia, China, Congo (as a “holiday of Congolese women”), Laos, Macedonia, Mongolia, Nepal, North Korea and Uganda. In Armenia, April 7 is celebrated as Motherhood and Beauty Day.

International Women's Day and the UN

Since 1975 the UN, in connection with International Year women, began celebrating International Women's Day on March 8. In 1977, the UN General Assembly (Resolution No. A/RES/32/142) invited states to declare, in accordance with their traditions and customs, any day of that year as United Nations Day for Women's Rights and International Peace. This decision was taken in connection with both the International Women's Year and the International Women's Decade (1976-1985).
Dedicated to the Day struggle for women's rights and international peace of the United Nations, the event is dedicated to the UN on March 8.
Countries in which the holiday is officially celebrated on March 8: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, Belarus, Burkina Faso, Vietnam, Guinea-Bissau, Georgia, Zambia, Kazakhstan, Cambodia, Kyrgyzstan, Kiribati, China (officially an ordinary working day for all), Costa Rica, Cuba, Laos, Madagascar (day off for women only), Moldova, Mongolia, Nepal, Russia, Serbia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uganda, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Croatia, Montenegro, Eritrea, Latvia.

IN modern Russia

The celebration of March 8 in Russia includes the well-established “ritual” of giving flowers and gifts to women.
According to VTsIOM, for the majority of Russians (regardless of gender, age and occupation) March 8 is, first of all, a women's holiday. This is how 66% of respondents described this day. According to 18%, March 8 is the holiday of the beginning of spring, 9% of respondents regard it as an international day of solidarity for working women, 8% as an additional day off, and 4% do not consider March 8 a holiday at all.
A number of Russian authors and organizations (in particular, journalist Natalya Radulova) criticize the prevailing conditions in the territory former USSR perception of International Women's Day and the nature of its celebration. In their opinion, the holiday, contrary to its original meaning, promotes sexist stereotypes.
Some modern historians, having analyzed the publications Soviet period on the theme of International Women's Day, they say that the holiday was dedicated mainly to “courageous” women who have achieved success in “male” professions.
The Russian Orthodox Church considers the celebration of International Women's Day on March 8, which usually coincides with the days of Lent, to be “inappropriate.” By Orthodox tradition It is customary to congratulate women on the Week of Myrrh-Bearing Women. Head of the Synodal Department for Relations between the Church and Society, Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin: “The tradition of celebrating March 8 has entered our everyday life, but Orthodox people they do not and will not forget that it is connected with revolutionary movements that brought a lot of suffering to people.”

On the eve of the women's holiday on March 8, sociologists found out which gifts are strictly contraindicated to give to beloved women. It turned out that most of all the beautiful half of humanity does not like it when they are presented with cheap jewelry, products from intimate stores and souvenirs on this day.
According to the rating compiled by the Research Center of the portal commissioned by Men's Health magazine, first place among the most bad gifts Russian women supplied cheap jewelry. More than half of those surveyed (58%) said that they would never want to receive such a gift. “I really love jewelry, including high-quality costume jewelry. If they gave me jewelry, I liked it because it was given by close people who know my taste,” is the most common explanation from survey participants.

Respondents placed goods from intimate stores in second place in the anti-rating. More than 40% of women are sure that it went well. Approximately the same number of women are not ready to accept an adventure such as a parachute jump as a gift on March 8th. Thanks to the survey, it turned out that the majority of those who gave a negative answer are terrified of heights. What is noteworthy is that extreme entertainment was opposed mainly by mature women(over 45 years old). Not wanting to receive “cheap nonsense” as a gift, they expect to receive “more elegant and necessary” gifts from their beloved men.

Next on the list of inappropriate gifts are cheap souvenirs. According to 38% of women who took part in the survey, all kinds of keychains and figurines only “irritate and clog up space.”

It is quite expected that many ladies flatly refuse to receive kitchen utensils and other items as gifts. household appliances. Every fifth Russian woman (18% of respondents) is not ready to remember housework on a holiday in this way. Let us note that the strongest rejection of pots and souvenirs is caused by young Russian women aged 25 to 34 years.

A man who wants to please his beloved woman with lace underwear should not delude himself once again. It is possible that his other half is among those 13% of respondents who do not consider fishnet panties a lucky gift on International Women's Day. You shouldn’t give your loved one ambiguous hints when presenting her with a membership to a fitness club or a certificate for SPA treatments. Every tenth woman (12% and 11% respectively) may suspect that you are disappointed with her appearance or unhappy with her figure.

