World Beauty Day. How to spend a day of health and beauty

Marina Garashchenko
Scenario physical entertainment“Day of Beauty and Health” for children 5–6 years old


Formation children's desire to be beautiful and healthy.


Provide restorative effect on the child's body.

Instill in children the desire to healthy image life, to classes physical education.

Teach children competently and correctly care for your body, help form the correct beautiful posture.

Exercise children in balance in games, when performing exercises and basic types of movements.

Activation and expansion of students' vocabulary.

- Develop thinking, imagination, creativity in games.

Equipment: letter from the Queen Beauty, ball large diameter, colored cords, rings, inclined boards, stuffed logs.

Progress of the lesson:

Children enter the gym and stand in a line facing the instructor.


Hello guys! (children answer: "Hello!"). What are you like today beautiful! Do you know what the word means « beauty» . What kind of beautiful people.

I suggest you play the game « Beautiful person» . Let's stand in a circle and each of you name a word or phrase, For example: "neat, slender", which you associate with words « Beautiful person» . You have to think and name: what is he like - beautiful person what a person needs in order to be beautiful.

Children stand in a circle and the teacher names the words « beautiful person» and passes the ball to the child standing to his right. He, in turn, names a word that he associates with the words « beautiful person» and passes the ball next child standing on the right.

Sample answers children: Beautiful man – slender – ruddy – tanned – clean – well dressed – neat – healthy - cheerful


Guys, today is the Queen Beauty sent you a letter. Let's find out what it says!

Letter from the Queen beauty:

“Dear friends, I congratulate you on World Day beauty! I wish you to be very beautiful children. To be beautiful, first of all, you need to be healthy. Because healthy the person is always busy physical education and sports, he observes the daily routine, the rules of hygiene of the face and body, eats right, tempers himself and therefore he is always slim, neat, cheerful, kind, calm, well-rested, active during the day, beautiful person. Healthy a person sees well, hears well, breathes easily, sits, stands, walks correctly, and has correct posture.

Posture is how we sit or stand. Good standing posture means that our shoulders are slightly back, rib cage straightened and the body is straightened. When we sit, good posture means that our back is straight and our head is held high. If a man you will constantly slouches and pulls his head into his shoulders; if he sits hunched over at the table, then such an incorrect posture will become a habit for him over the years, and because of this he will not develop very well. beautiful figure and slack appearance. In addition, a person with poor posture will always appear shorter. Remember, when you sit up straight, you look much taller than when you slouch. If you teach yourself to stand up straight from childhood, do gymnastics, dance, and sports, this will help you not only maintain correct posture, but also save you from many diseases.

In wise adult books said: “By posture we mean harmony, majesty, decency and beauty" A person’s posture not only affects the beauty of his figure, the entire external appearance, but also directly related to its health. Posture reflects inner world a person, his mood, well-being, character.

Goodbye guys, be healthy

Instructor: Now guys, take the correct posture and look "The Tale of Correct Posture"

Children dramatize a fairy tale based on the text while performing the movements.

A fairy tale about correct posture

Oh, he's not afraid of work,

Ah, groaning is no good.

He is an athlete, an athlete

He will live at least a hundred years.

Ox looks sideways at Aha,

He looks at sports with fear.

And probably because

He has no luck in business.

The sun is just rising,

Ah is already going to school.

Like a straight string,

A dark backpack behind his back.

Oh he's like an old man

Carrying a bag on his side

He bends his back strongly,

Okh’s side is sticking out,

He takes the bag by hand,

Poor thing, he's very tired.

Here are the lessons behind,

And there's work ahead

With a yoke on his shoulders

Little Ah rushes to the well.

Oh, he moans every now and then, the poor fellow is tired of everything.

Not work, but trouble,

No good.

Oh, I’m too lazy to even bend over,

What a place to change your shoes!

And that's why he

Slippers are of no use at all.


Correct posture does not happen on its own. to myself: like any motor skill, it must be developed with early childhood. Important have good nutrition, Fresh air, selection of furniture according to your height, good lighting, habits of correctly carrying heavy objects, sitting at a table, relaxing your body muscles and monitoring your own gait. Developing a sense of correct posture is acquired through repeated repetition. correct position body: lying down, sitting, standing. For this purpose, preventive gymnastics is carried out or physical education special classes are introduced exercises: exercises while standing in front of a mirror, exercises in the vertical plane, exercises with objects on the head, exercises for coordination of movements. Swimming and dancing are especially useful for preventing postural disorders.

Guys, we've been sitting too long. Let's do a dance warm-up "Three Bears"

Text: Movements:

Once upon a time there were three bears, three bears in the forest.

Three bears went out to warm up in the morning. Walking is normal.

