Exercise as a method of educating discipline and organization in children. Discipline in the family is like a good family tradition

Education of discipline and culture of behavior in preschoolers

DISCIPLINE - obligatory and conscious submission of one's behavior to established norms of public order. The presence of discipline is necessary for the organization of any activity, especially in a team environment. By showing discipline, a person expresses his respect for the rules of behavior in society, for the people with whom he works, lives, and rests together. Discipline plays an important role in the formation of personality, helping to educate such aspects of it as the ability to obey the general requirements of the team, to comply with the established rules of life in it, to restrain from unreasonable desires that run counter to common interests or opportunities for their implementation, organization of behavior, obedience, self-control . And therefore discipline should be considered as the result of all educational work. This position was especially emphasized by A. S. Makarenko.

CULTURE OF BEHAVIOR of a preschooler is a set of stable forms of everyday behavior useful for society in everyday life, in society, in various activities.

The culture of behavior is based on a deeply social moral feeling - respect for a person, for the laws of human society.

The concept of culture of behavior is very broad. It includes external and internal culture. The external (manners, outward appearance) and internal culture (respect for others, sensitivity, truthfulness, etc.) must be in unity.

Cultural and hygienic skills and habits- an important component of the culture of behavior. The need for neatness, keeping the face, hands, body, hair, clothes, shoes clean is dictated not only by the requirements of hygiene, but also by the norms of human relations. Children should understand that respect for others is shown in observing these rules. Adults, on the other hand, should remember that the skills instilled in childhood, including cultural and hygienic ones, are of great benefit to a person throughout his entire life.

Culture of communication with adults and peers provides for the implementation by children of the norms and rules of communication based on respect and goodwill, using the appropriate vocabulary and forms of address, as well as polite behavior in public places and everyday life. The culture of communication means the ability not only to act in a certain way, but also to refrain from inappropriate actions and gestures in the given circumstances. The child must be taught to notice the condition of other people.

The culture of communication necessarily implies a culture of speech. This is the presence of a sufficient vocabulary in a preschooler, the ability to speak concisely, maintaining a calm tone. It is equally important to teach the child to listen carefully to the interlocutor, to stand calmly during the conversation, to look in the face of the speaker. The culture of speech is formed in the classroom and in everyday life, in various types of independent activities.

Activity culture manifested in the behavior of children in the classroom, in the game, in work. To form a culture of activity in a child means to educate him in the ability to maintain in order the workplace where he works, studies, plays; the habit of bringing the work begun to the end, taking care of toys, things, books. An important indicator of the culture of activity is a natural craving for interesting, meaningful activities, the ability to value time.

Conditions for educating a culture of behavior of preschoolers:

1. Authority and culture of educators and parents . The culture of the teacher, the nature of his communication with children, the style of relationships are of great importance in the formation of a culture of behavior. The ability of the educator to use advice instead of remarks, and sometimes humor, to tactfully correct the violation, interest in children's undertakings, the desire to support them, trust and affection. - all this makes the children want to communicate with him, to readily respond to every request. Children imitate the behavior of an authoritative teacher, transfer it to relationships with peers. The behavior of the child also reflects the culture of the parents.

2. Precise Mode Implementation allows preschoolers to maintain a balanced state, to switch from one activity to another in a timely manner, to prevent overwork, to alternate the time of active activity and rest. The exact mode allows you to form a stereotype of behavior. Timely implementation of routine processes prevents disruptions in behavior that usually occur during a tiring wait.

3. Proper organization of the situation in which the children are. Selection of toys, various materials, manuals and equipment that correspond to the age of children, their interests and the content of knowledge, skills and abilities, convenient placement of furniture, all this creates conditions for the deployment of a variety of activities, captivates preschoolers, allows them to find activities of interest and thereby prevents disruptions in behavior.

4. Positive emotional atmosphere in kindergarten and family. This is an atmosphere of goodwill, varied and active meaningful activities of children, which instills in children the desire for employment, organizes their lives and is reflected in the formation of their culture of behavior.