For those who are in a hurry to get rid of worries by presenting their women with a certificate for gifts to the store, we will give advice: choose a gift yourself. According to the results of a survey conducted among 1,600 representatives of the fair sex from all regions of Russia, 11% of women may think that you are not attentive enough or are completely devoid of imagination. However, 5% of women could not name a gift that they did not like. “Any attention is nice,” answered every twentieth of those surveyed.

Let us remind you that in previous years, pets, sports equipment and even Stuffed Toys. Women preferred cash as a gift no more than gift certificates. But almost none of the survey participants refused to receive flowers, perfume, or high-quality jewelry as gifts. Many Russian women are waiting for a new mobile phone or an interesting book as a gift. And some representatives of the fair sex are waiting for their faithful to propose romantic evening with a trip to the theater or an expensive restaurant. A gift for March 8 must be individual and meet the desires and expectations of the woman. How to please your beloved? You just need to listen to her - it is quite possible that she has been hinting to you for a long time about what gift she would like to receive.

Jewelry as a gift will undoubtedly delight any woman! You can show your imagination and choose a decoration with precious stone, corresponding to her zodiac sign or even her name, which will bring additional luck and harmony into her life.

An elegant box made of quality material, with a mirror inside and numerous compartments. In such a box you can keep little secrets that, as everyone knows, every woman has, and, best of all, jewelry. An alternative to the box can be an elegant cosmetic organizer from a prestigious brand, which would also be nice to fill with expensive cosmetics.

And, of course, don't forget about the flowers. Choose small elegant bouquets in gentle tones, reminiscent of spring. But you can break tradition and instead of the usual bouquet, present sweet bouquet! Bouquet of sweets - original and exclusive gift, since compositions of sweets and flowers may be similar, but they are never the same. The variety of sweet bouquets will allow you to choose the most suitable option for your beloved: luxurious for a business woman, flirty or romantic for a young girl.

But still the best, the most an expensive gift on March 8th there will always be one in which a piece of your soul is invested. Such a thing will serve your beloved faithfully, bring her good luck and give her a great mood!

Darling, you are a miracle in this world!
A bouquet of mystery of unearthly beauty!
All my life I will be grateful to God:
You are the best of all His works!

Meet sunsets and sunrises with you,
Fate destined to walk the path together...
And let our years fly like birds,
Together with you we will go into eternity.

You are my angel, and the Lyre is an inspiration
Gives me the nectar of magic lines,
So that I can decorate every moment
Your soul in imperishable verses could.

I weave poems into lace feelings,
But before your radiance all words fade...

I am glad to congratulate you today -
Spring is generous with grace!
Open your hearts for rewards
And there is no doubt whether to give it away!

There is no doubt whether to accept
Giving light under the lace?
Will you be able to take me in your arms -
Love is kept between words...

Love is kept in the sparkle of the eyes -
Catch the image, save it.
Take good things in reserve
And warm all the lost!

We congratulate our women
Happy International Women's Day!
Our whole world is decorated with women,
What fills us with fire.

Fire of Love, fire of desires,
Create and create with fire,
The fire of impossible dreams
What they could be given.

Spring comes with them in the heart
And remains in it forever,
Opens the door to happiness -
And every person is happy!

You - wives, mothers, friends
Thank you now and here
For your gentle hands,
What is the point in life with you!

For your beauty and tenderness,
What decorates this world,
And for the boundlessness of patience.
And let there be a feast today!

And let the champagne flow
Today it pours in your honor!
We glorify the Daughter of the Lord
For everything that is in our life!

There are many holidays in the country,
But Women's Day is given to Spring,
After all, only women can
Create spring holiday- with affection.
So be kind, simple,
Always with a smile on your face!
Well, in a word, be like that,
How it should be Spring!

Light woman, bride and wife,
There is a stamp of goodness and eternity on it,
She knows how to love and forgive,
And therefore nature keeps in it
Like the secret of secrets, the ovary of eternal life.
And you yourself suddenly become brighter
Touching her earthly magical hands.

On this day, warmed in spring
All flowers, smiles to you!
So that you don't know sadness,
Even a slight shadow of sadness,
So that your eyes always shine,
And not only on this day!

With the first drop
With the last snowstorm,
Happy Young Spring!
Congratulations to you
We sincerely wish:
Happiness, health,
Good luck, beauty!