Shel little bear, Teddy Bear Mincing step on tiptoes

She walked in a pink panama hat

Bathing Toptyzhka Mommy Soft step with a roll from heel to toe

And it’s important, well done, the father walked behind everyone. Step on the outside of the foot, hands on the belt

It was not in vain that we approached the river:

Family learning to swim Movements of breaststroke, crawl

The bears came out of the water

They all shook themselves off, swinging their hands, heads, butts, legs

Having fun family

She became cheerful Jumping, dance movements


Now let's do it game exercises corrective gymnastics:

1. "Who takes longer".

2. "Cockfighting"

Two children stand facing each other and accept the original position: feet on the same line, one step ahead of the other. The players, hitting each other's palms, fight to maintain balance.

3. "Turn around"

From and. p. – stand with your feet together, perform jumps with a turn to the right, left (half turn) and around you. Task: hold on after landing in i. P.

4. "Martin".

Stand on one leg, take the other back, tilt your body forward, arms to the sides.

Guys, let's come with you to the correction wall and learn how to fix the correct posture.

Children in groups approach the correction wall, press the back of their head, shoulder blades, buttocks and heels and fix their posture.

Instructor: Now take your places on the benches.

Children sit on benches.

beauty- this is not only correct beautiful posture, This beautiful skin , hair, nails.

During the day you play, run, jump and sweat. Dust gets on the droplets of sweat and turns into dirt. Microbes settle on dirty skin. One small abrasion is enough for microbes to get inside and cause various diseases. On clean skin microbes die. Therefore, it is imperative to keep your skin clean. At least once a week, the entire body should be washed with a washcloth and warm water with soap. Open parts of the body - face, ears, neck - behind day get dirty very quickly. They need to be washed twice a day day - morning and evening. But hands are especially prone to getting dirty, and they usually carry more germs than other parts of the body.

Hands should be washed before eating, after walking, after games and activities, and after visiting the toilet. T-shirts, panties, socks, tights should be changed at least once every two days. Nails should be cut at least once every 10 days.

You need to brush your teeth twice a day day: morning and evening, because beauty is also a beautiful smile.

Now let's play a game "What do you have to do to be beautiful»

I will name some quality or habit, and you try to decide whether this quality is useful or not. If it's useful, then you you will clap your hands, if not, then you you will stomp your feet. So:

Do exercises.


Brush your teeth twice a day day.

Wash once a month.

Littering in the room.

Change socks once a week.

Cut your nails once a week.

Go to school with a backpack.

Brush your hair regularly.

Sit hunched over.

Take a shower daily.

Instructor: Guys, you should be healthy not only physically, that is, with the body, but also mentally, that is, with the soul. Not in vain They say: "IN healthy body healthy mind healthy the person is not capricious, not irritated, not rude. He is cheerful, kind, sympathetic.

Let's stand in a circle and play a game with you “Man, freeze!”. I will speak: "One two Three! Sad man, freeze". And you will depict me sad man. (children pretend to be a sad person). Look how sad your eyes are, your heads and shoulders are drooping. A Now: "One two Three! Frightened man, freeze.". (Children portray a frightened person, the instructor chooses the most successful figure). You see how Masha pulled her head into her shoulders, how she bent her back and legs. Let's play again: "One two Three! Healthy man, freeze!”. (Children pretend healthy person , the instructor selects the most successful figures). See, children, how your backs have straightened, your stomach has tightened, shoulders turned. You have a direct, cheerful look.

Now let's remember what you need to do to be beautiful people and let's play a game "Way to beauty»

The instructor places 4 cords at a distance of one child's step from each other.

Instructor: Form a line facing me. There are colored cords in front of you. Each of you must name what it takes to be beautiful man and takes a step forward - steps on the cord. Those who cannot name it remain in place. Those children who step on the last cord win and are considered smart - beauties and smart, handsome men.

A game is being played with children.


At the end of our lesson, let's walk with you through "the path of correct posture".

Children take a cardboard ring, put it on their head, take the correct posture and walk along a path between the cords, then along a board lying on the floor, then along inclined boards up and down, then along a stuffed log.


Guys, today you learned a lot, learned a lot. I wish you to be healthy, cheerful, cheerful, energetic, fit, beautiful.

International Beauty Day, celebrated on September 9, is professional holiday cosmetologists, plastic surgeons, manufacturers and sellers of cosmetics. This holiday was adopted on the initiative of the International Committee of Aesthetics and Cosmetology SIDESCO. The committee, founded in 1946 in Brussels, is recognized as the main international Association for Beauty Therapy throughout the world. Currently in different countries 33 SIDESCO branches operate.
Thanks to this holiday, beauty contests are held in countries around the world on September 9th. The first such competition took place in Belgium in 1888. But the Miss World competition was held for the first time in 1951 in London.