Behavior of children in kindergarten regulated by the rules which are formed on the basis of norms:

Rules should be specific, suggesting certain actions. For example: "Entering a group room, you need to say hello to everyone present in it";

The rules should be formulated clearly, accessible to the understanding of children, in the form of instructions, not prohibitions;

Each new rule takes time for children to assimilate it (clarifications, training in implementation, reminders, prevention of possible violations);

The rules are introduced gradually.

Methods of education: explanation, demonstration, exercise, reminder, control, evaluation, conversation, reading works of art, looking at illustrations, a positive example, encouragement and punishment.

In the younger groups, the teacher teaches children to behave correctly, consistently and patiently achieves obedience, some independence in the implementation of elementary rules of behavior. In the middle group, the teacher constantly monitors the independent implementation of the rules, and in case of violation, he achieves timely correction of errors. It is important to prevent possible violations, which is facilitated by a reminder of the rules, a preliminary assessment. At the older preschool age, sufficiently stable skills of a culture of behavior should be formed. The ability to voluntary behavior increases, which allows children to restrain themselves from unwanted actions, to consciously follow the established rules. Behavioral motives are formed. The teacher becomes more demanding of the children, makes them quickly and accurately comply with the rules.


State the main reason why you lack discipline. Perhaps in childhood you were greatly taken care of, protecting you from all difficulties, and there was simply no need to develop the fighting qualities of character. In any case, be sure that you can develop the necessary skills in yourself.

Create a motivation system. Why do you need to change yourself in principle, what will it give? What happens if you continue to indulge your weaknesses? Clearly imagine how life will change when you can manage it yourself. Outline the result you want to strive for.

Stop constantly reproaching yourself for being weak-willed, as you only exacerbate the situation. Develop a step-by-step plan to help you become a disciplined person. Start with the basic planning of your time.

Write down all the things that you need to do during the day, especially those that you tend to shirk. For example, if you need to cook porridge in the morning, but you really don’t feel like it, add this item to the list, so you definitely won’t forget about a healthy breakfast. Post your to-do list in a prominent place.

Try not to deviate from the planned schedule, be punctual. At first, the difficulties will seem insurmountable, do not believe this feeling, it will soon pass. Over time, you will get used to orderliness and stop feeling stressed.

Go in for sports, he disciplines perfectly. You can start with morning exercises, and then move on to more serious workouts. By constantly improving your results, you will learn to overcome laziness and at the same time gain excellent physical shape.

Think of a reward system for every additional commitment you make, for every small win. Did you manage to prepare for a difficult exam in just a couple of days? Reward yourself with a trip to the movies or a celebratory dinner at your favorite cafe. Remind yourself often that you can achieve a lot if you just want to.

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Be open-minded and fair. If you made a mistake somewhere, then you don’t need to hide behind your old beliefs, like behind a shield, feel free to reconsider your positions. You will be able to defend your rightness only if you yourself are convinced that you are really right.

Discipline is the obligatory and conscious subordination of one's behavior to the established norms of public order.

The presence of discipline is necessary for the organization of any activity, especially in a team environment. By showing discipline, a person expresses his respect for the rules of behavior in society, for the people with whom he works, lives, and rests together.

Discipline plays an important role in the formation of personality, helping to educate such aspects of it as the ability to obey the general requirements of the team, to comply with the established rules of life in it, to restrain from unreasonable desires that run counter to common interests or opportunities for their implementation, organization of behavior, obedience, self-control . And therefore discipline should be considered as the result of all educational work. This position was especially emphasized by A.S. Makarenko.

During preschool childhood, under properly organized conditions of education, there is a significant increase in the discipline of children. So, already in the younger group, under the influence of interest in the situation specially created by the teacher, they show restraint, organization (they carefully get up from their chairs and remove toys before going for a walk so as not to wake the doll, try to get dressed on their own, without being distracted, to please Petrushka, and etc.).



"Cultivating Disciplineand culture of behavior among preschoolers in kindergarten "

Discipline is the obligatory and conscious subordination of one's behavior to the established norms of public order.