Happy March 8th!
Happy spring holiday!
Let it pour everywhere
Loud fun!
Let the sun shine!
Let the frost go away!
Let the winter go away
Mimosa sprig! International Women's Day differs from other holidays, first of all, in the abundance of flowers - they are given to the fair sex by colleagues, friends and relatives. And what a pity it is when the bouquet begins to fade, losing its beauty every day.

Meanwhile, beautiful flowers- just like the real thing, fragile, but forever alive, you can make it with your own hands from polymer clay. It is not difficult to care for such a bouquet - you just need to wipe off the dust with a damp cloth or dry it with a hairdryer if water gets on the product.

Polymer clay, or cold porcelain, is a malleable material that allows you to create the finest and miniature elements. It is as easy to work with as clay or salt dough. The only difference is that polymer products do not need to be baked.

Not only flowers are made from cold porcelain. This material is often used to create figurines of animals, birds, entire compositions and even jewelry. But the best thing to make from cold porcelain is flowers.

. A poem for kids about what to give mothers on March 8th.

Copyright © 2015 Unconditional love

The entire beautiful half of humanity is looking forward to the whole year. International Women's Day is one of the most beloved holidays.

At first, March 8 had a strong political overtones, since the special date was designated not for celebrations, but for the fight for equality. The history of the holiday dates back to 1857, when the famous “March of the Empty Pots”, the first women's strike, took place in America.

Then strikes broke out again, spontaneously. And then Clara Zetkin, at a congress in Copenhagen, put forward a proposal to declare March 8th International Women's Day, so that all women on the planet who zealously stand up for their rights could be legally heard on this day. Since then, the name of Clara Zetkin has been inextricably linked with the holiday of spring and beauty, despite the strong politicization of the chosen date.

The creation of International Women's Day was preceded by numerous women's strikes

This version of the origin of the holiday is the most correct today, although there are others. Scientists, linguists, and historians are still arguing about the origin of women's favorite day off.

But, the church is absolutely sure that the holiday of a revolutionary woman is not needed in our country, where the church was oppressed, if not completely crushed, by scientific atheism. The church put forward the idea of ​​celebrating Women's Day in the third week of Easter, however, March 8 still stood.

And in 1966, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the date became officially confirmed and acquired the state status of a “weekend” day. And after the collapse of the UNION, March 8 remained among the official ones. Not every holiday has retained such privileges, however, International Women's Day has endured, as if to confirm the glory of women's resilience and strength.

Ideologists of the creation of International Women's Day - Clara Zetkin and Rosa Luxemburg

Today, few people remember and reflect on the origin of the holiday and its rich history. On March 8, the world turns into a fragrant garden, as every man strives to bestow his beloved with a bouquet of flowers, gifts and warm words.

It is customary for work teams to organize corporate parties on this day, set tables and congratulate beautiful ladies on the holiday of Spring, Beauty and Tenderness. Management usually issues bonuses for the heroes of the occasion.

Almost all cities are preparing holiday events, concerts, performances, exhibitions, sales, promotions. Congratulations, favorite songs and films, interviews with famous women and top officials of the state.

The political meaning of the holiday has long ago exhausted itself, however, and today there are feminist groups and detachments that organize various kinds of demonstrations and processions on March 8, trying to attract attention to themselves in order to publicly declare their problems.

Most women prefer to spend the holiday with their family, exchanging congratulations with each other, basking in the tenderness of men who on this day make a lot of effort to become an ideal husband, father, son, brother, even for a day.

International Womens Day- World Women's Day, which celebrates the achievements of women in the political, economic and social areas, celebrates the past, present and future of the planet's women. International Women's Day is a holiday celebrated annually on March 8th in a number of countries as “women’s day.” The holiday is celebrated by the United Nations, and in some countries - Russia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Ukraine - this day is national holiday.

Interestingly, the idea of ​​holding International Women's Day first arose precisely at the beginning of the 20th century, when the industrialized world was experiencing a period of expansion and upheaval, a demographic boom and the emergence of radical ideologies. Although there is an opinion that the first ever “March of Empty Pots” by New York textile workers, which took place on March 8, 1857, became one of the prerequisites for the celebration of International Women’s Day. Women protested against unacceptable working conditions and low wages, demanded a reduction in working hours, improved working conditions, and equal wages with men. Women at that time worked up to 16 hours a day (unlike men, who had already achieved a 10-hour working day), and their work was very low paid.