Very often, the winners of such competitions are not the owners of classical parameters, but participants with a unique appearance.

Beauty - it is in everything!
In every sight, sound and moment!
We will find beauty in nature,
In a word or phrase, and thinking!

You don’t need to look for beauty for a long time,
If beauty is in our hearts:
Beauty is in kindness, love and friendship,
And in happy, joyful eyes!

People strive for beauty
Let the world be beautiful.
Beauty conquers us
And it inspires to heroism.

May it be with you forever
There will be beauty in life
Let the wonderful moments
Cheer up!

Beauty may not save the world, but it will definitely make it more pleasant. Therefore, congratulations on International Beauty Day. We sincerely wish you and your loved ones to always remain happy, healthy, thriving and beautiful, both inside and out.

Happy International Beauty Day!
Let it surround us everywhere.
Good luck to everyone and Great love Wish,
Strive, of course, for your dreams.

May everything around you be beautiful
Let beauty rule the world!
May our firmament be clear,
The sun never fades.

Where are we without beauty?
She will save us all.
World Beauty Festival
Invented as success -
Success in everything, success everywhere.
When can we admire
Moonlit path on the water
Or enjoy the sunset.
Watch the rainbow-arc
Hanging like a yoke...
And may you always have
Even thoughts are beautiful!

WITH wonderful holiday you,
Happy Unreal Beauty Day
I hasten to congratulate you now!
Let your dreams come true

And the appearance will be good,
And success awaits ahead,
The soul will also be beautiful,
And there is laughter in the heart and warmth!

Today is a holiday of beauty.
The one who saves the whole world.
And you are the most beautiful of all,
I know that for sure.

When you walk down the street,
You blind everyone with your beauty.
Your image is bright and good,
And you captivate everyone with it!

Today is definitely your holiday,
There is not the slightest doubt
With its magical beauty
You captivate everyone without exception.

Beauty lives in nature
Both in the plant and in the flower,
And in the autumn weather,
And in the spring stream.

Surrounds us everywhere
You just need to notice
And today people will
Celebrate her holiday.

Look around you, everywhere
So much beauty
I won’t write unnecessary words,
Be beautiful and happy!

May this day be wonderful
Eternal bad weather will recede.
Will light up with bright beauty,
Giving us peace, dreams, tranquility.
Dawns of peace and beauty.
And also friendships and dreams.
Always let beauty be in everything
It illuminates the house with a special light.
Beautiful children to you, beautiful love.

Successful work, let me tell you:
“Success is a companion of a beautiful destiny!”

While we remember about beauty,
We even sing and write about her,
We can be calm about peace.
Yes, yes, and this is very important!
The rational world is beautiful in everything
This means that this holiday is needed.
Let's take this beauty -
She's alive, she's not bothering!
It’s not easy to believe in a fairy tale.
... but sometimes you have to believe!
Since we are gathered far away -
Beauty's eyelids cannot be measured!

Life modern woman It’s fast-paced and sometimes scheduled to the minute; there’s absolutely not enough time to take care of yourself. But who better than you can love yourself and carve out a few minutes during the day to devote them to your beauty and health.

No one but yourself will take care of this best. advises to pay very little attention to yourself during the day - do gymnastics and acupressure face or twice a day - morning and evening, and then you don’t have to spend money on plastic surgery.

In the morning after waking up. Acupressure facial massage - an alternative to plastic surgery

Face and body. 3 minutes

That’s right, if you do acupressure immediately after waking up, and spend only 3 minutes on it, what an amazing effect! Need to borrow comfortable position– sit down with pillows under your back and put your feet on the floor or sit in a chair. Having completely immersed yourself, begin to massage paired points with your thumb or index finger. The movement should be circular, short and with little effort, until you feel a slight ache, approximately 40-45 seconds. Paired points should begin to be stimulated on the right side.

  • 1 Point “He-gu” - located between the index and thumb hands. It is enough to make 9 rhythmic pressures with your thumb.
  • 2 Point “Qui-chi” - can be felt in the hole of the arm bent at the elbow.
  • 3 “Yin-tang” point - located in the very center of the bridge of the nose between the eyebrows.
  • 4 Point “Tzu-san-li” - can be felt if you place the palm of your hand on top of the bent knee, then on the side of it ring finger will rest against the hole where the desired point is located. This important point, it is also called the longevity point, so massage it correctly: with index finger, in a circular motion 20-25 seconds, first clockwise, gradually increasing the pressure and acting for the same amount of time, but counterclockwise.

In the shower - wake up your eyes

Face. 2 minutes

The face often becomes wrinkled and puffy after sleep because when you lie down, more blood flows to it than when it is in rest. vertical position. And here contrast procedures come to the rescue - wash, first rinsing your face 30-40 times hot water(no more than 45 degrees), and then 40-50 times cold. You need to finish washing your face cold water. This kind of vascular gymnastics allows you to fight the appearance of age-related capillary mesh on the face. Just 2 minutes and your face is refreshed and completely awake.