The presence of discipline is necessary for the organization of any activity, especially in a team environment. By showing discipline, a person expresses his respect for the rules of behavior in society, for the people with whom he works, lives, and rests together.

Discipline plays an important role in the formation of personality, helping to educate such aspects of it as the ability to obey the general requirements of the team, to comply with the established rules of life in it, to restrain from unreasonable desires that run counter to common interests or opportunities for their implementation, organization of behavior, obedience, self-control . And therefore discipline should be considered as the result of all educational work. This position was especially emphasized by A.S. Makarenko.

During preschool childhood, under properly organized conditions of education, there is a significant increase in the discipline of children. So, already in the younger group, under the influence of interest in the situation specially created by the teacher, they show restraint, organization (they carefully get up from their chairs and remove toys before going for a walk so as not to wake the doll, try to get dressed on their own, without being distracted, to please Petrushka, and etc.).

By helping children to accumulate the experience of actions that comply with the rules of behavior, we, teachers, ensure that these necessary ways of behavior are consolidated, become more conscious, stable, manifest both under his supervision and voluntarily. As a result of the formation of disciplined behavior, older preschoolers are capable of choosing the right action, of such reasoning as: “I want, but I can’t, and therefore I must give up my desire”; “I don’t want to, but I have to, and therefore I must do the assigned work.”

Kindergarten forms certain norms of behavior in children, which reflect the attitude towards adults, peers, public domain, to their own activities, duties, a culture of behavior is manifested. Children master these norms of behavior by assimilating a number of rules that regulate their various relationships with people. The rules, due to their specificity, become accessible to the understanding of children, they are assimilated by them in the process of various activities and relationships with others, they turn into skills and habits of behavior.

It is very important to form in children a respectful attitude towards adults from an early age. From the first years of life, the child enters into certain relationships with adults: parents, close family members who surround him with love, affection, care, creating an atmosphere of warmth, security, and goodwill. With admission to kindergarten, the circle of relations between the child and adults expands. Children enter into relationships with a teacher, a nanny, a nurse and other employees. And therefore, from the very beginning, it is necessary to form in them the correct ways of addressing adults, forms of showing respect for them, which would be based on affection, a sense of respect and trust, obedience (the desire to listen to elders, willingly fulfill their requests, suggestions, show precaution, desire please an adult with your act, etc.). At older preschool age, children strive to help adults, take care of them, try to please them, protect their peace. Children learn the rules of behavior in public places, show attention, courtesy and courtesy in dealing with people.

In kindergarten, children are surrounded by peers, and therefore the teacher faces the task of forming their norms of behavior that reflect their attitude towards peers, based on respect for comrades, responsiveness, compliance, goodwill, mutual assistance.

At an early age, the foundations of these norms are formed in babies: the ability not to interfere with the play of a peer, not to take away a toy, but to ask or choose another for themselves, wait until he plays, etc.

There are initial forms of positive relationships: the ability to show responsiveness (to take pity on a crying peer, to please a toy), goodwill, a desire to play and study together. The teacher encourages joint activities (sledding, building a house out of cubes, playing ball, etc.).

In older preschool age, the norms of behavior in relation to peers are based on the great consciousness of children, the ability to voluntary behavior. They develop caring towards their peers. Positive relationships in joint activities, beginnings, collectivism, the ability to take care of a sick comrade, fairly resolve a dispute, convince a comrade that he is wrong, or agree with his opinion, admitting his mistake.

Life in kindergarten creates many situations in which it is possible to develop friendly relationships between children. The task of the teacher is to use these situations to encourage children to act, reflecting the norms of behavior in the team.

A large place in educational work is occupied by the formation of norms of behavior in children in public places, and above all in the kindergarten itself .. These norms show respect for others: the ability to take into account the condition of other people, to reckon with them, doing their own activities, without interfering with others. Already in the younger groups, the teacher teaches the children to walk along the corridor without interfering with the work of adults (the doctor, the manager), to dress calmly, without shouting, so as not to interfere with the children who are studying, etc.