Half a century later, in 1908, on March 8, American women again held a rally demanding a ban. child labor, improving conditions in factories and, again, giving women the right to vote. A year later, the last Sunday in February was declared National Women's Day in America.

In 1910, the 2nd International Conference of Working Women took place in Copenhagen. Leader of the women's group of the Social Democratic Party of Germany Clara Zetkin(Clara Zetkin) put forward the idea of ​​celebrating International Women's Day. She suggested that Women's Day should be celebrated on the same day every year in every country. Zetkin called the purpose of this holiday the struggle of women for their rights. But then this proposal went little unheard. And although the creation of the holiday was not a matter of one day, it was decided to choose a day that could be considered the birthday of the “female proletariat.”

Having studied the experience of her American colleagues in the struggle for women's equality, Zetkin invited women around the world to choose a day when they would draw the world's attention to their demands. The conference unanimously voted for the establishment International Day solidarity of women in the struggle for economic, social and political equality.

For several years, International Women's Day was celebrated in different countries V different time.

In 1911, this holiday was celebrated on March 19 in Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland. Then more than a million people took part in demonstrations in defense of women's rights. Then the holiday was celebrated on May 12, 1912.

A year later, for the first time, International Women's Day was celebrated in Russia - in St. Petersburg. The petition addressed to the mayor announced the organization of a “scientific morning on women’s issues.” The authorities gave permission, and on March 2, 1913, one and a half thousand people gathered in the building of the Kalashnikov Bread Exchange on Poltavskaya Street. The agenda of the scientific readings included the following issues: the right to vote for women; state provision motherhood; about the high cost of living. And only in 1914, in many European countries, on or around March 8, women organized marches - this time to protest against the war.

February 1917

February 23, old style (March 8), 1917 during the beginning of the riots, which later grew to the February Revolution, textile workers in the Vyborg district of Petrograd were among the first to go on strike. Also, a procession organized by socialists took place along Nevsky Prospect to the City Duma, demanding women's equality and bread.

On this day (March 8) Women from all continents, often separated by national borders or ethnic, linguistic, cultural, economic and political differences, have the opportunity to come together and remember a tradition that represents at least nine decades of struggle for equality, justice, peace and development.


International Women's Day was popular around the world in the 1910s and 1920s, but then its popularity faded. For the first time, “March 8 Day” in Russia was celebrated in 1913 in St. Petersburg, as a popular event in Western society.

In 1921, by decision of the 2nd Communist Women's Conference, it was decided to celebrate International Women's Day on March 8 in memory of the participation of women in the demonstration in Petrograd on March 8 (February 23, old style) 1917, as one of the events that preceded the February Revolution.

International Women's Day March 8 from the first years of Soviet power became public holiday. There was even a certain holiday ritual - on this day ceremonial events the state reported to society on the implementation public policy in relation to women.

Since 1966, in accordance with the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of May 8, 1965, International Women's Day has become a holiday and a non-working day (weekend) . Gradually, in the USSR, the holiday completely lost its political overtones and connection with women’s struggle against discrimination (according to some points of view, a radical change in the meaning of the holiday in the public consciousness could be, to a greater or lesser extent, the result of the deliberate activities of the country’s political leadership), becoming “the day of all women” and acquired modern features.

IN Ancient Greece To end the war, Lysistrata organized a sex strike against men; during French Revolution Parisian women, campaigning for "liberty, equality and fraternity", organized a march on Versailles to demand women's suffrage.

More V Ancient Rome There was a women's day - a holiday of free-born women (matrons). On this day, women received gifts from their men and were surrounded by love and attention. The Roman women put on their best clothes and came to the temple of the goddess Vesta, the guardian of the hearth. Even female slaves on this day were allowed by their owners to take a break from daily duties and also gave gifts.

International Women's Day and the UN

Since 1975, the UN, in connection with the International Year of Women, began to celebrate International Women's Day on March 8. In 1977, the UN General Assembly (resolution No. A/RES/32/142) invited states to declare, in accordance with their traditions and customs, any day of that year Day of struggle for women's rights and international peace United Nations. This decision was taken in connection with both the International Women's Year and the International Women's Decade (1976-1985).

Events dedicated to the United Nations Day for Women's Rights and International Peace are dedicated to the UN on March 8th.

In modern Russia

The celebration of March 8 in Russia includes the well-established “ritual” of giving flowers and gifts to women.