Neck. 3 minutes

And now you need to spend 3 minutes on the neck, because, as you know, it is the neck that reveals a woman’s age, so let’s not forget about it in everyday care. Especially now, in winter, when she sweats and sweats from warm scarves and stuffy collars.

Wipe your neck with a cotton swab soaked in the solution sea ​​salt(1 teaspoon per glass of water). The neck should be wiped from bottom to top so as not to stretch the skin.

Then soak a linen or cotton towel in the same solution and massage your neck with it, lightly tapping it on your chin. To do this, you need to twist the towel into a rope, take it in both hands, bring it under your chin and begin to lightly pat the area under your chin. This is also good prevention double chin.

And at the very end, push your chin forward as far as possible and stretch your neck as hard as you can. If you do it correctly, you will feel how the broad muscle is stretched; the condition of the neck in this problem area depends on its elasticity.

Eyes. 1 minute

You can add shine to your eyes and remove swelling from them using a cool bath: pour boiled or mineral water(without gas) and lowering your face into it, help there with your eyes. Just 1 minute of such bathing will completely rid you of your sleepy look and will perfectly tighten the skin of your eyelids.

Lips. 2 minutes

And finally, spend 2 minutes on your lips, massaging them with a soft toothbrush before brushing your teeth - this massage is especially good for caring for your lips in winter, when the skin on them becomes chapped and flaky. Massage with a soft toothbrush improves blood circulation, makes them plump and elastic. Of course, there should be no cracks on your lips; if you have them, you need to first treat them by lubricating them with honey every day and only then start doing a massage.

And if you soak the brush in an infusion of chamomile or sage or green tea, the effect of the massage will be even stronger. You need to massage with light circular movements from the center to the corners of the lips, first the upper and then the lower lips.

Day – smooth out expression wrinkles

Face. 4 minutes

No matter how busy you are during the day, find yourself 1 minute, sit comfortably in a chair, relax, think about something pleasant, it is at this time that not only the body, but also the facial muscles relax. You can also massage and knead the pads thumbs arms and legs, it is these areas that are responsible for the condition of the face.

And then you can start facial gymnastics, which will only take you 3 minutes.

  • Pull your lips out slightly and, counting to 10, slowly pull them towards the center. Then, returning them to their original position, move your pursed lips to the left and then to the right 4 times. Relax.
  • Open your mouth and say a drawn-out “ah-ah-ah-ah” without stretching or compressing your lips. Now, counting to yourself to 10, without moving your jaws, slowly close your lips (while keeping your mouth slightly open). Stay in this position, counting to yourself to 10.
  • Close your jaws, stretch your lower lip, counting to yourself to 10. Relax, do the same, but stretching both lips at the same time.
  • Puff out your cheeks and move the air in a circle - from right cheek above upper lip to the left cheek under lower lip. Tilt your head back slightly and slowly blow out air, as if you were blowing away a feather.
Eyes. 5 minutes

Now we need to take care of our eyes, they are also a little tired, just 5 minutes acupressure eye massage will help relieve visual fatigue:

  • Vigorously rub your palms against each other and when you feel that they are warmed up, apply them to eyes closed. You will feel like pleasant warmth of your hands flows to the eyelids and relieves tension from the eyes.
  • Then use your index finger and thumb to massage the points between inner corners eyes and the bridge of the nose for a minute, and then, after taking the same minute break, repeat again.
  • And finally, use the pads of your middle fingers to massage the points located about a centimeter from the outer corners of the eyes.

If during the day you were unable to find time for facial gymnastics and acupressure of the eyes, then you can postpone these procedures to the evening and do them after removing eye makeup.

Evening. Restore your facial skin

Face. 1 minute

After cleansing your face, massage it with a slice of Antonovka massage lines where you usually apply cream. Such a light massage for 1 minute gives elasticity to the skin of the face; it’s good if you also massage your neck with the pouring apple.

Eyes. 2 minutes

Spend 2 minutes on your eyes - a light touch will help eliminate swelling and bruising. gymnastics for the eyes:

  • Sit comfortably in a chair, open your eyes wide and slowly count to 10, then close your eyes and relax.
  • Open your eyes and rotate your eyeballs left, up, right, down, and so on, making 10 circles in one direction and the same in the other.
  • Then close your eyes and count to 8.
  • Fix your gaze on some object that is at the level of your eyes and begin to lower your chin down, while keeping your eyes on this object. Now begin to lift your chin up, your eyes still looking at the object. Relax. Now, without taking your eyes off the object, begin to turn your head to the right, then slowly return your head back in front of you and, without taking your eyes off the object, slowly turn it to the left. Return your head to the starting position. Repeat everything again.
Face. 7 minutes

And before applying the night cream, do a nourishing vitamin mask on your face from the fruits you have in this moment at home: any fruit, for example, banana, kiwi, pear – mix 1-2 tablespoons with 1 tablespoon olive oil and lie down with this mask for 7 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. Your skin will thank you.