The teacher teaches children to behave correctly in transport, on the street, in the park. For example, he introduces them to the following rules: when playing in the square, do not interfere with those who are resting; While in transport, keep silence, give way to older people, etc.

In kindergarten, children are taught to take care of things. It includes the formation of ideas that every thing is the result of labor, and therefore careless handling of it may indicate a disrespectful attitude towards working people. The norms of attitude to things include the ability to use them for their intended purpose, always put them in their place, not be indifferent if you find a thing (toy, book) thrown or left in the wrong place, in case of a breakdown, seek help from an adult, try to fix it, fix. While raising children to be thrifty, the teacher at the same time prevents the manifestation of stinginess, greed, the desire to protect only one's own, carelessly treating someone else's.

At preschool age, children learn the norms of behavior that reflect a positive attitude towards work. In younger preschoolers, this should be manifested in the willing fulfillment of elementary labor assignments, interest in the work of others. Children early begin to imitate the skillful actions of adults, to take part in their work, although their capabilities are very limited. So, they willingly help with table setting, are happy to fulfill a request to bring or serve any item, hold an instrument, etc.

The educator teaches middle-aged children to independently and willingly perform the labor actions available to them in accordance with the rule: "I will do everything I can myself." They develop a desire to help their peers, to notice their difficulties, to carry out individual assignments related to caring for the team.

In children of older preschool age, the teacher develops an understanding of the need for work, instills a sense of responsibility for the task assigned. This is manifested in the conscious fulfillment of assignments and duties of duty officers, independence and purposefulness in work, mobilizing all efforts to achieve results. Industriousness is brought up, the ability to get involved in work on one's own initiative, to work in a small team, performing a common task.

The most important condition for the education of discipline and culture of behavior in children is the authority and culture of the educator and parents. The culture of the teacher, the nature of his communication with children, the style of relationships are of paramount importance in the formation of their discipline. The ability of the educator to use advice instead of comments, and sometimes a joke, to tactfully correct the violation, interest in children's undertakings, the desire to support them, trust and affection - all this will certainly develop into trust in the teacher, the desire to communicate with him, obey his orders, and readily respond for every request. Children imitate an authoritative educator, transfer his affectionate tone and tact into relationships with peers.

The behavior of the child also reflects the culture of the parents. Relations in the family, goodwill in communication between its members become for him the example that he strives to imitate when entering into relationships with peers ..

An important condition for the education of discipline is a clear implementation of the regime. The correct daily routine allows preschoolers to maintain a balanced state, timely switch them from one activity to another, avoiding overwork, and alternate hours of active activity and rest. A clear holding of regime moments also prevents breakdowns in behavior that usually occur during a tiring wait.

The teacher pays special attention to ensuring that the group maintains an atmosphere of goodwill, varied and active meaningful activities of children.

The behavior of children in kindergarten is regulated by rules that correspond to the moral standards of our society. Due to the concreteness of thinking, only such rules are available to the preschooler that involve certain, specific actions. For example: “Any thing that you used must be put in its place”, “Entering a group room, you must say hello to everyone present in it”, “You must politely make a request, thank you for the service”, etc. All the rules that given to children should be formulated clearly, accessible to their understanding, in the form of instructions, not prohibitions.

The experience of behavior corresponding to the rules is formed in children under the condition of organizing exercises in their implementation. This was pointed out by A.S. Makarenko, who noticed that between knowing how to act and habitual behavior there is a small groove that needs to be filled with experience.

By organizing the experience of children's behavior in accordance with accepted rules, it is important to ensure the unity of pedagogical requirements. Such a situation is unacceptable when one educator requires children to comply with the rules accurately and in a timely manner, achieves awareness of the need to act in accordance with them, and the other pays insufficient attention to this. In this case, children are in danger of developing in children the ability to adapt to the characteristics of adults.

The rules of behavior are introduced gradually, because preschoolers cannot remember several requirements at the same time and regulate their actions in accordance with them.