According to VTsIOM, for the majority of Russians (regardless of gender, age and occupation) March 8 is, first of all, a women's holiday. This is how 66% of respondents described this day. According to 18%, March 8 is a holiday of the beginning of spring, 9% of respondents regard it as International Women's Day of Solidarity, 8% - as extra day off, and 4% do not consider March 8 a holiday at all.

A number of Russian authors and organizations (in particular, journalist Natalya Radulova) criticize the perception of International Women's Day and the nature of its celebration that has developed in the territory of the former USSR. In their opinion, the holiday, contrary to its original meaning, promotes sexist stereotypes.

Countries that officially celebrate March 8th: Armenia (In 1996, it was canceled and instead of March 8, Armenia began to celebrate April 7 as the Day of Motherhood and Beauty. Later, in 2001, March 8 was restored to the calendar. Now in our country both March 8 and 7 are celebrated April.), Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, Belarus, Burkina Faso, Vietnam, Guinea-Bissau, Georgia, Zambia, Kazakhstan, Cambodia, Kyrgyzstan, Kiribati, China (officially normal working day for all), Costa Rica, Cuba, Laos, Madagascar (day off for women only), Moldova, Mongolia, Nepal, Russia, Serbia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uganda, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Croatia, Montenegro, Eritrea, Latvia.

International Women's Day is a celebration of ordinary women who became history makers. It has its roots in the centuries-old struggle of women to participate in society on an equal basis with men.

In Russia, March 8 is the only holiday when men give their women - mothers, sisters, grandmothers - not only flowers and gifts, but also washed dishes.

International Women's Day themes:

  • 2005 - “Equality of women after 2005: for a guaranteed future”;
  • 2006 — “Women in the decision-making process. Meeting challenges and driving change";
  • 2007 — “Ending impunity in cases of violence against women and girls”;
  • 2008 — “Investing in the development of women and girls”;
  • 2009 - “Women and men, together we will end violence against women and girls”;
  • 2010 - " Equal rights, equal opportunities: progress for all";
  • 2011 - “Equal access to education, vocational training, achievements of science and technology - the path to decent work for women.”

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March 8 is recognized as International Women's Day, but few people know how this holiday appeared. We celebrate it and don’t think about how women achieved equality and respectful attitude to yourself. And it all started hundreds of years ago, from Matrona’s Day.

It turns out that the history of the March 8 holiday dates back to Ancient Rome. Then this holiday did not have a specific name, and it was celebrated by noble matrons. At that time, matrons were women who were free in their birth and were married. When the holiday arrived, husbands gave their wives wonderful gifts and surrounded them with warmth, love and care all day long.

Even slaves on this day were freed from their direct duties and could do whatever they wanted. Most often, women living in Rome took out their most best outfits, put them on and went to the temple of the Goddess Vesta - the guardian of the family hearth - probably thereby saying thank you to her for this wonderful day.

First strike

But time passed, and patriarchy came again. Men oppressed women, humiliated them, infringed on their rights. In the 19th century, women could not take up high-ranking positions, did not have the right to vote, and also could not work wherever they wanted. The fair sex did not want to put up with this, because their grievances had accumulated over the years. And in 1857, on March 8, the first strike was held by women in New York.

The instigators of the action were textile workers who worked 16 hours a day and received pennies. Women wanted to be able to work the same as men, that is, 10 hours, and that the rooms in which they worked were warm and bright. They also demanded that their wages be equal to those received by men. Of all of the above, they achieved little, only a ten-hour work shift, but even this was a big victory in those days.

In addition to the strike, representatives of the fair sex decided to create their own trade union organization, although before that they did not have such a right. Hundreds of women took to the streets with posters and proved to everyone around them that they could have the right to vote and also elect their government, like men. Thus, the story of March 8 gained momentum, and the Socialist Party of America decided that every last Sunday in February would be recognized as women's day. But this holiday was celebrated in the country for only 4 years.

The fight continues

After this decision was made at the International Women's Conference in Copenhagen, Clara Zetkin proposed organizing rallies similar to the American action every year around the world. This was not just a proposal, it was a real war cry that sounded for women all over the world to stand up for what is right. Many girls responded. The first actions to help the poor, protests for the right to work appeared, some fought for world peace, and some began to defend their dignity and the honor of those women who regularly suffered domestic violence.

The first countries to respond to the celebration of Women's Day were Denmark, Germany, Switzerland and Austria. True, everything was celebrated on March 19, but this was already a big plus in the lives of many women. Then, for the March 8 holiday, the history of its origin played a big role: it was the strike, that is, a pronounced protest, that led to the fact that a new important date appeared in the calendars of girls of that time. Moreover, at the same time many women received decent job and rights equal to men.