To save the world, beauty alone is, of course, not enough, but I would like there to be more beauty among the gray routine of everyday life. Our article will tell you about unusual holiday- day of beauty. When and how it is celebrated, who is customary to congratulate and where it even came from - you will learn about all this from our material.

Celebration date

Celebrating Beauty Day began relatively recently. Many people still have not heard of the existence of such a holiday. If you are among the uninitiated, the first thing you should remember is the date - September 9.

This calendar holiday, V different years it is celebrated on the same day.

A word about the heroes of the occasion

Any person who has good taste and who appreciates beauty, one way or another has something to do with this holiday. But the main participants in the events are those who know how to create this beauty.

Therefore, first of all, artists, designers, stylists, make-up artists, nail art and artists should be congratulated on Beauty Day. hairdressing, trainers, cosmetologists and plastic surgeons. Of course, beautiful models are directly related to the holiday. We must not forget about photographers, choreographers, directors who also work in the beauty industry, but remain behind the scenes.

It's about not only about the stars of the fashion world, whose names are familiar to the entire planet. It is quite appropriate and even very desirable to congratulate those who create beauty around you and for you personally on their professional holiday. Surely the masters with whom you regularly communicate will be very happy to receive congratulations.

Beauty Day Establishment

This holiday is considered international. It is celebrated in Russian Federation, Ukraine, Belarus and many other countries of the world for more than two decades.

International Beauty Day was established by the World Committee of Cosmetology and Aesthetics CIDESCO in 1995.

Belgium is traditionally considered the world's cradle of beauty pageants. In this country official events have been held since the summer of 1888.

Such competitive events have always served as an impetus for the development of the beauty industry. It was thanks to them that it was created International organization SYDESCO.

Modern beauty contests are grandiose shows that are watched by almost the whole world. But the result of the competition between the best of the best was not always triumphant and joyful. In past centuries, in some cultures of the world, beauties were treated with caution and even belligerence. For example, in some African tribes The first beauty of the settlement was traditionally chosen to be the main victim to the bloodthirsty deities. And in medieval Europe, natural attractiveness was often evidence of accusations of witchcraft and connections with evil spirits.

Fortunately, those dark times are long gone. Today is a day of beauty and tenderness - this is wonderful holiday, giving only positive emotions and aesthetic pleasure.

Holiday Traditions

It’s not hard to guess that beauty day is unthinkable without a competition. A few decades ago, only the first beauties of the planet from model appearance, perfect figure and flawless skin. Today the world is swept by the fashion for naturalness, and therefore on the catwalks you can see many different manifestations of beauty: plus-size girls, fiery brown-haired women with freckles, models with vitiligo, albinism and unusual skin pigmentation. The age range has also changed a lot - age-plus models, Balzac ladies, and very little girls take part in competitions.

The opportunity to work with a non-standard appearance is a great chance for beauty masters to show their talents. Certainly, main task This day is not so much a display of the wonders that Nature rewards people as a demonstration of the skills of professionals. Therefore, competitions in hairdressing, makeup, body art, and nail design are held in the format of the holiday.

Congratulations to beauty masters

If this holiday is also held in your city and you take part in it, it makes sense to prepare a speech in advance. Nowadays it is not at all necessary to congratulate the heroes of the occasion in verse. If you do not have poetic talent, it is much preferable to write a text in prose, but from the heart, than to simply copy it from the Internet.

Congratulations on Beauty Day can also be prepared for friends who work in related fields, as well as for craftswomen whom you trust to care for your hair, nails and skin. You can get by a small present or a treat, as well as a postcard. Write words of gratitude, praise the delicate taste and neatness of the craftswoman, express your wishes for further cooperation.

It is not at all necessary to rearrange your personal schedule in such a way as to beat all the beauty masters you know on September 9th. You can congratulate and wish creative success at any upcoming session.

A holiday that is always nearby

There are still many days in the year that can be called days of beauty. Those who believe in the Lunar calendar know that there are many of them in each month. But in this case we are not talking about ceremonial events, but about self-care.

There are days in the Lunar calendar that are most favorable for carrying out any procedures. It is generally accepted, and in many cases even confirmed by practical observations, that in different days Depending on the lunar cycle, the effect of procedures varies. Of course, to track the lunar cycle you will need a special calendar, which can be bought at any newsstand.

Let's take a closer look at how to organize self-care taking into account the rhythms of the Moon.