In the formation of children's experience of behavior that meets certain rules, a large place is occupied by the control of the educator. This allows you to prevent a child's possible mistake, remind him of the rule in a timely manner, prompt him to do the right thing, and monitor the quality of the fulfillment of the requirements by individual children.

Control is always accompanied by evaluation. The educator either supports, approves the actions of pupils, or prevents the repetition of negative actions. Children realize that not only actions deserve approval, but also the child himself: the teacher sets him as an example, praises him. All this encourages them to imitate a good example, to earn the approval of the educator. Therefore, do not be stingy with praise, a kind word ..

By cultivating discipline and a culture of behavior, the teacher constantly complicates the requirements for the behavior of children, while he takes into account their experience, the level of assimilation of the rules, as well as the ability to consciously regulate their behavior.

In the daily life of the group, there may be cases of conflicts between children, violations of discipline, disobedience to the rules. The reasons for this are varied. One of the main ones is the inconsistency of the requirements for the child in kindergarten and the family, the lack of unity in the methods of influencing him.

Children also violate discipline in case of fatigue, long waits, in the initial (hidden) period of the disease, so the teacher must take into account the condition of the children, transfer them from one activity to another in a timely manner.

Preschoolers also violate discipline in conditions when a system of prohibitions is established in the group, sometimes completely unreasonable, or when the teacher constantly makes them wait for someone (“Let's wait until Kolya gets dressed”). Endless expectations cause irritation, children are looking for something to do, and I often break the established rules.

Cases of violation of discipline should be considered primarily as a pedagogical miscalculation in the organization of the lives of children and the management of their activities. The teacher should analyze how meaningful the activity of the child who violated discipline was. After all, children who do not have a steady interest in any activity most often violate discipline. The best measure in such cases would be to involve the child in activities, help in organizing it, and advice to achieve results. If the child is overexcited, does not accept any advice and suggestions, it is better to give him the opportunity to calm down and only then include him in a variety of activities.

The question arises, what is the most important means of educating discipline and organization.

For the education of discipline, the main thing is the organic combination of explanation, persuasion with the exercise of students in discipline and organized behavior.

Of great importance is the direct and unconditional, daily and rigorous fulfillment by children of the requirements and rules set by their parents. These requirements must enter into the blood and flesh of the student, become his strong habit.

Therefore, the main attention in the education of discipline should be turned to ensuring that the well-understood rules and requirements of modern morality are transformed through constant exercise into stable habits of behavior.

Various kinds of assignments, a well-thought-out educational regime at school and family, the implementation of which is ensured by the joint efforts of teachers and parents, accustoming children to the practical implementation of the rules of cultural and disciplined behavior through a specific display combined with exercises - these are the main forms and methods of forming the qualities of discipline and organization .

In his interesting and significant teaching practice, A. S. Makarenko often used special exercises to instill discipline and organization among the colonists.

They do not know whether suspicious persons walk or do not walk, they assume that this is a test, but if someone says that this is a test, then others will warm him up. They will go, check, return; they missed part of their favorite picture, and no one will say anything that they missed their favorite picture, but they go and look further.

Of great importance for the education of discipline is the fulfillment of scout assignments by schoolchildren, especially in those cases when they are of a labor, socially useful nature. This instills in children perseverance, initiative, organizational skills and a sense of responsibility for the task assigned. Fulfilling the instructions of the school and family, the student grows spiritually, learns to seek and find great things in small things, acquires important qualities of discipline and organization.

Exercises in discipline through various assignments begin with the simplest - with self-service, with the performance of the simplest duties in everyday life.

Yura's father, engineer Nikolaev G., says that his son was seven years old when an electric kettle appeared in the family, which attracted the attention of his son. He expressed a desire to warm it.

“Very well,” we said, “only you give us tea now.”

They showed how to pour water, how to turn it on and off. And so the son became our “drinker”. It happened that the drinker forgot about his duties, then someone reminded: “What are you, Yurochka, do you want to leave us without tea?” Or they simply said: "Yura, remember your duty." And the boy immediately took up the teapot.

The assignment, of course, is not great, but the boy learned to do something for others, he practiced in an organized and clear performance of his duties.