In 1913, Russia celebrated the holiday on March 8 for the first time. Meanwhile, in countries where the government did not approve the introduction of Women's Day, rallies and strikes were organized, and, of course, they were carried out by women. For example, in England there were a number of strikes against the arbitrariness of men and their attitude towards the fair sex. Even London prostitutes came out to protest, demanding better conditions and higher rates.

However, in deep-rooted bourgeois countries, March 8 never became an “international” day. Apparently, the housewives there were not particularly attracted by the revolutionary struggle and the change from cozy, albeit boring, kitchens to exile and hard labor that accompanied this struggle.

Holiday approvals

In 1917, when March 8 was already celebrated constantly, the history of the holiday also affected countries such as Finland, Iceland and Norway. In these countries, women finally got the right to vote. In 1921, at the second international women's conference, it was decided that March 8 would now be more than just women's day. This holiday will also be celebrated as a memory of all those women who were once not afraid to go out and defend their rights!

In 1965, the Supreme Council of the USSR approved March 8 as official holiday. From that time on, it began to appear red on the calendar, and people began to give a day off on this day. Time passed, and gradually the holiday became less political and more and more romantic, and, despite the fact that the Soviet Union collapsed a long time ago, it was not stopped being celebrated.

In addition, March 8 is considered a day off not only in the countries of the former Soviet Union. Angola, Mongolia, Macedonia, China, Congo and Cambodia have joined this tradition. March 8 is celebrated as Mother's Day in Uzbekistan, and in Armenia this day is recognized as the day of motherhood and world beauty women. But International Women's Day in these countries, as well as in Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia, was canceled for unknown reasons. By the way, the most romantic country - France - also does not celebrate the eighth of March, no matter how regrettable it may sound. They do not believe that this day should be red on the calendar, that it is worthy of respect. Many Frenchmen and Frenchwomen generally consider it meaningless.

March 8 in different countries

Despite the fact that March 8 is a day when the history of the holiday itself means a lot, countries around the world decided to celebrate it in different ways.

  • In Italy, it is not customary to spend this day with men. Women in their groups gather in a cafe and celebrate. By the way, if such a company is in the cafe, men are not allowed to enter!
  • In Germany, this holiday also did not gain much momentum. It is not considered a day off, and even many women are indifferent to it.
  • Vietnam, like Russia, celebrates this holiday. It means a lot to them, because before it was dedicated to the sisters who gave their lives to save the country.
  • In Bulgaria, this holiday is celebrated, but there is no day off for it. Therefore, often in teams where there are women, feasts are arranged after lunch, and men congratulate their female colleagues.
  • In China, this holiday has already been lost. Only those women who were revolutionaries in their time receive congratulations. Everyone else has nothing to do with this celebration.
  • In Cuba, International Women's Day is great holiday. The thing is that there was a time when women went “on the warpath” and fought on an equal basis with men. That is why on March 8, the beautiful half of humanity receives congratulations and gifts from everywhere.

In Russia, the holiday is revered today in the same way as it was revered several decades ago. The day off is organized everywhere, both in government organizations and private ones. Very often there are concerts dedicated to women. In the mornings, crowds of men stand near flower shops in order to buy the most beautiful bouquets his beautiful women. The favorite flower of most is the mimosa, because it is associated with the beginning of spring. Many men stand at the stove on this day, relieving their beloved women of all worries. They bring breakfast in bed, clean and cook romantic dinner or another surprise. Each Russian woman looks forward to this day to receive not only gifts, but also positive emotions, which are often so lacking throughout the year.

On the eve of March 8th in stores you can find a lot of different unique gifts which are dedicated women's day. These include interesting chocolate bars, many varieties of perfumes, various sets of dishes, and colorful postcards with both humorous and serious wishes.

They usually congratulate all women: colleagues, mothers, grandmothers, daughters, wives, loved ones, and even passers-by. The atmosphere of the holiday always reigns in the air, and you really feel that spring will begin soon. After all, women, of course, are associated with beauty. And it is already associated with spring.

The history of the March 8 holiday takes us back to the times when women proved to the whole world what they are capable of. This is the day when girls decided to real life, when they became equal and received the right to vote. This holiday must be remembered not as another reason to receive or give a gift, but as proof that women are not such a weaker sex after all!