Cosmetic procedures aimed at getting rid of skin defects are recommended to be carried out during the waning moon. We are talking about homemade masks and scrubs, and visits to professional cosmetologist. The wounds will heal faster, there will be no scars left, and the skin will become cleaner. Nutrients The skin absorbs it best when the Moon is waxing.

The most favorable days for cutting hair are the days when the Moon is in Leo. They very well retain the shape and aesthetic appearance of haircuts that were done during the Moon in Virgo. But the days of Pisces and Cancer are considered the least suitable for going to the hairdresser.

It is advisable to perform depilation and sugaring when the moon is waning. The hair will not grow back for a long time, the skin will remain soft. The same period is favorable for caring for the feet, getting rid of warts, and treating nails.

The best time for relaxing massages is during the waning period. And restorative ones are best done when the Moon begins to wax.

Knowing what procedures to carry out on certain lunar beauty days, you can achieve excellent results. After all regular care behind you is also a series of small holidays.

Attention! This lunar calendar is calculated based on Moscow time. If you do not live in the Moscow time zone, consider the time difference with your area.


♌♍ 1 MARTA, Thursday

beauty : today is a bad day for cosmetic procedures. It is also better not to visit the hairdresser: there is a high probability that you will be dissatisfied with the results. Do not use hot hair styling tools.

Nutrition : In spring it is especially important to monitor your diet and take vitamins. If your diet is balanced and has been correctly selected, you may not need vitamins, but if you feel tired, loss of strength, depressed and dark thoughts– Consult your doctor to find the right vitamins and supplements for you!

It's better to refuse : complex cosmetic procedures; hot and spicy foods; enemas and body cleanses.

♍♎ 3 MARTA, Saturday

Moon : decreases in VIRGO, LIBRA from 11:21, 16th, 17th lunar day from 19:59, Moon without course from 02:50 to 11:20

Health : On this day there is a high probability of exacerbation of various diseases associated with digestion, kidneys or bladder. There are risks of colds, so it is better to dress for the season, even if the first spring sun has begun to warm up more strongly. It is dangerous to sit on cold stones and benches.

beauty : Today you can visit the hairdresser. Make cleansing masks for hair and face. It is better to start any procedures after 11:20, when the Moon comes out of idle mode. But still, complex cosmetology may not give desired result. In the afternoon, it’s good to visit saunas, steam baths, sign up for a massage, or do self-massage at home.

Nutrition : still sensitive digestive system, so choose your food items carefully. If you often have bloating and gas in your intestines, today you should especially not eat various foods that can cause these problems. For example, it is better to exclude cabbage, beans, peas, beer, brown bread, etc.

It's better to refuse : complex cosmetic procedures and any operations; starting treatment courses and health treatments; trips to sanatoriums.

♎ 4 MARTA, Sunday

Nutrition : eat right: during the days of the waning moon it is easy to lose excess weight. We advise you to choose only vegetable fats. Immediately after strength or aerobic training, eliminate fats from your diet.

It's better to refuse : quarrels and showdowns with partners.

5 MARTA, Monday

Moon : decreases in LIBRA, SCORPIO from 16:23, 18th, 19th lunar day from 22:34, Moon without course from 09:19 to 16:22

Health : Today is a good day to go to the dentist. In the morning any healing procedures may give unexpected results, so be careful. The day is not suitable for solving any problems related to the genitals. It is better not to visit gynecologists.

beauty : Plan all your cosmetology endeavors before the Moon becomes “single” - before 09:19. However, with the transition of the Moon into the sign of Scorpio, you can also take care of your appearance: any scrubs for the face and body, various cleansing masks will be beneficial (on the days of the waning Moon they will be especially relevant).

Nutrition : It’s good to eat healthy fats and carbohydrates on this day. It’s good to exclude fatty meats, smoked meats, and marinades on this day. These products can negatively affect the functioning of the kidneys, which are still quite vulnerable on this day. It is better to reduce the consumption of protein foods to a minimum today.

It's better to refuse : dangerous species sports and heavy physical activity, from working with electricity; expensive purchases of clothing and jewelry.

6 MARTA, Tuesday

beauty : Not a bad day to take care of your appearance. It is acceptable to have tattoos or piercings. But not in intimate areas! If possible, do not wax your bikini area on this day. Teeth whitening will be successful.

Nutrition : your diet on this day should be moderate, although you may be drawn to high-calorie dishes. Give preference to healthy food, and only then, if you want, you can eat something less healthy for your figure (for example, a cake). Remember that you can eat before going to bed without harming your figure, as long as the food does not exceed your calorie allowance.

It's better to refuse : too large meals with fatty and high-calorie dishes.

Lunar days calendar: beauty and health

Nutrition : With the transition of the Moon into the sign of Sagittarius, it is good to switch to protein foods. Today, however, all products must be fresh and of high quality, since the body is quite sensitive and can react in the form of poisoning and swelling. Avoid alcohol and anything very salty today. For example, beer with salted fish is a real evil on this day!

It's better to refuse : the beginning of travel by water or to bodies of water; suspicious food products; purchases of new and exotic foods or cosmetics; perm.

9 MARTA, Friday

Moon : decreases in SAGITTARIUS, 21st, 22nd lunar day from 02:03, III quarter, fourth phase of the Moon from 14:19

Health : The moon changes phase, which can negatively affect your health. Be careful, don't be overloaded and don't be nervous on this day. Today we advise you to correctly calculate your strengths and capabilities. If you feel tired, it is better not to exercise. Avoid long walks. Irritability and impulsive decision-making can also lead to increased fatigue. Save your strength and nerves. We do not recommend treating asthma.

beauty : unfavorable time for any complex procedures. The best way to practice your appearance today is at home. Cleansing masks for hair and face are acceptable.

Nutrition : lean. Today, if possible, do not eat meat and dairy products, but lean on plant-based proteins. Eating lean foods will help reduce the burden on the body as a whole. Today it is dangerous to overeat and drink alcohol, as the liver is very vulnerable.

It's better to refuse : any complex cosmetic procedures, operations, initiation of treatment; any overload (physical or emotional); clarifying relationships with loved ones.

10 MARTA, Saturday

♒ 14 MARTA, Wednesday

beauty : Still a good time to visit the sauna or bathhouse. Any massage is effective in the first half of the day, but a foot massage is especially good. If you want to become more tanned, visit the solarium (better before 15:00).

Nutrition : a good day for a variety of nutritional experiments. Remember, today is the last day of the month when you can eat your favorite high-calorie foods. Beginning with tomorrow and until the very end of the month, we advise you to approach your choice of dishes wisely, since the risks of excess weight very large.

It's better to refuse : severe physical activity when playing sports.

♈ 19 MARTA, Monday

Moon : grows in ARIES, 2nd, 3rd lunar day from 07:48, Moon without course from 22:29

Health : with the Moon in the sign of Aries, the head is very vulnerable, so it is better to postpone any complex procedures related to the treatment of teeth, ENT organs and other organs in the head area. Any hardening procedures will be effective. You can start with a contrast shower in the morning, but it is better not to pour cold water on your head. Cold and hot shower will give you vigor and energy for the whole day.

beauty : You can wipe your skin with a piece of ice in the morning; To enhance hair growth, a scalp massage is useful, which can be easily done with a good hair brush.

Nutrition : Today, include both animal and plant proteins in your diet. If you fast or never eat animal products, try to keep protein in your diet normal. Plant protein can be found in foods such as beans, peas, lentils, and soy. When losing weight, try to ensure that there are no carbohydrate foods on your table in the evening (cereals, cereals, any flour products, sugar, potatoes and corn).

It's better to refuse : making impulsive decisions about appearance and health; facial plastic surgery, beauty injections or other complex procedures in the face and head; visits to the dentist; tattoo

♈♉ 20 MARTA, Tuesday

It's better to refuse : manicure, pedicure; alcoholic drinks; any products, causing allergies; walks around the city along the highways; smoking

Lunar calendar of beauty injections

♊ 23 MARTA, Friday

Moon : grows in GEMINI, 6th, 7th lunar day from 09:26

Health : Today it is especially important to monitor your well-being, because even mild symptoms can be harbingers of serious illnesses. You should especially be wary of exacerbation of gynecological problems in women. An imbalance in the hormonal system may make itself felt.

beauty : today you have the opportunity to expand your horizons regarding new cosmetology methods, learn about new cosmetics. You can go shopping. A good day for any type of massage or self-massage.

Nutrition : There is still a danger of rapid weight gain, so on this day it is especially useful to eat healthy and reduce the total number of calories consumed for the day. Since fats are healthy on Air days, eliminate all harmful fats that you can find in industrially produced foods. Avoid sausages, mayonnaise, margarine, etc.

It's better to refuse : alcohol and too much food; smoking; manicure;

♊♋ 24 MARTA, Saturday

♌ 27 MARTA, Tuesday

Moon : grows in LION, 10th, 11th lunar day from 13:29

Health : refrain from serious things today sports loads, especially long distance running. If you are not yet very trained, it is better to postpone any serious cardio exercises on this day: since the heart is very vulnerable.

beauty : good time to visit the hairdresser, especially if you would like to have bright and eye-catching hairstyles. You can dye your hair or do a fine perm. Any masks to nourish the skin or strengthen hair will be very effective.

Nutrition : There is still a danger of gaining excess weight, so eat in moderation today. When choosing dairy products, look at the fat content; do not choose too fatty products. It is better to eat dietary meat, not too fatty; we advise you to avoid pork.

It's better to refuse : overeating; serious stress on the heart; salty dishes; tanning or visiting a solarium.

♌♍ 28 MARTA, Wednesday

Moon : grows in LVE, V VIRGO from 17:30, 11th, 12th lunar day from 14:49, Moon without course from 12:54 to 17:29

Health : It is still dangerous to put stress on the heart: postpone serious exercise, for example, it is better not to run long distances. It is better not to engage in any cleansing procedures.

beauty : Any cosmetic procedure can produce unexpected results: be careful with any new products. You can visit a hairdresser, but we recommend classic haircuts from a trusted specialist. Today you can start a weight loss program. For example, you can go to proper nutrition. Remember that when the moon begins to wane, overweight will leave faster. But don’t start anything new under the Moon without a course! After sunset, you can have a manicure or pedicure.

Nutrition : Today, more protein foods are useful, but it is better to neglect salty foods if you have heart problems. It is good to include yellow and orange vegetables and fruits in your diet.

It's better to refuse : depilation/epilation; lifting weights, heavy load on the back area when playing sports; cleaning procedures.

♍ 29 MARTA, Thursday

Moon : grows in VIRGO, 12th, 13th lunar day from 16:11

Health : Today is a rather unfavorable day; overexertion is especially dangerous for those who have heart problems. We also advise everyone else to take care, not to get too tired at work and to get plenty of rest. There are risks of swelling and various discomfort in the intestines.

beauty : a dangerous day for complex, demanding quick results procedures, so don't take risks. You can cut your hair: it will grow quickly, be stronger and stronger. This is especially true for those who are growing their length. You can cut the ends of your hair to speed up growth.

Nutrition : you should be especially careful with food on this day; do not eat any suspicious foods: it is easy to get poisoned. If you have food allergies, be especially careful not to include hazardous foods in your diet.

It's better to refuse : any operations, but especially in the area abdominal cavity; physical fatigue; serious sports; removal unwanted hair.

♍♎ 30 MARTA, Friday

Moon : grows in VIRGO, LIBRA from 20:52, 13th, 14th lunar day from 17:33, Moon without course from 07:59 to 20:51

Health : The Moon will be “idling” almost all day, so it’s better not to start anything new. It is better not to make an appointment with the doctor for the first time, but you can visit the doctor again. Continue what you started before.

beauty : You can still visit the hairdresser, but it is better to postpone complex procedures. In the evening, it’s good to make face masks, as well as any hair masks, especially for thin hair that lacks volume.

Nutrition : The digestive system is still sensitive. It is better on this day to avoid any foods that can cause gas formation in the intestines. Before going to bed, do not drink too much liquid, as swelling may occur.

It's better to refuse : strict diets; enemas and other types of bowel cleansing; aggressive treatment methods intestinal diseases; depilation or hair removal.

WANING MOON from 15:38

♎ 31 MARTA, Saturday

Moon : increases and decreases in LIBRA, 14th, 15th lunar day from 18:52, FULL MOON at 15:38

Health : unfavorable day: any operations or aggressive treatments are dangerous. Be attentive to your body. He will tell you what you really need. Don't overload yourself with physical work, put off going to the gym or going for a run. In the evening you can visit the sauna or bathhouse, or sign up for a relaxing massage.

beauty : on the day of the full moon, we advise you not to resort to any complex procedures, since big risk various side effects. It is especially dangerous to do plastic surgery on this day: the tissue will take a long time to heal. Bleeding may occur. Today it is good to make light nourishing or cleansing masks for the face or hair.

Nutrition : lean. Include fats in your diet today that will be well absorbed. Eat plant-based foods whenever possible. Healthy fats are found in foods such as avocados, nuts, seeds, and vegetable oils.

It's better to refuse : any complex cosmetic procedures; start of treatment and operations; clarifying relationships with partners; sports activities, especially with a heavy load.

Meals according to the lunar calendar for every day:

Will be well absorbed: Days of March 2018
Squirrels 8, 9, 18, 19, 27
Proteins, salt 10, 28
Salt 1, 2, 11, 12, 20, 21, 29
Salt, fats 3, 22, 30
Fats 4, 13, 14, 23, 31
Fats, carbohydrates 5, 15, 24
Carbohydrates 6, 7, 16, 25
Carbohydrates, proteins 17, 26
Lenten menu 1, 9, 16, 17, 24, 31
Eating in moderation (risk of weight gain) 18, 21, 23, 25, 27-29
Avoid very hot, hot and spicy foods. 2, 9, 17, 24, 31
Eliminate alcohol 1, 2, 4, 7-9, 14, 16, 17, 21-25, 27, 29, 31